Give thanks Mod Sec, it is appreciated
With respect to Deeks eh, after listening them the game before this, I give up and just enjoy it for the humor yes. It come like dem liming and ole talking and --oh by the way -- dey commentating on ah game too. Having said that, I wish we could get ah Alvin Cornmeal type commentary? Oh well we have to take what we get and make the most of it.
What frigging Bostock waiting on commit to we? Ah England call up??? Steups.
Who are the "one or two" surprises Coach Lawrence talking about.
How come Cummings looking ah lil heavy after playing in the Pro League all these months?
CONTROVERSIAL ah coming at yuh peaceful eh...what you does be talking about with that Cummings shooting bredda? You insinuating somebody didn't want him to succeed so they put him place? Yuh does really really confound ah fellah wid yuh theories...respectfully submitted
Lastly...who the hell is QUESI WESTON!??! How I never hear bout he?? Granted from the FB video it look like he playing in some 2nd Division Turkish league, but the man big and strong and -- from all appearances -- have a friggin cultured left-foot??
Oh that reminds me...umm Boatswain was hiding in plain sight from Hart? Oh is only just now that he start displaying this talent?