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Author Topic: After all the talk - National U17 player speaks about what went wrong  (Read 6353 times)

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Offline Deeks

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Coache, your After Action Review makes lots of sense.

Offline elan

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Imagine we trying to sort out the NT program and the TTFA just shrugging their shoulders.

<a href="https://www.youtube.com/v/blUSVALW_Z4" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" class="bbc_link bbc_flash_disabled new_win">https://www.youtube.com/v/blUSVALW_Z4</a>

Offline elan

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It's incredulous that the team played "faster" in T&T. Against whom exactly? Under what circumstances?

This is the question.

Would love to get an answer to this.
<a href="https://www.youtube.com/v/blUSVALW_Z4" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" class="bbc_link bbc_flash_disabled new_win">https://www.youtube.com/v/blUSVALW_Z4</a>

Offline maxg

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Imagine we trying to sort out the NT program and the TTFA just shrugging their shoulders.

??? ???  You know that is all the TTFA doing ? you think, they not studying these events ? really ?
« Last Edit: March 22, 2015, 11:27:16 AM by maxg »

Offline maxg

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It's incredulous that the team played "faster" in T&T. Against whom exactly? Under what circumstances?

This is the question.

Would love to get an answer to this.
yes...good question

Offline Tobago28

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Tobago28...you livin in Trinidad?

Coache, I live part year in Tobago and part year in Miami.

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mixed feeling on your post Tobago..I agree with most, but not with some, as I don't think u can make a judgement call on a person capabilities, based on a perceived mistake or a opinionated bad judgement call, especially without knowing more of why that perceived error was made, or if it's an error at all. Isn't that like compounding the error ? If the kid really wasn't feeling good vibes, when and to whom should he address. He didn't point fingers, implicate anyone or indicate details or elaborate, he tried to express an observation. If he wasn't feeling good vibes, and feels it something to be addressed, that;s ok. What if he felt a negative pressure to voice this within the team, coach framework, National team is not a club, where the boys and staff may have the opportunity to be together for years.. that happens to. So should he just keep quiet, cause he don't want to rock the boat. My daughter felt in a similar situation. I told her make a team speech, who not vibes with yuh, won't be suddenly vibezin yuh, because yuh taking the snippets, and negative comments all the time. Should Amwood broadcast, hmmnn. not sure. However, I would think, if he has a relationship with the National coach (and he may not have), he could have been the messenger and discuss personally with the coach. However, these National selections not about friends and cliques, which I thought the boy found to be discouraging,  is all. I didn't get to be a reason for their unexpected performance. Surprisingly, for many of us here, in the know, it wasn't that unexpected. Seems like even the coach had an idea.

I have mixed feelings about my post as well as I in NO way want it to be viewed as a critique of any man or woman's attempt to work with the youth. In fact, I accept all comments to my view points not as criticism but as an attempt to move toward best practices. I trust that my comments are viewed the same by the recipient(s) in a mature manner as a process towards best practices.  As you see in my post I do not and didn't discredit the voice of the player because its his truth. However, I challenged the title of National U17 player(s) speaking, when in fact it was "A" player expressing his experiences. You hit on the point I was making, that a mistake was made and I was trying to figure out why? The posters efforts to improve football and serve the youth are apparent, therefore why this video with this message? I still have not received an answer. However, I receive various other responses about numerous non related issues that only distract from my simple question. Please note I ended my post positively, that we are counting on him but simply want him to do better. This will always be my goal, for me , us and TnT to do better.

Offline maxg

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I think you should read your original post again..I think you might of made a mistake in what you were tryin to communicate

Offline Tobago28

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Lots of chatter about the video, I'm not sure what was so abnormal about what the young man stated, in his opinion he felt that the vibe wasn't good. Its a personal opinion he expressed. He felt that the keepers were nervous and that the biggest adjustment was the speed of play. The team left T&T playing at a faster speed and he felt they were not able to increase their speed of play until the second game. He shares his opinion of what he feels his approach should be regarding the way he intends to approach training going forward. Now you say that you've spoken to three players and they disagreed with the young man. Fair enough, there are PARENTS of players who went to Honduras who spoke to me at the youth pro league opening games who talked about the extent of the " so called vibe" but of course that is not something that would be included in a "video" because that is for someone else to deal with. These same parents spoke about things other than nervousness that affected one of the keepers, again not something that would be put forth in the public domain because that is for others to address. These are actual parents expressing their opinions. Now you're worried about the "repercussions" that this kid would face - what you should be worried about is how these kids get to training, do they have money in their pockets, do they have tutors or teachers who are will to work with them so that they get remotely close to passing exams based on the time that they have missed from school, do they (on the eve of leaving for Panama and then to Honduras have adequate footwear), and if not where can it be purchased at the very last minute). These are some of the things that some of us on the "ground" are addressing with some of these kids. You're worried about their national team career, his old man is worried about life issues and what can we do to create a few concrete opportunities. So before you starting typing away your dismay at this and that - give some consideration to the fact that some of these kids love playing national team football - yes, however, some of them (not all current national team members) are contending with much bigger life issues. Get a little perspective padna.....       

Its striking that you have turned this into who's is bigger. First you title a video saying its what player(s) think when its one player and after all the talk. Which talk?  I say I spoke to 3 players now you say you speak to parents. Your experience in youth football would have taught you that parents sometimes are not the best source of information.  Listen, I am not trying to be bigger, better or "righter" than you. All I am stating is that you did a disservice to this young man, however you refuse to deal with that and bring all the other social issues affecting the youth of TnT as though these are new, maybe to you but not to me. I know several players that could have been on this team but based on various social and behavioral factors were not selected. I know others  who have and I have offered to help get the services to help these young men to get them into the fold. I donate shoes, clothing and balls to football programs in Trinidad and Tobago from my pocket. However, that does not make be better or worse than you nor does it make you right and me wrong or vice a versa. The only point I have made is that the handling of this youth is inappropriate.

With best practices in mind, I have a couple suggestions of how this interview could have helped TnT football and the youth:

1. Ask him why he felt that the team was playing faster in TnT but suddenly slowed down in Panama and Honduras. Its clear that the young man did not realize he understood the team was playing faster because it was playing at a lower level. Once in Panama the competition was better so in fact Panama is faster than what they were playing against in TNT, therefore its actually us who had to go to a higher level. Its not that the pace in TnT was faster and we suddenly got slower in Panama, the TNT pace was too slow. I am confident you understand this because you played at these levels and understand the transition from domestic to international level. Exploring this concept would have helped the young man and been positive.

2. The young man felt the vibes was wrong, then ask him what he felt caused that?  You know that people don't always get along, even families don't get along. Maybe it was persons fighting for the same starting position that didn't get along. Help him think critically about this, instead of "we wasn't a family". He mentioned it was first international trip  so he was nervous. Ask him if this could have contributed to the vibes? What does he think he could of done to improve the vibes? This can empower him to show that he too was part of the vibes and responsible for the vibes. Just like his feelings should not be discounted, he must understand that he too is part of creating his feelings and the feelings of team because he is part of the team.

These two questions or approach would redirect the young man to see that whatever happened he too is part of the success or failure. In our society this is normal to point the finger and exclude yourself from being part of the problem or success. If TnT football is not successful we are all accountable; the parents, the administrators, the coaches, the bloggers and the players. 

I will finish by saying I support your efforts wishing you the best, my only comment is on this video. Keep working with the youth, do your best and don't let anyone derail you from achieving your goals. However, note that my interest in best practices will cause me to comment on your actions but NOT on you personally

best wishes

Offline elan

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Imagine we trying to sort out the NT program and the TTFA just shrugging their shoulders.

??? ???  You know that is all the TTFA doing ? you think, they not studying these events ? really ?

When they studying it, before or after? Stueps.
<a href="https://www.youtube.com/v/blUSVALW_Z4" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" class="bbc_link bbc_flash_disabled new_win">https://www.youtube.com/v/blUSVALW_Z4</a>

Offline maxg

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Imagine we trying to sort out the NT program and the TTFA just shrugging their shoulders.

??? ???  You know that is all the TTFA doing ? you think, they not studying these events ? really ?

When they studying it, before or after? Stueps.
*shrugs shoulder *  :D
« Last Edit: March 22, 2015, 06:38:10 PM by maxg »

Offline amwood

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As always gents, all comments are duly noted and much appreciated...if an error was made regarding the content, title or structure of the video then I readily accept it. I am about one thing only - making a little difference in anyway I can and linking with others who are willing to do the same. Much respect!

Offline elan

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As always gents, all comments are duly noted and much appreciated...if an error was made regarding the content, title or structure of the video then I readily accept it. I am about one thing only - making a little difference in anyway I can and linking with others who are willing to do the same. Much respect!

Doh get discourage yuh know. Like Bakes said right or wrong do you. Continue to put content out there and generate conversations about our football.

Sometimes I does ketch mehself criticizing, but then I does have to remember is not me in the trenches, so at some point I have to appreciate those that making an effort to affect we football in some sort ah way.

Who knows, maybe Anthony Sherwood Academy may be the next stop for World football looking for insight into developing players. Good stuff, keep it up.
<a href="https://www.youtube.com/v/blUSVALW_Z4" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" class="bbc_link bbc_flash_disabled new_win">https://www.youtube.com/v/blUSVALW_Z4</a>

Offline Bakes

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Its striking that you have turned this into who's is bigger. First you title a video saying its what player(s) think when its one player and after all the talk. Which talk?  I say I spoke to 3 players now you say you speak to parents. Your experience in youth football would have taught you that parents sometimes are not the best source of information.  Listen, I am not trying to be bigger, better or "righter" than you. All I am stating is that you did a disservice to this young man, however you refuse to deal with that and bring all the other social issues affecting the youth of TnT as though these are new, maybe to you but not to me. I know several players that could have been on this team but based on various social and behavioral factors were not selected. I know others  who have and I have offered to help get the services to help these young men to get them into the fold. I donate shoes, clothing and balls to football programs in Trinidad and Tobago from my pocket. However, that does not make be better or worse than you nor does it make you right and me wrong or vice a versa. The only point I have made is that the handling of this youth is inappropriate.

With best practices in mind, I have a couple suggestions of how this interview could have helped TnT football and the youth:

1. Ask him why he felt that the team was playing faster in TnT but suddenly slowed down in Panama and Honduras. Its clear that the young man did not realize he understood the team was playing faster because it was playing at a lower level. Once in Panama the competition was better so in fact Panama is faster than what they were playing against in TNT, therefore its actually us who had to go to a higher level. Its not that the pace in TnT was faster and we suddenly got slower in Panama, the TNT pace was too slow. I am confident you understand this because you played at these levels and understand the transition from domestic to international level. Exploring this concept would have helped the young man and been positive.

2. The young man felt the vibes was wrong, then ask him what he felt caused that?  You know that people don't always get along, even families don't get along. Maybe it was persons fighting for the same starting position that didn't get along. Help him think critically about this, instead of "we wasn't a family". He mentioned it was first international trip  so he was nervous. Ask him if this could have contributed to the vibes? What does he think he could of done to improve the vibes? This can empower him to show that he too was part of the vibes and responsible for the vibes. Just like his feelings should not be discounted, he must understand that he too is part of creating his feelings and the feelings of team because he is part of the team.

These two questions or approach would redirect the young man to see that whatever happened he too is part of the success or failure. In our society this is normal to point the finger and exclude yourself from being part of the problem or success. If TnT football is not successful we are all accountable; the parents, the administrators, the coaches, the bloggers and the players. 

I will finish by saying I support your efforts wishing you the best, my only comment is on this video. Keep working with the youth, do your best and don't let anyone derail you from achieving your goals. However, note that my interest in best practices will cause me to comment on your actions but NOT on you personally

best wishes

I don't doubt you when you say that you have nothing but good intentions, but your presentation perhaps belies your efforts.

Listen, I am not trying to be bigger, better or "righter" than you. All I am stating is that you did a disservice to this young man, however you refuse to deal with that and bring all the other social issues affecting the youth of TnT as though these are new, maybe to you but not to me.

You are not stating that he did the youth a disservice... you are opining that he did.  You begin with the premise that your observation is fact, when it is far from it.  You then view the 'refus(al)' as you term it, to deal with your position, as failure on the part of Sherwood to deal with reality... when in fact it's a reasonable choice to not entertain an off-target assertion (as he, and myself, see it).

2. The young man felt the vibes was wrong, then ask him what he felt caused that?  You know that people don't always get along, even families don't get along. Maybe it was persons fighting for the same starting position that didn't get along. Help him think critically about this, instead of "we wasn't a family".

The reason for the lack of a family vibe could be varied, but I believe it was stated in the video that this youthman was a newcomer to the squad.  Is it then any surprise that he might have been given a bit of a cold shoulder and just sharing that experience?  No further explanation or discussion as to his role and the why's or wherefores is necessary.  Why are people treating a throw'way interview as some dissertation on team and player dynamics?

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The reason for the lack of a family vibe could be varied, but I believe it was stated in the video that this youthman was a newcomer to the squad.  Is it then any surprise that he might have been given a bit of a cold shoulder and just sharing that experience?  No further explanation or discussion as to his role and the why's or wherefores is necessary.  Why are people treating a throw'way interview as some dissertation on team and player dynamics?
This is what I don't understand, it's not like the player threw the team under the bus or anything. I thought he gave positive feedback that was constructive. Yes things in the camp weren't ideal but he gave it from his perspective by saying what we can do better next time based on what they can control. What the admin need to do is LISTEN to what the players have to say to see if they can do anything to help make it better for the players to perform/compete.


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