I'm vex, angry, disappointed and I can go on and on… I left that game yesterday with utter disgust. Warriors you really disappointed a lot of fans. I took 3 hours to wait in line to get a ticket and I did not even get any. I had to purchase my ticket later in the day from scalpers. I paid $300.00 for a $ 100.00 ticket and $500.00 for a $200.00 ticket. Then on Saturday I had to wait another 2 hours to reach inside the stadium. All of this was disgusting, and a shame on the authorities of Trinidad and Tobago. Children got crushed, a lot of small people got crushed, and people could not breathe as they stood in line, they were gasping for air, all this reflects badly on Management in every aspect.
In England 80,000 people go to a game in an orderly fashion, and here in Trinidad just to go into the stadium was sickening. I have spent a lot of money, time and effort to support my team for every game, I have been supporting my team since 1989, November 19th, as a little boy and now as a young man, I have rallied around the team.
Warriors you need to lift your game, you under estimated Bahrain and you could have lost that game but thank God you did not. Now you have to win and this task would not be easy, this is where all of you will have to show your class, you have 90 minutes again to turn this game around. May God’s speed be with you and yes I will be there supporting you until the end. Good luck.