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Author Topic: Thread for the T&T vs Panama Game (24-Mar-2017)  (Read 34687 times)

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Re: Thread for the T&T vs Panama Game (24-Mar-2017)
« Reply #210 on: March 24, 2017, 06:59:31 PM »
Fantastic win! This one's for Weary1969!


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Re: Thread for the T&T vs Panama Game (24-Mar-2017)
« Reply #211 on: March 24, 2017, 06:59:51 PM »
Cyrus not having a bad game
He fall asleep on that Panama goal that shoulda been a goal. Ball watching when he should be handling de man who score.

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Re: Thread for the T&T vs Panama Game (24-Mar-2017)
« Reply #212 on: March 24, 2017, 07:02:03 PM »
Whewww...huge sigh of relief. The campaign is off...what a scarp. We looked really good in the first half...we created good chances throughout the game as well! We were the better team tonight! Congratulations players and staff!
Soca in mih vein, Soca in meh blood
Soca in yuh vein, Soca in blood,
Soca in we vein, Soca in we blood,
It's a heart of love, can't deny soca, cuz its good fuh de soul...
Trinidad and Tobago jump up now!

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Re: Thread for the T&T vs Panama Game (24-Mar-2017)
« Reply #213 on: March 24, 2017, 07:07:40 PM »
Congrats to coach Lawerence and the team, 3 pts in the bag. Good game Cryus you played solid tonight :beermug:

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Re: Thread for the T&T vs Panama Game (24-Mar-2017)
« Reply #214 on: March 24, 2017, 07:12:04 PM »
Two games two wins for the soldier
Fitness is a bitch ...look like we were trying to give it away in the end
Big win...now they starting to own that name ...Warriors
We still have some work to get done..but the chemistry looking good
Its a dam pity we will not be in the Gold cup...we need some serious games aginst better competition,especially for the new comers on the team
I feel confident in saying the wheels back on the waggon

Offline frico

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Re: Thread for the T&T vs Panama Game (24-Mar-2017)
« Reply #215 on: March 24, 2017, 07:24:44 PM »
This is a great result against a team considered to up with the best in CONCACAF,beating Mexico or getting a draw is not out of the question,we start the climb.

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Re: Thread for the T&T vs Panama Game (24-Mar-2017)
« Reply #216 on: March 24, 2017, 07:28:37 PM »
This one was for all the Warriors
Those who are with us and those who have left us
This one is also for the whole of Trinidad and Tobago,with all the negatives,I pray for all the badness and sadness to cease and settle,cause Jah know we  need some peace and love in our little piece of Paradise
That being said I hope the whole of T and T come out and ram the stadium on Tuesday
Let Mexico know that points are very hard to get when thay visit Soca land
Warriors just asking that you continue to the Mexico game where you left of with Panama
To the players and coaching staff... :beermug: :beermug: :beermug:
Thank you very much...I needed this

Offline Big Magician

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Re: Thread for the T&T vs Panama Game (24-Mar-2017)
« Reply #217 on: March 24, 2017, 07:38:49 PM »
Little Magician is King.......ask Jorge Campos

Offline che

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Re: Thread for the T&T vs Panama Game (24-Mar-2017)
« Reply #218 on: March 24, 2017, 07:39:17 PM »
5 WC games vs Panama =5 wins and 5 clean sheets

Offline MEP

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Re: Thread for the T&T vs Panama Game (24-Mar-2017)
« Reply #219 on: March 24, 2017, 07:42:23 PM »
Two games two wins for the soldier
Fitness is a bitch ...look like we were trying to give it away in the end
Big win...now they starting to own that name ...Warriors
We still have some work to get done..but the chemistry looking good
Its a dam pity we will not be in the Gold cup...we need some serious games aginst better competition,especially for the new comers on the team
I feel confident in saying the wheels back on the waggon
the wheels might be back on the wagon but we need to have somebody riding shotgun and that bandit DJW skulking around somewhere looking to hijack things

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Re: Thread for the T&T vs Panama Game (24-Mar-2017)
« Reply #220 on: March 24, 2017, 07:45:45 PM »
Look how Mexico playing mind games with Costa Rica....dey bring de whole Mexican Army on field and a flag 1/2 size de pitch

Offline sjahrain

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Re: Thread for the T&T vs Panama Game (24-Mar-2017)
« Reply #221 on: March 24, 2017, 07:46:23 PM »
the wheels might be back on the wagon but we need to have somebody riding shotgun and that bandit DJW skulking around somewhere looking to hijack things
You thiefing my head right now...with that very unpleasant thought... :cursing: :cursing: :cursing:

Offline Jefferz

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Re: Thread for the T&T vs Panama Game (24-Mar-2017)
« Reply #222 on: March 24, 2017, 07:58:58 PM »
First things first,

Good win.

However, Panama had too much space. The team HAS to be fitter and they have to show more conviction.

Sure, good showing for the first time with this group of players under Lawrence. On the other hand, if we performed like this against Mexico I doubt we would have won or even drew.

The Molino foul should have been a penalty. Plain and simple.

The Panama offside goal definitely wasn't a sure thing, because A. He wasn't certainly onside by the time the ball left the passing player's boot and also he did not immediately score it himself, he touched it back to another player and by that time the whistle had already blown. So they could hush dey cyat about that. Not to mention the Molino foul in the box. Again, f**kin blatant.

Those things aside i'll rate each player by merit;

Jan Michael Williams - 7

A couple decent saves. Good positioning. Overall solid game. I would give him a higher rating but he didn't necessarily have to pull out any really outstanding saves.

Carlos Edwards - 6.5

He's a different Carlos. Ya'll might say is a harsh rating, but on merit, he was lucky to have not been made to pay at times. Decent game, though better opposition would have had a field day I think. That said, perhaps with continued training in the national set up and a couple more games at this level, I can see him being an asset. Still though, I'd prefer to see one of the younger wing backs considering that Carlos isn't exactly a clear cut best option. In former qualifying campaigns this would have been a weak performance for him. Few have followed and supported Carlos as I have. Doh get me wrong, big love for him, but today's performance was not convincing. Against Mexico? I'm a little worried.

Gonzales - 6.5

Similar to Carlos in that he had a decent showing, but I think he was lucky not to have been made to pay. Seeing his interview i'm worried about his mental capacity. It's one thing if you are clearly very strong, or very quick, or really good in the air. Nothing stood out for me though and if you aren't particularly great in any one area then you've gotta be a very smart, balanced player. Towards the end of the game he had plenty time to clear a ball up the field and chose to simply biff it out into a dangerous throwing position for Panama. That's not international level defending and better opposition could have punished us. He just doesn't stand out. Decent marking, however i'll look forward to Bateau's return.

Cyrus - 7.5

I'll give him a 7.5 because I think he bore the brunt of the Panamanian attack. Good passing and ball control too. He made a few too many mistakes that he might have been made to pay for much like Carlos and Curtis, and yet I was impressed by his transition to full back (I know he has played here before, but not to great effect and he has played more often as a wing back). Given more time in this position and especially under Lawrence I think he can blossom. Once he keeps humble. I know Cyrus is a volatile one in terms of his temperament, but I have high hopes for him. I've written him off before and I hope that I was wrong.

Mekeil - 7

Decent, but a little sluggish. Definitely not his best game for us. I typically find his long balls more effective and that his wing play is quicker. I do like him at left back for us though. I look forward to a little improvement, but again, decent game.

George - 7.5

Kevan might not be the quickest or strongest, but he is a solid passer and a tough tackler. He's a tougher Theobald for me. He does a lot of good work off the ball with his positioning and though he might not be as effective moving forward he is very effective in slowing down the oppositions advances. He's a silent work horse and I appreciate the work he did today.

Hyland - 8

Solid game. He had a bit of a soft shot that didn't go either side of the keeper, but he shared defensive midfield responsibility with Kevan very well, held up the ball well, created chances well, and put in that heart and soul. Hyland shows great responsibility and his sensible play is essential to balancing off the flair of other players like Molino and Joevin. The man is heart and soul and I'm grateful that he's in the set up staying strong. Good game.

Cato - 6.5

Plenty of flair and he had a couple moments, but I do feel like Cato has a lot more too offer. Good speed and he gave the opposition a lot of worry, not enough conviction. I think he had a solid game, but for a player of his potential I think it was a bit of a wasted opportunity against opposition like Panama. He could have really punished them. Hopefully better will come against Mexico.

Joevin - 7.5

As per usual he was an absolute handful. I worry about his temperament. Good shot in the first half, but a few too many mistakes in midfield. He's had better games to say the least. That said, solid game. Onward Joevin!
Molino - 8

Great goal. He pulled out a moment of near brilliance, and at a time where I felt a worrying shift could have been at hand. Whenever Trinidad are at home and don't score relatively early, good early possession and momentum switches, complacency settles in and the opposition gets way too many opportunities. He lifted us up when we needed it. It wasn't his best game, he was a little flat at times in comparison to his usual Molino self, but solid enough and he got us the essential goal.

Kenwyne - 7

Decent performance. He should have done better with that second half opportunity. He worked hard to create it and then too much hot air. Square the ball off earlier or get yourself into a better position for the shot. He did work a lot harder than previous games and he showed some of his old pace. Encouraging game. We'll need a little more from him as a captain in the Mexican game, but for now I'm pleased.

Levi - 6.5

I know that he didn't get a whole lot of time, and more often than not he made himself a handful, however he had an opportunity to drive into the box and sting the keeper or square off a decent pass and he did neither. He is always excellent at getting himself between the opposition and the ball and keeping possession or forcing the foul, but he was flat in comparison to previous performances. I look forward to his more typical confidence and flair against Mexico and onward.

Hector - 7

He didn't get enough time I think to really settle, but I enjoyed his work rate. He put in some heart and soul. Hopefully he gets more time out on the pitch and shows his worth.

Boastwain - 7

For the short time that he played he produced a decent shot from well outside the box. I think given more time on the pitch he may have scored. I like him. His work rate is decent and I think he has a good footballing mind.

Those are my two cents fellas.

since ah born or at least circa Copa Caribe

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Re: Thread for the T&T vs Panama Game (24-Mar-2017)
« Reply #223 on: March 24, 2017, 08:01:01 PM »
besides the defense struggling as usual... you're telling me that Big mac comes with guacamole and pico de gallo in Panama? 

In Colombia KFC comes with rice, lentils/red beans.

Offline Big Magician

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Re: Thread for the T&T vs Panama Game (24-Mar-2017)
« Reply #224 on: March 24, 2017, 08:14:43 PM »
for those wondering why Abu Bakr was not in the squad..saw him..he said he is sick...so...
Little Magician is King.......ask Jorge Campos

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Re: Thread for the T&T vs Panama Game (24-Mar-2017)
« Reply #225 on: March 24, 2017, 08:15:59 PM »
@Jefferz - A little harsh on Cato. But you justified it. I would still say a 7. Cato came back and defended when he needed to. At times he was all over the pitch.. Which I thought was effective.

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Re: Thread for the T&T vs Panama Game (24-Mar-2017)
« Reply #226 on: March 24, 2017, 08:19:02 PM »
i thought K Jones was amazing...and thats all we keep asking for...run..work..and run some more...well played skipper

Mikel Williams was poor...i keep saying Joevin Jones should play left back for us...JUST like he does at Seattle...
Little Magician is King.......ask Jorge Campos

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Re: Thread for the T&T vs Panama Game (24-Mar-2017)
« Reply #227 on: March 24, 2017, 08:22:35 PM »
i thought K Jones was amazing...and thats all we keep asking for...run..work..and run some more...well played skipper

Mikel Williams was poor...i keep saying Joevin Jones should play left back for us...JUST like he does at Seattle...

K9 was the real deal tonight. Strong presence. Speed, strength and skill.

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Re: Thread for the T&T vs Panama Game (24-Mar-2017)
« Reply #228 on: March 24, 2017, 08:40:16 PM »
WATCH: Highlights of Trinidad and Tobago’s 1-0 win over Panama

<a href="https://www.youtube.com/v/dfWhSRBkMEg" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" class="bbc_link bbc_flash_disabled new_win">https://www.youtube.com/v/dfWhSRBkMEg</a>
The Conquering Lion of Judah shall break every chain.

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Re: Thread for the T&T vs Panama Game (24-Mar-2017)
« Reply #229 on: March 24, 2017, 08:50:08 PM »
i thought K Jones was amazing...and thats all we keep asking for...run..work..and run some more...well played skipper

Mikel Williams was poor...i keep saying Joevin Jones should play left back for us...JUST like he does at Seattle...

K9 was the real deal tonight. Strong presence. Speed, strength and skill.
Agreed! He and Torres were like 2 gladiators battling in a heavyweight bout

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Re: Thread for the T&T vs Panama Game (24-Mar-2017)
« Reply #231 on: March 24, 2017, 09:27:53 PM »
Great "W" Warriors! Congrats Coachman DL! With a desire to win + the willingness to work hard fuh country + luck = 3pts

Need everything mentioned above x 2 to take some pts off the Mexicans....so let's get it done!

Lastly, welcome back skipper!! Way to lead yuh team to the victory along with the shutout! He may not be as clinical as we like offensively, but defensively he's a major asset fuh us. His aerial prowess is second to none in the squad and arguably in the region...we just need some decent deliveries in the box to give him ah chance to reward himself in the attacking third. But overall very purposeful...continue to bleed fuh yuh country!
Soca Warriors, Holland And Barcelona,

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Re: Thread for the T&T vs Panama Game (24-Mar-2017)
« Reply #232 on: March 24, 2017, 09:50:18 PM »
lol joevin
Hahaha Joevin catch me and all yes...for ah fleeting second ah wonder, "wait nah like is Panamanian ball boys??" But then ah was like, nah man, they just pelting ball at Joevin and he just dummying ball man:) And gesticulating as if he can't get ah ball from them :rotfl: :rotfl:
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Re: Thread for the T&T vs Panama Game (24-Mar-2017)
« Reply #233 on: March 24, 2017, 10:35:50 PM »
First things first,

Good win.

However, Panama had too much space. The team HAS to be fitter and they have to show more conviction.

Sure, good showing for the first time with this group of players under Lawrence. On the other hand, if we performed like this against Mexico I doubt we would have won or even drew.

The Molino foul should have been a penalty. Plain and simple.

The Panama offside goal definitely wasn't a sure thing, because A. He wasn't certainly onside by the time the ball left the passing player's boot and also he did not immediately score it himself, he touched it back to another player and by that time the whistle had already blown. So they could hush dey cyat about that. Not to mention the Molino foul in the box. Again, f**kin blatant.

Those things aside i'll rate each player by merit;

Jan Michael Williams - 7

A couple decent saves. Good positioning. Overall solid game. I would give him a higher rating but he didn't necessarily have to pull out any really outstanding saves.

Carlos Edwards - 6.5

He's a different Carlos. Ya'll might say is a harsh rating, but on merit, he was lucky to have not been made to pay at times. Decent game, though better opposition would have had a field day I think. That said, perhaps with continued training in the national set up and a couple more games at this level, I can see him being an asset. Still though, I'd prefer to see one of the younger wing backs considering that Carlos isn't exactly a clear cut best option. In former qualifying campaigns this would have been a weak performance for him. Few have followed and supported Carlos as I have. Doh get me wrong, big love for him, but today's performance was not convincing. Against Mexico? I'm a little worried.

Gonzales - 6.5

Similar to Carlos in that he had a decent showing, but I think he was lucky not to have been made to pay. Seeing his interview i'm worried about his mental capacity. It's one thing if you are clearly very strong, or very quick, or really good in the air. Nothing stood out for me though and if you aren't particularly great in any one area then you've gotta be a very smart, balanced player. Towards the end of the game he had plenty time to clear a ball up the field and chose to simply biff it out into a dangerous throwing position for Panama. That's not international level defending and better opposition could have punished us. He just doesn't stand out. Decent marking, however i'll look forward to Bateau's return.

Cyrus - 7.5

I'll give him a 7.5 because I think he bore the brunt of the Panamanian attack. Good passing and ball control too. He made a few too many mistakes that he might have been made to pay for much like Carlos and Curtis, and yet I was impressed by his transition to full back (I know he has played here before, but not to great effect and he has played more often as a wing back). Given more time in this position and especially under Lawrence I think he can blossom. Once he keeps humble. I know Cyrus is a volatile one in terms of his temperament, but I have high hopes for him. I've written him off before and I hope that I was wrong.

Mekeil - 7

Decent, but a little sluggish. Definitely not his best game for us. I typically find his long balls more effective and that his wing play is quicker. I do like him at left back for us though. I look forward to a little improvement, but again, decent game.

George - 7.5

Kevan might not be the quickest or strongest, but he is a solid passer and a tough tackler. He's a tougher Theobald for me. He does a lot of good work off the ball with his positioning and though he might not be as effective moving forward he is very effective in slowing down the oppositions advances. He's a silent work horse and I appreciate the work he did today.

Hyland - 8

Solid game. He had a bit of a soft shot that didn't go either side of the keeper, but he shared defensive midfield responsibility with Kevan very well, held up the ball well, created chances well, and put in that heart and soul. Hyland shows great responsibility and his sensible play is essential to balancing off the flair of other players like Molino and Joevin. The man is heart and soul and I'm grateful that he's in the set up staying strong. Good game.

Cato - 6.5

Plenty of flair and he had a couple moments, but I do feel like Cato has a lot more too offer. Good speed and he gave the opposition a lot of worry, not enough conviction. I think he had a solid game, but for a player of his potential I think it was a bit of a wasted opportunity against opposition like Panama. He could have really punished them. Hopefully better will come against Mexico.

Joevin - 7.5

As per usual he was an absolute handful. I worry about his temperament. Good shot in the first half, but a few too many mistakes in midfield. He's had better games to say the least. That said, solid game. Onward Joevin!
Molino - 8

Great goal. He pulled out a moment of near brilliance, and at a time where I felt a worrying shift could have been at hand. Whenever Trinidad are at home and don't score relatively early, good early possession and momentum switches, complacency settles in and the opposition gets way too many opportunities. He lifted us up when we needed it. It wasn't his best game, he was a little flat at times in comparison to his usual Molino self, but solid enough and he got us the essential goal.

Kenwyne - 7

Decent performance. He should have done better with that second half opportunity. He worked hard to create it and then too much hot air. Square the ball off earlier or get yourself into a better position for the shot. He did work a lot harder than previous games and he showed some of his old pace. Encouraging game. We'll need a little more from him as a captain in the Mexican game, but for now I'm pleased.

Levi - 6.5

I know that he didn't get a whole lot of time, and more often than not he made himself a handful, however he had an opportunity to drive into the box and sting the keeper or square off a decent pass and he did neither. He is always excellent at getting himself between the opposition and the ball and keeping possession or forcing the foul, but he was flat in comparison to previous performances. I look forward to his more typical confidence and flair against Mexico and onward.

Hector - 7

He didn't get enough time I think to really settle, but I enjoyed his work rate. He put in some heart and soul. Hopefully he gets more time out on the pitch and shows his worth.

Boastwain - 7

For the short time that he played he produced a decent shot from well outside the box. I think given more time on the pitch he may have scored. I like him. His work rate is decent and I think he has a good footballing mind.

Those are my two cents fellas.

Feel molino and hyland's ratings are a lil generous
Well taken goal

i expect more from these 2.
Molino was inconsistent before the goal and was kinda quiet after it

hyland i expect way more as he's been playing overseas for so long, would expect greater quality from him ---passing, movement off the ball, supportive play offensively and defensively, crisper touch

kenwyne's work rate was very impressive. Gave much more than what we've seen recently.
Confidence may be low in front of goal, but what seems like a change in attitude and work rate could only be seen as a positive.
goals will come

botswain does look like a lively option, other than Caesar

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Re: Thread for the T&T vs Panama Game (24-Mar-2017)
« Reply #234 on: March 24, 2017, 10:59:28 PM »
It looks like the ATL coach does have KJ running his socks off in practice. We may have to send him a Christmas present for that :devil:

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Re: Thread for the T&T vs Panama Game (24-Mar-2017)
« Reply #235 on: March 24, 2017, 11:02:15 PM »
VB, how yuh feel about Kevan George after tonight's performance?

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Re: Thread for the T&T vs Panama Game (24-Mar-2017)
« Reply #236 on: March 24, 2017, 11:43:26 PM »
i thought K Jones was amazing...and thats all we keep asking for...run..work..and run some more...well played skipper

Mikel Williams was poor...i keep saying Joevin Jones should play left back for us...JUST like he does at Seattle...

Yeah he hard on KJ.  The man play a 9.5 in my book.  The issue for me is that fellas like Cato and Jones and Molino (to an extent)  hold the ball to long and don't set KJ enough.  If they were to get that ball in early it will be mess.  They better not hold up the ball like that against them short Mexicans. 
In Everything give thanks for this is the will of God concerning you.

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Re: Thread for the T&T vs Panama Game (24-Mar-2017)
« Reply #237 on: March 25, 2017, 12:13:58 AM »

With the Hex now being so tight we need to take our chances when we get them so we can beat our opponents by a healthy goal cushion as goal difference could come into play at the end of the Hex to decide if we get an automatic or play-off spot.

We should have won this game vs Panama by 3 - 0 if we had taken all our good chances.

Still congrats to the team and Dennis Lawrence on getting 3 points in his first World World Cup Qualifying game as a coach.   :beermug:

Disappointed about the crowd turn out but most Trinis are waggonists so I would expect a much better turn out for Mexico on Tuesday seeing that we won this game and now have the potential to be in the qualifying running for one of the top 3 spots if we can win ALL our remaining home games and steal some points away on the road in enemies territory.

Yeah this win is for Weary and also for Stern John who recently lost his talented daughter.
« Last Edit: March 25, 2017, 12:33:40 AM by Socapro »
De higher a monkey climbs is de less his ass is on de line, if he works for FIFA that is! ;-)

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Re: Thread for the T&T vs Panama Game (24-Mar-2017)
« Reply #238 on: March 25, 2017, 04:35:25 AM »
A very boring and non attacking brand of football...

No offense but Tallest not close to Hart when it comes to coaching and strategy...

Levi and jones were not themselves, we were not as deadly in the box or near it, nor were we damaging as before in the opponents first third..

Outside of Molinos goal, he didn't do much, jones didn't have his usual crosses coming in from the wings and our defense had too much lapses..

Tallest and sol are defenders, our team should be defending much better

Give me a 80% Cummings any day on this team, he needs to get with an trainer and physio because he was missing from the mid..

Kenwyne played well except for that Side netting bull he pull, when he could have played it in the middle with his team mates running into the box..bad decision
« Last Edit: March 25, 2017, 04:36:56 AM by Controversial »

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Re: Thread for the T&T vs Panama Game (24-Mar-2017)
« Reply #239 on: March 25, 2017, 05:05:17 AM »
Little Magician is King.......ask Jorge Campos


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