You think Shabazz, Fenwick, Fevrier or any of them would even be considered to coach a G20 nation?

Let's put this in perspective here for those who are not the sharpest tool in the shed... Hart was head and shoulders above his fellow Trinis down home, so much so that jealousy, envy and spite came into the picture.
None of them will ever be in a position to coach a country like Canada. You think it's easy to get that job and also structure, develop and coach also the women's program?
You think immigrants are given things easy in Canada? Hart had the intellect, work ethic and ability to get that job, it wasn't luck or because some may say he's a local white.. so dispell that ignorance..
Locally most are living in a bubble and don't understand what level of intelligence and performance you need to function at to get a job like what Hart had, to come home and work for free at times under small minded dictators for the love of his country...
Hart is a patriot and a son of the soil.. remember that and remember none of the coaches and the rest locally who fight down Hart getting a call to coach even Canada.