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Author Topic: FIFA freezes TTFA funding; KPMG suspends services while football staff unpaid  (Read 14280 times)

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FIFA freezes TTFA funding; KPMG suspends services while football staff unpaid
By Lasana Liburd (Wired868.com)

The Trinidad and Tobago Football Association (TTFA) is in the midst of another financial crisis after FIFA confirmed that it has frozen its annual US$250,000 (approximately TT $1.5 million) subvention to the local body while the TTFA’s auditor, KPMG, has also suspended its services.

As a result, the TTFA’s administrative staff has not been paid since June. And, worse, without KPMG’s assistance, the football body has no chance of meeting the criteria for funding set by FIFA or the Ministry of Sport.

Yet, on the surface, TTFA president Raymond Tim Kee and general secretary Sheldon Phillips present a facade of calm and progress, as they recently embarked on a media tour to boast of their leadership.

Last Friday, the football body announced a marketing deal with Clever Advertising and the launch of their “Being a Warrior begins here” campaign. No financial details were provided and media personnel present were not allowed to ask questions during the “interactive segment.”

Phillips confirmed to Wired868 that the TTFA has not paid its office staff since June.

“Yes, we have not been able to pay the staff for July because our funding has not come through from FIFA as yet,” Phillips told Wired868. “Also we were forced to spend $650,000 that we had not budgeted for as the Ministry was supposed to have paid for our travel… And also the remainder of the subvention is to be discussed.”

Phillips refused to give details regarding FIFA’s actions, though.

“Raymond (Tim Kee) is the best person to get details on that particular issue,” he said. “I will have him call you.”

Tim Kee did not return any calls to his mobile phone or respond to a presumed prompt by Phillips.

However, Wired868 can confirm that the TTFA’s problems are directly related to its own accounting issues.

FIFA releases just over US$250,000 (approximately TT $1.5 million) annually to its member association under the Financial Assistance Programme (FAP), which is paid in four tranches. However, that payment was not wired to Trinidad in July.

A FIFA spokesman told Wired868 that it had turned off the tap due to the TTFA’s failure to provide audited accounts.

“As mentioned to you previously, in accordance with the General Regulations for FIFA Development Programmes, all member associations including the TTFA have to comply with certain standard procedures,” stated FIFA, via an email, “such as internal financial audits in order to receive funds corresponding to the Financial Assistance Programme (FAP) and other FIFA development programmes.

“Financial assistance and approval of new programmes to the TTFA are currently on hold awaiting full compliance.”

According to the General Regulations for FIFA Development Programmes, Tim Kee and Phillips were duty-bound to provide audited financial statements approved by the TTFA executive and presented to its general assembly.

The TTFA audit, according to FIFA, should have been up to December 2014 and ought to have landed in Zurich by 31 March 2015. But, up until 22 May 2015, the football body had only done audited statements up until 2008.

Ironically, Tim Kee blasted Sport Minister Brent Sancho for his initial refusal to release taxpayers’ money to the football money without the proper audited statements. After a two-month stand off, Sancho relented and resumed State funding for the TTFA.

FIFA has so far refused to be as lenient and, with president Sepp Blatter on the way out, there is no more patience for the excuse that it is all the fault of ex-FIFA vice president Jack Warner.

It has been four years since Warner quit all his football posts and three years since 13 World Cup 2006 players took several accounting documents out of the TTFA’s headquarters during a court ordered levy.

Tim Kee has repeatedly said he inherited a financial mess at the TTFA that was not of his own making. Arguably, the TTFA’s constitution says otherwise.

Under the current constitution, which should be formally replaced within the next two months, the TTFA’s vice presidents are assigned specific responsibility for one of three areas: Technical Matters and Development, Funding and Finance, and Competitions and Tournaments.

For more than a decade, Tim Kee had direct responsibility for “Funding and Finance” at the TTFA, including the controversial period before and after the 2006 World Cup.

And, although Tim Kee claimed he did the 2006 “Soca Warriors” a favour by helping them to receive a settlement for money owed through a World Cup bonus agreement, he had more than a passing responsibility for the football body’s finances at a time when the TTFF gave the players bogus income statements related to the prestigious FIFA competition.

Tim Kee is also the PNM treasurer and Port of Spain Mayor. And, with Trinidad and Tobago’s general elections looming in 2015, there is concern that, should the PNM replace the People’s Partnership, the TTFA president might hope to use taxpayers’ money to cover for the financial irregularities within the football body.

Still, Tim Kee and, by extension, the TTFA are not the only culpable parties.

FIFA violated its own FAP rules for over a decade as it continued to fund the TTFA despite the local body’s failure to fulfil its accounting obligation to the Zurich-based governing body.

And, even after Warner’s controversial departure in 2011, FIFA continued to send cheques to Trinidad. The FAP money is used primarily to pay the TTFA’s office staff and general secretary, Phillips.

Phillips, despite the TTFA’s failure to raise money from the private sector, receives a salary of just over TT$23,000 per month plus a housing allowance of around TT$21,000 and a company car.

On 30 November 2014, after Wired868’s exclusive report about a missing TT$400,000 TTFA licensing fee, Tim Kee restructured Phillips’ portfolio and hired football manager William Wallace to “lead government relations and team managements.”

Yet, although the TTFA agreed to pay Wallace to absorb some of Phillips’ key duties, the general secretary’s salary remained untouched.

And, although Phillips’ contract expired in May, he continued to operate and be remunerated as general secretary.

The TTFA’s new crisis started with the United States Department of Justice’s swoop on FIFA, just before Blatter’s re-election in May.

As US law enforcement agencies started faxing extradition requests to Zurich, FIFA officials were apparently no longer willing to turn a blind eye to errant football bodies. And the TTFA’s pleas for leniency fell on deaf ears.

Crucially, KPMG was also spooked. After the DOJ’s arrests, the global auditing firm took a battering for its role as auditor for FIFA and many of its member associations.

KPMG’s audit, according to MarketWatch.com, is intended to express an opinion on whether the financial statements, prepared by FIFA personnel according to International Financial Reporting Standards, are free from material misstatements.

KPMG reviews the organisation’s internal controls when deciding which audit procedures to perform but did not, in FIFA’s case, express an opinion on the effectiveness of their internal control system.

The international auditing firm should select activities and transactions to be tested “based on their risk of causing a material misstatement of financial reports.”

“With all the prior allegations of corruption and bribery levelled against FIFA and some of its member associations over the years, KPMG should have been on high alert to the potential for corruption,” said Jerry Silk, a partner at law firm Bernstein Litowitz Berger and Grossman that represented investors in lawsuits against the global audit firms. “Auditors are supposed to do more and be more vigilant when there’s clearly higher risk.”

Did KPMG decide, belatedly, that the TTFA was not worth the trouble?

The auditing firm declined comment on its relationship with the local football body. However, Wired868 was reliably informed that KPMG’s international body suspended its services to the TTFA soon after the FIFA Congress in May. And there is no timeline for a resumption of the relationship between the two bodies.

Phillips insisted that the TTFA was not responsible for the KPMG suspension of services although he said the local football body was trying to “sort things out” with the international auditing firm.

“Yes, there are issues (but) the KPMG thing has nothing to do with us,” said Phillips. “It is about the international branch calling the local branch and it is to do with the FIFA investigation and the DOJ investigations, which swept us up into the whole mess.”

Was KPMG, like FIFA, guilty of turning a blind eye to the TTFA’s or TTFF’s shenanigans?

It is worth noting that, while KPMG was responsible for auditing the TTFA, the auditing firm had no such authority over the football body’s various Local Organising Committees (LOC), which never seemed to close.

On 4 May 2008, a TTFF letter instructed committee members and companies seeking tickets for an international friendly against England to make all cheques “payable to LOC 2006 Ltd.”

Tim Kee, the then TTFF vice president, was copied in on the statement.

The letter, which was dispatched a full two years after the 2006 World Cup, not only implicated Tim Kee in the possible diversion of funds that should have gone to the football body.

It might also explain why the TTFF repeatedly refused, even under the threat of contempt of court, to hand over the LOC’s accounting statements to the Trinidad and Tobago High Court, during the bonus dispute.

For instance, in 2010, Warner instructed the South Korea FA and FIFA to wire a combined US$750,00 (approximately TT $4.5 million) in aid relief for Haiti to the LOC rather than the KPMG-audited TTFA.

For years, the TTFA pointed to KPMG’s reputation as a defence to accusations of fraud and misappropriation of funds while Tim Kee claimed that the football body’s scandals had nothing to do with him.

It appears that nobody is accepting either excuse anymore. And, without FIFA money and a cool response from the private sector, Tim Kee would be desperate to benefit from State funding if he is to have any chance of retaining his post at the TTFA’s election in November.

In the interim, the TTFA has used 2015 CONCACAF Gold Cup prize money and funding for different programs to keep the national teams afloat while Tim Kee continues his standoff with the Sport Minister.

The football body will also play Mexico in an international friendly in Salt Lake City, Utah on September 4. In keeping with tradition under the current TTFA leadership, details of the match contract were not only hidden from the media but from its own executive as well.

According to one London-based football agent, who operates in the Caribbean, match agents usually charge the host nation a minimum of £5,000 (approximately TT$50,000) per game plus “full affair costs”, which means all expenses such as travel costs and match fees.

On top of those fees, agents usually demand a percentage of gates and television revenue as well.

An agent with a commitment from an international team to arrange a game on a particular day, for instance, can hawk around the world until he or she finds a suitable football association that will pay the most for the match.

Trinidad and Tobago, according to the agent who spoke on condition of anonymity, is an attractive proposition for match agents as it is one of the few international teams that generally has all its affair costs paid for by its government.

So, in theory, a match agent could charge the Romania or Jordan FA for the cost of airline tickets and match fees for the Warriors and then pocket that money once the trip is written off by the Ministry of Sport. On top of that, the agent would still benefit from a booking fee and cut of the gates and television rights.

Phillips was a match agent and ran his own company, Element Agency, before he took up the position of TTFA general secretary in May 2013. He claimed to have closed the company then.

However, more than a year later, Wired868 received documentation that showed Phillips using his Element Agency email account to conduct TTFA’s business for a high profile friendly away to Argentina.

Phillips claimed it was an honest mistake.

“I have a glitch in my email where sometimes emails that go out go out with my Element address,” Phillips told Wired868. “I’ve tried to fix it and even disabled the address but emails still go out. I have to get that fixed.

“Element has never been a part of anything since I got involved in the TTFA.”

« Last Edit: August 23, 2015, 04:36:02 AM by Flex »

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"A FIFA spokesman told Wired868 that it had turned off the tap due to the TTFA’s failure to provide audited accounts.
“As mentioned to you previously, in accordance with the General Regulations for FIFA Development Programmes, all member associations including the TTFA have to comply with certain standard procedures,” stated FIFA, via an email, “such as internal financial audits in order to receive funds corresponding to the Financial Assistance Programme (FAP) and other FIFA development programmes."

So Tim Kee less transparent than Jack? lol
Nah probably is just that they gave Jack a bye each time.
Or his handwritten audit on a notepad was good enough.

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Uncle Tim, please ... go nah. Please.
Supportin' de Warriors right tru.

Offline Jumbie

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doh study this.. we'll get a cleverly written press release from Kimmy saying it's because it's political and Sancho caused this.


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Phillips boy $23,000. plus $21.000. = $44,000.oo plus ah car, no wonder kamla an keith demand ah raise...

Offline Rastaman

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The first two paragraphs were misleading. The rest of the article took a very different slant. And by half way through it began to sound just like the articles written about Jack, when the writer had a point to prove. Seems like he has turned his sights on Tim Kee now. But you could not tell that by the first two paragraphs, he real suckered me in there.

"The TTFA audit, according to FIFA, should have been up to December 2014 and ought to have landed in Zurich by 31 March 2015. But, up until 22 May 2015, the football body had only done audited statements up until 2008."

Everybody and their granny know that they in the process of getting Audits from 2008 till now.... that is what he and Sancho fighting about.... we all know they not up to date so we cannot reasonably expect that they could give FIFA the 2014 Audit !!!!!!
That is just common sense.

"Tim Kee is also the PNM treasurer and Port of Spain Mayor. And, with Trinidad and Tobago’s general elections looming in 2015, there is concern that, should the PNM replace the People’s Partnership, the TTFA president might hope to use taxpayers’ money to cover for the financial irregularities within the football body."

Still trying to understand this statement and in the context of the article and who has expressed this concern that he is writing about

To me it seems that he should have written two separate articles instead of joining the two together and making it sound more like a witch hunt than investigative reporting.

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With respect to the second bold highlighted by Rastaman... even if that were to happen, while expedient as a separate action, it still wouldn't address the standing matter of securing a clean audit opinion ... that would likely still remain elusive.

Also, maybe it isn't clear to everyone, but the assertion made in Lasana's article seemingly has been floated or insinuated on this forum in one form or another. As such, Rastaman, I think you may look no further than fellow contributors regarding "who has expressed the concern".
« Last Edit: August 19, 2015, 07:41:47 PM by asylumseeker »

Offline Controversial

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People are crucifying Sancho but look at Phillips salary for utter incompetence and god knows What TK getting through other means..

They have done some good but it is outweighed by the negatives as they are not the right men for the job..

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Phillips boy $23,000. plus $21.000. = $44,000.oo plus ah car, no wonder kamla an keith demand ah raise...

I could do his job in my spare time for free and still do it better than him being full time...

He's not worth all that money...
« Last Edit: August 19, 2015, 11:23:06 PM by Controversial »

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Secretary Phillips admits frustration

SHELDON PHILLIPS, general secretary of the Trinidad and Tobago Football Association (TTFA), has admitted that the governing body for the sport locally has been seriously frustrated by the recent actions of FIFA who have put a halt on their funding (US$250k).

The local governing body has been under a cloud for numerous years over its financial accountability, and recently TTFA president Raymond Tim Kee and Sports Minister Brent Sancho have engaged in a public war of words over the TTFA’s perceived inability to supply audited reports to the Ministry as well as account for their expenditure.

Phillips, when contacted by Newsday yesterday, admitted, “...

It actually has more to do with the old TT FF (TT Football Federation) and the FIFA investigation by the DOJ (Department of Justice) and KPMG. We were caught in the middle, so to speak.” Phillips emphasised, “it’s put us in a bind but KPMG has essentially told its (TT branch) to stop work because of the Department of Justice investigation into FIFA.

Because of the stoppage of work, we can’t present an audited account in order to be compliant.” He declared, “we’ve been caught in a Catch 22 situation. We’ve been providing the information.

We’ve submitted the 2008-2011 reports. When we came in (to office), no audited reports were done by the then TTFF since 2008. It took us a great deal of time to actually reassemble the records and we got enough of the records together early this year to begin the process.

We started getting the reports out with KPMG, with the local branch.” Referring to the corruption scandal in FIFA, which resulted in a number of arrests of past and present top FIFA administrators, Phillips said, “the headquarters of KPMG has told its office here to cease work until the investigations have completed. What that has done essentially is completely curtailed our ability to be compliant with current FIFA regulations.

“Under current FIFA regulations, we have to submit our 2014 audit, which KPMG was in the process of working on,” he added.

“From our standpoint, we’ve been cooperative and forthcoming with the information that we have been provided. It’s just an unfortunate circumstance, clearly beyond our control.” Revealing that the TTFA got confirmation of FIFA’s action on Monday, Phillips stated, “it will certainly impact the administrative operation (and) the payroll has been directly impacted.

“We have been able to invest our funds (from FIFA grants) to ensure that the teams will be able to continue to operate,” he added, “then, the emergence of our Commercial Development Programme and our ability to sell merchandise, it helps us maintain the operations of our teams.”

Questioned if the TTFA would have to look for other avenues to earn revenue, he replied, “this is part of the overall challenge of the organisation. We were severely in debt. We had access to limited resources and have been dependent on Government support because of the past experiences corporate TT have had with the TTFF.

“We’ve constantly been struggling to rebuild the brand but, in doing so, we’ve still been able to present a good on-the-field product.

Both our men’s and women’s teams have done reasonably well.”

« Last Edit: August 20, 2015, 02:16:13 AM by Flex »
The real measure of a man's character is what he would do if he knew he would never be found out.

Offline Jack Horner

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I am up early heading out to the office but before I go I couldn't resist dropping a line to this amazing news.

When Sheldon Phillips first got hired, I knew he will be another dead beat like his dad.

I worked with Lincoln for a while and the guy is week and only search for ways to get big up, he did nothing for 6 and a half years for his 7 years time in T&T until Jack got fed up and decided not to pay him anymore, this is why he was getting paid by the T&T government.

And now you can see the same pathern followed by his son Sheldon.

Think about it guys, I spoke to the managers a while back, Wallace and Muhammad and they are both not happy with Phillips. Muhammad told me he will quite soon.

Ask yourself, how can this guy get paid every month while others scrunt to get a penny.

He keeps talking about teams doing well despite the fact they have no money, but he fail to reslise that they do good because of the coaches, they want to play for them and go the extra mile, if Hart leaves tomorrow, T&T football team will fall apart.

This guy is getting $45,000 a month to do what?? plus free transportation.

I heard a few guys are planning to throw him out soon.

I want to also clear the air, Tim Kee cannot produce accounts for 2008 to 2010 because he was the TTFF accoutant and if he reveals to much his ass will get arrested also.

Now guys, asked yourself who was the real crooks here, they say that the old TTFF were bad, but tell me that this new TTFA isn't worst.

They have all of the same guys working for them, they even hired the same auditing company, asked yourself why FIFA dropped KPMG, and asked youself what is Tim Kee hiding.

FIFA is investagiting the TTFA, I am sure you guys didn't know that.

I am always right my friends, I work with these guys for a long time and I know Sheldon is only here for a pay check.

He is waiting for a big payout so he can sit in his office and play on his computer.

Tim Kee hired this man because of his dad and because he can use big words, but he has no common sense and does not know the meaning of actually getting dirty, he is like the boss with his clean suit just collecting and expecting everyone else to work for free because they should support T&T football and must show it by working as volenteers.

Asked Sheldon to volenteer and see if he will.

When Jack saw the real Lincoln, he dropped him and diidn't even take him to the world cup, he did nothing for T&T football, Lincoln only was interested in building his name so people could big him up, he is a local Bill Cosby.

Now Sheldon is following in his footsteps.

This has gotten worst since Sheldon came here, what does he do all day?

Can he justify $44,000 dollars from tax payers every month?

His rental home cost so much?

Who is this guys, the president?

An American riding us for fools.

« Last Edit: August 20, 2015, 07:47:01 AM by Jack Horner »
Jack Warner will rise again and the world will beg him him to return and he will say "NO".............

Offline Controversial

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Like I have been saying from the beginning, the TTFA is the problem, not the mos and sancho..

A bunch of ole thief in the fed, sucking it dry and concoct a commercial wing to get more money...

The corruption will continue as long as the idiots on the board continue to support these two clowns..

Offline Rastaman

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Now let me use my eyes here and not me common sense...because it is not common;

I want to also clear the air, Tim Kee cannot produce accounts for 2008 to 2010 because he was the TTFF accoutant and if he reveals to much his ass will get arrested also.

We’ve submitted the 2008-2011 reports. When we came in (to office), no audited reports were done by the then TTFF since 2008. It took us a great deal of time to actually reassemble the records and we got enough of the records together early this year to begin the process.

asked yourself why FIFA dropped KPMG

“the headquarters of KPMG has told its office here to cease work until the investigations have completed

as I said I am just reading what is put infront of me.....

Offline Controversial

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Now let me use my eyes here and not me common sense...because it is not common;

I want to also clear the air, Tim Kee cannot produce accounts for 2008 to 2010 because he was the TTFF accoutant and if he reveals to much his ass will get arrested also.

We’ve submitted the 2008-2011 reports. When we came in (to office), no audited reports were done by the then TTFF since 2008. It took us a great deal of time to actually reassemble the records and we got enough of the records together early this year to begin the process.

asked yourself why FIFA dropped KPMG

“the headquarters of KPMG has told its office here to cease work until the investigations have completed

as I said I am just reading what is put infront of me.....

Hasn't it occurred to anyone that the TTFA are being investigated as well... Why doesn't TK get another firm to continue the audits? It is not mandatory to continue to use KPMG.. Unless this is a FIFA regulation I'm unaware of...

Offline Jack Horner

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Now let me use my eyes here and not me common sense...because it is not common;

I want to also clear the air, Tim Kee cannot produce accounts for 2008 to 2010 because he was the TTFF accoutant and if he reveals to much his ass will get arrested also.

We’ve submitted the 2008-2011 reports. When we came in (to office), no audited reports were done by the then TTFF since 2008. It took us a great deal of time to actually reassemble the records and we got enough of the records together early this year to begin the process.

asked yourself why FIFA dropped KPMG

“the headquarters of KPMG has told its office here to cease work until the investigations have completed

as I said I am just reading what is put infront of me.....

They submitted an incomplete one, thats the reason why things are taking so long.

They made up some scrap paper and submitted it, trying to fool others.

Jack Warner will rise again and the world will beg him him to return and he will say "NO".............

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Let's make some flour pap for these fellas nah... :frustrated:
Live large and prosper!

Offline Errol

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And, even after Warner’s controversial departure in 2011, FIFA continued to send cheques to Trinidad. The FAP money is used primarily to pay the TTFA’s office staff and general secretary, Phillips.

Phillips, despite the TTFA’s failure to raise money from the private sector, receives a salary of just over TT$23,000 per month plus a housing allowance of around TT$21,000 and a company car.

On 30 November 2014, after Wired868’s exclusive report about a missing TT$400,000 TTFA licensing fee, Tim Kee restructured Phillips’ portfolio and hired football manager William Wallace to “lead government relations and team managements.”

Yet, although the TTFA agreed to pay Wallace to absorb some of Phillips’ key duties, the general secretary’s salary remained untouched.

So basically, the little money the TTFA gets, half goes towards Sheldon Phillips salary?

I find this quite amusing, infact, laughable.

No wonder if they have left over money to pay for players VISA'S.

I wonder if Wallace and the others are getting paid?

And how can the general secretary make the most of everyone else?

Is that just so important?

What does Phiilips do?

Why is he taking advantage of us?

And then complaining the TTFA gets no support but aparently, the small sponsors basically pay for 50% of everything and the Ministry pay for the rest.

Sheldon Phillips is playing us big time.

Thanks for this story Lasana, it really opened my eyes.

No wonder the TTFA are getting squeeze.

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We started getting the reports out with KPMG, with the local branch.” Referring to the corruption scandal in FIFA, which resulted in a number of arrests of past and present top FIFA administrators, Phillips said, “the headquarters of KPMG has told its office here to cease work until the investigations have completed. What that has done essentially is completely curtailed our ability to be compliant with current FIFA regulations.

Can the TTFA use another auditing company now now that KPMG has put an hault on their operation? I mean if they're losing $250K US, then why not look for another company?

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Shaking My F00cking Head.

Every week you could guarantee to get som bad news coming from the TTFA.


Allyuh tell meh, how?

Ah trying meh best to give them de benefit of de doubt, but they really f00cking meh up.

And just one man alone guarantee his pay in de whole of T&T football?

Since Tim Kee came here, no camps, nothing for Tobago football and now they doing de same to Trinidad.

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“Raymond (Tim Kee) is the best person to get details on that particular issue,” he said. “I will have him call you.”

Tim Kee did not return any calls to his mobile phone or respond to a presumed prompt by Phillips.


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We started getting the reports out with KPMG, with the local branch.” Referring to the corruption scandal in FIFA, which resulted in a number of arrests of past and present top FIFA administrators, Phillips said, “the headquarters of KPMG has told its office here to cease work until the investigations have completed. What that has done essentially is completely curtailed our ability to be compliant with current FIFA regulations.

Can the TTFA use another auditing company now now that KPMG has put an hault on their operation? I mean if they're losing $250K US, then why not look for another company?

Of course they can, why assume that they're not looking for one?  Kudos to Rastaman for weeding thru the b.s. and seeing this for what it is.  KPMG Global came under fire for being asleep at the wheel while FIFA was running rampant with corruption.  In 100% CYA mode now they decide to stop present and future engagements with the TTFA until they investigate some of the allegations made by the DOJ against Jack.  That's key... against Jack.  This has nothing to do with the present administration, but you wouldn't know that from Lasana's article.  The letter from KPMG Trinidad & Tobago to the TTFA explaining the work supsension states as much. 

FIFA's annual subvention requires the provision of statutory accounts produced from audits conducted by a reputable accounting firm.  Obviously, since KPMG met FIFA's own requirements, it made sense to use them for TTFA accounts as well.  Now that they're no longer providing the services the TTFA just needs to contract with Deloitte or a PWC or Ernst & Young etc. and get the audits going again.  The FIFA letter to the TTFA makes it clear that the suspension of funding relates to the stoppage by KPMG, and that as soon as another agency is hired to produce the audits the funds will be released.  There is nothing in the letter which raises any concerns about shady dealings by the TTFA, nothing.  But again, you wouldn't know this from the slant taken by Lasana, who goes all out of his way to try and implicate Tim Kee in Jack's dealings, and bringing up the $400,000 which he boy Atiba dispose of, for what real purpose?  He alone knows why he's doing what he's doing, but (both) elections around the corner and people getting desperate so...

All this talk about Phillips' salary is a smokescreen.  I don't know there $80k US a year ranks in terms of compensation for a General Secretary, but my guess is that it's reasonable given his education, experience and expertise.  On the one hand men bashing Tim Kee for having "too many jobs", he supposed to just work for free for the TTFA, on the other they saying they need professional people to run the FA... but grumbling about the salary (which as for everybody else in the TTFA) isn't presently being paid.

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We started getting the reports out with KPMG, with the local branch.” Referring to the corruption scandal in FIFA, which resulted in a number of arrests of past and present top FIFA administrators, Phillips said, “the headquarters of KPMG has told its office here to cease work until the investigations have completed. What that has done essentially is completely curtailed our ability to be compliant with current FIFA regulations.

Can the TTFA use another auditing company now now that KPMG has put an hault on their operation? I mean if they're losing $250K US, then why not look for another company?

Of course they can, why assume that they're not looking for one?  Kudos to Rastaman for weeding thru the b.s. and seeing this for what it is.  KPMG Global came under fire for being asleep at the wheel while FIFA was running rampant with corruption.  In 100% CYA mode now they decide to stop present and future engagements with the TTFA until they investigate some of the allegations made by the DOJ against Jack.  That's key... against Jack.  This has nothing to do with the present administration, but you wouldn't know that from Lasana's article.  The letter from KPMG Trinidad & Tobago to the TTFA explaining the work supsension states as much. 

FIFA's annual subvention requires the provision of statutory accounts produced from audits conducted by a reputable accounting firm.  Obviously, since KPMG met FIFA's own requirements, it made sense to use them for TTFA accounts as well.  Now that they're no longer providing the services the TTFA just needs to contract with Deloitte or a PWC or Ernst & Young etc. and get the audits going again.  The FIFA letter to the TTFA makes it clear that the suspension of funding relates to the stoppage by KPMG, and that as soon as another agency is hired to produce the audits the funds will be released.  There is nothing in the letter which raises any concerns about shady dealings by the TTFA, nothing.  But again, you wouldn't know this from the slant taken by Lasana, who goes all out of his way to try and implicate Tim Kee in Jack's dealings, and bringing up the $400,000 which he boy Atiba dispose of, for what real purpose?  He alone knows why he's doing what he's doing, but (both) elections around the corner and people getting desperate so...

All this talk about Phillips' salary is a smokescreen.  I don't know there $80k US a year ranks in terms of compensation for a General Secretary, but my guess is that it's reasonable given his education, experience and expertise.  On the one hand men bashing Tim Kee for having "too many jobs", he supposed to just work for free for the TTFA, on the other they saying they need professional people to run the FA... but grumbling about the salary (which as for everybody else in the TTFA) isn't presently being paid.

No one is questing what education he has, maybe he is in the wrong field? as the TTFA continues to fail at the admin department.

And no one expect anyone to work for free, try explaining that to Tim Kee, because as far as we are hearing only Phillips getting paid consistently.

Why can't Phillips find a job in the US? I am sure he will make more seeing that he is so educated.

I take into consideration, that this situation might not be the 100% the TTFA , but what pisses me of is, one man getting paid and no one else, coaches are owned, taxis, players etc.

Asked Ross Russell and Zoran Vranes if they got paid yet or King and Charles?

I am not against Phillips, but its just hard to accept one or maybe two men getting paid consistently and everyone else are left to fend for themselves.

« Last Edit: August 20, 2015, 10:08:22 AM by Errol »

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Good input Bakes, now the TTFA just have to explore auditing other options such as Deloitte or Ernst & Young as you mentioned. I'm just trying to see what they can do now in the big picture to get the necessary funding we need from FIFA in a effort to get the ball rolling again.

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Perhaps that is indeed Phillips contracted salary but he was on radio quoted as not being paid as well.
He said if his staff don't get paid. He don't get paid.

Contracted salary and actual delivery is two different things.

Would he lie about something easy to prove?

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And, even after Warner’s controversial departure in 2011, FIFA continued to send cheques to Trinidad. The FAP money is used primarily to pay the TTFA’s office staff and general secretary, Phillips.

Phillips, despite the TTFA’s failure to raise money from the private sector, receives a salary of just over TT$23,000 per month plus a housing allowance of around TT$21,000 and a company car.

On 30 November 2014, after Wired868’s exclusive report about a missing TT$400,000 TTFA licensing fee, Tim Kee restructured Phillips’ portfolio and hired football manager William Wallace to “lead government relations and team managements.”

Yet, although the TTFA agreed to pay Wallace to absorb some of Phillips’ key duties, the general secretary’s salary remained untouched.

So basically, the little money the TTFA gets, half goes towards Sheldon Phillips salary?

I find this quite amusing, infact, laughable.

No wonder if they have left over money to pay for players VISA'S.

I wonder if Wallace and the others are getting paid?

And how can the general secretary make the most of everyone else?

Is that just so important?

What does Phiilips do?

Why is he taking advantage of us?

And then complaining the TTFA gets no support but aparently, the small sponsors basically pay for 50% of everything and the Ministry pay for the rest.

Sheldon Phillips is playing us big time.

Thanks for this story Lasana, it really opened my eyes.

No wonder the TTFA are getting squeeze.

sheldon is wasting taxpayers money and boasting about his little achievements in national football... both him and TK need to go immediately, give the position to a person who loves our football and not going to drain the treasury like the other unscrupulous politicians in our nation
« Last Edit: August 21, 2015, 09:17:42 AM by Controversial »

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We started getting the reports out with KPMG, with the local branch.” Referring to the corruption scandal in FIFA, which resulted in a number of arrests of past and present top FIFA administrators, Phillips said, “the headquarters of KPMG has told its office here to cease work until the investigations have completed. What that has done essentially is completely curtailed our ability to be compliant with current FIFA regulations.

Can the TTFA use another auditing company now now that KPMG has put an hault on their operation? I mean if they're losing $250K US, then why not look for another company?

Of course they can, why assume that they're not looking for one?  Kudos to Rastaman for weeding thru the b.s. and seeing this for what it is.  KPMG Global came under fire for being asleep at the wheel while FIFA was running rampant with corruption.  In 100% CYA mode now they decide to stop present and future engagements with the TTFA until they investigate some of the allegations made by the DOJ against Jack.  That's key... against Jack.  This has nothing to do with the present administration, but you wouldn't know that from Lasana's article.  The letter from KPMG Trinidad & Tobago to the TTFA explaining the work supsension states as much. 

I don't know who coax this rat out of his hole, but one thing rat does like to protect is their cheese and this is a perfect example of it right here..

why assume that they are looking for one? why don't you have your idol TK come on here and state he is looking for another accounting firm, why send the lap dog to preach this false message? What BS are you speaking of? Lasana has no axe to grind with TK nor Sheldon, so his article is as objective as it gets.. Please point out the time period the current admin has been there and if you are brave, state that they were not fiscally responsible at anytime, real disingenuous if you ask me...

FIFA's annual subvention requires the provision of statutory accounts produced from audits conducted by a reputable accounting firm.  Obviously, since KPMG met FIFA's own requirements, it made sense to use them for TTFA accounts as well.

A matter of convenience or lenience on the part of KPMG because of a prior long standing relationship with the former admin, that in some sense could result in favoritism and easing up on the TTFA... Had the scandal not happened, this lenience could have carried on...

 Now that they're no longer providing the services the TTFA just needs to contract with Deloitte or a PWC or Ernst & Young etc. and get the audits going again.  The FIFA letter to the TTFA makes it clear that the suspension of funding relates to the stoppage by KPMG, and that as soon as another agency is hired to produce the audits the funds will be released.  There is nothing in the letter which raises any concerns about shady dealings by the TTFA, nothing.  But again, you wouldn't know this from the slant taken by Lasana, who goes all out of his way to try and implicate Tim Kee in Jack's dealings, and bringing up the $400,000 which he boy Atiba dispose of, for what real purpose?  He alone knows why he's doing what he's doing, but (both) elections around the corner and people getting desperate so...

what Lasana is doing is called objective reporting... what you are doing, can be explained in one word "patronage"...

All this talk about Phillips' salary is a smokescreen.  I don't know there $80k US a year ranks in terms of compensation for a General Secretary, but my guess is that it's reasonable given his education, experience and expertise.  On the one hand men bashing Tim Kee for having "too many jobs", he supposed to just work for free for the TTFA, on the other they saying they need professional people to run the FA... but grumbling about the salary (which as for everybody else in the TTFA) isn't presently being paid.

what experience and expertise do you speak of, can you list the amount raised or initiated by Sheldon for the fed or team, minus gov't funding?
« Last Edit: August 20, 2015, 01:12:20 PM by Controversial »

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Perhaps that is indeed Phillips contracted salary but he was on radio quoted as not being paid as well.
He said if his staff don't get paid. He don't get paid.

Contracted salary and actual delivery is two different things.

Would he lie about something easy to prove?

why wouldn't he lie? easy money from a corrupt society, where there is no checks and balances... TTFA got away with murder for years and continue to do so... maybe he didn't think it was easy to prove, nor does he think people would believe it... he is depending on a docile fan base to let it slide..

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Yo. FIFA finally did something right. Aye, tiny toons. The other day when you refused to meet with Sancho I bet you didn't know this day was coming.

Mark busssss.....Tiny Toons was in charge of Funding and Finance as VP of the ttff. What? I bet you he didn't know what was going on then......my mistake, he already admitted to that. I bet you he doesn't know whaf is going on now. He ain't admit to that yet but it coming.

Nice one, Lasana.
« Last Edit: August 20, 2015, 02:28:40 PM by King Deese »
I am the punishment of God...If you had not comitted great sins, God would not have sent a punishment like me upon you.

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I just have to smile at the attempts to confuse from facts.
Everyone knows that the TTFA hasn't done its accounts since 2008, according to Rastaman. True. But what does that have to do with FIFA regulations? Is that the TTFA's defence? You know I ent do it so what allyuh asking for it for?
If the audit was supposed to go to FIFA at the end of March, then why is KPMG's departure in June relevant?
And, as I showed in my article looking at the constitution and Tim Kee's specific duties, Jack Warner would never have been able to leave the TTFF/TTFA finances in the state it is in without the help of Raymond Tim Kee.
And why do I mention Tim Kee's other job titles like Mayor of POS and PNM Treasurer?
It is fact and up to readers to decide if it is relevant or not.
For instance, the TTFA has no money coming from FIFA. The TTFA has no money coming from private sector. The TTFA relies almost entirely on taxpayers money. And yet the TTFA president has refused to meet the Minister of Sport, regardless of the impact on his football body.
At this point, some readers might consider Tim Kee's political role to possibly have some bearing with the country on a brink of a general election.
But, if you don't, then just gloss past it and pay it no mind.

Offline Jumbie

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I just have to smile at the attempts to confuse from facts.
Everyone knows that the TTFA hasn't done its accounts since 2008, according to Rastaman. True. But what does that have to do with FIFA regulations? Is that the TTFA's defence? You know I ent do it so what allyuh asking for it for?
If the audit was supposed to go to FIFA at the end of March, then why is KPMG's departure in June relevant?
And, as I showed in my article looking at the constitution and Tim Kee's specific duties, Jack Warner would never have been able to leave the TTFF/TTFA finances in the state it is in without the help of Raymond Tim Kee.
And why do I mention Tim Kee's other job titles like Mayor of POS and PNM Treasurer?
It is fact and up to readers to decide if it is relevant or not.
For instance, the TTFA has no money coming from FIFA. The TTFA has no money coming from private sector. The TTFA relies almost entirely on taxpayers money. And yet the TTFA president has refused to meet the Minister of Sport, regardless of the impact on his football body.
At this point, some readers might consider Tim Kee's political role to possibly have some bearing with the country on a brink of a general election.
But, if you don't, then just gloss past it and pay it no mind.


the choir sucking dinnermint now!