February 06, 2025, 07:06:13 PM


What do you folks predict for Oliver Camps & his future as TTFF President?

He will raise 2014 WC funds & carry on in the job for life as TTFF President
He will be found innocent at end of FIFA’s Cash For Votes Bribery investigations
He would be found guilty at end of FIFA’s Cash For Votes Bribery investigations & get a life ban
He will eventually be forced to resign due to the players’ court case against the TTFF
Just like Oliver himself, you have no idea :-)

Author Topic: Oliver Camps Thread  (Read 171415 times)

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Offline Tallman

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Bassarath starts petition to help Camps
« Reply #810 on: January 20, 2016, 10:46:29 AM »
Bassarath starts petition to help Camps
T&T Newsday

A MOVE is afoot to galvanise the public into contributing to a fund which is being set up to prevent former president of the Trinidad and Tobago Football Association (TTFA) Oliver Camps from losing his house and other personal assets.

Camps, now in his 80s and seriously ill, has been given until January 21 by the High Court to come up with $3.8 million to pay Dutchman Wim Risjbergen after the ex-Soca Warriors coach took legal action against the TT FA to secure outstanding salary.

Now after Dr Sandra Camps, the daughter of the former Maritime General Insurance Company director has written to the daily newspapers making public her father’s unfortunate plight, one prominent sports official has come forward with a plan to help the sports administrator.

On Tuesday, president of the Trinidad and Tobago Cricket Board Azim Bassarath said he was willing to place the resources of the national sports organisation to solicit donations and erase the debt owed.

Bassarath said he felt that it was unfair and underserving of Camps to inherit a debt of the TT FA which has placed in great danger his property and assets, which he has worked hard to acquire throughout his life.

The cricket chief also said he was very concerned about the toll the long legal process and the consequences have had on the health and mental faculties of Camps, who according to his daughter have rendered him bedridden.

The plan outlined by Bassarath would entail a contribution of $1,000 by at least 4,000 persons, corporate entities, business organisations and the like which would adequately cover the amount of the court judgment.

He has also suggested any extra funds derived from the campaign could be donated to Camps to take care of his health concerns.

“I am calling on everyone who love sports, not only football or cricket, to show where their hearts are. This situation appeals to our humanity for a man who has spent more than half a century in the service of sport, having been the president of the national football organisation, is regarded as our most successful national team manager and has been a long-serving member of the legendary Harvard Club,” said Bassarath. Camps’ problems originated from a promissory note he signed as president of the TT FA for $480,000 (US) to secure the services of Risjbergen, after the historic 2006 World Cup where the former top Dutch defender was assistant to team coach and countryman Leo Beenhakker.

Bassarath said the TT CB, which he heads, will be guided by the response of the public to his humanitarian appeal, with the objective of creating a bank account where donations can be accepted for the Oliver Camps Fund, which will be administrated by delegated officers of the Cricket Board to ensure transparency and accountability.

“We are looking at encouraging all the other national sports organisations to play an important role, as well as the general public who support and love sports to make a tangible effort to help a fellow human being, a well-loved and trusted sports administrator who has served this country well over the years. It is the least we can do if we all come together and contribute what is a small amount in the general scheme of things,” said Bassarath
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Re: Oliver Camps Thread
« Reply #811 on: January 20, 2016, 11:58:39 AM »
is jack warner's assets ceased, why isn't warner coming to the aid of good pal and confidant? i am on the fence on this one. a part of me wants him to suffer for the ineptitude of his tenure by thumping football into the ground and feeling the pain that we the fans and the players felt, and there's the other part of me that doesn't want to see a senior citizen out in the cold. this is indeed a perplexing situation.

Offline jusbless

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Re: Oliver Camps Thread
« Reply #812 on: January 20, 2016, 12:54:53 PM »
All this petition for help for oliver camps,
is it actually warranted . How much money from the TTFA has he benefitted from. If you enjoyed the spoils when everything was blooming , why should you not face the downfall. The idea that oliver camps was hoodwinked suggest to me that we had a fool at the helm of TTFA and he is no fool. I understand public sympathy but it should go to those who deserve it . Cause basically we are saying he should not pay for the decisions he made if that is used for Oliver Camps it should apply to everyone else.

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Re: Oliver Camps Thread
« Reply #813 on: January 20, 2016, 03:37:44 PM »
Steups, people are so easy to turn an eye on white collar crime. Camps aided all the other crooks for decades, turning a blind eye and allowing himself to remain the figurehead/front for all the theft happening with both government (tax, your money and mine) as well as other dollars.

He should lose his house. Frankly he should also be in jail (along with Jack and company), but we all know nothing happens to white collar criminals in T&T (well by this story, they end up getting crowdfunded by the public). We have a real dysfunctional society.

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Re: Oliver Camps Thread
« Reply #814 on: January 20, 2016, 05:57:21 PM »
Bassarath starts petition to help Camps
T&T Newsday

A MOVE is afoot to galvanise the public into contributing to a fund which is being set up to prevent former president of the Trinidad and Tobago Football Association (TTFA) Oliver Camps from losing his house and other personal assets.

Camps, now in his 80s and seriously ill, has been given until January 21 by the High Court to come up with $3.8 million to pay Dutchman Wim Risjbergen after the ex-Soca Warriors coach took legal action against the TT FA to secure outstanding salary.

Now after Dr Sandra Camps, the daughter of the former Maritime General Insurance Company director has written to the daily newspapers making public her father’s unfortunate plight, one prominent sports official has come forward with a plan to help the sports administrator.

On Tuesday, president of the Trinidad and Tobago Cricket Board Azim Bassarath said he was willing to place the resources of the national sports organisation to solicit donations and erase the debt owed.

Bassarath said he felt that it was unfair and underserving of Camps to inherit a debt of the TT FA which has placed in great danger his property and assets, which he has worked hard to acquire throughout his life.

The cricket chief also said he was very concerned about the toll the long legal process and the consequences have had on the health and mental faculties of Camps, who according to his daughter have rendered him bedridden.

The plan outlined by Bassarath would entail a contribution of $1,000 by at least 4,000 persons, corporate entities, business organisations and the like which would adequately cover the amount of the court judgment.

He has also suggested any extra funds derived from the campaign could be donated to Camps to take care of his health concerns.

“I am calling on everyone who love sports, not only football or cricket, to show where their hearts are. This situation appeals to our humanity for a man who has spent more than half a century in the service of sport, having been the president of the national football organisation, is regarded as our most successful national team manager and has been a long-serving member of the legendary Harvard Club,” said Bassarath. Camps’ problems originated from a promissory note he signed as president of the TT FA for $480,000 (US) to secure the services of Risjbergen, after the historic 2006 World Cup where the former top Dutch defender was assistant to team coach and countryman Leo Beenhakker.

Bassarath said the TT CB, which he heads, will be guided by the response of the public to his humanitarian appeal, with the objective of creating a bank account where donations can be accepted for the Oliver Camps Fund, which will be administrated by delegated officers of the Cricket Board to ensure transparency and accountability.

“We are looking at encouraging all the other national sports organisations to play an important role, as well as the general public who support and love sports to make a tangible effort to help a fellow human being, a well-loved and trusted sports administrator who has served this country well over the years. It is the least we can do if we all come together and contribute what is a small amount in the general scheme of things,” said Bassarath

This is the right thing to do.

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Re: Oliver Camps Thread
« Reply #815 on: January 21, 2016, 02:47:01 AM »
Day of decision for Camps.
T&T Guardian Reports.

Former president of the T&T Football Federation (TTFF), Oliver Camps, will know today whether his properties will be seized, due to his inability to honour a commitment to pay salaries to former national coach Wim Rijsbergen in 2006/2007.

The Guardian understands that lawyers will be seeking a second extension after a previous 21-day stay was given on November 16, last year.

However, Rijsbergen’s fees of approximately $3.8 million were not met.

Dutchman Rijsbergen, who took over the Soca Warriors team from his countryman Leo Beenhakker, is said to be reluctant to seek any compromise with the T&T Football Association (TTFA), the current governing body for football here in T&T.

Camps’ daughter, Sandra, told the Guardian she is reluctant to seek an extension as she feels her plight will be ignored, since she does not have a good reason to convince the prosecuting lawyer.

“We will just have to wait and see how it goes today. I have been praying everyday and hoping someone can come to my assistance,” she said.

Camps is being represented by Attorney Russell Huggins while her father is being represented by Robin Montano.

Al Roberts and Company, through its representative Shastri Roberts, have been fighting Rijsbergen’s case.

The move to save Camps’ properties took a new twist on Tuesday after president of the T&T Cricket Board (TTCB) Azim Bassarath revealed he was mobilising the public into contributing to a fund to help the former national football team manager, commonly referred to as ‘Red Eric’.

The local cricket boss explained he will use his resources at the board to obtain $1,000 from at least 4,000 persons, corporate entities and business organisations to cover the court judgement.

Bassarath is also suggesting that additional funds accumulated from the campaign be given to the former football president to cover medical bills.

Sandra said her father’s health was heading downwards, particularly due to the court order.

Camps’ friend and football colleague Jack Warner, who was special adviser of the football federation at the time, has promised to help.

Camps’ dilemma followed a decision to register the TTFA in his name as the sole proprietor, and followed promises from then Prime Minister Patrick Manning to pay salaries to the national coach, which never materialised.

Neither the Ministry of Sport, nor the governing T&TFA, have offered to help, although sports minister Darryl Smith, has agreed to pay salaries to Russell Latapy who enjoyed a stint as coach without much success.

The real measure of a man's character is what he would do if he knew he would never be found out.

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Re: Oliver Camps Thread
« Reply #816 on: January 21, 2016, 10:43:29 PM »
Camps’ friend and football colleague Jack Warner, who was special adviser of the football federation at the time, has promised to help.

What a load of nonsense. 'colleague Jack warner????'.

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Re: Oliver Camps Thread
« Reply #817 on: January 22, 2016, 05:52:25 AM »
Public should not have to pay—Camps.
By Walter Alibey (Guardian).

‘I will sell my property’

Disappointed over government’s refusal to pay the salaries of ex Soca Warriors coach Dutchman Wim Rijsbergen, Oliver Camps, the former president of the T&T Football Federation has agreed to sell a property to clear the debt. His decision comes on the day that the court was expected to rule on whether his properties should be sold to clear a debt of approximately $3.8 million.

Lennox Sankarsingh, legal representative for the T&T Cricket Board, was expected to lobby for an extension on the payment of the funds to Rijsbergen. Attorney Russell Huggins, who represented Camps’ daughter Sandra, presented a promise that something would be sold to erase the debt. She said her father believes it is wrong for the public to pay the debt.

The Camps are hoping that the sale of a property will cover the amount ordered by the court, but Sandra added if the sale did not reach the required amount, they will decide what they should do then. Sandra explained that close to $1 million of the debt owing to Rijsbergen was accumulated through taxes and she is hoping that government can waive this.

“From the total that we were given to pay, about $1 million was accumulated through tax, so I am now hoping government can waive the tax so that we can pay off the bill.”

She recently approached sports minister Darryl Smith who could not provide assistance and will be seeking an audience with Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley to advance her father’s concerns. She explained that her father expressed his disappointment in the government’s reluctance to clear a bill that they promised to pay.

In 2006/2007, a verbal agreement was made by then Prime Minister Patrick Manning to pay the salaries for the Dutch coach, which was why Camps took the initiative of hiring Rijsbergen. Because of legal complications, the TTFA was registered as a sole proprietor under Camps’ name.

In an effort to assist the former football administrator, president of the T&T Cricket Board Azim Bassarath, on Monday offered to raise close to $400,000 to help pay the bill.

Camps did not want to comment this.

Sandra took a swipe at critics who have been saying that her father benefitted financially from the football federation.

“My father did not benefit financially from the TTFF. He went abroad on official business for the federation and he may have allowed people to do things that they should not have done, but my father is an honest man and if I knew that he had benefitted from the TTFF, then I would be the first to say that he should accept the consequences,” she ended.

Meanwhile, there will be no further extension for former Trinidad and Tobago Football Federation, president Oliver Camps to pay outstanding fees owing to former national coach Wim Risjbergen.

Camps, who has serviced football and sports administration for over 40 years, had signed a promissory note for US$480,000, which amounts to approximately TT$3.8 million, on behalf of the then TTFF for the services of Dutch coach Wim Risjbergen.


Property to be sold
By JOEL BAILEY (Newsday).

FORMER TRINIDAD and Tobago Football Federation (TT FF) — now TT Football Association — president Oliver Camps and his family will have to sell a property to offset a $3.8 million debt to ex-TT football team coach Wilhelmus “Wim” Rijsbergen.

Camps’ daughter, Dr Sandra Camps, in a telephone interview yesterday evening, revealed that the decision was taken earlier in the day at the High Court, Portof- Spain.

The ex-TT FF president and national team manager had until yesterday to give a detailed account of how he intended to satisfy the court judgement after the former Dutch defender pursued legal action against the local governing football body to secure outstanding salary.

According to Dr Camps, “we had to promise that we will sell a property to cover the debt, or try to cover most of the debt.

“It will have to be decided on,” she lamented, “one of two (properties) that (we) have.” The daughter of the former Harvard Sports Club president said that she is unaware if the parties (Camps’ attorneys Russell Huggins and Robin Montano; and Rijsbergen’s lawyers Al Roberts and Company) will have to return to court to fight the matter.

However, she commented, “we have to promise the monies to (Rijsbergen’s) lawyers. We will have to pay his lawyers, who will have to pay him.” Admitting that the former administrator is “holding up as best as he could, under these circumstances,” Dr Camps denounced a recent report, which indicated that the ex-TT FF boss was bedridden as a result of the strain caused by the legal matter.

“It is not true that he’s bedridden,” she fumed. “I was very upset. My father is becoming forgetful, maybe (he is) in the early stages of dementia, that runs very badly in our family. The thing about him being bedridden is untrue.” With regards to assistance on the matter, Dr Camps said, “(former TT FF special advisor Jack) Warner did pledge to help financially, the exact amount I can’t say.

“I was told by the Minister of Sport that (the Government) cannot help because that will be opening up a Pandora’s Box,” she continued. “I attempted to get on to the Prime Minister but was unsuccessful.”

« Last Edit: January 22, 2016, 06:05:07 AM by Flex »
The real measure of a man's character is what he would do if he knew he would never be found out.

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Re: Oliver Camps Thread
« Reply #818 on: January 22, 2016, 10:56:40 AM »
"I will sell my property"- Oliver Camps

Ok. Sell the damn thing. What are you waiting on?

" My father went abroad on ttff official business and he may have allowed other people to do things they should not have done".  Sandra Camps.

Let me see if I get this right. I am the head of a murderous gang. My lieutenants commit mass murder, killing women and children in the process. I should not be held responsible for their actions because I was in Paris on official gang business the nature of which I and my daughter are aware of, but cannot divulge because of legal ramifications, by her own admission, so don't waste our time with your nonsense, I am not responsible for their actions even though I allowed it to happen.

And yes, even though the Government under Manning promised to pay the coach and Jackolito promise to help, financially, I am holding the Government responsible for helping but Jackolito gets a waiver on his promise. I need all of you to understand that my father is in the early stages of dementia, also, Wim should not be paid the interest that have accrued after all this time, we want to rob him of that extra milli.

The fruit doesn't fall far from the tree.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, Richard "the fat rat" Frozen, Jackolito "the ugly one" Prime Monster, Tiny Tim, and the hidden few, have already ridden off into the sunset with Olivia's looot to live happily ever after.

« Last Edit: January 22, 2016, 11:17:05 AM by King Deese »
I am the punishment of God...If you had not comitted great sins, God would not have sent a punishment like me upon you.

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Re: Oliver Camps Thread
« Reply #819 on: January 22, 2016, 01:51:16 PM »
that's how you see it ? murder and thing is as normal as underhanded business dealings in a corrupted football business dealings..ok. State of our Nation.  I hope yuh wa sjust trying to be funny and not an actual belief.

So we know who the real criminal is, but we cyah touch him, so Peter must pay for Paul. and that's cool ?  shameless..

Yet Clico, Tarouba, Airport, Basketball (Shaq), Nicki, flag, construction etc etc all kinda white collars actually snatch the purse outta granny and kids hands, we hold the thieves..but dem doh have to pay nothing, we not seizing and selling nothing. Cause we did actually know what they was doing - @#%# we, not no foreigners and we was liking it...  smh

Say. what..maybe i feeling this way cause i know the man since ah small, and remember how he used to be running down trying to help ppl organize football. Carry on TT...next !

« Last Edit: January 22, 2016, 04:52:22 PM by maxg »

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Re: Oliver Camps Thread
« Reply #820 on: January 23, 2016, 09:59:32 PM »
That cricket fella who thanked Mother India when he was first elected I expect nothing else from him. As for me not 1 red Guyanese cent.
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Re: Oliver Camps Thread
« Reply #821 on: January 28, 2016, 04:25:46 PM »
i95.5 have something now on it.
Advertising as 6:25pm TT time.

Jack is de woss ting ever.
Sorry Ollie but yuh make yuh bed with that vampire.
we all did...cause we wanted we name on world news and reaching world cup...and now we throwing everybody under the bus...like we had nothing to do with it... his (Camps) mistake was when the spell was broken he still operated on principle and his word..