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Re: 2018 Caribbean Women's World Cup Qualifiers
« Reply #150 on: October 04, 2018, 05:58:56 PM »

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Re: 2018 Caribbean Women's World Cup Qualifiers
« Reply #151 on: October 04, 2018, 07:42:10 PM »
Well, if there's any consolation, Mexico is in the cellar after gehhin slapped around by the US (6-0). So at least on paper, the next match will be a match with something to play for.

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Re: 2018 Caribbean Women's World Cup Qualifiers
« Reply #152 on: October 04, 2018, 10:24:03 PM »
WATCH: Highlights of Trinidad and Tobago Women’s 3-0 loss to Panama

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Re: 2018 Caribbean Women's World Cup Qualifiers
« Reply #153 on: October 04, 2018, 11:50:26 PM »
Well, if there's any consolation, Mexico is in the cellar after gehhin slapped around by the US (6-0). So at least on paper, the next match will be a match with something to play for.
If we can clean up those defensive lapses we may have a chance.

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Re: 2018 Caribbean Women's World Cup Qualifiers
« Reply #154 on: October 05, 2018, 02:45:52 AM »
Panama blanks Soca Princesses 3-0.
T&T Guardian Reports.

T&T's se­nior women's team will face an up­hill task to qual­i­fy for the next Women's World Cup af­ter go­ing down 3-0 to Pana­ma in its Pool B open­er of the CON­CA­CAF Women's Cham­pi­on­ship at the Sahlen's Sta­di­um in Cary, North Car­oli­na, USA, last night.

With their prepa­ra­tions for the fi­nal stage of the qual­i­fiers swamped by con­tro­ver­sy, the Tasha St Louis-led T&T women had lit­tle room for er­ror against the Cen­tral Amer­i­cans and need­ed a pos­i­tive start.

How­ev­er, it was Pana­ma which struck ear­ly through Mar­ta Cox in the 12th minute to lead 1-0 at the half-time in­ter­val.

Six min­utes af­ter the restart, strik­er Kay­la Tay­lor, one of three play­ers to join the team on the eve on its open­er and T&T's top scor­er in the Caribbean Cham­pi­onship in Ja­maica last month, was brought on by coach Shawn Coop­er to get his team back in the match.

But it was the Cen­tral Amer­i­cans who dou­bled their ad­van­tage via Ke­nia Rangel in the 68th minute. Then in a strange sub­sti­tu­tion, de­fend­er Rhea Bel­grave was then in­tro­duced at the ex­pense of Jenelle Cun­ning­ham in the 70th minute.

With T&T need­ing goals at the oth­er end of the field to get back in­to the con­test Ayan­na Rus­sell re­placed Karyn Forbes but once again the move back­fired as Pana­ma got a third at the death through Eri­ka Her­nan­dez, to kill off the con­test and leave T&T need­ing to beat Mex­i­co in their sec­ond match on Sun­day, and the USA on Wednes­day, to have any chance of qual­i­fy­ing to the next phase of the com­pe­ti­tion.


Trinidad and Tobago: 1.Kimika Forbes (GK); 8.Patrice Superville, 5.Arin King, 13.Jenelle Cunningham (4.Rhea Belgrave 70), 7.Jonelle Cato; 11.Janine Francois, 14.Karyn Forbes (2.Ayana Russell 84), 10.Tasha St Louis (captain); 9.Liana Hinds (12.Kayla Taylor 50), 3.Mariah Shade, 19.Kennya Cordner.

Unused substitutes: 20.Saundra Baron (GK), 6.Natasha St Louis, 15.Shenelle Henry, 17.Lauryn Hutchinson.

Unavailable: Shadi Stoute, Naomie Guerra.

Coach: Shawn Cooper

Panama: 1.Yenith Bailey (GK); 4.Katherine Lineth Castillo, 2.Hilary Jaen, 5.Yomira Pinzón, 3.Maria Murillo; 6.Aldrith Quintero, 8.Laurie Batista; 11.Natalia Mills (captain) (13.Onelys Alvarado 82), 7.Kenia Rangel (18.Erika Hernandez 87); 10.Marta Cox (19.Lineth Cedeño 80), 9.Karla Riley.

Unused substitutes: 12.Farissa Córdoba (GK), 14.Maryorie Pérez, 15.Rebeca Espinosa, 16.Sheyla Díaz, 17.Anuvis Angulo, 20.María Montenegro.

Coach: Victor Suárez


Panama cruise past T&T in CONCACAF Champs.
By Joel Bailey (Newsday).

PANAMA cruised past T&T 3-0 yesterday afternoon, in the opening game of Group A, in the CONCACAF Women’s Championship, at WakeMed Soccer Park, Cary, North Carolina, United States.

Marta Cox, Kenia Villarreal and Erika Hernandez were the goal-scorers for Panama.

T&T had a challenging preparation for this Championship, and Panama were in no mood to show any mercy to their opponents.

Cox opened the scoring in the 12th minute, benefitting from lazy defending from the T&T team.

Villarreal took on T&T right-back Patrice Superville before finding Cox who, in turn, passed to captain Natalia Mills on the right. Mills went past left-back Jonelle Cato before returning the ball to Cox to slot home from eight metres out.

T&T striker Kennya Cordner had a glorious opportunity to tie the scores, nine minutes later, when she shrugged off the challenge of defender Hilary Jean but was unable to beat the diving Yenith Bailey in the Panama goal.

Striker Kayla Taylor, who joined the T&T team yesterday morning after visa problems, came on for midfielder Liana Hinds in the 50th.

The Shawn Cooper-coached team had two chances to equalise, in the space of five minutes.

In the 53rd, striker Mariah Shade had a speculative shot from the right which struck the crossbar, and Cordner met the rebound with a header which went straight at Bailey.

And Bailey had to count her lucky stars after a freekick from the right by Taylor went through her grasp, between her legs and inches past the right post. T&T pushed players forward and left gaps in the back, which was exploited by the Central Americans in the 68th.

Mills chased a ball down the right flank, played it behind to Cox who whipped in a cross, which was missed by Karla Riley, but Villarreal, on the second attempt, hit the ball past a beleaguered Forbes.

And Panama wrapped up the scoring in the 89th courtesy substitute Hernandez, who slotted the ball into an open net, after Forbes was unable to stop a right-sided cross from Katherine Castillo. Hosts US were locked in battle against Mexico up to press time last evening.

Group B action will get going today with Costa Rica meeting Cuba at 6 pm and Canada tackling Jamaica at 8.30 pm. The top two teams in each group will advance to the semi-finals, with the finalists, and third-placed team, guaranteed spots at the 2019 FIFA Women’s World Cup in France.

On Sunday, T&T will square off against Mexico at 7.30 pm, following the match-up between US and Panama.

CONCACAF Women’s Championship at WakeMed Soccer Park yesterday in Cary, North Carolina. AFP PHOTO

« Last Edit: October 05, 2018, 02:51:03 AM by Flex »
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Re: 2018 Caribbean Women's World Cup Qualifiers
« Reply #155 on: October 05, 2018, 04:18:07 AM »
Well, if there's any consolation, Mexico is in the cellar after gehhin slapped around by the US (6-0). So at least on paper, the next match will be a match with something to play for.
If we can clean up those defensive lapses we may have a chance.

Not if that is not accompanied by attacking ambition.

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Re: 2018 Caribbean Women's World Cup Qualifiers
« Reply #156 on: October 05, 2018, 07:16:43 AM »

Just not ready, not prepared, not ready

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Re: 2018 Caribbean Women's World Cup Qualifiers
« Reply #157 on: October 06, 2018, 12:04:51 AM »
Eve - 'Everything done for women to fail'
By Walter Alibey (Guardian).

Thurs­day's 3-0 vic­to­ry by Pana­ma over T&T's women foot­ballers at the CON­CA­CAF Women's Cham­pi­onships did not come as a sur­prise to many which in­clud­ed for­mer na­tion­al play­er and coach An­gus Eve, con­sid­er­ing the tur­moil the sport has been in, and the is­sues the women faced.

Eve, who is al­so the coach of Na­pari­ma Col­lege in the Sec­ondary Schools Foot­ball League (SS­FL) said yes­ter­day, "Every­thing was done for the women to fail at this tour­na­ment, which was high­ly un­for­tu­nate. Ab­solute­ly noth­ing was done to give the girls a fair chance of pro­gress­ing at this com­pe­ti­tion."

The coach whose ex­ploits in the game earned him a stint in the Eng­lish Sec­ond Di­vi­sion point­ed to the lack of or­gan­i­sa­tion, for­ma­tion and struc­ture that could have been seen in the T&T team due to lit­tle to no prepa­ra­tion, which ac­cord­ing to Eve was ex­pect­ed.

He told Guardian Me­dia Sports that noth­ing could have been done with a team where there was doubt about play­ers' avail­abil­i­ty, play­ers' salaries, no train­ing camp, doubt about who was go­ing to coach the team, and whether there were the re­sources nec­es­sary to con­duct prop­er ses­sions, among many oth­ers.

"In short, the play­ers did not lose to Pana­ma be­cause of their abil­i­ty but rather be­cause of im­prop­er prepa­ra­tion," Eve ex­plained.

At the Sahlen's Sta­di­um in Cary, North Car­oli­na, USA, the So­ca Princess­es play­ing their first match of the Cham­pi­onships, which is be­ing used as a qual­i­fi­er for the FI­FA Women's World Cup in France next year, con­ced­ed a goal in the 12th minute from Mar­ta Cox for a 1-0 half-time ad­van­tage, and two oth­er items in the sec­ond pe­ri­od from Ke­nia Rangel in the 68th, and Eri­ka Her­nan­dez late in the match.

The open­ing loss did not sit well with a num­ber of play­ers, who took to so­cial me­dia to voice their frus­tra­tions with the team's lack of prepa­ra­tion in­clud­ing Kimi­ka Forbes, Ken­nya Cord­ner, Mari­ah Shade and Lisa-Jo Ramkisson.

Forbes was quot­ed say­ing: "3 friend­ly match­es for the men with 3 months and 1 train­ing with 15 play­ers and 45 mins (min­utes) game be­fore our first game in world cup qual­i­fiers...tell me about car­ing about the women team, men team have just a friend­ly and he gets his team an en­tire week be­fore, then you put us in tough sit­u­a­tions and ex­pect so much but it is what it is the Lord alone knows but he doesn't like ug­ly..."

To which Cord­ner re­spond­ed: " Sad eh."

The thread con­tin­ued with Shade agree­ing. She said: "My thoughts ex­act­ly and they don't even have World Cup Qual­i­fiers. Al­ways treat­ed like this and then they ex­pect us to per­form at this stage. Sad,­ways send­ing us with no prepa­ra­tion."

One on the post sug­gest­ed that the play­ers should "boy­cott tour­na­ments un­til TTFA get it right!"

To which Ramkissoon replied: "You know the crazy thing if we boy­cott TTFA might be hap­py, you play­ing you ain't know those ppl (peo­ple)."

With the re­sult, the T&T women now face an up­hill task to be among the top two teams to ad­vance from an al­ready chal­leng­ing Group B, that al­so com­pris­es Mex­i­co and the foot­ball gi­ants, the Unit­ed States. The team is sched­uled to take on the Mex­i­cans in its sec­ond match on Sun­day at the same venue.

Eve said, "I don't think it's be­yond the girls to come out of the group but it is go­ing to be very dif­fi­cult for them to do so."

The T&T team will al­so be mi­nus Jenelle Cun­ning­ham for the re­main­der of the com­pe­ti­tion hav­ing been ruled out with a torn ACL, and pos­si­bly Cord­ner, who was tak­en to hos­pi­tal af­ter suf­fer­ing a con­cus­sion.

Eve said, "When I saw the team play at the Caribbean Foot­ball Union (CFU) Qual­i­fiers in Ja­maica, I saw a bunch of re­al­ly good play­ers. They looked ma­tured and con­sist­ed a bal­anced of well-sea­soned play­ers, such as Tasha St Louis and Rhea Bel­grave etc. But with all that has hap­pened to them from then to now, I re­al­ly don't think we did jus­tice to the girls, and they suf­fered tremen­dous­ly be­cause of this."

Eve ques­tioned why the TTFA did not ap­point a top coach to take the team in­to the qual­i­fiers, say­ing: "I think it was known that the coun­try would have qual­i­fied out of the Caribbean qual­i­fiers, as we have done con­sis­tent­ly over the years. And if that was so, why wasn't there prop­er plan­ning. Why when An­ton Corneal ac­cept­ed the po­si­tion of care­tak­er coach that the foot­ball as­so­ci­a­tion did not go through the re­sumes it had and ap­point­ed a top coach?

"This would have at least giv­en that coach the op­por­tu­ni­ty to look at the team and chart a way for­ward."

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Re: 2018 Caribbean Women's World Cup Qualifiers
« Reply #158 on: October 06, 2018, 06:45:00 AM »

During the Caribbean Championships I remember saying the Caribbean teams quality were poor and the same ole results will happen when they meet their Concacaf rivals. Guess what? they met them and they getting their asses whipped. The quality between the region and the rest of Concacaf is not even close. Caribbean teams play too slow and seem to not have much creativity when creating chances going forward

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Re: 2018 Caribbean Women's World Cup Qualifiers
« Reply #159 on: October 07, 2018, 12:26:32 AM »
Do or die for women footballers against Mexico.
By Walter Alibey (Guardian).

T&T’s women foot­ballers face an up­hill task to come away with max­i­mum points when they take on Mex­i­co in game two of the CON­CA­CAF Women’s Cham­pi­onships on Sun­day from 5.30 pm.

This will be at the Sahlen’s Sta­di­um in Cary, North Car­oli­na in the Unit­ed States.

The match, a qual­i­fi­er for next year’s FI­FA World Cup in France, will be cru­cial for both teams hav­ing lost their re­spec­tive open­ing match­es on Thurs­day.

The un­der-pre­pared So­ca Princess­es were thrashed 3-0 by Pana­ma in Thurs­day’s open­ing en­counter while the Mex­i­cans were ham­mered 6-0 by the Unit­ed States in the sec­ond match of the dou­ble-head­er.

Yet as­sis­tant coach An­ton Corneal be­lieves to­day’s match will be a chal­leng­ing task for his girls but cer­tain­ly not an im­pos­si­ble one.

“It comes down to how bad­ly the girls want the win,” said Corneal, who coached the team dur­ing the Caribbean Foot­ball Union (CFU) Qual­i­fiers in Ja­maican in Au­gust.

He told Guardian Me­dia Sports that there were a num­ber of ar­eas in the team that need­ed work­ing on, as seen against Pana­ma Thurs­day but said it was dif­fi­cult to sin­gle out any one spe­cif­ic area.

“It’s not easy to point to one area that need­ed work on be­cause you might point to the team’s de­fence, for in­stance, but the goal may re­al­ly stem from an­oth­er de­part­ment. My hope is that the girls are men­tal­ly ready,” Corneal ex­plained.

He dis­missed claims the team is un­der-pre­pared, say­ing the team’s pre­pared­ness should not be an is­sue as it is the sit­u­a­tion they have found them­selves in at the mo­ment.

De­spite Thurs­day’s de­feat, how­ev­er, Corneal said the mood in the camp was still good, adding quick­ly that the mood does not nec­es­sar­i­ly trans­late to win­ning per­for­mances on the field.

The T&T team will be mi­nus key play­ers Ken­nya Cord­ner and Jenelle Cun­ning­ham, both pick­ing up in­juries in the last match.

Yes­ter­day, the team went through some last minute fine-tun­ing ahead of to­day’s en­counter.

The T&T foot­ballers must fin­ish among the top two teams in the group to be able to ad­vance. This means with no points from their first match, the girls who are be­ing led by Tasha St Louis, must beat the Mex­i­cans to­day and get at least a point or full points against the Amer­i­cans on Wednes­day at the same venue.

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Re: 2018 Caribbean Women's World Cup Qualifiers
« Reply #160 on: October 07, 2018, 03:53:04 PM »

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Re: 2018 Caribbean Women's World Cup Qualifiers
« Reply #161 on: October 07, 2018, 05:53:05 PM »
Yaya just missed a glorious opportunity, they holding their own so far.  Come on ladies!
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Re: 2018 Caribbean Women's World Cup Qualifiers
« Reply #162 on: October 07, 2018, 11:24:24 PM »
We were holding our own until we scored the penalty then Mexico totally dominated.

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Re: 2018 Caribbean Women's World Cup Qualifiers
« Reply #163 on: October 08, 2018, 12:58:21 AM »
Mexico ends T&T Women’s World Cup qualifying hopes.
TTFA Media.

Trinidad and Tobago’s France 2019 World Cup qualifying hopes ended on Sunday as Mexico kept its hopes alive of reaching the semifinals of the 2018 Concacaf Women’s Championship by recording a 4-1 Group A victory at Sahlen’s Stadium at WakeMed Soccer Park.

The Mexicans improved to 1W-0D-1L and three points, but remained behind Panama (1W-0D-1L, 3) in goal differential, minus three to minus two. That will set up a Wednesday clash between the teams for the final semifinal spot from Group A. The Soca Princess fell to 0W-0D-2L.

A second half equalizer from the penalty spot by Jonelle Cato gave T&T some hope but Mexico pulled away soon after. Earlier in the first half T&T started quickly out of the starting blocks and should have gone 1-0 ahead when Kennya Cordner found room on the left of the box before dragging her effort inches wide of the right post.

Charlyn Corral scored twice for El Tri and Katie Johnson snapped a 1-1 deadlock in the 55th minute, nodding home a corner kick for her fifth international goal.

Corral gave Mexico a 33rd-minute lead. Maria Sanchez fired a shot from the left flank that goalkeeper Kimika Forbes saved parrying the ball into the path of an onrushing Corral, who tapped it in.

After she was taken down in the box by Bianca Sierra, Cato converted an equalizing penalty kick past goalkeeper Cecilia Santiago in the 50th minute.

Five minutes later, Johnson scored before Corral added an insurance tally off a right-wing feed by captain Stephany Mayor in the 62nd minute. Sanchez closed out the scoring with a 70th-minute header.

Because of Mexico’s win, group leader United States (2W-0D-0L, 6), buoyed by its 5-0 win over Panama, qualified for the knockout stage.


Trinidad and Tobago 1.Kimika Forbes (GK); 8.Patrice Superville (16.Shadi Cecily Stoute 46′), 5.Arin King, 4.Rhea Belgrave, 7.Jonelle Cato; 11.Janine Francois (9.Liana Hinds 67′), 18.Naomie Guerra, 14.Karyn Forbes; 6.Natasha St Louis, 10.Tasha St Louis (captain) (2.Ayana Russell 35′); 19.Kennya Cordner.

Subs not used. 20.Saundra Baron (GK), 3.Mariah Shade, 15.Shenelle Henry, 17.Lauryn Hutchinson.

Unavailable: 12.Kayla Taylor, 13.Jenelle Cunningham.

Head Coach: Shawn Cooper

Mexico 1.Cecilia Santiago (GK); 2.Kenti Robles, 4.Bianca Sierra (14.Arianna Romero 56′), 3.Christina Murillo, 5.Mónica Flores; 6.Nancy Antonio, 7.Nayeli Rangel (18.Kiana Palacios 56′); 10.Stephany Mayor (captain), 9.Charlyn Corral, 17.María Sánchez; 19.Katie Johnson.

Subs not used 12.Bianca Henninger, 13.Rebeca Rodríguez, 8.Karla Nieto, 16.Cristina Ferral, 15.Ariana Calderón, 11.Mónica Ocampo, 20.Lizbeth Ovalle.

Head Coach: Roberto Medina

CWC 2018 Mexico vs Trinidad & Tobago Highlights


Soca Princesses bow out qualifiers.
By Walter Alibey (Guardian).

The jour­ney to the FI­FA Women's World Cup next year in France, came to a sad but ex­pect­ed end, for the T&T Women foot­ballers when they were beat­en by Mex­i­co in their sec­ond match of the CON­CA­CAF Women's Cham­pi­onship at the Sahlen's Sta­di­um, North Car­oli­na, USA on Sun­day.

They will now play for pride in their last match to­mor­row against un­beat­en Unit­ed States women. It is the some of the play­ers view that they were nev­er giv­en a fair chance at qual­i­fy­ing.

Mar­lon Charles, a for­mer na­tion­al women's coach called on ad­min­is­tra­tors to bring an end to the con­stant fight­ing and work to­geth­er in the in­ter­est of the sport. "In foot­ball, you have to do more work off the field to get the re­sults on the field," Charles told Guardian Me­dia Sports.

Fol­low­ing on the heels of the team's 3-0 loss to Pana­ma last Thurs­day, the So­ca Princess­es who need­ed a win to have a chance of ad­vanc­ing, were stunned when goal­keep­er Kimi­ka Forbes failed to hold on to a cross that was whipped in from the left side, and pro­lif­ic Mex­i­can strik­er Char­lyn Cor­rel dashed in to con­vert from the blun­der in the 34th minute.

Jonelle Cato lat­er gave the T&T women a life­line when she equal­ized from the penal­ty spot in the 50th minute. But the cel­e­bra­tions of the TT team last­ed just five min­utes be­fore the Mex­i­cans found them­selves ahead again.

Katie John­son leapt high to head home a right-side cor­ner in the 55th for a 2-1 ad­van­tage be­fore Cor­rel sneaked in from be­hind the TT de­fence to fire in her sec­ond goal of the match sev­en min­utes lat­er. Maria Sanchez com­plet­ed the vic­to­ry for the Mex­i­cans, climb­ing ahead of her mark­er in the box to beat Forbes with a pow­er­ful head­er in the 70th.

T&T will next face the host na­tion to­mor­row at 7:30 pm at the Sahlen's Sta­di­um, fac­ing the pos­si­bil­i­ty of an­oth­er bar­rage of goals if the women are un­able to pull it to­geth­er.

Charles told Guardian Me­dia Sports "In foot­ball you need to do every­thing re­quired to com­pete, and that in­cludes hav­ing good prepa­ra­tion, but I am afraid that was not the case with our team which is un­for­tu­nate."

He not­ed "This lack of prepa­ra­tion be­comes worse when you're go­ing up against teams that are well pre­pared. In foot­ball, all we need play­ers to do is fo­cus on their tech­ni­cal and tac­ti­cal as­pects of the game. But for the last two match­es, our girls just nev­er had that."

« Last Edit: October 09, 2018, 03:18:49 AM by Flex »
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Re: 2018 Caribbean Women's World Cup Qualifiers
« Reply #164 on: October 08, 2018, 07:19:05 AM »
I looked at the game yesterday and it was painful to watch, Boom Kick hoping to find the lone forward. No midfield player to bring the ball in transition. Good first half but looked like school girls in the second half. Was it fitness levels yet again. Most of these players have been together a long time . Basics were not there .

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Re: 2018 Caribbean Women's World Cup Qualifiers
« Reply #165 on: October 09, 2018, 08:32:31 PM »
Another bitter disappointment! *SIGH*

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Re: 2018 Caribbean Women's World Cup Qualifiers
« Reply #166 on: October 09, 2018, 08:45:52 PM »
Another bitter disappointment! *SIGH*

I was too upset to comment.

I don't blame the players at all. From the FA to the coaches decisions on the day . . .horrible
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Re: 2018 Caribbean Women's World Cup Qualifiers
« Reply #167 on: October 10, 2018, 06:55:40 AM »
Jamaica beat costa rica .. people dont be surprised ... they may be on the way to playing at  the south american 3rd place team...... ...... people people .it can be a France qualification again .........
« Last Edit: October 10, 2018, 07:06:01 AM by Trini _2022 »
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Re: 2018 Caribbean Women's World Cup Qualifiers
« Reply #168 on: October 10, 2018, 11:06:26 AM »
How much we getting tonight?

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Re: 2018 Caribbean Women's World Cup Qualifiers
« Reply #169 on: October 10, 2018, 11:39:53 AM »
How much we getting tonight?


:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

Right after the match,  it would be nice if we could feed the officious culprits to the lions.
« Last Edit: October 10, 2018, 11:43:19 AM by asylumseeker »

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Re: 2018 Caribbean Women's World Cup Qualifiers
« Reply #170 on: October 10, 2018, 12:11:45 PM »
Jamaica beat costa rica .. people dont be surprised ... they may be on the way to playing at  the south american 3rd place team...... ...... people people .it can be a France qualification again .........

Not sure we care.

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Re: 2018 Caribbean Women's World Cup Qualifiers
« Reply #171 on: October 10, 2018, 01:20:48 PM »
Blame the terrorist for our poor showing, he should never be allow near to any national team again
Phenomenal, lovely atmosphere.

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Re: 2018 Caribbean Women's World Cup Qualifiers
« Reply #172 on: October 10, 2018, 01:41:37 PM »
Blame the terrorist for our poor showing, he should never be allow near to any national team again

Which one? The "administrative" terrorist? Or the one that bail out before qualification?

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Re: 2018 Caribbean Women's World Cup Qualifiers
« Reply #173 on: October 10, 2018, 02:14:15 PM »
Jamaica beat costa rica .. people dont be surprised ... they may be on the way to playing at  the south american 3rd place team...... ...... people people .it can be a France qualification again .........

Not sure we care.
We better  ....
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Re: 2018 Caribbean Women's World Cup Qualifiers
« Reply #174 on: October 10, 2018, 03:53:07 PM »
Blame the terrorist for our poor showing, he should never be allow near to any national team again

Which one? The "administrative" terrorist? Or the one that bail out before qualification?

I don't see how Shabazz fairly could be at fault, if we are limiting the brief to France WC qualification. He held a baton and he ran his leg on the back stretch.  Although not perfectly executed, he didn't drop the baton or affect the hand-off.

That stated (and it may be naive of me, but) I sense finality in this Shabazz departure from the WNT set-up. And,  it would be difficult to articulate a strongly supportable argument for his return to the role in a meaningful capacity.

It certainly shouldn't  happen under a forward-thinking Technical Committee.
« Last Edit: October 10, 2018, 04:09:05 PM by asylumseeker »

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Re: 2018 Caribbean Women's World Cup Qualifiers
« Reply #175 on: October 10, 2018, 04:08:04 PM »
Jamaica beat costa rica .. people dont be surprised ... they may be on the way to playing at  the south american 3rd place team...... ...... people people .it can be a France qualification again .........

Not sure we care.
We better  ....

Why? Nothing in our collective experience in football  administration suggests that we give an arse about what our neighbors are doing.

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Re: 2018 Caribbean Women's World Cup Qualifiers
« Reply #176 on: October 10, 2018, 08:05:12 PM »
How much we getting tonight?


:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

Right after the match,  it would be nice if we could feed the officious culprits to the lions.
Didn't see the game, just got home but noticed the final score was 7-0. Can't blame the ladies as they were placed in a position to fail yet still they went out there and tried their best.
Is this embarrassment enough for the federation to step down in the best interest to T&T football?

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Re: 2018 Caribbean Women's World Cup Qualifiers
« Reply #177 on: October 10, 2018, 08:10:47 PM »
OH by the way, today is the one year anniversary since we beat them and prevented them from qualifying for WC. Their women returned the favor in fine fashion.

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Re: 2018 Caribbean Women's World Cup Qualifiers
« Reply #178 on: October 11, 2018, 02:55:42 PM »
USA Women top Group A after 7-0 win vs Trinidad and Tobago at 2018 CONCACAF Women’s Championship

The U.S. Women’s National Team concluded Group A play at the 2018 Concacaf Women’s Championship with a third consecutive dominating 7-0 victory against Trinidad & Tobago at Sahlen’s Stadium at WakeMed Soccer Park on a rainy Wednesday night.

Almost the entire match was played inside T&T’s defensive third as they pulled 10 players back inside 35 yards, but only some less than sharp finishing kept the score down through the first 40 minutes – after Alex Morgan had scored in the 9th minute – before the USA exploded for three goals in the final five minutes of the half. Rose Lavelle scored back-to-back goals in the 41st and 43rd minute, and Crystal Dunn added a fourth right before the end of the half.

The USA hit the woodwork five times in the match – each time by Morgan – and T&T’s ‘keeper made 15 saves, but the USA piled up a remarkable 59-0 shot margin over the entire game, putting 22 on goal.

In the second half, the U.S. Women got off to a fast start with Lindsey Horan scoring from distance in the 49th minute, followed by a second tally from Morgan in the 50th. Tobin Heath added one more a few minutes later for the final 7-0 score line.

Already through to the knockout round, the USA won Group A with the full nine points from three games and will now await the results from the final set of Group B games that take place Oct. 11 in Edinburg, Texas. The second-place finisher in Group B will face the USA on Sunday, Oct. 14 at 7 p.m. CT (FS1, UDN), with the winner earning an automatic berth to the 2019 FIFA Women’s World Cup in France.

Goal Scoring Rundown:
USA – Alex Morgan (Tobin Heath), 9th minute: The USA struck early for the third time in as many group games when a nice sequence of ball possession sprung Heath free on the right flank. She spun a cross on the ground into the middle and Morgan took a deft first-time touch at the near post to redirect the ball past the sliding goalkeeper and a defender, just inside the post at the lower left corner. USA 1, TRI 0. WATCH GOAL.

USA – Rose Lavelle (Tobin Heath), 41st minute: With the USA playing much of the game inside T&T's attacking third, and pounding away at the opponent's net, it took a shot from distance to double the lead. Heath got the ball just outside the right corner of the penalty area and played a short pass to Lavelle, who crushed her left-footed shot just inside the left post from about 33 yards out. USA 2, TRI 0. WATCH GOAL.

USA – Rose Lavelle, 43rd minute: The USA continued to try to find a way around the packed T&T defense on the flanks and did so just before the half as Megan Rapinoe popped free after a nice series of passes. She played a short pass into the middle to the crashing Alex Morgan, and as a T&T defender took her down with a tackle, the ball squirted free to Lavelle, who finished from closer range for her second goal in three minutes. USA 3, TRI 0. WATCH GOAL.

USA – Crystal Dunn (Lindsey Horan), 45th minute: The USA attacked down the right this time, and the ball got to Horan, who dribbled across the penalty area. The ball was briefly tackled away, but hit Horan and rolled right to Dunn who fired first-time from the top of the penalty area into the lower left corner to give the USA three goals in the last four minutes of the first half. USA 4, TRI 0. WATCH GOAL.

USA – Lindsey Horan, 49th minute: The USA once again tallied early in a half, this time through Horan, who collected a blocked shot outside the penalty area on the left side of the circle and bent her long range shot into the right corner. USA 5, TRI 0. WATCH GOAL.

USA – Alex Morgan, 50th minute: Morgan scored her 94th career goal, and bagged her second brace of the tournament, after Tobin Heath took the ball deep into the penalty area on the right side, but the T&T goalkeeper snuffed her close-range shot. Morgan was first to the rebound and struck her shot on the ground off the inside of the right post from a sharp angle. The ball skidded across the goal, hit the left post and rolled in. USA 6, TRI 0. WATCH GOAL.

USA – Tobin Heath (Megan Rapinoe), 58th minute: After setting up the first two goals, Heath bagged one of her own off a Rapinoe cross from the left side. The service skidded on the wet turf into the path of the sprinting Heath, who had got a step on her defender, and she touched it into the net with her left foot from the doorstep. USA, TRI 7. WATCH. FINAL.

Additional Player Notes:

Alex Morgan scored her second brace in the tournament – the 21st of her career – to up her career goal total to 94 in her 149th cap. At age 29, she sits in sole possession of seventh place on the USA's all-time goal scoring list and is third all-time in two-goal games (21), behind only Abby Wambach (37) and Mia Hamm (28). With her hat trick against Japan on July 26, the fourth of her career, Morgan is now fourth all-time in multi-goal games (25) behind Abby Wambach (45), Mia Hamm (38) and Michelle Akers (26).
She’s scored 21 goals over her last 22 WNT matches. She leads the WNT with 14 goals in 2018. Morgan’s 14 goals in 2018 are the fourth most of any American in a calendar year since 2014.
Rose Lavelle scored her first international brace tonight to up her career total to five goals in her 16th international appearance.
Tobin Heath earned two assists tonight to up her total to six this year, tying Lindsey Horan for most on the team. Heath made her sixth start for the U.S. WNT tonight and scored her 23rd career goal tonight, her fifth of the year. She earned cap No. 140 tonight and is in 22nd place on the USA’s all-time caps list.
Lindsey Horan made her 13th start tonight has scored her third goal of the year. She added an assist to up her total to six in 2018, most on the team and tied with Tobin Heath. She now has seven international goals.
Crystal Dunn scored her second goal of 2018, and first since Jan. 21 against Denmark, when she played that game as a forward. She played tonight as an outside back. It was her 24th international tally.
Megan Rapinoe earned her 11th assist of 2018 tonight, a team leading mark. She now has 55 assists for her career, tying her with Heather O’Reilly in sixth place in the U.S. all-time list. Rapinoe's 55 assists in 142 caps is the best ratio of anyone ahead of her on the all-time list except for Hamm, who had a remarkable 147 assists in her 276 caps.
With tonight’s World Cup qualifying appearance, Carli Lloyd now has 17 in her career and has tied Kristine Lilly for most in U.S. history.

Additional Team Notes:

The USA is 14-0-2 in 2018, with wins against Denmark, Germany, England, Mexico (thrice), China PR (twice), Japan, Brazil, Chile (twice), Panama and Trinidad & Tobago; and ties against Australia and France.
The USA is unbeaten in its last 24 matches (21-0-3), and has outscored its opponents 83-17 through that stretch, scoring in all 24 games.
The U.S. has now scored 4+ goals in five of their last six games and in four straight. They longest such streak since Oct. 19 – Nov. 13, 2016.
U.S. WNT head coach Jill Ellis’ three subs tonight were: Carli Lloyd for Rose Lavelle in the 46th, Samantha Mewis for Alex Morgan in the 61st and Mallory Pugh for Kelley O’Hara in the 71st minute.
Ten different players have scored in the tournament thus far: Alex Morgan (4), Carli Lloyd (3), Megan Rapinoe (2), Tobin Heath (2), Rose Lavelle (2), Crystal Dunn, Julie Ertz, Lindsey Horan, Christen Press and Samantha Mewis.

– U.S. Women’s National Team Match Report –

Match: U.S. Women’s National Team vs. Trinidad & Tobago
Date: Oct. 10, 2018
Competition: 2018 Concacaf Women’s Championship - Group A
Venue: Sahlen’s Stadium at WakeMed Soccer Park; Cary, N.C.
Kickoff: 7:30 p.m. ET
Attendance: 3,996
Weather: 77 degrees Fahrenheit, raining

Scoring Summary:   1          2          F
USA                             4          3          7
TRI                              0          0          0

USA – Alex Morgan (Tobin Heath)                 9th minute
USA – Rose Lavelle (Tobin Heath)                41
USA – Rose Lavelle                                       43
USA – Crystal Dunn (Lindsey Horan)             45
USA – Lindsey Horan                                     49
USA – Alex Morgan                                        50
USA – Tobin Heath (Megan Rapinoe)           58           

USA: 1-Alyssa Naeher; 5-Kelley O’Hara (11-Mallory Pugh, 71), 7-Abby Dahlkemper, 4-Becky Sauerbrunn, 19-Crystal Dunn; 8-Julie Ertz, 16-Rose Lavelle (10-Carli Lloyd, 46), 9-Lindsey Horan; 17-Tobin Heath, 13-Alex Morgan (3-Samantha Mewis, 61), 15-Megan Rapinoe
Substitutes not used: 2-Emily Sonnett, 6-Morgan Brian, 12-Hailie Mace, 14-Casey Short, 18-Ashlyn Harris, 20-Christen Press
Head Coach: Jill Ellis

TRI: 20-Saundra Baron; 16-Cecily Stoute, 4-Rhea Belgrave, 2-Ayana Russell, 7-Jonelle Cato (17-Lauryn Hutchinson, 12, 15-Shenelle Henry, 46); 9-Liana Hinds, 11-Janine Francois, 14-Karyn Forbes (capt.), 18-Naomie Guerra, 6-Natasha St. Louis, 3-Mariah Shade
Substitutes not used: 1-Kimika Forbes; 13-Jenelle Cunningham, 5-Arin King, 8-Patrice Superville; 12-Kayla Taylor; 10-Tasha St. Louis
Not eligible: 19-Kennya Cordner
Head Coach: Shawn Cooper

Stats Summary: USA / TRI
Shots: 59 / 0
Shots on Goal: 22 / 0
Saves: 0 / 15
Corner Kicks: 18 / 0
Fouls: 9 / 5
Offside: 4 / 0

Misconduct Summary:

Referee: Odette Hamilton (JAM)
Assistant Referee 1: Princess Brown (JAM)
Assistant Referee 2: Stephanie-dale Yee (JAM)
4th Official: Tatiana Guzman (NCA)

U.S. Soccer Woman of the Match: Julie Ertz
« Last Edit: October 11, 2018, 02:59:15 PM by Tallman »
The Conquering Lion of Judah shall break every chain.

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Re: 2018 Caribbean Women's World Cup Qualifiers
« Reply #179 on: October 13, 2018, 06:18:51 PM »
We seem to get near the river Jordan but cant cross to the promise land. I remember Jack warner saying that the Women's team offered the best promise to make a world cup. we were competitive despite the inherent problems , then we seemed to have lost the script. we had the talent but fitness seemed to have been the problem . What went wrong - Forumites.


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