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Blackman splashes new record
« on: February 23, 2020, 08:31:48 AM »
Blackman splashes new record.
By Walter Alibey (Guardian).

T&T’s Nikoli Black­man splashed to a new 50-me­tre Freestyle record at the 2020 UA­NA Swim­ming Cham­pi­onship in Li­ma, Pe­ru, on Sat­urday.

How­ev­er, the young T&T swim­ming ace could not repli­cate his per­for­mance in the 100-me­tre Back­stroke held lat­er, al­though still fin­ish­ing in a de­cent sixth po­si­tion.

But in the half-lap race for boys’ 13-14, Black­man forced the crowd to ac­knowl­edge his abil­i­ty and tal­ent, as he oblit­er­at­ed the field to claim the UA­NA record that was held first held by Mex­i­can Guiller­mo Ruben when he touched the wall in a quick time of 24.31 sec­onds. Ruben had pre­vi­ous­ly set the record with a 24.65 sec­onds swim.

Black­man, who went in­to the fi­nal with a C-Stan­dard time of 24.65 sec­onds, bet­tered it de­spite the com­pet­i­tive field. He was fol­lowed in sec­ond and third po­si­tions by the Ba­hami­an pair of Mar­vin John­son and Nigel Forbes in 24.74 sec­onds and 24.79 sec­onds re­spec­tive­ly.

But in the 100-me­tre back­stroke, Black­man could not stop Mex­i­can Ro­dr Fer­nan­dez Vi­var from se­cur­ing the gold medal in a time of one minute, 01.50 sec­onds, while Vi­var’s coun­try­man Er­ick Chavez was sec­ond on 1:02.56 and Ar­genti­na’s Max­i­mo Jacquet took the bronze medal in 1:03.21 sec­onds. Black­man’s time in the 100m event was a com­pet­i­tive 1:04.96 sec­onds.

Mean­while, though no oth­er T&T swim­mer medalled on the day, there were sev­er­al ex­cel­lent per­for­mances and close miss­es, with Jah­mia Mar­ley fin­ish­ing fifth in the Girls’ 15-17 100 me­tres back­stroke. Her event was won by Danielle Ti­tus of Bar­ba­dos in a light­ning-quick time of 1:03.93 sec­onds.

Akash Singh, an­oth­er T&T swim­mer, was al­so sixth in the Boys’ 13-14 50 me­tre Breast­stroke event, af­ter pro­duc­ing a time of 32.36 sec­onds.

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