February 13, 2025, 01:03:54 PM

Author Topic: Outside interference into TT football is real and has disrupted our progress  (Read 1911 times)

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Offline Controversial

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The Mexico matches awakened the money men in TT... Their masters went on high alert, TT was rising and became too unpredictable...

You Can't throw/fix matches with a coach who is above board... TT was on the path to qualify for Russia but that needed to be stopped..

The Dictator steps into the picture to execute the sabotage of the team in order to keep the hegemony in the region in tact... too many rising teams spells danger to the elite teams, you can't have that unpredictability so the hatchet man was sent in with his cabal to dismantle the progress and ensure there is no surprises..

Bookies don't like surprises, especially when it involves millions of dollars, tampering is the only way to guarantee results that make them and their minions money...

The guillotine was dropped, heads rolled and the Hart stopped pulsating...

Things are now back on course, Trinidad is back in its rightful place, thanks to the sell outs... during enslavment the enslaved in the house remained close to the master, so too does the Dictator and the Terrorist with the assistance of the Puppet...

CHECK MATE is coming soon as I foretold, Andre tried to derail me and my insight but now he is nowhere to be seen, Judas is among us....

2022 is now what we should aim for and during that time a football revolution must happen and a culling is in order...

Offline Controversial

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No gold cup, no Caribbean cup and coming soon, no World Cup..

That's what you get when you elect a sell out to run our football...

Offline soccerholic

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Brilliant insight... couldn't agree more. As a true fan of the game and sports in general, it's sooo sad to see it tarnished by politics and propaganda... We were definitely on course for Russia, but now we can kiss that goodbye...

Offline Deeks

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Again, I do not understand why DJW would want the team to fail when that in itself will show his incompetence. I totally agree that he hampered Hart from the beginning, causing chaos within the team. I believe he wants his people,  and people he can control, so he can call all the shots. Taking a page straight out of AJW diary.

If Contro asserts that DJW is being paid ..... bought out.  By whom? These people afraid of Trini upsetting the apple cart??  Why would he deliberately sabotage CFU, GC and WC efforts? He will go down as a failure. To be honest TT national team is a reflection of his team. They only go so far. When was the last time Connection come out of the group stage in CCL. So you are saying that DJW is comfortable with his teams poor performance in the CCL? Why would Shabazz and Latapy team up to flunk out. It will enhance their incompetence. We will be losing the opportunity to make money.

Tell me he wants most of the players from his team to get caps so that he can sell them. I can go with that. But why would he want the national team with his players flunk out.  The GC is money. You to the GC, and further you go, is big money. So I don't see it from the sell out conspiracy. Do I want  DJW to split? Can't wait for the next AGM to see what real football lovers are made of. See if they go let him run roughshod over them.
« Last Edit: January 09, 2017, 03:37:53 PM by Deeks »

Offline Controversial

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Again, I do not understand why DJW would want the team to fail when that in itself will show his incompetence. I totally agree that he hampered Hart from the beginning, causing chaos within the team. I believe he wants his people,  and people he can control, so he can call all the shots. Taking a page straight out of AJW diary.

If Contro asserts that DJW is being paid ..... bought out.  By whom? These people afraid of Trini upsetting the apple cart??  Why would he deliberately sabotage CFU, GC and WC efforts? He will go down as a failure. To be honest TT national team is a reflection of his team. They only go so far. When was the last time Connection come out of the group stage in CCL. So you are saying that DJW is comfortable with his teams poor performance in the CCL? Why would Shabazz and Latapy team up to flunk out. It will enhance their incompetence. We will be losing the opportunity to make money.

Tell me he wants most of the players from his team to get caps so that he can sell them. I can go with that. But why would he want the national team with his players flunk out.  The GC is money. You to the GC, and further you go, is big money. So I don't see it from the sell out conspiracy. Do I want  DJW to split? Can't wait for the next AGM to see what real football lovers are made of. See if they go let him run roughshod over them.

He will be a rich failure... if you can control outcomes of matches, you can now bet and make money on those matches, if you control selection and the coach you can derail a team and select a depleted side... you control tv rights, and other revenues...

The sky is the limit for corruption..Trinidadians will move on after he is gone and that's the end of it, no investigation, nothing...

You have to understand that Trinidad wasn't expected to top groups and be on equal footing with elite teams... it upsets the equation, football is very political, the bookies are the silent partners in it as well, match fixing is very much a part of modern day football, corruption is rampant in Trinidad politics, far less for our sports...

Once you delve into the underworld, you can't say you want out, even if the dictator wanted to win he couldn't because his hands are already dirty..

You keep on missing the key component here, MONEY!!! 

In closing, what were the odds of us losing to Suriname for example?

If you bet on Suriname how much money would you have won on a $100 bet? Far less a million dollar bet
« Last Edit: January 09, 2017, 04:01:36 PM by Controversial »

Offline Controversial

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The joke is, some people believe the dictator doesn't know what he is doing, if that was the case he wouldn't put obstacles in the way of coaches and not support them fully..

He did things for a reason, it was all orchestrated, they are all sell outs to our nation and football and they are just the tip of it..

Offline Controversial

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The deception of the dictator continues..

His push to sabotage our wc chances and manipulate matches and our football will not stop.. he knows he has a limit of two terms and will try to do as much as possible to fill his pockets

Dennis Lawrence being touted by the technical committee is an elaborate set up, they have felt the pressure from the public and die hards who are on to their charade but they will fall back in line when the dictator reminds them who is fulling their pockets... whether it be from the tv rights for the hex as Trinidad is the only Caribbean country or match fixing, or whatever corrupt scheme will garner the money they crave for...they may even show resistance to the dictator to make the public seem like they want the best for our football and they tried, but this can also be an illusion...

I cannot foresee Lawrence being coach and if he does become coach he will face the same undermining and sabotage that Hart has faced..

The goal is to destroy our chances and stop our progress.. the FIFA development fund is a co eat way of controlling our football, very subtle and the Dictators alignment to the top brass is an indicator of this.. once his belly is full, he could care less about the rest, the terrorizer has already shown that he can be a part of high treason in regards to our nation, why would you put corruption like this beyond him?

Don't be fools, open your eyes