More gridlock!
Watch for the GOP to start crafting ridiculous legislation knowing that Obama will veto it so they could then turn around and call him obstructionist.
Obama is worse than a lame duck at this point,he probably relegated to a ceremonial role like Carmona. The Dems not going to want anything to do with him, he have no leverage on the legislative agenda, heaven help him if a Supreme Court Justice get lick down crossing the street and dead because that seat will stay open til 2016, immigration reform dead.
Forget the new year, the 2016 campaign started this morning and all the Democratic contenders will run from him like Ebola. He might as well spend the next 2 years on the golf course because everybody will be avoiding him and the only thing he needs to conduct Presidential business is a veto stamp.
Of course he could surprise us and work with the Congress but then again the GOP could surprise us and act rational. What are the chances of either happening.