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Re: 2019 SSFL & Inter-Col Thread.
« Reply #60 on: October 23, 2019, 12:34:42 AM »
Loraine leads Signal Hill to 20-nil win.
By Rachael Thompson-King (Guardian).

Ce­line Lo­raine put on an­oth­er amaz­ing scor­ing per­for­mance, net­ting five goals to pi­lot Sig­nal Hill Sec­ondary School to a mas­sive 20-0 win over Good­wood in the To­ba­go Zone Girls' Cham­pi­onships of the Shell/First Cit­i­zens Sec­ondary Schools Foot­ball League on Sun­day.

Lo­raine's ef­fort kept Sig­nal Hill's flaw­less record in­tact, lead­ing the zone with an un­reach­able 27 points from nine wins. Good­wood had no an­swer for Sig­nal Hill, who had Dil­lea­sia Nichol­son step­ping up to con­nect four and five play­ers, in­clud­ing Tiah Crichlow, Gamelia Wal­dron, Ashante Wil­son-Camp­bell, De­r­isha Bris­tol and Aaliyah Al­varez, each scor­ing a dou­ble. Je­lese Alexan­der net­ted the oth­er item in the one-sided match-up.

On Thurs­day, Sig­nal Hill con­firmed their spot in the Big Five com­pe­ti­tion, which is card­ed for Oc­to­ber 31 with the Cen­tral cham­pi­on Cara­pichaima East meet­ing the even­tu­al East Zone win­ner in the quar­ter­fi­nals at the Ato Boldon Sta­di­um in Cou­va from 3.30 pm.

Cara­pichaima earned the zon­al ti­tle on Sun­day af­ter beat­ing Mir­a­cle Min­istries 4-1 to move to 19 points (six wins, a draw and a loss), two ahead of clos­est chal­lenger Holy Faith Con­vent Cou­va, who had a blowout 15-0 win against Ch­agua­nas South and end­ed with 17 points from five wins two draws and a loss.

The win­ner in the East Zone is yet to be de­cid­ed as a two-team bat­tle be­tween El Do­ra­do East and Five Rivers Sec­ondary con­tin­ues. "El Do" strength­en their po­si­tion af­ter crush­ing Bish­op Anstey East 7-0. Five Rivers' run was put on pause as their match ver­sus Man­zanil­la did not play.

In the first "Big Five" semi­fi­nal match card­ed for No­vem­ber 3 at St Mary's Col­lege grounds in Port-of-Spain, Sig­nal Hill will meet North Zone win­ner Holy Name Con­vent from 3 pm.

Holy Name sealed the North ti­tle on Thurs­day and on the week­end over­pow­ered Suc­cess Laven­tille 8-2 in a match at Fa­ti­ma Grounds. Analeisse Arneaud led the scor­ing with three goals. Her team­mate Chaya Vin­cent put in a pair of goals and Ha­vana Ramdeen one while the oth­er two items came off of own goals.

The oth­er Big Five semi­fi­nal will see South cham­pi­ons Pleas­antville fac­ing by the win­ner of the quar­ter­fi­nal be­tween East and Cen­tral at the Man­nie Ramjohn Sta­di­um in Mara­bel­la.

Pleas­antville like­ly had their low­est-scor­ing win of the sea­son in de­feat­ing Fyz­abad An­gli­can 6-0 on the week­end. Re­li­able scor­er Alex­cia Ali still hit three and team­mates Chris­sy Mitchell, Aa­lyi­ah Pas­call and Lat­ifha Pas­call each put in one goal.



Scar­bor­ough 2 (De­Shanel Al­leyne, Kaleah Duke) v Spey­side 1 (Tyrese Coop­er). MVPs: Scar­bor­ough Duke, Ayesha Lei­th; Spey­side - Gamali Alexan­der, Di­a­mond Kent).

Sig­nal Hill 20 (Ce­line Lo­raine 5, Dil­lea­sia Nichol­son 4, Tiah Crichlow 2, Gamelia Wal­dron 2, Ashante Wil­son-Camp­bell 2, De­r­isha Bris­tol 2, Aaliyah Al­varez 2, Je­lese Alexan­der) v Good­wood 0. MVPs: Tamia Al­fred, Dil­lea­sia Nichol­son; Good­wood - Di­a­mond Arthur Petal Agard.


Fyz­abad 2 (Meli­na Far­in­ha, Des­tiny Ed­wards) v Point Fortin East 0

Pleas­antville 6 (Alex­i­ca Ali 3, Chris­sy Mitchell, Aa­lyi­ah Pas­call, Lat­ifha Pas­call) v Fyz­abad An­gli­can 0


St Joseph Con­vent 2 (Han­nah Viei­ig, Char­lotte Hadeed) v Tran­quil­i­ty 5 (Daniel­la Carr 3, Oya Harp­er 2)

Holy Name 8 (Analeisse Arneaud 3, Chaya Vin­cent 2, Ha­vana Ramdeen, 2 own goals) v Suc­cess Laven­tille 2

Bish­op Anstey 6 (Maria­malia Solano 2, Joan­na Kennedy, Aris­sa Ro­many, Rae­sa Ali, Jane­cia El­lis) v Diego Mar­tin Cen­tral 0


Cara­pichaima East 4 v Mir­a­cle Min­istries 1

Holy Faith Cou­va 15 v Ch­agua­nas South 0


East Zone

San Juan North 2 v Va­len­cia Sec­ondary 0

El Do­ra­do East 7 v Bish­op Anstey East 0

Man­zanil­la Sec­ondary v Five Rivers - Did not play

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Re: 2019 SSFL & Inter-Col Thread.
« Reply #61 on: October 23, 2019, 12:37:19 AM »
Naps, Pres showdown in Marabella.
By Walter Alibey (Guardian).

Sec­ondary Schools Foot­ball League (SS­FL) Pre­mier Di­vi­sion lead­ers Na­pari­ma Col­lege on Wednes­day face their biggest ri­vals Pre­sen­ta­tion Col­lege in a match that can po­ten­tial­ly de­ter­mine the even­tu­al win­ners of the 2019 sea­son.

The show­down, card­ed for the Man­nie Ramjohn Sta­di­um in Mara­bel­la from 3:30 pm, will be the fea­ture match of the round and will ei­ther push the lead­ers and de­fend­ing cham­pi­ons to 32 points or el­e­vate Pre­sen­ta­tion to 28 points.

The math­e­mat­ics though is that a loss for Naps will al­low the St An­tho­ny's Tigers, sec­ond on 26 points, the op­por­tu­ni­ty to take the lead for the first time on a su­pe­ri­or goal dif­fer­ence should they de­feat San Juan North away.

On Tues­day, Naps man­ag­er Per­cy Sam­lals­ingh said they will ap­proach the game like any oth­er but said he is hope­ful his play­ers will get the job done. Na­pari­ma, win­ners of the SS­FL League, South Zone In­ter­col and Co­ca Co­la Na­tion­al In­ter­col ti­tles last year, have en­joyed the bet­ter of the ex­changes be­tween the two teams, start­ing this year with their tri­umph at the open­ing Dig­i­cel Cup over their arch-ri­vals in ear­ly Sep­tem­ber.

Ac­cord­ing to Sam­lals­ingh, "I ex­pect the game to be a mas­sive show­down and that will gen­er­ate a huge crowd. Our in­ten­tion is to win all our re­main­ing games be­cause we can­not af­ford to de­pend on any oth­er team. So all we have to do is ex­e­cute."

Pre­sen­ta­tion goal­keep­er coach Jef­fer­son George, who filled in for head coach Shawn Coop­er yes­ter­day, said his team will be com­ing with more fire­pow­er to­day be­cause of the ef­fect it could have in de­ter­min­ing the over­all win­ner.

"When we analysed our past match­es with Naps we re­alised that our biggest prob­lem was our goalscor­ing. We have al­ways had close en­coun­ters with them but we al­ways lose be­cause we do not put our chances away and this is what we have been work­ing on for to­day (Tues­day)," George told Guardian Me­dia Sports.

Pre­sen­ta­tion Col­lege opt­ed not to face Queen's Roy­al Col­lege (QRC) in a re­vised match on Mon­day at the same venue to prop­er­ly pre­pare for Na­pari­ma. The coach said the coach­ing staff is full of con­fi­dence in the team's de­fence, which he point­ed out had con­ced­ed the least amount of goals for the sea­son to date.
"I be­lieve we will be ca­pa­ble of cop­ing with any­thing at­tack that Naps will come with, de­spite hav­ing a lot of re­al­ly tal­ent­ed play­ers in Isa Bram­ble, Seon Ship­p­ley and oth­ers. That has al­ways been the coach's for­mat, to be steady in the de­fence, so we just have to go out there and con­vert our chances," George said.

Mean­while, sixth-placed QRC will have a date with Mal­ick Sec­ondary at QRC and fourth-placed Cara­pichaima will be up against St Bene­dict's at home.


QRC vs Mal­ick @ QRC

Pre­sen­ta­tion vs Naps @Man­nie Ramjohn

San­Juan North vs St An­tho­ny's @ San Juan

Cara­pichaima vs St Bene­dict's @ Cara­pichaima

East Mu­cu­rapo vs CIC @ Fa­ti­ma

St Au­gus­tine vs Trin­i­ty Mo­ka @St Au­gus­tine

Pleas­antville vs Trin­i­ty East @ Pleas­antville

Lat­est Team Stand­ings

1*Na­pari­ma Col­lege*11*9*0*2*30*10*+20*29
2*St. An­tho­ny's Col­lege*11*8*1*2*37*11*+26*26
3*Pre­sen­ta­tion Col­lege*10*8*1*1*26*6*+20*25
4*Cara­pichaima East Sec­ondary*11*6*1*4*21*14*+7*22
5*East Mu­cu­rapo Sec­ondary*11*6*2*3*23*11*+12*21
6*Queen's Roy­al Col­lege*11*6*3*1*22*24*-2*19
7*San Juan North Sec­ondary*11*5*4*2*26*10*+16*17
8*St. Au­gus­tine Sec­ondary*11*3*4*4*26*21*+5*13
9*Pleas­antville Sec­ondary*11*4*6*1*15*17*-2*13
10*Trin­i­ty Col­lege East*11*3*6*2*14*19*-5*11
11*Spey­side High School*12*3*7*2*18*37*-19*11
12*St. Bene­dict's Col­lege*11*3*7*1*12*20*-8*10
13*Mal­ick Sec­ondary*12*3*8*1*18*27*-9*10
14*Trin­i­ty Col­lege (Mo­ka)*11*1*9*1*13*40*-27*4
15*St. Mary's Col­lege*11*1*9*1*5*39*-34*4

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Re: 2019 SSFL & Inter-Col Thread.
« Reply #62 on: October 24, 2019, 12:34:43 AM »
Naparima stays ahead by 4 points.
By Walter Alibey (Guardian).

Na­pari­ma Col­lege dropped two vi­tal points in a goal­less tie with arch-ri­vals Pre­sen­ta­tion Col­lege, San Fer­nan­do, when com­pe­ti­tion in the Shell/First Cit­i­zens Sec­ondary Schools Foot­ball League (SS­FL) Pre­mier­ship Di­vi­sion con­tin­ued at the Man­nie Ramjohn Sta­di­um in Mara­bel­la on Wednes­day.

How­ev­er, Na­pari­ma still main­tained the top po­si­tion on the 15-team stand­ings af­ter ti­tle hope­fuls St An­tho­ny’s Col­lege were ham­mered 4-0 by a ris­ing San Juan North Sec­ondary in San Juan.

Na­pari­ma’s in­abil­i­ty to score on the day moved them one point fur­ther to 30 points, while the Tigers main­tained sec­ond, ahead of Pre­sen­ta­tion by just a two-goal dif­fer­en­tial, as both teams are on 26 points each.

On a day of up­sets, Cara­pichaima East Sec­ondary School were eye­ing a pos­si­ble move in­to third place but were beat­en by strug­gling St Bene­dict’s Col­lege 2-1 at home.

How­ev­er, out at San Juan, the home team turned the once-vi­cious Tigers out­fit in­to tamed pussy­cats, cour­tesy of a dou­ble strike by sub­sti­tute Daniel Best and an out­stand­ing over­all per­for­mance by Isa­iah Chase, Re­nal­do Boyce, Chris­ton Mitchell and Jor­dan Brit­to and com­pa­ny in front of cheer­ing fans made up of stu­dent, teach­ers and res­i­dents of the com­mu­ni­ty.

Both teams set­tled quick­ly in the game but heavy un­der­foot con­di­tions, cou­pled with San Juan’s phys­i­cal dom­i­nance, ap­peared to be the Tigers' main hur­dle dur­ing the con­test. The home team, coached by their in­flu­en­tial for­mer strik­er/mid­field­er Mar­vin Oliv­er, was off to a fly­ing start from a build-up on the left side that looked any­thing but dan­ger­ous in the 11th minute.

Chase, who tor­ment­ed the St An­tho­ny’s de­fence in the ear­ly mo­ments, calm­ly rolled a pass to Kedell Jones in the cen­tre and from some 20 yards out, the lat­ter un­leashed a blis­ter­ing dri­ve that flew past Josi­ah Perez in the St An­tho­ny’s goal.

The Tigers, who have lost just once for the sea­son, should have equalised in the 21st. Kiron Man­swell was picked out by Kahim Thomas with a pass from right to left. Be­fore Ma­lik Far­ri­er could reach Thomas, the lat­ter moved in­to a one-on-one po­si­tion with goal­keep­er Em­manuel John but with the goal wide open he hit wide.

The Tigers strug­gled to pro­duce the flu­ent-pass­ing game they are known for and it cost them dear­ly. The home team saw two chances in­side the penal­ty area by Tyrique Suther­land and Chase squan­dered and it ap­peared they were head­ing to a 1-0 San Juan ad­van­tage to the half-time in­ter­val.

On the stroke of half-time Boyce and El­isha Gar­cia ap­peared to be in an off-side po­si­tion when Chase, on the left side, lift­ed a pass to them. With the ref­er­ee wav­ing play-on, Boyce calm­ly slot­ted the ball past the on­rush­ing Perez for a 2-0 lead be­fore the break.

There­after it was all San Juan, fur­ther­ing their ad­van­tage in the 48th minute with a goal from Best. The lit­tle strik­er was at the end of a neat­ly thread­ed ball from an over-lap­ping Brit­to, weav­ing his way through some three play­ers be­fore find­ing Best lurk­ing on the right side. Best then slipped the ball be­yond Perez to the far post for a 3-0 lead.

St An­tho­ny’s, hav­ing to come from be­hind, just could not find their goal-scor­ing boots on the day, though find­ing them­selves in dan­ger­ous po­si­tions. Over-lap­ping de­fend­er Ian Cowie came close with a thun­der­ous strike from out­side but an ac­ro­bat­ic John pushed it wide.

In­stead, Best ham­mered the nail in­to the Tigers cof­fin when Boyce got away from the Tigers de­fence but his shot was pushed to the top of the area, for Best to meet it sweet­ly with a pow­er­ful low grounder that flew past the cus­to­di­an for his team’s fourth goal in the 86th minute to com­plete a 4-0 win.

Mean­while, at Fa­ti­ma Ground, St Mary’s Col­lege were con­fined to rel­e­ga­tion to the Cham­pi­onship Di­vi­sion in 2020 af­ter be­ing beat­en 4-0 by East Mu­cu­rapo.

(Teams - by Wired868.com)

Presentation San F’do (4-1-4-1): 1.Isaiah Williams (GK); 2.Nigel Carraby, 5.Justin Cornwall, 3.Luke Charles, 6.Zion Allen; 15.Aleem Barclay (C); 17.Nkosi Charles, 10.Ackeel Jacob, 9.Jaiye Sheppard, 20.Naeem Bisnath (13.Dantaye Gilbert); 16.Jardel Sinclair (11.Adica Ash).

Head Coach: Shawn Cooper

Naparima College (4-2-3-1): 1.Levi Fernandez (GK) (C); 5.Atiba Lewis, 4.Tyrike Andrews, 2.Thaj Neptune, 12.Asukile Christopher; 8.Kodel Frontin, 6.Shoaib Khan; 19.Isa Bramble (14.Molik Khan), 17.Nathaniel Perouse (9.Ezekiel Kesar),10.Decklan Marcelle (7.Mark Ramdeen); 20.Seon Shippley.

Head Coach: Angus Eve

Wired868 Man of the Match: Isaiah Williams (Presentation)


San Juan North Sec­ondary 4 (Kedell Jones 11th, Re­nal­do Boyce 21st, Daniel Best 48th, 86th) v St An­tho­ny’s Col­lege 0

Mal­ick Sec­ondary 2 (Jabari Williams, Nick­ell Alexan­der) v Queen’s Roy­al Col­lege 0

Trin­i­ty Col­lege, Mo­ka 3 (Temes­gn Tizere, Jahiem Mar­shall, Keishaughn Williams) v St. Au­gus­tine Sec­ondary 1 (Jerin Mel­oney)

St. Bene­dict’s Col­lege 2 (Ac­k­eem Ma­son, Gesi­ah Bish­op) v Cara­pichia­ma East Sec­ondary 1 (Bran­don St Clair)

East Mu­cu­rapo Sec­ondary 4 (Ja­heim Patrick, Zion Mc Leod 2, Ter­riq Mar­tin) v St Mary’s Col­lege 0

Pleas­antville Sec­ondary 0 v Trin­i­ty Col­lege East 0

Pre­sen­ta­tion Col­lege 0 v Na­pari­ma Col­lege 0

Speyside Secondary are on a bye


1*Na­pari­ma Col­lege*12*9*0*3*30*10*+20*30
2*St. An­tho­ny’s Col­lege*12*8*2*2*37*15*+22*26
3*Pre­sen­ta­tion Col­lege*11*9*1*2*26*6*+20*26
4*East Mu­cu­rapo Sec­ondary*12*7*2*3*27*11*+16*24
5*Cara­pichaima East Sec­ondary*12*6*2*4*22*16*+6*22
6*San Juan North Sec­ondary*12*6*4*2*30*10*+20*20
7*Queen’s Roy­al Col­lege*12*6*4*1*22*26*-4*19
8*Pleas­antville Sec­ondary*12*4*6*2*15*17*-2*14
9*St. Au­gus­tine Sec­ondary*12*3*5*4*29*24*+5*13
10*Mal­ick Sec­ondary*13*4*8*1*20*27*-7*13
11*St. Bene­dict’s Col­lege*12*4*7*1*14*21*-7*13
12*Trin­i­ty Col­lege East*12*3*6*3*14*19*-5*12
13*Spey­side High School*12*3*7*2*18*37*-19*11
14*Trin­i­ty Col­lege, Mo­ka*12*2*9*1*16*41*-25*7
15*St. Mary’s Col­lege*12*1*10*1*5*43*-38*4

Upcoming Fixtures

(Saturday 26 October)
[All games kick off at 3.30pm]

St Anthony’s College v Carapichaima East at Westmoorings;

St Augustine Secondary v East Mucurapo at St Augustine;

Malick Secondary v Presentation (San F’do) at Hasely Crawford;

Naparima College v San Juan North at Lewis Street;

Speyside Secondary v St Mary’s College at Speyside;

Trinity Moka v Trinity East at Moka;

St Benedict’s College v Pleasantville Secondary at Mannie Ramjohn;

QRC are on a bye.


‘Southern Clasico’ ends in 0-0 stalemate.
T&T Newsday Reports.

Saints go marching down as…

ALTHOUGH reigning Shell/First Citizens Secondary Schools Football League (SSFL) Premier Division champions, Naparima College, could only muster up a 0-0 scoreline against southern rivals Presentation College, at the Manny Ramjohn Stadium, Marabella, yesterday, they still managed to extend their lead atop the standings courtesy a 4-0 drubbing of second placed St Anthony’s College via San Juan North.

Naps remain in pole position on 30 points with two games to go, having salvaged a point against third-ranked Pres (26 points) in yesterday’s scrappy encounter. St Anthony’s, also on 26 points, maintain their second place position on the table as they boast a significant goal difference ahead of the Presentation Lions.

Dubbed SSFL’s “Southern Clasico,” yesterday’s clash of the southern giants was far from it. Both teams continuously battled in midfield, but neither was able to tactically penetrate their opposing custodians. Presentation’s talisman, Ackeel Jacob, was either smartly defended by the Naparima backline or saw his efforts go wide of the target. Additionally, Naps Shoaib Khan’s attempts also shared a similar fate.

However, the introduction of talented Naparima striker Mark Ramdeen in the second half brought some flair to the 2018 winners. Ramdeen did make a positive impact but was still unable to aid his teammates to find the opening goal. Naparima’s closest chance of finding the back of the net came from a Ramdeen free kick which rattled the Presentation crossbar but swooped safely by goalie, Isaiah Williams. Both teams tried valiantly to the end, but neither side showed the finishing touch to snatch a late go-ahead goal.

After the match, Naparima coach Angus Eve, was still pleased with the drawn result. However, Eve was quietly confident that his unit would bring their “A” game against an in-form San Juan when they play host at home on Lewis Street, San Fernando, on Saturday.

“It was a good result for us because we didn’t lose and also secured a precious point. Being unbeaten is not too important at this stage, our priority is winning the league, but this game keeps us on course. There is no pressure but we have to win on Saturday, We’re at home against San Juan so that should augur well for us,” he explained.

The former national footballer also admitted that his team showed some signs of fatigue during the latter half of the match. “We had some really good chances that we could have probably taken. The guys are positive even though some of the legs ‘went’ today so we had to move around a couple of the guys which is normal at this time of the season. We’re just going to recuperate and prepare for San Juan on Saturday. There’s no anxiety, we just have to do our jobs,” he added.

St Mary’s College were relegated to the championship division after falling 4-0 to East Mucurapo, at Fatima Ground, in Mucurapo. St Mary’s are at the bottom of the 15-team standings with four points and even if the Saints win their remaining two matches they will not avoid relegation. The bottom two teams will be relegated at the end of the season, but three teams from the championship will earn promotion to have an even number of teams next season.

At the Queen’s Royal College (QRC) Ground in St Clair, the home team fell 2-0 to Malick Secondary. After the match, Malick were clapping and singing knowing that the victory almost guarantees that they will avoid relegation this season. Malick were in 13th position before yesterday’s match, but jumped to tenth place with the win. Jabari Williams gave Malick the lead in the 25th minute and against the run of play in the second half Nickell Alexander sealed the contest with a 79th minute item. QRC dropped from sixth to seventh place with the loss. After the win, Malick head coach Anthony Bartholomew was satisfied with his team’s energy throughout the match and spoke about the importance of the win.

“Normally in all the games we would start off starting playing this tempo in the late (stages)...so I think we know the purpose of this game is to survive. It is not no baby thing going on here. This tournament is the biggest and staying up is most important for us.”

The Malick coach said this is the first time in over ten years the school is playing in the top flight and is hoping the team can rebuild in the coming seasons.

In other results, San Juan North moved to sixth place after crushing second placed St Anthony’s College 4-0 at Bourg Mulatresse in San Juan.

St Benedict’s jumped to 11th position after recording a 2-1 win over fifth placed Carapichaima East Secondary, 14th placed Trinity College (Moka) defeated mid-table St Augustine Secondary 3-1 and Pleasantville Secondary and Trinity College East played to a 0-0 draw.

« Last Edit: October 24, 2019, 02:52:28 AM by Flex »
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Re: 2019 SSFL & Inter-Col Thread.
« Reply #63 on: October 24, 2019, 12:36:00 AM »
Arima North win SSFL East Zone title.
By Angelo Marcelle (Newsday).

ARIMA North Secondary School (ANSS) have secured the Secondary Schools Football League East Zone title. The Dial Dynamos beat Valencia High School 3-2, at Valencia, on Tuesday, in what was a very exciting and much-anticipated match. The Valencia boys may have been wondering if it was déjà vu, as the goals came in the very same order as did the previous match-up between the teams.

Midfielder Keyel James opened the scoring in the 21st minute to give the boys in blue the lead. They would have been feeling great at this point, as they were without their defender Gerber Gomez, due to a broken arm and striker Jayden Moore, who was on a red card suspension. Jesus De Licia widened the gap for the Dial Dynamos in the 34th minute of the game.

No heads were hanging from the Valencia Boys, at the start of the second half of play as they got their first goal off the boot of Amiel Weekes. The scorcher of a shot left ANSS goalkeeper Kedhar Williams without any hope of keeping it out of the old onion bag. Despite several glorious saves from Williams throughout the game, Keyion Henry brought Valencia back into the game, from a ball-watching ANSS defence, who were unable to clear a dropped catch from Williams off a strike.

It wasn't until the 93rd minute that the Dial Dynamos got what they needed to secure a victory. A kick out by Williams deep into the Valencia half saw a poorly executed overhead kick by defender Nick Guy being stolen by midfielder Stephen Moore, to seal the victory for the Arima team.
« Last Edit: October 24, 2019, 02:44:10 AM by Flex »
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Re: 2019 SSFL & Inter-Col Thread.
« Reply #64 on: October 24, 2019, 02:16:54 PM »
Zion Mc Leod
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Shippley puts Naps on SSFL title brink
« Reply #65 on: October 27, 2019, 09:28:03 AM »
Shippley puts Naps on SSFL title brink
By Nigel Simon (T&T Guardian)

Seon Ship­p­ley net­ted the lone goal as Na­pari­ma Col­lege edged San Juan North Sec­ondary 1-0 to move to with­in a point of re­tain­ing their Shell/First Cit­i­zens Sec­ondary Schools Foot­ball League (SS­FL) Pre­mi­er­ship Di­vi­sion ti­tle at Lewis Street, San Fer­nan­do, yes­ter­day.

With the win, Na­pari­ma moved to 33 points from 13 match­es on the 15-team ta­ble, four ahead of St An­tho­ny’s Col­lege, while Pre­sen­ta­tion stayed third de­spite drop­ping two valu­able points in a 1-1 draw with low­ly-placed Mal­ick Sec­ondary.

Pre­sen­ta­tion Col­lege still have an out­side chance of claim­ing the ti­tle but must beat Queen’s Roy­al Col­lege in their resched­uled match on Wednes­day ahead of the fi­nal round when they meet St An­tho­ny’s Col­lege next Sat­ur­day.

How­ev­er, Na­pari­ma, who face QRC in their fi­nal match on Sat­ur­day, will need on­ly a point from that match to be cer­tain of re­peat­ing as cham­pi­ons.

Yes­ter­day at Lewis Street, Na­pari­ma start­ed the brighter of both teams and wast­ed a great chance for the lead in­side the first ten min­utes when Ezekiel Ke­sar guid­ed a close-range ef­fort at the back post over­bar.

How­ev­er, in the 26th minute Ship­p­ley made no mis­take when he cap­i­talised on some slop­py play by stur­dy de­fend­er El­isha Gar­cia, who left his goalie Em­manuel John strand­ed in­side the six-me­tre box, leav­ing Ship­p­ley with the easy task of slot­ting in­to an open net for a 1-0 lead.

A minute be­fore the half-time whis­tle, San Juan North, who were caus­ing Na­pari­ma some prob­lems with their di­rect play, al­most drew lev­el when Chris­ton Mitchell broke in­to the 18-yard box on­ly to see his left-foot­ed ef­fort back across goa kept out by Naps goal­keep­er Levi Fer­nan­dez to pre­serve his team’s lead at the in­ter­val.

With the sun blaz­ing down on the un­even sur­face, both teams strug­gled to pick up the pace in the sec­ond-pe­ri­od un­til Na­pari­ma mid­field­er Mo­lik Khan’s right-foot­ed ef­fort was par­ried away by John in the 55th minute.

With­in the blink of an eye, it was San Juan North’s turn to squan­der a glar­ing chance when tal­is­man Re­nal­do Boyce’s slid­ing ef­fort at the far post from a pin-point Isa­iah Chase right-sided cross skimmed off the cross-bar.

Na­pari­ma sub­sti­tute Isa Bram­ble then wast­ed a gold­en chance to dou­ble his team’s lead when he blast­ed wide of the tar­get af­ter be­ing put through on goal in­side the 18-yard box by a clever chipped pass from Shoaib Khan.

With nine min­utes left in the match, Nathaniel Per­ouse then tried his luck from dis­tance but his dip­ping right-foot­ed vol­ley was tipped on­to the left post by a div­ing John be­fore be­ing cleared.

San Juan North then had one last chance to get a share of the points from a cor­ner deep in­to time added on. How­ev­er, Chase and Mitchell got in­to each oth­er’s way to let the hosts off the hook and now with­in touch­ing dis­tance of an­oth­er na­tion­al league ti­tle.

At the oth­er end of the ta­ble, Trin­i­ty Col­lege Mo­ka joined fel­low North Zone team St Mary’s Col­lege as the teams rel­e­gat­ed af­ter a 1-0 loss to Trin­i­ty Col­lege East at Mar­aval, with Ro­mario Ma­habir the play­er on tar­get.

With one match left to play, Trin­i­ty Mo­ka has sev­en points and are in 14th spot, six adrift of Mal­ick Sec­ondary.

Sat­ur­day’s Re­sults:

NA­PARI­MA 1 (Seon Ship­p­ley 26th) v SAN JUAN NORTH 0
ST AN­THO­NY’S 4 (Jean-Heem Mc Fee 2, Kiron Man­swell, Kai Phillip) v CARA­PICHAIMA 2 (Re­sean Brit­to, D Neils)
EAST MU­CU­RAPO 3 (Daniel Davis 3) v ST AU­GUS­TINE 2 (Tyrese Spicer, Tyreek York)
MAL­ICK 1 (Nick­ell Alexan­der) v PRE­SEN­TA­TION 1 (Jardel Sin­clair)
SPEY­SIDE 1 (Adriel George) v ST MARY’S 0
TRIN­I­TY EAST 1 (Ro­maro Ma­habir) v TRIN­I­TY MO­KA 0
ST BENE­DICT’S 1 (Ja­heem Joseph) v PLEAS­ANTVILLE 0



2*St. An­tho­ny’s*13*9*2*2*41*17*+24*29
3*Pre­sen­ta­tion San F’do*12*8*1*3*27*7*+20*27
4*East Mu­cu­rapo*13*8*2*3*30*13*+17*27
5*Cara­pichaima East*13*6*3*4*24*20*+4*22
6*San Juan North*13*6*5*2*30*11*+19*20
8*St. Bene­dict’s*13*5*7*1*15*21*-6*16
9*Trin­i­ty East*13*4*6*3*15*19*-4*15
10*St. Au­gus­tine*13*3*5*5*31*27*+4*14
13* Mal­ick*14*4*8*2*20*27*-7*13
14*Trin­i­ty Mo­ka*13*2*10*1*16*42*-26*7
15*St. Mary’s*13*1*11*1*5*44*-39*4

Up­com­ing match­es:

All kick off at 3.30pm

Wednes­day, Oc­to­ber 30:
East Mu­cu­rapo v Spey­side, Fa­ti­ma Grd, Mu­cu­rapo Road
Pleas­antville v St Au­gus­tine, Yolande Pom­pey Grd, Pleas­antville
St Mary’s vs Trin­i­ty Mo­ka, St Mary’s Grd, St Clair
Pre­sen­ta­tion v QRC, Man­nie Ramjohn Sta­di­um, Mara­bel­la
Trin­i­ty East v Cara­pichaima East, Trin­i­ty East

Sat­ur­day, No­vem­ber 2:
QRC v Na­pari­ma, QRC Grd, St Clair
St An­tho­ny’s v Pre­sen­ta­tion, West­moor­ings
St Bene­dict’s v San Juan North, Man­nie Ramjohn Sta­di­um, Mara­bel­la
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Re: 2019 SSFL & Inter-Col Thread.
« Reply #66 on: October 27, 2019, 07:04:40 PM »
It would be a slightly different world had Naps forfeited 3 points due to their obstinacy and Jerseygate. Not so much a help to Saints (who even with those 3 gifted points would be in the relegation zone), but savoury for Pres and and San Juan North. If Naps go on to win the title, the pittance of a fine they paid is a big part of the story.

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Re: 2019 SSFL & Inter-Col Thread.
« Reply #67 on: October 28, 2019, 05:55:27 AM »
Henry nets 7 goals in Bishop's victory.
By Rachael Thompson-King (Guardian).

Dar­i­anne Hen­ry net­ted all of Bish­op's High School's goals to see them to a 7-0 vic­to­ry over Good­wood in the To­ba­go Zone Girls Cham­pi­onships of the Shell/First Cit­i­zens Sec­ondary Schools League (SS­FL) on Thurs­day af­ter­noon at Black Rock recre­ation ground.

Though the To­ba­go Zone cham­pi­on has al­ready be de­cid­ed with Sig­nal Hill emerg­ing with the ti­tle, Hen­ry re­mained a force to be reck­oned with and ce­ment­ed Bish­op's spot in third po­si­tion, clos­ing with 15 points from five wins and five loss­es.

Sig­nal Hill was its usu­al dom­i­nat­ing self in tak­ing down vis­it­ing Ma­son Hall, 13-0 with pro­lif­ic scor­er Ce­line Lo­raine lead­ing the way with three goals to end the league un­beat­en in 10 rounds of match­es.

For the sec­ond straight match the To­ba­go zon­al cham­pi­on had five play­ers each scor­ing a dou­ble in­clud­ing Dil­lea­sia Nichol­son, Gamelia Wal­dron, De­r­isha Bris­tol, Aaliyah Al­varez and Nao­mi Wal­drop. Nichol­son and Wal­drop lat­er shared the team's "Most Valu­able Play­er" ho­n­ours.

In the North Zone, cham­pi­on Holy Name, Tran­quil­i­ty and Bish­op Anstey emerged with com­fort­able vic­to­ries.

Holy Name earned three points af­ter Diego Mar­tin Cen­tral for­feit­ed, Joan­na Kennedy scored a pair of goals to see Bish­op past St Joseph Con­vent, 3-1 and Tran­quil qui­et­ed Suc­cess Laven­tille, 4-1.

The lone match in the East Zone saw Bish­op East held to a 2-2 draw by Va­len­cia. The East Zone is yet to crown a cham­pi­on as lead­ing con­tenders El Do­ra­do East and Five Rivers will con­tin­ue their chase to­mor­row.

In South, Fyz­abad An­gli­can was a big win­ner against Point Fortin East, seal­ing a huge 10-0 win.

None of the re­sults on Thurs­day re­sult­ed in any changes in po­si­tion in the re­spec­tive zones. Pleas­antville and Cara­pichaima East are the cham­pi­on in South and in Cen­tral Zones, re­spec­tive­ly.



Point Fortin East 0 vs Fyz­abad An­gli­can 10


Tran­quil­i­ty 4 vs Suc­cess Laven­tille 1

Bish­op Anstey 3 ( Joan­na Kennedy 2, Aris­sa Ro­many ) vs St Joseph Con­vent 1

Holy Name 3 vs Diego Mar­tin Cen­tral 0 - Holy Name won by de­fault.


Va­len­cia 2 vs Bish­op East 2


Bish­op's High 7 (Dar­ri­anne Hen­ry 7) vs Good­wood 0. MVPs: Bish­op - Hen­ry, Kacey Ma­habir; Good­wood - Di­a­mond Arthur, Dezarie Bel­grave

Sig­nal Hill 13 (Ce­line Lo­raine 3, Dil­lea­sia Nichol­son 2, Gamelia Wal­dron 2, De­r­isha Bris­tol 2, Aaliyah Al­varez 2, Nao­mi Wal­drop 2) vs Ma­son Hall. MVPs: Sig­nal Hill - Nichol­son, Wal­drop.

Lat­est Zon­al Team Stand­ings


1*Holy Name POS*10*10*0*0*61*10*+48*30
2*St Joseph POS*10*6*4*0*26*19*+7*18
3*Bish­op Anstey POS*9*5*3*1*34*16*+18*16
5*D/Mar­tin Cen­tral*10*3*7*0*13*30*-17*9
6*Suc­cess Laven­tille*10*0*10*0*7*65*-58*0


2*Fyz­abad An­gli­can*8*4*3*1*64*26*+38*13
4*Point Fortin*East*8*2*6*0*10*56*-46*6


1*Sig­nal Hill*10*10*0*0*102*2*+100*30
2*Spey­side High*10*6*4*0*32*21*+11*18
3*Bish­op’s High*10*5*5*0*28*18*+10*15
5*Ma­son Hall*9*3*5*1*13*46*-33*10


1*Cara­pichaima East*8*6*1*1*65*10*+55*19
2*Holy Faith Cou­va*8*5*1*2*52*10*+42*17
3*Mir­a­cle Min­istries*8*5*2*1*29*10*+19*16


1*El Do­ra­do East*9*8*0*1*44*9*+35*25
2*Five Rivers*7*6*0*1*26*6*+20*19
3*San Juan North*9*4*4*1*18*20*-2*13
5*Bish­op East*8*1*6*1*9*36*-27*4

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Re: 2019 SSFL & Inter-Col Thread.
« Reply #68 on: October 29, 2019, 12:33:53 AM »
Holy Name Convent grab U-15,U-20 titles.
By Yannick Quintal (Newsday).

Coach Perkins: I have a lot of talented players…

HOLY Name Convent’s football teams, last week, were crowned the U20 and U15 North Zone Division champions. The U15 team clinched the title,on Friday afternoon,after beating Diego Martin Central in a reschedule fixture. This is the third year in a row the school has won the U15 Division. The U20 team won the North Zone title, on Thursday.

Speaking with Newsday, head coach of the teams Gordon Perkins said, “So far we’re going quite well. We won in U20, we won the North Zone. We won the U15 there on Friday. We’ve played unbeaten to date. We’ve won all of our fixtures. We have have a big game coming up in the Girl’s Big 5, the Under 20 Big 5 competition on November 3. We play Signal Hill here in Trinidad.”

Regarding his teams’ performance between 2018 and into the 2019 season, Perkins said, “I’ll need to go back one year more. I’ve been at Holy Name... this is the third year. And I came to them in 2017 with a three-year programme. In 2017, we were playing in the division below, in the senior division. In that year, we won everything again, in U20, winning the national senior division title. That kind of gave us some momentum. In 2018, we performed creditably I would say. We came second in the league to Bishops and we were the finalists in the Intercol knockout, losing to Tranquility. This year is a final year for some of the girls so they want to leave on a bang.”

Asked if his teams exceeded his expectations, Perkins said he expected a good showing this season.

“Well actually, I consider myself to be blessed because I have a lot of talented players. My main challenge was to get them to play to their full potential. And this year, this was the closest that we are to achieving there, because I got a lot of good players here.”

Were any players on the squad important in terms of keeping the team together?

“That would be a tough call with the Under 20s because it’s a straight unit. I have players in many, many areas. The stand out players I would say are my two stoppers, Jade Superville and Mya Ramdoo, they play very, very well together. The skipper of the team is Havana Ramdeen. She is a prolific scorer and a very, very good leader on the field. Then I have an Under 15 player, who plays alongside Ramdeen, Analeisse Arneaud. She is a prolific scorer as well, a fantastic player and is the skipper of the Under 15 team. She plays for the Under 20s because she’s still eligible age-wise to play U15.”

Holy Name will face off against fellow unbeaten side Signal Hill Secondary in the Big 5 semifinal at St Mary’s College grounds in Port-of-Spain on November 3 at 3 pm.

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Tunapuna Secondary growing as a football force
« Reply #69 on: October 29, 2019, 07:58:27 AM »
Tunapuna Secondary growing as a football force
By Joel Bailey (T&T Newsday)

TUNAPUNA GOVERNMENT Secondary is showing growth as a force in schools football, in the East Zone, according to their coach Alejandro Acosta.

In a recent interview, Acosta, who has been involved with the school’s football teams for the past three year, spoke about the improvement of the various teams under his watch. He also mentioned the school’s consistent performances in other sporting disciplines.

“I came on board as coach and the programme got revamped,” said Acosta. “We have constantly been improving and we’re trying to highlight the school as an option. We’re already high in academics and we’re an emerging school in sports.”

He continued, “The cricket team has gone into the Championship (Division), the netballers won the East Zone, the basketballers won the East Zone and, this year, the football so far has been performing well in the League, in the East Zone.

“This year is the first time we’ve entered the Under-20 Division, so we play Under-14, Under-16 and Under-20s. Because we’re a small school, it’s basically our Under-16 team that play in the Under-20. So far, we’re second on the standings in the Under-20, (below) San Juan North. In the Under-16s, we’re second underneath St Augustine (and) in the Under-14s we’re third, under San Juan and St Augustine.”

Acosta, who was a past student at Tunapuna Secondary, is also a schoolteacher at Tunapuna Boys RC.

“What I recognise is that a lot of parents don’t even consider Tunapuna Sec a choice,” Acosta commented. “They believe it don’t have a football programme. The case is that people don’t know that the school is excelling.”

According to the Tunapuna football teams’ coach, “We’re trying to fix over the (school’s) football field. Years ago, there was a drain, in the back of the field, but it collapsed. It’s only now we’re getting some funding and trying to get corporate sponsorship. It’s just a little bit more work to do.”

Acosta pointed out that academic success, as well as discipline, are very important among his players. He said, “All players are under informal football contracts requiring positive academic performances and behaviours at school.”
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Re: 2019 SSFL & Inter-Col Thread.
« Reply #70 on: October 30, 2019, 05:34:15 PM »

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Re: 2019 SSFL & Inter-Col Thread.
« Reply #71 on: October 31, 2019, 01:52:30 AM »
‘Pres’ keep title hopes alive.
By Jonathan Ramnanansingh (Newsday).

SSFL title to be decided on Monday…

PRESENTATION College San Fernando remains in tight contention for the 2019 Secondary Schools Football League (SSFL) Premier Division title following a 6-0 drubbing of Queen’s Royal College at Manny Ramjohn Stadium, Marabella, yesterday.

First-half goals from Markus Mason, Ackeel Jacob and Dantaye Gilbert provided a comfortable cushion for the second ranked (30pts) squad heading into the half-time break.

At the resumption, Gilbert found the back of the net once more followed by goals from teammates Shakeem Cooper and Jaiye Sheppard. This welcomed victory for the “Pres Lions” keeps the pressure on defending champions and current league leaders, Naparima College (33pts).

“Naps” presently hold a slim three-point advantage over their southern rivals and did not take part in yesterday’s schedule of matches as they were on a bye. However, the coveted crown will be hoisted by either one of the South-based teams, on Monday, as they both benefitted from a last-minute matchday reshuffle from the SSFL executive in the interest of fairness.

The 2018 winners play their final match against hosts and seventh-ranked Queen’s Royal College (19pts) while “Pres” travel to St Anthony’s (29pts) for a challenging encounter against the current fourth-placed team. If “Pres” win their match against the “Tigers” and Naparima lose, goal-difference will be enforced to determine the 2019 champions as both teams will be locked on 33pts each.

But, if “Naps” can pull off a victory or a drawn result against QRC, they will be crowned champions for a second consecutive year, finishing unbeaten in the league.

Additionally, if St Anthony’s trump Presentation, the “Tigers” will finish as league runners-up while “Pres” will have to settle for third overall.

Speaking with Naparima team coach Angus Eve, he revealed that his squad is going for the win on Monday and has no intention of dropping points against QRC.

“We’re going to do what we normally do,” he said. “We are going to look at the tapes of our opposition’s matches and see how best we can exploit their weaknesses and enhance on our strengths so that we can get the best results for us. We have been preparing the guys for this type of season. From the first game to the last, is a must-win for us. Every single game is a final for us.”

The former national footballer reflected on last season’s performance where they won every game in the league to claim the title. This year though, “Naps” were forced to settle for a couple drawn results on the journey. Eve also admitted that even though QRC are presently mid-table, they are not to be taken lightly going into the final game of the competition.

“The least we can do is replicate the trophy-winning performance from last season. We have been striving towards this but QRC are a top opponent even though they’re mid-table. We have a lot of respect for the guys especially coach Grosvenor (Nigel). At the end of the day, we need to be on our best to have that desired result against them,” he stated.

In other final round matches yesterday, East Mucurapo (30pts) ensured their fourth place finish by whipping Speyside 5-0. Carapichaima East (25pts) secured fifth overall as they got past ninth placed Trinity East 4-2 while St. Augustine (16pts) squeezed past St. Benedict’s (16pts). Relegated teams, Trinity Moka and St. Mary’s College also recorded their final league meeting, with the former producing a 4-0 victory.

On Saturday, St Benedict’s play host to San Juan North at Mannie Ramjohn Stadium followed by the final round of title-deciding matches on Monday.

Premier Division results

(Wednesday 30 October)

Presentation (San F’do) 6, QRC 0 at Mannie Ramjohn Stadium;

East Mucurapo 5, Speyside Secondary 0 at Mucurapo Road;

Trinity East 2, Carapichaima East 4 at Trincity;

Pleasantville Secondary 2, St Augustine Secondary 3 at Pleasantville;

St Mary’s College 0, Trinity College Moka 4 (Temesgn Tezera 31, 51, Josiah Superville 35, Jardel Mitchell 58) at Serpentine Road;

Malick Secondary are on a bye

« Last Edit: October 31, 2019, 04:31:16 AM by Flex »
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Five Rivers Secondary in Big 5 semis
« Reply #72 on: November 02, 2019, 08:32:07 AM »
Five Rivers Secondary in Big 5 semis
By Rachael Thompson-King(T&T Guardian)

Kay­la Ba­boolal starred for Five Rivers Sec­ondary to see the East Zone cham­pi­on ad­vance to the semi­fi­nals of the Girls Cham­pi­onships "Big Five" com­pe­ti­tion in the Shell/First Cit­i­zen's Sec­ondary Schools Foot­ball League af­ter top­ping Cara­pichaima East 7-1 on Thurs­day af­ter­noon.

Ba­boolal hauled four past Cen­tral Zone win­ner Cara­pichaima in a lop­sided match played at the Ato Boldon Sta­di­um in Cou­va. Join­ing her on the score­sheet were Lu­ann Craig with two and Meke­ba Morang scored the oth­er.

Tal­li­ah Si­mon net­ted the lone item for Cara­pi­achaima.

The Five Riv­er unit cap­tained by Maya Blanc moves on to meet the tough op­po­nent in the reign­ing na­tion­al and South Zone cham­pi­on Pleas­antville at the Man­nie Ramjohn Sta­di­um in Mara­bel­la from 3 pm to­mor­row. In the oth­er semi­fi­nal match, North Zone win­ner Holy Name Con­vent Port-of-Spain will bat­tle with Sig­nal Hill, To­ba­go cham­pi­on at St Mary's ground from 3 pm.

De­tails of the fi­nal are still to be an­nounced.

Mean­while, both match­es in the Girls Run­ners-Up Big Four end­ed in draws. East Zone's El Do­ra­do East and Holy Faith Con­vent of Cen­tral fin­ished tied 2-2 in a match played in Cou­va while at Mary's ground, Bish­op Anstey (North) was held to a 1-1 draw with Fyz­abad (South).

The ac­tion con­tin­ues in the Big Four on Sun­day from 3 pm.

Thurs­day's Re­sults

Big Five quar­ter­fi­nals
Cara­pichaima East 1 (Tal­li­ah Si­mon) vs Five Rivers Sec­ondary 7 (Kay­la Ba­boolal 4, Lu­ann Craig 2, Meke­ba Morang)

Girls Cham­pi­onships run­ners-up
El Do­ra­do East 2 vs Holy Faith Con­vent 2
Bish­op Anstey 1 vs Fyz­abad 1

Sun­day match­es (Big Five semi­fi­nals)
Holy Name Con­vent vs Sig­nal Hill, St Mary's ground, 3 pm
Pleas­antville vs Five Rivers, Man­nie Ramjohn Sta­di­um, 3 pm

Big Four sec­ond round
Fyz­abad Sec­ondary vs Holy Faith Con­vent, Fyz­abad, 3 pm
El Do­ra­do East vs Bish­op Anstey POS,El Do­ra­do, 3 pm
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Re: 2019 SSFL & Inter-Col Thread.
« Reply #73 on: November 04, 2019, 02:41:28 AM »
Naps, Pres battle for Premier Division crown.
By Joel Bailey (Newsday).

NAPARIMA will be looking to retain their Secondary Schools Football League (SSFL) Premier Division crown today when they face mid-table outfit QRC, in a final round (Round 15) encounter at the St Mary's College Ground, St Clair.

The game was originally carded for the QRC Ground but the SSFL, in a media release yesterday, said that the venue was shifted to the neighbouring CIC Ground.

Naps (33 points), the league leaders, need only a point against the Royalians (19 points) to successfully defend their Premier Division title.

Second-placed Presentation San Fernando (30 points) will also be making the trip up north, as they will visit fourth-placed St Anthony's (29 points) at the St Anthony's Ground, Westmoorings.

Presentation San Fernando have a plus-24 goal difference, compared to Naparima's plus-21. Therefore, a Presentation San Fernando victory and a shock loss to the currently-unbeaten Naps will see the Premier Division title changing hands.

Both matches will begin at 3.30 pm.

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Re: 2019 SSFL & Inter-Col Thread.
« Reply #74 on: November 04, 2019, 02:42:27 AM »
St Benedict’s defeat San Juan in SSFL.
By Jelani Beckles (Newsday).

ST BENEDICT’S College defeated San Juan North Secondary in the lone match in the Shell/First Citizens Secondary Schools Football League Premier Division, yesterday.

St Benedict’s got past San Juan 1-0 at the Manny Ramjohn Stadium in Marabella. The league will end tomorrow with two more matches. First placed Naparima College (33 points) will play Queen’s Royal College at QRC grounds in St Clair and second placed Presentation College, San Fernando (30 points) will battle St Anthony’s College in Westmoorings.

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Re: 2019 SSFL & Inter-Col Thread.
« Reply #75 on: November 04, 2019, 08:11:20 PM »
But it was not all love from the Naps coach. “Thank the sponsors who stuck by us even when Sportsmax tried to derail it,” Eve said. “People have to understand that denominational schools have to survive on subventions and sponsorship money because we aren’t like government schools that get funding from the state.”


Coach, yuh wrong! This is an irresponsible comment.

Posters, allyuh see what $300 bought?
« Last Edit: November 05, 2019, 06:37:18 AM by asylumseeker »

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Re: 2019 SSFL & Inter-Col Thread.
« Reply #76 on: November 04, 2019, 08:22:50 PM »
But it was not all love from the Naps coach. “Thank the sponsors who stuck by us even when Sportsmax tried to derail it,” Eve said. “People have to understand that denominational schools have to survive on subventions and sponsorship money because we aren’t like government schools that get funding from the state.”


Coach, yuh wrong! This is an irresponsible comment.

Posters, allyuh see what $300 bought?

$300 was the fine for the initial infraction ent?

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Re: 2019 SSFL & Inter-Col Thread.
« Reply #77 on: November 05, 2019, 01:38:22 AM »
Naps retain premier division crown.
By Narissa Fraser (Newsday).

Defending SSFL champs make it two in a row

ONCE again, Naparima College were crowned Secondary Schools Football League (SSFL) Premier Division champions after maintaining a 14-match unbeaten streak.

The team won their final match,yesterday afternoon, crushing Queen’s Royal College (QRC) 4-0, at the St Mary’s Ground, Port of Spain to re-claim the title.

Kick-off was promptly at 3.30 pm with both teams getting off to a solid start. However, Naps’ number 17 Nathaniel Perouse took advantage of an early display of careless defending by QRC in the 17th minute, making the score 1-0. Shoaib Khan added his name to the scoresheet just three minutes after to double the lead.

But cries of handball in the 22nd minute followed a penalty being awarded to Naps, which was casually taken by Seon Shippley to make it 3-0.

QRC’s first-half woes continued as their goalkeeper Jacques Poon-Lewis got a straight red card in the 27th minute after he was caught outside his box.

He was replaced by number 22 Jumaane Mc Neil who got his first scare of the match just after coming on as Naps went for goal but went a bit too wide.

QRC began to re-gain their form in the closing minutes of the first half but still did not pose much of a threat to Naps’ captain and goalkeeper Levi Fernandez.

Naps fans said they felt as though the team was “going easy” on QRC as they believed the score could have been much higher at that time. There was only a handful of QRC fans as Naps supporters flooded the stands and the field, confident their team would secure the title.

The second half was the subbed QRC keeper’s time to shine as he blocked goal after goal from both set pieces and direct attempts, including a penalty. His performance even caused Naps supporters to applaud and pay their respect after the match. Many were questioning why he was not part of the starting line-up. But the one goal he couldn’t stop came from fan-favourite Isa Bramble in the 80th minute.

Some other Naps fan-favourites were subbed on nearing the final 20 minutes of the game, including Ezekiel Kesar and Mark Ramdeen. Tyrike Andrews also came on to replace Thaj Neptune, who came off limping after a clash.

QRC upped their defence game and tried to take advantage of their chances but to no avail. Naps still dominated in possession while their opponents struggled with recovering and keeping the ball.

Three minutes of additional time were still not enough for any QRC player to add their name to the scoresheet. Meanwhile, Naps technical staff had already begun early congratulations and the crowd roared immediately after the final minute.

Speaking with Newsday, Naps head coach Angus Eve said the team treated every match like a final and was confident they would defend their title.

“The guys were very focused throughout the season. It was like we played 14 finals. We came here and we did what we had to do which was to win the match.”

Asked how he feels knowing several of his key players would be graduating and leaving the team next year, he said, “There’s no problem. We played Presentation College with our under-16 team and there was no problem. Every year, it’s the same transition we go through.

“We always keep preparing our teams for the next year. So we’re gonna play with what we have and see how it goes.”

Team captain Levi Fernandez, who would also be leaving next year, told Newsday, “For me, it was a simple game. I think the boys really came out and gave it their all. They started (preparing) from the pre-season.”

It is his third year playing with the team.

Newsday also spoke with QRC head coach Nigel Grosvenor, who said everything went downhill after the first goal.

“Coming against this team was always going to be hard. There was no doubt about that. They came all out, they didn’t take us for granted.

“We, on the other hand, had nothing to lose.

“The first goal was kinda soft and pushed us back a bit. Then the goalkeeper got the red card.”

Grosvenor said the keeper had played for the team for the past three years and only recently recovered from a finger injury. It was also his final game for QRC so he allowed him to start since he knew the title was not at stake.

McNeil (the subbed keeper) told Newsday while he was not expecting to play today, he did his best for the team.

Meanwhile, the match between Presentation College San Fernando and St Anthony’s College ended 0-0. Pres are the runners-up, ending the season with 31 points.

(Teams - by Wired868.com)

Queen’s Royal College (4-5-1): 1.Jacques Poon-Lewis(GK); 4.Ezekiel Armstrong, 17.Donnell Claxton, 9.Veron Aqui, 6.Abbas Abdul-Latif; 25.Kaylon Taylor (8.Brian Armstrong 64), 16.Nathaniel Brown, 7.Jaheim Granderson, 10.Darian Bradshaw (21.Tyreke Harding 46), 19.Jude-Anthony Johnson; 2.Randy Harris (22.Jumaane McNeil 29).

Unused Subs: 3.Abrahim Abu-Bakr, 6.Abbaas Abdul-Latif, 14.Miguel Cross.

Head Coach: Nigel Grovesnor

Naparima College (4-3-3): 1.Levi Fernandez  (GK/Captain);15.Marvin Waldrop, 12.Asukile Christopher, 4.Tyrike Andrews (2.Thaj Neptune), 5.Atiba Lewis; 6.Shoaib Khan, 8.Kodel Frontin, 20.Seon Shippley (7. MArk Ramdeen 64); 10.Decklan Marcelle (9.Ezekiel Kesar 64), 17.Nathaniel Perouse, 19.Isa Bramble.

Unused subs: 30.Regaleo Holder (GK) 3.Chakim Guy, 11.Kern Cedeno, 18.Jaden McKree.

Head Coach: Angus Eve

Wired868 Man of the Match: Isa Bramble (Naparima College)

SSFL Premier Division

(Monday 4 November)

QRC 0, Naparima College 4 (Nathaniel Perouse 17, Shoaib Khan 20, Seon Shippley 22, Isa Bramble 80) at Serpentine Road;

St Anthony’s College 0, Presentation College (San F’do) 0 at Westmoorings.

« Last Edit: November 05, 2019, 01:40:21 AM by Flex »
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Re: 2019 SSFL & Inter-Col Thread.
« Reply #78 on: November 05, 2019, 06:46:06 AM »
But it was not all love from the Naps coach. “Thank the sponsors who stuck by us even when Sportsmax tried to derail it,” Eve said. “People have to understand that denominational schools have to survive on subventions and sponsorship money because we aren’t like government schools that get funding from the state.”


Coach, yuh wrong! This is an irresponsible comment.

Posters, allyuh see what $300 bought?

$300 was the fine for the initial infraction ent?

It was.

At a minimum, "derail" is a poor choice of words. In the beginning Eve said he had "no comment". Might have been better to have maintained that discipline. It strikes me as being completely tone deaf for that comment to be rendered about SportsMax, particularly by the coach of Naparima, the league's repeat champions and one of the poster board teams in the league's marketing ... to say nothing of a team who benefitted from the decisional largesse of a league and sponsor that were intent on sanctioning the adults but not the players.

Naps is not the only denominational school in the SSFL top flight. Others, who also exist in the same challenging economic environment, abided by the rules and protocol without any attempt at deception or circumvention of the same.

Better than that, Angus.There was no need to dab salt on a healed wound.
« Last Edit: November 05, 2019, 06:53:02 AM by asylumseeker »

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Re: 2019 SSFL & Inter-Col Thread.
« Reply #79 on: November 06, 2019, 02:37:39 AM »
Malick, Trinity Moka record Intercol wins.
By Walter Alibey (Guardian).

It rained goals in the North Zone of the Co­ca Co­la In­ter­Col on Mon­day at the Hase­ly Craw­ford, Mu­cu­rapo, with Pre­mier­ship strug­glers Mal­ick Sec­ondary ham­mer­ing Diego Mar­tin North Sec­ondary 13-0. And in an­oth­er game, de­mot­ed pre­mier di­vi­sion cam­paign­ers Trin­i­ty Mo­ka made a bold state­ment for the zone's In­ter­Col ti­tle by clob­ber­ing St Fran­cis Col­lege 3-0.

In the end, how­ev­er, the tal­ly showed 17 goals scored in two match­es. Mal­ick's Zion Car­pette, Nick­el Alexan­der and Jabari Williams all scored hat-tricks in the win to set up a mouth-wa­ter­ing con­test with Trin­i­ty Mo­ka on Thurs­day at St Mary's Col­lege Ground in St Clair.

The trio has scored more than three-quar­ter of their school's goals this sea­son de­spite their 12-place fin­ish.

Yes­ter­day coach An­tho­ny Bartho­molmew sent a warn­ing to his op­po­nents who de­feat­ed them in the pre­mier­ship sea­son, that they should not be com­pla­cent when the teams meet in the In­ter­Col.

"The play­ers en­tered the Pre­mier Di­vi­sion an in­ex­pe­ri­enced bunch, but have now got­ten the ex­pe­ri­ence they need­ed. We are se­ri­ous­ly go­ing af­ter the In­ter­Col ti­tle and we be­lieve we can do it. We are ready now," Bartholomew said.

He added, "We have even changed our for­ma­tion from 5:3:2 to 4:3:3 to al­low the at­tack­ers the room and chance to ex­press them­selves and score goals."

In the oth­er game, Trin­i­ty Mo­ka got goals from Jardel Mitchell, Je­sus Phillip and Josi­ah Su­perville in their 3-0 tri­umph of St Fran­cis Col­lege. Man­ag­er Shawn Lyn­d­say said he team will be pre­pared for Mal­ick when the time comes, say­ing foot­ball is played on the day. "For sure we will not be un­der­es­ti­mat­ing any team and we will be go­ing out to play."


Mal­ick 13 (Zion Car­pette 3, Nick­el Alexan­der 3, Jabari Williams 3, Ma­made Guer­ra 2, John-Mark Mor­ris, Kel­lon Lewis) vs Diego Mar­tin North Sec 1

Trin­i­ty Mo­ka 3 (Jardel Mitchell, Je­sus Phillip, Josi­ah Su­perville) vs St Fran­cis 0

Tuesday 5 November

(Intercol South Prelims)

Rio Claro West 2, Princes Town West 0 at Mannie Ramjohn Stadium.

Upcoming fixtures

Wednesday 6 November

(Intercol East Quarterfinals)

San Juan North v Malabar Secondary, 3.30pm, St Augustine;

Arima North v Manzanilla Secondary, 3.30pm, El Dorado East;

(Intercol Central Quarterfinals)

Miracle Ministries v Preysal Secondary, 3pm, Ato Boldon Stadium;

Presentation (Chag) v Couva East, 5pm, Ato Boldon Stadium;

Thursday 7 November

(Intercol North Quarterfinals)

QRC v St Mary’s College, 3.30pm, Mucurapo Road;

Trinity Moka v Malick Secondary, 3.30pm, Serpentine Road;

(Intercol Tobago Quarterfinals)

Speyside High v Roxborough Secondary, 3pm, Plymouth;

Mason Hall Secondary v Goodwood Secondary, 5pm, Plymouth;

Friday 8 November

(Intercol South Quarterfinals)

St Benedict’s College v Fyzabad Anglican Secondary, 1.30pm, Mannie Ramjohn Stadium;

Naparima College v Rio Claro West, 3.30pm, Mannie Ramjohn Stadium;

Sunday 10 November

(Intercol Girls East Quarterfinals)

San Juan North v Valencia Secondary, 3pm, El Dorado East;

Manzanilla Secondary v Bishop Anstey East, 3pm, St Augustine;

(Intercol Girls Tobago Quarterfinals)

Bishop’s High v Goodwood Secondary, 1.30pm, Dwight Yorke Stadium;

Scarborough Secondary v Mason Hall Secondary, 3.30pm, Dwight Yorke Stadium;

(Intercol Girls North Quarterfinals)

St Joseph’s Convent v Diego Martin Central, 3.30pm, Mucurapo;

Tranquility Secondary v Success Laventille, 3.30pm, QRC;

(Intercol Girls South Quarterfinals)

Point Fortin East v Moruga Secondary, 3pm, Mannie Ramjohn Stadium;

(Intercol Girls Central Quarterfinals)

Chaguanas North v Chaguanas South, 3pm, Ato Boldon Stadium.

« Last Edit: November 06, 2019, 02:43:09 AM by Flex »
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Salute Naps — champs again!
« Reply #80 on: November 07, 2019, 12:56:06 PM »
Salute Naps — champs again!
By Colin Murray (T&T Guardian)

Con­grat­u­la­tions to Na­pari­ma Col­lege on win­ning the 2019 Sec­ondary Schools Foot­ball League for the sec­ond con­sec­u­tive year. Not on­ly have they won back to back ti­tles but, yet again, they have played un­beat­en through­out the sea­son. They are un­doubt­ed­ly the best school team in the league and thor­ough­ly de­serve to be cham­pi­ons. This year, it again came down to the last round of games and it was a straight fight be­tween them­selves and Pre­sen­ta­tion Col­lege of San Fer­nan­do.

Un­like last year when they need­ed help from San Juan North Sec­ondary to pip Pres, this year it was en­tire­ly in their own hands as all they need­ed against an in­con­sis­tent QRC team was one point. They em­phat­i­cal­ly de­feat­ed the Roy­alians 4-0 to be­gin the cel­e­bra­tions in front of their en­thu­si­as­tic trav­el­ling sup­port­ers.

In­ter­est­ing­ly, I was asked, “Is Naps too strong for this league?” In one word, no. When you look at their re­sults, they drew three games and won five by the odd goal. They de­feat­ed both rel­e­gat­ed teams 3-0 and 3-1, so the re­sults point to the fact that they had to work hard for some of their vic­to­ries. Where this Na­pari­ma team is strong is in their work rate and their men­tal ap­proach. They fight for each oth­er as a team and don't set­tle for a draw-they are al­ways search­ing for a win­ner and mount­ing re­lent­less pres­sure on teams that were vis­i­bly hap­py with a point. Even when they go be­hind they al­ways re­lent­less­ly be­lieve that they can turn the game around. Yes, they do pos­sess some skil­ful play­ers, but so do some oth­er schools how­ev­er Naps has de­vel­oped what none of the oth­er schools seems to have: that do or die at­ti­tude.

Pres fin­ished as the brides­maid for the sec­ond year; this time five points be­hind the cham­pi­ons. They are a tal­ent­ed team with some crafty in­di­vid­u­als but they are not as men­tal­ly tough as Naps. Un­til they get over the big hur­dle of de­feat­ing Na­pari­ma, they will al­ways seem to be a step be­hind their fiercest south­ern ri­vals.

St An­tho­ny's Col­lege led the north­ern charge but must start to win the big games. They can com­fort­ably win against the schools in the bot­tom half of the league but when they come up against the top six, they ei­ther draw or lose and that, un­for­tu­nate­ly, is where it counts most. They are as tal­ent­ed as the top two schools but they must close­ly ex­am­ine why they don't get over the line when the tal­ent is cer­tain­ly there.

East Mu­cu­rapo Sec­ondary sur­prised me this year. They are a good team and work hard. They led Na­pari­ma 2-0 but just couldn't hold on to record a fa­mous vic­to­ry. They should im­prove next year if they do not lose their qual­i­ty play­ers.

An­oth­er sur­prise was Cara­pichaima East Sec­ondary who played well through­out the sea­son and apart from the 5-0 drub­bing they re­ceived from the cham­pi­ons, they would be hap­py with their per­for­mances over the sea­son. I liked their style; their run­ning off the ball was good and their mid­field is cre­ative.

San Juan North Sec­ondary was a huge dis­ap­point­ment. They seem to on­ly mo­ti­vate them­selves when they play the top two. Los­ing six games for this tal­ent­ed team is un­ac­cept­able and the en­tire staff has to take a long, hard look at what went wrong and put it right for the In­ter­col.

Two col­leges - St Bene­dict's and QRC were up and down for most of the sea­son. They would play one good game and then be out­played in the next. They are not as tal­ent­ed as the top six, how­ev­er, what you lack in abil­i­ty you make up for with fight and dis­ci­pline. Un­for­tu­nate­ly, I did not see ei­ther of those qual­i­ties in Bene­dict's or QRC.

St Au­gus­tine Sec­ondary is a shad­ow of the 'Green Ma­chine'. They need to relook at their foot­ball de­vel­op­ment pro­gramme and get back to the ba­sics be­cause they have a great lega­cy in school foot­ball but at present, they seem to be very stag­nant.

I was dis­ap­point­ed with Trin­i­ty Col­lege East. I thought this sea­son they would have kicked on from last year and im­proved but they looked dis­joint­ed and in­con­sis­tent. I re­main con­fi­dent that they will get back on track and be bet­ter next sea­son.

Pleas­antville and Mal­ick Sec­ondary were back in the big league this year and both have some skil­ful play­ers but, they need­ed to play as a team and on­ly when they did that they got re­sults. Pleas­antville drew with Naps and Mal­ick drew with Pres but both of them lost 8 games, how is that pos­si­ble? Do they show more fight when they play the top 2 teams? If so, it must be a wor­ry­ing stat for their tech­ni­cal staff.

Spey­side High School just avoid­ed rel­e­ga­tion and con­ced­ed 42 goals but on­ly 1 against Na­pari­ma - how do you analyse a per­for­mance like that? I am just hap­py a To­ba­go school has stayed in the top flight.

Trin­i­ty Col­lege Mo­ka and St Mary's Col­lege were abysmal. It may be a bless­ing in dis­guise for them to go down to the cham­pi­onship and re­build. Let us hope that when ei­ther one re­turns to the pre­mier­ship that they will be far bet­ter pre­pared.

The fol­low­ing is my all-star team based on the per­for­mances I have seen for 2019.

GK: Em­manuel John - San Juan North

De­fend­ers: Randy An­toine (St An­tho­ny's) Jor­dan Bar­clay (St An­tho­ny's) Tyrike An­drews (Na­pari­ma) Ka­reem John (San Juan North)

Mid­field­ers: Isa Bram­ble (Na­pari­ma) Aleem Bar­clay (Capt) (Pre­sen­ta­tion) Josi­ah King (Cara­pichaima) Jaiye Shep­pard (Pre­sen­ta­tion)

For­wards: Seon Ship­p­ley (Na­pari­ma) Akeem Ma­son (St Bene­dict's)

To pick 11 from over 175 play­ers is nev­er easy but for me those were the stand­outs. It's now on to the In­ter­col so good luck to all schools!
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St Mary's upset QRC 3-1 in InterCol
« Reply #81 on: November 08, 2019, 07:57:04 AM »
St Mary's upset QRC 3-1 in InterCol
By Walter Alibey (T&T Guardian)

St Mary's Col­lege can fi­nal­ly breathe a sigh of re­lief af­ter they sur­prised ri­vals Queen's Roy­al Col­lege (QRC) which de­feat­ed them 1-0 Sec­ondary Schools Foot­ball League (SS­FL) which end­ed on Mon­day.

on Thurs­day, the 'Saints' as they are known, pulled off a shock­ing up­set 3-1 vic­to­ry in the North Zone of the Co­ca Co­la In­ter­Col play-off at Fa­ti­ma Col­lege Ground, Mu­cu­rapo. The ri­val­ry be­tween the teams usu­al­ly means much more than the fame of a piece of sil­ver­ware, and with more than 10 loss­es to their name, as well as the heart­break of be­ing rel­e­gat­ed from the Pre­mier Di­vi­sion this sea­son, the Saints might feel now they have re­ceived the im­pe­tus to go on.

Jamel Dor­si­ty took more than 45 min­utes to open the St Mary's ac­count in the sec­ond pe­ri­od of play, and with QRC of­fer­ing very lit­tle re­sis­tance for the past few match­es, the Saints du­ly sealed the win with goals from Tyrique Hug­gins in the 76th and Har­ri­son Parks in the 80th.

The Roy­alians have now lost their last three match­es, as dis­ci­pli­nary con­cerns took cen­tre stage, and the grit that el­e­vat­ed them to the fifth po­si­tion on the stand­ings ear­li­er in the sea­son was sad­ly lack­ing.

St Mary's man­ag­er Ju­nior Maxwell said they are re­lieved with the re­sult, as it was an in­di­ca­tion they were al­ways ca­pa­ble of much more than they dis­played at the Pre­mier­ship.

The Saints which were de­mot­ed to the SS­FL Cham­pi­onship Di­vi­sion af­ter 12 loss­es, one win and a draw, will now play the win­ner of the Fa­ti­ma Col­lege and East Mu­cu­rapo en­counter, which is set to take place Tues­day.

In an­oth­er match at St Mary's Ground, Mal­ick got a goal apiece from Zion Car­pette and Nick­el Alexan­der to shut-out Trin­i­ty Mo­ka 2-1, while in the sis­ter isle of To­ba­go, Spey­side got a hat-trick from Je­lani James to spear­head his team to an 8-0 rout of Rox­bor­ough Sec­ondary at the Ply­mouth Recre­ation Ground.

Still, coach Ker­ry Lynch was less than im­pressed, say­ing his team played re­laxed, or else the score would have been much wider. Apart from James' items, Spey­side al­so got goals from C'el Top­pin, Kern Mc Don­ald, Adriel George, Deleon Beck­les and Kael Moore in the win.


CIC 3 (Jamel Dor­si­ty, Tyrique Hug­gins, Har­ri­son Parks) vs QRC 1
Mal­ick 2 (Zion Car­pette, Nick­el Alexan­der) vs Trin­i­ty Mo­ka 0
Spey­side 8 (Je­lani James 3, C'el Top­pin, Kern Mc Don­ald, Adriel George, Deleon Beck­les, Kael Moore) vs Rox­bor­ough 1
Ma­son Hall 2 vs Good­wood Sec­ondary 2 (Good­wood pre­vailed 4-3 PK)
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Re: 2019 SSFL & Inter-Col Thread.
« Reply #82 on: November 08, 2019, 05:58:27 PM »
WATCH: The Coca Cola Intercol Tournament once again produced a magical moment. This time, in the North Zone where St. Mary’s College ended its 10-game winless run. The Saints stopped arch rival Queen's Royal College by a final of 3-1.

<a href="https://www.youtube.com/v/e3Rab_8BU6M" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" class="bbc_link bbc_flash_disabled new_win">https://www.youtube.com/v/e3Rab_8BU6M</a>
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Re: 2019 SSFL & Inter-Col Thread.
« Reply #83 on: November 09, 2019, 02:35:52 AM »
Naps demolish Rio Claro in South Intercol
By Jonathan Ramnanansingh (Newsday).

DEFENDING Coca Cola Intercol South Zone champions, Naparima College, sounded a clear warning to their rivals as they advanced to the semi-final round of the 2019 edition courtesy an 8-0 thrashing of Rio Claro West at the Manny Ramjohn Stadium, Marabella yesterday.

A hat-trick from talisman Mark Ramdeen (38th, 44th and 48th), a pair each from Ezekiel Kesar (seventh and 28th) and Isa Bramble (70th and 76th) and a lone goal from Tyrike Andrews (27th) got the reigning champions over the line in emphatic style. Rio Claro West were unable to put up any form of resistance as Naps stamped and maintained their competitive authority from the early stages.

In the earlier game of the South Zone quarter-final double-header yesterday, St Benedict’s produced a commanding 4-0 win against Fyzabad Anglican at the same venue in the opening match. Tariq Lee netted twice while Jaheim Joseph and Joseph Thomas also grabbed one goal each.

Zonal quarter-final action continues on Monday at the Larry Gomes Stadium, Malabar, with St Augustine up against Holy Cross College from 1.30 pm followed by Trinity East versus Valencia Secondary.

On Tuesday, the final round of ‘quarters’ action climaxes with Signal Hill squaring off with Pentecostal Light and Life followed by Scarborough Secondary against Bishop’s High at the Dwight Yorke Stadium, Tobago.

The Hasely Crawford Stadium, Mucurapo, also plays host to East Mucurapo and Fatima College in the opener after which St Anthony’s lock horns with Tranquillity Secondary. At Marabella, Pleasantville face Moruga while this year’s Secondary Schools Football League runners-up, Presentation College San Fernando meet Point Fortin East.

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Re: 2019 SSFL & Inter-Col Thread.
« Reply #84 on: November 13, 2019, 02:36:25 AM »
St Anthony's hammer Tranquil 8-1.
By Caston Cupid (Guardian).

On­ly 20 teams are left in this year's Co­ca­Co­la In­ter­col com­pe­ti­tion.

On Tues­day, a Zion Mc Cleod dou­ble on ei­ther side of half­time gave East Mu­cu­rapo a 2-0 vic­to­ry over next-door neigh­bours Fa­ti­ma Col­lege in the first game of a North Zone dou­ble-head­er at the Hase­ly Craw­ford Sta­di­um in Mu­cu­rapo.

That win sets up a date with St Mary’s Col­lege in the semis on Fri­day.

Al­so book­ing a semi­fi­nal spot against Mal­ick Sec­ondary was St An­tho­ny’s Col­lege, who de­feat­ed Tran­quil­i­ty Sec­ondary 8-1 in yes­ter­day's sec­ond game at the Sta­di­um.

Ja­heim Mc Fee led the goal splurge withs five items while Kahim Thomas, Kiron Man­swell and Sowande Pre­ito al­so found the net for the West­moor­ings-based Tigers.

At the Man­nie Ramjohn Sta­di­um mean­while, Pleas­antville Sec­ondary need­ed penal­ties to get past Moru­ga Sec­ondary.

The two were locked at 1-1 af­ter reg­u­la­tion time with Moru­ga get­ting their goal from Mont Zion Bain and Pleas­antville Theon Mar­cano. In the shootout, Pleas­antville walked away with a 3-0 win and will face zon­al and na­tion­al cham­pi­ons Na­pari­ma Col­lege in the semi­fi­nal.

In the oth­er en­counter, Pre­sen­ta­tion Col­lege got sec­ond-half goals from Jardell St Clair and Akeem Ja­cob in a 2-0 vic­to­ry over Point Fortin Sec­ondary. They will now take on St Bene­dict's Col­lege in the oth­er south semi­fi­nal.

Over in To­ba­go, Sin­gal Hill Sec­ondary al­so need­ed a penal­ty shootout be­fore they pre­vailed 3-2 over Pen­te­costal Light and Life Foun­da­tion. The boys from the 'Hill' had tak­en a 1-0 lead when Quin­cy Win­ches­ter scored in the 6th minute but Pen­te­costal Light and Life equalised ten min­utes lat­er through Ryan Camp­bell. Nei­ther teams could find an­oth­er goal be­fore the end of reg­u­la­tion time and Sig­nal Hill took as­cen­den­cy in the shootout. Sig­nal Hill will now meet Good­wood Sec­ondary in the semi­fi­nal.

Ja­heim Har­ry al­so got the lone goal for Scar­bor­ough Sec­ondary in a 1-0 win over Bish­op's High School. They will now bat­tle Spey­side High in the semi­fi­nal.


To­ba­go Zone

Sig­nal Hill 1 vs 1 Pen­te­costal Light & Life

(Sig­nal Hill 3-2 on penal­ties)

Scar­bor­ough Sec­ondary 1 vs 0 Bish­ops High School

South Zone

Pleas­antville Sec­ondary 1 vs 1 Moru­ga Sec­ondary

(Pleas­antville sec­ondary 3-0 on penal­ties)

Pre­sen­ta­tion Col­lege 2-0 Point Fortin sec­ondary

North Zone

East Mu­cu­rapo 2-0 Fa­ti­ma Col­lege

St An­tho­ny’s Col­lege 8-1 Tran­quil­i­ty Sec­ondary


St Anthony’s, Mucurapo victorious in North quarters.
By Joel Bailey (Newsday).

ST ANTHONY’S and East Mucurapo were victorious yesterday, in their respective Coca Cola Intercol North Zone quarter-finals, at the Hasely Crawford Stadium, Mucurapo.

In the latter of back-to-back matches, St Anthony’s trounced Tranquillity 8-1, following East Mucurapo’s 2-0 win over Fatima.

St Anthony’s will now turn their attention towards Malick, who they will meet in the semi-final round on Friday, while East Mucurapo will face St Mary’s, also on Friday.

In the South Zone quarter-final double-header, at the Manny Ramjohn Stadium in Marabella, Pleasantville needed kicks from the penalty spot to oust Moruga 3-0, after the scores were locked at 1-1 at the end of regulation time, and Presentation San Fernando cruised past Point Fortin East 2-0.

Both Pleasantville and Presentation San Fernando will be back in action next Tuesday, in the semi-final stage – Pleasantville will oppose reigning national Intercol champs Naparima and Presentation San Fernando will tackle St Benedict’s.

There was also a pair of quarter-final matches in the Tobago Zone.

In the opening match at Plymouth, Signal Hill defeated Pentecostal Light and Life 3-2 in a penalty shootout, after a 1-1 regulation time scoreline, while Scarborough pipped Bishop’s High 5-0.

The Tobago semis will be staged on Monday, with Signal Hill battling Goodwood and Scarborough facing Speyside.

The Zonal semi-finals will begin today, with a double-header in the Central Zone.

Chaguanas North will meet Miracle Ministries from 3 pm, at the Ato Boldon Stadium, Couva, followed by the clash between Carapichaima East and Couva East.

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Re: 2019 SSFL & Inter-Col Thread.
« Reply #85 on: November 13, 2019, 07:36:20 AM »
WATCH: Highlights of zonal quarterfinals action, from Larry Gomes Stadium, Malabar; St. Augustine vs. Holy Cross College and Trinity East vs. Valencia Secondary

<a href="https://youtube.com/v/qPBtmc75pSM" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" class="bbc_link bbc_flash_disabled new_win">https://youtube.com/v/qPBtmc75pSM</a>
« Last Edit: November 13, 2019, 07:38:05 AM by asylumseeker »

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Carapichamia chases 9th Central InterCol title
« Reply #86 on: November 14, 2019, 06:06:55 AM »
Carapichamia chases 9th Central InterCol title
By Walter Alibey (T&T Guardian)

Cara­pichaima East Sec­ondary will go af­ter its ninth ti­tle in the Cen­tral Zone of the Co­ca Co­la In­ter­Col af­ter the team crushed Cou­va East 7-0 at the Ato Boldon Sta­di­um in Bal­main, Cou­va on Wednes­day.

The Cen­tral gi­ants, the lone team in the Pre­mier Di­vi­sion of the Sec­ondary Schools Foot­ball League in the zone, got a brace each from Mo­lik Robin­son and Ivan Dos San­tos in the de­mo­li­tion, a re­sult that earned them the right to face Ch­agua­nas North Sec­ondary on Wednes­day next week at the same venue in Cou­va. Oth­er goals came from Dex­ter Neils, Joshua King and Re­sean Brit­to.

Yes­ter­day man­ag­er Ash­bert Charles said his team will be con­fi­dent of win­ning their ninth crown, but they will not be tak­ing their op­po­nents light­ly. "We try to fo­cus on the big­ger pic­ture than just win­ning match­es. We do not take our op­po­nents for grant­ed, for in­stance, al­though it was a large mar­gin of vic­to­ry for us to­day, there are ar­eas that we need to work on go­ing for­ward, such as the guys not ap­ply­ing pres­sure when they are in de­fence," Charles ex­plained.

He added, "I found that we were half-heart­ed while press­ing. We were al­ways sec­ond to the ball, which is an area we need to im­prove on mov­ing for­ward, first against Ch­agua­nas and then the oth­er teams. For the fi­nal, once we avoid the com­pla­cen­cy, we will win the match com­fort­ably."

Ch­agua­nas North Sec­ondary in their semi­fi­nal en­counter, de­feat­ed Mir­a­cle Min­istries 3-1 at the same venue, cour­tesy a dou­ble by Mekhi Bain. But on an­oth­er day, how­ev­er, the Ch­agua­nas boys could have fin­ished with a much wider mar­gin of vic­to­ry, had it not been for sev­er­al eas­i­ly missed chances by Bain, Hezeki­ah John, Karel Wells and Syrron De La Rosa among oth­ers.

Over­lap­ping de­fend­er Al­bert opened the scor­ing for the Ch­a­gu­nas boys as ear­ly as the 18th minute, be­fore Bain got the first of his dou­ble strike, when the Mir­a­cle Min­istries de­fence failed to clear a nice­ly lift­ed ball in­to the cen­tre of the box by Al­bert, and Bain was quick to pounce, fir­ing past a help­less Adois An­toine in the Mir­a­cle Min­istries goal post.

The teams went to the half-time in­ter­val with Ch­agua­nas North lead­ing 2-0, and when the match re­sumed, John was served a through-ball down the right flank and pulled it back for the on­rush­ing Bain to slot the ball in­to an emp­ty net in the 41st minute.

How­ev­er, Mir­a­cle Min­istries pulled a goal back in the 57th, when Joaquin Vil­lafana picked out Tyrese Col­ly­more with a left-side cross, and he beat goal­keep­er David Jan-Pierre with a fierce low dri­ve to his far post.


Ch­agua­nas North 3 (Isa­iah Al­bert 18th, Mekhi Bain 41st, 52nd) vs Mir­a­cle Min­istries 1 (Tyrese Col­ly­more 57th)
Caps 7 (Mo­lik Robin­son 2, Ivan Dos San­tos 2, Dex­ter Neils, Joshua King, Re­sean Brit­to) vs Cou­va East 0


San Juan vs Man­zanil­la Sec, 1:30 pm @ Lar­ry Gomes Sta­di­um
St Au­gus­tine Sec vs Trin­i­ty Col­lege East, 3:30 pm @ Lar­ry Gomes Sta­di­um
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San Juan North, St Augustine in East Intercol final
« Reply #87 on: November 15, 2019, 08:05:47 AM »
San Juan North, St Augustine in East Intercol final
By Joel Bailey (T&T Newsday)

SAN JUAN North and St Augustine will meet next Thursday, at the Larry Gomes Stadium in Arima, in the East Zonal final of the Coca Cola Intercol competition.

Both teams prevailed in their respective semi-final matches yesterday, at the aforementioned venue. San Juan North strolled past Manzanilla 3-0 and St Augustine defeated Trinity East 2-0.

On Wednesday, in a Central Zonal semi-final double-header at the Ato Boldon Stadium in Couva, Chaguanas North overcame Miracles Ministries 3-1 and Carapichaima East trounced Couva East 7-0.

Today, attention will turn to the North Zonal semi-finals, with St Anthony’s tackling Malick at the St Mary’s Ground and Mucurapo hosting St Mary’s at the Fatima Ground. Both matches will kick off at 3.30 pm.
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Re: 2019 SSFL & Inter-Col Thread.
« Reply #88 on: November 16, 2019, 02:40:44 AM »
Very poor school football.
T&T Guardian Reports.

The Ed­i­tor,

I have been a sup­port­er of Trinidad and To­ba­go foot­ball both as spec­ta­tor and play­er, my love for the game start­ed when games were played in front of the Grand Stand Queens Park Sa­van­nah un­der a stern ad­min­is­tra­tor Mr Er­ic James as Pres­i­dent.

Some of the teams that played in front of mas­sive crowds were Maple, Malvern, Colts and the three col­leges Q R C, St Marys and Fa­ti­ma. The teams that brought out the crowds were Maple, Malvern, Colts, Sham­rock and of course the col­leges es­pe­cial­ly the In­ter- Col fi­nals.

My main con­cern is the type of foot­ball be­ing played to­day in our Sec­ondary Schools, which ought to be the nurs­ery for our Na­tion­al Teams. The stan­dard is noth­ing more than poor or very poor. On the field of play, there is no struc­ture, just play­ers run­ning be­hind the ball ques­tions are asked who coach these teams.

I saw some shots of the St An­tho­ny Col­lege vs Tran­quil­i­ty Sec­ondary on T.V 6 where the for­mer won by 8-1. I be­ing a for­mer stu­dent and foot­ball play­er of Tran­quil I bowed my head in shame and took to the phone to give out my frus­tra­tion. Re­mem­ber­ing schools like Tran­quil­i­ty that pro­duced tal­ents like Franklin Ol­li­varie and Ul­ric Box­hill, or St Mary's which gave us Geff Gellineau and Rus­sel Techiera; QRC turned out Lin­coln Philip, Vic­tor Gamal­do and Rolph Clarke, while St Bene­dict's Col­lege field­ed the likes of Leroy De Leon, War­ren and Archibald and Fa­ti­ma starred with Ever­ard "Gal­ly" Cum­mings and Earl Fough, just to name a few.

What bogs the mind is the num­ber of youth Foot­ball Coach­ing Schools around the coun­try with no pos­i­tive re­sults. I asked, Why?

Athel­ston Clin­ton
For­mer play­er

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Re: 2019 SSFL & Inter-Col Thread.
« Reply #89 on: November 16, 2019, 02:42:05 AM »
'Tigers' survive Malick Intercol attack.
T&T Guardian Reports.

De­fend­ing cham­pi­on St An­tho­ny's Col­lege edged out Mal­ick Sec­ondary 4-3 on penal­ties af­ter a strike from Nick­ell Alexan­der had en­sured a 1-1 draw dur­ing reg­u­lar time in Fri­day's Co­ca Co­la In­ter­col North Zone semi­fi­nals at St Mary's Ground in St Clair, Port-of-Spain.

Kai Phillip gave the tigers the 1-0 lead in the 10th minute on­ly for Alexan­der to bring par­i­ty to the match ear­ly in the sec­ond half. Mal­ick had the per­fect start with a con­ver­sion and a won­der­ful save from cus­to­di­an Jay­don Tay­lor.

How­ev­er, the West­moor­ings Tigers" of St An­tho­ny's held their nerve and Mal­ick was waste­ful, re­sult­ing in Re­al Gill send­ing home the dag­ger that sealed St An­tho­ny's ti­tle de­fence with the 4-3 shoot-out win.

Si­mul­ta­ne­ous­ly at Fa­ti­ma grounds, Cham­pi­onships Di­vi­sion-bound St Mary's Col­lege was on a mis­sion to cut down an­oth­er Pre­mier­ship team on its way down. How­ev­er, East Mu­cu­rapo had enough to hold off CIC, to claim a 6-5 win on penal­ty kicks af­ter the scores were tied at 1-1 at the end of reg­u­la­tion time as well.

The "Saints" were well on their way to ac­com­plish­ing this all thanks to Tyrique Hug­gins who 76th-minute goal had them mo­ments away from the ref­er­ee's fi­nal blast when dis­as­ter struck in the 92nd minute.

That cat­a­stro­phe for CIC was a sav­iour for East Mu­cu­rapo and his name was Ja­mali Alex­is forc­ing the game in­to a penal­ty shootout. This too went the dis­tance in­to sud­den death but when the dust was cleared, it was East Mu­cu­rapo left stand­ing with the 6-5 win.

Fri­day's Re­sults

East Mu­cu­rapo 1 (Ja­mali Alex­is 92nd) vs St Mary’s (Tyrique Hug­gins 76th). East Mu­cu­rapo won 6-5 on penal­ty kicks

St An­tho­ny’s Col­lege 1 (Kai Phillip 10th) vs Mal­ick 1 (Nick­ell Alexan­der). St An­tho­ny’s won 4-3 on penal­ty kicks

The real measure of a man's character is what he would do if he knew he would never be found out.


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