Who messed up my Malaysian Flight MH370 discussion thread and merged it with other topics Pastor Manning and others have covered?
I just realised that one of the Mods here merged all the various topics that Pastor Manning and others have touched on into one thread and renamed it the Pastor Manning thread which defeats the whole purpose of various threads I have created on different topics.
I think I am going to stop posting in General if my threads are going to be all merged into one thread even though they are on a variety of different topics.
What is worse is that I was not consulted on this before it was done and I am not sure the Mod who did it understand why different topics go under different threads and they will not be able to undo the merger which has now created a very long and confusing thread.
This thread is now totally confusing and this approach of merging without consulting the thread starter has now totally put me off from posting on this Board.
I am out!
I just changed the name of this thread back from the "The Pastor Manning Thread" to the "Malaysian Flight MH370 Disappearance Discussion Thread" to make it crystal clear to the Mods and anyone else for that matter, the purpose for which it was originally created and it is not meant for discussion of other topics raised by Pastor Manning and others. I like my threads to stay on topic otherwise the threads becomes very confusing.