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TTFA vows to pay Hart and Walkes but not remaining coaches; Tim Kee blames politics for funding issues
By Lasana Liburd (Wired868.com)

Trinidad and Tobago Football Association (TTFA) president Raymond Tim Kee said the local football body has decided to pay the salaries of head coach Stephen Hart and technical director Kendall Walkes while the TTFA’s impasse continues with the Ministry of Sport.

The TTFA accepted a March deadline to present audited accounts to the Ministry of Sport but is yet to fulfil its end of the bargain. Sport Minister Brent Sancho responded by halting all funding to the football body, which included the payment of coaches’ salaries.

Although Tim Kee claimed that the TTFA was “about two weeks” away from satisfying the Sport Ministry, he said the football body will pay Hart and Walkes in the interim.

“Mr Hart has been attended to,” Tim Kee told Wired868, on Friday evening. “He is owed for April and May and an arrangement was made where he will get one month’s salary and a small portion. He was satisfied with the arrangement; he made no hassle about it…

“He may have been paid (on Friday) as that decision was made (on Wednesday evening). Our plan is to pay Hart’s salary directly for up until September.”

Hart’s contract with the “Soca Warriors” expires in July 2015, although he has been credited with doing a fine job at the helm and it seems likely that the TTFA will try to keep him onboard.

Tim Kee, who is also the Port of Spain Mayor and PNM Treasurer, admitted the football body contracted Walkes’ services with the expectation that half his salary would be paid by the Sport Ministry—as was the case with former technical director Anton Corneal.

However, the TTFA never actually broached the topic with the new Sport Minister and the result was Walkes was unpaid after his first month’s work.

Tim Kee said the football body will also pay Walkes although he advised that the new TTFA technical director should be no more than “cautiously optimistic” about being paid every month’s end.

“We will have to give him his full salary,” said Tim Kee. “I have also told the General Secretary (Sheldon Phillips) and the Chairman of the Technical Department (Richard Quan Chan) to let him know that we do not have an open cheque book and to tell him what the true situation is. I don’t want any surprises for people.

“Let him be cautiously optimistic. From all indications, we will be able to afford him as we move forward (as) we have applied for some (FIFA) developmental funding.”

And what about the remainder of the Senior National Team coaching staff as well as the national youth team and women’s coaches?

“I don’t want to convey that impression (that we do not care about the other coaches),” said Tim Kee. “(But) they were always the government’s responsibility… Most people involved in football are poor people who cannot enjoy the luxury of not getting paid. So that plays on my conscience.”

Wired868 asked, if all coaches are TTFA employees: Why has the association decided to pay some and not others?

“We don’t owe (assistant coach Derek) King and the others any money,” said Tim Kee. “The money owed to them is from the Ministry of Sport… Remember those guys don’t have contracts (with the TTFA).”

Wired868’s checks suggested that the only coaches with TTFA job contracts are Hart and Walkes. The others are working on the verbal assurance from the football body that they will be paid if funds are sourced.

Tim Kee said the TTFA is in the process of drawing up contracts for its other coaches but did not offer a date when those are likely to be ready.

National Under-23 Team manager David Muhammad claimed last week that assistant coach Reynold Carrington did not attend any training sessions and was allegedly awaiting his job contract. Wired868 was unable to reach Carrington for an explanation for his absence.

Tim Kee suggested that, if Muhammad’s assertion was true, then the fault lay either with Quan Chan—who liaised with the youth team coaches on behalf of the TTFA—or Carrington himself.

“I did mention to Mr Quan Chan to explain to these people what the situation is,” said Tim Kee. “I said this is the situation, this is what we can do and, if you can provide under these conditions, then we are telling you upfront. So there is no reason to stay away because they were told (or should have been told) this is the conditions under which they will be operating.

“There will be consequences to that.”

Tim Kee insisted he and his general secretary Sheldon Phillips have done all they could to raise money for football and approached 28 private and public sector corporations with little success. He blamed politics for the TTFA’s financial crisis.

“If you were rating our job without explanation, it would be not a pass mark (for us),” said Tim Kee. “But if you look at the notes you will understand. There are circumstances over which you have control. When we went to National Gas, (a board member) told one of our executives that the people who play football do not wear yellow.

“So it is a political and a racial situation. I brought it to (then Sport Minister Anil) Roberts’ attention. And the imbalance is cricket was getting what it wanted.”

Tim Kee alleged that the National Lotteries Control Board (NLCB) also promised US$1 million to the TTFA but reneged on the deal when he was appointed Mayor.

“He said ‘Tim Kee is a PNM mayor’ and he is not doing anything for the PNM to look good,” the TTFA president said of an unnamed NLCB member.

Wired868 was unable to verify Tim Kee’s claims from members of either State board.

Race and politics were not the only things that Tim Kee blamed for their fund raising issues. He claimed that the TTFA was on the verge of a multi-million deal with TSTT, only for it to be scuppered after Wired868’s exclusive regarding possible corrupt or unethical practices by the football body in the build up to an international friendly against Argentina on 4 June 2014.

Wired868 revealed that TT$400,000 was pocketed from taxpayers’ money for a supposed TTFA licensing fee, which remains missing. Travel agency, Nissi Tours, alleged that the money was pocketed by TTFA marketing officer, Darren Millien, although Millien denied this.

There were also emails from Phillips’ match agency company, Element Agency + Events, which suggested that the TTFA general secretary might have a personal stake in a match put on by State money.

Phillips claimed there was a “glitch” in his email account and denied that his company was benefitting from Warrior matches.

TSTT’s interest in sponsoring the TTFA, according to Tim Kee, cooled immediately.

“(TSTT) agreed to sponsor us to the tune of TT$4.5 million,” said Tim Kee. “then (Wired868) wrote that article on the Argentina business and, when I went to consummate the agreement, I was told that the board had read the article and decided to put a stop on it.

“So we were back to square one.”

Still, Tim Kee responded to his critics by pointing to the relative successes of their football teams despite the issues. He said the TTFA has begun implementing FIFA’s income generation plan and should soon be able to raise funds from merchandising via its new website.

“When you hear what we have been able to achieve with scarce resources,” he said, “it brings goose pimples.”

He hopes to also mend bridges soon with the Sport Ministry, despite his annoyance that Sancho attached stipulations to last November’s TT$9.9 million Cabinet note.

“The Cabinet note seems not to be as highly favoured by the Sport Minister as it was intended by the Prime Minister,” said Tim Kee. “That is unfortunate because all the plans we made for this year was predicated on that type of assistance from the Ministry.

“So I am hoping that, as time goes on and we adhere to the best policies, I would expect understanding and support from the Ministry. I would hope that there is a change in direction.”

Tim Kee said the TTFA will try to juggle its resources so as to ensure practice games for the National Under-23 Team, which begins its 2016 Olympic Games campaign in Puerto Rico next month.

The senior Warriors are also rumoured to be on the brink of sealing international friendlies against Jordan and 2014 World Cup team Croatia.

Hart and Walkes might be “cautiously optimistic” about being paid too, regardless of the Sport Ministry’s relationship with the football body, while Tim Kee claimed that a financial offer was also made to Corneal, who is still owed from his spell as technical director.

The TTFA’s other two dozen or so national coaches have no such guarantees, limited or otherwise.

« Last Edit: May 12, 2015, 01:51:49 AM by Flex »

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Re: TTFA vows to pay Hart and Walkes but not remaining coaches
« Reply #1 on: May 11, 2015, 09:32:30 PM »
These people seem to have a problem with accountability. Yet seem to think they are entitled to tax payers money.

NO EXPLANATION as to why they are late with their bookkeeping.


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Re: TTFA vows to pay Hart and Walkes but not remaining coaches
« Reply #2 on: May 11, 2015, 09:44:04 PM »
These people seem to have a problem with accountability. Yet seem to think they are entitled to tax payers money.

NO EXPLANATION as to why they are late with their bookkeeping.


The explanation was provided earlier.

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Re: TTFA vows to pay Hart and Walkes but not remaining coaches
« Reply #3 on: May 12, 2015, 08:36:23 AM »
So Walkes woking with de TTFA months now and we only now found out about his employment?

So they paying Hart, which is great, but if they doh pay de players, who Hart go coach?

Tim Kee to f00cking stubborn, he need to take give up de politics cause it killing our football.

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Re: TTFA vows to pay Hart and Walkes but not remaining coaches
« Reply #4 on: May 12, 2015, 11:45:46 AM »
Unfortunately Sam, Tim Kee is not the reason that politics is killing football. He is not the reason that "the people who play football do not wear yellow". So, him giving up may not necessarily improve the situation.
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Re: TTFA vows to pay Hart and Walkes but not remaining coaches
« Reply #5 on: May 12, 2015, 11:48:20 AM »
From the time Tim Kee became mayor of POS, I said he will have a hard time with govt. He will not get money for POS. He think he will get money for football. Well, think again Ray.  The political system in TT encourages the party in power to starve the opposition. Granted our political system is  a sort of carbon copy of Westminster. Our politicians have not developed that maturity to decide what is good for the nation supercedes party politics. The Uk the 'bastion' of commonwealth democracy will find the funds for their sports team. It does not matter which party in power. Closer to home, I would guarantee that if JA had the kind of money we had, you would not see the kind of dotishness currently at play.
« Last Edit: May 12, 2015, 11:59:26 AM by Deeks »

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Re: TTFA vows to pay Hart and Walkes but not remaining coaches
« Reply #6 on: May 12, 2015, 11:59:19 AM »
Correct, Mose and Deeks.  This is a powerplay, where only one side really has any clout.  As long as that situation continues... which is to say until the TTFA becomes financially independent, then you will continue to see whichever government is in power continue to call the shots as they see fit.  If this government was really interested in weaning the TTFA from dependency then it would have helped them get out of debt and then cut ties saying "we did our part, now stand on your own two feet from here on out."  Instead they've been interested in doing as little as possible to help the situation. Of course one could counter that by saying "It's not the government's responsibility... etc." but as it stands, as long as there's a MoS there'll be some responsibility.

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Re: TTFA vows to pay Hart and Walkes but not remaining coaches
« Reply #7 on: May 12, 2015, 01:52:24 PM »
 :bs: blaming politics. Look how much money they have gotten from the same government thus far. All of a sudden when they are asked to provide some form of accountability is because of Politics and who does wear yellow jersey they not getting money. Tim Kee playing politics with those "anonymous" reasons. The politician Tim Kee know if he throw that out there people will gobble it up because of their disdain for the government.

Not saying there's no politics at play, but it comes from both sides in this instance. Hand over the books and then when they eh give you money then we can say yes, politics. But, you eh meet the requirements and crying. GTFOH with that  :bs:

Tim Kee have no credibility after reading the last couple article and the manner in which he goes about dealing with people. Look at how he addresses coaches. Very disrespectful.
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Re: TTFA vows to pay Hart and Walkes but not remaining coaches
« Reply #8 on: May 12, 2015, 04:09:31 PM »
:bs: blaming politics. Look how much money they have gotten from the same government thus far. All of a sudden when they are asked to provide some form of accountability is because of Politics and who does wear yellow jersey they not getting money. Tim Kee playing politics with those "anonymous" reasons. The politician Tim Kee know if he throw that out there people will gobble it up because of their disdain for the government.

Not saying there's no politics at play, but it comes from both sides in this instance. Hand over the books and then when they eh give you money then we can say yes, politics. But, you eh meet the requirements and crying. GTFOH with that  :bs:

Tim Kee have no credibility after reading the last couple article and the manner in which he goes about dealing with people. Look at how he addresses coaches. Very disrespectful.

It would help if you actually had a clue about what you're talking about.  Sancho knows well what he's doing with that request for "accounting."  When the MoS agreed to pay the coaches last year there were no such conditions attached to the agreement by Rupert Griffith.  All of a sudden Sancho wants to see financial audits.  Audits have been prepared for 2012- present, the period since Tim Kee has been President, and made available to Sancho.  But Sancho not satisfied with that... he wants Tim Kee to provide audits for the period 2008-2010 as well.. coincidentally, the period when players allege most of the 2006 money went missing.  Not only is this a period for which Tim Kee isn't responsible (so why punish football unnecessarily by holding up the coaches' pay?), but Sancho and his cohorts took the computers which had the financial records stored on them.  Sancho on shit... and either you too dotish to connect the very obvious dots, or you trolling.  Smart money is on an equal helping of both.
« Last Edit: May 12, 2015, 04:11:28 PM by Bakes »

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Re: TTFA vows to pay Hart and Walkes but not remaining coaches
« Reply #9 on: May 12, 2015, 09:37:59 PM »

Offline elan

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Re: TTFA vows to pay Hart and Walkes but not remaining coaches
« Reply #10 on: May 12, 2015, 09:42:26 PM »
:bs: blaming politics. Look how much money they have gotten from the same government thus far. All of a sudden when they are asked to provide some form of accountability is because of Politics and who does wear yellow jersey they not getting money. Tim Kee playing politics with those "anonymous" reasons. The politician Tim Kee know if he throw that out there people will gobble it up because of their disdain for the government.

Not saying there's no politics at play, but it comes from both sides in this instance. Hand over the books and then when they eh give you money then we can say yes, politics. But, you eh meet the requirements and crying. GTFOH with that  :bs:

Tim Kee have no credibility after reading the last couple article and the manner in which he goes about dealing with people. Look at how he addresses coaches. Very disrespectful.

It would help if you actually had a clue about what you're talking about.  Sancho knows well what he's doing with that request for "accounting."  When the MoS agreed to pay the coaches last year there were no such conditions attached to the agreement by Rupert Griffith.  All of a sudden Sancho wants to see financial audits.  Audits have been prepared for 2012- present, the period since Tim Kee has been President, and made available to Sancho.  But Sancho not satisfied with that... he wants Tim Kee to provide audits for the period 2008-2010 as well.. coincidentally, the period when players allege most of the 2006 money went missing.  Not only is this a period for which Tim Kee isn't responsible (so why punish football unnecessarily by holding up the coaches' pay?), but Sancho and his cohorts took the computers which had the financial records stored on them.  Sancho on shit... and either you too dotish to connect the very obvious dots, or you trolling.  Smart money is on an equal helping of both.

So Sancho take the computer with the documents on it. Wired868.com print story that stop TSTT from giving them money. Is everybody fault except the TTFA.

So because Griffith give money without condition and not caring how Tim Kee spend tax payers money, Sancho should do the same gotcha. Look Tim Kee playing tit for tat now.  :rotfl:

From wired868.com
Harford supported Sancho’s statement.

 “I was asked by the Ministry of Sport to develop a proposal for them, which I did,” said Harford. “He asked me to speak to them independently about some of the problems they were having and I sent a copy to Sharon O’Brien… For Tim Kee to say he didn’t receive it is not exactly an ingenious statement.

Tim Kee have zero credibility.
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Re: TTFA vows to pay Hart and Walkes but not remaining coaches
« Reply #11 on: May 12, 2015, 09:51:24 PM »
:bs: blaming politics. Look how much money they have gotten from the same government thus far. All of a sudden when they are asked to provide some form of accountability is because of Politics and who does wear yellow jersey they not getting money. Tim Kee playing politics with those "anonymous" reasons. The politician Tim Kee know if he throw that out there people will gobble it up because of their disdain for the government.

Not saying there's no politics at play, but it comes from both sides in this instance. Hand over the books and then when they eh give you money then we can say yes, politics. But, you eh meet the requirements and crying. GTFOH with that  :bs:

Tim Kee have no credibility after reading the last couple article and the manner in which he goes about dealing with people. Look at how he addresses coaches. Very disrespectful.

It would help if you actually had a clue about what you're talking about.  Sancho knows well what he's doing with that request for "accounting."  When the MoS agreed to pay the coaches last year there were no such conditions attached to the agreement by Rupert Griffith.  All of a sudden Sancho wants to see financial audits.  Audits have been prepared for 2012- present, the period since Tim Kee has been President, and made available to Sancho.  But Sancho not satisfied with that... he wants Tim Kee to provide audits for the period 2008-2010 as well.. coincidentally, the period when players allege most of the 2006 money went missing.  Not only is this a period for which Tim Kee isn't responsible (so why punish football unnecessarily by holding up the coaches' pay?), but Sancho and his cohorts took the computers which had the financial records stored on them.  Sancho on shit... and either you too dotish to connect the very obvious dots, or you trolling.  Smart money is on an equal helping of both.

Please quote facts not hearsay. The discussion is a valid one, but once you enter untruths such as this: he wants Tim Kee to provide audits for the period 2008-2010 as well the debate moves from truth to fantasy. I appreciate that you may have been mislead as well.
With reference to audits, everybody involved in sport in T&T is well aware that the Permanant Secretary has posted full page notices in all newspapers that any organisation applying for funding must meet certain criteria including audits. For so long people have been calling for financial jurisprudence in sporting organisations, well here it is. You would note that the first "victim" of this policy was boxing. The Pro League are also delivering their audits.

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Re: TTFA vows to pay Hart and Walkes but not remaining coaches
« Reply #12 on: May 12, 2015, 10:29:23 PM »
Please quote facts not hearsay. The discussion is a valid one, but once you enter untruths such as this: he wants Tim Kee to provide audits for the period 2008-2010 as well the debate moves from truth to fantasy. I appreciate that you may have been mislead as well.
With reference to audits, everybody involved in sport in T&T is well aware that the Permanant Secretary has posted full page notices in all newspapers that any organisation applying for funding must meet certain criteria including audits. For so long people have been calling for financial jurisprudence in sporting organisations, well here it is. You would note that the first "victim" of this policy was boxing. The Pro League are also delivering their audits.

Let's see who's dealing in facts and who's dealing in hearsay:  No one just requests "audits"... audits for particular years are requested.  So that being the case, which years audits were requested by Sancho?

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Re: TTFA vows to pay Hart and Walkes but not remaining coaches
« Reply #13 on: May 13, 2015, 04:34:54 AM »
Please quote facts not hearsay. The discussion is a valid one, but once you enter untruths such as this: he wants Tim Kee to provide audits for the period 2008-2010 as well the debate moves from truth to fantasy. I appreciate that you may have been mislead as well.
With reference to audits, everybody involved in sport in T&T is well aware that the Permanant Secretary has posted full page notices in all newspapers that any organisation applying for funding must meet certain criteria including audits. For so long people have been calling for financial jurisprudence in sporting organisations, well here it is. You would note that the first "victim" of this policy was boxing. The Pro League are also delivering their audits.

Let's see who's dealing in facts and who's dealing in hearsay:  No one just requests "audits"... audits for particular years are requested.  So that being the case, which years audits were requested by Sancho?

The reason you hear the years 2008-2012 is that TTFA are stating that the auditors need to reference them to complete 2012-2014. Apparently these were stored on one computer and not backed up anywhere. When TTFA was incorporated, they found TTFF had completed no audits since 2008. The Ministry of Sport does not require those years, TTFA's auditors do.

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Re: TTFA vows to pay Hart and Walkes but not remaining coaches
« Reply #14 on: May 13, 2015, 04:46:49 AM »
The ministry cannot hold the TTFA responsible for what happen under Jack.

But they are right to request a audit since Tim Kee took over.

If they need money then the TTFA need to cooperate.

Sancho on de other hand, needs to be a little dam supportive to, he acting like a real jackass cause in de end is we football go suffer not Tim Kee, so Sancho stop de dam politics, once de audit comes out give de team some help.

You dont have to give the TTFA any money, just take care of the coaching staffs, match fees and players salary.

All this technical director and managers de TTFA hire, let them pay for that.

I hate de fact they hiring who they want, they have more staff than players and they dont advertise for de job.

They recycling de same ole managers and coaches all de time.

Tim Kee have to be a dunce and Sheldon confuse and soft, another YES man.

Two years these guys here and we football go down even further and they still here, how?

How we can't get them out?

Tim Kee have to go.

To much dam secrets.

No one getting paid except Sheldon and they expect everyone to work for free until they find the money to pay them.

What a wet piece of shit.

Who paying Sheldon allyuh?

PS: Football Supporter, advise yuh boy to lighten up nah, once de audit come in, handle them quick, we have many football this year.

« Last Edit: May 13, 2015, 04:56:05 AM by Sam »
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Re: TTFA vows to pay Hart and Walkes but not remaining coaches
« Reply #15 on: May 13, 2015, 07:49:18 AM »
The reason you hear the years 2008-2012 is that TTFA are stating that the auditors need to reference them to complete 2012-2014. Apparently these were stored on one computer and not backed up anywhere. When TTFA was incorporated, they found TTFF had completed no audits since 2008. The Ministry of Sport does not require those years, TTFA's auditors do.

So let's try this again...

1. "which years audits were requested by Sancho?"

2. What has the "Honourable" Minister done to assist in the recovery of the data from the missing hard drive?

3. When Sancho became Minister there was already an agreement in place to pay the salaries of the coaches; why did he unilaterally decide to renege on that promise in order to attach his own stipulation for audits?

4. Why did the "Honourable" Minister claim that the TTFA did not present a budget to the Ministry

Earlier this week, Sport Minister Brent Sancho told Wired868 that the local football had missed a March deadline to deliver audited accounts to the Government and had not submitted a proper budget for the year.

“We didn’t get anything with full costings from them,” said Sancho. “From what I remember, they just sent a gauge of what they have in mind, like two matches in June or early July, but nothing detailed.

“There is no information as to when, where and how much so it is not a budget from a Government standpoint.”

Only to reverse course and say they did, later on with no explanation?

Sancho, in contrast to an earlier statement, admitted the Sport Ministry had received a budget from TTFA official William Wallace that covered the senior Warriors’ 2015 Gold Cup and 2018 World Cup campaigns.

Same way he's now claiming that the MoS never received a request for a written proposal about the Women's League... when in fact an email was sent to you, asking for something in writing and you promised you would present something in writing... only for Sancho to now say no one asked for anything in writing.
« Last Edit: May 13, 2015, 07:52:14 AM by Bakes »

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Re: TTFA vows to pay Hart and Walkes but not remaining coaches
« Reply #16 on: May 13, 2015, 09:05:19 AM »
So the Rockets rebound I backing Clippers biggest Cinderella story since Cinderella.
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Re: TTFA vows to pay Hart and Walkes but not remaining coaches
« Reply #17 on: May 13, 2015, 09:48:55 AM »
So the Rockets rebound I backing Clippers biggest Cinderella story since Cinderella.

Nice try, Weary My Dear, It eh go wuk.

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Re: TTFA vows to pay Hart and Walkes but not remaining coaches
« Reply #18 on: May 13, 2015, 10:28:09 AM »
So the Rockets rebound I backing Clippers biggest Cinderella story since Cinderella.

Nice try, Weary My Dear, It eh go wuk.

I eh trying nutten how long we go talk bout the same ting. Let's talk Clippers
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Re: TTFA vows to pay Hart and Walkes but not remaining coaches
« Reply #19 on: May 13, 2015, 10:41:09 AM »
The reason you hear the years 2008-2012 is that TTFA are stating that the auditors need to reference them to complete 2012-2014. Apparently these were stored on one computer and not backed up anywhere. When TTFA was incorporated, they found TTFF had completed no audits since 2008. The Ministry of Sport does not require those years, TTFA's auditors do.

So let's try this again...

1. "which years audits were requested by Sancho?"

2. What has the "Honourable" Minister done to assist in the recovery of the data from the missing hard drive?

3. When Sancho became Minister there was already an agreement in place to pay the salaries of the coaches; why did he unilaterally decide to renege on that promise in order to attach his own stipulation for audits?

4. Why did the "Honourable" Minister claim that the TTFA did not present a budget to the Ministry

Earlier this week, Sport Minister Brent Sancho told Wired868 that the local football had missed a March deadline to deliver audited accounts to the Government and had not submitted a proper budget for the year.

“We didn’t get anything with full costings from them,” said Sancho. “From what I remember, they just sent a gauge of what they have in mind, like two matches in June or early July, but nothing detailed.

“There is no information as to when, where and how much so it is not a budget from a Government standpoint.”

Only to reverse course and say they did, later on with no explanation?

Sancho, in contrast to an earlier statement, admitted the Sport Ministry had received a budget from TTFA official William Wallace that covered the senior Warriors’ 2015 Gold Cup and 2018 World Cup campaigns.

Same way he's now claiming that the MoS never received a request for a written proposal about the Women's League... when in fact an email was sent to you, asking for something in writing and you promised you would present something in writing... only for Sancho to now say no one asked for anything in writing.

1. "which years audits were requested by Sancho?"  2012 onwards

2. What has the "Honourable" Minister done to assist in the recovery of the data from the missing hard drive?  Nothing. Why should he? They were legally seized. But according to a TTFA official, there were no audits after 2008. One thing that TTFF staff did very well was keep hard copies of receipts, invoices, bank statements and payment vouchers. Unless TTFF/TTFA misplaced these, everything is recoverable and should have been audited way before now. 

3. When Sancho became Minister there was already an agreement in place to pay the salaries of the coaches; why did he unilaterally decide to renege on that promise in order to attach his own stipulation for audits? Because it would be wrong to distribute funds to TTFA without them meeting certain criteria that every other sporting body must adhere to. For years people have demanded more accountability in sport. Here it is

4. Why did the "Honourable" Minister claim that the TTFA did not present a budget to the Ministry  Budgets have been presented for various competitions for various teams. Minister Sancho has never been presented with a TTFA annual budget detailing income and expenditure. Sheldon Phillips presented a business plan detailing how TTFA has managed down its debts and plans for future income generation.

I did receive a wats up message from Sheldon Phillips requesting a prospectus. This was sent to Sharon O'Brien as the TTFA representative for Women's Football.

I just don't understand why your "source" doesn't furnish you with this information as he (or she) would be aware of all of these answers already.

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Re: TTFA vows to pay Hart and Walkes but not remaining coaches
« Reply #20 on: May 13, 2015, 12:17:10 PM »
1. "which years audits were requested by Sancho?"  2012 onwards

The information I have is that 2008-2010 was also requested, you said I was "mislead", okay so be it.  Let's go with that, I was mislead.  Tim Kee says the audit will be presented by June, so let's wait and see what develops.

2. What has the "Honourable" Minister done to assist in the recovery of the data from the missing hard drive?  Nothing. Why should he? They were legally seized. But according to a TTFA official, there were no audits after 2008. One thing that TTFF staff did very well was keep hard copies of receipts, invoices, bank statements and payment vouchers. Unless TTFF/TTFA misplaced these, everything is recoverable and should have been audited way before now. 

The computers were legally seized, the intellectual property, creative works, administrative documents etc. were not subject to the lien.  I'm pretty sure if I you were to show me the court order it would state that only tangible property was to be seized.  Financial reports are not tangible property, but I guess I'm really not surprised that I need to explain that to you.  Why should Sancho assist in recovery of the data?  Because it was improperly seized by him and his cohorts, and now he's witholding funds from the FA on the basis of the audits, while hindering their ability to comply with his request by producing the audits.

3. When Sancho became Minister there was already an agreement in place to pay the salaries of the coaches; why did he unilaterally decide to renege on that promise in order to attach his own stipulation for audits? Because it would be wrong to distribute funds to TTFA without them meeting certain criteria that every other sporting body must adhere to. For years people have demanded more accountability in sport. Here it is

If it was "wrong" the then Minister of Sports would not have agreed to it.  The TTFA didn't say "we need government funding AND we insist on never producing an audit in exchange,"  Rupert Griffith in his capacity as MoS freely entered into an agreement, and agreement.  If Central FC sign a sponsor ship agreement with a company and it's authorized by Manager A, if Manager A leaves the company and Manager B comes along, Manager B can't terminate the sponsorship agreement or change it because he feels it was "wrong."  Simple concepts you struggling with.

4. Why did the "Honourable" Minister claim that the TTFA did not present a budget to the Ministry  Budgets have been presented for various competitions for various teams. Minister Sancho has never been presented with a TTFA annual budget detailing income and expenditure. Sheldon Phillips presented a business plan detailing how TTFA has managed down its debts and plans for future income generation.

"Minister Sancho" don't know what a budget is or what? A financial document "detailing income and expenditure" is not 'budget', that is a fiscal accounting or a financial audit.  A budget is a financial plan that shows how money is to be spent over a specific period.  If the TTFA is asking for financial support for "various competitions and various teams" and they present you with a break down of how the money is to be spent "on various competitions and various teams" then they have provided you a budget.  Sounds like you and the "Honourable" Minister playing smart with foolishness, asking for a an account of how the TTFA has been spending it's money in smart... aka asking for an audit.

I did receive a wats up message from Sheldon Phillips requesting a prospectus. This was sent to Sharon O'Brien as the TTFA representative for Women's Football.

I just don't understand why your "source" doesn't furnish you with this information as he (or she) would be aware of all of these answers already.

Oh you did receive a "wats up" message requesting a prospectus?  Because Sancho claims that the Ministry didn't receive a request for a proposal in writing.  So which one of you lying?  Or was the "wats up" message sent via smoke signals?

I just don't understand how you two Keystone Cops end up running a multi-million dollar Sports Ministry.  Actually, scratch that, I fully understand how political cronyism and pandering works, so never mind. 
Sharon O'Brien herself makes it clear that she functions in two roles and that Harford gave her a written proposal in her capacity as President of WoLF, not as a TTFA ExCo member.  You were directly asked by Phillips for a ‘prospectus’ and rather than send Phillips a prospectus, you had Harford send something to Sharon O’Brien.  Makes no sense except to Honourable Minister Dumb and his trusty sidekick, Dumber, and the next one, the proposal writer, Dumberer. 

O’Brien states that Harford said he’s send something in writing to the TTFA, which he never did, now all three of you, as usual trying to claim the TTFA lying.
Trinidad and Tobago WOLF (Women’s League Football) president Sharon O’Brien confirmed receipt of Harford’s written proposal but could not verify whether it got to Tim Kee. She pointed that although she is a TTFA executive committee member and WOLF is an affiliate of the TTFA, there is a formal separation between the two bodies.
“Harford gave it to me as the president of WOLF and he indicated to me that he would send it to Mr Phillips and Mr Tim Kee,” she said. “WOLF is an affiliate of the TTFA but we are a separate body.”
« Last Edit: May 13, 2015, 12:21:37 PM by Bakes »

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Re: TTFA vows to pay Hart and Walkes but not remaining coaches
« Reply #21 on: May 13, 2015, 12:23:08 PM »
1. "which years audits were requested by Sancho?"  2012 onwards

The information I have is that 2008-2010 was also requested, you said I was "mislead", okay so be it.  Let's go with that, I was mislead.  Tim Kee says the audit will be presented by June, so let's wait and see what develops.

2. What has the "Honourable" Minister done to assist in the recovery of the data from the missing hard drive?  Nothing. Why should he? They were legally seized. But according to a TTFA official, there were no audits after 2008. One thing that TTFF staff did very well was keep hard copies of receipts, invoices, bank statements and payment vouchers. Unless TTFF/TTFA misplaced these, everything is recoverable and should have been audited way before now. 

The computers were legally seized, the intellectual property, creative works, administrative documents etc. were not subject to the lien.  I'm pretty sure if I you were to show me the court order it would state that only tangible property was to be seized.  Financial reports are not tangible property, but I guess I'm really not surprised that I need to explain that to you.  Why should Sancho assist in recovery of the data?  Because it was improperly seized by him and his cohorts, and now he's witholding funds from the FA on the basis of the audits, while hindering their aity to comply with his request by producing the audits.

3. When Sancho became Minister there was already an agreement in place to pay the salaries of the coaches; why did he unilaterally decide to renege on that promise in order to attach his own stipulation for audits? Because it would be wrong to distribute funds to TTFA without them meeting certain criteria that every other sporting body must adhere to. For years people have demanded more accountability in sport. Here it is

If it was "wrong" the then Minister of Sports would not have agreed to it.  The TTFA didn't say "we need government funding AND we insist on never producing an audit in exchange,"  Rupert Griffith in his capacity as MoS freely entered into an agreement, and agreement.  If Central FC sign a sponsor ship agreement with a company and it's authorized by Manager A, if Manager A leaves the company and Manager B comes along, Manager B can't terminate the sponsorship agreement or change it because he feels it was "wrong."  Simple concepts you struggling with.

4. Why did the "Honourable" Minister claim that the TTFA did not present a budget to the Ministry  Budgets have been presented for various competitions for various teams. Minister Sancho has never been presented with a TTFA annual budget detailing income and expenditure. Sheldon Phillips presented a business plan detailing how TTFA has managed down its debts and plans for future income generation.

"Minister Sancho" don't know what a budget is or what? A financial document "detailing income and expenditure" is not 'budget', that is a fiscal accounting or a financial audit.  A budget is a financial plan that shows how money is to be spent over a specific period.  If the TTFA is asking for financial support for "various competitions and various teams" and they present you with a break down of how the money is to be spent "on various competitions and various teams" then they have provided you a budget.  Sounds like you and the "Honourable" Minister playing smart with foolishness, asking for a an account of how the TTFA has been spending it's money in smart... aka asking for an audit.

I did receive a wats up message from Sheldon Phillips requesting a prospectus. This was sent to Sharon O'Brien as the TTFA representative for Women's Football.

I just don't understand why your "source" doesn't furnish you with this information as he (or she) would be aware of all of these answers already.

Oh you did receive a "wats up" message requesting a prospectus?  Because Sancho claims that the Ministry didn't receive a request for a proposal in writing.  So which one of you lying?  Or was the "wats up" message sent via smoke signals?

I just don't understand how you two Keystone Cops end up running a multi-million dollar Sports Ministry.  Actually, scratch that, I fully understand how political cronyism and pandering works, so never mind. 
Sharon O'Brien herself makes it clear that she functions in two roles and that Harford gave her a written proposal in her capacity as President of WoLF, not as a TTFA ExCo member.  You were directly asked by Phillips for a ‘prospectus’ and rather than send Phillips a prospectus, you had Harford send something to Sharon O’Brien.  Makes no sense except to Honourable Minister Dumb and his trusty sidekick, Dumber, and the next one, the proposal writer, Dumberer. 

O’Brien states that Harford said he’s send something in writing to the TTFA, which he never did, now all three of you, as usual trying to claim the TTFA lying.
Trinidad and Tobago WOLF (Women’s League Football) president Sharon O’Brien confirmed receipt of Harford’s written proposal but could not verify whether it got to Tim Kee. She pointed that although she is a TTFA executive committee member and WOLF is an affiliate of the TTFA, there is a formal separation between the two bodies.
“Harford gave it to me as the president of WOLF and he indicated to me that he would send it to Mr Phillips and Mr Tim Kee,” she said. “WOLF is an affiliate of the TTFA but we are a separate body.”

And here comes the usual personal abuse when answers are provided.

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Re: TTFA vows to pay Hart and Walkes but not remaining coaches
« Reply #22 on: May 13, 2015, 01:05:10 PM »
And here comes the usual personal abuse when answers are provided.

What "personal abuse"?  You entered the discussion throwing words around about "hearsay" and "fantasy" when you could have simply just said "that's not exactly correct, this is what was actually asked for".  You are also the one talking about my "source" should have furnished me with since they already had the information.  Save the snide remarks if you know that you're sensitive to snide remarks in return.

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Re: TTFA vows to pay Hart and Walkes but not remaining coaches
« Reply #23 on: May 13, 2015, 10:36:43 PM »
And here comes the usual personal abuse when answers are provided.

What "personal abuse"?  You entered the discussion throwing words around about "hearsay" and "fantasy" when you could have simply just said "that's not exactly correct, this is what was actually asked for".  You are also the one talking about my "source" should have furnished me with since they already had the information.  Save the snide remarks if you know that you're sensitive to snide remarks in return.

Why you tryna make the thing political? It is clear you just don't like the party in power and the fact The Minister involved. But don't let that cloud simple common sense. You are getting simple answers and getting all defensive.

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Re: TTFA vows to pay Hart and Walkes but not remaining coaches
« Reply #24 on: May 14, 2015, 12:06:52 AM »
Why you tryna make the thing political? It is clear you just don't like the party in power and the fact The Minister involved. But don't let that cloud simple common sense. You are getting simple answers and getting all defensive.

At least yuh get one thing correct.  The rest so off base that it's not even worth my time addressing.

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Re: TTFA vows to pay Hart and Walkes but not remaining coaches
« Reply #25 on: May 14, 2015, 09:57:41 AM »

It would help if you actually had a clue about what you're talking about.  Sancho knows well what he's doing with that request for "accounting."  When the MoS agreed to pay the coaches last year there were no such conditions attached to the agreement by Rupert Griffith.  All of a sudden Sancho wants to see financial audits.  Audits have been prepared for 2012- present, the period since Tim Kee has been President, and made available to Sancho.  But Sancho not satisfied with that... he wants Tim Kee to provide audits for the period 2008-2010 as well.. coincidentally, the period when players allege most of the 2006 money went missing.  Not only is this a period for which Tim Kee isn't responsible (so why punish football unnecessarily by holding up the coaches' pay?), but Sancho and his cohorts took the computers which had the financial records stored on them.  Sancho on shit... and either you too dotish to connect the very obvious dots, or you trolling.  Smart money is on an equal helping of both.

This is how you respond to people? And when provided with answers you continue down the same path. Leave that stuff aside man. It is distracting when following the thread and trying to get up to speed with whats going on.
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Re: TTFA vows to pay Hart and Walkes but not remaining coaches
« Reply #26 on: May 14, 2015, 01:34:57 PM »
This is how you respond to people? And when provided with answers you continue down the same path. Leave that stuff aside man. It is distracting when following the thread and trying to get up to speed with whats going on.

I'll use my 'inside voice' next time... FOH

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Re: TTFA vows to pay Hart and Walkes but not remaining coaches
« Reply #27 on: May 14, 2015, 06:20:28 PM »
sorry to say this but not only tim kee is killing our football but also guys like sancho..

get rid of all of them if they can't get their house in order and progress our football...

when will this nonsense end, cut your losses and move, sancho talking about money but did the same to his players

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Re: TTFA vows to pay Hart and Walkes but not remaining coaches
« Reply #28 on: May 14, 2015, 06:51:48 PM »
sorry to say this but not only tim kee is killing our football but also guys like sancho..

get rid of all of them if they can't get their house in order and progress our football...

when will this nonsense end, cut your losses and move, sancho talking about money but did the same to his players

How Sancho killing football?

Where your pro team? Where your contribution to T&T football. Is only talk on here.
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John-Williams fails to honour director’s contract
« Reply #29 on: March 11, 2016, 06:14:46 AM »
TTFA faces another legal battle...John-Williams fails to honour director’s contract
By Walter Alibey (T&T Guardian)

The T&T Football Association (TTFA), under new president David John-Williams, is facing another legal battle for money owed to one of its employees.

Sources say the John-Williams administration has failed to honour the contract of Kendall Walkes, the association’s director of football, who has not been paid since the new president assumed office on November 30.

Walkes, who coached at West Chester University in the United States for 25 years and was a key component in the US Olympic Development Programme, and his family were uprooted from their United States base, and brought to Trinidad under the Raymond Tim Kee administration to take up his position.

The deal included a housing allowance and an attractive monthly salary, along with  other perks. Sources say Walkes’ presence in the TTFA has not met the approval of John-Williams.

“The president disagreed with almost everything in the contract,” one source said.

Walkes and his legal representatives Andre Lord and Melissa Roberts-John met with members of the TTFA, including John-Williams, his vice presidents Joanne Salazar and Ewing Davis and its legal team at the TTFA office at the Hasely Crawford Stadium, Mucurapo, last week.

Walkes’ concerns were heard and discussed and the TTFA promised a response by Tuesday. 

Up to yesterday, Walkes had no communication from the TTFA. “Walkes and his team feel the TTFA is not interested in settling the matter. They have decided to settle it in the court,” the source explained.

Apart from legal proceedings, it is understood Walkes’ team has also written to the general secretaries of the Confederation of North, Central America and Caribbean Football Federations (CONCACAF) and FIFA, the world governing body for football.

 The Guardian was told John-Williams appears interested in bringing in his own technical director and is therefore unwilling to accept Walkes. “John-Williams has his own way of doing things, which quite frankly is beginning to worry some of the very people who put him in office. It seems to be his way or the highway,” said the source.

“He has to start seeing the TTFA as a national association and not a club, this is not W Connection, this is Trinidad and Tobago football, and people are starting to think they made a mistake.”

Walkes took over from Anton Corneal who served the football association as technical director, assistant coach and youth development officer for almost six years, before he voluntarily retired over difficulty in receiving monies owed to him.

He has since filed legal action against the TTFA for $3.5 million. Apart from Corneal, ex-national midfielder Russell Latapy and Dutch coach Wim Rijsbergen have also sued the football federation over unpaid salaries.

Attempts to reach Walkes yesterday proved futile but John-Williams when contacted said he had no comment.

“I feel the one you should contact is Kendall Walkes and I will not be responding to anything he says either. My comment will come in the fullness of time.”
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