It got worse with Jack undermining England and the US for the WC bids. Once again it goes back to FIFA's original make up, which was control of world football after independence of Caribbean and African nations with Sir Rous. That is until Joao Havelange decided to use the other nations like Africa and the Caribbean and played that masterstroke to gain power, which was eventually done by Sepp, under the tutelage of Havelange.
They never intended to have Caribbean and African nations dominate world football, they wanted stooges and hatchet men that are inherently corrupt to maintain their supremacy and get them the votes needed to secure the Presidency and ultimately control. Hence, the Caribbean is still the swing vote for the FIFA Presidency.
JW saw the opportunity to make that money and become the de facto "King of the Caribbean" via his cohorts in the other islands. A guaranteed revenue stream but JW did a lot of good also but he was under the gun. Meaning, he would still be beholden to the white supremacist that control world football.
T&T despite it's talent would never be a regional footballing power because TV rights, gambling, sponsorships and politics trump "talent". As a nation of color we are there to make up numbers and give the illusion of freedom and democracy, aka fairness. However, our own government was also colluding and contributed to the decline and deterioration of our football, as it is written to be this way. None of the higher ups want to see T&T dominating bigger teams like the US, Mexico etc, so you keep the football in problems, lack of funding and development, with little government cooperation and support. It is by design and JW was just a puppet in that play where now he has no choice but to save his skin because he decided to over extend his power and reach.
In order to maintain the balance in the region where teams from the African diaspora are not a "threat" they have to ensure coaches like Eve, tow the line. In response to Gawd, Eve is controlled, he is paid by FIFA, who do you think he answers to? Do you think he will forfeit this opportunity given to him by what Hadad calls the "Vatican" of world football? No, he will not ruin that opportunity, so in order to maintain the status quo, he tows the line. So it is not Eve's decision to sabotage, it is his superiors giving orders.
In comes Wharfe, another puppet who will as he said, continue where the NC left off, Hadad did his job of effectively crippling our football and removing any semblance of democracy. Now Wharfe will continue to tow the line for his imperial masters and any early exit for Eve, may not be in the cards ever...
So in summary brother, to answer your question, the reason for sabotage of our football, was written before JW, continued with JW and is after JW as well. It is more than just - "Peter, paying for Paul".... It is the only way to stop talented teams like T&T from dominating and creating problems for other bigger nations that are considered more valuable to the cause...