There needs to be an identity shift in society. This "carnival" identity that many Trinis are happy to adopt, is not a recipe for making athletes. I watch friendly banter between a Trini and yawdy a few years ago.The trini tell the yawdy " yuh could keep yuh Bolt and reggae. . We have the best Carnival" . I was like seriously. Trinidad society which revolves around them 2 days in February, is not necessarily to blame. But if that value and interest was tranformed into the sporting side, I think we'd have much more young athletes sticking with sports, instead of turning to the party scene quickly after a bad race or a few bad games.
There's men that would prioritize carnival, lime and party over sport, their health and their careers. This is what the sons and daughters of Trinidad are seeing. And we want gold medals?
When my son was 15, 16 and 17 he chose to go to sports camps during Caribana time in Toronto. That was music to meh ears. Many of his cousins and friends were playing sports too. However, they chose the "Jump up" route while my son was in sports camp on Caribana weekends. Fast forward to now, my son is an NCAA athlete, while his cousins and friends are still on the jump up route. . And we want medals?