
Sun, Jun

warner_fifa_honourCONCACAF president and Special Adviser to the Trinidad and Tobago Football Federation Jack Austin Warner was honoured by the Executive Committee of FIFA for his dedicated and consistent service to world football, in particular towards his country in its 100 years as a football nation yesterday.
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T&T Football Federation (TTFF) celebrated 100 years at the Joao Havelange Centre of Excellence, Macoya, Tunapuna, on September 5. It was a gala night — spanning 1904-2008 — to celebrate greats including footballers, journalists, heads of leagues and referees. Among the football hierarcy present was visiting Fifa president Sepp Blatter, vice president Austin Jack Warner, Uefa president Michel Platini, TTFF president Oliver Camps and chairman of the English Football Association Lord David Triesman.

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Due to a lack of financial support towards this country’s National Football program, the Trinidad and Tobago Football Federation has been forced to suspend all football related activities pertaining to National Teams with immediate effect until further notice.
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ThinkerArriving at the VIP Lounge of the Hasely Crawford Stadium I found the symposium under way with a registration table and some 50+ people in attendance. After signing up and taking my symposium package which included a paper by Brian Lewis and a notepad, I looked for an available seat and saw one Lincoln “Tiger” Phillips sitting at the back next to an empty seat seemingly going over in his mind what he was to contribute. A quick smile and shake of the hand and I was quietly listening to the proceedings with this great thinker next to me. Dexter Skeene was introducing Brian Lewis at the podium as the facilitator as I quickly scanned the room looking at the overall setup. There were two (or more) loud speakers controlled by the sound man in the back, a projector, wireless microphones were not in short supply as were a few laptops operated by the support staff who were busy taking note of all the material discussed. Kudos must go to CNC3 and WinTV for having their camera crews there for the whole day as I immediately hoped the entire symposium could possibly be made available to the public via I even allowed myself to think we could even go a step further and have the symposium streamed live over the internet with all the media tools on hand….with the right volunteers.
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