
Fri, Feb

Akeem Elijah Adams

Akeem Adams NicknameKeemo
Height6′ 2″ (1.87 m)
Date of Birth April 13th, 1991 , died December 30th, 2013 (aged 22)
Place of Birth Point Fortin, Trinidad and Tobago
Debut March 19th, 2008 (aged 16)
Caps/Goals9    ( 0 goals)
Last ClubFerencvárosi TC (8/2013)
Previous ClubsCentral FC (9/2012-5/2013), TTEC (7/2011-4/2012), United Petrotrin (9/2009-12/2009), W-Connection (1/2009-4/2011)
SchoolsPresentation College San Fernando

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