De follow up with new minister of sports Sancho.
Interview with Samuel Edwards.Sam: Sancho, ah hear yuh doh like creole, tha's ture?Sancho: My best friend is Kevin Harrision, my wife is from Germany, I woking for Kamla and my hair long and straight, does that answer yuh question?
Sam: Are you a real Rastafarian?Sancho: I am in politics and I eat and sell fry chicken (JAPS only), does that answer yuh question? Which real rasta does do that? I only get this hairstyle to bull girls when I was in St John in de US. They like rastas up they.
Sam: I notice since yuh get de MOS wok, yuh only studding big projects, like macco-ing de stadiums and facilities, but not doing de small things that would make a difference, like grassroots stuff, how come?Sancho: I am here for a short time Sam,,,,,, I cant make long term change, that is for de federations to do, I am all about making T&T look modernise, make sure we have top class facilities so when foreigners visit they will see how beautiful T&T is even though we athletics cant use de facilities at least we go look like a first world country. I want us to look good for de world Sam, when I build all these facilities, when PNM win de next election at least they go get everything woking in correct order, them go benefit from my hard work, I also want de facilities to pay for them selves so de government dont have to spend any extra money,,,, foreigners will use it during the day and then fetes in de night,,,,,. Let de federations build they own grounds,,,,,,,,,. Ah planning to kick out de TTFA from de stadium soon, ah need to renovate it, de stadium in a bad state because carnival just done nah and de fields destroy,,,,,,. More facilities equals more fete and more money in de government pocket,,,,,,, T&T is a party capital, yuh eh see de NAPA building how it destroying slowly because of de cheap Chinese wok and how de PNM government keep de rest,,,,,, we need to use our stadiums because it stronger and can hold more people, which equals more money,,,,. This is why I not fixing Dwight Yorke Stadium, Tobago have to little bit of people and they cant fill de stadiums for parties,,,,, yuh eh see we doh even have one footballer from Tobago on de T&T team now. Even Yorke eh care bout he own people he does drive drunk in Tobago and bounce don people and walk free, ent he get bounce dong when he did small to and de driver walk free, so he learn well..
Sam: So yuh went to some tops colleges in T&T and USA but yuh cant spell Laventille, how come?Sancho: Sam, I get into St John's because I could of play ball, not because I was bright....... Boy, yuh feel them people in T&T care about my spelling, them eh even have computers? once they get rum and football around election time them happy, I want to help de caribbean people,,,,, f00ck T&T, this is why I pick Laventille where all de Grenadians and Vicentians Eric Williams bring, de Guyanese Panday and Kamla bring and de Africans, Chinese and Haitians Patrick Manning bring living there illegally,,,,,,, Laventille will be a multicultural city when I am done with it. They have footballs now, even though them eh have no fields, they could clean up de Beetham and play Futsal soon. That is grassroots Sam...
Sam: Ah see Flex axe yuh ah question about changing or asking tanty Kamla to change de law to help us get a bigger pool or have more options to get some better foreign born players on de T&T side, but yuh said no, yuh prefer home grown, but I eh seeing yuh enforcing any grass roots program to help develop home grown yet,,,,,, even yuh team Central FC doh even have a good youth system and yuh coaches eh even home grown, infact, even de staff yuh hire is not home grown, how come?Sancho: Sam, I am a pelican,,,,,, sorry,,,,,, ah mean politician now Sam, (I have to get a spell check yes)......,,,,, so I have to be very diplo-automatic about how I answer anyona, ah mean anyone,,,,,. I dont like locals, this is why Kevin Harrison is my right hand man,,,,,, me eh care about bringing foreigners here to play for T&T,,,,,, so them could look better than we, I want to see Tim Kee suffer, infact, Tim Kee doh want no foreign born either,,,,,, he eh know if he ass punch or if it boar,,,,,,, so if them eh care, yuh want me to care? Flex axe very good questions and all make sense, but I wanted to be very diplomatic and I wanted it to be my ideas first, this is why I didn't answer them truthfully.
Sam: So TTFA election is in June, yuh planning or nominating someone?Sancho: Well, yes, I want to bring in Kelvin Jack, he eh woking at de moment and he money he got from Kamla done,,,,,, so I want to bring him in, ah axe Shaka fost, but he only studying to sniff Yorke and Lara bottom anyway they go,,,,,, he playing golf in Tobago now,,,,,, these guys doh help nobody,,,,,,, yuh eh see he leave de court case and gone, he and he father is users, all de talk about bringing down Jack done,,,,,, them men have real contacts in Europe, yuh even see him even get a youth from T&T a trial with a club self? yuh ever see him return home to help with football,,,,,, even if is just a week camp? Look at Yorke, he bringing a bunch of retired ole men to play football in Tobago, f00ck gals and drink rum,,,,,, but de T&T government make he ambassador,,,,,,, what a f00cking joke,,,,,,,. So back to yuh question, I want Kevin there, he is good.....,,, (((ring))) (((Ring)))... [hold on Sam]... [hello]... (yes, hello, this is Mike Berry, ah just want yuh to know, ah hear yuh pushing for Kelvin to be TTFA president, yuh know I is he agent and I want my 50%, he still owe me money yuh know).... beep, beep, beep.... please hand up and try yuh call again, this is a recording.
Sam: Who was that boy?Sancho: Nah, a long time pal, anyhow, forget he, back to de TTFA election, Sam, Tim Kee is de POS mayor, yuh ever hear him doing anything good for POS? Look he bring Sheldon Phillips here and we cant hear from him or see him, he doh come out he office to even see what goes on in training or on de field,,,,,, de man bring some TTFA plan for me to read and only talking about what they accomplish,,,,,, nothing forward and yuh eh see de shirt they have them fellas wearing, boy, them men vex, Hyland tell me, de light in de stadium when they was playing Panama was reflecting off de shirt and blinding them, that is why de team played badly in de first half, then when they change sides for de second half one bulb did blow on de east side so it was much better, ah axe Hart if he like de uniform, Hart tell me, he vex, he say de logo on top they shoulders and JOMA had some left over shirts, they just fix up and send for them,,,,,, Sam boy, I cant support this unprofessional way, they have no idea, they hire a bunch of cock burners and they do as they please, look what happen with de Argentina thing,,,,,,,. Teams only doing good because of individual talents and the love for the coach,,,,,,, but axe them players if the happy, look Hart and half of de team eh get paid since de Caribbean Cup, yuh feel Tim Kee studying that. Something have to be done about Tim Kee, yuh know he tell me point blank eh doh get paid to be de TTFA president and de POS Mayor, so he want everybody else to follow he motto,,,,,,. I will make sure T&T look bad for this Gold Cup,,,,,, Tim Kee will be gone and I will jump right in. Everything plan out,,,,,, you feel T&T football could make money? this is why I only support Cricket because its an indian sports, and once it have indians, cricket and rum,,,,, we will make money,,,,,,,,. Ah planning to selling Central FC and opening a curry factory soon,,,,,, Gally might buy it,,,,,,. You have to be smart Sam. Talking about Central, we only here two years now and we miles ahead of de TTFA, look at how the club in run and then look at de federation.
Sam: Ah like Kevin Harrision, I feel out of all them fellas, he is very good.Sancho: Yes, Kevin is my right hand, infact, he might run for TTFA head to,,,, if I say pull meh toetie, he does do it, no questions asked, so why should I hire someone else, them Trinis want to much money,,,, yuh eh see who doing all de hard labour in T&T, is Guyanses,,,,,,, anyhow Sam, I have to go, I going up by Charlie and eat some puddin now,,,,,, we go link up again, ah like yuh interviews (((ring)) (((ring))), [hold on Sam, Maylee callin], hello darlin... (Hello baby, yuh know ah missin yuh, ah like man in power yuh know, ask Jack),,, [look oman, I is ah respectable man in this community yuh know..... whispering now, honey shhh, ah cah talk now, Sam here and he does hear everything, so ah playing it off nah, doh vex, doh vex]..,,,, (ok, ok, bye, call me later and stay way from that Brownsuger gal, she is hard core PNM, she go plan for yuh)..... [ah know right, them people on SWO is a real pain in de ass, Kevin tell me all about each one of them, he even tell me since Touches met his wife on SWO, he doh post no more, he went to eharmony to promote SWO now).
Sam: One more question, yuh going after Jack for allyuh money?Sancho: Why, and Tim Kee paying we?,,,,,,, yuh go buy de f00cking cow if yuh getting de milk free? Ah figure out a way to cheat de T&T government though,,,,,,, and my time short, so ah want to be like ah de other Sport Ministers,,,,,, thief and go free,,,,,,, so here is de plan, take off yuh mike, this one is just for you,,,,,, give de TTFA 10 million,,,,,, de exact amount they owe us and in return they will pay us and be debt free,,,,,,,, this way my hands clean and them own to,,,,,,, I plan his soon, but keep that low, this is why Sam,,,,,,, f00ck helping them, let them fen for themselves like we did in de past,,,,,,,, f00ck players union to,,,,,, nobody cares, so I dont either. Them eh getting a red, muchless a black cent from my cabinet. I want to see where my money going fost, T&T government in not a ATM for sport,,,,,,,,, only rum. After de stadiums, my project is a giant Rum shop, right by de white house and them chinese woking for cheap too.