Dynamite Warrior i like you post about Gay you made sense and in one of your post you said you admired Gay for doing his job.
Just cool have you seen Gay against mexico in pan american game or against Finland senior team where he scored.?
If in America when under 23 get 7 and gay played up front by him self and mexico dominating the game how do expect to see him at his best. TnT midfield was out played. Any body with knowledge of the game knows if you midfield shuts down any u playing any system esp 4-5-1 the striker will be out the game.
That doesnt mean he not good player.
Every body have his or her opinion and i respect yours so respect mines .
Ahright kid, take win.
JC yuh fight ah good fight on your birthday jed, but yuh realize yuh eh winning this one:)
Hopefully we next Dwight Yorke-Gay-will prove yuh wrong.
Could somebody say if this Gay fellah ripping up we jokey pro league or not?!?!?!
This was an interesting thread though...I still rather Jagdeosingh though, something about ah forward's ability to run at ah facking defender just does it for me, regardless of ah damn coaches instructions!!!