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$.4 million con: Tim Kee tries to explain cover-up in Argentina friendly.
By Lasana Liburd (Wired868.com).

Almost half a million dollars of taxpayers’ money routed through the Trinidad and Tobago Football Association (TTFA) has disappeared with TTFA president and Port of Spain mayor Raymond Tim Kee unable to account for it.

Four hundred thousand dollars, which was the third biggest line item on the budget for the high-profile international friendly between Argentina and Trinidad and Tobago in Buenos Aires on June 4, went missing within two days of a $900,000 disbursement from the Ministry of Tourism, and set off a chain of events that led to a further $1.2 million loss for taxpayers.

The money, according to sources, was demanded by marketing executive Darren Millien, who was handpicked by TTFA general secretary Sheldon Phillips to represent the football body for the excursion.

Millien, according to an audited accounting statement and other related documents in Wired868’s possession, insisted upon two cash payments of $200,000 each from tour operator, Nissi Tours, as a “licensing fee” for the TTFA. The money was hand-delivered by Nissi representative and former 2006 World Cup player David Atiba Charles.

Invoices signed by Millien suggested that the “licensing fee” reached the intended recipients while Charles assured Wired868 that he made the delivery. The former W Connection defender also told Minister of Tourism Gerald Hadeed, in Millien’s presence, that he handed over the supposed licensing fee.

However, Millien, a former SPORTT Company and West Indies Cricket Board (WICB) executive, denied receiving the cash; his signature, he claimed, was forged.

“They said they had receipts I signed for $400,000,” Millien told Wired868. “When we looked at it, it was nothing like my signature. I presented copies of my signature and it was nothing like it.”

Hadeed, who learned of the fraud in an explosive meeting on May 30, has apparently left it for Tim Kee to investigate the missing taxpayers’ money. Wired868 could not reach Hadeed for comment.

It, arguably, is now a case of the TTFA investigating the TTFA over its role in the disappearance of public funds.

Tim Kee did not even inform the TTFA’s executive committee of the con until, six months later, when football officials got wind of the scandal and asked questions at a meeting on 17 November 2014.

According to a source, Tim Kee, who is also the PNM treasurer and a member of two FIFA standing committees, told the TTFA ExCo that the matter was reported to the Fraud Squad and so he was unable to discuss it. He repeated that claim to Wired868.

Remarkably, Millien claimed to have had input in the query that was filed with the Fraud Squad; and, despite evidence to the contrary, said Nissi Tours was the accused.

“We sent copies of (the Nissi Tours) report to the Fraud Squad,” said Millien. “They have to answer questions about the wild allegations of 400,000 in cash.”

However, senior police sources assured Wired868 that no report involving Millien or the TTFA whas ever brought to the attention of the Port of Spain Fraud Squad. Millien, Tim Kee and the TTFA are all based in Port of Spain while the payments were allegedly made in the Hyatt Hotel car park and at MovieTowne in Port of Spain.

Tim Kee promised to send Wired868 a copy of the file sent to the Fraud Squad. But, a day later and up to the time of publishing, he had not done so.

Meanwhile, even as the fraud matter is supposedly being investigated, Millien remains employed by the TTFA on a contract basis. He is, ironically, the face behind the football body’s push to raise money through the TTFA’s FIFA-funded income generation programme.

Tim Kee, who said he had a lot of respect for Millien, tried to explain why the TTFA is paying someone under investigation for fraud to raise money.

“Sheldon hired Darren Millien as he seemed to have had the qualifications to do it and I do not micro-manage,” said the football president, who claimed allegations against Millien were politically motivated. “As a human being, I myself have been subjected to a lot of things that were untrue; so I didn’t want to judge Darren on anything that might not be true.

“But, anytime I catch him, he will be on his own… I’m not taking that kind of blame at this stage of my life.”

Wired868 asked Millien what he brought to the cash-strapped body after almost 18 months as a marketing consultant.

“I was assisting (the TTFA) in its commercial programme,” said Millien. “We made a lot of approaches to commercial sponsors and we are just awaiting feedback from them.”

Millien has found revenue for himself, though. In the last two months, the One 2 One Marketing company, which lists Sherwin Derek Wong and Millien as its directors, received just over $60,000 from the football body.

During that period, the Government stepped in twice with financial rescue packages for the TTFA who had not paid per diems to its national women’s team players or match fees and salaries to the senior men’s team players and coaches.

Phillips has done well for himself too.

While then technical director Anton Corneal and other coaches worked for free, Phillips virtually doubled the housing allowance afforded to previous general secretary Richard Groden as the allowance rose sharply from $11,000 to around $21,000. And, while Groden’s starting salary was $15,000 in 2004, Phillips is understood to pay himself between $23,000 and $24,000.

Tim Kee defended Phillips’ remuneration.

“Sheldon’s allowance was aligned to what was paid to Groden,” said Tim Kee. “Groden was occupying one of (Jack) Warner’s houses and he rented a vehicle for around $19,000 a month. When you look at the combination of both they would come up to the same.”

Wired868 understands that Groden actually received a vehicle allowance of roughly $8,000 per month. Phillips, incidentally, also has a company vehicle.

“(Phillips) went to Lifestyle Motors and worked out an arrangement where it is paid for in kind,” said Tim Kee.

Lifestyle Motors has given the TTFA use of a vehicle, which Phillips drives, but, instead of cash, the company receives benefit by placing banners and billboards at national team games without charge.

Even without adding the cost of the billboards that the TTFA waives so Phillips can have his vehicle, the general secretary’s salary plus allowances is notably higher than his predecessor’s and at a time when the football body complains of being virtually insolvent.

Potentially more lucrative are Phillips’ side interests. He is the owner and sole employee of consultancy firm Element Agency + Events in Columbia, Maryland, which, Wired868 has been told, does marketing and operates as a match agent.

Phillips’ CV features a single reference of note to Element Agency. In 2012, in collaboration with James Grant Sports and the Baltimore Ravens, the firm put on an exhibition match between Liverpool and Tottenham.

In February 2013, three months after Tim Kee became TTFA president, Phillips got his first gig with the local football body when he organised Peru’s trip to Couva for an international friendly.

One London-based match agent, who operates in the Caribbean, explained to Wired868 how they earn their pay.

Agents usually charge a minimum of £5,000 per game plus full affair costs, which means all expenses such as travel costs and match fees. On top of that flat fee, agents usually demand a percentage of gates and television revenue as well.

An agent with a commitment from an international team to arrange a game on a particular day, for instance, can hawk around the world until he or she finds a suitable football association that will pay the most for the match.

Trinidad and Tobago is a more attractive proposition to match agents than one might think. It is one of the few international teams that generally has all its “affair costs” paid for by its government.

So, in theory, a match agent could charge the Romania or Saudi Arabia FAs for the cost of airline tickets and match fees for the Trinidad and Tobago team and then pocket that money once the trip is written off by the Ministry of Sport while still benefitting from a booking fee and cut of the gates and television rights.

Under Tim Kee, the “Soca Warriors” have played 12 international friendless and nine of them were abroad against Argentina, Romania, Saudi Arabia, Peru, Iran, the United Arab Emirates, Estonia, Peru, Belize and Jamaica. Audited statements were not provided to the TTFA executive or the Government for any of those matches.

When Phillips became the TTFA’s general secretary, in May 2013, he told Wired868 that he would no longer run Element Agency owing to an obvious conflict of interest.

Yesterday, Phillips denied that he was using his position at the TTFA to earn substantial fees as a match agent. He claimed to have an affidavit from the Romanian agent involved in the friendly clash between the two nations in 2013, which states that Phillips “was never given or asked for a fee.”

“As general secretary, I cannot act as an agent,” said Phillips. “When I started to hear this claim, I wanted to quell it and that is why I got that affidavit from the gentleman.”

He did not explain why he felt a statement from a fellow agent cleared him.

Wired868 also received emails that showed Phillips used his Element Agency account to conduct much of the TTFA’s business for the Argentina tour while, in others, he used his TTFA or Gmail accounts.

Phillips insisted his use of his Element Agency account, while sorting out details for international football matches, was an honest mistake. While Tim Kee said he advised his general secretary to stick to Gmail—rather than his TTFA address.

“I have a glitch in my email where sometimes emails that go out go out with my Element address,” Phillips told Wired868. “I’ve tried to fix it and even disabled the address but emails still go out. I have to get that fixed.

“Element has never been a part of anything since I got involved in the TTFA.”

So, who put on the Trinidad and Tobago/Argentina friendly?

“That would be World Eleven,” said Phillips.

Renowned London-based Argentinean journalist Marcela Mora y Araujo, whose freelance employers include the UK Guardian and Telegraph and the US-based Sport Illustrated, was working in Buenos Aires at the time of the match and she gave a different story.

“I was told by World Eleven that the game was not organised by them,” said Mora y Araujo, “but rather by the AFA directly.”

Millien is no stranger to controversy either. In 2005, the then WICB Chief Marketing Officer was among several officials grilled by a three-member committee over the Board’s controversial contract with Digicel behind the backs of its then sponsor, Cable & Wireless, and amidst rumours of illicit kickbacks.

The committee, which was chaired by Trinidadian Justice Anthony Lucky and included Antiguan chartered accountants Avondale Thomas and Gregory Georges, ruled that the Digicel contract was legally flawed and null and void.

Millien also appeared before a Parliamentary committee during the last PNM administration to answer questions on the controversial $2 million flag, which haunted previous Sport Minister Gary Hunt.

As soon as the Ministry of Tourism agreed to partner with the TTFA, Phillips introduced Millien to the tour operators for the event.

“Darren has been my go to guy for the tour arrangements,” said Phillips, via one email. “The ministry confirmed everything so he should be contacting you…”

Then Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Tourism, Juliana Boodram, had little knowledge of football but saw the benefits of a high-profile match with an estimated broadcast audience of 300 million. The $2.1 million cost of taking the Warriors to Argentina was also cheaper than a booth at either of the world trade shows in London or Berlin.

Boodram’s job was to liaise with Phillips and Millien to ensure the event went smoothly and the public purse was protected.

What followed was a tour she would never forget.

« Last Edit: December 06, 2014, 03:55:57 AM by Flex »

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Re: $.4 million con: Tim Kee tries to explain cover-up in Argentina friendly
« Reply #1 on: November 26, 2014, 07:39:29 AM »
Why cant anything work smoothly with the TTFF and now de TTFA?


Why all the cover up, lies and thieving?

But Lasana, I ask Sheldon in my question number 3 if he does get paid (not saying he shouldn't) and he said NO...


So who lying then??

De man have a odicity to come in public and lie.

Then, they renting a car monthly when they could very well buy one for company business and just advertise the company on the side of the car for discounts and so on.

So Sheldon making 24,000 a month plus $21,000 for housing allowance, WOW... he living in de twin towers?

I hope de government reads this.

This is ridiculous, while coaches and players eh getting paid for years this man quietly reaping benefits.

And Tim Kee to.

This is why I posted this.


Cause I know they made money with all them top friendlies.

And nothing wrong with it, but where is the money going?

And then they crying broke.

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Offline weary1969

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Re: $.4 million con: Tim Kee tries to explain cover-up in Argentina friendly
« Reply #2 on: November 26, 2014, 07:53:25 AM »
That is y I goin d game in meh Warrior Nation juzzy. I eh givin d TTFF 1 extra red Guyanese cent.
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Offline Errol

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Re: $.4 million con: Tim Kee tries to explain cover-up in Argentina friendly
« Reply #3 on: November 26, 2014, 09:15:40 AM »
Thank you Lasana !!

Just when I was starting to give Sheldon the benefit of the doubt.

All his interviews seems like a lie now.

Didn't realised housing allowance and car rental could cost so much.

And the Under 20 footballers can't get food to eat or refreshments.

Or the entire 23 women team roster and staff got $500 dollars, no balls, gears and had to beg for food in a foreign country.

Or Hart and his staff not paid in a year.

Sad indeed.

This guy operating like a great white shark, bite you and leave you to bleed to death.

I know Millien very well, very slick fella.

The TTFA mistrusting funds and just now no one will give them any money.

They also doing things under the table and feel they could fool the T&T public.

Sheldon, GO HOME !!!!!!!!!!

We should start a protest.

« Last Edit: November 26, 2014, 09:38:01 AM by Errol »

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Re: $.4 million con: Tim Kee tries to explain cover-up in Argentina friendly
« Reply #4 on: November 26, 2014, 10:03:49 AM »
Get Shaka and Sancho in dey quick. ???

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Re: $.4 million con: Tim Kee tries to explain cover-up in Argentina friendly
« Reply #5 on: November 26, 2014, 11:59:56 AM »
This is so sad.

Offline maxg

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Re: $.4 million con: Tim Kee tries to explain cover-up in Argentina friendly
« Reply #6 on: November 26, 2014, 03:09:24 PM »
ah little confused by the story..maybe it will be clearer in the Part 2.
ok..looking for 1.2 million...

Ok. Millien, may or may not be acting as the rep. of TTFA. If he wasn't but acting as such, then fraud, if he was, then normal business

"Millien, according to an audited accounting statement and other related documents (Nissi's I presume) in Wired868’s possession, insisted upon two cash payments of $200,000 each from tour operator, Nissi Tours, as a “licensing fee” for the TTFA"

then further reporting indicates Charles or Millien thief the money, cause TTFA eh get it,Millien say he eh get it, Charles(on behalf of Nissi) say he give Millien,2 different locations, with signed papers to prove. Not in a secure office location,ut a couple btw locations, like a drug deal.
Then the Minister get involved cause is Tax payers money  :o , so my 1st point of confusion became, Who is Nissi Tours, and how they disbursing Tax Payers money and not the Ministry, and why the government paying a licensing fee.
So the Minister leave to Tim Kee investigate, why, because 1. It's not Taxpayers money, right, cause if it was, he would have to report to police..ok..the ball in Tim Kee court now..
He say matter with Fraud squad. Millien say it with Fraud squad. Nissi, who get rip off, ent say nothing,ut the Fraud squad say nothing reported...WHAT!  Tiba, Nissi, allyuh ent report nothing..nah..now the police have to be lying..Cause Nissi is the one getting burned here, no ... then after that is a TTFA down grade...

u see my confusion ... I looking for who thief taxpayers 1.2 Mill...if it gone to Phillips salary, not everyone else's, that's dis-organized or bad business, not crime business..

ps: my wife uses 2 emails for work & home interchangeably, the content within the actually email sent, determines whether she is saving lives or reminding me to put out the garbage. From the same office she volunteers her time, and also works. Some ppl, especially those in business has multiple business, and can manage both. I don't know much about law, but as long as there is no advantage to other businesses that benefits one over another- fair competition for public funds..but more kowledgeable ppl can address them tings..i just tryin to figure who or if we getting thief
« Last Edit: November 26, 2014, 03:13:39 PM by maxg »

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Re: $.4 million con: Tim Kee tries to explain cover-up in Argentina friendly
« Reply #7 on: November 26, 2014, 03:46:10 PM »
In simply language all this is too nauseating .!! As a matter of fact  someone  is no question about it  lying ... it stinks ..!!

Offline Jack Horner

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Re: $.4 million con: Tim Kee tries to explain cover-up in Argentina friendly
« Reply #8 on: November 26, 2014, 04:31:54 PM »

Blame Jack Warner now, it good.

Wonder how much Lincoln apartment costing?

And Richard Gorden did not rent any car for 19 grand, Tim Kee is lying.

This is one of the reasons why the TTFF got rid of Tim Kee, he was a sneaky little straight face lair.

And Sheldon Phillips is not going anywhere, Lincoln will make sure he stays there to carry on his 6 months getting paid for 7 years legacy.

Let this be a lesson, be careful what you wish for.

Not even his press officer wants to defend them.

All these guys the TTFA secretly hiring and getting the government to pay the bill.

Sheldon making money on the down low as a undercover agent.

Saudia and Argentina paid them a lot and Sheldon rite off the money and pocket it then charge the government who foolishly just dish out money.

We really have a stupid government who just pay and does not even audit their books.

They really taking care of these guys and the TTFA saying that they don't like the because Tim Kee is PNM but yet they staying rent free and utility free.

Plus they living expenses is highly ridiculous.

Sheldon is sucking T&T and tax payers dry.

Just now they will asked for more money to pay their new TD Muhammad Isa, a 90 year old who only know players names but can't see his toe from his toetie.

I will be surprised if Stephen Hart and Leo Beenhakker comes back to T&T.

I spoke to one of the youth coach the other day and these guys actually have to pick up players to come training sometimes, not even passage money the TTFA giving them. Why Sheldon don't put his rental to use.

This is really poor organization and no one in T&T government is taking note.

I wouldn't be surprised if is more than 1.2 million dollars missing.

<a href="https://www.youtube.com/v/qu4S5QnkKe0" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" class="bbc_link bbc_flash_disabled new_win">https://www.youtube.com/v/qu4S5QnkKe0</a>
Jack Warner will rise again and the world will beg him him to return and he will say "NO".............

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Re: $.4 million con: Tim Kee tries to explain cover-up in Argentina friendly
« Reply #9 on: November 26, 2014, 04:45:38 PM »
Horner i suppose you couldn't wait to jump on board  with yuh st ink mouth .. hush yuh ar s e..  give up the centre of excellence then yuh could all yuh want!!

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Re: $.4 million con: Tim Kee tries to explain cover-up in Argentina friendly
« Reply #10 on: November 26, 2014, 05:02:45 PM »
Well maxg... according to Lasana, Nissi Tours is a new company operated by Atiba Charles and a couple other former National Team players.  This is being called a TTFA "cover up", although the Ministry was informed from jump, the ExCo was informed back in June (despite what Lasana's "sources" aka Thomas and Watson say) and the police were informed... again, despite what Lasana's "sources" say.  All that aside, hard questions need to be asked of Nissi:

1. Why didn't they get the request for the "licensing fee" in writing?
2. Did it not strike them as odd the fact that the TTFA was charging them at all (let alone $400,00) for use of the TTFA logo in relation to a TTFA promotional event?
3. Did it not strike them as odd that the request was made for cash payments?
4. Did it not strike them as odd that the request was made for the transfer to me made in the car park at Movie Towne?  And not say, at the TTFA headquarters right across the highway at the HCS?

Somebody, either Charles lying, or Millien lying.  Of course the TTFA is getting the blame for it and now folks threatening to not show up on Monday to support the women.

Meanwhile Lasana sy Nissi blameless ("From all testimony except Millien’s they were not at fault in any of this.") so don't expect him to focus the inquiry on them.
« Last Edit: November 26, 2014, 05:05:49 PM by Bakes »

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Re: $.4 million con: Tim Kee tries to explain cover-up in Argentina friendly
« Reply #11 on: November 26, 2014, 05:10:49 PM »
But Lasana, I ask Sheldon in my question number 3 if he does get paid (not saying he shouldn't) and he said NO...

Then, they renting a car monthly when they could very well buy one for company business and just advertise the company on the side of the car for discounts and so on.

So Sheldon making 24,000 a month plus $21,000 for housing allowance, WOW... he living in de twin towers?

From the link yuh posted he says he hasn't been paid while his staff and coaches also haven't been paid.  He didn't say his position was unsalaried.  Hart's position is salaried, but he too wasn't being paid.

He's not renting a car... according to the article Lifestyle Motors is allowing the TTFA to use a car in exchange for free advertising ("in kind value") at national team games.

Where does it say he's receiving $21,000 a month in housing allowance?  You and elan and them could feel free to accuse mih of 'defending' the TTFA, but just pointing out the inaccuracies.

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Re: $.4 million con: Tim Kee tries to explain cover-up in Argentina friendly
« Reply #12 on: November 26, 2014, 05:20:12 PM »
I certainly hope whoever the culprit or culprits are  be made to answer for it ....be it millien or charles  or anyone connected....as its becoming  truly alarming !!

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Re: $.4 million con: Tim Kee tries to explain cover-up in Argentina friendly
« Reply #13 on: November 26, 2014, 05:33:38 PM »
So six months later this matter is unresolved.  ::)

It doesn't matter who takes over the TTFA, when ANBODY has access to a huge budget (this includes all sports bodies) there must be a formula in place to ENFORCE accountability.

The FA is a prime example of what happens when it isn't. I think the Treasurer/Accountant for every body should be handpicked by the Govt. This way they know where THEIR money is going. And if the bodies refuse. Then no damn money for them.

If this had been done years ago, JW and dem coulda never gallery with ppl money so.


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Re: $.4 million con: Tim Kee tries to explain cover-up in Argentina friendly
« Reply #14 on: November 26, 2014, 06:29:28 PM »
but when did the thief/lost money, become taxpayers money ? ah must be blind, but on another hand, TTFA has Millien, collecting money without anybody in TTFA knowledge just so, I might be untrusting, but I not sure I will let mrsG collect my cash pay, and expect it to reach home safe...as a matter of fact, I doh trust mehself to reach home safe with my cash pay..to much rumshop on the way..thank god for cheques & autodeposit, which sometimes leave a trail of when and in some cases who made it, but oh gorm, Nissi. Poor Atiba.He deliver to where ? Anyway, bet Movie Towne have Cameras ? Bet it can make out make of cars on certain dates, if no faces ! right, Inspector, right ? Poor TTFA, if a Stadium cleaner slap a man Monday...Lasana Ppl on dey case  "Tim Kee losing control: TTFA Employee reacts to El Salador fan with blows"   ;D

just kidding, keep digging Lasana
I wish we had a Lasana on the Government and they programs case So.. anyway, nobody will take that chance, Gulf Of Paria to big & to deep to find one body ..that gang have boats..called Coast Guard
« Last Edit: November 26, 2014, 06:38:51 PM by maxg »

Offline Bakes

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Re: $.4 million con: Tim Kee tries to explain cover-up in Argentina friendly
« Reply #15 on: November 26, 2014, 08:13:43 PM »
Well the story is that the TTFA put out a bid for travel agents to plan the charter to Argentina.  Atiba's company came in with the lowest bid ($2.1m dollars) that and the fact that he was an ex-National footballer cause them to go with Nissi.  According to documents I've seen, the Ministry of Tourism became involved because they saw it as a way to promote the nation.  TTFA deposited the $2.1 in Nissi's bank account after getting it from the Ministry.  After the tour the TTFA requested an accounting, and that's when this mysterious item for $400,000 showed up as a "licensing fee" to the TTFA.  Nobody knew anything about a licensing fee, let alone for that amount.  Nissi claims it went missing when Millien requested Charles deliver it to him in Movie Towne parking lot. Police looking into it now.

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Re: $.4 million con: Tim Kee tries to explain cover-up in Argentina friendly
« Reply #16 on: November 27, 2014, 04:09:40 AM »
why de hell Charles paying a man dat amount ah money in cash in Hyatt car park and movietiown ? he either crazy or stupid
why did Sheldon decide to deal with a man who had a shady past? like if TTFA doh have a bad rep already.
« Last Edit: November 27, 2014, 05:06:20 AM by royal »

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Re: $.4 million con: Tim Kee tries to explain cover-up in Argentina friendly
« Reply #17 on: November 27, 2014, 05:23:54 AM »
Disappointed about this story.

So if Sheldon wasn't getting paid where was he living all this time, at the Hasley Crawford Stadium?

Bakes, how much is his housing allowance and how was he surviving all this time in T&T if he wasn't getting paid, selling lettuce in the market?

And before they hire someone Sheldon should do his homework, everyone in T&T knows that Darren Millien is a crook.

I hope the police get down to this and arrest someone.

It good for Sheldon, he likes to do things on the down low to much and hire anyone who could connivence him they good without doing a little research on them, its months now this going on and not a peep from the TTFA to let the media and public know so they could keep their names clean, but they probably felt no one would pick up on this. Thanks to Lasana.

And what about the agent thing Bakes, asked Sheldon how much money they made under the table for those big games we played?

There is a lot of cover-up in the TTFA and one day everything will come out in the open because they continue to go about doing things the wrong way.

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Re: $.4 million con: Tim Kee tries to explain cover-up in Argentina friendly
« Reply #18 on: November 27, 2014, 05:29:33 AM »
I simply don't bother to respond to Bakes anymore and keep my distance mostly. If I want to talk to Sheldon, I will pick up the phone and call. I have no time for his errand boys.

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Re: $.4 million con: Tim Kee tries to explain cover-up in Argentina friendly
« Reply #19 on: November 27, 2014, 05:30:23 AM »
Here, Bakes. Gimme a new conspiracy theory with this one:

Hadeed on TTFA/Argentina scandal: The fellah is an absolute f***ing crook!
By Lasana Liburd (Wired868)

“(Darren) Millien is a person that no one should have any business association with,” Tourism Minister Gerald Hadeed told Wired868. “The fellah is an absolute f***ing crook! That fellah is a scamp… I don’t know how (the TTFA) hired him.”

Tourism Minister Gerald Hadeed is renowned for speaking bluntly; and he was not about to deviate from that habit when Wired868 enquired about the Trinidad and Tobago national football team’s excursion to Buenos Aires in June to face a Lionel Messi-led Argentina team.

The Ministry of Tourism bankrolled the affair with an initial budget of $2.1 million. But $400,000 went missing and it caused a default on the payment for a chartered plane. The end result was an additional $1.2 million bill for taxpayers so the Government could book Caribbean Airlines (CAL) to complete the job.

Trinidad and Tobago Football Association (TTFA) general secretary Sheldon Phillips and marketing official Darren Millien, both employees of football president Raymond Tim Kee, were fingered by Hadeed in the disappearance of taxpayers’ money. (Read Part One for more on both men and their roles within local football).

But let us start closer to the beginning. The TTFA contacted the Tourism Ministry for financial assistance in taking the “Soca Warriors” to Buenos Aires for a high-profile exhibition game on June 4, which was a week before the Brazil 2014 World Cup.

The game would supposedly be beamed into 300 million homes and, at $2.1 million, the Tour Minister felt it represented excellent value for Trinidad and Tobago’s money.

“We are the last in the chain of islands when you are coming from North America or Europe,” said Hadeed, “so it takes more money to come to us than to go any other island. But we are the first and the cheapest destination if you are coming from South America…

“Do you know that 60 percent of our LNG goes to South America now? Our market is expanding in Central and South America. So our tourism program is gearing towards Central and South America.”

A chance for Trinidad and Tobago to share advertising space with Argentine superstar and the finest player of his generation, Messi, seemed a mouth watering opportunity. And Hadeed instructed his then Permanent Secretary Juliana Boodram to make it happen.

Due to administrative and bureaucratic issues, the Tourism Minister opted against dealing directly with a booking agency. Instead, the TTFA served as a middle-man between the Government and the football body’s primary tour operator, Nissi Tours.

Millien was not involved in the initial negotiations with the Tourism Ministry but was inserted by Phillips once the Governments funds were approved.

“Darren (Millien) has been my go to guy for the tour arrangements,” Phillips told the tour operator, via one email. “The ministry confirmed everything so he should be contacting you…”

The Government’s disbursement was split into three tranches. Tranche One, in the sum of $900,000, was made by the Government on May 14 and immediately forwarded to the account of Nissi Tours. It did not stay there long, though.

Even before the payment, Millien, according to an informed source, informed the travel company that it should immediately give $400,000 in cash from this figure to the TTFA, payable in two parts on May 14 and 15. Wired868 was shown the corresponding What’s App messages as evidence of the conversation.

The payment, according to the messages, was described as a “licensing fee… for permission to use the logo of the Trinidad and Tobago Football Association.” Millien, according to the source, claimed he wanted it in cash so it could be immediately used to facilitate different payments.

Tim Kee was very sceptical of Nissi Tours’ claim.

“When I heard that $400,000 was paid to an individual in cash; that threw up a red flag for me,” Tim Kee told Wired868. “I felt that allegation was rather irregular.”

In fact, cash payments in brown envelopes were a regular feature of Jack Warner’s tenure in football; and Tim Kee served as Warner’s vice-president for nearly two decades.

Wired868 can confirm that Tim Kee’s own employee, Phillips, paid over a dozen Trinidad and Tobago national senior team women’s footballers almost US$3,000 each in brown envelopes, just before they boarded a flight for Mexico City on October 30 at the Piarco International Airport.

Nissi Tours representative David Atiba Charles, a World Cup 2006 defender, was paid countless times in cash by the TTFA during his international careers.

Still, Charles admitted he was nervous when he collected $200,000 in a big, brown envelope from a bank branch in Marabella, on May 14, and headed to Port of Spain to meet Millien. He said Millien asked him to come to the Hyatt—rather than at the TTFA headquarters—and, once there, instructed him to meet him in the car park.

Charles claimed Millien said he did not want to sign for the money and suggested Phillips would do so later. But when Charles insisted that he needed a signature for his own protection, the TTFA representative obliged with a carefree swish of his pen.

Knowing Millien was the TTFA’s agent, Charles felt he did not need to check the signature against the marketing man’s ID card or driver’s license.

The next day, as Charles prepared for his second delivery, Millien allegedly said he was at the TTFA’s office. Rather than meet there, he told Charles to take the money to MovieTowne and wait outside the Ruby Tuesday restaurant.

Charles stood on the pavement when Millien drove up in a black Mercedes. He never got out. Millien instructed the Nissi rep to toss the envelope in the back seat and, remaining at the wheel, he signed for receipt and drove off.

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« Last Edit: November 27, 2014, 05:42:45 AM by Flex »

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Re: $.4 million con: Tim Kee tries to explain cover-up in Argentina friendly
« Reply #20 on: November 27, 2014, 11:01:48 AM »
On their return to Trinidad, though, Boodram landed in hot water with Head of the Public Service, Reynold Cooper, for her failure to get the necessary approval for the trip. And she was transferred to the Office of the Prime Minister.
SWF, please expand on this ...

Offline weary1969

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Re: $.4 million con: Tim Kee tries to explain cover-up in Argentina friendly
« Reply #21 on: November 27, 2014, 11:09:16 AM »
On their return to Trinidad, though, Boodram landed in hot water with Head of the Public Service, Reynold Cooper, for her failure to get the necessary approval for the trip. And she was transferred to the Office of the Prime Minister.
SWF, please expand on this ...

The good lady hop on the plane and the Head of the Public Service, Reynold Cooper did not know. I wonder who else could have pulled that stunt and get a transfer to the bosses office so he can better supervise u.
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Re: $.4 million con: Tim Kee tries to explain cover-up in Argentina friendly
« Reply #22 on: November 27, 2014, 11:14:49 AM »
Wait. If it doesn't matter to the actor in the commissioner of police office that Trinidad and Tobago is the 12th ranked country in the world in terms of murder per every 100,000 people, do you seriously think this shit matters to him? Nobody gives a flying f%&k what goes on in this tiny ass country. What a f%&king joke.
« Last Edit: November 27, 2014, 11:16:24 AM by King Deese »
I am the punishment of God...If you had not comitted great sins, God would not have sent a punishment like me upon you.

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Re: $.4 million con: Tim Kee tries to explain cover-up in Argentina friendly
« Reply #23 on: November 27, 2014, 11:19:02 AM »
I've read this article all the way through... and thought to myself  how much more ridiculous can  these individuals  involved in this scenario be?  Question is who did  Charles showed the signed  document to he alluded that was signed by Millien? Are those said documents  signed by millien  still in the possesion of the person to whom it was shown or given to? Original copies of the signed documents by millien!! Charles i'm sorry to say but yourself and  millien in the immediacy doesn't look good at the moment..... didn't you mr charles  from the very get go ask millien why a carpark or why he millien is scheduling a meeting at the  carpark to hand over cash ?  did you spoke to anyone else prior to handing over the monies( since as yousay you felt the need to protect yourself)  to millien ?  keep in mind  Mr charles it's  two occasions  you've hand delivered monies to millien ..   who has those original signed documents by millien?? as for millien you better retain a lawyer ... Charles i don't think you were that naive as well , were you ?

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Re: $.4 million con: Tim Kee tries to explain cover-up in Argentina friendly
« Reply #24 on: November 27, 2014, 11:35:17 AM »
I got to one of the early paragraphs in the article and then erupted in laughter ... it got very "Hollywood", very quickly. Ah had to start over ...

I started from the top, this time reading the article out loud ... in its entirety ... to a party that doh know anything about the legacy of our football. The listener had an unprompted bellyful too ...  :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

Ah loved de Trini straight talk in the various exchanges. The oxymoronic term, "good shit" comes to mind.

Is there a Part 3 forthcoming?

Offline weary1969

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Re: $.4 million con: Tim Kee tries to explain cover-up in Argentina friendly
« Reply #25 on: November 27, 2014, 11:46:07 AM »
I've read this article all the way through... and thought to myself  how much more ridiculous can  these individuals  involved in this scenario be?  Question is who did  Charles showed the signed  document to he alluded that was signed by Millien? Are those said documents  signed by millien  still in the possesion of the person to whom it was shown or given to? Original copies of the signed documents by millien!! Charles i'm sorry to say but yourself and  millien in the immediacy doesn't look good at the moment..... didn't you mr charles  from the very get go ask millien why a carpark or why he millien is scheduling a meeting at the  carpark to hand over cash ?  did you spoke to anyone else prior to handing over the monies( since as yousay you felt the need to protect yourself)  to millien ?  keep in mind  Mr charles it's  two occasions  you've hand delivered monies to millien ..   who has those original signed documents by millien?? as for millien you better retain a lawyer ... Charles i don't think you were that naive as well , were you ?

I feel he was naive.
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Re: $.4 million con: Tim Kee tries to explain cover-up in Argentina friendly
« Reply #26 on: November 27, 2014, 12:09:04 PM »
What i want to know is in whose  possesion  is the signed documents by millien ? is in the possesion  of the fraud squad ?  who has it? Someone  is in collusion or plain out telling blantant lies.. monies are unaccountable for and someone is to be held responsible!!

Offline Jack Horner

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Re: $.4 million con: Tim Kee tries to explain cover-up in Argentina friendly
« Reply #27 on: November 27, 2014, 12:30:42 PM »
Sheldon Phillips is a dam scamp and acting like everyone should just forget about everything after he messed up and just focus their energy on T&T.

Like 300,000 is no kind of money.

He taking T&T people for fools.

Don't be surprised he try to over throw Tim Kee just now and take over the TTFA.

Atiba Charles is another dunce, how did he get that job? He should be fired.

Hadeed should have pull the plug on the TTFA for that Argentina trip.

I dealt with Millien a few times in the past and the man tried to do the same thing and Jack had to pull him square.

Millien and Phillips should get arrested to.

Jack Warner will rise again and the world will beg him him to return and he will say "NO".............

Offline diamondtrim

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Re: $.4 million con: Tim Kee tries to explain cover-up in Argentina friendly
« Reply #28 on: November 27, 2014, 12:36:17 PM »
Soooooo.....u handover $400,000 IN CASH, in a car park and pelt some in a car backseat.....and u, as a business owner/partner/whatever, do dat normal normal.....u do it d first time and say how it raise red flag...so u do it again just to make sure d red flag hoist higher and properly....carry on

Offline weary1969

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Re: $.4 million con: Tim Kee tries to explain cover-up in Argentina friendly
« Reply #29 on: November 27, 2014, 12:49:07 PM »
Soooooo.....u handover $400,000 IN CASH, in a car park and pelt some in a car backseat.....and u, as a business owner/partner/whatever, do dat normal normal.....u do it d first time and say how it raise red flag...so u do it again just to make sure d red flag hoist higher and properly....carry on

U now lots of them fellas eh d sharpest knife in d draw. He eh do like he pardner and put car on the road. He just has no business sense. Sense in general. They does get tie up with them high color fellas in shirt and tie. If he partner from Morvant did suggest such a ting a red flag would have come on. But is a nice high color fella frrom the west.
Today you're the dog, tomorrow you're the hydrant - so be good to others - it comes back!"