
Sun, Jun

CONCACAF could destroy World Cup spirit

Caribbean foot­ball fans con­tin­ue to de­bate CON­CA­CAF's re­cent de­ci­sion to seed the top six FI­FA-ranked coun­tries in­to a six-team pool which will play next year for the top three au­to­mat­ic 2022 World Cup spots avail­able to the re­gion. This will see the top three teams go­ing to Qatar while the re­gion’s oth­er teams, among them the 29 Caribbean coun­tries, for the right to play for a re­main­ing half spot, with the win­ner still fac­ing a coun­try from an­oth­er re­gion in a fi­nal play­off to earn a berth on the world’s biggest foot­ball stage.

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Warner sues TTFA for $15.7m.

For­mer Fi­fa vice-pres­i­dent Jack Warn­er has sued the T&T Foot­ball As­so­ci­a­tion (TTFA) over al­most $16 mil­lion in loans he claims he pro­vid­ed to the or­gan­i­sa­tion while at its helm.

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