Some of these members are absolutely amazing to me I swear. After one game and some of you are already calling for the coaches scalp? It's a proven fact that we don't match up well with caribbean opposition and struggle tremendously with CFU teams as oppose to the central americans whom we tend to have an easier time with. please give the coach a chance, as it stands we're in the rebuilding phase and the experiment is on. Please be patient folks.
Maybe yuh need to check our record against Costa Rica, Honduras and Mexico then edit your comment
costa rica and honduras are not the only central american teams in concacaf and dont forget that mexico is geographically in north america. as for my statement, I think folks need to read well before they comment negatively, the words that I use are fitting, i specifically mentioned easier time, not that we beat or dominate them but rather we match up better against compete better play better create more chances etc.
just take into consideration the the past two years, we loss to haiti twice in very crucial games (under Steven hart's tenure) loss to Jamaica at home struggled to beat st vincent away in the qualifiers narrowly got passed barbados was kicked out the gold cup by martinique losses again to haiti and Suriname respecitively at home drew with grenada away early this year losses to Guyana in 2011 has struggled with bermuda tremendously what more evidence do we need to see that we have a problem with faster bigger stronger opponents?
these other teams in the caribbean may not be technically sound but make no mistakes they are bigger faster stronger and more determined than our lads. and all this nonsense about firing the coach because we drew with grenada in a friendly amounts to your trini arrogance, when was Grenada was ever a cake walk? the coach is experimenting with new players and maybe trying to implement a system and folks are comparing him to brazil's coach? you all are too much.

PS. Steven hart won only one of his last eight games, I didn't hear no one calling for his head especially that 4-0 trashing to klinsman the worst beating we've taken from uncle sam, how quickly we forget. let's be thankful that we have someone willing enough to coach these bunch of goats and instead of crying on the coach we should be throwing our support behind the brother, because lets face it our players are not as good as we imagine and lawrence sure has his work cut out for him.