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General => General Discussion => Topic started by: Bakes on January 22, 2009, 01:47:42 AM

Title: First America... then the World
Post by: Bakes on January 22, 2009, 01:47:42 AM
Change has indeed come.


January 22, 2009

Op-Ed Contributor
The One-State Solution


Tripoli, Libya-THE shocking level of the last wave of Israeli-Palestinian violence, which ended with this weekend’s cease-fire, reminds us why a final resolution to the so-called Middle East crisis is so important. It is vital not just to break this cycle of destruction and injustice, but also to deny the religious extremists in the region who feed on the conflict an excuse to advance their own causes.

But everywhere one looks, among the speeches and the desperate diplomacy, there is no real way forward. A just and lasting peace between Israel and the Palestinians is possible, but it lies in the history of the people of this conflicted land, and not in the tired rhetoric of partition and two-state solutions.

Although it’s hard to realize after the horrors we’ve just witnessed, the state of war between the Jews and Palestinians has not always existed. In fact, many of the divisions between Jews and Palestinians are recent ones. The very name “Palestine” was commonly used to describe the whole area, even by the Jews who lived there, until 1948, when the name “Israel” came into use.

Jews and Muslims are cousins descended from Abraham. Throughout the centuries both faced cruel persecution and often found refuge with one another. Arabs sheltered Jews and protected them after maltreatment at the hands of the Romans and their expulsion from Spain in the Middle Ages.

The history of Israel/Palestine is not remarkable by regional standards — a country inhabited by different peoples, with rule passing among many tribes, nations and ethnic groups; a country that has withstood many wars and waves of peoples from all directions. This is why it gets so complicated when members of either party claims the right to assert that it is their land.

The basis for the modern State of Israel is the persecution of the Jewish people, which is undeniable. The Jews have been held captive, massacred, disadvantaged in every possible fashion by the Egyptians, the Romans, the English, the Russians, the Babylonians, the Canaanites and, most recently, the Germans under Hitler. The Jewish people want and deserve their homeland.

But the Palestinians too have a history of persecution, and they view the coastal towns of Haifa, Acre, Jaffa and others as the land of their forefathers, passed from generation to generation, until only a short time ago.

Thus the Palestinians believe that what is now called Israel forms part of their nation, even were they to secure the West Bank and Gaza. And the Jews believe that the West Bank is Samaria and Judea, part of their homeland, even if a Palestinian state were established there. Now, as Gaza still smolders, calls for a two-state solution or partition persist. But neither will work.

A two-state solution will create an unacceptable security threat to Israel. An armed Arab state, presumably in the West Bank, would give Israel less than 10 miles of strategic depth at its narrowest point. Further, a Palestinian state in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip would do little to resolve the problem of refugees. Any situation that keeps the majority of Palestinians in refugee camps and does not offer a solution within the historical borders of Israel/Palestine is not a solution at all.

For the same reasons, the older idea of partition of the West Bank into Jewish and Arab areas, with buffer zones between them, won’t work. The Palestinian-held areas could not accommodate all of the refugees, and buffer zones symbolize exclusion and breed tension. Israelis and Palestinians have also become increasingly intertwined, economically and politically.

In absolute terms, the two movements must remain in perpetual war or a compromise must be reached. The compromise is one state for all, an “Isratine” that would allow the people in each party to feel that they live in all of the disputed land and they are not deprived of any one part of it.

A key prerequisite for peace is the right of return for Palestinian refugees to the homes their families left behind in 1948. It is an injustice that Jews who were not originally inhabitants of Palestine, nor were their ancestors, can move in from abroad while Palestinians who were displaced only a relatively short time ago should not be so permitted.

It is a fact that Palestinians inhabited the land and owned farms and homes there until recently, fleeing in fear of violence at the hands of Jews after 1948 — violence that did not occur, but rumors of which led to a mass exodus. It is important to note that the Jews did not forcibly expel Palestinians. They were never “un-welcomed.” Yet only the full territories of Isratine can accommodate all the refugees and bring about the justice that is key to peace.

Assimilation is already a fact of life in Israel. There are more than one million Muslim Arabs in Israel; they possess Israeli nationality and take part in political life with the Jews, forming political parties. On the other side, there are Israeli settlements in the West Bank. Israeli factories depend on Palestinian labor, and goods and services are exchanged. This successful assimilation can be a model for Isratine.

If the present interdependence and the historical fact of Jewish-Palestinian coexistence guide their leaders, and if they can see beyond the horizon of the recent violence and thirst for revenge toward a long-term solution, then these two peoples will come to realize, I hope sooner rather than later, that living under one roof is the only option for a lasting peace.

Muammar Qaddafi is the leader of Libya.
Title: Re: First America... then the World
Post by: Swima on January 22, 2009, 06:00:51 AM
Very insightful.
Title: Re: First America... then the World
Post by: truetrini on January 22, 2009, 06:12:39 AM
Insightful as it is shocking.  Qaddafi has seemingly come a long way....!
Title: Re: First America... then the World
Post by: capodetutticapi on January 22, 2009, 08:21:47 AM
Insightful as it is shocking.  Qaddafi has seemingly come a long way....!
either that or he playin dead to ketch corbeaux alive.either which way,there will never be peace between these people.
Title: Re: First America... then the World
Post by: Swima on January 22, 2009, 08:24:03 AM
Insightful as it is shocking.  Qaddafi has seemingly come a long way....!

I find his projected image of late has been more in line with this. Over the last few years he has seemed to be a lot more tempered.
Title: Re: First America... then the World
Post by: truetrini on January 22, 2009, 12:23:31 PM
Insightful as it is shocking.  Qaddafi has seemingly come a long way....!

I find his projected image of late has been more in line with this. Over the last few years he has seemed to be a lot more tempered.

Agreed, and he has been rewarded by the US in the recent past for his relaxed stance.
Title: Re: First America... then the World
Post by: Bakes on January 22, 2009, 12:45:55 PM
Insightful as it is shocking.  Qaddafi has seemingly come a long way....!

I was nothing short of floored by how nuanced his understanding of the concerns on both sides were, and by just how  balanced he presented each's interest.  I think his approach is fresh in it's frankness, even if implementing his ideas may take something just short of a miracle.  Improbable or not though... I can't see a better vision for peace in the region materializing anytime soon.
Title: Re: First America... then the World
Post by: Dutty on January 22, 2009, 01:23:58 PM
waayyz  :o
look how allyuh men fawnin over one ah de wuss dictator and terrorist on de globe,,, just because he put some nice words on a page eh?

de ghosts of lockerbie go pull allyuh toe..tee

"he may be a bastard, but he's our bastard"
Title: Re: First America... then the World
Post by: truetrini on January 22, 2009, 01:35:33 PM
Insightful as it is shocking.  Qaddafi has seemingly come a long way....!

I was nothing short of floored by how nuanced his understanding of the concerns on both sides were, and by just how  balanced he presented each's interest.  I think his approach is fresh in it's frankness, even if implementing his ideas may take something just short of a miracle.  Improbable or not though... I can't see a better vision for peace in the region materializing anytime soon.

Agree with you 100%

The man was never a fool, he continuously acts in a foolish manner.  Basic civil liberties are virtually nonexistent, and opposition is not tolerated in Libya.  He has absolute control of the government and he, together with his old high school buddies run the country with an iron fist!  I remember when he had secret operatives trying to kill dissidents living in the West, and his unwavering support for the PLO (that is why it is shocking for me to see him make these kinds of statements today!)  

He said he was inspired by Nasser of Egypt and was a big time Pan Arab man,m but his support for the PLO caused a straining of relationships with Egypt, becuause Egypt was forging peace with Israel.

I also remember him with the Soviet bloc and getting MIGs from dem.  He was also a BIG time supporter of so-called terror groups in Africa and particularly Liberia, this make Reagan vex no arse!  Remeber the Black september movement with his support attacking the Olympics.  Carlos The jackal, world's most wanted terrorist...was supported and paid by Gaddafi.  I think he was behind bombing a german disco too.

Reagan wanted he dead bad because Libya was supporting Iran against Iraq, and de US was financng and supplying Saddam with intelligence and arms.  

I also rememebr US attacking Libyan ships in teh late 80's I was living in london at the time.  and I remeber a police woman was killed outside de Libyan emabssy and de people inside did fire and kill her, but dem claim immunity and fled to Libya

Jes recently doh, the man say he was responsible for the Pan Am Lockerbie bombing and paid up money and sat he this?.

Title: Re: First America... then the World
Post by: truetrini on January 22, 2009, 01:36:29 PM
waayyz  :o
look how allyuh men fawnin over one ah de wuss dictator and terrorist on de globe,,, just because he put some nice words on a page eh?

de ghosts of lockerbie go pull allyuh toe..tee

"he may be a bastard, but he's our bastard"

I eh fawning over him at all, you post before my last pos on him.  He is no saint guy...doh rush de brush, yuh go get dab!
Title: Re: First America... then the World
Post by: capodetutticapi on January 22, 2009, 01:37:45 PM
reagan was supplyin BOTH iraq and iran
Title: Re: First America... then the World
Post by: ribbit on January 22, 2009, 01:39:46 PM
He was also a BIG time supporter of so-called terror groups in Africa and particularly Liberia, ...

côte d'ivoire aussi.
Title: Re: First America... then the World
Post by: truetrini on January 22, 2009, 01:40:44 PM
reagan was supplyin BOTH iraq and iran

yep Iran Contra affair...dat get him de name de Teflon prez...nutten sticks
Title: Re: First America... then the World
Post by: truetrini on January 22, 2009, 01:41:40 PM
He was also a BIG time supporter of so-called terror groups in Africa and particularly Liberia, ...

côte d'ivoire aussi.

thanks cyar rememebr everything, but that man eh easy...still, jes this stance by him is heartening

Title: Re: First America... then the World
Post by: Bakes on January 22, 2009, 02:06:56 PM
waayyz  :o
look how allyuh men fawnin over one ah de wuss dictator and terrorist on de globe,,, just because he put some nice words on a page eh?

de ghosts of lockerbie go pull allyuh toe..tee

"he may be a bastard, but he's our bastard"

Worst dictator?  You have proof to back this up... or is this more of your usual empty (and empty-headed) rhetoric?

As for Lockerbie... he's already paid his penance and made amends.
Title: Re: First America... then the World
Post by: capodetutticapi on January 22, 2009, 02:16:52 PM
waayyz  :o
look how allyuh men fawnin over one ah de wuss dictator and terrorist on de globe,,, just because he put some nice words on a page eh?

de ghosts of lockerbie go pull allyuh toe..tee

"he may be a bastard, but he's our bastard"

Worst dictator?  You have proof to back this up... or is this more of your usual empty (and empty-headed) rhetoric?

As for Lockerbie... he's already paid his penance and made amends.
only god could say if he pay he penance,as fuh amends,yuh tink de families that get money for their lost is kosher now.
Title: Re: First America... then the World
Post by: Bakes on January 22, 2009, 04:11:01 PM
waayyz  :o
look how allyuh men fawnin over one ah de wuss dictator and terrorist on de globe,,, just because he put some nice words on a page eh?

de ghosts of lockerbie go pull allyuh toe..tee

"he may be a bastard, but he's our bastard"

Worst dictator?  You have proof to back this up... or is this more of your usual empty (and empty-headed) rhetoric?

As for Lockerbie... he's already paid his penance and made amends.
only god could say if he pay he penance,as fuh amends,yuh tink de families that get money for their lost is kosher now.

Fella, anytime someone loses a loved one the wound never heals... so to judge by their subjective standard, no he hasn't paid enough.  I have West Indian friends who lost family members aboard that flight... so trust I not just talking from some distance.  People feel is only white people died aboard Pan Am Flight 103?

His 'penance' for his support of terrorism was global isolation and ostracization which brought pressure on Khaddafi and undue suffering on his people.  Reprisal US airstrikes hit his personal compound killing close family members including a daughter.  He has renounced terrorism and paid reparations not only to families of victims of Flight 103, but also to victims of terrorists organizations like Abu Nidal.  I'm sure the family of Leon Klinghoffer might argue otherwise but the man has paid his penance to the global society... whatever other debt remains outstanding is between him and his God.
Title: Re: First America... then the World
Post by: WestCoast on January 22, 2009, 04:39:55 PM
well the Arab Nations have to accept the Nation of Israel and I think a good starting point would be to recognise the borders as set out in the Green Line (
Untill then, there will be no lasting peace in that part of the world.

In addition, this call for "The One-State Solution" is too far fetched to say the least
just my two cents
Title: Re: First America... then the World
Post by: Deeks on January 22, 2009, 05:35:26 PM
It was an insightful presentation, but he is still an snake. Sorry......
Title: Re: First America... then the World
Post by: capodetutticapi on January 22, 2009, 08:10:36 PM
waayyz  :o
look how allyuh men fawnin over one ah de wuss dictator and terrorist on de globe,,, just because he put some nice words on a page eh?

de ghosts of lockerbie go pull allyuh toe..tee

"he may be a bastard, but he's our bastard"

Worst dictator?  You have proof to back this up... or is this more of your usual empty (and empty-headed) rhetoric?

As for Lockerbie... he's already paid his penance and made amends.
only god could say if he pay he penance,as fuh amends,yuh tink de families that get money for their lost is kosher now.

Fella, anytime someone loses a loved one the wound never heals... so to judge by their subjective standard, no he hasn't paid enough.  I have West Indian friends who lost family members aboard that flight... so trust I not just talking from some distance.  People feel is only white people died aboard Pan Am Flight 103?

His 'penance' for his support of terrorism was global isolation and ostracization which brought pressure on Khaddafi and undue suffering on his people.  Reprisal US airstrikes hit his personal compound killing close family members including a daughter.  He has renounced terrorism and paid reparations not only to families of victims of Flight 103, but also to victims of terrorists organizations like Abu Nidal.  I'm sure the family of Leon Klinghoffer might argue otherwise but the man has paid his penance to the global society... whatever other debt remains outstanding is between him and his God.
bakes that is basically wuh i say,u just use more words.
Title: Re: First America... then the World
Post by: Bakes on January 22, 2009, 08:26:47 PM
bakes that is basically wuh i say,u just use more words.

Uhm... no.

You said "only God" can say if he's paid his penance.

I'm telling you he HAS paid his penance to the rest of the world.... and if you think he has some 'sin' to account for then that's between him and the God of his understanding.
Title: Re: First America... then the World
Post by: capodetutticapi on January 22, 2009, 08:48:27 PM
bakes that is basically wuh i say,u just use more words.

Uhm... no.

You said "only God" can say if he's paid his penance.

I'm telling you he HAS paid his penance to the rest of the world.... and if you think he has some 'sin' to account for then that's between him and the God of his understanding.
penance n. An act of self-mortification or devotion performed voluntarily to show sorrow for a sin or other wrongdoing.
only he and he god could say if he pay he like that have no remorse.
Title: Re: First America... then the World
Post by: Bakes on January 23, 2009, 12:02:04 AM
penance n. An act of self-mortification or devotion performed voluntarily to show sorrow for a sin or other wrongdoing.
only he and he god could say if he pay he like that have no remorse.

Thank you Dr. Freud... anything else you want to share with us now that you've looked into his soul?
Title: Re: First America... then the World
Post by: Dutty on January 23, 2009, 09:08:52 AM
waayyz  :o
look how allyuh men fawnin over one ah de wuss dictator and terrorist on de globe,,, just because he put some nice words on a page eh?

de ghosts of lockerbie go pull allyuh toe..tee

"he may be a bastard, but he's our bastard"

Worst dictator?  You have proof to back this up... or is this more of your usual empty (and empty-headed) rhetoric?

As for Lockerbie... he's already paid his penance and made amends.

ok if yuh feel better he's ah average dictator...and de wuss terrorist...and a great financier of african child soldiers

I hope when my boy fidel write nice words..allyuh is just as conciliatory

when reagan bomb he family ..dat make de man more radical
If yuh notice he pay he "penance" and amends de minute .u.k., u.s. and european firms start to increase dey oil exploration in libya....and all de "penance" he supposedly pay, he STILL eh give up de men who plant de bomb to do time in nobody jail
de man have oil & gas,, of course all ostracization go done....when yuh have oil yuh does go from terrorist to respected statesman..and write nice words

penance? man pass some small change and gettin rewarded handsomely

you is a true yankee oui..condemn who de book say condemn and forgive who dey tell yuh forgive
Title: Re: First America... then the World
Post by: Bakes on January 23, 2009, 09:35:51 AM

ok if yuh feel better he's ah average dictator...and de wuss terrorist...and a great financier of african child soldiers

I hope when my boy fidel write nice words..allyuh is just as conciliatory

when reagan bomb he family ..dat make de man more radical
If yuh notice he pay he "penance" and amends de minute .u.k., u.s. and european firms start to increase dey oil exploration in libya....and all de "penance" he supposedly pay, he STILL eh give up de men who plant de bomb to do time in nobody jail
de man have oil & gas,, of course all ostracization go done....when yuh have oil yuh does go from terrorist to respected statesman..and write nice words

penance? man pass some small change and gettin rewarded handsomely

you is a true yankee oui..condemn who de book say condemn and forgive who dey tell yuh forgive

Your mouth must be situated right next tuh yuh colon... de amount ah shit you does talk.

Whether he pay penance after foreign investment reach is beside de point... matter of fact that same "oil exploration" was the carrot used to lure him back into the graces of the international community by letting him see that he could either step up and be an equal partner at the global table, or continue to live 30 years in the past, content to be the teapot despot that he'd been since 1969.  Conditioned on the promise that he'd renounce terrorism and compensate the families, the global market was made available to him... no different than the alternative diplomacy that has been tried with Iran and the DPRK, and which likely will be put on the table now that Bush and his failed policy of isolationism has faded away.

... and yuh right, yuh can't accuse him of being any worse than yuh "boy" Fidel, unless yuh conceding that he too is "one ah de worse dictators."  You'd also have to do a lot more than call me 'yankee' to offend me, small minds grasp at straws when they find they have nothing else substantial to hold onto.
Title: Re: First America... then the World
Post by: Dutty on January 23, 2009, 09:49:49 AM

Your mouth must be situated right next tuh yuh colon... de amount ah shit you does talk.

Whether he pay penance after foreign investment reach is beside de point... matter of fact that same "oil exploration" was the carrot used to lure him back into the graces of the international community by letting him
... and yuh right, yuh can't accuse him of being any worse than yuh "boy" Fidel, unless yuh conceding that he too is "one ah de worse dictators."  You'd also have to do a lot more than call me 'yankee' to offend me, small minds grasp at straws when they find they have nothing else substantial to hold onto.

oh yeah , I'm sure the carrot of oil was to lure him back into the international community, making him a responsible leader was the ultimate had absolutely nothing to do with the countries involved simply wanting the oil & gas itself and whomever happened to be sitting on it woulda get they terrorist card revoked
Thanks for clearing that up

well yuh hadda give me credit my colon and my mouth placement, some call that efficient recycling...better than suckin uncle sam flagpole and swallowing he propagandic semen every day
Title: Re: First America... then the World
Post by: Bakes on January 23, 2009, 10:03:18 AM

Your mouth must be situated right next tuh yuh colon... de amount ah shit you does talk.

Whether he pay penance after foreign investment reach is beside de point... matter of fact that same "oil exploration" was the carrot used to lure him back into the graces of the international community by letting him
... and yuh right, yuh can't accuse him of being any worse than yuh "boy" Fidel, unless yuh conceding that he too is "one ah de worse dictators."  You'd also have to do a lot more than call me 'yankee' to offend me, small minds grasp at straws when they find they have nothing else substantial to hold onto.

oh yeah , I'm sure the carrot of oil was to lure him back into the international community, making him a responsible leader was the ultimate had absolutely nothing to do with the countries involved simply wanting the oil & gas itself and whomever happened to be sitting on it woulda get they terrorist card revoked
Thanks for clearing that up

If they wanted it that bad why did those self same countries organize an economic boycott of Libya in the first place... if not to show him that they was willing to starve the Libyan economy to prove a point about support for terrorism?  Make some kinda blasted sense nuh... I sure even you capable if yuh try.

well yuh hadda give me credit my colon and my mouth placement, some call that efficient recycling...better than suckin uncle sam flagpole and swallowing he propagandic semen every day

So you gone from "sucking Uncle Sam flagpole and swallowing he propagandic semen every day" to recycling yuh own filth... I cyah tell if yuh get promoted or demoted, but sounds like you've had a tough life there fella.
Title: Re: First America... then the World
Post by: Dutty on January 23, 2009, 10:13:15 AM

If they wanted it that bad why did those self same countries organize an economic boycott of Libya in the first place... if not to show him that they was willing to starve the Libyan economy to prove a point about support for terrorism?  Make some kinda blasted sense nuh... I sure even you capable if yuh try.

So you gone from "sucking Uncle Sam flagpole and swallowing he propagandic semen every day" to recycling yuh own filth... I cyah tell if yuh get promoted or demoted, but sounds like you've had a tough life there fella.


ay genius...try and factor in russia nah....dem never condemn khadaafi as no terrorist and was happy to drill for all the oil and make all the money themselves......the u.k. and u.s. see dat and decide...nope russia not getting that bonanza for themselves,,,we want in abundant resources? and all we hadda do is pretend that f**ker quaddafi is a nice guy and convince him to make amends?...done deal!!
make sense now?

hear nah...I all for hypocrisy yuh know...I understand dat is how de world does it go

......and allyuh great NASA astronauts does recycle they own piss into pure drinkin water? recyclin just as clean fren
Title: Re: First America... then the World
Post by: pecan on January 23, 2009, 10:25:36 AM

Title: Re: First America... then the World
Post by: Dutty on January 23, 2009, 10:26:21 AM


dais orville redenbacher yuh eatin dey??...........yankee popcorn is de BESTEST
Title: Re: First America... then the World
Post by: Bakes on January 23, 2009, 10:32:42 AM
ay genius...try and factor in russia nah....dem never condemn khadaafi as no terrorist and was happy to drill for all the oil and make all the money themselves......the u.k. and u.s. see dat and decide...nope russia not getting that bonanza for themselves,,,we want in abundant resources? and all we hadda do is pretend that f**ker quaddafi is a nice guy and convince him to make amends?...done deal!!
make sense now?

hear nah...I all for hypocrisy yuh know...I understand dat is how de world does it go

......and allyuh great NASA astronauts does recycle they own piss into pure drinkin water? recyclin just as clean fren

Ay geniass... if Russia was such a threat to the US and UK market why did Qaddaffi capitulate?  Oho... he bring in de US and UK tuh compete wid Russia and drive up de price.  Except that makes no sense because even if he negotiated a higher price outta Russia he still didn't have to turn around and pay reparations... which HE DID.

So again... my efficient waste-recycling friend... why did he give in and issued mea culpas and paid millions in reparations if Russia was such an inviting alternative?
Title: Re: First America... then the World
Post by: truetrini on January 23, 2009, 10:37:40 AM


dais orville redenbacher yuh eatin dey??...........yankee popcorn is de BESTEST

Yuh done know, who de arse eating maple syrup and Canadian bacon flavored popcorn?   Rush Limbaugh?
Title: Re: First America... then the World
Post by: Dutty on January 23, 2009, 10:40:56 AM
Well now you aksin ting that you should write yuh congressman or google about

all de background dealins of why,who when, what ha nuttn to do wit me

Maybe  Shell, Exxon and BP offer de man ah better cut of the pie...dat eh my business
All I know is he was once 'mad dog' khaddafi..,,he pass change,,nobody get ah trial for lockerbie,they ignore sierra leone and ivory he talkin appeasement wit israel


look de competition

Title: Re: First America... then the World
Post by: Dutty on January 23, 2009, 10:42:35 AM


dais orville redenbacher yuh eatin dey??...........yankee popcorn is de BESTEST

Yuh done know, who de arse eating maple syrup and Canadian bacon flavored popcorn?   Rush Limbaugh?
canadian back bacon is de main meat at IHOP's in the great 48....without dat IHOP buss oui

youre welcome
Title: Re: First America... then the World
Post by: truetrini on January 23, 2009, 10:48:46 AM
ahhmmm it is named Canadian bacon in the US and it is NOT called canadian bacon in the northern waste lands.  Canadain bacon in the US has nothing to do with Canada per is a term given to a piece of pig, hence the term Canadian bacon!

When those Canadian geese flew into the engines of the US airways jet I was hoping it was some ah dem canucks fleeing south.  dem snow brids nah..yuh know?
Title: Re: First America... then the World
Post by: pecan on January 23, 2009, 11:00:34 AM

Got to keep the trouble makers out of Canada

Ayers denied entry to Canada


Globe and Mail Update

January 19, 2009 at 6:11 PM EST

An American academic and former 1960s radical accused by U.S. vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin of being a “terrorist” friend of Barack Obama's has been denied entry into Canada to speak at an education conference.

William Ayers, a distinguished education professor from the University of Illinois at Chicago, said he was perplexed and disappointed when the Canada Border Services Agency declared him inadmissible at the Toronto City Centre Airport on Sunday evening.

He said he has travelled to Canada more than a dozen times in the past.

“It seems very arbitrary,” he said. “The border agent said I had a conviction for a felony from 1969. I have several arrests for misdemeanours, but not for felonies.”
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Mr. Ayers, 64, was thrust into the global spotlight during the Democratic primaries last spring, when Hillary Clinton questioned Mr. Obama's association with him. In the fall, during the general election campaign, Ms. Palin told a Republican rally that Mr. Obama was “palling around with terrorists,” meaning Mr. Ayers.

The educator was a co-founder of the Weather Underground, a group that planted bombs on government property, including New York City police headquarters in 1970, the U.S. Capitol building the following year and the Pentagon in 1972.

In 1970, three group members, including Mr. Ayers's girlfriend, died when a nail bomb they were assembling went off. Mr. Ayers, the son of a wealthy Chicago philanthropist, went into hiding and resurfaced a decade later. The charges against him were eventually dropped because of prosecutorial misconduct, and he went on to refashion his life as an author and lecturer.

Mr. Ayers said Mr. Obama would have been a young child during his activist years, and that he met the president-elect long after his time as a Weatherman. They served together on the board of a charity in the 1990s and were neighbours in Chicago. “I think most people rejected that dishonest narrative about me, and of guilt by association,” Mr. Ayers said.

Anna Pape, a CBSA spokeswoman, said she cannot comment on the Ayers case. People may be denied entry into Canada for reasons of criminality, human-rights violations, security or health, she said.

Jeffrey Kugler, executive director of the Centre for Urban Schooling at the University of Toronto, called the refusal to allow the professor into the country a violation of academic freedom. His organization, which invited him to speak on the University of Toronto campus, had to move the event to a larger facility after an outpouring of interest in the wake of a Globe and Mail story last week.

“There is no one who could have thought it possible there was any danger to Canadians to letting him in,” Mr. Kugler said.

Mr. Ayers had planned to speak about education reform and to reference both the 80th birthday of Martin Luther King yesterday and the importance of Mr. Obama's inauguration today.

Paul Copeland, his lawyer, called the decision of the CBSA “arbitrary,” and said the agency could have issued Mr. Ayers a temporary resident permit.

Mr. Ayers said Canadian authorities denied him entry on one other occasion, in 2005, but that otherwise he has never had trouble entering the country. He also travels to China, Taiwan and the United Kingdom giving lectures on education and has written several books, including Fugitive Days and Race Course.

In a recent op-ed piece in The New York Times, Mr. Ayers acknowledged that the Weather Underground “crossed lines of legality, of propriety and perhaps even common sense.”

“Peaceful protests had failed to stop the [Vietnam] war. So we issued a screaming response. But it was not terrorism,” he wrote.

Sergio Karas, an immigration lawyer, suggested CBSA officers may have been “overly zealous,” noting that Mr. Ayers is not a member of an active radical group. “They always have discretion and in this case, considering the facts, may have needed to exercise better judgment.”
Title: Re: First America... then the World
Post by: truetrini on January 23, 2009, 11:03:02 AM
Look in all seriousness, I feel that Qaddafi doing what it takes to remove the sanctions on his once great nation.  Tripoli, once a great city is crumbling, he pictures all over de place, they fraid he dey bad, he and Castro in de same boat as far as I concerned.  

I just find in recent times, that the economic sanctions took their toll and now he is capitulating to the West.  He is certainly NOT as restrictive as far as movement of his citizens are concerned and the internet is everywhere, they ahve much modern accouchements, people can buy cars, but the fact is SANCTIONS HAS stifled development there.

he has given in and is saying the right things.

Do we continue to ostracize him or open the hands of friendship and give him rewards for changing his stance and rhetoric?

And Pecan, Canada is so far behind it is shocking that they could deny entry to a man like Ayres yet let all those radical Arabs into their country (Sic)

That is the real question!

Stop all the anti American and anti canadian shit and answer that question!
Title: Re: First America... then the World
Post by: Bakes on January 23, 2009, 11:04:08 AM
Well now you aksin ting that you should write yuh congressman or google about

all de background dealins of why,who when, what ha nuttn to do wit me

Maybe  Shell, Exxon and BP offer de man ah better cut of the pie...dat eh my business
All I know is he was once 'mad dog' khaddafi..,,he pass change,,nobody get ah trial for lockerbie,they ignore sierra leone and ivory he talkin appeasement wit israel


look de competition


So in other words yuh have no proof to support yuh empty-headed talk that it was American and British greed and not Libyan need that send Qaddafi back tuh de negotiating table... understood.

In case yuh still want to say that the sanctions and isolation didn't force Qaddafi hand you should know that it was Libya who proposed the compensation package, which according to the American lawyers for the Libyan government totalled $10 million dollars for each family, brokend down accordingly:

40% of the money would be released when United Nations sanctions, suspended in 1999, were cancelled;
40% when U.S. trade sanctions were lifted; and
the final 20% when the U.S. State Department removed Libya from its list of states sponsoring terrorism.

Yeah... so tell we again how de Americans and Brits run back quick quick tuh buy up Libyan oil.

As fuh dis bullshit "All I know is he was once 'mad dog' khaddafi..,,he pass change,,nobody get ah trial for lockerbie,"... oh really, so what Al Megrahi doing rotting in ah Scottish jail de past 7 yrs for?  

Instead ah trying tuh be America's favorite jockey shorts and riding up it bamsee all de time, try and get yuh facts straight before yuh start talking next time... doh let de second-class status bad up yuh head so.
Title: Re: First America... then the World
Post by: Bakes on January 23, 2009, 11:08:13 AM
Look in all seriousness, I feel that Qaddafi doing what it takes to remove the sanctions on his once great nation.  Tripoli, once a great city is crumbling, he pictures all over de place, they fraid he dey bad, he and Castro in de same boat as far as I concerned.  

I just find in recent times, that the economic sanctions took their toll and now he is capitulating to the West.  He is certainly NOT as restrictive as far as movement of his citizens are concerned and the internet is everywhere, they ahve much modern accouchements, people can buy cars, but the fact is SANCTIONS HAS stifled development there.

he has given in and is saying the right things.

Do we continue to ostracize him or open the hands of friendship and give him rewards for changing his stance and rhetoric?

What sanctions?  Yuh realize sanctions was lifted since last year, right?
Title: Re: First America... then the World
Post by: truetrini on January 23, 2009, 11:13:49 AM
Look in all seriousness, I feel that Qaddafi doing what it takes to remove the sanctions on his once great nation.  Tripoli, once a great city is crumbling, he pictures all over de place, they fraid he dey bad, he and Castro in de same boat as far as I concerned.  

I just find in recent times, that the economic sanctions took their toll and now he is capitulating to the West.  He is certainly NOT as restrictive as far as movement of his citizens are concerned and the internet is everywhere, they ahve much modern accouchements, people can buy cars, but the fact is SANCTIONS HAS stifled development there.

he has given in and is saying the right things.

Do we continue to ostracize him or open the hands of friendship and give him rewards for changing his stance and rhetoric?

What sanctions?  Yuh realize sanctions was lifted since last year, right?

yes fren, I am saying he made the changes needed to get them lifted,,,thats why he has been brought into the international fold again...I am saying should we continue to ostracize him becasue of his past indiscretions or do we say ok, he is willing to change, he is changing and so lets soften up to continue further changes.
Title: Re: First America... then the World
Post by: Bakes on January 23, 2009, 11:29:38 AM

yes fren, I am saying he made the changes needed to get them lifted,,,thats why he has been brought into the international fold again...I am saying should we continue to ostracize him becasue of his past indiscretions or do we say ok, he is willing to change, he is changing and so lets soften up to continue further changes.

Oho... because earlier yuh said "Qaddafi doing what it takes to remove the sanctions"... implication being that this "One State" stance is part ah dat effort when it isn't.
Title: Re: First America... then the World
Post by: Dutty on January 23, 2009, 11:33:37 AM

So in other words yuh have no proof to support yuh empty-headed talk that it was American and British greed and not Libyan need that send Qaddafi back tuh de negotiating table... understood.

In case yuh still want to say that the sanctions and isolation didn't force Qaddafi hand you should know that it was Libya who proposed the compensation package, which according to the American lawyers for the Libyan government totalled $10 million dollars for each family, brokend down accordingly:

40% of the money would be released when United Nations sanctions, suspended in 1999, were cancelled;
40% when U.S. trade sanctions were lifted; and
the final 20% when the U.S. State Department removed Libya from its list of states sponsoring terrorism.

Yeah... so tell we again how de Americans and Brits run back quick quick tuh buy up Libyan oil.

As fuh dis bullshit "All I know is he was once 'mad dog' khaddafi..,,he pass change,,nobody get ah trial for lockerbie,"... oh really, so what Al Megrahi doing rotting in ah Scottish jail de past 7 yrs for?  

Instead ah trying tuh be America's favorite jockey shorts and riding up it bamsee all de time, try and get yuh facts straight before yuh start talking next time... doh let de second-class status bad up yuh head so.

well dred yuh known for yuh relentless maybe I should have said...I doh really care to type and/or cut & paste ah whole bunch of follow ups you could do that yuhself

anyway according to who?? your article say..AMERICAN lawyers is khaddafi who propose the compensation pkg?
well of course, anyting dem say hadda be gospel

ok I go take your propganda....and raise yuh propganda cubed

"By Clinton's second term, his administration was coming under strong pressure from American oil firms because in defiance of U.N. and E.U. sanctions, Italy's ENI, France's Total, and Spain's Pepsol already had large-scale operations in Libya. They Americans were simply trying to keep a low profile. By 2003 when Qaddafi made his miraculous "conversion" from pariah to citizen, over a hundred foreign oil firms were producing and refining oil, supplying equipment for the digging of wells and oil production, and none of them were American. That was doubly insulting to "Big Oil" since it was Standard Oil of New Jersey (later known at Exxon and now ExxonMobile) that had first discovered oil in the country in 1959.
" ( ( (

Moreover...the fellah in the scottish jail is not the only man responsible for lockerbie...and is years allyuh same yankee lawyers askin Khaddafi to turn them over for trial....they have never been produced

The underlying point is he is still a terrorist....he has never had a change of heart but a change of pocket and that works wonders

Title: Re: First America... then the World
Post by: Bakes on January 23, 2009, 11:58:09 AM
well dred yuh known for yuh relentless maybe I should have said...I doh really care to type and/or cut & paste ah whole bunch of follow ups you could do that yuhself

anyway according to who?? your article say..AMERICAN lawyers is khaddafi who propose the compensation pkg?
well of course, anyting dem say hadda be gospel

ok I go take your propganda....and raise yuh propganda cubed

"By Clinton's second term, his administration was coming under strong pressure from American oil firms because in defiance of U.N. and E.U. sanctions, Italy's ENI, France's Total, and Spain's Pepsol already had large-scale operations in Libya. They Americans were simply trying to keep a low profile. By 2003 when Qaddafi made his miraculous "conversion" from pariah to citizen, over a hundred foreign oil firms were producing and refining oil, supplying equipment for the digging of wells and oil production, and none of them were American. That was doubly insulting to "Big Oil" since it was Standard Oil of New Jersey (later known at Exxon and now ExxonMobile) that had first discovered oil in the country in 1959.
" ( ( (

Moreover...the fellah in the scottish jail is not the only man responsible for lockerbie...and is years allyuh same yankee lawyers askin Khaddafi to turn them over for trial....they have never been produced

The underlying point is he is still a terrorist....he has never had a change of heart but a change of pocket and that works wonders


Not fuh nutten... you real dense dred.  Notice I said "Qaddafi's OWN AMERICAN LAWYERS"... so unless your assertion is that de man lawyers lying on him I see no reason to disbelieve what they said.  Besides, all you have to do is look at the structure of the compensation package and you'll see that Libya was clearly motivated by the removal of sanctions and the restoration of its standing as a full-accepted global citizen.  It's right there before your eyes.

Additionally... according to your conspiracy du jour website... pressure was mounting since 15 yrs ago, and presumably the oil companies have been back in Libya by now.  Yet is only two-three months ago he signed the compensation agreement... if he already had the oil companies money... why he still paying out nearly $2.15 billion dollars to the families, if not to regain normalized status? 
The answer easy enuh.. even by your standards hamster... ah juss want to see if yuh could hop off yuh wheel long enough to find it.  As for al-Megrahi... you must be de only jackass claiming he not responsible.  The only oustanding issue is the guilt of others, since he clearly wasn't the only one involved.
Title: Re: First America... then the World
Post by: Dutty on January 23, 2009, 12:01:14 PM

Additionally... according to your conspiracy du jour website... pressure was mounting since 15 yrs ago, and presumably the oil companies have been back in Libya by now.  Yet is only two-three months ago he signed the compensation agreement... if he already had the oil companies money... why he still paying out nearly $2.15 billion dollars to the families, if not to regain normalized status? 

It's part of the deal!! and you callin ME dense
The pittance of money is insignificant comapred to the windfall.....again the point is...HE didnt come in from the de people dat wanted the oil turn a terrorist/dictator and repackage him very nicely

The answer easy enuh.. even by your standards hamster... ah juss want to see if yuh could hop off yuh wheel long enough to find it.  As for al-Megrahi... you must be de only jackass claiming he not responsible.  The only oustanding issue is the guilt of others, since he clearly wasn't the only one involved.

but is you who aks about the ONE man in de scottish jail...conveniently omitting the others...I glad EYE is de only jackass dat mention ONE man in jail

Yuh know what stunning dat you defending Khaddafi as ah fellah who suddenly turn good, as if sanctions was ever makin he suffer.
Title: Re: First America... then the World
Post by: pecan on January 23, 2009, 12:09:54 PM
Look in all seriousness, I feel that Qaddafi doing what it takes to remove the sanctions on his once great nation.  Tripoli, once a great city is crumbling, he pictures all over de place, they fraid he dey bad, he and Castro in de same boat as far as I concerned.  

I just find in recent times, that the economic sanctions took their toll and now he is capitulating to the West.  He is certainly NOT as restrictive as far as movement of his citizens are concerned and the internet is everywhere, they ahve much modern accouchements, people can buy cars, but the fact is SANCTIONS HAS stifled development there.

he has given in and is saying the right things.

Do we continue to ostracize him or open the hands of friendship and give him rewards for changing his stance and rhetoric?

And Pecan, Canada is so far behind it is shocking that they could deny entry to a man like Ayres yet let all those radical Arabs into their country (Sic)

That is the real question!

Stop all the anti American and anti canadian shit and answer that question!

Denying Ayers entry was BS.  He should have been allowed in.  This was a personal vendetta (speculation only).
Title: Re: First America... then the World
Post by: Bakes on January 23, 2009, 12:54:32 PM

Additionally... according to your conspiracy du jour website... pressure was mounting since 15 yrs ago, and presumably the oil companies have been back in Libya by now.  Yet is only two-three months ago he signed the compensation agreement... if he already had the oil companies money... why he still paying out nearly $2.15 billion dollars to the families, if not to regain normalized status? 

It's part of the deal!! and you callin ME dense
The pittance of money is insignificant comapred to the windfall.....again the point is...HE didnt come in from the de people dat wanted the oil turn a terrorist/dictator and repackage him very nicely

Oho... so de deal was leh we come and invest in yuh oil... and 15 yrs later you gih de family and dem some money and we go call it even.  Righto.

Was Verenex Energy part ah dat deal too... because dem get ah big license 3 yrs ago enuh.... ah hope Canada wasn't party tuh de bobol.... because dem too was putting pressure on Libya  8)

but is you who aks about the ONE man in de scottish jail...conveniently omitting the others...I glad EYE is de only jackass dat mention ONE man in jail

Yuh know what stunning dat you defending Khaddafi as ah fellah who suddenly turn good, as if sanctions was ever makin he suffer.


No.  I didn't ask about anything... YOU said "nobody get ah trial for Lockerbie", when in fact the Libyan government cooperated in turning over al Megrahi and de next one Fhimah to Scottish officials in 1999.  YOU tried to make it seem like Libya did it thing and get away scot free when in fact Libya turn around and handed them over.  I pointed that out to you and yuh claim that he not de only one... I just saying he might'n be de only one, but at least somebody has been held accountable... and his guilt is beyond doubt, having survived two indepth appeals.

Nobody saying Qaddafi suddenly turn good... but at least he doing good things and attempting to turn over a new leaf.  By any measure that should be applauded.  But doh worry... I go leave yuh so yuh could get back on yuh wheel now.
Title: Re: First America... then the World
Post by: pecan on January 23, 2009, 01:34:24 PM
doh worry, he go win the nobel peace prize soon.  Just like Arrafat.
Title: Re: First America... then the World
Post by: Dutty on January 23, 2009, 01:48:36 PM
aahh boy...ah see yuh turn shaolin googlemaster today....callin ah setta name yuh didnt have previously
yuh hittin dat keyboard with ah tiger claw today eh?...nice

Admittedly I dont know who Fihmah is nor Venerex energy.....and since I doh see ah link I go hadda take your word for whatever yuh type dey.....also I was unaware that Khaddafi turned over anybody to anyone.

ok we simplyfyin dis like last time

Ghaddafi=Terrorist and dictator..WITH oil and gas but he is under sanctions...oh noo  :'(

Italian, dutch,french oil companies say f**k dem sanctions..we drillin 8)

U.S. & U.K. big oil boys lickin dey chops..say "we want in too....but we hands tied by international law? it go look?"
U.S. & U.K. bigoilco put pressure on dey governments to ensure dat dey get dey share of de money what sharin in libya  :drool:

Governemts do they usual wheel and deal behind the scenes to make tings happen....miraculously...Khaddafi has decided to repent for his checkered past  ::)

Nice everybody flowin...everybody happy
(time passes)
Khaddafi doh just want money alone now...he want to be a statesman..he want off de terrorist to do dat?
"when I orf de terrorists lists I could do plenty more with my new found oil money,,,like maybe build nuclear power plants"  :thinking:...says khaddafi
(more time passes...because that what time does)

"Well Khaddafi"..says governments..."just so we dont look like hypocrites you have to make some grand gestures to the world...make appeasements, pay off families from lockerbie...and allll will be well"  :liar:

Khaddafi does all that is required....and now former terrorist mad dog is now..a nice happy leader with everyome..shakes hands with everyone, smiles, and smokes a hookah pipe full of the best opium
(time passes)  :cheers:

Construction begins on new roads, buildings anbd nuclear plants....guess the country that has firms tendering to build said plants?...guess? go head guess?

All is well, to the worker appears Khaddafi came begging to be let in the international door and he has turned a new leaf western governments save face by showing everyone they are in control and not bigoilco  :clown:

Hooray Hooray for longer a terrorist but a nice guy  :angel:

The End
Title: Re: First America... then the World
Post by: WestCoast on January 23, 2009, 02:50:03 PM
doh worry, he go win the nobel peace prize soon.  Just like Arrafat.
badabing badaboom

dem yankees like turncoats...history has proven that
what have you dun for Democracy lately, ::) is ALWAYS their cry, damn commies :devil:

And Pecan, Canada is so far behind it is shocking that they could deny entry to a man like Ayres yet let all those radical Arabs into their country (Sic)

 :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:(what a GOOD american U R)

where de ARMEN did all dem 9-11 people board their planes
Right there in the Good ole USA
Thank you very much

Carry on............... up de St. Lawrence seaway ;D
Title: Re: First America... then the World
Post by: Bakes on January 23, 2009, 03:35:21 PM
aahh boy...ah see yuh turn shaolin googlemaster today....callin ah setta name yuh didnt have previously
yuh hittin dat keyboard with ah tiger claw today eh?...nice

Admittedly I dont know who Fihmah is nor Venerex energy.....and since I doh see ah link I go hadda take your word for whatever yuh type dey.....also I was unaware that Khaddafi turned over anybody to anyone.

ok we simplyfyin dis like last time

Ghaddafi=Terrorist and dictator..WITH oil and gas but he is under sanctions...oh noo  :'(

Italian, dutch,french oil companies say f**k dem sanctions..we drillin 8)

U.S. & U.K. big oil boys lickin dey chops..say "we want in too....but we hands tied by international law? it go look?"
U.S. & U.K. bigoilco put pressure on dey governments to ensure dat dey get dey share of de money what sharin in libya  :drool:

Governemts do they usual wheel and deal behind the scenes to make tings happen....miraculously...Khaddafi has decided to repent for his checkered past  ::)

Nice everybody flowin...everybody happy
(time passes)
Khaddafi doh just want money alone now...he want to be a statesman..he want off de terrorist to do dat?
"when I orf de terrorists lists I could do plenty more with my new found oil money,,,like maybe build nuclear power plants"  :thinking:...says khaddafi
(more time passes...because that what time does)

"Well Khaddafi"..says governments..."just so we dont look like hypocrites you have to make some grand gestures to the world...make appeasements, pay off families from lockerbie...and allll will be well"  :liar:

Khaddafi does all that is required....and now former terrorist mad dog is now..a nice happy leader with everyome..shakes hands with everyone, smiles, and smokes a hookah pipe full of the best opium
(time passes)  :cheers:

Construction begins on new roads, buildings anbd nuclear plants....guess the country that has firms tendering to build said plants?...guess? go head guess?

All is well, to the worker appears Khaddafi came begging to be let in the international door and he has turned a new leaf western governments save face by showing everyone they are in control and not bigoilco  :clown:

Hooray Hooray for longer a terrorist but a nice guy  :angel:

The End

Try and disparage the information however you want it still won't help your empty argument.  If you don't know who Fhimah, al Megrahi or Verenex is... look them up, yuh have a brain see if yuh could use it without hurting yuhself.

Yuh little fanciful tale might make a nice bedtime story fuh de li'l autistic chirren who company yuh so love... but it lacks grounding in reality.  Ah dun tell yuh about tiefing dem chirren meds.

What "international law" only applies to US and UK oil companies??  Italian, French and Dutch oil companies not bound by de same law?  Earlier it was de Russians... ah guess they change dey citizenship... either that or yuh story shifting with the wind.  It would stand to reason that all of the countries mentioned above would be bound by the same international law... with an exception maybe, for the Russians... and even that is questionable.  I'm sure it all makes perfect sense to you in your special little world... so keep spinning yuh wheel hamster, yuh go reach whey yuh going soon enough...

Title: Re: First America... then the World
Post by: Dutty on January 23, 2009, 08:25:06 PM
yeh!! ah did say russians..yuh mean even though ah type it and post ah picture of putin,,, ah hadda type russia everytime....even when ah call other countries, yuh still need to see russia in print? eh ha time wit all dis setta minutiae you require

yes!! international law...u.n. sanctions wuhever,,it apply to everybody internationally...either way everybody ban,,some choose to ignore it..including russia et al..or every explanation ah hadda hol yuh han and walk yuh troo in great detail so?

you in de special needs law school or wha?
Title: Re: First America... then the World
Post by: Bakes on January 23, 2009, 09:12:36 PM
yeh!! ah did say russians..yuh mean even though ah type it and post ah picture of putin,,, ah hadda type russia everytime....even when ah call other countries, yuh still need to see russia in print? eh ha time wit all dis setta minutiae you require

yes!! international law...u.n. sanctions wuhever,,it apply to everybody internationally...either way everybody ban,,some choose to ignore it..including russia et al..or every explanation ah hadda hol yuh han and walk yuh troo in great detail so?

you in de special needs law school or wha?
lol... you really think you explaining anything tuh anybody hamster boy?  As I said, keep spinning on yuh li'l retard wheel... kill yuh dead yuh going places...

Title: Re: First America... then the World
Post by: ribbit on January 23, 2009, 09:45:05 PM
Change has indeed come.

i thought bark and shriek was making a comment on the NYT's editorial decision; now we seeing a defence of ghaddafi.  ::)

maybe next week they could run a piece by karimov.
Title: Re: First America... then the World
Post by: Bakes on January 25, 2009, 04:01:56 PM
Change has indeed come.

i thought bark and shriek was making a comment on the NYT's editorial decision; now we seeing a defence of ghaddafi.  ::)

maybe next week they could run a piece by karimov.

Fella, when you take your head out yuh c**t and allow yuh gray matter to expand then and only then you can address me.  I have no time pseudo-intellectual poseurs such as yourself.  If all you can glean from my posts is a "defence" of Ghaddafi then that is proof positive of your stunted intellect and why I need not bother waste time and energy focusing on you.
Title: Re: First America... then the World
Post by: Bakes on January 25, 2009, 04:04:44 PM
Another really good article on the issue...

Israel Must Stop Fanning the Flames That Will Consume Us

By David Grossman
Sunday, January 25, 2009

JERUSALEM- Like the pairs of foxes in the biblical story of Samson, tied together by the tail with a flaming torch between them, we and the Palestinians are dragging each other into disaster -- despite our disparate strength, and even when we try very hard to separate. And as we do, we burn the one who is bound to us, our double, our nemesis, ourselves.

So, a month after the war began, in the midst of the wave of nationalist invective now sweeping Israel, it would not hurt to keep in mind that this latest military operation in Gaza was, when all is said and done, just one more way-station on a road paved with fire, violence and hatred. On this road, you sometimes win and you sometimes lose, but in the end it leads to ruin.

As both Israel and Hamas declared their own cease-fires, we Israelis rejoiced at how this campaign has rectified Israel's military failures in the Second Lebanon War of 2006. But we should listen to the voice that says that the Israel Defense Forces' achievements are not indubitable proof that Israel was right to set out on an operation of such huge proportions; they certainly do not justify the way our army pursued its mission. The IDF's success confirms only that Israel is much stronger than Hamas, and that under certain circumstances it can be very tough and cruel.

But as the magnitude of the killing and the devastation has become apparent to all, perhaps Israeli society will, for a brief moment, put its sophisticated mechanisms of repression and self-righteousness on hold. And then perhaps a lesson of some sort will be etched into the Israeli consciousness. Maybe then we will finally understand something deep and fundamental -- that our conduct here in this region has, for a long time, been flawed, immoral and unwise. Time and again, it fans the flames that are consuming us.

Of course, the Palestinians cannot be absolved of culpability for their errors and crimes. To do so would show contempt and condescension toward them, as if they were not rational adults responsible for their mistakes and oversights.
True, the inhabitants of the Gaza Strip were in large measure "strangled" by Israel, but they, too, had other options, other ways of protesting, voicing and displaying their difficult plight. Firing thousands of rockets at innocent civilians in Israel was not their only choice. We must not forget that. We must not be forgiving of the Palestinians, as if it goes without saying that when they are in distress, their almost automatic response must be violence.

But even when the Palestinians act with reckless belligerence -- with suicide bombings and Qassam missiles -- Israel, which is many times stronger than they are, has tremendous power to control the level of violence in the conflict as a whole. As such, it can also have a profound influence on calming the conflict and extricating both sides from its cycle of destruction. This most recent military action indicates that there does not seem to be anyone in the Israeli leadership who grasps that, who fully appreciates this critical aspect of the dispute.

After all, the day will come when we will want to try to heal the wounds that we have just inflicted. How can that day come if we do not understand that our military might cannot be our principal tool for establishing our presence here, across from and among the Arab nations? How can those days come if we do not grasp the gravity of the responsibility imposed on us by our multifarious, fateful ties and connections, past and future, with the Palestinian nation in the West Bank, the Gaza Strip and inside Israel itself?

When the clouds of smoke clear, when the politicians' declarations of comprehensive, decisive victory fade, when we realize what this operation has really achieved, when we see how large the gap is between those declarations and what we really need to know in order to live a normal life in this region, when we acknowledge that an entire nation eagerly hypnotized itself because it needed so badly to believe that Gaza would cure its Lebanon malady -- then we can turn our attention to those who time and again have incited Israeli society's hubris and its exaltation of power. To those who have, for so many years, taught us to scorn belief in peace and hope for any change at all in our relations with the Arabs. To those who have persuaded us that the Arabs understand only force, and that we can speak to them only in that language.

Since we have spoken that way to them so often, and only that way, we have forgotten that there are other languages that can be used to communicate with other human beings, even enemies, even enemies as bitter as Hamas -- languages that are mother tongues to us, the Israelis, no less so than the language of the jet and the tank.

To talk to the Palestinians. That must be the central conclusion we reach from this last, bloody round of war. To talk even with those who do not recognize our right to exist here. Instead of ignoring Hamas now, we must take advantage of the new situation and enter into a dialogue to enable an accommodation with the Palestinian people as a whole. To talk, in order to understand that reality is not just the hermetically sealed story that we and the Palestinians have been telling ourselves for generations, the story that we are imprisoned within, no small part of which consists of fantasies, wishes and nightmares. To talk in order to devise, within this opaque, unhearing reality, an opportunity for speech, for that alternative -- so scorned and forlorn today -- for which, in the tempest of war, there is almost no place, no hope, no believers.

To talk as a well-considered strategy, to initiate dialogue, to insist on speech, to talk to the wall, to talk even if it seems fruitless. In the long term, this stubbornness may do far more for our future than hundreds of airplanes dropping bombs on a city and its people. To talk out of the understanding, born of the recent horrors we have seen, that the destruction we, each people in its own way, are able to cause one another is a huge and corrupting force. If we surrender to it and its logic, it will, in the end, destroy us all.

To talk, because what has taken place in Gaza over the past three weeks places before us in Israel a mirror that reflects a face that would horrify us were we to gaze on it for one moment from the outside, or if we were to see it on another nation. We would understand then that our victory is no real victory, and that the war in Gaza has not brought us any healing in that place where we desperately need a cure.
Title: Re: First America... then the World
Post by: kounty on February 02, 2009, 10:56:41 AM
 Gaddafi is such a good boy! ( fear not peoples! he'll be on the right side of every major political controversy, and wouldn't be spewing radicalism again (someone please send him an American english version of what is radical nowadays).
Title: Re: First America... then the World
Post by: Mr Fix-it on February 02, 2009, 11:32:45 AM


dais orville redenbacher yuh eatin dey??...........yankee popcorn is de BESTEST

Hahahahahah :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :beermug:
Title: Dismay as Gadhafi chosen to lead African Union
Post by: truetrini on February 02, 2009, 07:13:06 PM
By ANITA POWELL, Associated Press Writer Anita Powell, Associated Press Writer – 2 hrs 5 mins ago
Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi arrives at the African Union Meeting in Addis AP – Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi arrives at the African Union Meeting in Addis Ababa, Sunday, Feb. 1, 2009. …

ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia – Moammar Gadhafi of Libya was elected Monday as leader of the African Union, a position long sought by the eccentric dictator who wants to push his oil-rich nation into the international mainstream after years of isolation.

Gadhafi, once ostracized by the West for sponsoring terrorism, has been trying to increase both Libya's global stature and its regional influence — mediating African conflicts, sponsoring efforts to spread Islam on the continent and pushing for the creation of a single African government.

Still, some African leaders offered tepid praise for the choice of the strongman who grabbed power in a 1969 coup. Rights groups called him a poor model for Africa at a time when democratic gains are being reversed in countries such as Mauritania and Guinea.

He attended the session dressed in a gold-embroidered green robe and flanked by seven extravagantly dressed men who said they are the "traditional kings of Africa." Gadhafi told about 20 of his fellow heads of state that that he would work to unite the continent into "the United States of Africa."

Gadhafi arrived at the summit Sunday with the seven men, one carrying a 4-foot gold staff, and caused a stir when security officials did not admit them because each delegation gets only four floor passes. All seven "kings" were seated behind Gadhafi when he accepted the chairmanship.

"I think the coming time will be a time of serious work and a time of action and not words," he said.

The chairmanship of the African Union is a rotating position held by heads of state for one year and gives the holder some influence over the continent's politics but carries no real power

Diplomats who attended the closed-door meetings in which Gadhafi was chosen said several countries vigorously opposed him, seeking alternatives from Lesotho and Sierra Leone. However, the AU's chairmanship rotates among Africa's regions, and a North African had not been chaired the continental body since 2000, when Algeria held the chairmanship.

Meetings to select the chairman are held in private. The leader is usually nominated and then chosen by consensus. AU officials would not give details of the proceedings, including which countries objected.

Even in public the reception to his appointment — and the acceptance ceremony in which he invited two of the traditional kings to speak — was measured.

"I think his time has come," Liberian President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf told The Associated Press. "He's worked for it. I think it's up to us to make sure it comes out best."

Still, Gadhafi appeared to cast his selection as a victory.

"Silence means approval," he said during his acceptance speech. "If we have something and we are silent about it at the next summit it means we've accepted it."

Since he seized power Gadhafi has ruled the oil-rich state with an iron hand and the often quixotic ideology laid out in his famous "Green Book," which outlines Gadhafi's anti-democratic and economic policies.

In 2007, his regime released five Bulgarian nurses and a naturalized Palestinian doctor after eight years in prison for allegedly infecting Libyan children with HIV. The medics said they had been tortured in prison to exact a confession, a charge Gadhafi's son admitted to in a 2005 television interview when he said they had been tortured with electrodes and threats to their families. They were released following a deal struck by the European Union that involved payment of millions of dollars in aid to Libya.

"The Libyan government continues to imprison people for criticizing Gadhafi," said Reed Brody, a Brussels-based lawyer with Human Rights Watch who watched Gadhafi take the helm of the AU. "Hundreds more have been 'disappeared.' Libya has no independent NGOs and the government tightly controls all forms of public expression."

The large North African country is perhaps best known for the 1988 downing of a Pan-Am flight over Lockerbie, Scotland. All 259 people on board the flight from Heathrow to New York were killed when a bomb exploded. Another 11 people died on the ground.

The bombing prompted United Nations-imposed sanctions and breaking of diplomatic ties with Britain and the United States.

Libya has paid several billion dollars to the families of Lockerbie victims, and has accepted "general responsibility" for the attack. Sanctions have since been lifted and diplomatic ties re-established.

Gadhafi renounced terrorism in 2003.

Libya has also entered into deals with major oil companies for exploitation of its reserves and re-established diplomatic ties with the U.S.

In Washington, the State Department declined to comment specifically on Gadhafi's election but said the United States would remain engaged with the African Union.

"We are going to continue to work with the AU," spokesman Robert Wood told reporters. "It's a critical institution in terms of our dealing with the continent."

Gadhafi has also been involved in mediating the conflict in Darfur with little success. He has mediated between Chad and Sudan — both have accused each other of supporting the other's rebel groups. The Libyan leader's mediation has resulted in deals between Chad and Sudan, which have later been violated.

Libya has never held the chairmanship in the 46-year-history of the African Union and its predecessor, the Organization of African Unity. This contributed to his being denied the chairmanship of the Organization of African Unity in 1982.
Title: Re: First America... then the World
Post by: kounty on March 30, 2009, 09:41:40 AM
the dean of the Arab rulers, the king of kings of Africa and the imam of Muslims.  (
what a bright man! I wonder what event spurred him to have this new found, correct vision for justice?
Title: Re: First America... then the World
Post by: Dutty on March 30, 2009, 03:15:46 PM
the dean of the Arab rulers, the king of kings of Africa and the imam of Muslims.  (
what a bright man! I wonder what event spurred him to have this new found, correct vision for justice?

simply an internal desire to be kind and good...nothing else

perhaps one day he will spread this care bear rainbow goodness to his protege abu bakr
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