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Re: David John Williams Thread.
« Reply #570 on: April 06, 2019, 07:35:16 AM »
‘I’m doing my job’
By Joel Bailey (Newsday).

TTFA boss defends Futsal appeal, $4m spent

TTFA (TT Football Association) president David John-Williams has defending the appeal filed by the local governing body in the High Court, over the matter involving the national futsal team.

On December 13 2018, the team was awarded $475,743 plus interest at three per cent per annum, along with legal costs, in a High Court ruling. The team sued the TTFA for unpaid salaries, stipends and match fees for their participation at the 2016 CONCACAF Futsal Championship in Costa Rica.

The TTFA filed an appeal in the matter but the High Court, in mid-March, issued the TTFA a garnishee order.

And, on Thursday, the court gave consent to the Futsal team’s legal team (Keston McQuilkin and Melissa Roberts-John) to receive over $270,000 from the TTFA’s six frozen accounts at First Citizens.

Speaking to the media at the Home of Football project at Balmain, Couva yesterday, John-Williams said, “Any matter is subject to an appeal. I think it’s important that the media does some investigating into the case. The TTFA has done what it’s supposed to do in this matter.

“The Futsal players have done what they think is best, whether it affects T&T football or not. At the end of the day, we’ll see where it ends.”

John-Williams said upon taking office in December 2015, the TTFA has been dealing with countless lawsuits stemming from the previous administration, which has placed the local body in further debt.

“Since I took up office, from day one, it was a blow. We had a players’ strike within five days. We had to pay (TT Under-17 women’s coach) Even Pellerud or else face elimination from World Cup qualifying. We’ve had a series of stuff, a series of court judgements. There were players (and) coaches with outstanding salaries. A lot of things are going to come out in the public domain.”

He continued, “Under my tenure as president, it has seemed very controversial (but) I beg to differ. But the old people say when they’re criticising you is when you’re doing something good. At the end of the day, you’ll see who’s telling the truth.

“People tend to be critical but they’re not seeing the positive things. It’s just that this president doesn’t talk because it’s not my business to beat my chest. I’m doing my job to the best of my ability.”

Yesterday, TT futsal team manager Ronald Brereton was reported as saying that the TTFA did not release funds to the team from a US$600,000 subvention received from FIFA.

John-Williams said, “The money that we get from FIFA is for specific projects. There is no secret that we spent $4 million over the last five months, but you must ask the question, 'What it was spent on?' It was spent (on) a specific purpose. If people want to make mischief with it, so be it. At the end of the day, we’ll see what (are) the facts.”

The TTFA president revealed, “Our FIFA Forward money that we got for 2019, our first payment, FIFA deducted US$100,000, for (over) $300,000 that the Association has owed FIFA since 2010.”

Office staff of the TTFA were not paid last month, and John-Williams said, “This is the first time that the staff hasn’t been paid and we’ve communicated that to them. They understand what the situation is.

“We have to apologise for that. It’s an unplanned situation. It’s something that this administration has no control over, but we’re addressing it.”

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Re: David John Williams Thread.
« Reply #571 on: April 07, 2019, 05:31:42 AM »
TTFA saddled with lawsuits, debts.
By Joel Bailey (Newsday).

John-Williams admits Latapy owed millions

TT FOOTBALL Association (TTFA) president David John-Williams acknowledged on Friday that the local governing body is saddled with mounting lawsuits and is struggling to make outstanding payments.

John-Williams was speaking to the media at the Home of Football project in Balmain, Couva.

Former T&T playmaker, captain and coach Russell Latapy, who complained over his poor treatment, and lack of payment, by the TTFA, was appointed Barbados coach last month.

“His contract came to an end and he set himself off to greener pastures,” John-Williams said. “The (TTFA) owes Latapy millions of dollars, prior to (my) incarnation as president.”

John-Williams also commented on the current matter involving the TTFA and board member Keith Look Loy. Look Loy, the TT Super League president, got an order from the High Court, in mid-March, to receive all financial information related to the local governing body.

The Super League president admitted, on March 27, he was not pleased with the documents presented to himself and his legal team (attorneys Matthew Gayle, Dr Emir Crowne and Crystal Paul), and is considering the option of contempt of court proceedings against John-Williams and his general secretary Camara David.

John-Williams said, “He’s not satisfied. We’ve complied with the court order and that’s it. The TTFA has nothing to hide. We’re even willing to open up our books to the media.”

John-Williams acknowledged the TTFA’s financial struggles have resulted in the national men’s team playing friendly matches away since April 2018.

“The reality of the situation is that we can’t play at home because we’ll have to fund those games and we don’t have the money to do that,” he said. “Very soon the Home of Football is going to be up and running, and we will be able to host international games without draining the Association’s treasury.” Jamaica will host a pair of matches in the 2019 CONCACAF Gold Cup.

According to John-Williams, “CONCACAF has saw it fit to host matches in Jamaica. I’m happy (for Jamaica). Jamaica is an hour away from the US. I guess all those things are under consideration. I think it’s an honour for (CONCACAF) to host games in Jamaica and T&T will soon be there.”

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Re: David John Williams Thread.
« Reply #572 on: April 08, 2019, 12:19:29 AM »
TTFA president promises to tell all.
By Walter Alibey (Guardian).

David John-Williams, the T&T Foot­ball As­so­ci­a­tion (TTFA) pres­i­dent, is promis­ing star­tling rev­e­la­tions fol­low­ing an or­der of the court, for his as­so­ci­a­tion to pay play­ers from the na­tion­al fut­sal team monies that are owed to them for salaries, per diem and oth­er costs.

A re­cent me­dia re­port re­vealed that more than $200,000 from the TTFA's bank ac­count, which rep­re­sent­ed just a por­tion of the to­tal amount from late last year to re­cent­ly, was tak­en out to pay the fut­sal play­ers. The play­ers are owed $475,743 plus in­ter­est at three per cent per an­num, while the play­ers' At­tor­neys are to be paid a fur­ther $69,200.82.

John-Williams promised the rev­e­la­tions will be dra­mat­ic, say­ing: "There is a time to stay qui­et and there is a time to speak. I as­sure you that the T&T pub­lic and the T&T me­dia will be alarmed and as­ton­ished."

He not­ed his as­so­ci­a­tion has done what it had to do but he will be re­quest­ing the record­ings from the courts so he can be very clear on what was un­der­stood.

"So you see in the me­dia to­day that the TTFA pres­i­dent has been com­min­gling his own per­son­al funds with the TTFA. I can tell you that's ab­solute­ly a lie. At the end of the day when the fi­nal ball is bowled, we will see who is telling the truth and who is be­ing dif­fi­cult," John-Williams as­sured.

The lo­cal foot­ball boss has in­stead praised him­self and the as­so­ci­a­tion for the work they have done since as­sum­ing of­fice back in 2015.

Quizzed about the re­cent re­ports, John Williams said, "I wouldn't say much about that sit­u­a­tion, all I can say is that the TTFA has the sit­u­a­tion well in hand. We are ob­serv­ing the things that are hap­pen­ing and the sit­u­a­tion will be dealt with in due course. There is no se­cret the TTFA is heav­i­ly in debt and I as­sure you it is be­ing looked at in the man­ner it should be looked at."

He not­ed that there is no se­cret his ad­min­is­tra­tion has spent $4 mil­lion over the last five months, but said ques­tions though must be asked on what was it spent on, as FI­FA has giv­en them mon­ey for a spe­cif­ic pur­pose and al­though there are peo­ple who are bent on mak­ing mis­chief, they can­not use the mon­ey for any­thing else.

The em­bat­tled pres­i­dent al­so re­vealed that from the FI­FA For­ward mon­ey they got for this year, the world foot­ball body de­duct­ed US$100,000 for monies owed to it by the foot­ball as­so­ci­a­tion since 2010-2015.

He promised, how­ev­er, that peo­ple will soon come to the re­al­i­sa­tion of the di­rec­tion his ad­min­is­tra­tion is head­ing in, which is to be self-sus­tain­able in the fu­ture.

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Re: David John Williams Thread.
« Reply #573 on: April 08, 2019, 02:15:41 PM »
Talk about deluded... SMDH

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Re: David John Williams Thread.
« Reply #574 on: May 14, 2019, 12:26:11 AM »
Anthony Wolfe: Vote that clown out of the TTFA and let’s uplift our football!

“I hope this election coming up we vote that ‘clown’ out and vote in someone who can help uplift our football from this deplorable state it is in right now.

“They could say whatever dey want about Mr Jack Warner; he did both bad and good. But under his guidance, our football was never in this state.”

The following Letter to the Editor on the current state of Trinidad and Tobago football was shared with Wired868 by 2006 World Cup player Anthony Wolfe, who was one of 13 players to successfully sue the TTFA for owed bonuses a decade ago:

Sometimes I sit and think about a lot of things regarding sports in my sweet country especially football; and to be honest, it’s disastrous.

I may be hated for saying a few things on this but it’s the truth. Our football is at its worst state right now and those who were given the chance to represent us all in office are failing big time. We are not doing things the right way they should be done or the organisation should be run. There is too much corruption and everybody seems concerned about themselves.

Why is it that every time our national teams goes into a major tournament—at both the junior and senior level—we can’t get the proper preparation as early as possible?

Either we have no coaches; because who in God’s name going to coach a team for free? Country or not, our family don’t eat leaves! Or we don’t have the financial support to prepare for the tournament ahead of schedule, or the players are not being paid match bonuses, etc.

Wowww! So where is all the money that FIFA is supposed to be giving to our federation? Are we not entitled to those things anymore? Or are the heads taking the money and doing whatever they wish with it?

When you look at the things Stern John and his charges had to do for our Men’s National Under-17 Team in order for them to get prepared for the tournament they just played, I say hats off to you bro. You did your best. In life when, you fail to prepare, you must prepare to fail. Simple.

The U-17s tried their best. It didn’t go as expected but, in my opinion, they did well for the little or no resources they had available to them.

I hope this election coming up we vote that ‘clown’ out and vote in someone who can help uplift our football from this deplorable state it is in right now. They could say whatever dey want about Mr Jack Warner; he did both bad and good. But under his guidance, our football was never in this state.

Old people always say you know what you have but you don’t know you going to get. Simple.

Father God, help us and get rid of those people who serve no good for our football. Please!

For David John-Williams and the others who are allowing him to do this crap, the upholder is worse than the thief; always remember this eh.

This is hurting me deep, deep down inside just to see where our football is now. It’s a big shame for us all in Trinidad and Tobago. Sigh.

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Re: David John Williams Thread.
« Reply #575 on: May 14, 2019, 12:28:22 AM »
“They’ve appointed a cabal!” Check and mate as DJW finds way to legally dodge TTFA Board.
By Lasana Liburd (Wired868.)

Trinidad and Tobago Football Association (TTFA) president David John-Williams will be able to legitimately run the local game without consulting his Board for the foreseeable future, due to a loophole in the constitution that was enacted on Monday evening.

Article 20.2 of the TTFA Constitution describes the Board of Directors as ‘the Executive body’ of the local football organisation with authority over everything, including the hiring and firing of coaches, standing committee members, auditors and the general secretary.

However, Article 42.1 allows for an Emergency Committee, presided over by the football president, which has the authority to ‘deal with all matters requiring immediate settlement between two meetings of the Board of Directors.’

It feasibly allows for John-Williams—who was taken to court by one Board member, Keith Look Loy, and called to account by others—to run football business without the ‘inconvenience’ of a Board debate. The Board is mandated to meet just once every two months but can call Extraordinary Meetings to discuss urgent matters, as has often been the case.

Ironically, it was Wired868 that served notice that the Referees Committee was the only properly activated standing committee from a minimum of 16 during John-Williams’ tenure.

However, instead of breathing life into committees meant to oversee issues like finance, marketing, legal, women’s football, disciplinary or technical matters, John-Williams appeared to prioritise one that can put the responsibility of the Board into an ‘inner executive.’

And his political gift came on Monday courtesy of five supportive Board members, including four who voted for each other to sit alongside the president and vice-president Ewing Davis on the Emergency Committee.

Veteran Footballers Foundation of Trinidad and Tobago (VFOTT) president Selby Browne, a former vociferous critic of the John-Williams-led administration who has since embraced a remarkably different perspective, nominated Southern Football Association (SFA) president Richard Quan Chan, Tobago Football Association (TFA) president Anthony Moore and interim Eastern Football Association president (EFA) Bandele Kamau for roles on the committee.

Moore then nominated Browne to join them. Browne and Kamau have both been on the Board for barely four months and a total of just two meetings.

There was no room for John-Williams’ other Board ally, Eastern Counties Football Union (ECFU) president Sherwyn Dyer, as the Constitution stipulates a maximum of six places on the Emergency Committee.

The remaining Board members present—Raeshawn Mars (Northern FA), Joseph Taylor (Trinidad and Tobago Football Referees Association), Sharon Warrick (Women’s League Football), Julia Baptiste (TT Pro League) and Look Loy (Trinidad and Tobago Super League)—were powerless to stop them or get anyone else on the Committee, due to a lack of votes.

Central Football Association (CFA) representative Collin Partap, who has often voted against John-Williams, missed the meeting as he was in Tobago on business. Even if he were present, the TTFA president still has seven votes from a maximum of 13.

“They have appointed a cabal, which will now be the de facto ruling committee [of the TTFA],” Look Loy told Wired868. “Just imagine [an experienced football] man like Joseph Taylor, for instance, is ignored and bypassed for two men who have been in the Board for all of two meetings.

“These six people all sit together on the head table and they moved the motion, seconded the motion and passed the motion. The rest of the Board is redundant; there is no need for a Board anymore.”

Article 42.4  states that ‘all decisions taken by the Emergency Committee shall be ratified by the Board of Directors at its next meeting.’ However, John-Williams has the votes to ensure the Board is no more than a rubber stamp for decisions that can now be made in private.

At Monday’s meeting, the TTFA president tried unsuccessfully to appoint Angus Eve, Stephen De Four and Izler Browne as head coaches of the Men’s National Under-23 and Women’s Under-20 and Under-17 Teams respectively.

Eve is a former National Under-23 coach and the head coach of Pro League outfit, Club Sando, and SSFL champion team, Naparima College. De Four and Browne have also worked with National Women’s Teams before and would be returning home after stints abroad with Haiti and the US Virgin Islands respectively.

Look Loy argued, with some support, that the TTFA should not hire any coaches unless John-Williams was prepared to reveal what they would earn, where the money was coming from to pay them and the terms and conditions of each appointee.

John-Williams did not take the matter to a vote on Monday but, theoretically, can simply have the Emergency Committee appoint all three and put them to work immediately. From then, it would be two months before the Board has the chance to review that decision.

The Men’s National Under-23 Team goes into action in July. It means that the TTFA Emergency Committee can hire staff, prepare the team and complete the Tokyo 2020 Olympic qualifying tournament before the Board gets a chance to object.

An example of the John-Williams-led Board’s willingness to mock the spirit of the Constitution came with a proposed Constitutional Review Committee.

At the February AGM, the general membership of the local football body vetoed a suggestion by the TFA that a Constitutional Review Committee be implemented. The members, led by Referees Association vice-president Osmond Downer, preferred to deal with proposed amendments one by one.

Article 20.1 states that ‘the General Meeting is the supreme and legislative body’ of the local football body. As further evidence on the balance of power within the TTFA, the Constitution allows the General Meeting to remove Board members while the latter party, according to Article 22.4, has no voting rights at the AGM.

Yet on Monday, the Board overruled the General Meeting and appointed a chairman for its Constitution Review Committee anyway.

Article 36(a) states the Board of Directors ‘shall pass decisions on all cases that do not come within the sphere of responsibility of the General Meeting or are not reserved for other bodies by law or under this Constitution.’

The TTFA Constitution does not name a Constitutional Review Committee among its list of standing committees.

“The Tobago delegates raised the issue of having a Constitutional Review Committee look at amendments and the floor [of the General Meeting] defeated it,” said Look Loy, “because they said we have proposed amendments and are going through them one by one.

“So they come back with [the proposal for the committee] at the Board level; they circumvented the decision of the AGM in a nutshell.”

Neither Moore nor John-Williams have intimated what constitutional amendments they have in mind, although they will need to be approved by the General Meeting before taking effect.

Intriguingly, Elton Prescott SC, who also operates as counsel for the Trinidad and Tobago Olympic Committee (TTOC), was named as chairman for the Constitutional Review Committee and supposedly has carte blanche to select the remaining members.

Last month, Prescott admitted that he failed to review the TTFA Constitution—or, arguably, allowed himself to be misled by general secretary Camara David—when offering a legal opinion that paved the way for Look Loy to be removed from the Board. Look Loy subsequently blocked the manoeuvre for his ousting in the High Court.

It appears that the botched effort to jettison Look Loy has not soured Prescott’s view of David and John-Williams, or vice versa.

If Monday’s meeting was a political success for John-Williams, there is still the nagging issues of irate creditors knocking on the TTFA’s doors. Browne, according to Look Loy, suggested an answer for that too.

“Selby [Browne] said FIFA bailed out past TTFA administrations and will do it again,” said the TTSL president. “That is what they are hoping for—a loan from FIFA to save their arse.”

Two years ago, Browne nominated Look Loy for a role on the TTFA Board. These days, the VFOTT president refers to his former colleague as an ‘invalid’ Board member.

In an email to John-Williams last month, which was copied to the Board, Browne appeared to invite himself along with the TTFA president for the 2019 FIFA Congress in Paris, France on 5 June and the Concacaf Gold Cup in the United States, later that same month.

“President, […] I would be happy to do the Gold Cup and FIFA Congress which you MUST attend,” stated Browne.

Look Loy, who raised a motion for John-Williams’ dismissal last year, conceded that the football president has only consolidated his power since then. The TTFA has lost a string of cases in the High Court, though, and Look Loy believes it is the only place that John-Williams can be held to account at present.

“[US president Donald] Trump said he could kill a man on Fifth Avenue and get away  with it, and [John-Williams] is our Trump,” said the TTSL president. “He can get away with anything because he has the votes. Only external intervention can save Trinidad and Tobago’s football because he has just enough people clinging on to him still to keep him in power and give him legitimacy—never mind that we are bankrupt and asking people to run national football for free, which is a very bad precedent for national coaches.

“Salvation has to come from outside because the internal mechanisms are failing to save the TTFA from itself and John-Williams; that is abundantly clear.”

Browne declined comment on Monday’s Board meeting, the Emergency Committee and the Constitutional Review Committee.

“I have taken the position that Board members should not comment in public about the discussions of meetings the Board,” said Browne, “but that the TTFA should make press releases after meetings to provide an update.”

John-Williams, as usual, did not respond at all, up to the time of publication.

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Re: David John Williams Thread.
« Reply #576 on: May 14, 2019, 10:52:54 AM »

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Re: David John Williams Thread.
« Reply #577 on: May 30, 2019, 12:39:15 AM »
DJW admits men’s team only revenue-earner.
By Joel Bailey (Newsday).

DAVID JOHN-WILLIAMS, president of the TT Football Association (TTFA), has admitted that the national men's team is the flagship T&T team and the only revenue-earning team for the local football governing body.

In an interview, which was posted online today, John-Williams said it is impossible to for the cash-strapped TTFA to sustain 11 national teams (men's and women's), without the support of corporate T&T. A number of teams, including the men's and women's Olympic (Under-23) squads who are expected to feature in Concacaf qualifiers this year, may suffer as a result.

With regards to the Under-23 teams, John-Williams said coaches may bemoan the lack of preparation time ahead of the qualifiers, even if the TTFA sourced funding from either corporate T&T or Government. He stressed that the TTFA do not have the cash to fund the Under-23 programme.

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Re: David John Williams Thread.
« Reply #578 on: May 30, 2019, 11:13:56 AM »
WATCH: TTFA President David John-Williams issued a statement on video, addressing several current matters including the Olympic Teams, Gold Cup 2019, Nations League, Elite Football and Home of Football

<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" class="bbc_link bbc_flash_disabled new_win"></a>
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Re: David John Williams Thread.
« Reply #579 on: May 30, 2019, 01:13:35 PM »
Fact check, can’t explain to your administrative board but good for FIFA..
Ok.. here is what can be used for, seems a lot more than 2.4, doh

So when the previous admin leave y’all in debt, and yuh release Waldrum and hire Morace and staff, it was at same financial commitment ? NO

When FIFA ask for report of use isn’t it the same stuff your board requesting, but yuh could inform the few ppl in the ignorant public and yuh admin body don’t know. That’s grounds for getting horn, guy.

When you making calls without Association discussion (the A in TTFA, nah) FIFA not digging nothing, but they will have a problem with you sending a team to Olympic qualifying with WC monies. Riiight !
« Last Edit: May 30, 2019, 01:38:33 PM by maxg »

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Re: David John Williams Thread.
« Reply #580 on: June 26, 2019, 12:40:21 AM »
Strike Squad captain wants TTFA boss gone.
By Jelani Beckles (Newsday).

‘Sign that petition’

FORMER Strike Squad captain Clayton Morris is supportive of the decision to start a petition to remove president of the TT Football Association (TTFA) David John-Williams. Morris said people have become fed up with the state of T&T football and want to see the sport progress.

The embattled TTFA has come under scrutiny for years due to a lack of transparency and accountability. Most recently, board members have continuously asked for the accounts concerning the Home of Football project, in Couva, to be made available. The petition, which is being circulated via social media has already gathered more than 1,100 signatures following the national team’s 6-0 defeat to USA in the Concacaf Gold Cup, on Saturday night.

Morris, who is not happy with the administration within the TTFA, said, “People whose heart is into football and want to see Trinidad and Tobago football do well (will complain), I am not surprised with that action or position that they are taking now. I support it because again there are people out there who really love football...but the people who are in the position to vote (at the TTFA elections in November), these are the people that have to come out and sign that petition also.”

Morris, a former T&T futsal coach, along with other staff members and 22 players, won a matter in the High Court against the TTFA last December.

The Futsal team made claims for non-payment of salaries, match fees and per diems for the Concacaf Futsal Championships, which took place in Costa Rica in May, 2016. The TTFA was ordered to pay $475,743 plus interest at three per cent per annum and also to cover their legal fees.

Former national footballer Angus Eve said the petition is a legal way of addressing issues.

“It is a legal form of doing it, I don’t believe in doing things in the wrong way. People sign petitions for different things. It is a democratic process,” Eve said.

Following the heavy loss to USA, Eve said it is hard to point fingers at head coach Dennis Lawrence, who has led the team for two years, but rather he said the TTFA has to take blame.

“Since David John-Williams has come in we have not qualified or passed a first round in any tournament. There is no (local) league football playing in the country and hence the reason I am sympathetic to Dennis because he does not have the option of picking different players. He only has the option of picking the players who are actually playing football at this point in time.”

Eve said it is hard to point fingers at the coach.

“I am a coach. The coach knows whether he could take the team further forward or not. There are times when a coach believes that he can turn it around and there are times when a coach feels he can’t turn it around.”

Eve said the TTFA gave Lawrence a contract and it is up to the national coach if he wants to step down. “It is not for me to say whether he should step down or not because I am a coach. I support Dennis 100 per cent, he knows that and anybody else because we are all coaches together – it is a difficult job. The TTFA is not helping any of the coaches do their jobs.”

Morris, who was supportive of Lawrence when he was named the coach, believes there is not enough emphasis on development within the national senior team as more young players should be in the team.

The former Strike Squad captain said if Lawrence attempts to bring youngsters into the team now to learn from senior players it will be a bit late and he should think of stepping down. “Is he going to bring younger players now to start to work with them? If that is the case he should step down. If he had young players within the team you could say there is a future for the present crop, but given the situation there is not at least four or five young players that could continue (to progress).”

Morris, who thinks the TTFA has to take some blame for the performances, said Lawrence has a lot to offer T&T football and if he does not last long with the senior team he should be allowed to coach a national youth team.

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Re: David John Williams Thread.
« Reply #581 on: June 26, 2019, 08:20:37 AM »
The issue is not exclusively the 6-0 loss. (And by the way, a properly constituted technical committee would have been positioned to assess the body of work across all the matches.) Even in losses, one tends to be able to discern what was being attempted, whether it was merited or sustainable tactically and so on ...

This matter before us is not exclusively to be filed under a lack of quality among the players.

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Re: David John Williams Thread.
« Reply #582 on: June 26, 2019, 03:07:41 PM »
One reason why I am pissing mad with TTFA is DJW decision to forego Olympic qualification. This is the best time to get the U-23 and a few U-20s together to mold the next men's senior team. Greg, Powder, Telfer, Sadhoo, and some local U-23s could be on that team. The current Mexican senior team has players from the London games gold medal team. Pepe Guadiola captain Spain in the Barcelona Olympics at 21 and won gold. Messi was a gold medal winner. Neymar. I think he should rethink that decision now.
« Last Edit: June 26, 2019, 03:09:12 PM by Deeks »

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Re: David John Williams Thread.
« Reply #583 on: June 26, 2019, 03:16:50 PM »
One reason why I am pissing mad with TTFA is DJW decision to forego Olympic qualification. This is the best time to get the U-23 and a few U-20s together to mold the next men's senior team. Greg, Powder, Telfer, Sadhoo, and some local U-23s could be on that team. The current Mexican senior team has players from the London games gold medal team. Pepe Guadiola captain Spain in the Barcelona Olympics at 21 and won gold. Messi was a gold medal winner. Neymar. I think he should rethink that decision now.

Not only that. When yuh consider the opponents in that first round of competition, we would not have faced considerable difficulty in progressing. Problems could have been ironed out over time. The ball is round even if the going is uneven.

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Re: David John Williams Thread.
« Reply #584 on: June 26, 2019, 04:15:21 PM »

When is the next TTFA President election due? I think its a four year tenure, right?

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Re: David John Williams Thread.
« Reply #585 on: June 26, 2019, 04:25:24 PM »
A few months from now
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Re: David John Williams Thread.
« Reply #586 on: June 26, 2019, 05:01:15 PM »
A few months from now

cannot see how he can possibly win re-election (hopefully he does not even run again)... but he should do the right thing and resign before election come

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Re: David John Williams Thread.
« Reply #587 on: June 26, 2019, 07:01:04 PM »
Would be curious to understand who are his challengers; amazingly we look on par with the Maldives -- horrible time for TT and our fan base
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Re: David John Williams Thread.
« Reply #588 on: June 26, 2019, 07:29:46 PM »
Would be curious to understand who are his challengers; amazingly we look on par with the Maldives -- horrible time for TT and our fan base

fan base. That is if we have any remaining. Fans only like winners. Real fans stay with you to the very end.

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Re: David John Williams Thread.
« Reply #589 on: June 26, 2019, 07:44:37 PM »
Would be curious to understand who are his challengers; amazingly we look on par with the Maldives -- horrible time for TT and our fan base
timkee for starters then the other chinese bloke lok loy  ;D.

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Re: David John Williams Thread.
« Reply #590 on: June 26, 2019, 08:48:34 PM »
We have a "Fire Dennis Lawrence" thread, isnt about time we rename this one "Impeach DJW"..

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Re: David John Williams Thread.
« Reply #591 on: July 02, 2019, 01:42:40 AM »
“Trinbago football is in disarray!” DJW mum as petition for his removal nears 1,500 signatures.
By Lasana Liburd (Wired868).

Does Trinidad and Tobago Football Association (TTFA) president David John-Williams feel in any way responsible for the Concacaf Gold Cup performances of the Men’s National Senior Team—his self-titled ‘flagship’ team—or any other national outfit for that matter?

John-Williams did not respond to questions from Wired868 on the matter and, to date, has not acknowledged the Soca Warriors’ struggles in the United States or a petition calling for his resignation.

At present, the Warriors are on a run of seven straight games without a win or even a goal. And their last outing was a record 6-0 loss against the United States in Cleveland.

The result was Trinidad and Tobago’s biggest ever defeat at a Gold Cup match—or in any game against the United States—and just one goal short of their most comprehensive loss of all time, which was away to Mexico at the Azteca Stadium in 2000.

Incidentally, the 7-0 loss to Mexico was largely meaningless as Trinidad and Tobago had already finished top of the World Cup semifinal round qualifying group and travelled to Mexico City with a second string team. The weekend defeat to USA, on the other hand, meant the Warriors had no chance of advancing to the Gold Cup knockout round, despite having a game to spare.

Trinidad and Tobago, who were quarterfinalists in 2013 and 2015 under then head coach Stephen Hart and president Raymond Tim Kee, wrap up their 2019 Gold Cup campaign from 6.30pm today against Guyana with both teams seeking their opening win of the competition.

If John-Williams has any thoughts on the Warriors’ showings, he has kept them to himself and, so far, he has not even issued a statement through his in-house press officer.

The embattled administrator has also not acknowledged a request by four TTFA Board members to hold an ‘urgent meeting’ to discuss the team’s Gold Cup showings as well as head coach Dennis Lawrence’s contract and the decisions of the controversial Emergency Committee.

The four Board members demanding a meeting are: Keith Look Loy, Susan Joseph-Warrick, Raeshawn Mars and Julia Baptiste.

The other Board members are: Ewing Davis, Richard Quan Chan, Anthony Moore, Joseph Taylor (Trinidad and Tobago Football Referees Association), Collin Partap, Bandele Kamau, Sherwyn Dyer, Selby Browne and John-Williams.

In the meantime, a petition demanding that John-Williams steps down as president—which was created by Warriors supporter David Rigby on Sunday—continues to swell and stood at roughly 1,400 signatures by Wednesday morning.

Here are a few of the reasons given by signatories for their lack of faith in the current TTFA president:

Natasha L John: Constantly lacking vision hence hindering growth and success. We need to remove these attitudes out of our culture.

Dereck Skeete: Where is the growth of soccer in Trinidad and Tobago. Fresh ideas and new focus is needed at the helm of the TTFA…

George John: I want a winning attitude from the top so that the proper infrastructure for success can be built.

Dominic Lewis: He has made us woeful.

Dominic Brathwaite: I believe there must be a change in governance but I am hoping that a new change will possibly bring about some positive outcomes although we must look to see if it’s all the same thing.

William Steffen: I’m signing because I support the T&T Women’s program.

Jay Telfs: Sad to see other countries improve while we regress.

Candi John: He is useless.

Michelle Anthony: Our Football/ players/ teams need people who they can trust, and who will have the same goal in mind. We need a president who will go beyond and do what is best for the players and by extension the country. NOT HIMSELF ONLY.

Amanda McDavid: Our national team needs better leadership.

Kwahbena Les Pierre: He is totally incompetent and a blight on local football. If we have to start making any forms of improvement again. He has to go.

Shanelle Arjoon: Ah fed up and we need better for our programs.

Vernal Myer: Our football need to be revamped it is in a downward spiral and our females are not been treated fairly.

Frederick A du Coudray: I am not satisfied that he is doing what is required to get our players prepared for the International arena.

Alfred David: All our age groups and genders has been at its lowest level since his appointment. He is a tyrant and dictator and should have been removed two years ago.

Ricardo Lezama: Mr Williams is operating as an entity entirely on his own accord.

Veerle Schepens: David John Williams have single handedly regressed Trinidad and Tobago football. His arrogance and ignorance has let our country down. He has poor leadership that is substantiated by our results on and off the field.

Every aspect of our footballing has deteriorated. From youth teams, to women’s team, to the Olympic team to our Senior Men’s team. Who remembers when the women team had to BEG for handouts… We haven’t even talked about the results of our competitive football yet. David John Williams had led our football into the laughing stock of CONCACAF and the world.

Simon Francis: TTFF/TTFA must do greater scouting. This project is in a mess. Players unfit, tactically unaware. The MLS, Canada and Europe must have players of Trinbago blood who are willing to play for the red, white and black. My heart bleeds because I know we can be so much better.

Garth St Clair: As a proud former member and fitness instructor of the TTDF, I was very privileged to train members of the TTDF football team of 82 to 88 who were also members of the National Team. The football and administration I am witnessing now is a total disrespect to that legacy. DJW and DL fully understands what they must do. Do it now for our sake and the future of our football. This has gone too far and too low.

Shawn De Silva: This is the worst state I have ever seen our football in. What kind of legacy DJW and his cohorts want to leave behind.

Anton Marin: Accountability is lacking.

Shastri Bhupsingh: This man has ruined football.

Kyle McKay: From the get go this administration did nothing in its manifesto that it used to get elected and now they cutting teams left and right whilst our senior teams continue to be the laughing stock of Concacaf!

All the while teams in the Caribbean making strides forward and leaving us behind! It’s time for a change and it needs to happen NOW!

Paul Morris: We need progression not a dictator.

Patrick Joseph: I want some positive results with our football. Our standard has been on the decline for too long.

Damian Scott: The rule of King David has been utterly shambolic. The nation’s football has regressed under his far-from-astute leadership. ‘Tis time for him to gets ta stepping!

Rasheed Mohammed: DJW does not care about sports and the public interest. Where is W Connection Wanderers Cricket team?

Ngozi Johnson: DJW is an outrageously incompetent and corrupt man, who along with his corrupt sidekicks is running Tn T football into the ground. We want him gone!!!!!

Christian Hume: …too many things to talk about, all summed up eloquently by last night’s 6-0 thumping at the hands of the USA. Denis Lawrence needs to go too!

Brian Manswell: TTFA are in shambles.

Louis Jordan: Trinbago football is in disarray and needs to be fixed.

Arlene Johnson: This petition should be unnecessary. After the mess of the Gold Cup he should tender his resignation.

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Re: David John Williams Thread.
« Reply #592 on: July 06, 2019, 07:44:02 AM »
Former T&T goalies Jack, Shaka urge John-Williams to resign.
T&T Newsday Reports.

A NUMBER of respected former T&T footballers, including World Cup goalkeepers Kelvin Jack and Shaka Hislop, as well as former women’s team captain Maylee Attin-Johnson, have joined in the resounding chorus of appeals for TT Football Association (TTFA) president David John-Williams to resign.

All three issued public addresses, which were relayed during a media conference called by presidents of regional football associations, ordinary TTFA members and various other stakeholders in the local game, at the Hotel Normandie, St Ann’s, yesterday.

They all alluded to authoritative leadership from John-Williams, who was elected president in 2015. Also a noteworthy presence was that of former Strike Squad captain and T&T Futsal coach Clayton Morris, who led a successful lawsuit against the TTFA on behalf of the futsal team last year for unpaid salaries, match fees, per diems and other expenses.

Hislop said in a video, which was aired at the media conference: “I’d like to add to the voices of disapproval (at) the way in which football has been progressing of late. There seems to be a dictatorial approach to all things concerning decisions made; total disregard for voices and opinions of those who were elected and appointed into positions within our TTFA board and supporting administration.”

Hislop, currently a football analyst for US sports broadcaster ESPN, has typically avoided public comments on the state of football and especially the TTFA’s administration. However, in the video, he spoke solemnly as he criticised the football body.

“I also take this opportunity to say (that) ‘We are building a home of football’ is not a long-term plan. ‘We are building a home of football’ is not an excuse for a lack of transparency. ‘We are building a home of football’ does not disguise our poor performances on the pitch or, quite frankly, off the pitch.” Hislop was a member of a commission, which amended and ratified the TTFA’s constitution in 2015. Unlike Hislop, Jack has been among the more vocal prominent ex-national team players, where criticism of the TTFA leadership is concerned. Yesterday he issued a brief but stinging statement, in which he called TTFA’s football programme “a laughing stock among our rivals.”

“There are moments when change must be pursued and that time is now. David John-Williams’ continued ineptitude is having a negative effect that has debilitated football in T&T,” Jack wrote.

“Our young players need the correct environment to improve and to grow. The current TTFA leadership is incapable of providing such.”

Like Jack, Attin-Johnson has often been critical of John-Williams, and in her statement, blamed him and the administration for depriving the next generation of players “their dreams and opportunities...because of the incompetence and dictatorship of this administration”. “It is extremely imperative that the person/persons given the responsibility to run football in our country has the ability, aptitude, experience, knowledge and humility to properly execute this responsibility to improve the inefficiencies plaguing our football.

“In the past, football in our country has experienced difficult times, but never as woeful and disastrous as the present. This current administration has taken our football beyond the depths of despair. Its members have acted in ways that have undermined and destroyed the bedrock of the sport in our country.

“If any of these men and women have any pride and patriotism, they will do the honourable thing and step down, and allow for the rebuilding process to begin.”

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Re: David John Williams Thread.
« Reply #593 on: July 09, 2019, 12:30:56 AM »
We can save T&T football! Group promises ‘roadmap’ to revive local game after removal of DJW.
By Wired868.

On Thursday morning, a group of football stakeholders vowed to present a united front and a new vision to challenge incumbent Trinidad and Tobago Football Association (TTFA) president David John-Williams at the upcoming elections, which is tentatively scheduled for November 2019.

The media launch was chaired by Trinidad and Tobago Super League (TTSL) president Keith Look Loy who made it clear that, although he fully supported the initiative, he would not run for election in any capacity this November.

The other stakeholders identified as part of the movement are Anthony Harford (Northern FA president), Shymdeo Gosine (Central FA president), Susan Joseph-Warrick (Women’s League of Football president), William Wallace (SSFL president), Joseph Taylor (Football Referees Association president), Clynt Taylor (Central FA general secretary) and Raymond Tim Kee (immediate TTFA past president).

Look Loy explained that the group will agree on a single slate to challenge John-Williams in November. And, come September, they will present a ‘roadmap’ for the game, which will be open for consultation with the football fraternity and the wider public.

Look Loy: “If you follow football in Trinidad and Tobago, you know we’re in the grip of a […] existential crisis. This group has united to create a united front to save our football.

“[…] The TTFA is not our property; and it is not the property of the president or any official of the TTFA.

Wallace: “There are people who are saying we have an agenda and, yes, I want the media to know we have an agenda ;and I want the people of Trinidad and Tobago to know we have an agenda.

“And the agenda is to bring back some sanity to Trinidad and Tobago football. That is the agenda… We cannot continue down this road.”

Harford: “We are convinced that good leadership of football has completely evaporated in Trinidad and Tobago. We also feel that there is very little chance of the current leadership recovering from the present position.

“We believe that they lack the skill; we believe that they lack the imaginative ideas to take us into the 21st century. In fact I’d go as far to saying that have fossilised on the job…”

Gosein: “We are not going anywhere. We have fallen so low down, I don’t think the line on the road can keep us up anymore. [We] might even break the paint.”

Joseph-Warrick: “It is simply not logical for there to be disconnect between stakeholders responsible for developing players for the national programme and the people making the sole decisions for that programme…”

Tim Kee: “If you look at the organisational chart that was put in place, you have the general membership first, the board second and the president third. So the president is the servant of the board and the organisation. It is not his private property and that’s what I see… We have seen some people posing as board members who are imps…”

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Re: David John Williams Thread.
« Reply #594 on: August 17, 2019, 05:16:03 PM »
TTFA President David John-Williams says that in spite of ongoing challenges, he feels honoured and privileged to serve as President and believes the Organisation is in a much better place now.

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In defence of TTFA president Williams
« Reply #595 on: August 22, 2019, 04:50:48 AM »
In defence of TTFA president Williams
T&T Newsday

THE EDITOR: Many uncomplimentary things have been said of the TTFA and articles written by the same journalists in different newspapers. I sometimes wonder if we live in the same country.

Reference here is strictly to David John Williams (DJW), esteemed president of the vitriolic TTFA. All DJW has done in his four years as head is to provide the leadership so absent in our country by delivering – and not old talk and lacouray.

After inheriting an asset of $147,000 and millions of dollars in debt and unpaid bills after 100 years of the TTFA, he now has delivered assets to the TTFA of close to $120 million.

He has in the Couva Sports City brought on stream the only revenue-generating sports facility in the country. Go see the sports and entertainment centre, the hotel, the TTFA Home of Football.

In 100 years of football we never had a home. We were kicked out of premises a couple years ago with not even an orphanage to go to.

Due to his unrelenting voluntary efforts which entailed many sleepless nights and an abundance of abuse from certain individuals, he was finally able to get a financial audit done for FIFA, which previous administrations failed to produce for reasons best known to them.

Out of this piece of work came the resurrection of the good name of the T&T Football Association, which had been dragged through the mud in previous international scandals.

This audit cleared the way for FIFA to trust DJW with the flagship project of FIFA of designing and building the Home of Football. This project did not go to Jamaica or Mexico or the Bahamas.

When one considers that the Chinese did not do this but locals and in one year, we have to wonder why the verbal venom is directed towards DJW just for doing such a great job. This project is a dream come true for local football, for the future of this country.

One has to wonder if the petty North vs South nonsense is at play here as the journalists who persist in their pious design in the persecution campaign which they wage against him all come from the North and, as I understand, are friends of some of the previous administrators who once again seek to put the TTFA back in a dark hole. DJW is from Santa Flora and went to Naps.

We are all too happy to sing the praises of outsiders yet when people we know, we have taught, we meet in church, we play mas and party with, visit at Christmas and Divali and Eid etc, our own family, we go out of our way to destroy their work and trivialise their achievements. We insult them and get their friends in the media to wage a campaign against them.

DJW has done it. Whatever his methods, he has delivered a world class facility within budget and on time – and despite court injunctions and orchestrated frustrations and innuendoes about irregularities, all of which have been proven to be lies.

So the next time you see a negative article about David John Williams, think and ask your self why.

VAL RAMSINGH via e-mail
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Re: David John Williams Thread.
« Reply #596 on: August 22, 2019, 06:31:49 AM »
In defence of TTFA president Williams
T&T Newsday

THE EDITOR: Many uncomplimentary things have been said of the TTFA and articles written by the same journalists in different newspapers. I sometimes wonder if we live in the same country.

Reference here is strictly to David John Williams (DJW), esteemed president of the vitriolic TTFA. All DJW has done in his four years as head is to provide the leadership so absent in our country by delivering – and not old talk and lacouray.

After inheriting an asset of $147,000 and millions of dollars in debt and unpaid bills after 100 years of the TTFA, he now has delivered assets to the TTFA of close to $120 million.

He has in the Couva Sports City brought on stream the only revenue-generating sports facility in the country. Go see the sports and entertainment centre, the hotel, the TTFA Home of Football.

In 100 years of football we never had a home. We were kicked out of premises a couple years ago with not even an orphanage to go to.

Due to his unrelenting voluntary efforts which entailed many sleepless nights and an abundance of abuse from certain individuals, he was finally able to get a financial audit done for FIFA, which previous administrations failed to produce for reasons best known to them.

Out of this piece of work came the resurrection of the good name of the T&T Football Association, which had been dragged through the mud in previous international scandals.

This audit cleared the way for FIFA to trust DJW with the flagship project of FIFA of designing and building the Home of Football. This project did not go to Jamaica or Mexico or the Bahamas.

When one considers that the Chinese did not do this but locals and in one year, we have to wonder why the verbal venom is directed towards DJW just for doing such a great job. This project is a dream come true for local football, for the future of this country.

One has to wonder if the petty North vs South nonsense is at play here as the journalists who persist in their pious design in the persecution campaign which they wage against him all come from the North and, as I understand, are friends of some of the previous administrators who once again seek to put the TTFA back in a dark hole. DJW is from Santa Flora and went to Naps.

We are all too happy to sing the praises of outsiders yet when people we know, we have taught, we meet in church, we play mas and party with, visit at Christmas and Divali and Eid etc, our own family, we go out of our way to destroy their work and trivialise their achievements. We insult them and get their friends in the media to wage a campaign against them.

DJW has done it. Whatever his methods, he has delivered a world class facility within budget and on time – and despite court injunctions and orchestrated frustrations and innuendoes about irregularities, all of which have been proven to be lies.

So the next time you see a negative article about David John Williams, think and ask your self why.

VAL RAMSINGH via e-mail

I guess each week from now until November we are going to be treated to submissions of this kind. They all have the same characteristic pattern and tone and curiously echo the TTFA president's cadence in interviews and conversations.

Whatever his methods, huh?

Incidentally, Homes of Football were not invented by David John-Williams. They exist all across the world in various forms. I've had the fortune of having been to several and all have had their share of detracting voices, politicization and financial transparency concerns. We are not on novel ground.

Ideally, FIFA wants each member association to have its own home and field of dreams. There isn't a bidding war among federations to secure one. ("This project did not go to Jamaica or Mexico or the Bahamas.) And Mexico, for one, is not lacking in this area. It has an impressive facility in Toluca tucked away from public view. The writer is disingenuously attempting to give the impression that T&T received some special bounty. We did not. We are late in the dance because we forfeited the excellent centre we had.

Here's a question an inquiring mind should ask: how state of the art is the Home of Football?

If DJW knew that the responsibility of being TTFA president was beyond his competence perhaps he should have petitioned to focus on contributing to infrastructural projects. In some ways he would have been a better general-secretary than he has been president.

Speaking of irregularities, here's another question for an inquiring mind: when DJW conducts TTFA business via his personal email account how indicative of accountability and best practice is that? How would anyone else in the organization obtain an appreciation of those aspects of official business? How is a successor to treat with those gaps in information?

And on the North vs South divide, have you missed the stones DJW threw into this arena? Surely you jest.

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Re: David John Williams Thread.
« Reply #597 on: August 22, 2019, 08:05:36 AM »
I thought it was going to be satire when I start to read

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Re: David John Williams Thread.
« Reply #598 on: August 22, 2019, 03:41:43 PM »
I thought it was going to be satire when I start to read

Yuh didn't make out DJW starring as George Orwell's Napoleon? 

Yuh know how it goes, all losses are recast as victories and all screw-ups are buried as bumps in the road. Clearly this is the best football administration in history.

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Re: David John Williams Thread.
« Reply #599 on: September 19, 2019, 12:41:31 AM »
Fact checking DJW: Hart problems, star gazing and why fans, stats and players—but not Lawrence!—are to blame.
By Lasana Liburd (Wired868).

On Friday, Trinidad and Tobago Football Association (TTFA) president David John-Williams sat down with TV6 Morning Edition host Fazeer Mohammed to discuss the state of football in the twin island republic.

“I am not here to defend a coach, I am not here to defend an association,” said John-Williams, “I am here to talk the truth and the facts…”

So was John-Williams true to his word? Wired868 reviews some key excerpts of his interview.

Pity you let go of that Stephen Hart fellah eh? He was pretty decent, right? Especially if you look at our current results…

John-Williams: “The TTFA never fired Stephen Hart, there was a mutual parting of ways…”

Eh? Hart helped put the axe in his own back? Wired868 decided to let Hart bat for himself here and phoned his attorney, Keith Scotland.

Scotland: “That was absolutely not so. We say ‘yes’ he was fired, and wrongfully so as well… I don’t think the TTFA treated him fairly and coach Hart would love for justice to be done. But I cannot speak too much because this matter is before the courts…”

Sounds more debatable than fact then, eh ‘DJW’? Well, Hart took Trinidad and Tobago to two consecutive Concacaf Gold Cup quarterfinals—he is the only coach after Bertille St Clair to lead the Soca Warriors into the tournament’s knockout stage—and a top 50 FIFA ranking, so maybe your view of the former coach has softened over the past three years…

John-Williams: “We failed to qualify for the Gold Cup under Stephen Hart directly and under Tom Saintfiet; and we lost our first three games in the Hex. So our football was in a downward spiral… Obviously Hart was loved by certain sections of society but, when you look at it, our football was going downhill. Our results were not happening.”

Ouch! And what do you mean by: ‘certain sections of society’?

For the record, Trinidad and Tobago only qualified for the 2019 Concacaf Gold Cup by virtue of Hart getting them into the last Hex. An accomplishment that Lawrence will almost certainly fail to emulate.

But didn’t Lawrence lose seven straight games—an all-time Trinidad and Tobago losing record? Doesn’t he hold two of the country’s five longest winless streaks ever? His current run of 11 games without a win is one bad result shy of tying the record for impotent coaching.

So, if three straight losses got Hart sacked, why does Lawrence still have a job?

John-Williams: “Nobody has taken into consideration that we have been playing top 50 opposition…”

Wait… what? Okay, so Iran (23), Wales (24), Japan (33) and USA (22) were top 50 opposition; although the first four nations played weakened teams against T&T—unlike when Argentina faced Hart’s Warriors with Lionel Messi, Angel Di Maria and Javier Mascherano on the field.

But the other five nations that the Warriors faced were: Thailand (115), Canada (78), Panama (74), Guyana (178), St Vincent and the Grenadines (176) and Martinique (unranked).

So why aren’t we doing better against the likes of them?

John-Williams: “It is not possible to play the majority of [our] games at home because of our financial position…”

It is more difficult to get a result on the road than at home. And Lawrence has played just 34 percent of his games in Trinidad—10 from 29 internationals.

Wait, how many games did Hart play at home? Twelve from 43 games? But that’s only 28 percent? Ahmmm…

John-Williams: “Dennis is a professional coach; well trained, well schooled… I think a lot of people are judging Dennis on pure results… but I have watched them play—particularly against Martinique—and I can tell the team is well prepared. They are not executing.

“[…] In football there is the performance and there is the result. I see, one, the performance and, two, the results.”

But when the Warriors failed to defeat Costa Rica, Honduras (away) and Martinique (with a half-dozen Europe-based players in their squad), you held Hart responsible.

Who has to answer when Lawrence fails to get a win against the likes of St Vincent and the Grenadines, Thailand, Guyana and Martinique (with only one professional in their ranks)?

John-Williams: “At the end of the day, the players have to take some responsibility for their performances… The player quality is not as we had before. Our players are not playing in the top leagues around the world again […] and we are competing with the likes of United States and Mexico… We are punching way above our weight class.”

We are punching above our weight class under Lawrence with a FIFA ranking of 101 while we were supposedly ‘in a downward spiral’ under Hart yet ranked 65th at the time of his firing?

And, for the record, when Trinidad and Tobago held Mexico 4-4 at the 2015 Gold Cup, Hart had four Pro League players on the pitch: Marvin Phillip, Keron Cummings, Dwane James and Willis Plaza. In contrast, the 68 minutes that W Connection forward Shahdon Winchester played against Guyana at the 2019 Gold Cup was the only time that Lawrence had a home-based outfield player on the field for the entire tournament.

John-Williams: “We live in a society where the success of an organisation is measured by the success of the on the field performances of football teams… I think that is very unreasonable because you have to encompass the entire situation of Trinidad and tobago football as it relates to funding, the availability of footballers and the quality of the footballers.”

We know, we know… It is silly to judge success based on results unless you happen to be a football coach who isn’t named: ‘Dennis Lawrence’.

After 43 games, Hart had a 37 percent win record with 21 percent draws and 42 percent losses. And in competitive games, his Warriors lifted their game to deliver a 44 percent win record with 20 percent draws and 36 percent losses.

Lawrence’s overall record from 29 games is 17 percent won, 28 percent tied and 55 percent lost. While in competitive action, his team performed even worse with 15 percent of games won, 23 percent tied and 62 percent lost.

But who cares about results these days right? So what else have you got?

John-Williams: “We have moved the asset base of the Football Association from $197,000 to $100 million… [The Home of Football] is going to be the biggest achievement for the Trinidad and Tobago Football Association after qualification for the Germany 2006 World Cup!”

You think the second biggest achievement in Trinidad and Tobago’s football history is a… hotel? And a Home of Football project that had no feasibility study to justify the outlay in the first place, suffers from a chronic lack of transparency and, according to general secretary Camara David, the TTFA cannot afford to complete?

Is this business about football or real estate?

John-Williams: “Trinidad and tobago football can now compete with the likes of [Florida’s] IMG [facilities]… We are going to host the Under-17 Concacaf Championship in April next year as a result of the Home of Football. And that can bring much needed revenue to the Trinidad and Tobago Football Association…”

But Trinidad and Tobago held the Concacaf Women’s Under-20 Championship and lost money. Since when is hosting a Concacaf competition a money-making business for the TTFA?

Didn’t you notice fans aren’t even turning out anymore? That’s because it is hard to admire the facilities when your team is rubbish.

John-Williams: “Do we have true fans here? […] Those same people [let us] win two games and we are the best thing since sliced bread.”

So the fans are the problem now? Not the team’s performances? And not much chance of those wins to transform the mood eh. Lawrence managed two consecutive wins as head coach just once; and those were his first two games in charge against Barbados and Honduras—both in Port of Spain. The more time he spends with the squad, the worse their results.

DJW, how do you respond to those who say, looking at on-field results, your term in office has been a disaster?

John-Williams: “If I have to respond to that accusation in the manner I want to respond, I may be disrespectful and I have no intention to be disrespectful.”

Did you just invite me to imagine the insult you had in mind? That’s a bit passive-aggressive…

Any closing words?

John-Williams: “The Trinidad and Tobago Football Association is 111 years old in 2019. It was founded on July 23, 1908—the day I was born, July 23rd. Maybe the stars were lined up that I had to be president of the Trinidad and Tobago Football Association.”

Did you just say that your rein was written in the stars? You are the ‘Chosen One’?

John-Williams: “I will tell you what is fact. I was born on July 23, the day the football association was founded. I was elected on November 29, when my dad was 97 years old. So maybe the stars are aligned. I am not electioneering, that is fact. Anything I talk here is fact.”

Can Wired868 suggest a nice symmetry? Why not call the next TTFA elections for 29 November and let the stars speak to you again?

John-Williams: “At the end of the day, I am confident that if I leave office in the morning, the Trinidad and Tobago Football Association will be in a much better place.”

Finally, something we can agree on. The TTFA will certainly be better off if you left in the morning—although I suspect it won’t be for the same reason that you think.

Editor’s Note: All the quotes attributed to TTFA president David John-Williams were taken verbatim from his TV6 Morning Edition interview with Fazeer Mohammed on 13 September 2019.

The real measure of a man's character is what he would do if he knew he would never be found out.


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