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Messages - mal jeux

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 19
General Discussion / Re: Gary Griffith: Illegals Will be deported.
« on: November 30, 2013, 11:43:33 AM »
No mention of the South Americans?

he cyah mention dem want dem big pappies to riot or wha

Which remind mih,, is long long time I eh hear ah peep outta Anil mout

it full. a strict pescetarian diet

General Discussion / Re: Stay out! - 13 Jamaicans turned away from Trinidad
« on: November 22, 2013, 06:47:10 AM »
Not good!!
Is this a new PP government policy being executed?
Would be interesting to hear if the same thing is happening to Guyanese as well.
just the indian ones
How do you know that?
The only way that will make sense for consistency is if all the Jamaicans who got turned away from T&T were Indo-Jamaicans.
Do you know if any of the Jamaicans who got turned away were Indo-Jamaicans out of interest?
And are you trying to imply that T&T currently has an anti-Indian government because the last time I checked the UNC was the main player in the PP coalition government.

do i really need to explain the response to your comment.

General Discussion / Re: Stay out! - 13 Jamaicans turned away from Trinidad
« on: November 21, 2013, 05:14:42 PM »
Not good!!
Is this a new PP government policy being executed?
Would be interesting to hear if the same thing is happening to Guyanese as well.
just the indian ones

Jokes / Foot Locker's Week Of Greatness 2013
« on: November 19, 2013, 05:49:59 PM »

Entertainment & Culture Discussion / Re: Soca 2014
« on: November 02, 2013, 03:32:59 AM »
machel pull that out d rubbish bin
riddim nice but the vocals boi!

Entertainment & Culture Discussion / Re: Celine Dion vs Whitney Houston
« on: October 27, 2013, 06:19:50 PM »
so in other words, when you shake an next man hand it's considered gay promiscuity?

Entertainment & Culture Discussion / Re: Celine Dion vs Whitney Houston
« on: October 27, 2013, 10:21:32 AM »
change gal. she suffering from a serious case of prick in ears syndrome. celine dion  :rotfl:  :rotfl:

General Discussion / Re: ELECTION DAY THREAD
« on: October 24, 2013, 11:11:55 PM »
@mal jeux if you are referring to me I never pretend to be impartial, I voted PNM but I am always....always prepared to call shit, shit because at d end of d day indian ass african ass, shit is shit it smells the same and when  it falls it falls on all of us, while I may be hyper aggressive with it, my views are always well intentioned..................and would surely vote for a flock of pigeon if I was sure they would put this country on d right track........

leffs, it was a general statement (yuh basket holding wata). but i will direct a comment to you. in responding don't do the name calling thing as it takes away from the validity of what you have to offer.

General Discussion / Re: ELECTION DAY THREAD
« on: October 24, 2013, 09:42:42 PM »
Economic issues (Unemployment, Growth, Inflation , Industrial Policy)
Social (Social Security, Education, Health )
Political (Executive Leadership, Legislation , etc.)
National Security
International Relations
Quality of Life.

the areas marked above. the only one I can clearly see that this gov't is failing miserably compared to ALL administrations before is  Political (Executive Leadership, Legislation , etc.). Every gov't before has struggled to make any real inroads in any of these areas. The closest we came to being a nation actually tackling these issues (lawd I'll sound like patos step chile now) is under ANR.

what i dislike about this forum is that the few who comment about the political climate in the country are the ones affiliated to a party (even though they may try to sound impartial). why can't we have people comment on here who are truly concerned about the country and not which race party is running it? Don't you just love when the remark comes out - "you voted for them" flack people this is OUR land and if the democracy is not in your favor it's still a blasted democracy.

Kamla is a disgrace no two ways about it. Dismantle and blame!

General Discussion / Re: ELECTION DAY THREAD
« on: October 23, 2013, 01:02:42 PM »
so jw is the new vote splitter for the pnm :D Rowley should thank him if PNM regains power...

but then you have to ask yourself the question, what the hell is the difference, both pnm and unc/pp are a waste of time... pnm had power for donkey years and squander it... unc has done marginally better but still falls on the wayside... people celebrating like if anything would change with Rowley as pm  :D people home is ah joke oui...

This is the fable being perpetuated by the UNC. A measure of 'vote splitting' did occur but more significantly PNM gained votes in many areas. Consider that PNM actually got the most votes in Chagaunas and it paints picture of the rest of the country. The 'UNC base was secured' (Ramlogan, Devant and Kamla actually used this term) but apart from that the rest country soundly rejected them. Vote splitting wasn't the issue at all.

The government is damn unpopular and had a shitty campaign and the ILP was not considered serious enough to control anything see: 'Anand see d goat' for reference. 

u have time...GDP and d potential for growth and all round confidence in the economy has fallen badly...revenues are drying up .....and u tryin to convince ah man dat does sleep in a PP pajamas, while feigning otherwise of what really going on.......even elements of "dey base" might be ready to throw dem out, but for d few dat still slerpin d coolaid while d ship continues to sink

is this based on actual proof (please provide) or hearsay and political gallivanting

General Discussion / Re: ELECTION DAY THREAD
« on: October 22, 2013, 03:10:12 PM »
marginally my ass

So tell me lefty, what drastic improvement is going to happen if PNM regains power? What is so dynamic about their platform?

Here's another question, the real kicker, do you know who really runs T&T?

 I assure you no real improvement as the pnm have ah 'track record' as well. BUT at least the bleeding will stop. under this regime the 'ship' bleeding like the the exxon valdez.

the thing i still can't understand is how this day and age, a campaign promise of pipe-borne-water, good roads, cleared water ways and litter police is something to bribe voters. wft!  this is the basic necessity  the people should already demand. (heard this promise at a campaign meeting)

General Discussion / Re: ELECTION DAY THREAD
« on: October 21, 2013, 07:56:04 PM »
when is general elections?

General Discussion / Re: ELECTION DAY THREAD
« on: October 21, 2013, 01:25:11 PM »
I eh know if we had 1 before so it will be merged if we have one.

Today is the 1st day since 1991 the first time I voted I eh steups before during and after I vote.

dais your conscience  telling you yuh dutty your finger for the wrong party

At all when I was steupsing it was when I was concern now I know I can sleep even better than I usually can and I can real sleep.

i now have concerns. you just joined the large majority of sleeping voters in this once blessed land.

General Discussion / Re: ELECTION DAY THREAD
« on: October 21, 2013, 11:30:10 AM »
I eh know if we had 1 before so it will be merged if we have one.

Today is the 1st day since 1991 the first time I voted I eh steups before during and after I vote.

dais your conscience  telling you yuh dutty your finger for the wrong party

General Discussion / Re: Attorney General Anand Ramlogan Thread
« on: October 20, 2013, 06:35:43 PM »
Who the best man 4 d job.


General Discussion / The Worst Thing To Pass Through Trinbago!
« on: October 19, 2013, 09:20:10 AM »
Without a doubt, the worst thing to ever pass through the political climate of Trinidad and Tobago is that current AG. And can someone please tell me how this individual continues to hold office?

Making panday, manning, oholloran, sat etc look like innocent school boys.

calling just cool we need some thoughts on this issue from you.

General Discussion / Re: Gangs in T&T.
« on: October 17, 2013, 07:17:46 AM »
i hear they're bringing in an expert on gangs from "Alberta" Canada. a gentleman with a proven record working with gangs of prairie dogs, beaver, bison, raccoon and the fiercely territorial striped skunk. 

General Discussion / Re: IAN ALLEYNE
« on: October 16, 2013, 08:36:15 PM »
If that is the measure of excellence we are  in more tats and incompetence  from a party that is leaderless corrupt vile and plague with jokers

you do know that the pnm not in power right
yeah true but how does the ridiculous waste dat happen while trying to get stuff done differ from d boldfaced looting while giving little to nothing in return.....u self does acknowledge dat nonsense going on now..but does get defense when others point it out.....shit is shit no matter which ass it pour from.

leffs what defense you speaking about hoss

ah man get it above, you mean I have to break it down for you? boi go eat ah japs and doh hut yuh head

General Discussion / Re: IAN ALLEYNE
« on: October 16, 2013, 06:05:05 PM »
bago smiling from ah distance. dey house in order

General Discussion / Re: IAN ALLEYNE
« on: October 16, 2013, 06:01:35 PM »
If that is the measure of excellence we are  in more tats and incompetence  from a party that is leaderless corrupt vile and plague with jokers

you do know that the pnm not in power right

General Discussion / Re: IAN ALLEYNE
« on: October 16, 2013, 02:42:52 PM »
excellent choice! will win that seat without any competition.

Football / Re: Stern John concerned about testing.
« on: October 12, 2013, 08:15:47 PM »
I find Stern's comment is out ah timing.

norm for john to miss the mark

General Discussion / Re: lend mih yuh eyes dey a minute
« on: October 08, 2013, 05:46:28 AM »
leffs the sort of shadows I see on the ground, i assume they're form the flag poles? if that is the case there should be shadow generated from the beast as well?

Football / Re: Shocking news about Akeem
« on: October 08, 2013, 05:44:30 AM »
I feeling to cry this morning. I hoping and praying for this young man's life

we're in the same boat. real sad!

General Discussion / Re: lend mih yuh eyes dey a minute
« on: October 05, 2013, 06:41:30 PM »
yea, normally dem 2 stag bottles would have either a doubles or pie wrapper next to them, in a crunched position.

Football / Re: TnT and Jamaica players in UEFA Champions League
« on: October 03, 2013, 11:02:31 AM »
I still shock big mag askin for a list of players from Jamaica

he well know the answer to his question in regards to ja.  ;)

General Discussion / Re: Independent Liberal Party (ILP) Thread.
« on: September 28, 2013, 01:43:37 PM »
Voters choose their preferred poison at the time of the particular election, not subsequent to it. To harp about the repercussions of having voted in a particular government is proper fodder for opposition voices and disgruntled former political bedfellows (like Jack). Even individual voters may regret where they put their X, but part of their democratic responsibility is to live with such consequences as they emerge.

However, to not accept that the electorate made a properly informed, majority decision at the time of the Gen Election polls is to not accept that, for some voters, an unpleasant odour emanated from the PNM at or about the time the elections were called ... and that for other voters there was an overwhelming compulsion to vote otherwise (whatever their motivation, pernicious or benign) ...

A discriminating sense of smell (as yuh putting yuh X) could be informed by objectivity, subjectivity, ignorance or indifference. Whatever the basis for one's choice, any of those four things spells doom in a two-party structure. There are always losers and winners on the political stage. Some of them at the bottom of the food chain, some of them at the top.  It's predictable that those embedded in political patronage arrangements will suffer. It's time to shake that cycle ... even if it means initially having multiple patrons. Repossession from Courts and unemployment go hand in hand with that patronage. It is a product of consequences rooted in Westminster, not vindictiveness bred in Andhra Pradesh.

Success of the PP government at the polls was a good thing for democracy and political maturity in Trinidad & Tobago. Point blank! This is a distinct matter from whether it ultimately was (or proves to be) a good thing for the economy, international prestige, financial markets, domestic policy and the national welfare, state security, regional harmony, public confidence, and so on.

Did Patos/the PNM "deserve" to get booted out of office? Yes, because the party as a collective, and Mr. Manning as the embodiment of that PNM government, governed in such a manner as to raise issues regarding that government's efficacy in office. The PP may be making egregious governance decisions now, but this does not negate the validity of the choice made by voters at the time of the Gen Elections.

This is the crux of my disagreement with Weary's position.

I have no problem if yuh showing Patos and co d door but for Kamla and co. In 1995 I could understand but after there astute and corrupt free tenure people but them back in power and now surprise bout racism and nepotism. Well I saw them operate and I see PNM operate both leave a bitter taste in my mouth but d UNC/PP makes me want 2 puke. So until another NAR emerges I will vote for the people that doh make me want 2 vomit. 

get some gravol (or squeeze some lime and smell) and organize. pnm under pitbull not ready to take over and jw may just be sneaking in.

General Discussion / Re: Google's Android unveiled
« on: September 19, 2013, 10:31:23 AM »
Blackberry's message service coming to Android on Sept 21st and iPhone on Sept 22nd.

people done sayin dey too late .....even in trini where d proportion of BB to android and iOS still high............plenty people I know stickin to BB only 'cause dey ent have no money or dey BB still workin good, but goh change when dey circumstances change

BB have to do someting real special at this point to get people interested.

kids (teenagers) usually are the ones to fuel digital growth and I see they're using iphone face to face thing on the regular, even more than skype, whatapp etc. so yea, BB (if they're smart) will try to get their old customers back due to nostalgia PLUS, their system is still considered very easy to use so look for them to target the 40 something + age group. bb with the physical keyboard is still a draw for older folks with thick fingers, who also like the feel of pressing a keyboard

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