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TTFA president embroiled in Connection dispute.
« on: March 24, 2016, 01:54:07 AM »
TTFA president embroiled in Connection dispute; blamed for endangering Quintero’s career.
By Lasana Liburd (wired868).

Trinidad and Tobago Football Association (TTFA) president David John-Williams has allegedly broken his campaign promise to stakeholders of the local game and opened up his office to disrepute, after a string of emails suggest that he continues to conduct business at local Pro League club, DIRECTV W Connection, despite a clear conflict of interest.

And, arguably worse, John-Williams is accused of neglecting his legal responsibility as an employer to former Trinidad and Tobago National Under-17 and Under-20 Team player Dwight Quintero, whose right leg is in a cast at present.

Quintero was injured at a W Connection training session on 2 February 2016 and was taken to the hospital on the same evening by a relative.

Three days later, Dr Sergiy Adonin, a specialist orthopaedic surgeon from the Fracture & Orthopaedic Clinic in St Clair, advised that the talented 22 year old striker needed an urgent operation due to “severe ligamentous injury to the right ankle.”

The cost of the operation and medical care was given as TT$48,700.

Remarkably, it took Connection 10 days, according to Quintero’s attorney, Fulton Wilson, aunt, Nathalie Fournillier-Reyes and an email trail made available to Wired868, to even acknowledge the player’s well-being.

At Connection’s request, Quintero’s diagnosis was confirmed by Dr Terence Babwah, who is a TTFA employee and served as a FIFA medical officer at the Brazil 2014 World Cup.

Yet, five weeks later, W Connection are still refusing to pay—a position that was communicated via an email sent by the account of none other than John Williams himself.

Wilson said he operated in good faith throughout with the Pro League club and is baffled by Connection’s discourtesy and negligence.

“They have not fulfilled their contract with their player and it is harder to take because we would think they would want the player to recover as fast as possible,” Wilson told Wired868. “We sent an estimate (for the operation) to W Connection and David John-Williams indicated that he didn’t like how it was done. And he gave the impression that he would have used his resources to see that it would be done in a public health institution.

“But since then we have heard no word from him at all and the player is languishing as a result. The player cannot afford to pay a private institution (for the operation) with the small salary he gets.”

Wilson claimed that Connection’s behaviour is endangering his client’s health and ability to earn a livelihood from the sport.

“If you sustain an injury and it isn’t treated in time, you may or may not be as you ought to be after that,” said Wilson. “So that is a major concern. But I am just baffled by the lack of communication from the club.”

John-Williams’ role in the affair has not been lost on Quintero’s representative either.

The former W Connection owner vowed to step away from the club, once elected TTFA president, when he campaigned for the top administrative post in the local game last October.

And, after his election on 29 November 2015, John-Williams appeared to keep his word, as he announced that his daughter, Renee John-Williams, would inherit his portfolio.

However, although much of the TTFA president’s term so far has been marred by clashes with the “Soca Warriors”, technical director Kendall Walkes, former Women’s National Team coach Randy Waldrum and even Caribbean Football Union (CFU) president Gordon Derrick, John-Williams apparently still found time for W Connection business.

And John Williams did not endear himself to Quintero’s representatives either, after, in an email on 8 March 2016, he refused to pay for Quintero’s urgent operation due to “grey areas” that he wanted clarified.

Ironically, 15 days later, John-Williams is apparently yet to clarify the grey areas he referred to and Quintero’s aunt, Fournillier-Reyes, is concerned that the TTFA president is simply trying to avoid his responsibility.

“I think it is gross negligence on the club’s behalf,” Fournillier-Reyes told Wired868. “We have gotten no respect at all and it is six weeks and counting. Dwight cannot walk on his right foot and he has to keep it elevated and there is some swelling still.

“I am really disturbed that an established organisation can treat someone in their employ like that. And to think that that man is the president of Trinidad and Tobago’s football…”

Wired868 asked John-Williams why Connection was not footing Quintero’s medical bills. And why he, as TTFA president, was representing the club on the matter.

He refused to answer both questions.

“I will speak on that in the fullness of time,” said John-Williams. “I will speak on that and the (TTFA technical director) Kendall Walkes matter in the fullness of time.”

Clause eight of Quintero’s contract with W Connection states: “Any incapacity or sickness shall be reported by the Player to the Club immediately and the Club shall keep a record of any incapacity.

“The Player shall submit promptly to such medical and dental examinations as the Club may reasonably require and shall undergo, at no expense to himself such treatment as may be prescribed by the medical or dental advisers of the Club in order to restore the Player to fitness.

“The Club shall arrange promptly such prescribed treatment and shall ensure that such treatment is undertaken and completed without expense to the player notwithstanding that this Agreement expires after such treatment has been prescribed.”

The standoff between both parties over clause eight, potentially exposes the office of the TTFA president to the nightmare scenario that worried stakeholders when Williams announced his intention to succeed Raymond Tim Kee at the helm of the local game.

In an interview with Wired868, which was published on 26 November 2015, John-Williams vowed to win over skeptics by his actions.

“Nothing I say to the public, whether I resign as W Connection president and CEO or promise them faithfully that there will be no conflict of interest,” said John Williams, “Trinidad and Tobago will not believe me. (But) if I am elected and I operate faithfully, they will believe me. That is the only way.

“History will absolve me.”

Less than three months after that statement, John Williams’ sincerity is already open to debate as Quintero—one of the few Pro League players with legal representation—tries to have his contract with Connection honoured.

According to the terms of the player’s contract, he must first take his grievance to the Connection board.

If dissatisfied with the board’s verdict, Quintero can then appeal to the Pro League. Connection are shareholders of that football body while John Williams appointed Pro League CEO Dexter Skeene as head of the TTFA’s Technical Committee.

Should Quintero not feel that he received justice from the Pro League, he must then appeal to the TTFA. And John Williams is responsible for appointing the Appeals Committee that will hear the case against himself.

If Quintero remains aggrieved, he may then appeal to the FIFA Player Status Committee.

Less than a week before Quintero sustained his ankle injury, John Williams hosted new FIFA president, Gianni Infantino, in a private meeting in Trinidad and subsequently offered a public endorsement of the Swiss/Italian lawyer for his new post.

It is only when Quintero has exhausted those legal options—which come with legal fees at every hurdle—can he turn to the Court of Arbitration for Sport and/or the local courts, in a worst case scenario.

At present, Quintero’s relatives, who include his father, Dereck Quintero, mother, Lesley Ann Quintero, and aunts, Tamara Fournillier and Fournillier-Reyes, have already spent in excess of TT$4,000 on medical fees and are planning fund raisers to get the TT$47,000 needed for his operation. Aunt Tamara is a nurse at the Port of Spain General Hospital.

For Quintero, the past 12 months have been the toughest of his career to date.

The striker was one of seven players—along with Jibiri McDavid, Alvin Jones, Maurice Ford, Dario Holmes, Triston Hodge and Nathaniel Garcia—who were selected to represent Trinidad and Tobago for the Rio 2016 Olympic qualifying series, only to be omitted due to visa issues exacerbated by cock ups from team manager David Muhammad.

The weakened “Soca Warriors” Under-23 Team were subsequently eliminated after just one game, following a 5-3 loss to St Vincent and the Grenadines.

Quintero, who was then a Central FC employee, then missed his club’s maiden Caribbean Club Championship title, after suffering an x-rated tackle in a Pro Bowl semifinal fixture with Police FC, which left him with three stitches over his shinbone.

Once recovered, Quintero opted to skip the Toronto 2015 Pan American Games and headed instead to Turkey for trials with local agent Dion Sosa, in what turned out to be an exciting but chaotic and ultimately unsuccessful tour.

He returned to a contractual dispute with Central, which, handled by Wilson, led to his move to their bitter Couva rivals, W Connection, on a free transfer.

Connection beat Central to the first two cups of the 2015/16 season—the First Citizens and Toyota Classic Cups—and Quintero played a role in both triumphs.

But disaster struck at a training session on February 2, as Quintero dribbled past a Panamanian trialist at the club.

“We were doing a 1 v 1 drill and I got past the defender,” Quintero told Wired868, “and, when I was going to shoot, I got tackled from behind and I could feel my ankle twist.

“When that happened, I got instant swelling and I stopped training.”

Connection were in camp at the time, so Quintero retired to his hotel room with an ice pack.

“We had a double session that day and, for the evening session, I still couldn’t train,” said Quintero. “Coach (Stuart Charles-Fevrier) said if it it didn’t get better, he would send me to get an X-ray the next day. I told coach that I spoke to my aunt and she works in the hospital and that I iced my foot for the whole day and I wasn’t getting any relief.

“So I told him my cousin was coming to take me to the hospital. And he said no problem and when I got it done to contact him.”

So, Connection left Quintero’s healthcare in the hands of the player’s relatives.

« Last Edit: March 27, 2016, 07:17:29 AM by Flex »
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Re: TTFA president embroiled in Connection dispute.
« Reply #1 on: March 24, 2016, 04:42:27 AM »
I really hate this f00cking Clown-John.

He promise Keron Cummings help too.

When saying so, I wonder how come they didn't catch the guy or even have an investigation going on for the guy who shoot Cummings?

This guy operating like a football mafia.

He is using T&T football to benefit W Connection so his family could make millions.

Quintero got injured training for W Connection, they responsible.

I hope Quintero take them to court and burn them for even more.

If a foreign club did buy Quintero, yuh woulda see how fast Clown Williams woulda jump up to get his transfer money.

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Re: TTFA president embroiled in Connection dispute.
« Reply #2 on: March 24, 2016, 05:07:04 AM »
What getting me is this is about the 3rd or 4th time I hearing him using "in the fullness of time" which was a patented Jack Warner turn of phrase

 :-[  ???  :cursing:

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Re: TTFA president embroiled in Connection dispute.
« Reply #3 on: March 24, 2016, 05:41:06 AM »
What getting me is this is about the 3rd or 4th time I hearing him using "in the fullness of time" which was a patented Jack Warner turn of phrase

 :-[  ???  :cursing:

Ent, try talking to the guy now, is like a hurry off convo and then his famous phase (like you mentioned).

They just doing as they please without remorse.

Maybe he thinks being silent will make things better or give them more respect?

In the fullness of time never reaches...


The real measure of a man's character is what he would do if he knew he would never be found out.

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Re: TTFA president embroiled in Connection dispute.
« Reply #4 on: March 24, 2016, 08:34:21 AM »
What getting me is this is about the 3rd or 4th time I hearing him using "in the fullness of time" which was a patented Jack Warner turn of phrase

 :-[  ???  :cursing:

I was thinking the same thing...
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Offline weary1969

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Re: TTFA president embroiled in Connection dispute.
« Reply #5 on: March 24, 2016, 08:52:49 AM »
All yuh fell for his mamaguy. He said in his interview he would mamaguy people.
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Offline Sam

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Re: TTFA president embroiled in Connection dispute.
« Reply #6 on: March 24, 2016, 10:19:21 AM »
All yuh fell for his mamaguy. He said in his interview he would mamaguy people.

So in odda words, he sell we nuts for chana?


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Re: TTFA president embroiled in Connection dispute.
« Reply #7 on: March 24, 2016, 01:25:51 PM »
What getting me is this is about the 3rd or 4th time I hearing him using "in the fullness of time" which was a patented Jack Warner turn of phrase

 :-[  ???  :cursing:

I was thinking the same thing...
True ting!

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Re: TTFA president embroiled in Connection dispute.
« Reply #8 on: March 24, 2016, 09:01:56 PM »
TTFA president embroiled in Connection dispute; blamed for endangering Quintero’s career.
By Lasana Liburd (wired868).

Clause eight of Quintero’s contract with W Connection states: “Any incapacity or sickness shall be reported by the Player to the Club immediately and the Club shall keep a record of any incapacity.

“The Player shall submit promptly to such medical and dental examinations as the Club may reasonably require and shall undergo, at no expense to himself such treatment as may be prescribed by the medical or dental advisers of the Club in order to restore the Player to fitness.

“The Club shall arrange promptly such prescribed treatment and shall ensure that such treatment is undertaken and completed without expense to the player notwithstanding that this Agreement expires after such treatment has been prescribed.”

The standoff between both parties over clause eight, potentially exposes the office of the TTFA president to the nightmare scenario that worried stakeholders when Williams announced his intention to succeed Raymond Tim Kee at the helm of the local game.

Read More


I think it is poor reporting when the actual key question is never really addressed.

all kinda side stories to paint one character in one light and another in another.

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Quintero v Connection: the email trail in legal dispute that featured TTFA president.
By Lasana Liburd (wired868).

On 5 February 2016, three days after former Trinidad and Tobago national youth team striker Dwight Quintero hobbled out of a W Connection training session following a rough tackle, he received official news of the damage.

Dr Sergiy Adonin, a specialist orthopaedic surgeon from the Fracture & Orthopaedic Clinic in St Clair, declared that the injury was serious and “likely to need surgery as soon as possible.” He recommended “urgent pre-operative on the right ankle” to determine the extent of the injury and “an orthotic device as soon as possible.”

“Please help to organise the aforementioned procedures on urgent basis,” stated Adonin.

Quintero’s attorney, Fulton Wilson, forwarded the information to W Connection chairman Renee John-Williams. His aunt, Tamara Fournillier, phoned Connection coach Stuart Charles-Fevrier on several occasions—copies of her phone records were sent to Wired868—without success.

Annoyed, Quintero’s family paid to begin the medical procedures on the Connection employee.

On February 8, the Fracture & Orthopaedic Clinic presented an invoice to “Team Quintero” for the necessary medical procedures, which totalled TT$48,700. This was also forwarded to Connection.

Again, according to Team Quintero, there was no response.

On February 15, Renee responded via email and asked for a second opinion with a doctor of the club’s choice.

“I have been in receipt of the medical reports regarding Dwight Quintero,” stated Renee. “We have made arrangements for him to be assessed by Dr (Terence) Babwah on Thursday at 10.45 am at his clinic.

“Can you advise if this date and time works so that we can move forward with the necessary treatment?”

As Trinidad and Tobago Football Association (TTFA) team doctor and with Renee’s father and ex-Connection chairman, David John-Williams, as TTFA president, Dr Terence Babwah’s role in this matter raises several questions.

Was he paid by Connection? Did he diagnose Quintero for free as a favour to the TTFA president?

Was the cost of the visit meant to be repaid in cash or kind by the local football body?

Wilson agreed to send Quintero to see Dr Babwah but aired his displeasure with Connection’s behaviour.

“You may or may not be aware that this, unfortunately, is the first kind of any communication made by anyone representing the Club with respect to our client’s very serious injury,” Wilson told Renee. “Our client indicated that no one from the Club took him for medical attention immediately after the injury was inflicted and that remains the case up until today, notwithstanding the fact that he is effectively immobile.”

Renee responded that she had discussed the matter with W Connection head coach Stuart Charles-Fevrier and assistant coach Earl Jean, although she got the time of the injury and Quintero’s trip to the hospital wrong. She said she had been on maternity leave.

“Earl did copy me on his response to you following receipt of your email however I have been out of office on maternity leave,” said Renee. “(…) Earl said that he did attempt to contact Dwight, however there was no answer.

“We would like for Dwight to have the necessary treatment done as early as possible to so that he can be back on the playing field… We will follow up with him as well as with the Dr after his appointment.”

On February 19, Wilson rebutted Renee’s suggestions.

“Mr Quintero’s aunt, Tamara Fournillier, called Mr Charles-Fervier on many occasions on (February) 3rd to provide him with an update with respect to Mr Quintero’s condition,” said Wilson. “However those calls went unanswered. The Club’s response to my client’s injury to date leaves a lot to be desired. The situation was aggravated by the inaccurate report provided to you by officials of the Club. It is most unfortunate.

“Our client says he received no calls from the officials from the Clubs. If calls were made from any Club official no messages were left.

“Please see the scanned version of the receipt with respect to a MRI taken by Mr Quintero and kindly make arrangement for the reimbursement of same.”

Renee, according to Wilson, did not respond to the MRI receipt or a follow-up email. Nor did she authorise reimbursement for Quintero’s expenses.

On February 25, Dr Babwah recommended surgery for Quintero.

“Due to the diastasis of the tibia and fibula he should see the orthopaedic surgeon again,” wrote Dr Babwah. “(He) may need a screw to hold bones together.”

Although Connection recommended Dr Babwah, it was Wilson who had to forward his diagnoses to Renee on February 25. Wilson asked for confirmation of receipt of the email but, again, there was no sign of a response.

On February 29, Quintero had a review consultation at the Fracture & Orthopaedic Clinic and was advised to undergo surgery by a third doctor, Dr Derrick Lousaing. He was advised that the Clinic’s foot and ankle surgeon would be in Trinidad from March 4 to 9 and he should operate then.

“It is my view because of his professional career, he requires an arthroscopy and syndesmotic assessment and possible distal tibiofibular joint stabilisation in order to return to sport at the highest level,” said Dr Lousaing. “(…) I have suggested, however, that our foot and ankle surgeon will be here from March 4 to March 19, 2016 and he should be seen by him…

“If there is concurrence on the same, then we will proceed with the arthroscopy and syndesmotic stabilisation on Wednesday March 9, 2016.”

Wilson emailed Renee again on the same day and, this time, copied Jean, Fevrier and the TTFA president.

“I am still awaiting an acknowledgment of receipt of my previous emails,” said Wilson. “Attached is the latest medical report concerning my client which is self-explanatory. Kindly let me know whether you are still on maternity leave.

“The Club’s response to my client’s serious injury has been extremely poor.”

On March 1, Renee responded to say the diagnosis was “duly noted” and that she was handing the matter over to her father and the TTFA president, John-Williams.

“Your correspondence has been received and its contents duly noted,” said Renee. “Yes, I am still on maternity leave. Mr David John-Williams will handle this matter going forward.”

It was 28 days after Quintero’s injury and three weeks since the Fracture & Orthopaedic Clinic recommended an “urgent” operation for the footballer.

Still, despite the dire warnings of the threat to Quintero’s future career, Connection apparently remain silent.

On March 8, the day before the operation, Wilson emailed John-Williams and urged him, on behalf of Connection, to take responsibility for the pending medical bill. He attached clause eight of Quintero’s contract for ease of reference.

Clause eight of Quintero’s contract with W Connection states: “Any incapacity or sickness shall be reported by the Player to the Club immediately and the Club shall keep a record of any incapacity.

“The Player shall submit promptly to such medical and dental examinations as the Club may reasonably require and shall undergo, at no expense to himself such treatment as may be prescribed by the medical or dental advisers of the Club in order to restore the Player to fitness.

“The Club shall arrange promptly such prescribed treatment and shall ensure that such treatment is undertaken and completed without expense to the player notwithstanding that this Agreement expires after such treatment has been prescribed.”

“Mr Williams, I have taken the liberty to forward this email sent to me by Tamara Fournillier, Mr Quintero’s aunt,” said Wilson. “I have also sent an extract of Mr Quintero’s contract for obvious reasons. The surgery is scheduled for tomorrow.

“Kindly liaise with Dr Lousaing with respect to payment for the cost of the surgery as a matter of urgency. Thank you.”

The TTFA president responded via email just once and it was a knife to the heart of the player and his family.

“Dear Sir, unless we have a discussion about this matter we cannot accept responsibility for paying the proposed bill,” John-Williams told Quintero’s attorney. “There are a lot of grey areas to be clarify. I am prepared to meet as early as tomorrow to sort out the grey areas.”

Wilson said he could not meet on March 9, due to court appointments. Since then, he claimed to have tried unsuccessfully to get the TTFA president to explain what grey areas he referenced as a reason not to take care of the Connection player.

On more than one occasion, the two parties could not agree on a mutually acceptable time and place.

The last email from the club, shown to Wired868, was on March 14. Once more, Renee advised Quintero’s attorney that her father would represent Connection.

“Mr Wilson, Mr John-Williams is available to meet with you any time after 4 pm once your schedule permits,” stated Renee. “Kindly advise.”

Wilson replied that he was unavailable and unwilling to meet anywhere but in Port of Spain. And the communication trail went cold.

“The injury was sustained when he was working for W Connection,” said Wilson, “and the clause said ‘we will take care of all medical cases’. There is no question in my mind that they have breached their contract with the player…

“What are the grey areas when a player sustains an injury while with the club and needs medical attention? They are throwing red herrings.

“A player is injured, he needs treatment, it is your responsibility, sort him out! It is a very straightforward issue.”

John-Williams declined comment when asked why Connection was not footing Quintero’s medical bills and why he, as TTFA president, was representing the club on the matter.

Wilson sees no way but litigation for the matter now while Quintero’s family try to raise funds to get him the operation that should salvage his career.

Connection have paid Quintero’s salary in the interim. And, should the player recover from injury, he would be obliged to rejoin the club.

If Quintero tries to use their supposed breach of contract to free himself from the “Savonetta Boys”, his case would be heard by the Pro League and, potentially, the TTFA. John-Williams wields significant influence in both organisations while he also used the TTFA’s vote to ingratiate himself to the new FIFA president, Gianni Infantino.

“It is sadly disappointing that someone who is responsible for the running of Trinidad and Tobago football and the well-being of the country’s players,” said Quintero’s aunt, Nathalie Fournillier-Reyes, “can treat someone like this.”

Quintero, according to Fournillier-Reyes, was born to play football.

On 20 January 1994, she held her newborn nephew for the first time and named him after her then friend and Trinidad and Tobago football icon Dwight Yorke, who was an Aston Villa player at the time.

“(Quintero) was my mother’s first grandchild and, when I held him for the first time in the Port of Spain hospital, he literally dribbled a lot,” said Nathalie Fournillier-Reyes. “I used that figuratively to say he would be a great football player. I was a good friend of Dwight at the time and I named him after (Yorke).

“From the time (Quintero) started walking, he was always obsessed with football.”

Quintero’s favourite player as a boy was Russell Latapy. But he became a striker like his namesake.

“From as long as I could remember, I wanted to be a professional player,” said Quintero. “From since I was in Blanchisseuse Primary School.”

Quintero went to El Dorado East Secondary in 2006, just months after Yorke captained the Soca Warriors at the Germany World Cup. And, at just 12 years old, he chose his path.

His parents lived in Blanchisseuse and he would not be able to attend training or play games for the school team and still be able to get transport home. So, for every year during the football season, he moved in with aunt Tamara at her rented home in Arouca.

“It was either that or I didn’t play football,” said Quintero. “Transportation from Blanchisseuse was hard and it wouldn’t have worked out if I had stayed in Blanchisseuse.”

Remarkably, he broke into the El Dorado first team, which was essentially an under-20 outfit, at just 12 years old and while still a form one student. He played alongside future 2009 World Cup forward Jamal Gay in his maiden SSFL season.

By 15, Quintero was selected on the Trinidad and Tobago National Under-17 Team while, three years later, he advanced to the National Under-20 Team.

At 19 years old, he was considered such a hot commodity that Trinidad and Tobago’s record goal scorer, Stern John, offered to help him agree terms as Central successfully convinced him to sign his first professional contract.

Now, three years later, he is already trying save his career.

“This injury and the way everything is happening is my worst experience ever as a footballer,” Quintero told Wired868. “The clubs here always talk about players being professional. But when it is time for them to be professional…”

Fournillier-Reyes said Quintero’s family are extremely frustrated and disappointed.

“It is a serious injury being treated like a prick on the finger,” she said. “Mr John-Williams has not pursued it or made no arrangements whatsoever, even if he said he didn’t want to pay to do it at the clinic but could arrange for it to be done at the public hospital.

“The situation has not been addressed as a matter of urgency at all. It is almost as if they think they can just stay quiet and the whole thing will go away.”

At 9.24 am on Thursday March 24, roughly five hours after Wired868 revealed details of the conflict in Part One, Renee—rather than her father and the TTFA president—contacted Wilson via email.

And Team Quintero was shocked to hear that W Connection was suddenly pushing to have the player treated at a private institution. There was no mention of the “grey areas” that John-Williams referenced three weeks ago.

“Mr Wilson, the club has been working to have Dwight’s surgery scheduled with Orthopedic Surgeon Dr David Santana,” stated Renee, “who is available at 9 am next Tuesday 29th March at his clinic in St. Augustine—141 Eastern Main Road—Caribbean Body Sculpture Ltd.

“Dwight is required to fast from midnight. Dr Santana’s number is 6xx-xxxx and has requested to meet with Dwight this evening at 6 pm with his X-rays. Kindly confirm if Dwight will be attending.”

The email caused a desperate scramble by Quintero and his representatives. From his Blanchisseuse home, unable to walk unaided and without a vehicle, the Connection player had to find a taxi that would take him to St Augustine, wait and carry him back home.

The only driver willing to take the job offered him a price of TT$500.

Wilson advised his client not to pay just yet until he could confirm with Dr Santana. But it was an exercise in futility for the attorney while Quintero and his driver remained on standby in Blanchisseuse.

At 3.58 pm, Wilson emailed Renee again.

“I have attempted to contact the doctor on several occasions to see whether he can see Mr Quintero at a later time today,” stated Wilson. “(Your) email to me with respect to the arrangements was late. He is in Blanchisseuse and has to make arrangements for transport.

“I have advised (him) not to make the trip until the doctor contacts me. I left a voicemail message with the doctor and I am awaiting word from him.”

Renee responded at 5.02 pm.

“Mr Wilson, my email was sent at 9.12 am advising of the arrangements made with the Doctor,” said the Connection official. “I would hardly consider that late. It is now 5 pm.

“I do hope that Dwight keeps his appointment, keeping in mind that this is a long weekend.”

Wilson retorted at 5.23 pm:

“I am aware of when the email was sent. Mr Quintero lives in Blanchisseuse. He has to arrange transport. I have indicated to you that I have attempted to contact the doctor to no avail. I left a message on his phone…

“I cannot assume the doctor will be at the institution at the time Mr Quintero gets there. We don’t want to waste time bearing in mind that he is injured, is coming from Blanchisseuse and has been in pain since the injury occurred weeks ago. .

“You really ought to take the initiative and call the doctor as I cannot get through to him and confirm that he is at the institution and is still prepared to see Mr Quintero (who) has to use the aid of crutches to move around. I await word from you.”

As it turned out, Dr Santana was not available.

“I did attempt to contact the doctor when you mentioned difficulties in getting on to him and experienced the same,” said Renee, at 5.44 pm. “I have just been able to speak with him and he has advised that, on review of the MRI report, he would prefer to see Dwight on Tuesday morning for a proper assessment along with the MRI film at 10 am.

“He will not be available later this evening due to works being done on his office.”

Renee declined the opportunity to comment on the timeline for Quintero’s treatment and W Connection’s conduct in the affair.

“I will not comment on this matter,” said Renee.

And there the story ends for now.

With any luck, Quintero will finally have his operation sometime before the end of March. At the time of publication, it is 52 days since the former Trinidad and Tobago National Under-20 striker was injured at a W Connection training session on 2 February 2016.

And it is 49 days since Dr Adonin, a specialist orthopaedic surgeon from the Fracture & Orthopaedic Clinic in St Clair, advised that the former El Dorado East Secondary student had suffered “severe ligamentous injury to the right ankle.” and needed surgery “as soon as possible.”

« Last Edit: March 31, 2016, 03:02:21 AM by Flex »

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This is a good youth...allyuh doh fuhget him.
He Is Highly

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Scum bag movements by W Connection and all connected parties.  Earl Jean defending like he name get call in the failure to address the situation properly smh

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David things he is untouchable.

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I hope they get a good lawyer and peal him dry.

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Re: TTFA president embroiled in Connection dispute.
« Reply #15 on: April 07, 2016, 02:51:30 AM »
Quintero has operation; Connection vow to welcome back striker after lengthy impasse.
By Lasana Liburd (wired868)

DIRECTV W Connection forward and former Trinidad and Tobago national youth team player Dwight Quintero finally underwent surgery on his right ankle yesterday, after a near two-month stand off between the player, his relatives and attorney and a Connection contingent that included Trinidad and Tobago Football Association (TTFA) president and ex-Connection chairman David John-Williams.

Quintero had reconstructive ligament surgery and screws inserted into his foot. The initial prognosis was the forward, who helped Central FC to their maiden Pro League title last year, should be back on his feet within three months.

However, he will take an X-ray on Friday for a more accurate timeline.

Quintero’s mother, Lesley Ann Quintero, aunt, Tamara Fournillier, uncle, Rojér Fournillier, and girlfriend, Darnelle Mejias, were at the player’s side for the operation.

“The doctor said everything went very well,” said Quintero’s aunt, Nathalie Fournillier-Reyes, who is based in the United States. “They put in screws in his foot… His recovery is dependent on how his body responds to the whole thing. They are returning on Friday to remove the stitches and take an X-ray.”

Fournillier-Reyes said her nephew was relieved to have undergone the procedure and is anxious to resume his professional career. However, there is still anxiety as to what the operation might mean for his future in the game.

“My sister said the first thing he said after waking up from the procedure was: Am I going to play football again?” Fournillier-Reyes told Wired868. “He fell back asleep before they could answer and then he woke up and asked the same question again.

“When I spoke to him, I could hear the relief in his voice. The anaesthesia had worn out and he was in pain. But it sounded like I was talking to a new person and I could tell a huge weight was lifted off his shoulders.

“He is delighted that this is behind him and he is looking forward to a full recovery. He can’t wait to start physical therapy.”

Quintero has already received an email from Connection chairperson Renee John-Williams, which enquired about his condition and wished him a speedy recovery.

The sentiments were welcomed but, according to Fournillier-Reyes, also raised eyebrows within “Team Quintero” in the wake of a two month saga between the two parties. The family had complained that his employers showed a lack of care for the gifted attacker during his darkest moments.

Connection assistant coach, Earl Jean, insisted that the technical staff would welcome the former El Dorado East Secondary student back into their ranks.

“It is good to know the operation was successful because that was the most important thing,” said Jean. “Whatever issues the club had with Dwight and his attorney and aunt or whatever, he is our player. And Dwight is a player that we always wanted in our club.

“We don’t have any issues with Dwight and, once he wants to work with us, we will welcome him back with open arms.”

Quintero was injured at a Connection training session on 2 February 2016 and was urged to operate immediately by Dr Sergiy Adonin, a specialist orthopaedic surgeon from the Fracture & Orthopaedic Clinic in St Clair.

However, Connection were slow to respond to messages from Quintero’s relatives and attorney Fulton Wilson, then insisted on a second opinion by TTFA medic Dr Terrence Babwah—which matched the initial diagnosis—before the TTFA President, acting on behalf of the club, refused to pay on the grounds of unspecified “grey areas.”

By his involvement, John-Williams arguably broke a campaign promise to not involve himself in Connection business, so as to avoid a conflict of interest between his two posts.

Connection reversed its stance on paying for Quintero’s operation within hours of the story going public on the Wired868 website on March 24. And the operation was eventually done on April 2.

Quintero and his relatives are said to be very nervous as to the possible ramifications of the lengthy delay in having the operation.

Dwight Quintero timeline

February 2: Quintero hobbles out of a W Connection training session and is taken to the hospital by his cousin, after a club official dropped him to meet his relative.

February 5: Dr Sergiy Adonin declares that the injury is serious and “likely to need surgery as soon as possible.” He recommends “urgent pre-operative on the right ankle” to determine the extent of the injury and “an orthotic device as soon as possible.”

Quintero’s attorney, Fulton Wilson, forwards the information to Connection chairperson Renee John-Williams, who is the daughter of the TTFA president. Frustrated by an inability to reach club officials, Quintero’s family paid the medical costs incurred thus far.

February 8: The Fracture & Orthopaedic Clinic gives Quintero an invoice for the necessary medical procedures, which totalled TT$48,700. This is also forwarded to Connection. Again, according to Team Quintero, there is no response.

February 15: W Connection finally makes an official response, as Renee requests a second opinion with a doctor of the club’s choice, Dr Terence Babwah.

February 25: Dr Babwah recommends surgery for Quintero and explains: “Due to the diastasis of the tibia and fibula he should see the orthopaedic surgeon again, (he) may need a screw to hold bones together.”

Quintero’s attorney sends diagnosis to Renee but, again, there is no response.

February 29: Quintero has a review consultation at the Fracture & Orthopaedic Clinic and is advised to undergo surgery by a third doctor, Dr Derrick Lousaing. The Clinic advises the Connection employee to operate between March 4 and 9 when their foot and ankle surgeon would be in the country.

March 1: Renee says, via email, that Dr Lousaing’s diagnosis is “duly noted” and advises she is on maternity leave and is handing the matter over to her father and the TTFA president.

March 8: On the day before the operation, Quintero’s attorney emails the TTFA president and urges him to take responsibility for the pending medical bill in keeping with clause eight of the player’s contract.

John-Williams refuses to do so in an emailed response: “Dear Sir, unless we have a discussion about this matter we cannot accept responsibility for paying the proposed bill. There are a lot of grey areas to be clarify (sic). I am prepared to meet as early as tomorrow to sort out the grey areas.”

March 14: The two parties still have not met and Quintero’s attorney vents his frustration: “The injury was sustained when he was working for W Connection and the clause said ‘we will take care of all medical cases’. There is no question in my mind that they have breached their contract with the player…

“What are the grey areas when a player sustains an injury while with the club and needs medical attention? They are throwing red herrings.”

March 24: Wired868 runs the first in an exclusive two-part series on Connection’s refusal to pay for Quintero’s operation. Within a few hours, Renee emails player’s attorney—at 9.24 am—and says the club: “has been working to have Dwight’s surgery scheduled with Orthopaedic Surgeon Dr David Santana who is available at 9 am next Tuesday 29th March…”

March 25: Wired868 runs the second and final part of its exclusive series on Quintero’s impasse with the club, which reveals emails from both parties including TTFA president John-Williams.

April 2: Quintero undergoes surgery on his right ankle at the Caribbean Body Sculpture Ltd.

April 3: Connection assistant coach Earl Jean assures Wired868 that Quintero would be welcomed back at the club with open arms, as soon as he is fit to return.

April 4th

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Re: TTFA president embroiled in Connection dispute.
« Reply #16 on: April 07, 2016, 04:24:06 AM »
My biggest hope is that no ill effects happen due to the length of time this took to be done. W Connection and DJW should be ashamed here. If this injury was life threatening he would have died while they concerned about "grey areas".

I got injured on the job while performing my duties as an employee and the employer thinks he shouldn't pay because of " grey areas? ". So who should? And for two months?

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