Soca Warriors Online Discussion Forum

Sports => Football => Topic started by: Sam on July 22, 2008, 09:55:52 AM

Title: After Bobby Sookram.
Post by: Sam on July 22, 2008, 09:55:52 AM
After Bobby Sookram you telling me not one Indo-Trin could make the T&T senior team ? I know this questions was raised a million times, but what is the real reason for this ? Not dougla's (like myself) but pure 100% Indian I would like to see. Randy Ramcharran was doing so good at one time in the Pro League what happened to him, Vijay Samaroo and Khalid Mathura ? why Indians dont follow up...

I guess its up to Javed Mohammed to represent the Indo-Trini community on the T&T senior team.

No Chinese too.. I would love to see one on the T&T side also.

I remember I travel down south to play a few games in 1994 and it had a full Indian (goalie apart) team that buss we ass good and proper. Them men was faster, stronger, more skillfull and they was hard like banga.

This is not a race question eh, so RTG dont give on meh lolly to fast.
Title: Re: After Bobby Sookram.
Post by: Andre on July 22, 2008, 10:09:56 AM

wha bout arnold dwarika and kendall jagdeosingh? dem play for t&t in recent times.
Title: Re: After Bobby Sookram.
Post by: Carib-Briton on July 22, 2008, 10:12:29 AM
I know many would say I'm not ''qualified'' to talk about such issues but I'm sure this is just a matter of choice (down to the Individual who wants to play ball). Footballing ability isn't down to your ethnicity.
Title: Re: After Bobby Sookram.
Post by: kicker on July 22, 2008, 10:29:49 AM

wha bout arnold dwarika and kendall jagdeosingh? dem play for t&t in recent times.

Dwarika and Kendall are douglas


Not dougla's (like myself) but pure 100% Indian I would like to see.

Still not sure what the point of the thread is though.... Are you saying that you'd like to see Indians and Chinese on the team because you think there is alot of talent and potential in those racial groups that don't make it to the higher ranks and as such our football is losing out?  If so I'd like to hear how you make that argument because I don't really hear much about Indian and Chinese footballers (players developing themselves to make an impact) in T&T at any level....(and doh come and bawl how ah Indian fete match side mash yuh up....dais ole talk  ;D)

I could see the Indian player pool argument making some sense as Indians rep 40% or more of the population... but that alone not really saying much.

Or do you just want to see it for the sake of seeing it? If so then it eh really have much discussion because I don't see any downside to it so long as who so ever is worthy of being selected on the team....

Title: Re: After Bobby Sookram.
Post by: Pointman on July 22, 2008, 10:41:12 AM

wha bout arnold dwarika and kendall jagdeosingh? dem play for t&t in recent times.

neither one of them is Indian
Title: Re: After Bobby Sookram.
Post by: Babalawo on July 22, 2008, 10:44:36 AM
kendall jagdeosingh is adopted  :rotfl:  but i grew up in an indian village and the reason why they are so traditional and dont want to do what there fore-parents did.  Nothing but play cricket or go to school and get job.  No other option.  They were told by there parents Indians dont play football.
Title: Re: After Bobby Sookram.
Post by: Pointman on July 22, 2008, 10:44:53 AM
I think it's a valid question. I grew up down south seeing Indians playing ball with lots of talented men. Why aren't they represented in the national team. We should try to utilize our entire pool...we ain't that big a country with a deep talent pool to ignore these other ethnic groups.
Title: Re: After Bobby Sookram.
Post by: Babalawo on July 22, 2008, 10:49:10 AM
I think it's a valid question. I grew up down south seeing Indians playing ball with lots of talented men. Why aren't they represented in the national. We should try to utilize our entire pool...we ain't that big a country with a deep talent pool to ignore these other ethnic groups.

I been preaching that. but up to a certain age, them Indians does move like the Americans.  That is as they get older they tend to quit football and get a regular job, rather that struggling and trying to earn a living playing the sport
Title: Re: After Bobby Sookram.
Post by: Jah Gol on July 22, 2008, 10:59:48 AM
It's all about career decisions. If we could get more people to chose football as a career we would have more ethnic diversity in player selection. You can't be surprised that the national side looks the way it does.  It replicates what you see in the Pro League and to a slightly lesser extent the Super League(which is semi-pro and community based).   
Title: Re: After Bobby Sookram.
Post by: kicker on July 22, 2008, 11:06:42 AM
I think it's a valid question. I grew up down south seeing Indians playing ball with lots of talented men. Why aren't they represented in the national. We should try to utilize our entire pool...we ain't that big a country with a deep talent pool to ignore these other ethnic groups.

I been preaching that. but up to a certain age, them Indians does move like the Americans.  That is as they get older they tend to quit football and get a regular job, rather that struggling and trying to earn a living playing the sport

Like Americans?  Not sure about that... This is just a guess but America probably has the highest % of middle class athlete participation in the world (especially in football/soccer). From my experience, I get the impression that everywhere else in the world (but the U.S.A., maybe Canada & Austrailia) football is primarily a blue collar sport.  The decision to focus on a non sporting career is very common yes, but I think it's function of a societal make up whereby opportunities are somewhat limited, competition is fierce, and thus the ones who decide to "struggle" as you call it are the ones with few alternatives (e.g. corporate jobs).... I don't think America is a prime example of that societal make up all things being relative.....If you poll pro athletes in the United States, against the rest of the world I think you'd probably find a relatively large proportion of American pro athletes who are born & raised in the middle class, possibly educated, had alternative opportunities but still chose to pursue sport as a way to make a living....especially in football/soccer.

A large % of student athletes in the USA end up in non sporting careers, but I think the percentages are larger in other parts of the I eh sure if Indians in Trini "does move like the Americans" by choosing non sporting career paths....
Title: Re: After Bobby Sookram.
Post by: Pointman on July 22, 2008, 11:10:07 AM
I think it's a valid question. I grew up down south seeing Indians playing ball with lots of talented men. Why aren't they represented in the national. We should try to utilize our entire pool...we ain't that big a country with a deep talent pool to ignore these other ethnic groups.

I been preaching that. but up to a certain age, them Indians does move like the Americans.  That is as they get older they tend to quit football and get a regular job, rather that struggling and trying to earn a living playing the sport

Like Americans?  Not sure about that... This is just a guess but America probably has the highest % of middle class athlete participation in the world (especially in football/soccer). From my experience, I get the impression that everywhere else in the world (but the U.S.A., maybe Canada & Austrailia) football is primarily a blue collar sport.  The decision to focus on a non sporting career is very common yes, but I think it's function of a societal make up whereby opportunities are somewhat limited, competition is fierce, and thus the ones who decide to "struggle" as you call it are the ones with few alternatives (e.g. corporate jobs).... I don't think America is a prime example of that societal make up all things being relative.....If you poll pro athletes in the United States, against the rest of the world I think you'd probably find a relatively large proportion of American pro athletes who are born & raised in the middle class, possibly educated, had alternative opportunities but still chose to pursue sport as a way to make a living....especially in football/soccer.

A large % of student athletes in the USA end up in non sporting careers, but I think the percentages are larger in other parts of the I eh sure if Indians "movin' like Americans" by choosing non sporting career paths....

What about the percentage of lower class Black Americans who see professional sports as a way out of the "hood"? Those numbers are still very high.
Title: Re: After Bobby Sookram.
Post by: kicker on July 22, 2008, 11:18:44 AM

What about the percentage of lower class Black Americans who see professional sports as a way out of the "hood"? Those numbers are still very high.

Yup- agreed...

That wasn't  really the point I was addressing though. I was talking directly to this statement:

them Indians does move like the Americans. That is as they get older they tend to quit football and get a regular job, rather that struggling and trying to earn a living playing the sport

If anything, your statement adds to my point and further counters the notion that "Indians does move like the Americans" by choosing careers other than sports....

Which may have been what you meant to do...  :beermug:
Title: Re: After Bobby Sookram.
Post by: FF on July 22, 2008, 11:32:53 AM

What about the percentage of lower class Black Americans who see professional sports as a way out of the "hood"? Those numbers are still very high.

Yup- agreed...

That wasn't  really the point I was addressing though. I was talking directly to this statement:

them Indians does move like the Americans. That is as they get older they tend to quit football and get a regular job, rather that struggling and trying to earn a living playing the sport

If anything, your statement adds to my point and further counters the notion that "Indians does move like the Americans" by choosing careers other than sports....

Which may have been what you meant to do...  :beermug:

I think he mean "americans" specific to football...

How plenty youths does play the game in de US and den discard it for other sports or other disciplines when they get older...

I definitely see that growing up in Trinidad...
Title: Re: After Bobby Sookram.
Post by: Bakes on July 22, 2008, 11:34:29 AM
What about the percentage of lower class Black Americans who see professional sports as a way out of the "hood"? Those numbers are still very high.

I think that's the gist of guess is that many indians in TnT don't see professional sports (beyond cricket) as a realistic way out.  They are encouraged to focus on books and business opportunities.  Many in the community have links in the small business community so they know that if they cover their bases in school they can get in with an uncle here or there... or maybe get a job thru someone they know inside an organization or something.  I think this happens to in the afro-trini community, but because we have a lot of sporting role models to look up to we think sports are a bit more of a possibility.  The lack of indian athletes on the national team serves to the detriment of encouraging young indian yutes... self-perpetuating cycle.
Title: Re: After Bobby Sookram.
Post by: Bakes on July 22, 2008, 11:36:03 AM

I think he mean "americans" specific to football...

How plenty youths does play the game in de US and den discard it for other sports or other disciplines when they get older...

I definitely see that growing up in Trinidad...

Or play it then discard it for more realistic opportunities... from my experience.
Title: Re: After Bobby Sookram.
Post by: Quags on July 22, 2008, 11:48:42 AM
Them black yutes have too muck skills boi  ;D

add or they have much more ppl teaching them real skillz.
Title: Re: After Bobby Sookram.
Post by: kicker on July 22, 2008, 11:54:14 AM

What about the percentage of lower class Black Americans who see professional sports as a way out of the "hood"? Those numbers are still very high.

Yup- agreed...

That wasn't  really the point I was addressing though. I was talking directly to this statement:

them Indians does move like the Americans. That is as they get older they tend to quit football and get a regular job, rather that struggling and trying to earn a living playing the sport

If anything, your statement adds to my point and further counters the notion that "Indians does move like the Americans" by choosing careers other than sports....

Which may have been what you meant to do...  :beermug:

I think he mean "americans" specific to football...

How plenty youths does play the game in de US and den discard it for other sports or other disciplines when they get older...

I definitely see that growing up in Trinidad...

Good talk.... I think that's everywhere though.

I think in terms of American youths with talent and a realistic shot at pursing football, a higher % probably pursue it to the extent they can.... There are probably way (proportionally) more sob stories about unfulfiled football potential and youths turning to other more "realistic" career avenues in other parts of the world than in the U.S.A due to lack of opportunities, societal pressure or overly fierce competition.........but like ah say, that's just my guess.
Title: Re: After Bobby Sookram.
Post by: Babalawo on July 22, 2008, 12:26:57 PM

What about the percentage of lower class Black Americans who see professional sports as a way out of the "hood"? Those numbers are still very high.

Yup- agreed...

That wasn't  really the point I was addressing though. I was talking directly to this statement:

them Indians does move like the Americans. That is as they get older they tend to quit football and get a regular job, rather that struggling and trying to earn a living playing the sport

If anything, your statement adds to my point and further counters the notion that "Indians does move like the Americans" by choosing careers other than sports....

Which may have been what you meant to do...  :beermug:

I think he mean "americans" specific to football...

How plenty youths does play the game in de US and den discard it for other sports or other disciplines when they get older...

I definitely see that growing up in Trinidad...

Title: Re: After Bobby Sookram.
Post by: 100% Barataria on July 22, 2008, 12:34:44 PM
Sean Ramdoo was a decent Indian footballer for Fatima in the 80s, not sure why he did not go on to give it a try professionally, perhaps VB or other contemporaries of his may know. 

I also remember Caledonia AIA (of all clubs  ;D) having an Indian in their back four in the mid 80s, but perhaps he was not much to speak of.  They also had a white boy called Whiteside who had some touches.....

PS:  Honourable mention: The socalabourers have a wicked defensive midifielder called Monty alias Mohammed  ;D
Title: Re: After Bobby Sookram.
Post by: FF on July 22, 2008, 12:41:45 PM
Sean Ramdoo was a decent Indian footballer for Fatima in the 80s, not sure why he did not go on to give it a try professionally, perhaps VB or other contemporaries of his may know. 

I also remember Caledonia AIA (of all clubs  ;D) having an Indian in their back four in the mid 80s, but perhaps he was not much to speak of.  They also had a white boy called Whiteside who had some touches.....

PS:  Honourable mention: The socalabourers have a wicked defensive midifielder called Monty alias Mohammed  ;D

alias Iron Monkey....

and how yuh go leave out Strip... aka manage...

and Wahid... aka Ramsingh Carlos

Title: Re: After Bobby Sookram.
Post by: 100% Barataria on July 22, 2008, 12:43:27 PM
Sean Ramdoo was a decent Indian footballer for Fatima in the 80s, not sure why he did not go on to give it a try professionally, perhaps VB or other contemporaries of his may know. 

I also remember Caledonia AIA (of all clubs  ;D) having an Indian in their back four in the mid 80s, but perhaps he was not much to speak of.  They also had a white boy called Whiteside who had some touches.....

PS:  Honourable mention: The socalabourers have a wicked defensive midifielder called Monty alias Mohammed  ;D

alias Iron Monkey....

and how yuh go leave out Strip... aka manage...

and Wahid... aka Ramsingh Carlos

Ent, after ah post it ah remember, tanks fuh de update, doh cuss meh strip and wahid  :beermug: :beermug:
Title: Re: After Bobby Sookram.
Post by: kicker on July 22, 2008, 12:51:34 PM
Sean Ramdoo was a decent Indian footballer for Fatima in the 80s, not sure why he did not go on to give it a try professionally, perhaps VB or other contemporaries of his may know. 

I also remember Caledonia AIA (of all clubs  ;D) having an Indian in their back four in the mid 80s, but perhaps he was not much to speak of.  They also had a white boy called Whiteside who had some touches.....

PS:  Honourable mention: The socalabourers have a wicked defensive midifielder called Monty alias Mohammed  ;D

alias Iron Monkey....

and how yuh go leave out Strip... aka manage...

and Wahid... aka Ramsingh Carlos

Ent, after ah post it ah remember, tanks fuh de update, doh cuss meh strip and wahid  :beermug: :beermug:

Aye once soca labourers reach in de talk, then yuh know de thread buss...... ;D
Title: Re: After Bobby Sookram.
Post by: diamondtrim on July 22, 2008, 01:03:29 PM
Big respect to indian athletes in general....some ah dem does really get on bad.

I think the reasons why more indians not on any national team odder dan cricket is more social dan anything else. All dem guys dat posters mention was players from long time and coulda well b on a national team if dey wasnt on one as a junior already.

But lemme ask allyuh dis.....ever takin a sweat and ah indian come to take ah chuk and yuh find yuhself tinkin dat he more dan likely is a shitong even before he kick a ball?

doh lie!!!!

is someting in we subconcious as trinis.....we aint really lookin at no indian to b no player, an it does filter to we local  coaches as well...and when one really ketch we eye he does hadda b twice as good as a black man to get a lil call sad.

also, dem real indian family and dem aint no yuhself and play how much sport yuh want in school, but when school done is level aint have no look for contract wit pfl side and dem ting. Most ah d indian sportsmen of note is level scholars and does have ting to fall back on if dey sports career buss.

To a lot of east indian families, cricket is d only viable sports career, and if dey chile wanna make sport a career is bess he choose cricket.

But i would really like to see a more diverse set ah folk on d Nt....but wha yuh go do?
Title: Re: After Bobby Sookram.
Post by: dinho on July 22, 2008, 01:06:39 PM
Sean Ramdoo was a decent Indian footballer for Fatima in the 80s, not sure why he did not go on to give it a try professionally, perhaps VB or other contemporaries of his may know. 

I also remember Caledonia AIA (of all clubs  ;D) having an Indian in their back four in the mid 80s, but perhaps he was not much to speak of.  They also had a white boy called Whiteside who had some touches.....

PS:  Honourable mention: The socalabourers have a wicked defensive midifielder called Monty alias Mohammed  ;D

hmm.. Sean Ramdoo..

This bredda give ah man de stinkest beat i ever see while i was on the same field.

lemme paint it for allyuh.

ah 5-ah-side competition and he playing against my side, ball on de byline..

one of our players has the ball and ah man from the other side rushing in biting hard..

player from our side proceeds to breed the onrushing defender and running around him to collect back the ball.. Crowd bawling, screaming, laughing kyaaaaah-kyah-kyah...

what happens next defies logic.

our player running around hard to collect back he ball from his issued breed. Ramdoo get to de ball first, mash de ball, BREED the man coming back to collect his ball, then tell him "Take back yuh breed".  :o

Well the crowd gone thru with that one. yuh know what it is yuh in de crowd, yuh bawl out, den hadda redouble yuh efforts and bawl out again?!

what make it worse is the man who take the initial breed went back and thank him for de bail out! de crowd rolling. that was stink, if he read dis he go know who write dis..

presha yes!
Title: Re: After Bobby Sookram.
Post by: kicker on July 22, 2008, 02:31:13 PM
Sean Ramdoo was a decent Indian footballer for Fatima in the 80s, not sure why he did not go on to give it a try professionally, perhaps VB or other contemporaries of his may know. 

I also remember Caledonia AIA (of all clubs  ;D) having an Indian in their back four in the mid 80s, but perhaps he was not much to speak of.  They also had a white boy called Whiteside who had some touches.....

PS:  Honourable mention: The socalabourers have a wicked defensive midifielder called Monty alias Mohammed  ;D

hmm.. Sean Ramdoo..

This bredda give ah man de stinkest beat i ever see while i was on the same field.

lemme paint it for allyuh.

ah 5-ah-side competition and he playing against my side, ball on de byline..

one of our players has the ball and ah man from the other side rushing in biting hard..

player from our side proceeds to breed the onrushing defender and running around him to collect back the ball.. Crowd bawling, screaming, laughing kyaaaaah-kyah-kyah...

what happens next defies logic.

our player running around hard to collect back he ball from his issued breed. Ramdoo get to de ball first, mash de ball, BREED the man coming back to collect his ball, then tell him "Take back yuh breed".  :o

Well the crowd gone thru with that one. yuh know what it is yuh in de crowd, yuh bawl out, den hadda redouble yuh efforts and bawl out again?!

what make it worse is the man who take the initial breed went back and thank him for de bail out! de crowd rolling. that was stink, if he read dis he go know who write dis..

presha yes!

Yeah Sean had skills for days....probably still have it- but I would rank Sean as a Dougla though..... Ah think Sam lookin' fuh full bred Indians...
Title: Re: After Bobby Sookram.
Post by: vb on July 22, 2008, 02:33:20 PM
Sean is actually Dogla. It doh really matter to me. But you notice if an Indian is mixed, he not Indian. but if ah man have AFrican he Black. I guess if Dwarika is not Indian, then Tiger Woods is not African American?? ::)

Sean was VERY gifted. He was in my year. I remember eating beat in small goal and only mashing he foot. Ah telling him sorry for de mash foot and he only smiling and saying it Ok :-)

Sean should have gotten a Univ schol, for the life of me, can't understand why he didn't. He also had a child at a very young age. I believe the mum had a child for Latas and another national footballer as well, so you could only imagine the kinda ball players dem is.

Both of Sean's sons have already played for TT at U-16 level. But have since disappeared from local football. Well dat is ...I doh hear about dem no more.

None of you have bothered to mention that for YEARS if you came from a non African or privileged background, you were treated differently by other palyers and sometimes the Coach as well, former standouts, Graeme Rodriguez (Fatima) and Shearwood (Pres??) have mentioned this.

I remember David Mohammed - the cricketer, captaining South U-19s (football) around 1984. I was convinced he would make the national youth team. You know de man eh even make trials???

As an Indian, I can tell you that  a lot of Indians - especially those outside of POS are ver sensitive of how they have been treated by African in certain elements of society. So if they get marginalised in football, the first thing they might do is say f&^% dem black ppl and go on to something else, instead of fighting it out. I eh trying to start no race ting here, just telling you like it is.

I lived in POS, saw Indians playing football but the reality is, only  a few were good. I was not one of dem :-) but ah used to fight it, had to bring down Brian Lara once, becz he was mad enough to stop and wait for me so he could beat and proceed. Had to let him know right of de bat who he faddah was. We lose on penalty kicks... >:(

If Jagdehosing is not Indian, then how de f^% he end up with that name. Granted he look like a Zulu warrior, but he name is Jagdeosingh. As ah say if he faddah was Chinee and he muddah look like Rita Marley, nobody woulda say he not black.

I want to believe in the East  and the South where there is a higher concentration of Indians, you can find talent. There are probably a number of reasons why they don't come to the fore, not just one.

Lastly I remember an Indian on the bench for TT in the 80s, I think it was TT vs. the Italian U-23 (I could be wrong about which game). However, it was at the QPO. I pointed it out to some black friends and they were nonplussed. I was surprised no ass.

oh yeah, I also remember some very gifted Indian GKs for St. Agustine, Naps and Pres. never saw them in the national set up. Ironically years later, an Indian GK from Fatima played for the national U-19 squad. Ah forget he name. But ah sure sammo remember.

Title: Re: After Bobby Sookram.
Post by: Anbrat on July 22, 2008, 02:43:47 PM

But lemme ask allyuh dis.....ever takin a sweat and ah indian come to take ah chuk and yuh find yuhself tinkin dat he more dan likely is a shitong even before he kick a ball?

doh lie!!!!

is someting in we subconcious as trinis.....we aint really lookin at no indian to b no player, an it does filter to we local  coaches as well...and when one really ketch we eye he does hadda b twice as good as a black man to get a lil call sad.

Yuh hit de nail on de head! I might add that feedback received over the years from non Afro Trinis, who were potential stars at youth level and had the skills to eventually make the national team, indicates that they were not made to feel part of and they eventually chose to simply stay away.
Title: Re: After Bobby Sookram.
Post by: Bakes on July 22, 2008, 02:53:35 PM
Sean is actually Dogla. It doh really matter to me. But you notice if an Indian is mixed, he not Indian. but if ah man have AFrican he Black. I guess if Dwarika is not Indian, then Tiger Woods is not African American?? ::)

Tiger Woods IS NOT African American... from his own mouth.

As for the rest of your observations you are quite right... but that emanates from withing the East Indian community itself in Trinidad.  That community looks down on the mixing of the races... and inter-varna marriages period.  The very word 'dogala' from which our own 'dougla' is derived has seriously negative connotations to it.  So in short, the East Indian community historically has felt the need to categorize mixed-race 'indian' children as anything but Indian.  In the particular context that is TnT they're not properly categorized as black or African either...just their own special category, dougla.
Title: Re: After Bobby Sookram.
Post by: frico on July 22, 2008, 03:17:17 PM
I think the Indos are aware of one important fact and that is the Afros are better than them,this is probably why they give up so quickly.I speak as an Indo who should have gone on to play big football in Trinidad coz my Afro mates in TT thought I was exceptional but my parents made sure that I would not go down that road.They were typical of Indian parents at that time,I have never forgiven them and I will never.I have played club football in England and many people thought I was from South America.By the way Bobby Sookram was adopted by an Afro family from quite a little boy also his brother,his football was totally supported by those two people something his Indian parents could not do because they were too poor.This is fact coz my brother went to school with him.My brother also told me that Bobby used to bring his lunch which was made up of yam and dasheen and saltfish followed by sweet bread.Apperantly he used to joke about it and call it a light snack.
Title: Re: After Bobby Sookram.
Post by: raj on July 22, 2008, 03:23:24 PM

You bring back the old memories talking about Ramdoo and the good old days.

I remember seeing that Indian player with you on the bench for Trinidad against Italy. We thought it was a big deal unlike the others.

BTW, I went to Turkey in April 2008. Are you still in Istanbul?

Indian footballers that stand out during my time are Roach (CIC), Jaglal (CIC-captain), Christopher Sagar (Fatima Goalkeeper).

Presentation had a couple of players as well.

I noticed the best Indian player down south, especially Sando and Marabella. Texaco had a couple of players also.
Title: Re: After Bobby Sookram.
Post by: kicker on July 22, 2008, 03:23:45 PM
Good post VB.

The indian goalie for Fatima was Christopher Sagar....and yes he was very good.

About the mixed race thing, historically if you were mixed with black, you were generally regarded by society as black.....That's changing but it still has a big effect on how we categorize people today...

And yeah you make a good point- in Trini as a non black person in football it was (might still be) more difficult to get respect..... I have some 2nd hand anecdotal evidence to back that up.
Title: Re: After Bobby Sookram.
Post by: Deeks on July 22, 2008, 04:01:15 PM
This is a very good post. I have mentioned this before. But most people tend to stay clear of this topic.

I think the main input is parental. If they don't get the support from their parent, they will not want to make it a career choice. On the other hand, the TFA over the years has not put forth a plans to encourage Indian youngsters to stay in the game after high school. The funny thing is,  JW has been at the helm of the TFA for how long?

Look football is a a rough sport. You have to take blows and you have to give blows. I don't know if that is another reason why Indian parents don't encorage their kids to continue playing.

This does not pertain only to footbal but in T&F, rugby, basketball, netball, swimming, field hockey. Volley-ball maybe different, I am not sure. On the women side, female participation is almost none existent. Why? Is this situation the same in Suriname and Guyana. We should compare.

Some times when people say we can never be like JA and US in sports, I tend to agree. Those countries use their entire talent pool. We only scratching the surface.
Title: Re: After Bobby Sookram.
Post by: Dutty on July 22, 2008, 04:03:38 PM

what happens next defies logic.

our player running around hard to collect back he ball from his issued breed. Ramdoo get to de ball first, mash de ball, BREED the man coming back to collect his ball, then tell him "Take back yuh breed".  :o

what make it worse is the man who take the initial breed went back and thank him for de bail out! de crowd rolling. that was stink, if he read dis he go know who write dis..

although Trinbagonians does big up ball trickery as the ultimate in skill too much....ah woulda love to see dat
Title: Re: After Bobby Sookram.
Post by: weary1969 on July 22, 2008, 04:16:08 PM
Ask Sat y
Title: Re: After Bobby Sookram.
Post by: Deeks on July 22, 2008, 04:18:21 PM
I did not see Bobby Sookram play, but I heard he was damn good. I have seen many good Indian players in TT. The best I have seen is Steve Khan(mid-field/forward) from South. I think he played for Hurricains. He had good skills and distributed the ball well. When TT beat Mex. 4-0 in Haiti, he was a catalyst in one of the goal. he came in as a sub in the mid-field. He was sent in to play a defensive mid. He harrassed a player and took the ball and  pass to Gally. Then Gally to Steve David. Goal. he played a couple of time after for TT. I don't know where he is now.
Title: Re: After Bobby Sookram.
Post by: Sando on July 22, 2008, 04:39:01 PM
Sean is actually Dogla. It doh really matter to me. But you notice if an Indian is mixed, he not Indian. but if ah man have AFrican he Black. I guess if Dwarika is not Indian, then Tiger Woods is not African American?? ::)

Sean was VERY gifted. He was in my year. I remember eating beat in small goal and only mashing he foot. Ah telling him sorry for de mash foot and he only smiling and saying it Ok :-)

Sean should have gotten a Univ schol, for the life of me, can't understand why he didn't. He also had a child at a very young age. I believe the mum had a child for Latas and another national footballer as well, so you could only imagine the kinda ball players dem is.

Both of Sean's sons have already played for TT at U-16 level. But have since disappeared from local football. Well dat is ...I doh hear about dem no more.

None of you have bothered to mention that for YEARS if you came from a non African or privileged background, you were treated differently by other palyers and sometimes the Coach as well, former standouts, Graeme Rodriguez (Fatima) and Shearwood (Pres??) have mentioned this.

I remember David Mohammed - the cricketer, captaining South U-19s (football) around 1984. I was convinced he would make the national youth team. You know de man eh even make trials???

As an Indian, I can tell you that  a lot of Indians - especially those outside of POS are ver sensitive of how they have been treated by African in certain elements of society. So if they get marginalised in football, the first thing they might do is say f&^% dem black ppl and go on to something else, instead of fighting it out. I eh trying to start no race ting here, just telling you like it is.

I lived in POS, saw Indians playing football but the reality is, only  a few were good. I was not one of dem :-) but ah used to fight it, had to bring down Brian Lara once, becz he was mad enough to stop and wait for me so he could beat and proceed. Had to let him know right of de bat who he faddah was. We lose on penalty kicks... >:(

If Jagdehosing is not Indian, then how de f^% he end up with that name. Granted he look like a Zulu warrior, but he name is Jagdeosingh. As ah say if he faddah was Chinee and he muddah look like Rita Marley, nobody woulda say he not black.

I want to believe in the East  and the South where there is a higher concentration of Indians, you can find talent. There are probably a number of reasons why they don't come to the fore, not just one.

Lastly I remember an Indian on the bench for TT in the 80s, I think it was TT vs. the Italian U-23 (I could be wrong about which game). However, it was at the QPO. I pointed it out to some black friends and they were nonplussed. I was surprised no ass.

oh yeah, I also remember some very gifted Indian GKs for St. Agustine, Naps and Pres. never saw them in the national set up. Ironically years later, an Indian GK from Fatima played for the national U-19 squad. Ah forget he name. But ah sure sammo remember.



Good post VB...

I remember we played a school side in a fete match made up from students from Debe, Penal, Barapore and other areas from deep south and they had atleast 8 of them indians on that side capable of making national trials for the least. I beleive the TTFF should show some sort of expanded scout system to encourage them youngsters from south mainly to stay in football, they are very willing but no encouragement, a national training camp in south should also be active on a regular basis because to travel up north will be an up hill task, especially everyday and I dont know if the TTFF will help with expenses and passege etc...
Title: Re: After Bobby Sookram.
Post by: elan on July 22, 2008, 04:40:51 PM
As many people mention the committment lacking from the indo-trinidadian(hate separating ethnicity), maybe because of lack of parental support or otherwise. I look at many of the indo-trinidadian and physically they are not as muscular as the afro-trinidadian (damn I hate this).

Right now we have an Indo-trinidadian at our college and the fella good. Small, but real skilfull and committed. He still under twenty I believe, but he small and nashy but very committed to the game. Have to talk to him and see where he want to take his game. I feel (after seeing Akile edwards and them) he could have a go at our youth team.
Title: Re: After Bobby Sookram.
Post by: elan on July 22, 2008, 04:45:11 PM
Anyone here from south remember when Andy left Barrackpore and came to Princes Town? Strong fella, very skilfull.
Title: Re: After Bobby Sookram.
Post by: dinho on July 22, 2008, 04:48:01 PM
As many people mention the committment lacking from the indo-trinidadian(hate separating ethnicity), maybe because of lack of parental support or otherwise. I look at many of the indo-trinidadian and physically they are not as muscular as the afro-trinidadian (damn I hate this).

Right now we have an Indo-trinidadian at our college and the fella good. Small, but real skilfull and committed. He still under twenty I believe, but he small and nashy but very committed to the game. Have to talk to him and see where he want to take his game. I feel (after seeing Akile edwards and them) he could have a go at our youth team.

i wanted to bring this into the discussion but it mightn't be de most PC ting to say, but say wha..

maybe is genetic??

ah mean, how many exceptional ballers it have in de world? I never see ah Maharaj or Patel sweat champions league.. Exceptional indian ballers are in the great minority.

not trying to discount the contributory factors mentioned in this thread which I agree with to an extent but the whole of India and Pakistan doh produce no ballers of note so at some point we hadda ask wha going on when you have EPL ballers from all New Zealand.

And this thing about indian ballers being marginalized because of race I dont agree with..

I never see that. If yuh good, yuh good and the most ah man go say is, "waay, dat fellah have real touches for ah indian". But all preconcieved notions go out the window when yuh bring it on the football field. Yuh could be color green with ah purple head and flourescent pink dreadlocks, if yuh good enough yuh go make it.
Title: Re: After Bobby Sookram.
Post by: 100% Barataria on July 22, 2008, 05:00:00 PM
Part of what you are saying Omar can be attributed to cricket being a more dominant and popular sport in the sub-continent, thus, as long as that continues, the 1st time you see a Baller of Indian descent in a Tier 1 league it is more likely that he maybe from TT, Guyana, Suriname, Holland, or some other "footballing" nation wherein there is a fraction of the Indian diaspora.

I can't comment on the marginalization some say has occurred in TT, but would be very interested in hearing some stories.

As a dougla mehself ah neva feel marginalize, ah mean, look at de labourers, true "united colours of Beneton" side dat  ;D  Kicker, ah decreasing de value ah de thread again,  :rotfl:
Title: Re: After Bobby Sookram.
Post by: kicker on July 22, 2008, 05:05:44 PM
Part of what you are saying Omar can be attributed to cricket being a more dominant and popular sport in the sub-continent, thus, as long as that continues, the 1st time you see a Baller of Indian descent in a Tier 1 league it is more likely that he maybe from TT, Guyana, Suriname, Holland, or some other "footballing" nation wherein there is a fraction of the Indian diaspora.

I can't comment on the marginalization some say has occurred in TT, but would be very interested in hearing some stories.

As a dougla mehself ah neva feel marginalize, ah mean, look at de labourers, true "united colours of Beneton" side dat  ;D  Kicker, ah decreasing de value ah de thread again,  :rotfl:

Dong de drain boy....... Just waitin' fuh FF tuh deliver the final blow...  ;D
Title: Re: After Bobby Sookram.
Post by: Observer on July 22, 2008, 05:23:34 PM
Joel Rahim 79 & early 80's
Title: Re: After Bobby Sookram.
Post by: just cool on July 22, 2008, 05:26:49 PM
Well i strongly believe   SHERVAN  PRAGG    would've been the 2nd indian player after bobby sookram if he didn't die in that car crash some 25 yrs ago, i think was in 1984.

 that fella was the exception, he was fast skillful with a great eye for goals, plus his name was calling every day in the sports news ( either  for cricket or football  ) him and sashry roberts the swimmer .

 he also played cricket very well and was on the national youth team, i don't remember if he was a contemporary of brian lara. but the best indian player out of trini IMO.

Indians are encouraged by their families to envolve their selves in cricket or horse racing ( as jockeys ) my observation.  anyway that was a boss player.  may God rest his soul.
Title: Re: After Bobby Sookram.
Post by: weary1969 on July 22, 2008, 05:28:17 PM
Brudder Pragg was a cricketer
Title: Re: After Bobby Sookram.
Post by: just cool on July 22, 2008, 05:33:04 PM
Brudder Pragg was a cricketer
I think you should go back and revisit his life. the man was a boss footballer and played in the intercol several times, i cyar remember who he played for , but i think yuh forget since he died such a long time ago, but no weary , the man was a boss footballer and an exceptional cricketer as well.
Title: Re: After Bobby Sookram.
Post by: asylumseeker on July 22, 2008, 05:35:48 PM
As many people mention the committment lacking from the indo-trinidadian(hate separating ethnicity), maybe because of lack of parental support or otherwise. I look at many of the indo-trinidadian and physically they are not as muscular as the afro-trinidadian (damn I hate this).

Right now we have an Indo-trinidadian at our college and the fella good. Small, but real skilfull and committed. He still under twenty I believe, but he small and nashy but very committed to the game. Have to talk to him and see where he want to take his game. I feel (after seeing Akile edwards and them) he could have a go at our youth team.

i wanted to bring this into the discussion but it mightn't be de most PC ting to say, but say wha..

maybe is genetic??

ah mean, how many exceptional ballers it have in de world? I never see ah Maharaj or Patel sweat champions league.. Exceptional indian ballers are in the great minority.

not trying to discount the contributory factors mentioned in this thread which I agree with to an extent but the whole of India and Pakistan doh produce no ballers of note so at some point we hadda ask wha going on when you have EPL ballers from all New Zealand.

And this thing about indian ballers being marginalized because of race I dont agree with..

I never see that. If yuh good, yuh good and the most ah man go say is, "waay, dat fellah have real touches for ah indian". But all preconcieved notions go out the window when yuh bring it on the football field. Yuh could be color green with ah purple head and flourescent pink dreadlocks, if yuh good enough yuh go make it.

Omar, we also don't see a world of Maori (or Samoans or Tongans) running out for New Zealand.

Indian football (as we have discussed elsewhere on the forum) does not have the roots that support the kinda influx to the EPL you suggest. Hence, I doh think dahis a fair call. (unless we expecting them to run in from Kenya or Uganda or elsewhere?)  Buh, ah sure if we ask Cyd whether he see any players in India that could flex in de Pro League he go bawl out YEH.

I hasten to add there is a difference between genetics and diet/dietetics.

Title: Re: After Bobby Sookram.
Post by: FF on July 22, 2008, 05:47:47 PM

Dong de drain boy....... Just waitin' fuh FF tuh deliver the final blow...  ;D

look it here..

Soca Labourers... not just trini masons and carpenters... but labourers from around de world!!

Big up!  :rotfl:
Title: Re: After Bobby Sookram.
Post by: palos on July 22, 2008, 05:51:38 PM
Jeewan "Spannah" Boochoon

Title: Re: After Bobby Sookram.
Post by: sub1 on July 22, 2008, 06:07:54 PM
Brudder Pragg was a cricketer

And a very very good footballer also. The tiny village of Boissiere produce some fine footballers of indian heritage. Ask Dwarika whey he father from. If anybody here know bout "flooks" I have a big up for them. As dangerous a striker as there has been in T&T.
NO its not genetics I really believe its choice. I cant speak for other villages but the top ballers coming out of Boissiere village were 50/50 . And we produced the likes of conrad Taylor , the Sorzanos, dumas the aforementioned "Flooks" the henrys(Ken, Sharke) Bharat and others including myself. IF our Indo community really take to the field in full it would really increse the talent pool. But given the choice cricket will always get first preference.
Title: Re: After Bobby Sookram.
Post by: Coop's on July 22, 2008, 06:36:24 PM
I did not see Bobby Sookram play, but I heard he was damn good. I have seen many good Indian players in TT. The best I have seen is Steve Khan(mid-field/forward) from South. I think he played for Hurricains. He had good skills and distributed the ball well. When TT beat Mex. 4-0 in Haiti, he was a catalyst in one of the goal. he came in as a sub in the mid-field. He was sent in to play a defensive mid. He harrassed a player and took the ball and  pass to Gally. Then Gally to Steve David. Goal. he played a couple of time after for TT. I don't know where he is now.

         Steve Khan resides in Canada,a very close friend of mines,if you all look at our Photo Gallery you will see us on the same national team together,i call him sometimes to get his thoughts on our Football,he is still involved in a bit of coaching out there,Observer might be able to tell you all a little more about him because they played together back home.     
Title: Re: After Bobby Sookram.
Post by: Sando on July 22, 2008, 06:43:04 PM
Anton Ramnarine, Vijay Samaroo, Venosh Maraj, Randy Ramcharan, Khalil Mathura, Javed Mohammed, Chad Dharamath, Mark Ramkhelawan, Ryan Dipsingh, Rete Roop, Marlon Ramsumair and Terrance Ramsaroop was all part of T&T in some way, either pro club, youth team and super league team.

Isn't Jason Devenish, Kevaughn Connell, Andre Boucaud, Matthew Bartholomew, Scott Sealy and Chad De Freitas half or mix with indian ?

Dwarika, Jagdeosingh and Rahim was mis with indians too.

Was Anthony Sherwood he only Chiness to play for T&T... ?

NEWS from Flex U-17 site.

Trinidad and Tobago Technical Director, Professor Rene Simoes, is now a happier man.The Brazilian has been pleased by the form shown by his three latest recruits, Venosh Maraj, Raphael Jones and Kerwyn Belgrave. The trio was drafted into the side earlier this week after impressing Simoes while playing for a Simpaul's Travel Service All Star team against Team 2001 last weekend. Maraj is a skillful midfielder, Jones a defender standing at 6 foot seven inches and Belgrave is a goalkeeper. In fact, Simoes is optimistic the new boys will be able to maker the final cut and eventually represent their country in next month's FIFA Under 17 World Championships. "The three players who have come in are very talented," Simoes said yesterday.

Crab Connection's Anthony Guppy, right, holds off Ryan Dipsingh of Joe Public in Day Two action in the BMobile Superleague football tournament. ...Author: AZLAN MOHAMMED (2008).
Title: Re: After Bobby Sookram.
Post by: Babalawo on July 22, 2008, 06:47:37 PM
As many people mention the committment lacking from the indo-trinidadian(hate separating ethnicity), maybe because of lack of parental support or otherwise. I look at many of the indo-trinidadian and physically they are not as muscular as the afro-trinidadian (damn I hate this).

Right now we have an Indo-trinidadian at our college and the fella good. Small, but real skilfull and committed. He still under twenty I believe, but he small and nashy but very committed to the game. Have to talk to him and see where he want to take his game. I feel (after seeing Akile edwards and them) he could have a go at our youth team.

You have to mine how you saying that cuz not all indians smalley.  And smallness have nothing to do with skills cuz Chris Birchall and CornellGlen reall smaller than me.  I can swear i can push them off the ball , but its skills that will keep me from doing that to dem.
Title: Re: After Bobby Sookram.
Post by: Deeks on July 22, 2008, 07:12:04 PM
When it come to football, yes, size is an asset, but skill and speed are what matters. TT have had many small players who were great. Leo Brewster, Sammy Lwellyn, Clibert Lennard, Dwarika, Kendall Walkes, Mike Grayson. Thes guys were not big guys. They all has speed and skill.
Title: Re: After Bobby Sookram.
Post by: rotatopoti3 on July 22, 2008, 07:18:56 PM
AH pretty sure Shervan Pragg was ah QRC boy...

what about Ramesh Ramdeen from QRC...dat man was deadly

and Jason Gatt from CIC..
Title: Re: After Bobby Sookram.
Post by: weary1969 on July 22, 2008, 07:27:22 PM
Yep Pragg was from QRC and his future was in cricket if d car accident did not lick him up
Title: Re: After Bobby Sookram.
Post by: Bakes on July 22, 2008, 07:28:14 PM
Omar, we also don't see a world of Maori (or Samoans or Tongans) running out for New Zealand.

Indian football (as we have discussed elsewhere on the forum) does not have the roots that support the kinda influx to the EPL you suggest. Hence, I doh think dahis a fair call. (unless we expecting them to run in from Kenya or Uganda or elsewhere?)  Buh, ah sure if we ask Cyd whether he see any players in India that could flex in de Pro League he go bawl out YEH.

I hasten to add there is a difference between genetics and diet/dietetics.

Good call... we don't see Indians and Pakistanis in the EPL for the same reason we don't see Trinis in the NBA (Jabbar, Bibby and Magloire don't count).  There simply isn't enough participation, structural support on the grassroots level, and not enough official investment into basketball in Trinidad sufficient to develop the pool of athletes that would then go on to nurture NBA-level talent.  Similar lack on participation, support and investment in football in India/Pakistan sufficient to develop world-class talent.  Genetics have absolutely no part in that equation.
Title: Re: After Bobby Sookram.
Post by: Anbrat on July 22, 2008, 08:00:18 PM
I did not see Bobby Sookram play, but I heard he was damn good. I have seen many good Indian players in TT. The best I have seen is Steve Khan(mid-field/forward) from South. I think he played for Hurricains. He had good skills and distributed the ball well. When TT beat Mex. 4-0 in Haiti, he was a catalyst in one of the goal. he came in as a sub in the mid-field. He was sent in to play a defensive mid. He harrassed a player and took the ball and  pass to Gally. Then Gally to Steve David. Goal. he played a couple of time after for TT. I don't know where he is now.

Steve Khan played with Milan in the SFA and is now residing in Ontario, Canada.
Title: Re: After Bobby Sookram.
Post by: Quags on July 22, 2008, 08:03:47 PM
It had a wicked Indian use to play for Arima Senior in the early ninties from the congo .Called Jazzy ,best player on the team ,this was in Trotman days eh .Sam should remember him .
Title: Re: After Bobby Sookram.
Post by: TrinInfinite on July 22, 2008, 09:54:54 PM
Anton Ramnarine, Vijay Samaroo, Venosh Maraj, Randy Ramcharan, Khalil Mathura, Javed Mohammed, Chad Dharamath, Mark Ramkhelawan, Ryan Dipsingh, Rete Roop, Marlon Ramsumair and Terrance Ramsaroop was all part of T&T in some way, either pro club, youth team and super league team.

Isn't Jason Devenish, Kevaughn Connell, Andre Boucaud, Matthew Bartholomew, Scott Sealy and Chad De Freitas half or mix with indian ?

Dwarika, Jagdeosingh and Rahim was mis with indians too.

Was Anthony Sherwood he only Chiness to play for T&T... ?

NEWS from Flex U-17 site.

Trinidad and Tobago Technical Director, Professor Rene Simoes, is now a happier man.The Brazilian has been pleased by the form shown by his three latest recruits, Venosh Maraj, Raphael Jones and Kerwyn Belgrave. The trio was drafted into the side earlier this week after impressing Simoes while playing for a Simpaul's Travel Service All Star team against Team 2001 last weekend. Maraj is a skillful midfielder, Jones a defender standing at 6 foot seven inches and Belgrave is a goalkeeper. In fact, Simoes is optimistic the new boys will be able to maker the final cut and eventually represent their country in next month's FIFA Under 17 World Championships. "The three players who have come in are very talented," Simoes said yesterday.

Crab Connection's Anthony Guppy, right, holds off Ryan Dipsingh of Joe Public in Day Two action in the BMobile Superleague football tournament. ...Author: AZLAN MOHAMMED (2008).

on a side note,  whappen to these players simoes spoke of? ???

God is de BOSS....
Title: Re: After Bobby Sookram.
Post by: saga pinto on July 23, 2008, 06:33:17 AM

wha bout arnold dwarika and kendall jagdeosingh? dem play for t&t in recent times.

jagdeosingh ent 100% indian and so is dwarika,come again!!!
Title: Re: After Bobby Sookram.
Post by: Andre on July 23, 2008, 07:06:42 AM
who remember "slade" from montrose united and leeds united of the old TTFA?...he had a beard and a kinda afro back then though.

he was one time Central Footballer of the Year. still playing at age 51 with the Central Touring Team. look some pix from a work small side tournament he was in last november @ the WASA ground.

sorry bout the big pix. i eh know how to resize them for the msg board.

Title: Re: After Bobby Sookram.
Post by: Anbrat on July 23, 2008, 07:32:55 AM
Jeewan "Spannah" Boochoon

Palos, is dis de same Jeewan "Spannah" Boochoon who currently works at Republic Bank in T&T?
Title: Re: After Bobby Sookram.
Post by: dinho on July 23, 2008, 07:46:29 AM
Ok, so you guys say it has nothing to do genetics..

just for the sake of argument.

Omar, we also don't see a world of Maori (or Samoans or Tongans) running out for New Zealand.

Indian football (as we have discussed elsewhere on the forum) does not have the roots that support the kinda influx to the EPL you suggest. Hence, I doh think dahis a fair call. (unless we expecting them to run in from Kenya or Uganda or elsewhere?)  Buh, ah sure if we ask Cyd whether he see any players in India that could flex in de Pro League he go bawl out YEH.

I hasten to add there is a difference between genetics and diet/dietetics.

asylum, how large of a subset of the world's population is Maori?

my point is, at the highest level of world football, you have visible representation from every other creed on the planet except indians.. you would be at great pains to see an indian baller outside Dhorasoo..

Not sure I agree with the grass roots explanation for indian football as an excuse. We saw a World Player of the Year from Liberia, i mean what infrastructure they have to produce a diamond in the rough like that?

The interest in football is strong on the subcontinent and this in turn drives the will to participate in the sport at some level, even if not as expansive as other more popular sports there like Cricket and field hockey. From what I've seen from the places I've been including at home in Trinidad, indians are some of the most avid football fans and most interested in playing the sport from a young age just like their contemporaries.

I just think that for a pool of how many billion people to be so under-represented on the global football stage, there has to be some other mitigating factors.
Title: Re: After Bobby Sookram.
Post by: Touches on July 23, 2008, 08:23:53 AM
Wha bout they just not good

 :devil: :devil: :devil: ;D ;D ;D

Is only exception to the rule alyuh men grasping at and in the scheme of things none of them ever light up any field they were all just as good as the next man of a different race on the side.

Is body shape, size and frame.

When last you see a Indian Track and Field athlete?....Is distance not the power events they participate in.

Any ever play NBA or stand out in college?

Any Swimmers out there?

Any Rugby or NFL Indians about?

Who besides Chopra (1/2 breed) playing in the EPL.

Indian players are a rare sight in colleges league. Then in comparison to their team mates the % that special or better than the rest are few if not far between.

If they not lighting up secondary schools league, PFL, the national team on the junior much Indian on the under 15,17,20,23  or signing contract to play abroad then how yuh could expect a Indian to appear on the national team.

I NOT SAYING THEY ENT HAVE GOOD INDIAN PLAYERS IN TT.  It is just for every "good" Indian player they have a equally good chinee or whiteboy and the number of mixed or Negro players exceeds them. Dat is all no science no kinda heights.

They had about 4 thread on this topic from Dhorasso,Level of Sweat, Athletic ability, options after school etc.

It is not a big deal..

The ones who could play not good enough in the scheme of things to be better than their Negro or Mixed counterparts. At the end of the day the best players are representing whatever team.

I think is genetics, culture, education, parental values and attitudes, stigma, bias, money and other opportunities available to them...which makes football a recreational thing or something not to be taken seriously. WHich is why it is not pursued past high school level seriously. Nuttin wrong with that!

Honestly though how much of alyuh watching that picture of Ryan Dipsingh and feeling intimidated of meeting him on a field?

Title: Re: After Bobby Sookram.
Post by: ribbit on July 23, 2008, 08:53:47 AM
w.r.t. football in india, a short but interesting read from wikipedia:

this catch me:

The national football team was also quite successful until the 1970s, qualifying for Olympic tournaments and the FIFA World Cup. The team qualified for the 1950 World Cup finals in Brazil, but could not appear as they still played in their bare feet at that time.
Title: Re: After Bobby Sookram.
Post by: asylumseeker on July 23, 2008, 09:11:54 AM
asylum, how large of a subset of the world's population is Maori?

I eh sure dahis de question yuh want to ask ...

Ah sense de more pertinent question is what's the % tage of Maori (and other sub-groups) relative to NZ's total population ...

If yuh want to extrapolate then yuh could ask about how many indigenous peoples kick ball globally anyway ...

All I saying is de barometer yuh used there isn't appropriate ...

And, come nah man ... ent you know how Weah buss?

Title: Re: After Bobby Sookram.
Post by: supporter on July 23, 2008, 09:51:23 AM
Wha bout they just not good

 :devil: :devil: :devil: ;D ;D ;D

Is only exception to the rule alyuh men grasping at and in the scheme of things none of them ever light up any field they were all just as good as the next man of a different race on the side.

Is body shape, size and frame.

When last you see a Indian Track and Field athlete?....Is distance not the power events they participate in.

Any ever play NBA or stand out in college?

Any Swimmers out there?

Any Rugby or NFL Indians about?

Who besides Chopra (1/2 breed) playing in the EPL.

Indian players are a rare sight in colleges league. Then in comparison to their team mates the % that special or better than the rest are few if not far between.

If they not lighting up secondary schools league, PFL, the national team on the junior much Indian on the under 15,17,20,23  or signing contract to play abroad then how yuh could expect a Indian to appear on the national team.

I NOT SAYING THEY ENT HAVE GOOD INDIAN PLAYERS IN TT.  It is just for every "good" Indian player they have a equally good chinee or whiteboy and the number of mixed or Negro players exceeds them. Dat is all no science no kinda heights.

They had about 4 thread on this topic from Dhorasso,Level of Sweat, Athletic ability, options after school etc.

It is not a big deal..

The ones who could play not good enough in the scheme of things to be better than their Negro or Mixed counterparts. At the end of the day the best players are representing whatever team.

I think is genetics, culture, education, parental values and attitudes, stigma, bias, money and other opportunities available to them...which makes football a recreational thing or something not to be taken seriously. WHich is why it is not pursued past high school level seriously. Nuttin wrong with that!

Honestly though how much of alyuh watching that picture of Ryan Dipsingh and feeling intimidated of meeting him on a field?

True talk, Touches...fine leg cant hold up for football on a high level. ;D
Title: Re: After Bobby Sookram.
Post by: asylumseeker on July 23, 2008, 10:11:31 AM
Leh we say - given the population of Indians, Chinese etc ... after de appropriate investment and after a suitable period of time passes, if dey cyah buss then dey never will make de mark... buh ah cyah see how we could conclude all manner of genetics etc ... when de state of their game is what it is

I seeing plenty skill on display when ah see AFC highlights and club level ... Ah hadda believe there is hope ... why we treating Indians any different than say? Arabs! ... dem men eh exactly light de planet afire either ... buh who here go put dey neck on a chopping block to say ... YOW, dey cyah sweat.

And since we making distinctions between "douglas" and 100%s ... doh include no Arabs of mixed race or any of the black ones in trying to compare. ::)

De game is de game is de game.  Some South Americans short and wide buh dey handle dey stories. Some Europeans tall and wide buh dey handle dey stories. Wha Deeks say earlier? Size is an asset, but skill and speed are what matters. AMEN.

I jes cyah see how "we" can comfortably push ah genetics scene but would be offended if de same genetics were applied on say de question of intelligence.  ???

ANYWAY, this thread is really about the Trini context and the Trini context alone ... men already hit de high points ... it would be "lovely" to see a kaleidoscope on a T&T team buh if we gehhin that, leh we geh it in yachting and breadfruitpicking and mangostoning too.
Title: Re: After Bobby Sookram.
Post by: dinho on July 23, 2008, 10:13:32 AM

I jes cyah see how we can comfortably push ah genetics scene but would be offended if de same genetics were applied on say de question of intelligence.  ???

lawd, now yuh gone and cross de fackin line!  >:(   ;D
Title: Re: After Bobby Sookram.
Post by: asylumseeker on July 23, 2008, 10:15:50 AM
I went there reluctantly.

I jes cyah see how we can comfortably push ah genetics scene but would be offended if de same genetics were applied on say de question of intelligence.  ???

lawd, now yuh gone and cross de fackin line!  >:(   ;D

But, I did append a line after that.
Title: Re: After Bobby Sookram.
Post by: dinho on July 23, 2008, 10:30:32 AM
I went there reluctantly.

I jes cyah see how we can comfortably push ah genetics scene but would be offended if de same genetics were applied on say de question of intelligence.  ???

lawd, now yuh gone and cross de fackin line!  >:(   ;D

But, I did append a line after that.

breds i just kicksing..

thats actually a valid point.  :beermug:
Title: Re: After Bobby Sookram.
Post by: palos on July 23, 2008, 11:04:14 AM
Jeewan "Spannah" Boochoon

Palos, is dis de same Jeewan "Spannah" Boochoon who currently works at Republic Bank in T&T?

One and de same.
Title: Re: After Bobby Sookram.
Post by: palos on July 23, 2008, 11:06:30 AM
Signal Hill's Frankie Mohammed.
Title: Re: After Bobby Sookram.
Post by: asylumseeker on July 23, 2008, 11:08:07 AM
I went there reluctantly.

I jes cyah see how we can comfortably push ah genetics scene but would be offended if de same genetics were applied on say de question of intelligence.  ???

lawd, now yuh gone and cross de fackin line!  >:(   ;D

But, I did append a line after that.

breds i just kicksing..

thats actually a valid point.  :beermug:

Seen. And Read.

I jes din bother to puh a smiley after 'reluctantly' ...

The trajectory on that was parabolic ... ;)
Title: Re: After Bobby Sookram.
Post by: palos on July 23, 2008, 11:13:31 AM
VB go know dis one....

Lester Joseph
Title: Re: After Bobby Sookram.
Post by: Pointman on July 23, 2008, 11:19:47 AM
Wha bout they just not good

 :devil: :devil: :devil: ;D ;D ;D

Is only exception to the rule alyuh men grasping at and in the scheme of things none of them ever light up any field they were all just as good as the next man of a different race on the side.

Is body shape, size and frame.

When last you see a Indian Track and Field athlete?....Is distance not the power events they participate in.

Any ever play NBA or stand out in college?

Any Swimmers out there?

Any Rugby or NFL Indians about?

Who besides Chopra (1/2 breed) playing in the EPL.

Indian players are a rare sight in colleges league. Then in comparison to their team mates the % that special or better than the rest are few if not far between.

If they not lighting up secondary schools league, PFL, the national team on the junior much Indian on the under 15,17,20,23  or signing contract to play abroad then how yuh could expect a Indian to appear on the national team.

I NOT SAYING THEY ENT HAVE GOOD INDIAN PLAYERS IN TT.  It is just for every "good" Indian player they have a equally good chinee or whiteboy and the number of mixed or Negro players exceeds them. Dat is all no science no kinda heights.

They had about 4 thread on this topic from Dhorasso,Level of Sweat, Athletic ability, options after school etc.

It is not a big deal..

The ones who could play not good enough in the scheme of things to be better than their Negro or Mixed counterparts. At the end of the day the best players are representing whatever team.

I think is genetics, culture, education, parental values and attitudes, stigma, bias, money and other opportunities available to them...which makes football a recreational thing or something not to be taken seriously. WHich is why it is not pursued past high school level seriously. Nuttin wrong with that!

Honestly though how much of alyuh watching that picture of Ryan Dipsingh and feeling intimidated of meeting him on a field?

True talk, Touches...fine leg cant hold up for football on a high level. ;D

weight training could take care of that ;)
Title: Re: After Bobby Sookram.
Post by: Anbrat on July 23, 2008, 11:37:44 AM
The Boodoo brothers lead by the eldest, Leslie (Texaco), Son Ramroop, Dr. Terry Ali (top of the line GK for Naparima), Hollick Emrit (deceased). There are fete match teams in T&T right now with all East Indian players who will give you a run fuh yuh money.
Title: Re: After Bobby Sookram.
Post by: Filho on July 23, 2008, 11:41:13 AM
Ironically years later, an Indian GK from Fatima played for the national U-19 squad. Ah forget he name. But ah sure sammo remember.


Chris Saga....boss keeper

Title: Re: After Bobby Sookram.
Post by: saga pinto on July 23, 2008, 12:28:18 PM
Sean Ramdoo was a decent Indian footballer for Fatima in the 80s, not sure why he did not go on to give it a try professionally, perhaps VB or other contemporaries of his may know. 

I also remember Caledonia AIA (of all clubs  ;D) having an Indian in their back four in the mid 80s, but perhaps he was not much to speak of.  They also had a white boy called Whiteside who had some touches.....

PS:  Honourable mention: The socalabourers have a wicked defensive midifielder called Monty alias Mohammed  ;D

If anybody know sean ramdoo is me,and he was also dougla,all the brothers were talented,kenneth,alister,spidey,alvin,but politics kept them out of reach.......     
Title: Re: After Bobby Sookram.
Post by: Anbrat on July 23, 2008, 12:36:12 PM
Sean Ramdoo was a decent Indian footballer for Fatima in the 80s, not sure why he did not go on to give it a try professionally, perhaps VB or other contemporaries of his may know. 

I also remember Caledonia AIA (of all clubs  ;D) having an Indian in their back four in the mid 80s, but perhaps he was not much to speak of.  They also had a white boy called Whiteside who had some touches.....

PS:  Honourable mention: The socalabourers have a wicked defensive midifielder called Monty alias Mohammed  ;D

If anybody know sean ramdoo is me,and he was also dougla,all the brothers were talented,kenneth,alister,spidey,alvin,but politics kept them out of reach.......     

What politics???
Title: Re: After Bobby Sookram.
Post by: Deeks on July 23, 2008, 02:44:46 PM
Ahmed Charles(player before  we times).Heard he was a good player. He payed for TT. The Sadaphal brothers(Vernon and Ellis). Ellis played for TT and Vernon was a boss mid-field player. Hashim Khan and Artie Arjoon(both keepers played for Tranquil). Hashim played for Paragon. Zafar Khan from St. James Played with me at QRC. Even Valentino Singh was a keeper at QRC. Zafar and Tino were Havard boys.

I remember Tesoro Palo Seco had a Indian/Dougla playing a defensive mid. He was rough. Short guy was quick and tackled hard. Coops might remeber him. DF and Tesoro used to clash pretty often in them times.
Title: Re: After Bobby Sookram.
Post by: real madness on July 23, 2008, 02:53:08 PM
I believe indian players are naturally drawn to cricket, if they play more football then we may see more talented indian players, culture might be the main reason and not genetics for the lack of plenty talented indian players.  I have seen quite a few in south that played for pres, naps, benedicts, p town, point, fyzo, etc, you get my drift..they exist.

A few that came to mind are emile allahar (national under 17 reserve keeper...that national team was captained by avery john..allahar was also a national youth cricketer), vijay samaroo also another national youth player (mod sec, pres, p town), kevin mohammed (pres/capatin of pt fortin prior to transferring to pres).

Title: Re: After Bobby Sookram.
Post by: vb on July 23, 2008, 02:59:41 PM
Ironically years later, an Indian GK from Fatima played for the national U-19 squad. Ah forget he name. But ah sure sammo remember.


Chris Saga....boss keeper

Ah make a mıstake, I believe it was actually the U-23 squad he played with.

Title: Re: After Bobby Sookram.
Post by: SUPA on July 23, 2008, 03:03:49 PM
All yuh help wid dis one, it was a very long time ago, what about Anthony Danoolal? Ah not sure about de correct name or de spelling, but ah think watching ball as ah yute back home, there was a a wicked Indian player from de green machine wid dat name. Dat boi was real good doh, ah not sure if he made de national team or if he did, how many games he played. HIGHLY BLESSED.

                       Wade and Beasley - De real deal

Large up de Alliance, especially de war lord and poor people governor, Bounty Killer and de war teacher Mavado. Guidance where ever you all may stand right now my breddahs. You all are de real big men in dat business, bless, bless.

Title: Re: After Bobby Sookram.
Post by: real madness on July 23, 2008, 03:26:17 PM
Ironically years later, an Indian GK from Fatima played for the national U-19 squad. Ah forget he name. But ah sure sammo remember.


Chris Saga....boss keeper

Ah make a mıstake, I believe it was actually the U-23 squad he played with.


yeah he was on ah under 23 (olympic team)..he was also was one of the reserve keepers on ah under 19 squad (other reserve..warren steele), first choice keeper was neverson...i think this was 1988...
Title: Re: After Bobby Sookram.
Post by: Touches on July 23, 2008, 09:51:11 PM
3 page of Indian Ballers and alyuh ent call the tallest, strongest, biggest and Rough Tackling one yet....Imagine a  darker, fitter version of Chris Garcia, long hair and all.

Our esteemed Under 20 and Under 23 Captain...Phillip Copeland.

He used to play stopper, he was a good player wonder what happened to him.

Title: Re: After Bobby Sookram.
Post by: just cool on July 24, 2008, 02:07:55 AM
All yuh help wid dis one, it was a very long time ago, what about Anthony Danoolal? Ah not sure about de correct name or de spelling, but ah think watching ball as ah yute back home, there was a a wicked Indian player from de green machine wid dat name. Dat boi was real good doh, ah not sure if he made de national team or if he did, how many games he played. HIGHLY BLESSED.

                       Wade and Beasley - De real deal

Large up de Alliance, especially de war lord and poor people governor, Bounty Killer and de war teacher Mavado. Guidance where ever you all may  stand right now my breddahs. You all are de real big men in dat business, bless, bless.

Supa yuh have to be careful how yuh calling and bigging up gansters around here yuh know star, these upper class ppl doh like to hear dat, best yuh send ah shout out to HRM ELIZEBETH the 2nd instead ah dem ghetto rats especially yardies, that would be ah much more suitable choice.

 i just talk ah bit favorable about certin men who was in the life and they wanted to castrate meh, so word to the wise, watch who yuh big up on the key board.    :devil: :devil: ; ::) :beermug:
Title: Re: After Bobby Sookram.
Post by: Mango Chow! on July 24, 2008, 09:09:33 AM
I can't speak for what his chances or aspirations may have been to play for our national team, but, Shirvan Pragg, may he rest in peace, was one of the best indian footballers I have ever seen in T&T.  Bobby Sookram has a son, Geoffrey, that was very talented as well, but his interest in football seemed to have trailed off after Under-16.  Ramdoo from Fatima was a reallly good player in truth.  Jack he jacket.   Most of the posts are interesting.......
Title: Re: After Bobby Sookram.
Post by: kicker on July 24, 2008, 09:13:21 AM
3 page of Indian Ballers and alyuh ent call the tallest, strongest, biggest and Rough Tackling one yet....Imagine a  darker, fitter version of Chris Garcia, long hair and all.

Our esteemed Under 20 and Under 23 Captain...Phillip Copeland.

He used to play stopper, he was a good player wonder what happened to him.

Yeah Copeland was a strong son of a b****. I thought about him on this thread but forgot to mention..... He had a decent left foot. I've played against him before- very sturdy solid fella... Would be interesting to know what happened to him for real.
Title: Re: After Bobby Sookram.
Post by: just cool on July 24, 2008, 02:11:05 PM
I can't speak for what his chances or aspirations may have been to play for our national team, but, Shirvan Pragg, may he rest in peace, was one of the best indian footballers I have ever seen in T&T.  Bobby Sookram has a son, Geoffrey, that was very talented as well, but his interest in football seemed to have trailed off after Under-16.  Ramdoo from Fatima was a reallly good player in truth.  Jack he jacket.   Most of the posts are interesting.......
Thank yuh !
Title: Re: After Bobby Sookram.
Post by: Anbrat on July 24, 2008, 08:25:23 PM
Excellent thread, Sam! WAY TO GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: After Bobby Sookram.
Post by: vb on July 26, 2008, 04:45:27 PM
India's greatest footballer?

indicative of their lack of support....amazing accomplishments back in the day, considering they had to play barefoot.

Indian schoolboys to train at Arsenal

Title: Re: After Bobby Sookram.
Post by: shotters365 on July 26, 2008, 06:19:51 PM
Randy Ramcharan, played against him in St.Augustine ……….
This man have touches,
Only one problem I could see,  :-[his size,
For what I’ve seen in my time he is the best Indian footballer in T&T……   ;)

Title: Re: After Bobby Sookram.
Post by: vb on July 26, 2008, 06:42:49 PM
Indian footballers not good enough??

I guess then that Africans are just ‘not good enough,’ when it comes to golf and tennis??

We cannot so easily ignore the fact that certain blacks in TT football, have a pro African sentiment when it comes to non black players. Imagine, a young Indian footballer putting up with that, it could dissuade him very easily. Bear in mind I talking about the 1970s until recently.

In POS, I will admit that only a minority of the Indians I saw could really play well. However, those of you who live in more heavily populated Indian area can give your own account.

“Spindly Legs?” Surprisingly Indians in TT have done well in boxing despite the ‘spindly legs.’ Many amateur Champs in TT are Indian. I was shocked in 1987 when I went home for a visit and saw that half the men fighting for national titles were Indian. The featherweight contest was an all Indian affair. Yet for ten years or more, not one Indian was selected to represent TT.

Kelvin Ramnath (I think that was his name) was a Sr. amateur Champ at 14. At 16 he was a two division undefeated Champ in TT and winner of the New York Golden Gloves (1986), yet he was never selected to represent TT, not even for the WI junior games. However, in 1987, a novice was selected to represent TT at the World Amateur Champs….It must have been the ‘spindly legs.’

Comparing Liberia to India is rubbish. Liberia is a country where football has a fanatical following. Look at lesser African footballing nations such as the DR Congo, Gambia and Kenya and you can easily find talent because of the intense love of the game in those countries.

Football does not have a fanatical following in India. At the beginning of this decade there was still no national football program in terms of funds (It was done at the state level and not managed very well). 700 million Indians barely have enough to eat far less worry about playing football.

India does do well in sport such as tennis and field hockey. That is becz the elite sponsor the sport and even if they have a talent pool of a hundred million, it is still more than other countries. However, I guess the same cannot be said for football.

Bear in mind that this is a country that in the 50s and 60s qualified for the WC, won the Asian games, came fourth in the Olympics and also lost 2-1 (they threw away a penalty) in an exhibition to France playing BARE FOOT!!! They simply did not have the money to afford shoes. Don’t ask me how such this is possible, I cah fu^$%%^ bleive it myself. What had TT done by the 1960s in international football? Any Olympics or WC?

Sadly, the Hindu religion might also be a hindering factor. The upper castes don’t like to mingle with the lower castes, which excludes a lot of potential talent. Of course not all Hindus think like this today but enough perhaps to make a difference.

Many Hindus refuse to eat beef, which could hinder their physical prowess. I remember back in the early 90s an Indian telling me that the country had one world class track athlete. They brought in an American Coach. He insisted that beef had to be a part of her diet. She insisted that it couldn’t. He left her, saying that if she couldn’t prepare properly, there was no point having a Coach. I am no dietician, but I figure goat, fish and lamb could do the job. But who am I?

Some of you only know the Indian who played for France. It doesn’t mean there aren’t others that you haven’t heard of for some particular reason. Can you imagine a man telling me that besides Shaka and Yorke he never heard of another good Trini player in England, so we don’t have any. Can you imagine the sacrilege of saying that ppl such as Steve David, De Leon and Llewelewyn (sp) weren’t world class.

Btw, in 1983 there was an Indian playing for the Canadian U-16 team that beat TT 3-0 twice in TT. That TT team had Latas, Faustin, Hutson Charles, Anthony Clarke and Colin Rocke. My point being there are Indian all over the place that you haven’t heard of.

Here’s one more

Title: Re: After Bobby Sookram.
Post by: Anbrat on July 26, 2008, 08:12:32 PM
I commend you on a very thought provoking post, VB.  :applause:
Title: Re: After Bobby Sookram.
Post by: elan on July 26, 2008, 10:37:57 PM
who remember "slade" from montrose united and leeds united of the old TTFA?...he had a beard and a kinda afro back then though.

he was one time Central Footballer of the Year. still playing at age 51 with the Central Touring Team. look some pix from a work small side tournament he was in last november @ the WASA ground.

sorry bout the big pix. i eh know how to resize them for the msg board.


Where you took these pics Andre?
Title: Re: After Bobby Sookram.
Post by: najee on July 27, 2008, 08:29:11 PM
fella it don on me why they ain't a Indo and Chinese Trinibago on the team at all level
Title: Re: After Bobby Sookram.
Post by: Mr Fix-it on July 27, 2008, 10:42:02 PM
Ironically years later, an Indian GK from Fatima played for the national U-19 squad. Ah forget he name. But ah sure sammo remember.


Chris Saga....boss keeper

Yu bring out ah big name dey LOL :beermug: :beermug: :beermug:
Title: Re: After Bobby Sookram.
Post by: CarenageBoy on July 28, 2008, 02:51:15 AM
why Indians dont follow up...

The problem is both a carry-over from colonial times as well as a perception issue. Indo-Trinis (like their South Asian cousins) still see cricket as a cultured sport. Football is not seen in the same light. The perception needs to be changed!

I asked this same question of a friend of mine from India and he gave me a brief history on the subject. Until the perception is changed, my Indo-Trini breds will be under-represented in football.
Title: Re: After Bobby Sookram.
Post by: Andre on July 28, 2008, 07:50:18 AM

Where you took these pics Andre?

@ the WASA ground in st. joseph.

doh kick d ball too hard there or u go have to go in d bush for it.
Title: Football History in India
Post by: TrinInfinite on July 29, 2008, 08:07:46 AM
Some interesting points, didn't know they played barefoot  when they qualified for the world cup lol  :rotfl:

Football in India
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Association football is one of India's most popular sports, and is said to rank second only behind cricket in popularity, although some reporting considers domestic football to be more popular [1] than domestic cricket. Football is played in almost all schools in India. Football is also said to be the top sport in the states of Goa, Kerala, Manipur,West Bengal, Mizoram and Sikkim.

In September 2006, India and Brazil signed an agreement formalise a scheme to train Indian footballers and coaches[1]

Kolkata (formerly Calcutta), in the state of West Bengal, is considered to be the home of Indian football. The city contains the two most famous Indian teams East Bengal Club and Mohun Bagan AC. Derbies between these two clubs often draw crowds around the 120,000 mark.

Recently Goan clubs have been doing very well in the I-league. Dempo FC are the defending champions.

Contents [hide]
1 Structure of the game in India
2 History
3 Women's football in India
4 Famous players
5 See also
6 References & Notes
7 External links

[edit] Structure of the game in India
The game in India is administered by the All India Football Federation (AIFF), which is affiliated to the regional Asian Football Confederation, as well as to the worldwide body FIFA. The Indian national team has entered into the regional Asian Cup competition as well as the World Cup. The Indian women's national team has also played in various competitions. Youth football is administered by the governmental Sports Authority of India.

The game is also administered at state levels by state football associations, some of which predate the AIFF. The Indian Football Association, which is responsible for the game in the state of West Bengal, used to be in de-facto charge of the game in India before they pushed for the creation of a national body in association with other state associations.

See All India Football Federation for more details
Women's football (see below) has its own separate inter-state and state competitions.

The standard of Indian football (compared globally) is poor - the national team is ranked past 100th place in the world, and is said to struggle to qualify for both the World Cup and the Asian Cup. Part of this has been put down to the lack of opportunities for proper training and development of players in the country.

[edit] History
Football in India was spread during the days of the British Empire. Many football clubs in India were created during this time, and pre-date many of the organisations and clubs, such as FIFA, which are predominant in the game today. Initially games were played between army teams, however clubs were soon set up around the country. Mohun Bagan Athletic Club was set up in what is now West Bengal in 1889. The club became famous in 1911 when it became the first Indian team to lift the IFA Shield, a tournament previously won only by British teams based in India. It defeated the Eastern Yorkshire Regiment 2-1 in the final of the tournament in a victory that is still regarded by many as the greatest by an Indian team before Independence.

The national football team was also quite successful until the 1970s, qualifying for Olympic tournaments and the FIFA World Cup. The team qualified for the 1950 World Cup finals in Brazil, but could not appear as they still played in their bare feet at that time.

The Indian team also won the 1951 and 1962 Asian Games gold medals in football. In 1956 the team finished fourth at the Melbourne Olympics. In August 2007, the Indian team won the Nehru Cup for the first time in its history beating Syria 1-0.[2]

[edit] Women's football in India
Women's football has not had the relative head start over the rest of the world that the men's game has had, and also has not had the chance to spread through the country like its male counterpart. The game was administerd by the Women's Football Federation of India (WFFI) until the early 1990s when they were absorbed into the AIFF. However there are complaints that women's football is treated as a poor relation to the men's game leading to (unfulfilled) plans to de-merge the WFFI. [2]

The women's game, like the men's game, also has its early pioneers in the state of West Bengal. The large Kolkata teams, East Bengal and Mohun Bagan, started women's club sides in the 2000/01 season, and they participate with other teams in the Calcutta Women's Football League. However it has been seen recently that players from Manipur have made far advances in the game. Players from these two states make up a large part of the India women's national football team.

The main women's national competition is played on a state vs state basis in the Senior Women National Championship [3]. There are also similar national championships for junior teams: Junior Girls National Championship (for under 19s) and the Under-17 Girls National Championship.

Some female players have become internationally recognised: in February 2000 Sujata Kar and Alpana Sil became the first Indian footballers to sign a contract outside India itself. They signed with the German team TSV Crailsheim but had to return after a month due to problems with the clearance of their international transfer.

The state of women's football in India, again like its male counterpart, is poor. In the 2003 AFC Women's Championship the Indian team was embarrassed by their results, especially after a 12-0 defeat to the Chinese women's team [4]. This is especially in the light of the poor support by the AIFF, especially of the national team. The team's trip to Germany was only made possible by Non Resident Indians in the country, and by the support of the German Football Association. Furthermore championship are said to be held in remote locations, and national media coverage is said to be lacking with reporting mostly restricted to state and local newspapers. [5]

[edit] Famous players
Sailen Manna
Chuni Goswami
P.K. Bannerjee
T. Balaram
Neville D'Souza
I.M Vijayan
Baichung Bhutia
Mohammed Salim

India reveals football goal 
By Matthew Kenyon
BBC Sport in Delhi 

PM Manmohan Singh kicks-starts India's new NFL season

A country of more than a billion people, but a national team ranked 157th in the world.

The football equation in India does not add up.

And yet in the 50s and 60s, India won gold medals at the Asian Games, finished fourth in the Olympics and even qualified for the World Cup.

The problem is, that in a huge country, football is confined to a few regions.

Calcutta (Kolkata), the former capital of British India, is the centre of the game.

The Calcutta derby, Mohan Began against East Bengal, is a match to rival anything Rangers and Celtic can throw up. Goa has the bug, thanks to its previous rule by the Portuguese.

But elsewhere, football comes in a distant second to cricket.

"As cricket grew, interest in football declined," says Novy Kapadia, India's top football writer.

"Fewer states were actively promoting the sport, so Indian football couldn't take advantage of the country's huge population, with the numbers supporting and playing the game dwindling.

"And there's been years of neglect in both infrastructure and youth development."

 There is so much to do to develop the game

Gary Lovejoy, Chief Operating Officer, Zee Sports TV 

Watching a second-tier game in the Delhi local league, it is hard to argue with that assessment.

Fewer than 100 people have turned out to watch. The standard of play is poor, and so is the pitch.

But there are plans to revitalise football in India.

NK Bhatia, secretary of the Delhi Soccer Association, says his region has been chosen for a pilot project to be launched by Fifa and the All India Football Federation next month.

"Football will be restructured at the grassroots level," he says.

"We've already conducted coaching for our school teams, 45 teams participated at the ages of 10 to 13 and 13 to 16. And we'll conduct a college league, for youth development.

"After that we'll develop into a semi-professional league, and then into fully professional."

Coaches, funded by Fifa and the Asian Football Confederation, will be placed with the clubs and every club in the Delhi league will have to have properly licensed trainers, and proper facilities at their grounds.

A similar project is already underway in the state of Manipur.

So that is the future, what about now?

Mahindra United (Mumbai)
East Bengal (Calcutta)
Dempo Sports Club (Goa)
Sporting Club de Goa
JCT (Punjab)
Mohun Bagan (Calcutta)
Mohammedan Sporting (Calcutta)
Air India (Mumbai)
Churchill Brothers (Goa)
HAL (Bangalore)

Mahindra United are the current NFL champions 

India's National Football League, which is only 11 years old in its current form, is getting a new boost from television.

Zee Sports, a relatively new sports channel, has signed a 10-year deal with the AIFF to cover all Indian games and it plans to entice more viewers by offering a much slicker product.

"Ten years is a long time for a football contract," says Gary Lovejoy, the Chief Operating Officer of Zee Sports.

"The reason it is so long is that there is so much to do to develop the game here. There was little point in having Indian Football rights for just three years."

Lovejoy is an Englishman who has worked in sports television for most of his career.

He wants his product, visually at least, to match the best that Europe has to offer.

"We want to make Indian football look decent in the face of the high-quality production standards you get from the Premier League," he says.

"We're now covering football with up to 13 cameras, whereas previously the rights holder in India had gone down to four or five cameras, which simply was not good enough."

European leagues, and especially the Premiership, or EPL as it is known in India, are increasingly popular, especially with the young, urban middle classes.

Lovejoy wants to tap some of that interest and convert it to the Indian game.

The problem is that while the television coverage might be getting slicker, the standard of play in the Indian NFL is still far short of that served up by the likes of Manchester United and Barcelona.

And outside the football hotbeds of Bengal and Goa the intensity of support is simply not there.

Kapadia has a suggestion: "There are many states in India which don't have a club culture, so allow them to field an XI which would have massive support because of regional pride."

There are lots of plans to bring Indian football up to the standard to be expected of a nation of more than one billion people.

They are all a long way from fruition, but do not think India is lost to football just yet.

Matthew Kenyon's look at football in India is part of the World Service's India Rising season, which runs until 11 February.

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Title: Re: After Bobby Sookram.
Post by: Feliziano on July 29, 2008, 05:49:36 PM
Joel Rahim 79 & early 80's
yep good player
Title: Re: After Bobby Sookram.
Post by: palos on July 29, 2008, 06:50:50 PM
Joel Rahim 79 & early 80's

And he breddah Brent... ;D
Title: Re: After Bobby Sookram.
Post by: Andre on July 30, 2008, 09:09:25 AM
since allyuh on the topic of "indian" ballers, what about the roma/gypsies of europe, argentina and brazil?lLinguistic and genetic evidence indicates the Roma originated from the Indian subcontinent. so...look a list of big time grapevine indian ballers according to wikipedia. ah know pirlo, Nicolita, and reyes is gypsy 4 sure.

Andrea Pirlo - Italian (AC Milan)
Gheorghe Hagi - Romania
Eric Cantona - Frech (Manchester United)
Jacques Abardonado - French (1. FC Nuremberg)
Freddy Eastwood - Welsh (Southend United)
Rafael van der Vaart - Dutch (Hamburger SV)
Raby Howell - British (Liverpool, Sheffield United and Preston North End)
Telmo Zarraonaindia - Spanish (Athletic Club)
Banel Nicolita - Romanian (Steaua)
Christos Patsatzoglou - Greek (Olympiakos)
José Antonio Reyes - Spanish (Atletico de Madrid)
Arturo Garcia, Arzu - Spanish (Real Betis)
Jesús Navas - Spanish (Sevilla Fc)
José Mari - Spanish (Real Betis)
Carlos Antonio Muñoz Cobo - Spanish (Real Oviedo)
Milan Baroš - Czech (Olmpique Lyonnais)
Siniša Mihajlović - Serbian (Internaziole Milan)
Zlatan Ibrahimović- Swedish (Internaziole Milan)

ah remember Patsatzoglou & Nicolita from Euro 2008. i was wondering how they was so black compared to the ther greeks and romanian players.

a gypsy chick for allyuh viewing pleasure. look like she could be a trini.

Title: Re: After Bobby Sookram.
Post by: TrinInfinite on July 30, 2008, 09:26:09 AM
Indian footballers not good enough??

I guess then that Africans are just ‘not good enough,’ when it comes to golf and tennis??

We cannot so easily ignore the fact that certain blacks in TT football, have a pro African sentiment when it comes to non black players. Imagine, a young Indian footballer putting up with that, it could dissuade him very easily. Bear in mind I talking about the 1970s until recently.

In POS, I will admit that only a minority of the Indians I saw could really play well. However, those of you who live in more heavily populated Indian area can give your own account.

“Spindly Legs?” Surprisingly Indians in TT have done well in boxing despite the ‘spindly legs.’ Many amateur Champs in TT are Indian. I was shocked in 1987 when I went home for a visit and saw that half the men fighting for national titles were Indian. The featherweight contest was an all Indian affair. Yet for ten years or more, not one Indian was selected to represent TT.

Kelvin Ramnath (I think that was his name) was a Sr. amateur Champ at 14. At 16 he was a two division undefeated Champ in TT and winner of the New York Golden Gloves (1986), yet he was never selected to represent TT, not even for the WI junior games. However, in 1987, a novice was selected to represent TT at the World Amateur Champs….It must have been the ‘spindly legs.’

Comparing Liberia to India is rubbish. Liberia is a country where football has a fanatical following. Look at lesser African footballing nations such as the DR Congo, Gambia and Kenya and you can easily find talent because of the intense love of the game in those countries.

Football does not have a fanatical following in India. At the beginning of this decade there was still no national football program in terms of funds (It was done at the state level and not managed very well). 700 million Indians barely have enough to eat far less worry about playing football.

India does do well in sport such as tennis and field hockey. That is becz the elite sponsor the sport and even if they have a talent pool of a hundred million, it is still more than other countries. However, I guess the same cannot be said for football.

Bear in mind that this is a country that in the 50s and 60s qualified for the WC, won the Asian games, came fourth in the Olympics and also lost 2-1 (they threw away a penalty) in an exhibition to France playing BARE FOOT!!! They simply did not have the money to afford shoes. Don’t ask me how such this is possible, I cah fu^$%%^ bleive it myself. What had TT done by the 1960s in international football? Any Olympics or WC?

Sadly, the Hindu religion might also be a hindering factor. The upper castes don’t like to mingle with the lower castes, which excludes a lot of potential talent. Of course not all Hindus think like this today but enough perhaps to make a difference.

Many Hindus refuse to eat beef, which could hinder their physical prowess. I remember back in the early 90s an Indian telling me that the country had one world class track athlete. They brought in an American Coach. He insisted that beef had to be a part of her diet. She insisted that it couldn’t. He left her, saying that if she couldn’t prepare properly, there was no point having a Coach. I am no dietician, but I figure goat, fish and lamb could do the job. But who am I?

Some of you only know the Indian who played for France. It doesn’t mean there aren’t others that you haven’t heard of for some particular reason. Can you imagine a man telling me that besides Shaka and Yorke he never heard of another good Trini player in England, so we don’t have any. Can you imagine the sacrilege of saying that ppl such as Steve David, De Leon and Llewelewyn (sp) weren’t world class.

Btw, in 1983 there was an Indian playing for the Canadian U-16 team that beat TT 3-0 twice in TT. That TT team had Latas, Faustin, Hutson Charles, Anthony Clarke and Colin Rocke. My point being there are Indian all over the place that you haven’t heard of.

Here’s one more


very good post, it has christian and muslim indians also who could eat beef and maintain that diet, i dont see the problem with a nutrionist working out another meat sub fo beef for hindus, it has nothing to do with genetics, thats bullshit, whoever claims that is an idiot and has no idea about genetics and is just perpertrating a racist agenda, the sikhs are a big breed of indian thats for sure, the farmers in india to be exact, very strong and powerful, so it has nothing to do with genetics, just weight lifting and diet
Title: Re: After Bobby Sookram.
Post by: Pointman on July 30, 2008, 03:03:44 PM
since allyuh on the topic of "indian" ballers, what about the roma/gypsies of europe, argentina and brazil?lLinguistic and genetic evidence indicates the Roma originated from the Indian subcontinent. so...look a list of big time grapevine indian ballers according to wikipedia. ah know pirlo, Nicolita, and reyes is gypsy 4 sure.

Andrea Pirlo - Italian (AC Milan)
Gheorghe Hagi - Romania
Eric Cantona - Frech (Manchester United)
Jacques Abardonado - French (1. FC Nuremberg)
Freddy Eastwood - Welsh (Southend United)
Rafael van der Vaart - Dutch (Hamburger SV)
Raby Howell - British (Liverpool, Sheffield United and Preston North End)
Telmo Zarraonaindia - Spanish (Athletic Club)
Banel Nicolita - Romanian (Steaua)
Christos Patsatzoglou - Greek (Olympiakos)
José Antonio Reyes - Spanish (Atletico de Madrid)
Arturo Garcia, Arzu - Spanish (Real Betis)
Jesús Navas - Spanish (Sevilla Fc)
José Mari - Spanish (Real Betis)
Carlos Antonio Muñoz Cobo - Spanish (Real Oviedo)
Milan Baroš - Czech (Olmpique Lyonnais)
Siniša Mihajlović - Serbian (Internaziole Milan)
Zlatan Ibrahimović- Swedish (Internaziole Milan)

ah remember Patsatzoglou & Nicolita from Euro 2008. i was wondering how they was so black compared to the ther greeks and romanian players.

a gypsy chick for allyuh viewing pleasure. look like she could be a trini.


The Gypsies actually originated in India. So she definitely cud pass for Trini
Title: Re: After Bobby Sookram.
Post by: palos on July 30, 2008, 03:14:10 PM
so it has nothing to do with genetics, just weight lifting and diet

Wrong.  Has everything to do with aptitude, attitude, talent, & lack thereof.
Title: Re: After Bobby Sookram.
Post by: Filho on July 30, 2008, 03:41:24 PM
since allyuh on the topic of "indian" ballers, what about the roma/gypsies of europe, argentina and brazil?lLinguistic and genetic evidence indicates the Roma originated from the Indian subcontinent. so...look a list of big time grapevine indian ballers according to wikipedia. ah know pirlo, Nicolita, and reyes is gypsy 4 sure.

Andrea Pirlo - Italian (AC Milan)
Gheorghe Hagi - Romania
Eric Cantona - Frech (Manchester United)
Jacques Abardonado - French (1. FC Nuremberg)
Freddy Eastwood - Welsh (Southend United)
Rafael van der Vaart - Dutch (Hamburger SV)
Raby Howell - British (Liverpool, Sheffield United and Preston North End)
Telmo Zarraonaindia - Spanish (Athletic Club)
Banel Nicolita - Romanian (Steaua)
Christos Patsatzoglou - Greek (Olympiakos)
José Antonio Reyes - Spanish (Atletico de Madrid)
Arturo Garcia, Arzu - Spanish (Real Betis)
Jesús Navas - Spanish (Sevilla Fc)
José Mari - Spanish (Real Betis)
Carlos Antonio Muñoz Cobo - Spanish (Real Oviedo)
Milan Baroš - Czech (Olmpique Lyonnais)
Siniša Mihajlović - Serbian (Internaziole Milan)
Zlatan Ibrahimović- Swedish (Internaziole Milan)

ah remember Patsatzoglou & Nicolita from Euro 2008. i was wondering how they was so black compared to the ther greeks and romanian players

Andre..where is the wikipedia link.
Kinda off topic, but interesting. Didn't realize many of those players had gypsy/roma roots. Your list surprisingly missing of the current day group.
Title: Re: After Bobby Sookram.
Post by: vb on July 30, 2008, 05:42:20 PM
since allyuh on the topic of "indian" ballers, what about the roma/gypsies of europe, argentina and brazil?lLinguistic and genetic evidence indicates the Roma originated from the Indian subcontinent. so...look a list of big time grapevine indian ballers according to wikipedia. ah know pirlo, Nicolita, and reyes is gypsy 4 sure.

Andrea Pirlo - Italian (AC Milan)
Gheorghe Hagi - Romania
Eric Cantona - Frech (Manchester United)
Jacques Abardonado - French (1. FC Nuremberg)
Freddy Eastwood - Welsh (Southend United)
Rafael van der Vaart - Dutch (Hamburger SV)
Raby Howell - British (Liverpool, Sheffield United and Preston North End)
Telmo Zarraonaindia - Spanish (Athletic Club)
Banel Nicolita - Romanian (Steaua)
Christos Patsatzoglou - Greek (Olympiakos)
José Antonio Reyes - Spanish (Atletico de Madrid)
Arturo Garcia, Arzu - Spanish (Real Betis)
Jesús Navas - Spanish (Sevilla Fc)
José Mari - Spanish (Real Betis)
Carlos Antonio Muñoz Cobo - Spanish (Real Oviedo)
Milan Baroš - Czech (Olmpique Lyonnais)
Siniša Mihajlović - Serbian (Internaziole Milan)
Zlatan Ibrahimović- Swedish (Internaziole Milan)

ah remember Patsatzoglou & Nicolita from Euro 2008. i was wondering how they was so black compared to the ther greeks and romanian players

Andre..where is the wikipedia link.
Kinda off topic, but interesting. Didn't realize many of those players had gypsy/roma roots. Your list surprisingly missing of the current day group.

Bear in mnd that a lot of the Eastern European countries were occupied by the Turks or Arabs at one point. So a lot of breeding was done there and in the Capitals.

Went to Bulgaria and saw a lot of Roma folks there.

A lot live on my st. and they real tribal boy. Be bussing bullets for no damn reason, cah cuss dem, dey might shoot meh :-)

Title: Re: After Bobby Sookram.
Post by: Andre on July 30, 2008, 07:59:10 PM

Andre..where is the wikipedia link.
Kinda off topic, but interesting. Didn't realize many of those players had gypsy/roma roots. Your list surprisingly missing of the current day group.

Bear in mnd that a lot of the Eastern European countries were occupied by the Turks or Arabs at one point. So a lot of breeding was done there and in the Capitals.

Went to Bulgaria and saw a lot of Roma folks there.

A lot live on my st. and they real tribal boy. Be bussing bullets for no damn reason, cah cuss dem, dey might shoot meh :-)




look links


them gypsy bullets must be is make u feel like u in sweet t&t eh
Title: Re: After Bobby Sookram.
Post by: vb on July 30, 2008, 08:09:45 PM
Nah a lot fair skin. Some look like dat girl above. They differ.

Quite frankly, they so country and wajank dat I is just steer clear of them.

That's one of the probs with Ist. Once a city reknowned for its culture and art, the country folks have descended on the city looking for jobs and it real change the nature of the city.

Ppl real aggressive and have some bad ways. I see ppl walk outside dey house, throw garbage on the ST. and walk back inside. The other night I look out the window at 2 am and see a garbage bag in mid flight dropping about four stories. The bitch couldn't even walk outside with it.

They like to fight at a moment's notice. Ppl with good hearts but some real bad ways.

Title: Re: After Bobby Sookram.
Post by: Deeks on July 30, 2008, 10:50:59 PM
Anybody ever heard about a team called Jai Hind(All Hail Indian) from Suriname. It is an Indian team with a few Afro Surinamese. They came to TT in 71 or 72. They had just gotten promotion to the 1st div.

They played Maple in Geo. V park. They were a decent team. They played like the Surinamese teams of old. Plenty ball possesion. But Maple won the game. I can't remember the score. Even though I had not seen any Indian players on the Surinam team, it was quite refreshing seeing an majority Indian team. This was nothing new to me. I had seen 2 majority Indian teams in TT  in the late 60's. They played typical Trini football. . I was curious why they never continued longer. One team was from Saddle Rd, San Juan called Saddle Boys. The other one was El Dorado from Tunapuna.
Title: Re: After Bobby Sookram.
Post by: vb on July 31, 2008, 04:50:24 AM
In 1993 I was in Guadalcanal, the Solomon Islands (south pacific).

I saw the OCEANA U-17 qualifiers for the WC.

I saw the Fiji team playing and at least 90 percent of the players were Indian.

You want to hear the best part - when I entered the stad. to watch the Consolation final between Fiji and NZ and the final bet. Sol. Isls and Austalia, the security at the Gate thought I was with the Fijiian team, they thought I was  a player and were going to let me in for free  ;D

Ah wanted to take but was afraid ah get catch inside and embarassed  ;D

Title: Re: After Bobby Sookram.
Post by: Andre on July 31, 2008, 07:46:30 AM
Nah a lot fair skin. Some look like dat girl above. They differ.

Quite frankly, they so country and wajank dat I is just steer clear of them.

That's one of the probs with Ist. Once a city reknowned for its culture and art, the country folks have descended on the city looking for jobs and it real change the nature of the city.

Ppl real aggressive and have some bad ways. I see ppl walk outside dey house, throw garbage on the ST. and walk back inside. The other night I look out the window at 2 am and see a garbage bag in mid flight dropping about four stories. The bitch couldn't even walk outside with it.

They like to fight at a moment's notice. Ppl with good hearts but some real bad ways.


buh vb...all dat sound like home too.

anyhow, i hear europeans real eh like gypsy. i think they view them as thieves and as unsanitary. me eh know though as ah doh think ah ever run into one...or must be a racial thing.

man 2 man is so unjust.
Title: Re: After Bobby Sookram.
Post by: Sando on July 31, 2008, 07:50:13 AM
And somebody say this was a shit thread..

Good argument and post Sam...

Thanks for that list Andre. Many big players on that list...
Title: Re: After Bobby Sookram.
Post by: Andre on July 31, 2008, 08:07:30 AM
In 1993 I was in Guadalcanal, the Solomon Islands (south pacific).

I saw the OCEANA U-17 qualifiers for the WC.

I saw the Fiji team playing and at least 90 percent of the players were Indian.

You want to hear the best part - when I entered the stad. to watch the Consolation final between Fiji and NZ and the final bet. Sol. Isls and Austalia, the security at the Gate thought I was with the Fijiian team, they thought I was  a player and were going to let me in for free  ;D

Ah wanted to take but was afraid ah get catch inside and embarassed  ;D



from what i see on FIFA futbol mundial & football asia, indian is real play football in fiji, malaysia, singapore and indonesia. them is at least 50% of all them national team...well what we go call indian anyway.

Title: Re: After Bobby Sookram.
Post by: elan on July 31, 2008, 08:25:40 AM
Spoke to this Brazilian woman her son trained with Ronaldo and all that jazz. Her husband is Portugese. She said when Quaresma got his deal (with Nike I believe) they told him he can always go to the nike stores and get gear for free. He took all his family and when they left the store was empty.  :rotfl:  :rotfl:
Title: Re: After Bobby Sookram.
Post by: Andre on July 31, 2008, 08:31:58 AM
Spoke to this Brazilian woman her son trained with Ronaldo and all that jazz. Her husband is Portugese. She said when Quaresma got his deal (with Nike I believe) they told him he can always go to the nike stores and get gear for free. He took all his family and when they left the store was empty.  :rotfl:  :rotfl:

he family trini?
Title: Re: After Bobby Sookram.
Post by: Filho on July 31, 2008, 11:04:12 AM

Andre..where is the wikipedia link.
Kinda off topic, but interesting. Didn't realize many of those players had gypsy/roma roots. Your list surprisingly missing of the current day group.

Bear in mnd that a lot of the Eastern European countries were occupied by the Turks or Arabs at one point. So a lot of breeding was done there and in the Capitals.

Went to Bulgaria and saw a lot of Roma folks there.

A lot live on my st. and they real tribal boy. Be bussing bullets for no damn reason, cah cuss dem, dey might shoot meh :-)




look links


them gypsy bullets must be is make u feel like u in sweet t&t eh

cool thanks. could be wrong, but it appears that many of the ballers have some Roma roots but wouldn't be considered Roma. The article mentions that the list includes 'mixed'. For some it may be like calling Henrik Larrson's kids black  ;D Interestingy, Reyes denies that he is gypsy. I remember WC 94, when Romania beat Argentina, Ilie Dumitrescu scored a double and they made mention that he was a gypsy and they made a big point that the players actually liked him. That was the start of me realizing how much Gypsies are hated in Europe...

By the way..on the original topic...Indians could ball like anyone else. That more T&T Indians doh play at the highest level have to do with societal pressures, not ability.
Title: Re: After Bobby Sookram.
Post by: Andre on July 31, 2008, 11:57:56 AM

cool thanks. could be wrong, but it appears that many of the ballers have some Roma roots but wouldn't be considered Roma. The article mentions that the list includes 'mixed'. For some it may be like calling Henrik Larrson's kids black  ;D Interestingy, Reyes denies that he is gypsy. I remember WC 94, when Romania beat Argentina, Ilie Dumitrescu scored a double and they made mention that he was a gypsy and they made a big point that the players actually liked him. That was the start of me realizing how much Gypsies are hated in Europe...

By the way..on the original topic...Indians could ball like anyone else. That more T&T Indians doh play at the highest level have to do with societal pressures, not ability.

i doh live in europe so me eh know wha scene d gypsies on. but from wha i see it look like they regarded by white europeans in the same racist  way that white americans regard african americans.
Title: Re: After Bobby Sookram.
Post by: andromode on September 15, 2008, 08:41:27 AM
since allyuh on the topic of "indian" ballers, what about the roma/gypsies of europe, argentina and brazil?lLinguistic and genetic evidence indicates the Roma originated from the Indian subcontinent. so...look a list of big time grapevine indian ballers according to wikipedia. ah know pirlo, Nicolita, and reyes is gypsy 4 sure.

Andrea Pirlo - Italian (AC Milan)
Gheorghe Hagi - Romania
Eric Cantona - Frech (Manchester United)
Jacques Abardonado - French (1. FC Nuremberg)
Freddy Eastwood - Welsh (Southend United)
Rafael van der Vaart - Dutch (Hamburger SV)
Raby Howell - British (Liverpool, Sheffield United and Preston North End)
Telmo Zarraonaindia - Spanish (Athletic Club)
Banel Nicolita - Romanian (Steaua)
Christos Patsatzoglou - Greek (Olympiakos)
José Antonio Reyes - Spanish (Atletico de Madrid)
Arturo Garcia, Arzu - Spanish (Real Betis)
Jesús Navas - Spanish (Sevilla Fc)
José Mari - Spanish (Real Betis)
Carlos Antonio Muñoz Cobo - Spanish (Real Oviedo)
Milan Baroš - Czech (Olmpique Lyonnais)
Siniša Mihajlović - Serbian (Internaziole Milan)
Zlatan Ibrahimović- Swedish (Internaziole Milan)

ah remember Patsatzoglou & Nicolita from Euro 2008. i was wondering how they was so black compared to the ther greeks and romanian players.

a gypsy chick for allyuh viewing pleasure. look like she could be a trini.

Gheorghe Hagi is also gypsy?
Title: Re: After Bobby Sookram.
Post by: Andre on September 15, 2008, 09:07:36 AM

supposedly hagi was. some romanian i know tell me he is.

funny this thread come up again coz indian football in the news today since they make the asian cup for the first time for upteen yrs.

India celebrates after winning against Tajikistan 4-1 in the final of the AFC Challenge Cup. The Asian Football Confederation on Monday amended the qualifying draw for the 2011 Asian Cup after India booked their place at the tournament by winning the Challenge Cup.

Title: Re: After Bobby Sookram.
Post by: andromode on September 15, 2008, 01:23:51 PM

supposedly hagi was. some romanian i know tell me he is.

funny this thread come up again coz indian football in the news today since they make the asian cup for the first time for upteen yrs.

India celebrates after winning against Tajikistan 4-1 in the final of the AFC Challenge Cup. The Asian Football Confederation on Monday amended the qualifying draw for the 2011 Asian Cup after India booked their place at the tournament by winning the Challenge Cup.


Hagi did not know. I have heard that Adrian Ilie and Viktor piturka are gypsies.

Soccer players

Andrea Pirlo - Italian (AC Milan)
Eric Cantona - French (Manchester United)
Jacques Abardonado - French (1. FC Nuremberg)
Tommaso Vailatti - Italian (Torino)
Drei Gapanenko, Romanian North York Astros
Richard Carpenter (footballer)
Marcos Navas Gonzalez Spanish
Ilie Dumitrescu, Romanian Steaua Bucarest
Freddy Eastwood - Welsh (Southend United)
Raby Howell - British (Liverpool, Sheffield United and Preston North End)
Telmo Zarraonaindia - Spanish (Athletic Club)
Banel Nicolita - Romanian (Steaua)
Marius Lăcătuş - Romanian (Steaua)
Christos Patsatzoglou - Greek (Olympiakos)
José Antonio Reyes - Spanish (Atletico de Madrid)
Arturo Garcia, Arzu - Spanish (Real Betis)
Jesús Navas - Spanish (Sevilla Fc)
José Mari - Spanish (Real Betis)
Dani Güiza - Spanish (Fenerbahce)
Carlos Antonio Muñoz Cobo - Spanish (Real Oviedo)
Milan Baroš - Czech (Olmpique Lyonnais)
Aljoša Asanović- Croatian (Derby County F.C.)
Zlatan Ibrahimović - Swedish (Internazionale Milan)
Siniša Mihajlović - Serbian (Internazionale Milan)
Ricardo Quaresma - Portuguese (Internazionale Milan)
Dragoslav Šekularac- Serbian coach

Title: Re: After Bobby Sookram.
Post by: Deeks on September 15, 2008, 03:43:06 PM
JAI HIND!!!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: After Bobby Sookram.
Post by: zuluwarrior on September 16, 2008, 06:16:38 PM
It had a team name BENEFICA all indian guys , their team colors was red i believe they was from plasiance park ,they would come to COUVA rec ground and run rings around the best teams ,these guys was way ahead of they time . 
Title: Re: After Bobby Sookram.
Post by: Observer on September 16, 2008, 06:30:28 PM
It had a team name BENEFICA all indian guys , their team colors was red i believe they was from plasiance park ,they would come to COUVA rec ground and run rings around the best teams ,these guys was way ahead of they time . 

They were from Marabella and made up of the Bodoo Brothers and family. Nice ballers, a few went on and played with Texaco.
Title: Re: After Bobby Sookram.
Post by: zuluwarrior on September 16, 2008, 06:46:04 PM
Eh when them guys come to COUVA to play ball iz the crowd that would come out and support them .

Thanks observer for the correction and  good to know that you know wah ah talkin bout .
Title: Re: After Bobby Sookram.
Post by: ON DE BLOCK on October 01, 2008, 06:38:05 AM
if my memory serves me correctly, from south come up there are many indian footballers who play very well, its a matter of selection by coaches and dismissing the stereotypes associated with football and indo-trinis, in my opinion it should be selection by skill and merit not by race.
Title: Re: After Bobby Sookram.
Post by: Andre on October 01, 2008, 08:28:31 AM
is not a race regional discrimination.

if u is a baller and u not from north, you have to be 20x as good or the feel u from the bush.

corneal and dem is the king of dat mentality. look at the national teams of recent time. most of the team always come from north with some token south and tobago man.
Title: Re: After Bobby Sookram.
Post by: ON DE BLOCK on October 01, 2008, 08:47:32 AM
is not a race regional discrimination.

if u is a baller and u not from north, you have to be 20x as good or the feel u from the bush.

corneal and dem is the king of dat mentality. look at the national teams of recent time. most of the team always come from north with some token south and tobago man.

some of the ballers i witnessed in south trinidad are 5x better than some of the ballers i see in the north, technique, fitness, mental awareness, but it runs deeper than that my brother, race and class is very much apart of selection, the school you attended and also your family.
Title: Re: After Bobby Sookram.
Post by: morvant on October 01, 2008, 09:26:40 AM
is not a race regional discrimination.

if u is a baller and u not from north, you have to be 20x as good or the feel u from the bush.

corneal and dem is the king of dat mentality. look at the national teams of recent time. most of the team always come from north with some token south and tobago man.

some of the ballers i witnessed in south trinidad are 5x better than some of the ballers i see in the north, technique, fitness, mental awareness, but it runs deeper than that my brother, race and class is very much apart of selection, the school you attended and also your family.

i hope that statement makes sense to you. cause that could be said about any place on earth.

it have ah feller in bago who better than a feller in brazil.  get the point???

Title: Re: After Bobby Sookram.
Post by: ON DE BLOCK on October 01, 2008, 10:02:39 AM
is not a race regional discrimination.

if u is a baller and u not from north, you have to be 20x as good or the feel u from the bush.

corneal and dem is the king of dat mentality. look at the national teams of recent time. most of the team always come from north with some token south and tobago man.

some of the ballers i witnessed in south trinidad are 5x better than some of the ballers i see in the north, technique, fitness, mental awareness, but it runs deeper than that my brother, race and class is very much apart of selection, the school you attended and also your family.

i hope that statement makes sense to you. cause that could be said about any place on earth.

it have ah feller in bago who better than a feller in brazil.  get the point???

Im talking about players who play in the super league and the pro league, thats where im drawing my comparison from, players who are selected and come from the north of trinidad, I myself am a town man and see plenty of talented ballers go unnoticed in town also but their is an abundance of talent in the south and tobago that is untested and is not seen.
Title: Re: After Bobby Sookram.
Post by: morvant on October 01, 2008, 01:47:14 PM
it they untested- they could never be better than ah man who is

if they not seen. what they playin golf?

what i'm saying is who really want to play, playing. thats what seperates the boys from the men

take me for example. i know i have the talent to make at least ah pro-league bench, but i dont have the commitment them fellers have. all the fellers i grew up with who went pro wasnt the best in my age group they were just more committed and had a drive that was unmatched to their peers. coaches see that and i know for a fact that trinidad had screening when they looking for players and they dont ask you what part of trini you from. i went one when i was younger.
Title: Re: After Bobby Sookram.
Post by: Andre on October 01, 2008, 05:15:09 PM
it they untested- they could never be better than ah man who is

if they not seen. what they playin golf?

what i'm saying is who really want to play, playing. thats what seperates the boys from the men

take me for example. i know i have the talent to make at least ah pro-league bench, but i dont have the commitment them fellers have. all the fellers i grew up with who went pro wasnt the best in my age group they were just more committed and had a drive that was unmatched to their peers. coaches see that and i know for a fact that trinidad had screening when they looking for players and they dont ask you what part of trini you from. i went one when i was younger.

good point morvant. i know man from south who didn't go youth national training b/c of the long journey and the passage.

yuh know TTFF wasn't giving dem no accommodation or fare.

now with traffic how it is, if u eh living by d stadium u in trouble to reach.
Title: Re: After Bobby Sookram.
Post by: Deeks on October 01, 2008, 05:56:20 PM
Guys, All yuh real joking!!!. Dexter Francis, Brian Williams. All them men from Palo Seco/Point/Fyzabad. Buggy Haynes, Eddy Hart, Ken Hodge, Earl Carter, Clevy Caraccilo, Keith Eddy, Keith Acqui, Keith Lookloy, John Granville, Dwight Yorke, Telesford Daley, Kelvin Hutchinson, Wendell Moore. All them men from tong', right!!!
Title: Re: After Bobby Sookram.
Post by: Coop's on October 02, 2008, 02:02:47 AM
Guys, All yuh real joking!!!. Dexter Francis, Brian Williams. All them men from Palo Seco/Point/Fyzabad. Buggy Haynes, Eddy Hart, Ken Hodge, Earl Carter, Clevy Caraccilo, Keith Eddy, Keith Acqui, Keith Lookloy, John Granville, Dwight Yorke, Telesford Daley, Kelvin Hutchinson, Wendell Moore. All them men from tong', right!!!
       Deeks don't worry about peeps talking about North men,they really joking because if you check most guys that play for T&T,Clubs/Schools in the North are not from North,as a matter of fact what areas are considered North?
Title: Re: After Bobby Sookram.
Post by: Bakes on October 02, 2008, 06:12:23 AM
it they untested- they could never be better than ah man who is

if they not seen. what they playin golf?

what i'm saying is who really want to play, playing. thats what seperates the boys from the men

take me for example. i know i have the talent to make at least ah pro-league bench, but i dont have the commitment them fellers have. all the fellers i grew up with who went pro wasnt the best in my age group they were just more committed and had a drive that was unmatched to their peers. coaches see that and i know for a fact that trinidad had screening when they looking for players and they dont ask you what part of trini you from. i went one when i was younger.

good point morvant. i know man from south who didn't go youth national training b/c of the long journey and the passage.

yuh know TTFF wasn't giving dem no accommodation or fare.

now with traffic how it is, if u eh living by d stadium u in trouble to reach.

The funniest thing to me is man from South... well let's look at Trini society on the whole... we love to complain about distances in TnT..."that too far".  Not until I live here in the US that I realize what true distance is.  I went home two years ago and was like... "wait, San Fernando is ONLY 26 km???  Dat right dey".  Same reaction when I reach Maraval and realize dat Maracas is only some 15-20km or whatever it was.  Up until I leave TnT as ah youth dem places seemed far.

Dem distances is nutten.  When yuh traveling by bus or in somebody PH it might seem longer doh.
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