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Author Topic: Player selection Player choice  (Read 998 times)

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Offline ABTrini

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Player selection Player choice
« on: June 19, 2022, 09:27:11 AM »
There are some interesting points being raised  in terms of player selection here.

Look if Trini born players who are plying their trade abroad  in any way possible achieved an opportunity as a result of playing for the national team do they owe TTFA or the general public for that matter service to the national team?
  •   A player should have a choice  to decide whether playing for the national team is at the risk of being injured and  jeopardizing his livelihood. This begs the question- do  football governing bodies take out insurance policies- ( Lloyd's of London) to insure players and duly compensate them in the likelihood of an injury which could be career threatening?
It is disconcerting to see players who refuse  a call to duty for the national team yet quite understandable if they are obligated to  cub teams and or if they are not TnT  by birth. 
  How patriotic, motivated and opportunistic is the payer when making that decision if he is attached to a foreign club or foreign born comes into play.

Hence In my opinion it is imperative that player development and national team selection have amore robust structure to harvest local talent.
 Resurrect     - Regional rivalries- North - South for example.
Create a robust selection process locally  - with regional tournaments at least five time's throughout the year

 Foreign born  players - tryouts- with foreign camps and   team tryouts.
Ensure players are compensated for service and insurance are in place
 Representing the national team  should be an honor and a call to duty-  If as a result of representing the team a player  is able to advance their career or achieve  a club contract, I think their ought to be some stipulation that if called upon and selected for national duty, that this is deemed  reciprocal obligation.

 At the end of the day it is the player's choice, there is no  legal conscription to  serve national football duty but here is a moral imperative to  do what you can for your country of choice.