Agreed...we should field our strongest squad...BUT without compromising or morals. I see a lot of wrong in looking to draft into these last minute players.
How big a difference are they really going to make? Very little I believe.
I am with Rodney and Jefferz on this one....%@%* them...And what are you talking about we need enforcements?? Totally disagree. Our CURRENT warriors, if you seem to forget, WENT to the Azteca, an probably gave the Mexicans (not just a seeded team but one of the best) one of their most difficult homes games...that was one of the best games I have seen from the Warriors (dont mind we lost to 2 soft goals..we played DAMN good)...AND then of course we BEAT them at home...SO, based on that...our CURRENT warriors i think have ENOUGH firepower to challenge the best in the world.
Now i not saying we will win all our games...but I can guatantee you these guys will go and play their hearts out...and they will fight every plast minute...
We should not encourage these later-comers...they have NO passion for Trinidad, and they will joining the team solely to boosts their personal careers by getting a bligh on the big stage
f*£&$ dem!