Does Craig Rocastle have any relation to David Rocastle? David played no. 7 for Arsenal in the 80's if I remember correctly and was some pumpkin vine family to me... so meh moms tell meh.
Beenie need d best players available for selection. Look at BSC, he is a good coach just I doh think he have d experience at d WC level, Gold Cup yeah, but BSC was banning man from sweat cause of dem hair. In dis level yuh cyah be leaving out talent because dey do something yuh doh like, this is a business and a way of life. Winning pays d bills and is d best job security. Yuh could only make d best decisions if yuh have d best information available to do it.
Look at Beenie at d club level, he coulda pick man from almost anywhere regardless of nationality. It different in international play, now he have to choose some men out of 1.3 million people. We have mad talent at home but also men outside dat experiencing bigger tings dan we boys at home.
If anything, play dem for friendlies and lock dem down for TnT like its been said before.