
Sat, Sep


Sidey’s FC went top of the ta­ble in the To­ba­go Foot­ball As­so­ci­a­tion af­ter back-to-back wins in four days.

In their first en­counter' Sidey's came away with a 3-1 whip­ping of Rox­bor­ough Lak­ers on Sun­day.

The trio of Pavel War­rick (4th), Akeem Jor­dan (27th) and Bran­don Ben­jamin, three min­utes in­to time added on at the end of the first-half all found the back of the net to put Sidey’s FC in the dri­ver’s seat be­fore Cher­vol Lin­don net­ted the 82nd-minute con­so­la­tion for Lak­ers.

And on Wednes­day, Ben­jamin, Re­aniel Stew­art and Quane Frank fired in a goal each to sweep past Bethel Unit­ed 3-0.

With the wins, Sidey’s moved to 31 points from 14 match­es, three ahead Black Rock FC, which fell to a shock 5-1 beat­ing at the hands of third-placed Sig­nal Hill Unit­ed which is a point be­hind, and lev­el with Lak­ers.

Oma­le Jack­son and Dar­ryl Trim scored for Sig­nal Hill to lead 2-0 at the in­ter­val.

Christo­pher Mor­gan then banged in two items in the 47th and 67th to ex­tend the ad­van­tage to 4-0 be­fore Kel­lon James pulled a goal back for Black Rock.

With two min­utes left on the clock, Mor­gan then com­plet­ed his hat-trick to seal a 5-1 tri­umph.

In oth­er Pre­mier Di­vi­sion en­counter, 1976 FC Phoenix ham­mered Bethel Unit­ed 5-0 on Sun­day and fol­lowed up with a 3-0 blank­ing of Stoke­ly Vale on Wednes­day.


1976 FC Phoenix 5 (Shel­ton Williams 11th, o.g 20th, Ak­il Frank 26th, Le­jan­dro Williams 33rd, Ju­nior Roberts 76th) vs Bethel Unit­ed 0

Sidey’s FC 3 (Pavel War­rick 4th, Akeem Jor­dan 27th, Bran­don Ben­jamin 45th) vs Rox­bor­ough Lak­ers 1 (Cher­vol Lin­dow 82nd)

Sig­nal Hill 5 (Oma­le Jack­son1th, Dar­ryl Trim 39th, Christo­pher Mor­gan 47th, 67th, 88th) vs Black Rock 1 (Kel­lon James 73rd)

Oc­to­ber 16:

Sidey's FC 3 (Bran­don Be­na­jmin 1st, Re­aniel Stew­art 34th pen, Quane Frank 57th) vs Bethel Unit­ed 0

First Di­vi­sion knock­out:

Ma­son Hall Po­lice Youth Club 5 (Ste­fano Wright 36th, 77t pen, 83rd, Ka­reem Rob­ley 51st, Je­re­my Orr 71st) vs HV Mi­lan 2 (Za­phon Lewis 13th, Del­roy Lu­cas)

Pre­mier Di­vi­sion - Lat­est TFA Stand­ings

1. Sidey’s FC*14*10*1*3*32*13*31
2. Black Rock FC*13*9*1*3*24*15*28
3. Sig­nal Hill Utd*13*8*3*2*36*15*27
4. Rox­bor­ough Lak­ers*14*8*3*3*31*18*27
5. Goal City FC*12*7*3*2*20*16*24
6. 1976 FC Phoenix*13*7*1*5*22*16*22
7. Geor­gia FC*13*5*2*6*17*16*17
8. Stok­ley Vale FC*13*4*3*6*19*19*15
9. Leeds Unit­ed*13*5*0*8*16*26*15
10. FC Good­wood*12*3*4*5*15*21*13
11. Mo­ri­ah Youths*13*2*3*8*15*36*9
12. Bethel Unit­ed*14*2*1*11*11*34*7
13. Gold­en Lane FC*13*1*3*9*13*26*6

Sec­ond Di­vi­sion:

1. Carn­bee/Mt Pleas­ant*14*11*1*2*49*19*34
2. Ma­son Hall PYC*14*9*0*5*35*25*27
3. Lam­beau FC*14*8*2*4*38*23*26
4. Belle Gar­den SC*14*7*5*2*24*15*26
5. Calder Hall FC*14*6*3*5*32*31*21
6. HV Mi­lan*14*4*3*7*19*30*15
7. Earl­brokes*14*1*2*11*19*43*5
8. Hills Unit­ed*14*1*2*11*15*45*5