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Author Topic: TTFA Constitution Thread  (Read 38642 times)

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« Reply #90 on: January 04, 2017, 10:08:20 PM »

From Wired 868

Article 23 Areas of authority

The General Meeting has the following areas of authority:

a) adopting or amending the Constitution;

b) appointing three Delegates to review the minutes of the foregoing General Meeting; which will be tabled to the general meeting for ratification as per article 31

c) electing or dismissing the President and the Vice-Presidents of the Board of Directors;

d) electing or dismissing the other members of the Board of Directors upon proposal of the Member they represent;

e) electing or dismissing the chairman, deputy chairman and members of the judicial bodies upon the proposal of the Board of Directors;

f) electing or dismissing the members of the Audit and Compliance Committee upon the proposal of the Board of Directors;

g) electing or dismissing the members of the Electoral Committee;

h) appointing the scrutineers;

i) approving the financial statements;

j) approving the budget;

k) approving the activity report;

l) appointing the independent external auditors upon the proposal of the Board of Directors;

m) fixing the Membership subscriptions on the recommendation of the Board of Directors;

n) deciding, upon the nomination of the Board of Directors, whether to bestow the title of honorary president or honorary Member;

o) admitting, suspending or expelling a Member;

p) dismissing one or a number of members of a body of TTFA;

q) dissolving TTFA;

r) passing decisions on matters duly submitted by a Member to the General Meeting.

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« Reply #91 on: January 04, 2017, 10:13:59 PM »

And the AGM was just in November.

Looks like the organization is following the constitution so fans need to focus on the persons who have the power to make things happen or at least signal that there are boundaries not to be crossed by the President.

DJW hurdles AGM; TV cash vow mutes concerns about Hart and TTFA’s secrecy culture

Downer refused to be appeased with piecemeal information at the AGM and, at least temporarily, stood his ground. So, John-Williams put it to a vote.

Did the TTFA’s general council agree with the board’s decision to remove Hart as Soca Warriors coach?

There were three abstentions—Northern FA president Anthony Harford felt he could not vote without detailed knowledge about Hart’s dismissal—but, otherwise, the general council agreed that the coach’s time at the helm should come to a close. Even Downer voted along with the pack.

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Guidance needed re: TTFA Constitution
« Reply #92 on: June 30, 2017, 05:33:04 AM »
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Re: Reform commission for TTFA.
« Reply #93 on: June 30, 2017, 03:32:28 PM »
Tobago's "Top" FIFA listed referee Keon Yorke cautioned a player in a match last season. Failed to dismiss him, but in his match report stated that the player threatened and abused him. "He doing shit".  Yes we've reached a new low because the Disciplinary Committee of the TFA suspended a player with a yellow card to 9 games suspension and a fine of $100.00. The TTFA remains silent and unresponsive on the matter. Welcome to the new world of football in TT. ::) :cursing: :bs:
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Re: Reform commission for TTFA.
« Reply #94 on: July 02, 2017, 08:31:36 AM »
I thought there would be some erudite referee among us who would tell me I got it wrong.... This is a real struggle
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Re: TTFA Constitution Thread
« Reply #95 on: February 07, 2020, 01:52:14 PM »
Don't know much about the law side of football.

However, moving forward, is there anyway a new TTFA board can add/modify the constitution that if a new board replaces an old one, then all contracts (coaches, etc) with the previous board becomes null?

This way the new guys do not inherit the old problems and debts.

This will eliminate any coach signing long-term and past regimen being spiteful and giving coaches long term contacts even if they didn't warrant it.

Every 4 years in election and it should be up to the new TTFA to keep or cut ties with coaches, etc...

Just asking.

« Last Edit: February 07, 2020, 01:58:44 PM by Flex »
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Re: TTFA Constitution Thread
« Reply #96 on: October 26, 2023, 08:28:01 PM »
TTFA, FIFA officials discuss statute reform
T&T Newsday

The normalisation committee of the Trinidad and Tobago Football Association has held meeting with visiting Fifa officials to discuss statute reform.

The Fifa officials include Nodar Akhalkatsi, Director of Strategic Projects and Member Association Governance, and Sofia Malizia, Member Association Governance Manager.

Both officials held meetings with the normalisation committee, under chairman Robert Hadad as well as stakeholders of the TTFA on matters relating to the statute reform, part of the mandate of the Fifa-appointed normalisation committee.

Fifa appointed a normalisation committee in March 2020 to run the TTFA'S daily affairs; to establish a debt repayment plan that is implementable by the TTFA; to review and amend the TTFA statutes (and other regulations where necessary) and to ensure their compliance with the FIFA statutes and requirements before duly submitting them for approval to the TTFA Congress; and to organise and to conduct elections of a new TTFA Executive Committee for a four-year mandate.

According to TTFA general secretary Amiel Mohammed, these discussions were productive and this process will continue through to the latter part of 2023. Other matters relating to the development and progress of local football were also on the agenda.

Malizia’s role consists of dealing with governance matters at national federations. Akhalkatsi meantime is the former president of the Georgian Football Federation, and was appointed Fifa Director of Strategic Projects and Member Association Governance in 2022 after serving as the Director of Member Associations Europe,

The FIFA officials also met on Wednesday with Acting Minister of Sport and Community Development, Senator Randall Mitchell, along with David Roberts, acting Permanent Secretary, and Beverly Reid Samuel, Deputy Permanent Secretary in the ministry, at the ministry in Port of Spain.

The meeting was aimed at providing an update on the work of the normalisation committee as well as updates on the current status of football in T&T. The Ministry of Sport and Community Development later stated that it remains committed to working with all key stakeholders to foster the growth and advancement of sport locally.
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Re: TTFA Constitution Thread
« Reply #97 on: December 11, 2023, 08:04:54 PM »
Railroad job: Clubs get 3 weeks to consider new TTFA constitution; Browne not happy
By Garth Wattley (T&T Express)

Football stakeholders have three weeks to mull over a proposed new FIFA-approved constitution and the end of January to approve it or risk elections for a new executive being put off again.

However, both these time-lines and some of the proposed amendments are meeting with strong objection from at least one stakeholder.

On Friday evening, a draft constitution was sent to the Trinidad and Tobago Football Association membership by the TTFA.

The TTFA notice stated in part: “We would like to invite you to provide feedback and comments on the draft by 31 December 2023. The NC (Normalisation Committee) and FIFA will then distil this feedback and revert.

The intention is to convene an EGM (Emergency General Meeting) by 28 January 2024 to approve the Statutes.”

Commenting on the document on the ISports radio programme on Saturday, NC chairman Robert Hadad said: “The stakeholders now have the draft of what FIFA considers but we do have to have some back and forth...”

He admitted that, “we have some corrections to make. Already we seeing some of the members sharing some corrections with us and I’m sure they would have some concerns as to why the new constitution looks the way it is, but we tried our best when FIFA was here a few weeks ago—they met with all the stakeholders and a lot of the stakeholders’ input has been considered in the new constitution.”

Hadad said that under the current TTFA constitution, 60 days’ notice was needed for elections, hence the need for the amendments to be agreed to by the end of January. The NC is due to demit office on March 31, 2024.

No new constitution, no elections

However, asked what would happen if the majority of the TTFA membership did not agree to the proposed changes, Hadad said: “They will have to keep going back and forth with FIFA,” and elections, “will have to wait until the constitution is approved.”

President of the Veteran Footballers Foundation of Trinidad and Tobago Selby Browne is not one who is prepared to sign off on the proposed changes. In the first instance, he took issue with the time at which the draft constitution has been presented.

Noting that the mandate to produce a new constitution had been on the NC’s plate since March 17, 2020, when it was constituted by FIFA, Browne said it was “absurd” the time it has taken for the constitution proposals to be presented to the stakeholders.

“One of the first things that they should have done...was constitute a committee of the members to look into a draft constitution,” he told the Express.

Browne said the December deadline is, “out of place and absurd because you have had this to be done since 2020...In my view, like was done in Guyana (when a NC was in place there), call the election and let whoever the new executive is, organise their new constitution.”

On Saturday, however, Hadad emphasised that “this is a FIFA job...This is the constitution that they want. They did meet with the stakeholders and they did try to represent the feedback that they got from the stakeholders in this constitution...You’re not going to please everybody, so it’s about getting the majority to agree.”

Browne however, disagreed with “a host of things” in the amendments, including the right for clubs in Tier One and Tier Two of the new T&T Premier Football League to have voting rights in elections.

More power to clubs

Hadad said the proposed new constitution would see clubs having more votes than zones and associations, contrary to what currently exists. Some 17 Tier One and Tier Two clubs would have one delegate each being allowed two votes.

Browne, though, challenged the legitimacy of the Tier One and Tier Two clubs under the current constitution.

He said: “Tier One and Tier Two does not exist under the existing constitution. They are seeking to legitimise this TTPFL which is an illegitimate entity in the quite alive TTFA constitution.

“The TTFA constitution exists and it is what you are (currently) governed by, which provides for a Pro League and a Super League,” he stressed. “That league that just brings people together hodge-podge is not a legal league under the TTFA, whether FIFA is putting money into it or Government putting money into it.”

Browne said he will “definitely not” be agreeing to such an amendment. “You went and do something that is out of the order and you coming now to amend it? Who you coming to, me to amend it?” Browne asked.

And he maintained it was the TTFA membership, not FIFA who should be responsible for amending the constitution.

“We are being railroaded into coming to a decision in three weeks (sic).”

Hadad’s hope, though is that after “active discussions,” at month’s end, consensus will be reached within the current time-frame. “I think we did our job,” he said.

“We’ve cleaned up the debt, we’ve got football back to a certain extent back on track. It’s not a perfect job but we think that we have a nice momentum going now and we would love to see the new Ex-co (executive committee) come in the early part of April.”
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Re: TTFA Constitution Thread
« Reply #98 on: December 12, 2023, 07:33:58 AM »
So basically, Selby Browne should be kept as far away from any new TTFA as possible, right :)
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Re: TTFA Constitution Thread
« Reply #99 on: January 26, 2024, 03:36:36 PM »
FIFA come to watch: TTFA to hold EGM on Constitution on Sunday
T&T Express

TTFA members will be asked to approve a revised Trinidad and Tobago Football Association constitution—approved by world governing body FIFA —when the organisation holds its Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) Sunday at the Home of Football in Couva. And FIFA representatives will be here to observe proceedings.

In a letter to Normalisation Committee (NC) chairman Hadad, FIFA’s Chief Members Association officer Kenny Jean-Marie stressed that the ongoing statutory revision involved a thorough consultation process with TTFA members, acknowledging the notice for the EGM sent to members on January 18.

“We are now pleased to confirm that the statutes document which is attached to this letter fully complies with the requirements and standards of FIFA and CONCACAF and is therefore endorsed by both entities,” Jean-Marie stated. “In this respect, it is important to note that all the comments and feedback provided by the members of TTFA were diligently analysed and taken into consideration during the revision process. We therefore expect this latest version to be submitted to the members of TTFA during their EGM of 28 January 2024 for approval.”

Jean-Marie stated further that based on the initial decision of the Bureau of the FIFA Council to appoint a Normalisation Committee for the TTFA, elections of a new TTFA executive committee, “will only be able to be held once the TTFA statutes (and other regulations where necessary) have been revised. and brought in line with the FIFA statutes and requirements.”

The FIFA official also advised that a delegation of FIFA and CONCACAF will attend this Sunday’s EGM as observers.

But Trinidad and Tobago Football Referees’ Association representative Osmond Downer has identified issues concerning the proposed new constitution, including one of the articles drafted in the document.

Article 79, “Transitional provisions” of the draft indicates: “For the elections of the Council which shall take place following the adoption of these Statutes, the Normalisation Committee shall act as the Electoral Committee as defined in the electoral code. Any appeal against any decision of the Normalisation Committee in connection with the elections, shall be referred to CAS.”

Downer sees this as problematic.

“We have realised that a much closer examination has to be taken of a particular provision of the draft statutes that could very well be one of the most egregious, and indeed, pernicious articles in the draft statutes. This leaves one to wonder as to the reason for the inclusion of such an article in the draft,” stated Downer.

But TTFA general secretary Amiel Mohammed said the sole agenda item for the EGM will be the approval of the statutes.

“A FIFA and CONCACAF team will be at that meeting and an informal meeting will be held on Saturday (day before the EGM) with the stakeholders for them to respond to queries from the membership on the statutes,” said Mohammed

Mohammed added that based on the NC’s mandate from FIFA, the last item is the hosting of elections.

He stressed: “Elections as such may only be convened if the other mandate items such as the reform of the statutes takes place. New statutes of the TTFA as such, must be approved before an election can be convened. This has always been the case and communicated to members and the public throughout the process and in particular over the last few months,” Mohammed concluded.
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Re: TTFA Constitution Thread
« Reply #100 on: January 29, 2024, 01:00:29 AM »
TTFA enacts FIFA-stipulated constitutional changes.
By Andrew Gioannetti (T&T Newsday).

THE TT Football Association (TTFA) inched closer to a return to self-governance on Sunday when its members voted unanimously in favour of revising statutes to its constitution, as stipulated by FIFA.

The association hosted an extraordinary (or emergency) general meeting (EGM) at the Home of Football in Couva. Revision of the existing constitution was mandated by FIFA in order to effectively dissolve the TTFA’s normalisation committee, which was installed in March 2020 to replace the elected executive, led by William Wallace.

Notice of the impending AGM is expected to be revealed by Wednesday. The highly anticipated election will take place before March 31, when the normalisation committee’s FIFA mandate ends.

All 30 eligible members voted in favour of the changes at the meeting, where FIFA and Concacaf officials observed.

Sunday’s EGM was arranged earlier this month after FIFA declared that the proposed TTFA statutes “(fully comply) with the requirements and standards of FIFA and Concacaf,” and are therefore endorsed by both.

The elected administration was controversially taken over by FIFA after the world governing body said it observed “grave violations of FIFA statutes,” and other problems within the TTFA, such as debts, which put it at risk of insolvency.

The normalisation committee was installed by FIFA primarily to run day-to-day business; settle debts; make recommendations for constitutional amendments to align with FIFA statutes; and to call the TTFA elections, of which it would oversee.

TTFA general secretary Amiel Mohammed told Newsday a copy of the new statutes “will probably be published on (TTFA’s) website this week.”

“There are many provisions (to assist) in ensuring there is accountability and prudent financial governance as per policies, controls and signing authority,” Mohammed said.

Notably, the voting structure has been amended and slate elections have been introduced. The executive committee will consist of nine members.

TT Premier Football League Tier One clubs (maximum of 12) have a delegate and two votes each, along with the top six clubs from the second tier at the end of the most recent campaign.

Each of the regional associations and T&T Women’s League Football also have two votes and a delegate, while the remaining associations: beach soccer, futsal, referees, coaches, Secondary Schools Football League, Primary Schools Football League and the Veterans Football Foundation of T&T, all have one vote and delegate.

While the decision on Sunday to revise the statutes was unanimous, it came after lengthy discussion between the normalisation committee and voting members, perhaps most critically, the Veteran Footballers Foundation, led by Selby Browne, who expressed concerns about several amendments and other matters, ahead of the EGM.

Browne issued a statement on Saturday, a day before the EGM, in which he reluctantly encouraged the members to vote to settle the statutes.

He said, “My recommendation (to the TTFA membership is); despite the outrageous nonsense contained therein, loaded with every unacceptable condition conceived, do not change a coma (sic) in the document.

“On approval the membership will for the first time in four years have the notice for the AGM election date.

“The TTFA membership will then begin the new era for the restructure and development of the T&T football product, to provide for participation in well-structured football throughout all communities in our republic…”

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Re: TTFA Constitution Thread
« Reply #101 on: January 29, 2024, 08:02:54 AM »
Wonder if and when we'll be able to access the full text to see the "outrageous nonsense" Selby was referring to.
Also, the slice and dice of the votes seem [from my own very non-informed perspective] like it could use a shake-up. And the most concerning part for me about the whole thing is if amending sensible things like these - the distribution of the votes - needs to have FIFA's approval. [Yes I could see how this very thing might have been how certain dictators in the past would have rigged the system to stay in power and exercise other corrupt practices...  so a two edged sword].
I hope the 2 votes each for the Pro league Team is if they actually field a women's team? or every Wolf team also has parity in votes?
Also, I think the SSFL should be rewarded for having a better functioning system than ...virtually all of the other member associations, and should be at least temporarily rewarded with extra votes -- a bigger say in charting the way forward for the football in the country. [despite what a large faction on here think that ssfl is a hindrance, i think in the absence of european-style academies, which is a pipe dream that only people living in europe would bray for and about, works well for t&t's reality, and our recent "success" can be tied directly to players out of that league -- we just have to accept that our players will peak later and have slightly shorter careers].

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Re: TTFA Constitution Thread
« Reply #102 on: January 31, 2024, 01:33:11 AM »
Candidates prepare for TTFA elections.
By Walter Alibey (T&T Guardian).

A new-look T&T football administration is on the horizon.

At least three persons are eagerly awaiting the election date of the T&T Football Association (TTFA) to be called now that approval of the constitution is completed.

Sunday’s Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) of the TTFA at which 33 of the 47 members present unanimously agreed to accept the amendments of the constitution, and also invoked the right of the FIFA-appointed Normalisation Committee being led by businessman Robert Hadad, to call fresh elections and conclude their mandate to manage the local sporting discipline as handed down by the sport’s world governing body- FIFA, in March of 2020.

At present, the constitution gives the right for a 60-day notice-period for the Annual General Meeting (AGM) which includes the election of an executive. This means that notice to members should be known today (January 31).

However, the members are concerned by one of the new amendments that would only allow people contesting the election to be part of a slate. Also, members can only vote for a slate and not for an office position as was in the past. The slate with the most votes will manage the sport for a four-year term.

It was one of many proposed amendments to the constitution that, though objected to, was still included by the Concacaf and FIFA. T&T’s constitutional expert Osmond Downer admitted the day before the EGM that some of the minor objections were changed while the major ones were not.

Still, the majority of the members voted in favour of, considering a promise that changes to the constitution could be made within only a few months of having a new administration.

Another major change of concern to the members was the increased number of votes—(two votes each)—given to T&T Premier League (TTPFL) clubs - Tier I (12 clubs) and Tier II (six clubs) which makes it 36 from a total of 57 votes.

Downer believes that it was over-empowering clubs that focused mainly on football and not the management of the sport.

The fact that the Hadad-led normalisation committee was left counting down the days of their stay in office, was scarcely a consideration, one member had said and pointed to the direction the sport needed to be heading in, rather than the leader.

Hadad, who led the normalisation committee and had now achieved most of its mandate, including clearing a massive debt and ensuring that football was operational.

But now he has to make way for one of three, either Selby Browne, the president of the Veterans Football Foundation of T&T, Keiron Edwards, president of the Eastern Football Association, and Dennis Latiff, the new Southern Football Association president who admitted he is now in the process of putting his slate together.

Colin Wharfe, the TTPFL chief executive officer, said that while he has been approached by quite a few persons to be a presidential candidate, his focus now is totally on the T&T Premier Football League which is into its first full season.

But before any candidate could be considered, each had to meet the criteria of another constitutional change. A nominee must be involved in the sport for the past eight years if he/she wants to contest the election to serve on the executive.

Before that, a time frame of two out of the last four years at a managerial position had to have been met to be eligible for election.

Edwards confirmed his interest in being the next TTFA president but clarified some of the key amendments,”It’s about where we are going more than who is leading. I think collectively, if the members come together and have a clear direction on the path we should go, we will be better off than studying who is the leader.”

He explained, “It’s no knock on Mr Hadad, but I think they would have done their job. Now, it’s time to have the mandate of the membership, in terms of charting the way forward, on a course that would benefit T&T football on the whole and not just finance, but both on and off the field.”

“I don’t see the elections being a problem, there are some new measures put in place, for example, 32 members within the set-up, and now they are requesting five members on a slate. So based on that, you can have six slates but when you start to be realistic, when you deal with the numbers you’re looking at only about three slates being able to contest the election. Those things would lend to some challenges,” Edwards explained.

He continued, “I don’t think it will impact fairness or the democratic process. There are pros and cons to it, but what I am saying is that members normally have the right to vote by positions, but FIFA would have stated why they wanted it done by slate. I don’t think it would affect anything.”

Edwards stated that, “If you watch the last four elections, wherever the president was elected then all other officers would have been elected in line with the president, so it is not something that is common to the TTFA election where everyone wouldn’t be voted in together. I think they were looking at saving time, they are protecting the group, but on a level of democracy, it is one that the members feel that they should be given the right to elect by office and not by slate, so I do understand the both positions.”

Former president William Wallace, who was removed by FIFA in March 2020 and installed the Normalisation Committee, objected to that change, saying by that alone he could not see himself returning to the administration of a sport where the governing body has been treating them with disdain.

Meanwhile, Browne said, “It is my view that the members must have a meeting before the election, to decide on a slate. At that meeting, if it is considered that there is someone better than me to be president, to restructure and develop the T&T football product, I will most definitely do what is in the best interest of the TTFA membership.

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