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General => General Discussion => Topic started by: mukumsplau on November 10, 2010, 09:16:40 PM

Title: Pupils collapse; parents want exorcist
Post by: mukumsplau on November 10, 2010, 09:16:40 PM
hmm...dis is one story u hadda make out of it what u may...

Pupils collapse; parents want exorcist

By Carolyn Kissoon South Bureau
Story Created: Nov 10, 2010 at 10:46 PM ECT
Story Updated: Nov 10, 2010 at 10:46 PM ECT

More than two dozen secondary school pupils were being treated at hospital last night, after they collapsed in their classrooms.
And their parents are convinced that the teenagers, all girls, are possessed by demons and are pleading for an exorcist to intervene.
The pupils were taken to the San Fernando General Hospital and Princes Town District Hospital but medical experts were unable to say what caused their children to scream and then collapse. The pupils attend Moruga Secondary School.

"The children came in here, screaming. They shouting that a fireman running them down and they running around the wards. We are trying do simple tests, like blood pressure readings, and the machines are going crazy. I don't know what is happening," a nurse said.
Parents were also called into the examination rooms to assist in restraining their daughters. The pupils were being sedated, the Express was told.

An Emergency Medical Services ambulance transporting pupils to the Princes Town District Hospital stalled a short distance away. The children were then wheeled down the sidewalk and taken into the facility. Several pupils were carried in their parents' arms.
Samuel Solomon, a parent, said the pupils began acting "unusual" following a Divali celebration at the school last week Thursday.
"My daughter came home and said a pundit was brought into the school to do prayers for the celebration and since then some children were acting strange. She said some girls were dropping on the floor and beating up. And my daughter was scared," he said.

Solomon said his daughter, Bernadette Bardouille, called yesterday morning to say pupils were "behaving strange". "I told her to say her prayers and be calm. But when I called back an hour later, someone answered the phone and said she was not there. Then a school official called and said my daughter was going to the hospital," he said.

Bardouille, 16, was being treated at the San Fernando General Hospital. "She is conscious and looks good. I heard that she had to be strapped down because she was uncontrollable. The doctors are doing blood tests and sugar tests now," he said.

Solomon believes the demons were released during the Divali pooja (Hindu prayer) at the school. "I think the man (pundit) did something wrong and released bad spirits. I think the spirits are looking for souls, but I know what to do and they not getting my child," he said.
Pundit Bramdeo Maharaj, former president of the Inter-Religious Organisation, insisted that the children were not possessed by demons.

"If the pundit made an error, the Lord would not punish the children. If the pundit did something wrong, he would be punished. So to say that something went wrong in the pooja is baseless. Maybe someone brought in sweets to the function and they were not good. That needs to be investigated," he said.
Maharaj said God will not punish children for a pundit's mistake.
Title: Re: Pupils collapse; parents want exorcist
Post by: D.H.W on November 10, 2010, 09:26:28 PM
Lord exorcist? people like the jump first on the supernatural before ruling out the natural, i will comment no more.
Title: Re: Pupils collapse; parents want exorcist
Post by: mukumsplau on November 10, 2010, 09:32:55 PM
Lord exorcist? people like the jump first on the supernatural before ruling out the natural, i will comment no more.

well, d kinda stories i hear from moruga...
Title: Re: Pupils collapse; parents want exorcist
Post by: D.H.W on November 10, 2010, 09:36:32 PM
please share i would like some scary stories before i go and sleep  :devil:
Title: Re: Pupils collapse; parents want exorcist
Post by: elan on November 10, 2010, 09:46:35 PM
aaay watch how alyuh talking about Moruga.
Title: Re: Pupils collapse; parents want exorcist
Post by: dinho on November 10, 2010, 11:34:23 PM
So what is a possible medical cause for this one?
Title: Re: Pupils collapse; parents want exorcist
Post by: mukumsplau on November 10, 2010, 11:53:22 PM
So what is a possible medical cause for this one?

i relly aint kno wat cud be a possible medical cause na but d ting too creepy..if what the article says is true that more than two dozen were affected and that indeed was the behaviour they were getting on with and they were really sending the medical equipment wild then....

but then again when u couple trini journalism wit trinis(d eye or hear witnesses) natural talent for embellishing stuff..i dunno..
Title: Re: Pupils collapse; parents want exorcist
Post by: Bakes on November 11, 2010, 12:11:32 AM
So what is a possible medical cause for this one?

i relly aint kno wat cud be a possible medical cause na but d ting too creepy..if what the article says is true that more than two dozen were affected and that indeed was the behaviour they were getting on with and they were really sending the medical equipment wild then....

but then again when u couple trini journalism wit trinis(d eye or hear witnesses) natural talent for embellishing stuff..i dunno..

Ha ha... there you go.

Doh discount mass hysteria either, especially not among this particular demographic.
Title: Re: Pupils collapse; parents want exorcist
Post by: FF on November 11, 2010, 07:26:46 AM
So what is a possible medical cause for this one?

i relly aint kno wat cud be a possible medical cause na but d ting too creepy..if what the article says is true that more than two dozen were affected and that indeed was the behaviour they were getting on with and they were really sending the medical equipment wild then....

but then again when u couple trini journalism wit trinis(d eye or hear witnesses) natural talent for embellishing stuff..i dunno..

Ha ha... there you go.

Doh discount mass hysteria either, especially not among this particular demographic.

i now going and say this... females are particularly susceptible. I ent being sexist.. is de truth
Title: Re: Pupils collapse; parents want exorcist
Post by: Brownsugar on November 11, 2010, 07:35:58 AM
Tony and Dale just tried to interview a Pastor who is on the school compound right now.  The man started the interview, he stated that there is a lot of demon possession at the school and before he could continue he had to cut short the interview because quite audibly in the background screaming school children could be heard.....

Ah eh goh was friggin creepy to listen to....
Title: Re: Pupils collapse; parents want exorcist
Post by: mukumsplau on November 11, 2010, 07:44:33 AM
is there any (solid) medical basis for "mass hysteria"?
Title: Re: Pupils collapse; parents want exorcist
Post by: Jumbie on November 11, 2010, 07:53:34 AM
where pecan?
Title: Re: Pupils collapse; parents want exorcist
Post by: Brownsugar on November 11, 2010, 07:56:22 AM
Ok, ah now read the article above.  Ah really wasn't following the story until the pastor tried to talk this morning.  Lawd fadder.....
Title: Re: Pupils collapse; parents want exorcist
Post by: Bourbon on November 11, 2010, 08:14:32 AM
Panic broke out at the Moruga Composite School yesterday as 17 female students fell mysteriously ill and began rolling on the ground, hissing and blabbering in a strange tongue, after suffering bouts of nausea and headaches. Two of the students reportedly tried to throw themselves off a railing and had to be physically restrained, triggering fears of a possible demon attack. The drama started during the lunch hour in the Form One block and quickly spread to other areas. Form Five student Kern Mollineau, who attends the Lighthouse Tabernacle Church, said he got worried when the girls’ eyes began rolling up in their heads and they began beating up on the ground.

With the assistance of several other students and teachers, the pupils were taken to the multi-purpose hall where some of them fell into a semi-conscious state. Mollineau recalled: “One girl was blabbering as if in a strange language. I could not understand what she was saying. “It was sounding like ‘shebbaberbebeb shhhhee.’ The girls were unusually strong. We had to hold them down so that they will not hurt themselves. “The teachers were right there. I get a kick in my face when one of the girls started beating up on the floor. Many of them had bruises.” Mollineau claimed he actually communicated with the “devil which had possessed the girl. “I asked the Devil what he wanted with the girls and the voice said he wanted a life. He kept saying to send the girls in the toilet and to leave them alone,” Mollineau claimed.

Roman Catholic priests, as well as pastors from nearby churches, including Josephine Charles, Deborah Charles and Pastor Gordon, visited the school and began showering the children with holy water and prayers. Two more students, Kriston Mollineau and Kishon Bethel, said they too were called by teachers to assist the ill girls. Kriston said the girls complained of headaches and some of them wanted to go to the toilet. Six ambulances arrived at the school accompanied by police teams from the Moruga and St Mary’s Police Post. A party of fire officers from the Princes Town Fire Station, led by acting Assistant Divisional Fire Officer Ramdeo Boodoo visited the school and began conducting several tests on the surroundings to determine the cause of the problem.

Boodoo said there was nothing in the environment to trigger fainting spells, nausea and headaches. A teacher, who requested anonymity, said two weeks ago an Orisha woman came to the school and had a dispute with a member of staff. He said following the dispute, the woman threatened to deal with the school administration. Another teacher said the school was built on a burial site, but neighbours who live around the school denied that was so. A source at the school confirmed that all 17 pupils were taken to the Princes Town Health Facility where they were medically examined. The other students were sent home at 2 pm.

Responding yesterday, Minister in the Ministry of Education Clifton de Coteau said he was aware that pupils had to be taken for medical attention. De Coteau said Student Support Service officials were sent to the school and students were expected to receive counselling. A statement from the Ministry of Education said the Public Transport Service Corporation (PTSC) made maxi taxis available to the school to assist the Office for Disaster Preparedness and Management (ODPM) which provided additional ambulances.

Title: Re: Pupils collapse; parents want exorcist
Post by: D.H.W on November 11, 2010, 08:29:14 AM
well i really having a hard time swallowing all this eh, but i would love to see this on video , hopefully the news have it tonight.
Title: Re: Pupils collapse; parents want exorcist
Post by: FF on November 11, 2010, 08:45:26 AM
is there any (solid) medical basis for "mass hysteria"?

it is a psychological phenomenon, which is more plausible than demon possession

Title: Re: Pupils collapse; parents want exorcist
Post by: Touches on November 11, 2010, 08:56:43 AM

That is serious ting...especially since is more than one child affected. The spirit(s) strong.

Even the person to drive out the spirit has to be strong/gifted.

Doh make joke with them kinda ting.

See the vomiting/nausea/eye rolling in the head/speech and strength unbecoming of an individual...they ent in control.

Title: Re: Pupils collapse; parents want exorcist
Post by: D.H.W on November 11, 2010, 09:06:42 AM
let we get more facts on the story before jumping to conclusion nah.
Title: Re: Pupils collapse; parents want exorcist
Post by: Bourbon on November 11, 2010, 09:08:24 AM
"If the pundit made an error, the Lord would not punish the children. If the pundit did something wrong, he would be punished. So to say that something went wrong in the pooja is baseless. Maybe someone brought in sweets to the function and they were not good. That needs to be investigated," he said.
Maharaj said God will not punish children for a pundit's mistake.

Wha de sweets hadda do with it?

Title: Re: Pupils collapse; parents want exorcist
Post by: elan on November 11, 2010, 09:21:21 AM
is there any (solid) medical basis for "mass hysteria"?

it is a psychological phenomenon, which is more plausible than demon possession

But something had to trigger the hysteria.
Title: Re: Pupils collapse; parents want exorcist
Post by: mukumsplau on November 11, 2010, 09:25:49 AM
"If the pundit made an error, the Lord would not punish the children. If the pundit did something wrong, he would be punished. So to say that something went wrong in the pooja is baseless. Maybe someone brought in sweets to the function and they were not good. That needs to be investigated," he said.
Maharaj said God will not punish children for a pundit's mistake.

Wha de sweets hadda do with it?

sweets are prayed upon. personally i dont deal up with the sweets..if i dont subscribe to your faith then there is no reason for me to really  consume stuff that you pray upon...thaz me...ihav rel hindu bredrin and at first they felt slighted but they understood..

Title: Re: Pupils collapse; parents want exorcist
Post by: Bourbon on November 11, 2010, 09:36:18 AM
"If the pundit made an error, the Lord would not punish the children. If the pundit did something wrong, he would be punished. So to say that something went wrong in the pooja is baseless. Maybe someone brought in sweets to the function and they were not good. That needs to be investigated," he said.
Maharaj said God will not punish children for a pundit's mistake.

Wha de sweets hadda do with it?

sweets are prayed upon. personally i dont deal up with the sweets..if i dont subscribe to your faith then there is no reason for me to really  consume stuff that you pray upon...thaz me...ihav rel hindu bredrin and at first they felt slighted but they understood..

So from dat...yuh could infer dat de pundit saying that some malicious person brought sweets to cause mischief?
Title: Re: Pupils collapse; parents want exorcist
Post by: TriniCana on November 11, 2010, 09:39:15 AM
Bishop Mendes dead so the next man to call is Fadda Taylor. I believe he preaching at La Lune RC these days.

Ent Elan?

But I won't doubt this story at all.

Anyhoo this part of the article had me stunned.

Solomon believes the demons were released during the Divali pooja (Hindu prayer) at the school. "I think the man (pundit) did something wrong and released bad spirits. I think the spirits are looking for souls, but I know what to do and they not getting my child," he said.
Pundit Bramdeo Maharaj, former president of the Inter-Religious Organisation, insisted that the children were not possessed by demons.

"If the pundit made an error, the Lord would not punish the children. If the pundit did something wrong, he would be punished. So to say that something went wrong in the pooja is baseless. Maybe someone brought in sweets to the function and they were not good. That needs to be investigated," he said.
Maharaj said God will not punish children for a pundit's mistake.

Soooooooo all the sweetie neighbor and dem bringing for we after dey divali prayers and we eating like it's juss come, how do we chupid people know what good and what's not?  Because to tell you the truth, I've never seen none of my east Indian neighbors eat dere sweets.

I"m a big sucker for Goolab Jamoon and the milky one, and ah still around cussing people and living good life. steupse!!!

Title: Re: Pupils collapse; parents want exorcist
Post by: Brownsugar on November 11, 2010, 09:53:54 AM
Really??!! Dey does pray on de sweets??  Well look ting!!   :o  Every year my company does share out dem ting and nutten never happen to me....unless my sweets aren't prayed upon.... :thinking:   ::) ::)
Title: Re: Pupils collapse; parents want exorcist
Post by: Bakes on November 11, 2010, 09:54:07 AM
i now going and say this... females are particularly susceptible. I ent being sexist.. is de truth

Not just females, but young teenage girls at that...
Title: Re: Pupils collapse; parents want exorcist
Post by: Bakes on November 11, 2010, 09:59:18 AM

That is serious ting...especially since is more than one child affected. The spirit(s) strong.

Even the person to drive out the spirit has to be strong/gifted.

Doh make joke with them kinda ting.

See the vomiting/nausea/eye rolling in the head/speech and strength unbecoming of an individual...they ent in control.

See the link FF posted above...
Title: Re: Pupils collapse; parents want exorcist
Post by: Dutty on November 11, 2010, 09:59:47 AM
I"m a big sucker for Goolab Jamoon and the milky one

I have no idea what dat mean ,, but it just sound .... :devil:
Title: Re: Pupils collapse; parents want exorcist
Post by: D.H.W on November 11, 2010, 10:20:28 AM
Really??!! Dey does pray on de sweets??  Well look ting!!   :o  Every year my company does share out dem ting and nutten never happen to me....unless my sweets aren't prayed upon.... :thinking:   ::) ::)

 :devil: u now realize that? , but greedy me i could care less.  :(
Title: Re: Pupils collapse; parents want exorcist
Post by: Jah Gol on November 11, 2010, 10:21:08 AM
I"m a big sucker for Goolab Jamoon and the milky one

I have no idea what dat mean ,, but it just sound .... :devil:

 :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
Title: Re: Pupils collapse; parents want exorcist
Post by: Touches on November 11, 2010, 11:13:19 AM
This is a real funny topic because it is easy for people to get offended.

I used to eat sweets right was only after a few co-workers told me to not eat it and I asked why and they explained the prayers thing to me.

Now my thing is...ent when you go in people house and they bless the food and say grace is the same ting.

But since then I am wary about sweets....but if I go in somebody house I will not scorn their offering.

It is also what you believe......say yuh prayers and give thanks and ask for will be safe.

Title: Re: Pupils collapse; parents want exorcist
Post by: Jah Gol on November 11, 2010, 11:34:02 AM
This is a real funny topic because it is easy for people to get offended.

I used to eat sweets right was only after a few co-workers told me to not eat it and I asked why and they explained the prayers thing to me.

Now my thing is...ent when you go in people house and they bless the food and say grace is the same ting.

But since then I am wary about sweets....but if I go in somebody house I will not scorn their offering.

It is also what you believe......say yuh prayers and give thanks and ask for will be safe.

This is what I practice.
Title: Re: Pupils collapse; parents want exorcist
Post by: sammy on November 11, 2010, 11:37:31 AM
This is a real funny topic because it is easy for people to get offended.

I used to eat sweets right was only after a few co-workers told me to not eat it and I asked why and they explained the prayers thing to me.

Now my thing is...ent when you go in people house and they bless the food and say grace is the same ting.

But since then I am wary about sweets....but if I go in somebody house I will not scorn their offering.

It is also what you believe......say yuh prayers and give thanks and ask for will be safe.

This is what I practice.

Is it the same as grace where one might be thanking god for it, or is it that it is offered to their god?
Title: Re: Pupils collapse; parents want exorcist
Post by: Jah Gol on November 11, 2010, 11:42:04 AM
This is a real funny topic because it is easy for people to get offended.

I used to eat sweets right was only after a few co-workers told me to not eat it and I asked why and they explained the prayers thing to me.

Now my thing is...ent when you go in people house and they bless the food and say grace is the same ting.

But since then I am wary about sweets....but if I go in somebody house I will not scorn their offering.

It is also what you believe......say yuh prayers and give thanks and ask for will be safe.

This is what I practice.

Is it the same as grace where one might be thanking god for it, or is it that it is offered to their god?
Normal grace.
Title: Re: Pupils collapse; parents want exorcist
Post by: truetrini on November 11, 2010, 11:57:00 AM
i now going and say this... females are particularly susceptible. I ent being sexist.. is de truth

Not just females, but young teenage girls at that...

So dais why Controversial is such a little beeyotch?  Is hysteria?
Title: Re: Pupils collapse; parents want exorcist
Post by: dinho on November 11, 2010, 11:59:29 AM
Well allyuh hadda cut out that halal beef and chicken allyuh like while allyuh at it.. Go easy on allyuh Patraj and Wings roti.

I couldnt care less nuh, i eh putting all that thought into it, my belly don't discriminate and it tasting good. I was at a Sikh wedding just May gone and there is a part of the ceremony where the pastor goes to every guest and places the sweet in your hand and yuh hadda eat it... I think it would have been grossly disrespectful to turn it away but then i could understand the sentiment.

Anyway, so allyuh saying mass hysteria?

I read the article that FF posted and it not saying much in terms of a scientific basis for a trigger. The man basically saying that it is a psychosomatic illness that takes hold of a group simultaneously, and it must have one to go down first before everyone else follow suit subconsciously. Now i dunno, but that just sound too baseless for my interpretation maybe i need to read into this a little more.

And what of the separate accounts from teacher's, pastors, people in health institutions?

Are we just to dismiss these as exaggerated ramblings from the gossip mill or as the press trumping it up? Ah mean it have people on the ground who seeing it and what taking place and give accounts, within that it must have credible sources.

Allyuh totally willing to dismiss the presence of the unseen? TC, whey yuh?

Title: Re: Pupils collapse; parents want exorcist
Post by: D.H.W on November 11, 2010, 12:27:06 PM
nobody saying spirits doh exist. But before we say is demon thing leh we get some better news. right now is a setta he say she say thing, and people who does jump on devil talk. You cant pass judgement without getting all yuh facts layed out. i learn a long time ago trini people like rumour talk. Remember d children in d container old talk last year?
Title: Re: Pupils collapse; parents want exorcist
Post by: dinho on November 11, 2010, 12:42:57 PM
nobody saying spirits doh exist. But before we say is demon thing leh we get some better news. right now is a setta he say she say thing, and people who does jump on devil talk. You cant pass judgement without getting all yuh facts layed out. i learn a long time ago trini people like rumour talk. Remember d children in d container old talk last year?

true that.
Title: Re: Pupils collapse; parents want exorcist
Post by: Jah Gol on November 11, 2010, 12:47:37 PM
nobody saying spirits doh exist. But before we say is demon thing leh we get some better news. right now is a setta he say she say thing, and people who does jump on devil talk. You cant pass judgement without getting all yuh facts layed out. i learn a long time ago trini people like rumour talk. Remember d children in d container old talk last year?
If a number of persons give accounts of the incident we would be able to determine the reliability of the report and make reasonable deductions. The Ministry of Education should investigate that.
Title: Re: Pupils collapse; parents want exorcist
Post by: Bakes on November 11, 2010, 01:20:46 PM
Anyway, so allyuh saying mass hysteria?

I read the article that FF posted and it not saying much in terms of a scientific basis for a trigger. The man basically saying that it is a psychosomatic illness that takes hold of a group simultaneously, and it must have one to go down first before everyone else follow suit subconsciously. Now i dunno, but that just sound too baseless for my interpretation maybe i need to read into this a little more.

Agreed... demon possession sound much more plausible.
Title: Re: Pupils collapse; parents want exorcist
Post by: truetrini on November 11, 2010, 01:23:10 PM
Anyway, so allyuh saying mass hysteria?

I read the article that FF posted and it not saying much in terms of a scientific basis for a trigger. The man basically saying that it is a psychosomatic illness that takes hold of a group simultaneously, and it must have one to go down first before everyone else follow suit subconsciously. Now i dunno, but that just sound too baseless for my interpretation maybe i need to read into this a little more.

Agreed... demon possession sound much more plausible.
Yes it does is ah dose ah bad spirits maybe  methylated spirits
Title: Re: Pupils collapse; parents want exorcist
Post by: mukumsplau on November 11, 2010, 01:44:13 PM
Panic after ‘Devil attack’ at school

17 Moruga students in hospital
Published: 11 Nov 2010

TOP: Students of the Moruga Composite wait for transportation outside the school’s compound yesterday.
ABOVE: One of the Pentecostal pastors leaves the school after he prayed with the students yesterday. Photos: Rishi Ragoonath

Panic broke out at the Moruga Composite School yesterday as 17 female students fell mysteriously ill and began rolling on the ground, hissing and blabbering in a strange tongue, after suffering bouts of nausea and headaches. Two of the students reportedly tried to throw themselves off a railing and had to be physically restrained, triggering fears of a possible demon attack. The drama started during the lunch hour in the Form One block and quickly spread to other areas. Form Five student Kern Mollineau, who attends the Lighthouse Tabernacle Church, said he got worried when the girls’ eyes began rolling up in their heads and they began beating up on the ground.

With the assistance of several other students and teachers, the pupils were taken to the multi-purpose hall where some of them fell into a semi-conscious state. Mollineau recalled: “One girl was blabbering as if in a strange language. I could not understand what she was saying. “It was sounding like ‘shebbaberbebeb shhhhee.’ The girls were unusually strong. We had to hold them down so that they will not hurt themselves. “The teachers were right there. I get a kick in my face when one of the girls started beating up on the floor. Many of them had bruises.” Mollineau claimed he actually communicated with the “devil which had possessed the girl. “I asked the Devil what he wanted with the girls and the voice said he wanted a life. He kept saying to send the girls in the toilet and to leave them alone,” Mollineau claimed.

Roman Catholic priests, as well as pastors from nearby churches, including Josephine Charles, Deborah Charles and Pastor Gordon, visited the school and began showering the children with holy water and prayers. Two more students, Kriston Mollineau and Kishon Bethel, said they too were called by teachers to assist the ill girls. Kriston said the girls complained of headaches and some of them wanted to go to the toilet. Six ambulances arrived at the school accompanied by police teams from the Moruga and St Mary’s Police Post. A party of fire officers from the Princes Town Fire Station, led by acting Assistant Divisional Fire Officer Ramdeo Boodoo visited the school and began conducting several tests on the surroundings to determine the cause of the problem.

Boodoo said there was nothing in the environment to trigger fainting spells, nausea and headaches. A teacher, who requested anonymity, said two weeks ago an Orisha woman came to the school and had a dispute with a member of staff. He said following the dispute, the woman threatened to deal with the school administration. Another teacher said the school was built on a burial site, but neighbours who live around the school denied that was so. A source at the school confirmed that all 17 pupils were taken to the Princes Town Health Facility where they were medically examined. The other students were sent home at 2 pm.

Responding yesterday, Minister in the Ministry of Education Clifton de Coteau said he was aware that pupils had to be taken for medical attention. De Coteau said Student Support Service officials were sent to the school and students were expected to receive counselling. A statement from the Ministry of Education said the Public Transport Service Corporation (PTSC) made maxi taxis available to the school to assist the Office for Disaster Preparedness and Management (ODPM) which provided additional ambulances.
Title: Re: Pupils collapse; parents want exorcist
Post by: FF on November 11, 2010, 01:45:58 PM
Anyway, so allyuh saying mass hysteria?

I read the article that FF posted and it not saying much in terms of a scientific basis for a trigger. The man basically saying that it is a psychosomatic illness that takes hold of a group simultaneously, and it must have one to go down first before everyone else follow suit subconsciously. Now i dunno, but that just sound too baseless for my interpretation maybe i need to read into this a little more.

Agreed... demon possession sound much more plausible.


I was speechless after reading that whole post
Title: Re: Pupils collapse; parents want exorcist
Post by: weary1969 on November 11, 2010, 02:02:11 PM
1 papers say is a shango spirit lash d next 1 say is a hindu spirit lash.
Title: Re: Pupils collapse; parents want exorcist
Post by: Brownsugar on November 11, 2010, 02:11:36 PM
1 papers say is a shango spirit lash d next 1 say is a hindu spirit lash.

Religion vs. religion, race vs. race, both elements in one bachanal......tell mih this place eh sweet too bad....
Title: Re: Pupils collapse; parents want exorcist
Post by: weary1969 on November 11, 2010, 02:17:33 PM
1 papers say is a shango spirit lash d next 1 say is a hindu spirit lash.

Religion vs. religion, race vs. race, both elements in one bachanal......tell mih this place eh sweet too bad....

Julian Rogers summed it up best yrs ago TNt is a journalist dream.
Title: Re: Pupils collapse; parents want exorcist
Post by: Touches on November 11, 2010, 02:25:08 PM
For Bakes and the other lawyers...

Can someone be tried or sent to jail if they cause bodily harm to another via..."a spirit lash"

Is a hard thing to prove but if someone put a hex on another and injury or death occurs...what is the court's stance on this.

Title: Re: Pupils collapse; parents want exorcist
Post by: Jah Gol on November 11, 2010, 02:40:31 PM
I just heard in passing by a radio that there was a similar occurrence at the school today. 
Title: Re: Pupils collapse; parents want exorcist
Post by: D.H.W on November 11, 2010, 03:01:27 PM
For Bakes and the other lawyers...

Can someone be tried or sent to jail if they cause bodily harm to another via..."a spirit lash"

Is a hard thing to prove but if someone put a hex on another and injury or death occurs...what is the court's stance on this.

well how you proving that  ???
Title: Re: Pupils collapse; parents want exorcist
Post by: D.H.W on November 11, 2010, 03:02:07 PM
1 papers say is a shango spirit lash d next 1 say is a hindu spirit lash.

Religion vs. religion, race vs. race, both elements in one bachanal......tell mih this place eh sweet too bad....

my GOD is better than yours  :angel:
Title: Re: Pupils collapse; parents want exorcist
Post by: Bakes on November 11, 2010, 03:02:12 PM
For Bakes and the other lawyers...

Can someone be tried or sent to jail if they cause bodily harm to another via..."a spirit lash"

Is a hard thing to prove but if someone put a hex on another and injury or death occurs...what is the court's stance on this.

Well I'z juss ah lowly court stenographer... but from what ah does observe wid de big boy and dem, that is de ting right dey.
Title: Re: Pupils collapse; parents want exorcist
Post by: Dutty on November 11, 2010, 03:47:20 PM
I eh think touches was serious wit da question......................was he?

Anyway touches...wha kinda sweets you talkin bout, like regualr sweetie paper? candy? like jub jub an ting?
Title: Re: Pupils collapse; parents want exorcist
Post by: mukumsplau on November 11, 2010, 04:09:11 PM
1 papers say is a shango spirit lash d next 1 say is a hindu spirit lash.

Religion vs. religion, race vs. race, both elements in one bachanal......tell mih this place eh sweet too bad....

my GOD is better than yours  :angel:

only the emotional wud see it like that. i subscribe to a particular faith and do not relly pay any credence to the others because that to me blatantly belies my own convictions. this in no way influences my behaviour toward persons that practise some other faith. how u take this incident wud rely in part on what you believe in...thats the context in which my analysis wud soak no way can the implication be made that i am showing scorn to another faith as anyone who makes this claim just doin so off of emotion...

gorm boy dem jesuits rel good..

anyway this topic kinda heavy and i ah man hav my chemical reactor to design i now ketch myself
Title: Re: Pupils collapse; parents want exorcist
Post by: Bourbon on November 11, 2010, 04:11:11 PM
1 papers say is a shango spirit lash d next 1 say is a hindu spirit lash.

Well if yuh check de scene....they might be one and the same.
Title: Re: Pupils collapse; parents want exorcist
Post by: sammy on November 11, 2010, 04:50:49 PM
I eh think touches was serious wit da question......................was he?

Anyway touches...wha kinda sweets you talkin bout, like regualr sweetie paper? candy? like jub jub an ting?

Title: Re: Pupils collapse; parents want exorcist
Post by: D.H.W on November 11, 2010, 05:04:42 PM
I eh think touches was serious wit da question......................was he?

Anyway touches...wha kinda sweets you talkin bout, like regualr sweetie paper? candy? like jub jub an ting?


Title: Re: Pupils collapse; parents want exorcist
Post by: elan on November 11, 2010, 05:15:02 PM
I eh think touches was serious wit da question......................was he?

Anyway touches...wha kinda sweets you talkin bout, like regualr sweetie paper? candy? like jub jub an ting?

Since they write that I wondering what is sweets. I know sweetie.
Title: Re: Pupils collapse; parents want exorcist
Post by: Bitter on November 11, 2010, 05:16:00 PM
Can someone be tried or sent to jail if they cause bodily harm to another via..."a spirit lash"

Only if it involve yogurt... ::)

If is mass hysteria, then good exorcism would probably could cure them all. The various holy men would have to work together. I wonder if a Christian could exorcise a Hindu demon?
Title: Re: Pupils collapse; parents want exorcist
Post by: D.H.W on November 11, 2010, 05:49:24 PM
Can someone be tried or sent to jail if they cause bodily harm to another via..."a spirit lash"

Only if it involve yogurt... ::)

If is mass hysteria, then good exorcism would probably could cure them all. The various holy men would have to work together. I wonder if a Christian could exorcise a Hindu demon?

see why religion is trouble, when will the questions stop  ::)
Title: Re: Pupils collapse; parents want exorcist
Post by: D.H.W on November 11, 2010, 06:00:19 PM
a girl say she drop down, and was hearing names calling in her head and she was repeating it
Title: Re: Pupils collapse; parents want exorcist
Post by: Quags on November 11, 2010, 06:22:28 PM
i now going and say this... females are particularly susceptible. I ent being sexist.. is de truth

Not just females, but young teenage girls at that...
especially if where the girls are is built on limestone /...fact .
Title: Re: Pupils collapse; parents want exorcist
Post by: D.H.W on November 11, 2010, 06:34:16 PM
i now going and say this... females are particularly susceptible. I ent being sexist.. is de truth

Not just females, but young teenage girls at that...
especially if where the girls are is built on limestone /...fact .

like u take in some ghost hunters on scifi?  ;D
Title: Re: Pupils collapse; parents want exorcist
Post by: just cool on November 11, 2010, 06:38:05 PM
Dinho about halal meats, it's cleanest healthiest meats yuh could eat. it's defo not the same concept as the hindu practice. halal meats is a practice of clean slaughter, meaning that yuh don't suffer the animal  before slaughter, draining the blood Bc blood is known to carry loads of bacteria, calming the animal before slaughter which decrease anxiety which in turn causes the animal to release less  harmful chemicals in the meat due to the adrenalin rush the animal may experience for fear of slaughter.

finally the prayer before slaughter, bismillah ah rahman ir raheem, all that means in arabic is "in the name of god the giving the merciful", that suppose to release the spirit of the animal peacefully and acknowledging god in every thing yuh do or benefit from, especially when eating his creatures.

in the hindu religion they does be offering up the food to their idol gods, or feeding their gods in other words. this is why in the quran god told the muslums to avoid foods emulated unto idols. it's not that god was jelous, but rather the spirits involved in the sacrifice could literally harm yuh.

like i said , all halal meat means, is good pure and clean.
Title: Re: Pupils collapse; parents want exorcist
Post by: just cool on November 11, 2010, 06:40:28 PM
Didn't anyone find it funny that it was only twelves young "GIRLS" who were affected by this and not one single yuteman? could it be that these girls planned this just for the attention?
Title: Re: Pupils collapse; parents want exorcist
Post by: Quags on November 11, 2010, 06:58:12 PM
i now going and say this... females are particularly susceptible. I ent being sexist.. is de truth

Not just females, but young teenage girls at that...
especially if where the girls are is built on limestone /...fact .

like u take in some ghost hunters on scifi?  ;D
Yah done know  ;D .And you not watching that best show Supernatural . Underground hit of the decade.
Title: Re: Pupils collapse; parents want exorcist
Post by: weary1969 on November 11, 2010, 08:41:53 PM
Second batch of students falls ill
Radhica Sookraj
Published: 12 Nov 2010
Students of Moruga Composite who claimed to have suffered an unnatural demonic attack are refusing to go back to classes. For a second day, blood-curdling screams echoed from the school as another batch of students fell ill, prompting school officials to dismiss classes. As Roman Catholic priest Father Antony Baskar chanted prayers, sprinkled holy water and distributed rosaries to the writhing, screaming children, former student Cindy Sinanan, who claimed to be demon-possessed, said the devil had invaded the school. She said an inter-faith service must be held to cleanse the school of evil forces.

Sinanan, who dropped out of her “A” Level class last year following a November 5 attack, said she fell into a trance while at home on Wednesday and was spiritually transported into the school. She claimed: “I saw what was happening, even if I wasn’t there. I tried to tell them. “I heard voices. I heard the students running and screaming and calling all the names of the people who were affected and will be affected.” Panting and rolling her eyes, Sinanan muttered that school officials needed to split up the children because the demons grew stronger when everyone was together.

Her mother said since in November last year, Sinanan had been taken for several medical examinations but doctors could not find what was wrong with her. She said because of the evil spirits, her daughter had to stop school and miss her “A” Level exams. Meanwhile, Form Two student Leonar Ottway said she was in the multi-purpose hall with her friend, Tenisha, on Wednesday when Tenisha suddenly fainted. Ottway said: “I remember that I bent to pick up her bag and then I started to feel dizzy. Something was choking me. I started to run. I cannot remember much.

“I was scared, I know I was not myself. I saw a woman with a black gown chasing me. I felt that something was pulling me into the toilet but I was fighting it.” Form One student Reanna Charles, whose uniform was torn and her left hand bandaged, said she too heard voices in her head. “I heard the names of several girls. Some of them were my friends. I just started to kick up and run. I couldn’t breathe. I sprained my hand. I couldn’t remember how,” she said. Both girls said they did not wish to go back to school. Two more students—Tenisha Ramlal and Denisha John—said the problems were exacerbated after school officials stopped holding weekly religious instruction at the school.

More Info

Fr Baskar, of the Moruga RC Church, said while he was praying for the affected children yesterday, they were spitting, clawing and screaming. He said he placed the affected children in separate parts of the school and began praying for them. Baskar said an inter-faith service should be held soon. Pastor Mark Daniel said it was evident evil spirits had invaded the school.
Title: Re: Pupils collapse; parents want exorcist
Post by: Quags on November 11, 2010, 09:17:24 PM
Wow...holy shit .
It have to be the lady who promise ti fix the school ,cause in all my years ,which goes back generations from my parents ,Hindu preys dont do this has never done this .whey sah.
Title: Re: Pupils collapse; parents want exorcist
Post by: Michael-j on November 12, 2010, 06:25:17 AM
So what is a possible medical cause for this one?

i relly aint kno wat cud be a possible medical cause na but d ting too creepy..if what the article says is true that more than two dozen were affected and that indeed was the behaviour they were getting on with and they were really sending the medical equipment wild then....

but then again when u couple trini journalism wit trinis(d eye or hear witnesses) natural talent for embellishing stuff..i dunno..

Ha ha... there you go.

Doh discount mass hysteria either, especially not among this particular demographic.

i now going and say this... females are particularly susceptible. I ent being sexist.. is de truth

Interesting to note that the word 'hysteria' is derived from the Greek word for Uterus.
" An anatomical "reality" that persisted in Western medical lore since ancient Greece was that the female uterus becomes displeased and displaced, and wanders through the body, negatively influencing the brain (I kid you not!).

In a fit of fury the female uterus went travelling through the body, causing all manner of emotional disturbances – hence hysteria, hysterical – and hysterectomy.
 Old treatments included bed rest, binding, beating, purging, bloodletting, and, in worse cases, hysterectomy and/or clitoridectomy.

A kinder treatment evolved in the 19th century, when hysteria became a veritable epidemic, especially in the white middle classes. The doctor massaged the genitals until there was a healing convulsion and moist spasms (an orgasm by any other name), which relieved the patient for a while – until the next appointment. Hysteria was considered chronic and incurable, requiring ongoing treatment.

Electric vibrators were developed in the mid 19th century to help the overworked doctors and ease the hysterical women. They were even marketed to women at home for self-treatment, and were advertised in consumer catalogues and magazines.  However, by 1930 vibrators had gone underground, and were not openly advertised again until they re-emerged as sex toys in the 1960s."   :) :)
Title: Re: Pupils collapse; parents want exorcist
Post by: sammy on November 12, 2010, 06:40:36 AM
So what is a possible medical cause for this one?

i relly aint kno wat cud be a possible medical cause na but d ting too creepy..if what the article says is true that more than two dozen were affected and that indeed was the behaviour they were getting on with and they were really sending the medical equipment wild then....

but then again when u couple trini journalism wit trinis(d eye or hear witnesses) natural talent for embellishing stuff..i dunno..

Ha ha... there you go.

Doh discount mass hysteria either, especially not among this particular demographic.

i now going and say this... females are particularly susceptible. I ent being sexist.. is de truth

Interesting to note that the word 'hysteria' is derived from the Greek word for Uterus.
" An anatomical "reality" that persisted in Western medical lore since ancient Greece was that the female uterus becomes displeased and displaced, and wanders through the body, negatively influencing the brain (I kid you not!).

In a fit of fury the female uterus went travelling through the body, causing all manner of emotional disturbances – hence hysteria, hysterical – and hysterectomy.
 Old treatments included bed rest, binding, beating, purging, bloodletting, and, in worse cases, hysterectomy and/or clitoridectomy.

A kinder treatment evolved in the 19th century, when hysteria became a veritable epidemic, especially in the white middle classes. The doctor massaged the genitals until there was a healing convulsion and moist spasms (an orgasm by any other name), which relieved the patient for a while – until the next appointment. Hysteria was considered chronic and incurable, requiring ongoing treatment.

Electric vibrators were developed in the mid 19th century to help the overworked doctors and ease the hysterical women. They were even marketed to women at home for self-treatment, and were advertised in consumer catalogues and magazines.  However, by 1930 vibrators had gone underground, and were not openly advertised again until they re-emerged as sex toys in the 1960s."   :) :)

so we need one of these to open up down there then?
Title: Re: Pupils collapse; parents want exorcist
Post by: mukumsplau on November 12, 2010, 07:05:34 AM
does mass hysteria account for the huge amount of strength and power that these people experience... because that is common to ALL cases i've heard about...
Title: Re: Pupils collapse; parents want exorcist
Post by: elan on November 12, 2010, 08:44:33 AM
Wow...holy shit .
It have to be the lady who promise ti fix the school ,cause in all my years ,which goes back generations from my parents ,Hindu preys dont do this has never done this .whey sah.

That could be some messed up prays the Hindu could unleash.
Title: Re: Pupils collapse; parents want exorcist
Post by: D.H.W on November 12, 2010, 09:07:19 AM
Wow...holy shit .
It have to be the lady who promise ti fix the school ,cause in all my years ,which goes back generations from my parents ,Hindu preys dont do this has never done this .whey sah.

That could be some messed up prays the Hindu could unleash.

then it would not be Hindu. it would be devil worship. I dont think any religion condones putting hex and shit on people (at least the ones that respect god) , Im i right?
Title: Re: Pupils collapse; parents want exorcist
Post by: Peong on November 12, 2010, 09:18:13 AM
Yes pelt rosaries and holy water on them, that should be the end of it!
Title: Re: Pupils collapse; parents want exorcist
Post by: elan on November 12, 2010, 09:33:39 AM
Wow...holy shit .
It have to be the lady who promise ti fix the school ,cause in all my years ,which goes back generations from my parents ,Hindu preys dont do this has never done this .whey sah.

That could be some messed up prays the Hindu could unleash.

then it would not be Hindu. it would be devil worship. I dont think any religion condones putting hex and shit on people (at least the ones that respect god) , Im i right?

Most all religion have they lil simmy dimmy they could do IF they Believe in that I think.  :-\
Title: Re: Pupils collapse; parents want exorcist
Post by: kaliman2006 on November 12, 2010, 09:34:46 AM
This is definitely a bizarre story.

But, as D.H.W says, it is more sensible to rule out all possible medical explanations, before contemplating that supernatural forces could be at play.

Title: Re: Pupils collapse; parents want exorcist
Post by: zuluwarrior on November 12, 2010, 09:47:21 AM
Mass hysteria, not demon attack, say mental health experts
Story Created: Nov 11, 2010 at 11:52 PM ECT

(Story Updated: Nov 11, 2010 at 11:52 PM ECT )

Mental health experts have dismissed claims of supernatural activity at the Moruga Secondary School where pupils reported being "attacked" by an unseen force yesterday and on Wednesday.

Psychiatrist Dr Hari Maharajh said the "demon attack" appeared to be a case of mass hysteria.

A similar opinion was given by consultant psychiatrist at the St Ann's Mental Hospital Dr Iqbal Ghany.

Maharajh said the anxiety symptoms experienced by pupils during the past two days were not spiritual.

More than 25 pupils complained of having tremors, shaking, difficulty breathing and feelings of suffocation.

Maharajh said, "This is not a spiritual problem. It is mass hysteria or copycat behaviour. That is when one person displays a number of symptoms, and it is copied by others based on certain beliefs," he said.

Maharajh said the affected person may also suffer pseudo or false seizures.

He advised the School Supervision Unit to intervene and provide counselling for the pupils.

Ghany said mass hysteria affected mainly females.

"This is not a demon attack. It is what we call acute or mass hysteria, which affects mainly women," he said.

Last year, several woman in Granville, Cedros, claimed they saw a possessed goat walking through the village. The alleged paranormal activity began in Granville after a 27-year-old woman, with a blood-related illness, died mere days after being diagnosed. Her death was followed by the death of another female villager, who took her own life shortly after attending the woman's funeral.

The police report stated Dohmatie Seebran told friends she had been hearing a voice which told her to kill herself.

After Seebran's funeral, at least three other women in the village were said to have encounters with the demon, and one of them said she, too, was prompted, but disregarded a voice telling her to kill herself and her child.

Pundit Praboodeo Maharaj led the interfaith procession through the streets of Granville.

Medical experts, however, said the women had suffered a case of mass hysteria.

There have also been multiple reports of children at primary schools suffering phantom illnesses, shortly after witnessing a schoolmate's complaint.

Title: Re: Pupils collapse; parents want exorcist
Post by: elan on November 12, 2010, 09:58:49 AM
So there you have it folks...nothing to see here.
Title: Re: Pupils collapse; parents want exorcist
Post by: Dutty on November 12, 2010, 10:26:24 AM
So there you have it folks...nothing to see here.

I think the most amazing thing about this story is in the year 2010 it have adults that seriously think a demon possess 25 chirren at the same time
Title: Re: Pupils collapse; parents want exorcist
Post by: elan on November 12, 2010, 10:30:32 AM
So there you have it folks...nothing to see here.

I think the most amazing thing about this story is in the year 2010 it have adults that seriously think a demon possess 25 chirren at the same time

I believe it (well not in it) but I know that things like this have happened before. It eh straight forward as the professionals in the article make it. From what I hear there is a bit of both sides mixed up in the events.

Hysteria and Spirit thing.
Title: Re: Pupils collapse; parents want exorcist
Post by: D.H.W on November 12, 2010, 11:18:10 AM
So there you have it folks...nothing to see here.

I think the most amazing thing about this story is in the year 2010 it have adults that seriously think a demon possess 25 chirren at the same time

when people believe in something so much, it doh matter if it true or not. It reminds me of them rural villages in Africa or other parts of the world where they believe in all kinda jumbie. Even though the modern world know its totally fictitious. 
Title: Re: Pupils collapse; parents want exorcist
Post by: sammy on November 12, 2010, 12:03:27 PM
black magic and what ppl call "spirits" or demons or jinns are very very real. Different religions may refer to them as different names, but they real. I am not saying that what happen in Moruga is jinns, however i maintain that they are real.
Title: Re: Pupils collapse; parents want exorcist
Post by: mukumsplau on November 12, 2010, 12:11:38 PM
So there you have it folks...nothing to see here.

I think the most amazing thing about this story is in the year 2010 it have adults that seriously think a demon possess 25 chirren at the same time

when people believe in something so much, it doh matter if it true or not. It reminds me of them rural villages in Africa or other parts of the world where they believe in all kinda jumbie. Even though the modern world know its totally fictitious. 

dhw u wud jus have to see it live to believe it..or at least hear a DIRECT account of an incident...

anyway...we lucky is only amateur hav some d devil tie up even he nuh so wicked to let out now
Title: Re: Pupils collapse; parents want exorcist
Post by: D.H.W on November 12, 2010, 12:15:16 PM
well i never say they not real, but too many people confuse stuff that have an explanation to be Demonic activity, it documented well all through history.
Title: Re: Pupils collapse; parents want exorcist
Post by: Bakes on November 12, 2010, 01:21:14 PM
does mass hysteria account for the huge amount of strength and power that these people experience... because that is common to ALL cases i've heard about...

There's no way to really quantify that though... besides:

1. The people who report this unusual strength may be prone to exaggeration
2. They likely don't know the limits of the person's strength under normal conditions
3. It is a medically proven phenomenon that in emergency situations and other situations where the ortho-sympathetic takes over, humans tend to respond in ways seemingly beyond their limit.  Ex. being able to lift a car off a loved one in an accident.
Title: Re: Pupils collapse; parents want exorcist
Post by: Bakes on November 12, 2010, 01:33:03 PM
when people believe in something so much, it doh matter if it true or not. It reminds me of them rural villages in Africa or other parts of the world where they believe in all kinda jumbie. Even though the modern world know its totally fictitious. 

I don't think we should be so quick to dismiss spiritual or even occult forces at play.  We only see the temporal forces so it's easy, even for those of us who believe there is a corresponding spiritual reality, to think that spiritual forces aren't also at play. 

If we believe in spiritual forces of good then it would only stand to reason that there are corresponding evil spiritual forces as well.  I have nothing to back it up, but my belief is that it is indeed possible for those evil forces to cross that threshold and interfere with our temporal existence on some level.

In short I believe (at least theoretically) that demon possession is possible... I just don't think that this is indeed what we're dealing with in this particular situation.
Title: Re: Pupils collapse; parents want exorcist
Post by: mukumsplau on November 12, 2010, 01:47:51 PM
does mass hysteria account for the huge amount of strength and power that these people experience... because that is common to ALL cases i've heard about...

There's no way to really quantify that though... besides:

1. The people who report this unusual strength may be prone to exaggeration
2. They likely don't know the limits of the person's strength under normal conditions
3. It is a medically proven phenomenon that in emergency situations and other situations where the ortho-sympathetic takes over, humans tend to respond in ways seemingly beyond their limit.  Ex. being able to lift a car off a loved one in an accident.

yes trinis does exaggerate but u cant put e'ting down to that jus because whatever it is sounding to outta dis world to own modda see wit she eyes when a puny lil student fell infront her face on the ground..she was teachin malick..she fell perfectly straight with her hands at her sides then started beating up...she overpowered FOUR hulking security guards before they managed to subdue her a couple hours later...she scream(a rel non human scream) and talk 'gibberish' for hours upon hours before getting quiet because the voice box give way...doctors, psychologists gave her a clean  clean bill of health..they were at a loss...all they cud do was tell the mother..lady, forget school, jus see bout your child because this was obviously something beyond medical science...i know a lot of other instances where ppl witness first hand..and all they say is if 'i didnt see it myself i wud not have believed it'...
Title: Re: Pupils collapse; parents want exorcist
Post by: Bakes on November 12, 2010, 02:31:16 PM
yes trinis does exaggerate but u cant put e'ting down to that jus because whatever it is sounding to outta dis world to own modda see wit she eyes when a puny lil student fell infront her face on the ground..she was teachin malick..she fell perfectly straight with her hands at her sides then started beating up...she overpowered FOUR hulking security guards before they managed to subdue her a couple hours later...she scream(a rel non human scream) and talk 'gibberish' for hours upon hours before getting quiet because the voice box give way...doctors, psychologists gave her a clean  clean bill of health..they were at a loss...all they cud do was tell the mother..lady, forget school, jus see bout your child because this was obviously something beyond medical science...i know a lot of other instances where ppl witness first hand..and all they say is if 'i didnt see it myself i wud not have believed it'...

I don't think that's what I did...
Title: Re: Pupils collapse; parents want exorcist
Post by: kaliman2006 on November 12, 2010, 02:52:53 PM
does mass hysteria account for the huge amount of strength and power that these people experience... because that is common to ALL cases i've heard about...

There's no way to really quantify that though... besides:

1. The people who report this unusual strength may be prone to exaggeration
2. They likely don't know the limits of the person's strength under normal conditions
3. It is a medically proven phenomenon that in emergency situations and other situations where the ortho-sympathetic takes over, humans tend to respond in ways seemingly beyond their limit.  Ex. being able to lift a car off a loved one in an accident.

yes trinis does exaggerate but u cant put e'ting down to that jus because whatever it is sounding to outta dis world to own modda see wit she eyes when a puny lil student fell infront her face on the ground..she was teachin malick..she fell perfectly straight with her hands at her sides then started beating up...she overpowered FOUR hulking security guards before they managed to subdue her a couple hours later...she scream(a rel non human scream) and talk 'gibberish' for hours upon hours before getting quiet because the voice box give way...doctors, psychologists gave her a clean  clean bill of health..they were at a loss...all they cud do was tell the mother..lady, forget school, jus see bout your child because this was obviously something beyond medical science...i know a lot of other instances where ppl witness first hand..and all they say is if 'i didnt see it myself i wud not have believed it'...

Well, I have no reason to doubt your story, since you referred to an eyewitness account provided by your mother.

However, coming back to the story, I am relieved that psychiatrists were able to offer a potential diagnosis of the unusual phenomenon at the school.

I would say this though from personal experience. If someone believes something about himself or herself, that tends to become his or her reality despite all evidence to the contrary. The mind is an extremely powerful tool and if people begin to perceive themselves as being in the throes of demon possession, then I don't think it is unfathomable that that can become that person's reality.

This is why Dr. Maharaj''s diagnosis makes sense. It could certainly be that one student's negative experience triggers panic and a huge wave of hysteria among the rest of the student population.
Title: Re: Pupils collapse; parents want exorcist
Post by: D.H.W on November 12, 2010, 03:27:46 PM

I would say this though from personal experience. If someone believes something about himself or herself, that tends to become his or her reality despite all evidence to the contrary. The mind is an extremely powerful tool and if people begin to perceive themselves as being in the throes of demon possession, then I don't think it is unfathomable that that can become that person's reality.

u hit d nail on d head there
Title: Re: Pupils collapse; parents want exorcist
Post by: Quags on November 12, 2010, 03:30:56 PM
Wow...holy shit .
It have to be the lady who promise ti fix the school ,cause in all my years ,which goes back generations from my parents ,Hindu preys dont do this has never done this .whey sah.

That could be some messed up prays the Hindu could unleash.

then it would not be Hindu. it would be devil worship. I dont think any religion condones putting hex and shit on people (at least the ones that respect god) , Im i right?

Most all religion have they lil simmy dimmy they could do IF they Believe in that I think.  :-\
Oh yeah ,just like the church have the six and seven books of moses ,hindu have they own .

But if this is true ,that lady just unleash the biggest candle in mopdern trini history .Well I hope she jengay strong ,cause it have some might pissed of trinis who gonna turn it back on who ever did this .

And finally now we living N.America we can dismiss spirit stuff cause we far . no lagahoo up here lol ...sweet .
Title: Re: Pupils collapse; parents want exorcist
Post by: D.H.W on November 12, 2010, 03:47:45 PM
no lagahoo up here lol ...sweet .

it have people down here who swear them thing real
Title: Re: Pupils collapse; parents want exorcist
Post by: mukumsplau on November 12, 2010, 04:41:44 PM

I would say this though from personal experience. If someone believes something about himself or herself, that tends to become his or her reality despite all evidence to the contrary. The mind is an extremely powerful tool and if people begin to perceive themselves as being in the throes of demon possession, then I don't think it is unfathomable that that can become that person's reality.

u hit d nail on d head there

i dont think there was any significant time that elapsed so that those who the 'bad spirit' jumped on cud perceive and come to terms wit wat relly went on...i can tell u in another instance wen persons were holding down one woman daughter the mother was crying as to what was going on with her child...she then straightened up started to scream and ran into the middle of the road and tried to jump in the path of several cars to take her own now ppl had to restrain the moms now...ppl who kno theyre not strong enough to witness those things just turn their backs and walk way...i call The Almighty name in my mouth and just try to cover myself daily because it have rel ting out here...rel ting..
Title: Re: Pupils collapse; parents want exorcist
Post by: elan on November 12, 2010, 04:45:59 PM
Anyone ever been to a feast?
Title: Re: Pupils collapse; parents want exorcist
Post by: Quags on November 12, 2010, 06:28:06 PM
Anyone ever been to a feast?
what is that Baptist ? if so yes ,that wine they serve is terrible .
Title: Re: Pupils collapse; parents want exorcist
Post by: weary1969 on November 12, 2010, 09:58:15 PM
WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Wanted: a few good men to cast out devils.

Overwhelmed with requests for exorcists, U.S. Roman Catholic bishops are holding a special training workshop in Baltimore this weekend to teach clerics the esoteric rite, the Catholic News Service reported.

The church has signed up 56 bishops and 66 priests for the two-day workshop that began on Friday, seeking to boost the small group of just five or six American exorcists that the church currently has on its books.

"There's this small group of priests who say they get requests from all over the continental U.S.," Bishop Thomas Paprocki of Springfield, Illinois, was quoted as saying.

"Actually, each diocese should have its own" exorcist, he added.

Paprocki did not say why there was increased demand for exorcisms, which he noted were rarely performed.

While solemnly regarded by the Catholic Church, exorcism is a staple of Hollywood fright films -- most notably the 1973 film "The Exorcist" -- and regarded by many as superstition that lends a chill frisson to festivals like Halloween.

Catholic Church law stipulates that only properly trained priests can perform the rite -- and then only with the permission of their bishops.

Possible signs of demonic possession include scratching, cutting, biting of the skin; profound displays of strength; and a strong or violent reaction to holy water.

Title: Re: Pupils collapse; parents want exorcist
Post by: truetrini on November 13, 2010, 09:49:29 AM

The Associated Press
updated 11/12/2010 5:06:27 PM ET 2010-11-12T22:06:27

NEW YORK — Citing a shortage of priests who can perform the rite, the nation's Roman Catholic bishops are holding a conference on how to conduct exorcisms.

The two-day training, which ends Saturday in Baltimore, is to outline the scriptural basis of evil, instruct clergy on evaluating whether a person is truly possessed, and review the prayers and rituals that comprise an exorcism. Among the speakers will be Cardinal Daniel DiNardo, archbishop of Galveston-Houston, Texas, and a priest-assistant to New York Archbishop Timothy Dolan.

"Learning the liturgical rite is not difficult," DiNardo said in a phone interview before the conference, which is open to clergy only. "The problem is the discernment that the exorcist needs before he would ever attempt the rite."

More than 50 bishops and 60 priests signed up to attend, according to Catholic News Service, which first reported the event. The conference was scheduled for just ahead of the fall meeting of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, which starts Monday in Baltimore.

Despite strong interest in the training, skepticism about the rite persists within the American church. Organizers of the event are keenly aware of the ridicule that can accompany discussion of the subject. Exorcists in U.S. dioceses keep a very low profile. In 1999, the church updated the Rite of Exorcism, cautioning that "all must be done to avoid the perception that exorcism is magic or superstition."

The practice is much more accepted by Catholics in parts of Europe and elsewhere overseas. Cardinal Stanislaw Dziwisz, the longtime private secretary of Pope John Paul II, revealed a few years after the pontiff's death that John Paul had performed an exorcism on a woman who was brought into the Vatican writhing and screaming in what Dziwisz said was a case of possession by the devil.

Bishop Thomas Paprocki of Springfield, Ill., who organized the conference, said only a tiny number of U.S. priests have enough training and knowledge to perform an exorcism. Dioceses nationwide have been relying solely on these clergy, who have been overwhelmed with requests to evaluate claims. The Rev. James LeBar, who was the official exorcist of the Archdiocese of New York under the late Cardinal John O'Connor, had faced a similar level of demand, traveling the country in response to the many requests for his expertise.

The rite is performed only rarely. Neal Lozano, a Catholic writer and author of the book "Unbound: A Practical Guide to Deliverance" about combatting evil spirits, said he knows an exorcist in the church who receives about 400 inquiries a year, but determines that out of that number, two or three of the cases require an exorcism.

No one knows why more people seem to be seeking the rite. Paprocki said one reason could be the growing interest among Americans in exploring general spirituality, as opposed to participating in organized religion, which has led more people to dabble in the occult.

"They don't know exactly what they're getting into and when they have questions, they're turning to the church, to priests," said Paprocki, chairman of the bishops' committee on canonical affairs and church governance. "They wonder if some untoward activity is taking place in their life and want some help discerning that."

Many Catholic immigrants in the U.S. come from countries where exorcism is more common, although Paprocki said that was not a motivation for organizing the conference.

Exorcism has deep roots in Christianity. The New Testament contains several examples of Jesus casting out evil spirits from people, and the church notes these acts in the Catholic Catechism. Whether or not individual Catholics realize it, each of them undergoes what the church calls a minor exorcism at baptism that includes prayers renouncing Satan and seeking freedom from original sin.

A major exorcism can only be performed by a priest with the permission of his bishop after a thorough evaluation, including consulting with physicians or psychiatrists to rule out any psychological or physical illness behind the person's behavior.

Signs of demonic possession accepted by the church include violent reaction to holy water or anything holy, speaking in a language the possessed person doesn't know and abnormal displays of strength.

The full exorcism is held in private and includes sprinkling holy water, reciting Psalms, reading aloud from the Gospel, laying on of hands and reciting the Lord's Prayer. Some adaptations are allowed for different circumstances. The exorcist can invoke the Holy Spirit then blow in the face of the possessed person, trace the sign of the cross on the person's forehead and command the devil to leave.

The training comes at a time when many American bishops and priests are trying to correct what they view as a lack of emphasis on the Catholic teaching about sin and evil after the Second Vatican Council, the series of meetings in the 1960s that enacted modernizing reforms in the church. Many in the American hierarchy, as well as Pope Benedict XVI, believe that the supernatural aspect of the church was lost in the changes, reducing it to just another institution in the world.

A renewed focus on exorcism highlights the divine element of the church and underscores the belief that evil is real.

DiNardo said some Catholics who ask for an exorcism are really seeking, "prayerful support. They're asking for formation in the faith." Still, he said sometimes the rite is warranted.

"For the longest time, we in the United States may not have been as much attuned to some of the spiritual aspects of evil because we have become so much attached to what would be either physical or psychological explanation for certain phenomena," DiNardo said. "We may have forgotten that there is a spiritual dimension to people."

Copyright 2010 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


Title: Re: Pupils collapse; parents want exorcist
Post by: elan on November 17, 2010, 08:58:26 PM
I finally get to talk to meh people in Moruga. This serious thing, this they say is worst than Obeah. Is pure evil that going on up at the school. Actually, as recent as yesterday 2 kids fell out and had to be looked after, prompting all pupil to leave the school immediately.

Apparently the MOE has placed a gag-order on teachers to not divulge any information on the occurence to the press. They do not want a nationwide panic. Two students went to visit one of the girls who was affected at her house and they caught onto whatever was affecting the girl and they destroyed the house. Everything in the living room was totally destroyed by the girls. The strength of the girls they said was unreal.

The history goes, when the school was opened in 1981 a female student in form one was attcaked by the evil. It took approxiamtely 10 guys to subdue her. There was one person in particular she kept attacking and tried to bite off his throat. She could not and started biting his chest, he still has scars. In the 1990's a number of girls were also attacked.

 More recently, one girl kept getting attacked (the one who was in the newspaper talking) she eventually had to stop school because she could not attedn without being attacked. On the day - recently - when the students were attacked she was at home in a trance and she was "seeing" everything that was going on at the school. She was relating this to people who came to look after her. She was the one to tell them to separate the students and not put them in the same room. This same girl father was told by and old indian lady (before all this happen) that an evil spirit was living on this girl. The indian lady just saw them on the street and told the dad this. The girl diet consist of milk and rice cakes. That's it.

One girl (form 1) about 100lbs dropped kicked a woman who weigh about 210lbs wedging her under the ambulance when they were trying to get the girl into the ambulance - the skinny girl was to strong. Now this is the really freaky part, teachers saw students who were posessed walking down the steps and it appeared as though their feet were not touching the step.

The teachers are trying to get the parents to speak up. Other parents are trying to get the affected students to go up to Mt. St. Benedict to see the Priests. Some people are trying to get more Charismatic Priest to visit the school. The current Catholic Priest was said to be not strong enough to fight against the evil that is in the students.

I know that this sounds really crazy, but the person I spoke to normally don't get caught up in this type of thing, but they think it's real.
Title: Re: Pupils collapse; parents want exorcist
Post by: truetrini on November 17, 2010, 09:23:03 PM
I finally get to talk to meh people in Moruga. This serious thing, this they say is worst than Obeah. Is pure evil that going on up at the school. Actually, as recent as yesterday 2 kids fell out and had to be looked after, prompting all pupil to leave the school immediately.

Apparently the MOE has placed a gag-order on teachers to not divulge any information on the occurence to the press. They do not want a nationwide panic. Two students went to visit one of the girls who was affected at her house and they caught onto whatever was affecting the girl and they destroyed the house. Everything in the living room was totally destroyed by the girls. The strength of the girls they said was unreal.

The history goes, when the school was opened in 1981 a female student in form one was attcaked by the evil. It took approxiamtely 10 guys to subdue her. There was one person in particular she kept attacking and tried to bite off his throat. She could not and started biting his chest, he still has scars. In the 1990's a number of girls were also attacked.

 More recently, one girl kept getting attacked (the one who was in the newspaper talking) she eventually had to stop school because she could not attedn without being attacked. On the day - recently - when the students were attacked she was at home in a trance and she was "seeing" everything that was going on at the school. She was relating this to people who came to look after her. She was the one to tell them to separate the students and not put them in the same room. This same girl father was told by and old indian lady (before all this happen) that an evil spirit was living on this girl. The indian lady just saw them on the street and told the dad this. The girl diet consist of milk and rice cakes. That's it.

One girl (form 1) about 100lbs dropped kicked a woman who weigh about 210lbs wedging her under the ambulance when they were trying to get the girl into the ambulance - the skinny girl was to strong. Now this is the really freaky part, teachers saw students who were posessed walking down the steps and it appeared as though their feet were not touching the step.

The teachers are trying to get the parents to speak up. Other parents are trying to get the affected students to go up to Mt. St. Benedict to see the Priests. Some people are trying to get more Charismatic Priest to visit the school. The current Catholic Priest was said to be not strong enough to fight against the evil that is in the students.

I know that this sounds really crazy, but the person I spoke to normally don't get caught up in this type of thing, but they think it's real.

unmitigated f**keries.
Title: Re: Pupils collapse; parents want exorcist
Post by: D.H.W on November 17, 2010, 09:24:16 PM
aaaaaaaaahahahahahaha  :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: , seeing that TC put it so nice, i doh need to comment on it, which i was going too do.
Title: Re: Pupils collapse; parents want exorcist
Post by: truetrini on November 17, 2010, 09:27:48 PM
aaaaaaaaahahahahahaha  :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: , seeing that TC put it so nice, i doh need to comment on it, which i was going too do.

Thank you, it must be juvenile spirits as they doh possess teachers nor adults.   hmmmm!
Title: Re: Pupils collapse; parents want exorcist
Post by: elan on November 17, 2010, 09:38:30 PM
aaaaaaaaahahahahahaha  :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: , seeing that TC put it so nice, i doh need to comment on it, which i was going too do.

Thank you, it must be juvenile spirits as they doh possess teachers nor adults.   hmmmm!

It easy to laugh because we not in the situation. But, that's how it goes. Many of these kids I know or know their families so I have a bit of a soft spot. It have a couple of teachers at the school that I know personally, so I guess they fabricating also.
Title: Re: Pupils collapse; parents want exorcist
Post by: Bakes on November 17, 2010, 11:08:06 PM
Well, unlike some, I believe that there is a parallel spiritual world at play that we don't see.  Anything is possible.
Title: Re: Pupils collapse; parents want exorcist
Post by: truetrini on November 17, 2010, 11:18:24 PM
spirits? Spirit of Vat 19 maybe.
Title: Re: Pupils collapse; parents want exorcist
Post by: dinho on November 17, 2010, 11:50:44 PM
Mass hysteria and old wives tales... all of it..
Title: Re: Pupils collapse; parents want exorcist
Post by: Quags on November 18, 2010, 06:36:30 AM
I finally get to talk to meh people in Moruga. This serious thing, this they say is worst than Obeah. Is pure evil that going on up at the school. Actually, as recent as yesterday 2 kids fell out and had to be looked after, prompting all pupil to leave the school immediately.

Apparently the MOE has placed a gag-order on teachers to not divulge any information on the occurence to the press. They do not want a nationwide panic. Two students went to visit one of the girls who was affected at her house and they caught onto whatever was affecting the girl and they destroyed the house. Everything in the living room was totally destroyed by the girls. The strength of the girls they said was unreal.

The history goes, when the school was opened in 1981 a female student in form one was attcaked by the evil. It took approxiamtely 10 guys to subdue her. There was one person in particular she kept attacking and tried to bite off his throat. She could not and started biting his chest, he still has scars. In the 1990's a number of girls were also attacked.

 More recently, one girl kept getting attacked (the one who was in the newspaper talking) she eventually had to stop school because she could not attedn without being attacked. On the day - recently - when the students were attacked she was at home in a trance and she was "seeing" everything that was going on at the school. She was relating this to people who came to look after her. She was the one to tell them to separate the students and not put them in the same room. This same girl father was told by and old indian lady (before all this happen) that an evil spirit was living on this girl. The indian lady just saw them on the street and told the dad this. The girl diet consist of milk and rice cakes. That's it.

One girl (form 1) about 100lbs dropped kicked a woman who weigh about 210lbs wedging her under the ambulance when they were trying to get the girl into the ambulance - the skinny girl was to strong. Now this is the really freaky part, teachers saw students who were posessed walking down the steps and it appeared as though their feet were not touching the step.

The teachers are trying to get the parents to speak up. Other parents are trying to get the affected students to go up to Mt. St. Benedict to see the Priests. Some people are trying to get more Charismatic Priest to visit the school. The current Catholic Priest was said to be not strong enough to fight against the evil that is in the students.

I know that this sounds really crazy, but the person I spoke to normally don't get caught up in this type of thing, but they think it's real. .
Hmm ok let me try and help elan .Am these maybe not demons since they only attacking the weakest sex .It could be a female spirit or spirits .It might be have bodies buried ,if so they have to be found and burned with salt and gas .If not they have to be shown to the light .
Everybody needs to surround they entrances with black rock salt and the girls need to wear amulets or proper charms like pentagrams .
If it is demons who just prefer girls rock salt stop them so does pentagrams .Maybe the hindu prayers aggravated them .Like I said last year ,ministers brought in African magic ,to much power .
The best thing is google and try to find a similar occurance some where and see what was done and who did it .
Cause obviously local occultist dont want to touch it ,thay have already astral seen it and stayed away .Maybe they need outside help . 
Title: Re: Pupils collapse; parents want exorcist
Post by: Quags on November 18, 2010, 06:45:54 AM
look something similar happened here .\
Title: Re: Pupils collapse; parents want exorcist
Post by: elan on November 18, 2010, 08:17:26 AM
Fellas alyuh need to go to ah feast and see for alyuh self the kinda thing that does happen when they drumming start.
Title: Re: Pupils collapse; parents want exorcist
Post by: D.H.W on November 18, 2010, 08:43:21 AM
Mass hysteria and old wives tales... all of it..

Exactly, i rather see these things documented and happening on video or something, all these talk about friend say, he say, she say thing aint going to cut it, especially in Trinidad. It might be true, but i don't trust ole talk in Trinidad.
Title: Re: Pupils collapse; parents want exorcist
Post by: dinho on November 18, 2010, 08:51:02 AM
Mass hysteria and old wives tales... all of it..

Exactly, i rather see these things documented and happening on video or something, all these talk about friend say, he say, she say thing aint going to cut it, especially in Trinidad. It might be true, but i don't trust ole talk in Trinidad.

I was being sarcastic. I believe these things happen and merit consideration, whether or not thats the case here is another story i not entirely sure about.

But question.. If yuh so sure, why yuh eh take a drive down Moruga and check out the scene for yuhself?
Title: Re: Pupils collapse; parents want exorcist
Post by: D.H.W on November 18, 2010, 08:54:25 AM
Mass hysteria and old wives tales... all of it..

Exactly, i rather see these things documented and happening on video or something, all these talk about friend say, he say, she say thing aint going to cut it, especially in Trinidad. It might be true, but i don't trust ole talk in Trinidad.

I was being sarcastic. I believe these things happen and merit consideration, whether or not thats the case here is another story i not entirely sure about.

But question.. If yuh so sure, why yuh eh take a drive down Moruga and check out the scene for yuhself?

sure? me aint sure about nothing, is just old talk right now, with no proper facts.

i will say again, i never say i don't believe in them thing, but ole talk not going to cut it.
Title: Re: Pupils collapse; parents want exorcist
Post by: ribbit on November 18, 2010, 09:22:46 AM
So what is a possible medical cause for this one?

ah doh know about mass hysteria thing but when it come to demon possession, there was an article earlier in the year out of brazil. young woman have all de signs of demon possession (weight loss, incredible strength, vomitting, etc.). eventually, doctors find something like a tumor close to her ovaries - can't remember the name of the thing but it was like a parasitic twin.

might be some extracurricular bulling dat cause dis.... ???
Title: Re: Pupils collapse; parents want exorcist
Post by: Quags on November 18, 2010, 09:26:33 AM
So what is a possible medical cause for this one?

ah doh know about mass hysteria thing but when it come to demon possession, there was an article earlier in the year out of brazil. young woman have all de signs of demon possession (weight loss, incredible strength, vomitting, etc.). eventually, doctors find something like a tumor close to her ovaries - can't remember the name of the thing but it was like a parasitic twin.

might be some extracurricular bulling dat cause dis.... ???
Title: Re: Pupils collapse; parents want exorcist
Post by: D.H.W on November 18, 2010, 09:27:32 AM
might be some extracurricular bulling dat cause dis.... ???

Title: Re: Pupils collapse; parents want exorcist
Post by: elan on November 18, 2010, 10:07:20 AM
So what is a possible medical cause for this one?

ah doh know about mass hysteria thing but when it come to demon possession, there was an article earlier in the year out of brazil. young woman have all de signs of demon possession (weight loss, incredible strength, vomitting, etc.). eventually, doctors find something like a tumor close to her ovaries - can't remember the name of the thing but it was like a parasitic twin.

might be some extracurricular bulling dat cause dis.... ???


Most of the girls are form 1 man...babies.
Title: Re: Pupils collapse; parents want exorcist
Post by: dinho on November 18, 2010, 10:27:56 AM
So what is a possible medical cause for this one?

ah doh know about mass hysteria thing but when it come to demon possession, there was an article earlier in the year out of brazil. young woman have all de signs of demon possession (weight loss, incredible strength, vomitting, etc.). eventually, doctors find something like a tumor close to her ovaries - can't remember the name of the thing but it was like a parasitic twin.

might be some extracurricular bulling dat cause dis.... ???


Most of the girls are form 1 man...babies.

doh get tie up, form 1 girls bending level iron same speed.
Title: Re: Pupils collapse; parents want exorcist
Post by: Quags on November 18, 2010, 11:41:35 AM
Just remember poltergeist attack females teenagers .So find out how to banish them .

taken from some jumbie site
If it is a true Poltergeist that you are dealing with then salts and charms and such are not going to work. Poltergeist activity comes from a person, usually young girls going through puberty. What you need to do first is determine if you are experiencing poltergeist activity or a haunting.
Title: Re: Pupils collapse; parents want exorcist
Post by: D.H.W on November 18, 2010, 11:53:08 AM
Just remember poltergeist attack females teenagers .So find out how to banish them .

taken from some jumbie site
If it is a true Poltergeist that you are dealing with then salts and charms and such are not going to work. Poltergeist activity comes from a person, usually young girls going through puberty. What you need to do first is determine if you are experiencing poltergeist activity or a haunting.

Quags you talking like you know for sure is poltergeist, didn't Ghost Hunters teach you one thing, is to have facts to back up yuh statement  :devil: , u cah go claiming thing if u doh have the evidence. I also find it strange nobody aint even have a cellphone video or nothing of the incident in the school.
Title: Re: Pupils collapse; parents want exorcist
Post by: Quags on November 18, 2010, 12:17:14 PM
put one of them furby in the school or girls room ,it go start to talk . All the signs pointing to poltergeist  .besides poltergeist is the easiest to deal with ,here this jambie man say .
DHW eint elan say he know the peeps.I feel is Voldormort.

Posted 04 March 2008 - 11:21 PM
I'm going to take a different route than the others that have posted here. From my own experiences, "poltergeist" do not manifest when children hit puberty, but instead are riled up by the highly-emotional state that some teenagers go through when hitting puberty. Any state of high-emotions can set spirits off, as they exist only as energy patterns. Any person going through something traumatic or highly unnerving can feed into the scattered energy of poltergeist-type spirits.

It's my opinion (and one that I share with a few friends who are also 'sensitive') that poltergeist are lost and degraded spirits. For whatever reason (be it a long amount of elapsed time since death, trauma during death, highly emotional state during death, or having been tampered with by the living) poltergeist can no longer remember who or what they are. It is a tortured state of existence and it doesn't take much to send them into a frenzy. Poltergeist -can- become physically violent (though this is true of all spirits) and are difficult to reason with simply because they do not respond as a sentient, fully-aware spirit can.

Spiritual symbols (be they crosses, idols, bits of the natural world, etc) are simply that--symbols. The meanings of symbols are deeply ingrained into our psyches as human beings, however, not all spirits respond to the same symbols. A spirit that comes from a a part of the world where Christianity is absent will not respond to a crucifix or holy water. These items have no physical effect on the dead--they have no physical bodies to react with--but may trigger some memory of a revered symbol and cause them to react appropriately. "Demonic" possessions, for example, claim to have no respect for the Church, but can be driven off with Holy relics. It is my opinion that these relics do not, in it of themselves, have any kind of mystical power, but instead trigger a psychological effect in the invading spiritual presence (I hate saying "demonic," as I don't believe in "demons" in the Biblical sense). All ghosts have are their memories and most are so caught up in them that they pay little attention to the living.

What I would suggest is (1) getting rid of the toy. For some reason, this fractured spirit has chosen it as it's method of "communicating" with you. If you don't want it to continue, remove the line of communication.
(2) Find out the history of your house. Because most spirits cannot free themselves from a cycle of reliving their memories, they tend to cling to places where there were strong emotional attachments during the years they were alive. If something tragic happened on your property, it is important to understand what it was so you can better deal with this poltergeist.
(3) Most poltergeist don't know they're dead, or even what they are. I've heard that re-educating a poltergeist can be effective if the spirit is receptive.
(4) Always stay calm when it acts up. Poltergeist, like any spirit, feed off of heightened emotions--it's why they seem to enjoy frightening people so much. The more irrational our behavior becomes, the more irrational -their- behavior becomes.
(5) Do not call attention to the poltergeist. The same theory as the one stated above applies here as well. The more attention you give it, the more energy it will siphon from you and the more encouraged it will feel to continue.
(6) Find a symbol (religious, magical, mystical, etc) that YOU are comfortable with and that YOU "believe" in. The psychological energy you put behind that symbol will send a clear message to the poltergeist: You are not to be trifled with.
(7) When you are ready, and when you feel you can control your own fear and emotions, CALMLY confront the poltergeist. Explain the situation: You were alive once, but you are dead now. It is time for you to leave this place and move on.

Remember, all spirits are in some degree of pain, even the "nice" ones. There is nothing more devastating than feeling an absence of both life and eternal rest. These beings are caught in the in-between. They are easily confused, lost, and trying to figure out what has happened to them.

Think of poltergeist and ghosts that move furniture around. Most hauntings spike in activity during moves or major remodeling of a home. Spirits are stuck in their pasts and it is disturbing to them when an environment they're used to is suddenly changed. Most don't realize they're dead and for those of us (un)lucky enough to interact with them, it's our duty to help them as best we can.

I had some nasty juju follow me home from a very old (18th century) cemetery near my home after walking my dogs a few weeks ago. My unscrupulous mutts decided to mark their territory all around the perimeter of the cemetery wall, and obviously upset someone. I didn't sleep a wink that night, careful to keep an eye on the constantly shifting shadows in my bedroom, and trying to comfort my terrified dogs. The next day, I contacted a friend of mine who has more experience with these sorts of things and he told me to go burn some Sage incense at the graveyard and apologize (and to leave the "darn dogs" at home). While some believe that the sage itself has power over the dead, I think it's the emotional value placed with both the act and the apology that holds the most sway.

Remember, ghosts and poltergeist (and shadow people, orbs, "demonic entities", etc) were once human beings (and occasionally animals, or so I hear). If you really put your heart into it, speak your mind clearly and honestly, and let him/her/it know that this is YOUR home now, it should get the message. Be sympathetic to it's state of confusion and encourage it to release it's hold on the house. Above ALL else, you must stay calm and in control of yourself. It doesn't sound like this is a terribly strong spirit, but they can and will exploit any crack in your defenses.

Good luck!

Title: Re: Pupils collapse; parents want exorcist
Post by: mukumsplau on November 18, 2010, 01:45:58 PM
Just remember poltergeist attack females teenagers .So find out how to banish them .

taken from some jumbie site
If it is a true Poltergeist that you are dealing with then salts and charms and such are not going to work. Poltergeist activity comes from a person, usually young girls going through puberty. What you need to do first is determine if you are experiencing poltergeist activity or a haunting.

Quags you talking like you know for sure is poltergeist, didn't Ghost Hunters teach you one thing, is to have facts to back up yuh statement  :devil: , u cah go claiming thing if u doh have the evidence. I also find it strange nobody aint even have a cellphone video or nothing of the incident in the school.

my deep south sources told me ppl tried to film/take pics on their phones but like all that equipment got knocked out/went wild and didnt work...

dhw...dey get posessed. punto final.and the teachers got a gag order on them by the ministry.

if u cud call God name in yuh mouth u mus accept that their is the other darkside or else wa is d sense...evil does show up like dis it in possessions...gruesome killings etc....

rememba d war is not with the flesh and blood

Title: Re: Boy visited by spirit in Jamaica
Post by: truetrini on November 19, 2010, 12:18:49 PM

Title: Re: Boy visited by spirit in Jamaica
Post by: D.H.W on November 19, 2010, 01:40:56 PM

Where we resident experts on the paranormal?, we need alyuh  :devil:
Title: Re: Pupils collapse; parents want exorcist
Post by: Preacher on November 20, 2010, 12:44:04 AM
Well alyuh know I must leave a comment. 

Angels are real. Demons are real.  The same laws that govern angels govern demons.  Everything Physical is influenced by the unseen.  The goal is to manifest anarchy and darkness against God by destroying all that is good about man or manifesting light and saving all that is good in us. 

This is what the bible says to those that believe in Jesus Christ. " We wrestle not against flesh and blood but principalities and powers, dominions and mights, against spiritual wickedness in high places.  I've seen what is being described at the school 1st hand.  But never on that scale.  There is cause for real concern here and those that can pray, should.  Something went wrong with their plans and now these beings want innocent blood as repayment. The fact that no one has died yet is STILL God at work.  Someone called on these demons to do major harm to someone.  Their plans failed and this demon is high up enough to do this.  So he has rallied many.  They maybe facing a legion in that place.  In addition, as I'm typing this right now the sense I'm getting is that a teacher is involved behind the scenes.  Giving the demonic authority to be there.  Please take note that not All the kids are involved.  Praise God for His Angels but praise God for people that pray and give the Angels strength to fight against these demons.  But praise God more for the Grandmothers, mothers, fathers, pastors and friends that have kept praying for you and I.  Least in our times of wandering we come across a manifestation like this without the necessary Angelic back up.  Trust me you doh want to see this in your house.

Father I join with the believers right now and rebuke the demonic stronghold over that school.  I break their hold over those children in the name of Jesus.  I send forth your angels to minister to those kids in Jesus name and declare that none of them will die.  Satan I rebuke your plan in that situation.  I come against the spirit of fear that causes hysteria and death and I release the spirit of faith that brings hope and life.   Hope to the kids and hope to the people of that community.  Lord I pray that you use this for your glory.  In Jesus name Amen.
Title: Re: Pupils collapse; parents want exorcist
Post by: Bakes on November 20, 2010, 06:16:44 AM
Well alyuh know I must leave a comment. 

Angels are real. Demons are real.  The same laws that govern angels govern demons.  Everything Physical is influenced by the unseen.  The goal is to manifest anarchy and darkness against God by destroying all that is good about man or manifesting light and saving all that is good in us. 

This is what the bible says to those that believe in Jesus Christ. " We wrestle not against flesh and blood but principalities and powers, dominions and mights, against spiritual wickedness in high places.  I've seen what is being described at the school 1st hand.  But never on that scale.  There is cause for real concern here and those that can pray, should.  Something went wrong with their plans and now these beings want innocent blood as repayment. The fact that no one has died yet is STILL God at work.  Someone called on these demons to do major harm to someone.  Their plans failed and this demon is high up enough to do this.  So he has rallied many.  They maybe facing a legion in that place.  In addition, as I'm typing this right now the sense I'm getting is that a teacher is involved behind the scenes.  Giving the demonic authority to be there.  Please take note that not All the kids are involved.  Praise God for His Angels but praise God for people that pray and give the Angels strength to fight against these demons.  But praise God more for the Grandmothers, mothers, fathers, pastors and friends that have kept praying for you and I.  Least in our times of wandering we come across a manifestation like this without the necessary Angelic back up.  Trust me you doh want to see this in your house.

Father I join with the believers right now and rebuke the demonic stronghold over that school.  I break their hold over those children in the name of Jesus.  I send forth your angels to minister to those kids in Jesus name and declare that none of them will die.  Satan I rebuke your plan in that situation.  I come against the spirit of fear that causes hysteria and death and I release the spirit of faith that brings hope and life.   Hope to the kids and hope to the people of that community.  Lord I pray that you use this for your glory.  In Jesus name Amen.

Amen brother  :beermug:
Title: Re: Pupils collapse; parents want exorcist
Post by: Feliziano on November 20, 2010, 07:32:25 AM
Well alyuh know I must leave a comment. 

Angels are real. Demons are real.  The same laws that govern angels govern demons.  Everything Physical is influenced by the unseen.  The goal is to manifest anarchy and darkness against God by destroying all that is good about man or manifesting light and saving all that is good in us. 

This is what the bible says to those that believe in Jesus Christ. " We wrestle not against flesh and blood but principalities and powers, dominions and mights, against spiritual wickedness in high places.  I've seen what is being described at the school 1st hand.  But never on that scale.  There is cause for real concern here and those that can pray, should.  Something went wrong with their plans and now these beings want innocent blood as repayment. The fact that no one has died yet is STILL God at work.  Someone called on these demons to do major harm to someone.  Their plans failed and this demon is high up enough to do this.  So he has rallied many.  They maybe facing a legion in that place.  In addition, as I'm typing this right now the sense I'm getting is that a teacher is involved behind the scenes.  Giving the demonic authority to be there.  Please take note that not All the kids are involved.  Praise God for His Angels but praise God for people that pray and give the Angels strength to fight against these demons.  But praise God more for the Grandmothers, mothers, fathers, pastors and friends that have kept praying for you and I.  Least in our times of wandering we come across a manifestation like this without the necessary Angelic back up.  Trust me you doh want to see this in your house.

Father I join with the believers right now and rebuke the demonic stronghold over that school.  I break their hold over those children in the name of Jesus.  I send forth your angels to minister to those kids in Jesus name and declare that none of them will die.  Satan I rebuke your plan in that situation.  I come against the spirit of fear that causes hysteria and death and I release the spirit of faith that brings hope and life.   Hope to the kids and hope to the people of that community.  Lord I pray that you use this for your glory.  In Jesus name Amen.
Ryo yuh know i ent that religious but what you say is true that there is an unseen war we don't see
Amen brother  :angel:
ps..while yuh in the praying mood..ah ent go ask for world peace etc..but say some prayers for Torres and Stevie G for me nah  :D
Title: Re: Pupils collapse; parents want exorcist
Post by: Feliziano on November 20, 2010, 07:39:17 AM
Just remember poltergeist attack females teenagers .So find out how to banish them .

taken from some jumbie site
If it is a true Poltergeist that you are dealing with then salts and charms and such are not going to work. Poltergeist activity comes from a person, usually young girls going through puberty. What you need to do first is determine if you are experiencing poltergeist activity or a haunting.

Quags you talking like you know for sure is poltergeist, didn't Ghost Hunters teach you one thing, is to have facts to back up yuh statement  :devil: , u cah go claiming thing if u doh have the evidence. I also find it strange nobody aint even have a cellphone video or nothing of the incident in the school.

my deep south sources told me ppl tried to film/take pics on their phones but like all that equipment got knocked out/went wild and didnt work...

dhw...dey get posessed. punto final.and the teachers got a gag order on them by the ministry.

if u cud call God name in yuh mouth u mus accept that their is the other darkside or else wa is d sense...evil does show up like dis it in possessions...gruesome killings etc....

rememba d war is not with the flesh and blood
thats the one FB comment i made to a cousin..with all the cellphones Tom, Dick and Jane have down in T&T, how come nobody have a video of people hovering etc
Title: Re: Pupils collapse; parents want exorcist
Post by: D.H.W on November 20, 2010, 09:20:33 AM
sigh, what evidence we have that it was truly demon possession? that's all i want to know. not even a single video of the event except peoples word. Again people making this thread into if spirits real or not, that's not what d thread about. I want to know if what happen truly was demon possession. Can anyone show that?, pictures, video of the event? anything? It may be true, but it have practically nothing to go by, other than people word.
Title: Re: Pupils collapse; parents want exorcist
Post by: elan on November 20, 2010, 11:23:10 AM
sigh, what evidence we have that it was truly demon possession? that's all i want to know. not even a single video of the event except peoples word. Again people making this thread into if spirits real or not, that's not what d thread about. I want to know if what happen truly was demon possession. Can anyone show that?, pictures, video of the event? anything? It may be true, but it have practically nothing to go by, other than people word.

But DHW you accepted the Drs. diagnosis of hysteria and where are their evidence that it is hysteria or what cause the hysteria?
Title: Re: Pupils collapse; parents want exorcist
Post by: D.H.W on November 20, 2010, 11:26:03 AM
sigh, what evidence we have that it was truly demon possession? that's all i want to know. not even a single video of the event except peoples word. Again people making this thread into if spirits real or not, that's not what d thread about. I want to know if what happen truly was demon possession. Can anyone show that?, pictures, video of the event? anything? It may be true, but it have practically nothing to go by, other than people word.

But DHW you accepted the Drs. diagnosis of hysteria and where are their evidence that it is hysteria or what cause the hysteria?

 :angel: well as it is right now, everybody seems to have there own opinion on what it is
Title: Re: Pupils collapse; parents want exorcist
Post by: Preacher on November 20, 2010, 08:29:33 PM
This may appear cheesy at first but if you hang on I think it raising the right questions.

Sometimes people just need a lil help to get through.

Shamed that I ain't know how to embed.  :)
Title: Re: Pupils collapse; parents want exorcist
Post by: Bakes on November 20, 2010, 10:10:03 PM

 :angel: well as it is right now, everybody seems to have there own opinion on what it is

Yuh eh answer he question doh  ;)
Title: Re: Pupils collapse; parents want exorcist
Post by: D.H.W on November 20, 2010, 10:24:47 PM
lol true , i guess go be nuetral on this, cant be disproven or proven.         
Title: Re: Pupils collapse; parents want exorcist
Post by: Bakes on November 20, 2010, 10:33:45 PM
lol true , i guess go be nuetral on this, cant be disproven or proven.         

Which is pretty much my stance... I reject the knee-jerk inclination to bawl "Oh God... is de devil".  And usually where there is a scientific/rational explanation I'm more inclined to accept that.  But I'm not that arrogant as to say conclusively that it can't be something I myself can't rule out.
Title: Re: Pupils collapse; parents want exorcist
Post by: mukumsplau on November 20, 2010, 11:00:49 PM
lol true , i guess go be nuetral on this, cant be disproven or proven.         

Which is pretty much my stance... I reject the knee-jerk inclination to bawl "Oh God... is de devil".  And usually where there is a scientific/rational explanation I'm more inclined to accept that.  But I'm not that arrogant as to say conclusively that it can't be something I myself can't rule out.

cud tell yuh one thing tho...sickness/madness/depression etc is not The Almighty's doing...ultimately, ALL d devil want to do is jus to throw u off the path one should be walking...affliction(whichever one is d word) is in his very extensive toolbox...

it hav ppl who does deal up in d underworld forces tuh do dey ting and once d devil eatin he food(yuh soul) den he wud help u eat yours...

Title: Re: Pupils collapse; parents want exorcist
Post by: dinho on November 21, 2010, 10:45:30 AM
Title: Re: Pupils collapse; parents want exorcist
Post by: Jay10 on November 22, 2010, 06:24:50 PM

Dinho there was 1 on worldstarhiphop...dat thing freak me out yo...
Title: Re: Pupils collapse; parents want exorcist
Post by: D.H.W on November 22, 2010, 06:35:25 PM
to me it look like the boy flinging him self, i could be wrong doh
Title: Re: Pupils collapse; parents want exorcist
Post by: truetrini on November 22, 2010, 07:10:27 PM
hahahahahaha Jamaica have jokey ghosts, we Morugan Ghosts making chirren hover in mid air etc...steups...dem Jamaican see we have duppy, so dem get Duppy, dem jes following we  hahahahahaha

Is de shoes dat boy wearing dat

whatever, dat is too funny, and I looking at dem videos for days now and is level kicks
Title: Re: Pupils collapse; parents want exorcist
Post by: elan on November 22, 2010, 09:15:48 PM
to me it look like the boy flinging him self, i could be wrong doh

The 2nd one at the wall is the most convincing one.
Title: Re: lol
Post by: truetrini on November 22, 2010, 11:25:39 PM

Mass hysteria or demonic posession
Dave Mckenzie
Published: 14 Nov 2010
Dave Mckenzie
As a pastor with over 17 years experience, I feel compelled to respond to the events that unfolded at the Moruga Composite school recently where several young “female” students began manifesting behaviour and symptoms that most people hastily concluded was the work of satan and his hosts of darkness.

I am especially incensed at the haste with which some pastors moved to cash in on the 15 minutes of fame, proclaiming themselves to be exorcists and moving in on the compound like Clint Eastwood armed with holy water and all.One of the most serious issues I have had with my colleagues over the years is their blatant refusal to lift their followers out of the stench of superstition and irrational beliefs.

Educating people of faith and elevating them out of the abyss of superstition is the key to losing their financial support. It is, therefore, in the best economic and financial interests of some religious leaders to perpetuate this nonsense about satan and demons since the exercise of exorcism is extremely lucrative.

If those same students had gone out into the community and distributed food and clothing to the poor and elderly not a soul in Trinidad would have concluded that they were possessed with the spirit of Jesus. When something good happens it is we who did it. When something bad happens it is the devil!

I have stood in pulpits around the world and preached to people and have witnessed the same behaviour, mostly among women and girls. For years I believed that that was the Holy Spirit until I decided to speak at length with a renowned psychiatrist who said in a very calm and authoritative tone that the phenomenon I witnessed on the pulpit was a form of mass hysteria and in some cases temporary reaction psychosis.

I soon discovered that when I spent time in the pulpit talking about the devil, incidents of demonic possession increased among the people. When I cut it out and began preaching positive messages all the demonic nonsense disappeared and I frankly can’t recall the last time I had such a call! Such is the power of subliminal suggestion!
When young girls faint in a Michael Jackson rock concert we blame it on the “moonwalk.” When young girls and women pass out in a church it’s the Holy Spirit. When it happens at Moruga Composite it is demonic possession. When you look at it objectively it is the dominant belief among the victims that overwhelms their minds and translates into the physical manifestations.

Mass hysteria is a phenomenon in which a group of people, usually women and girls, exhibit similar hysterical symptoms such as headache, vomiting seizures, et al. It is usually governed by a corporate irrational belief in the same thing and usually occurs where people are in close proximity to one another like in a rock concert, a church or a school.

In all the venues I just mentioned it is also a fact that for the most part boys and men are left totally unscathed. If it’s satan and his minions the question is what is his fear of men and boys! In 2007, near Chalco, a working class suburb of Mexico city, mass hysteria resulted in a massive outbreak of unusual symptoms suffered by adolescent female students at Children’s Village School, a Catholic boarding school.

In 2008, in Tanzania, about 20 female school pupils began to faint in a schoolroom, collapsing to the floor and losing consciousness, while others witnessing the event began to sob and yell and run around the school.In 2010, in a small southern village in the island of Trinidad, girls began experiencing headaches and nausea together with seizures and fainting spells.

It is my hope and prayer that people would “google” a bit more and begin educating themselves about the power of suggestion and psycho-somatic behaviour. There is a big difference between believing in the existence of the devil and believing in the devil. Unfortunately, many who claim to believe in God display more fear and respect for the devil than faith in God. A psycho-therapist or a psychologist, provided they, too, aren’t bound by idle superstitious beliefs, is what Moruga Composite needs, not superstitious pastors and priests.

Dave Mckenzie

Title: Re: Pupils collapse; parents want exorcist
Post by: FF on November 23, 2010, 08:22:39 AM
That is too much rational thought. Trinity Cross must be possessed too!!

I go pray for you :praying:
Title: Re: Pupils collapse; parents want exorcist
Post by: Preacher on November 24, 2010, 09:17:02 PM
hahahahahaha Jamaica have jokey ghosts, we Morugan Ghosts making chirren hover in mid air etc...steups...dem Jamaican see we have duppy, so dem get Duppy, dem jes following we  hahahahahaha

Is de shoes dat boy wearing dat

 ;D  you is kicks oui
Title: Re: Pupils collapse; parents want exorcist
Post by: Preacher on November 24, 2010, 09:19:49 PM
How are the people chirren?
Title: Re: This is a Classic..How to Duppy?
Post by: truetrini on November 25, 2010, 08:20:01 PM

Title: Re: This is a Classic..How to Duppy?
Post by: D.H.W on November 25, 2010, 09:39:07 PM

aaaaaaaaaaahahahahahaha teach me how to duppy!!  :wavetowel: :wavetowel: aaaaahahahahaha  :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:  :devil: OH LORD!
Title: Re: Pupils collapse; parents want exorcist
Post by: Dutty on November 26, 2010, 09:43:07 AM
lol!! some peoople have REAL time on dey hands oui

dem young guns who make up da song go be looking for ah royalty cheque when dey see dis

more demon madness (
Title: Re: Pupils collapse; parents want exorcist
Post by: D.H.W on November 26, 2010, 11:17:57 AM
teach me how to duppy!!  8)
Title: Re: Pupils collapse; parents want exorcist
Post by: Dutty on January 12, 2011, 10:04:25 AM
so uhhhhh.....jus curious
what was the end result here?

T&T media just drop de story cold?
Moruga people still frighten?
The demon discover it have more profit runnin PH?
Title: Re: Pupils collapse; parents want exorcist
Post by: D.H.W on January 12, 2011, 11:15:44 AM
1 hit wonder
Title: Re: Pupils collapse; parents want exorcist
Post by: mukumsplau on January 13, 2011, 04:12:03 AM
like allyuh tryin tuh call up spirits!lol
Title: Re: Pupils collapse; parents want exorcist
Post by: elan on October 20, 2011, 11:24:56 PM
DHW I hear this happen againg Yesterday or day before. Yuh hear anything?
Title: Re: Pupils collapse; parents want exorcist
Post by: D.H.W on October 21, 2011, 06:56:01 AM
DHW I hear this happen againg Yesterday or day before. Yuh hear anything?

Nope didn't hear anything on news
Title: Re: Pupils collapse; parents want exorcist
Post by: truetrini on October 21, 2011, 08:40:11 AM
so uhhhhh.....jus curious
what was the end result here?

T&T media just drop de story cold?
Moruga people still frighten?
The demon discover it have more profit runnin PH?

hahahahahah demon running PH Dutty you is ah facking boss
Title: Re: Pupils collapse; parents want exorcist
Post by: elan on December 01, 2011, 04:08:28 PM
Just heard that it another "spiritual" interaction in Moruga.

Rock River RC ( if you ever went to Moruga, you go up this big hill and as you start descending you go past a school on your right  ;D  ) the teachers were teaching about the body of Christ and saying Hail Marys and a wooden Cup or board with an immage of a Cup stated bleeding out of the sides. I heard CNC3 was on the scene so we may get some footage.
Title: Re: Pupils collapse; parents want exorcist
Post by: weary1969 on December 03, 2011, 10:26:37 AM
Bleeding image sent to Port-of-Spain
By LAUREL V WILLIAMS Saturday, December 3 2011

THE image of the bleeding Holy Eucharist, seen at a Moruga primary school is now at the Archdiocese in Port-of-Spain where testings are to be carried out on it.

Parish Priest Jayasaleen Baskar made the confirmation yesterday, and added one has to have faith to believe such a phenomenon.

On Thursday morning Eric Lewis, the Standard Two teacher of the Rock River Roman Catholic Primary School in Moruga saw a red-coloured substance running down the wood carving of the Holy Eucharist.

The wooden carving was earlier placed on the wall of the classroom by Lewis following a lesson about the significance of the Holy Eucharist in the Catholic faith. Lewis was of the opinion the substance smelled like blood, and therefore it was a miracle happening right before his eyes. Lewis firmly believed it was the work of God, an affirmation of His work.

Between Thursday morning and evening, when it was removed, scores of persons visited the school to see for themselves, many taking photos of the carving.

Yesterday, Baskar said he handed over the image to his predecessor Fr David Khan who would have then taken it to the Archdiocese of Port-of-Spain.

“Last night (Thursday) at about 6 pm Fr Khan came and I handed it over to him. It has been moved to the Archdiocese. It is our faith. You have to have faith to believe,” Baskar said.

Contacted yesterday Vicar for Communications for the Archdiocese, Msgr Cuthbert Alexander, opted not to comment much on the issue, saying in due course the Archdiocese will make an official statement. “It has to be investigated first then an official statement would be made,” he noted.

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