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Topics - triniwings

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Football / Triniwings match report (U-23 T&T vs U-23 Cuba).
« on: October 09, 2007, 10:44:03 PM »
Triniwings match report (U-23 T&T vs U-23 Cuba).

Firstly, let me say that the 3-0 performance (with the exception of a few moments of ineffective brilliance) was as correctly stated in Nigel Simon's Guardian report, a 'spineless' exibition on the part of T&T to say the least.

These young Warriors performed well below the standard expected of a World Cup nation playing at home to Caribbean opposition. Don't be confused, Cuba has and will continue to exibit quality football on the field of play.  They clearly have injected some degree of structure and success into their development programs in the last decade, but T&T was merely outclassed from a technical and tactical standpoint for the most part of 90 minutes.

Sadly, to the dismay of avid warrior fans like myself, this disgrace had to take place in front a larger than usual attendance for a match of relatively less significance to the general T&T public. That being said, the first half was difficult to watch as Cuba (made to look like Costa Rica or even better opposition) played total football around 10 hapless outfield warriors. If T&T put together 5 constructive (offensive-minded) passes in that half, it may well have been unnoticed. A lot of players had weak first touches and most are void of ideas and just hurriedly passed the ball to the nearest man. There were hardly any attacking runs, through balls and they just had to be contented to watching Cuba play some beautiful football all over them. They lack physical presence and what I noticed is that they lacked confidence in 50/50 situations as well as going foward in numbers and creating opportunites off the ball. Our style of football is much too lethargic at all levels, and we seem to be so low in ball possession confidence, making us a predictable side to neutralize.

I will be extremely blunt here, I saw no evidence of a T&T Olympic side being coached in a technical and tactical manner. As always, we go a goal down in the early stages, and it took 3 goals for the U-23 team to wake up and attack Cuba confidently.

There are a few positives though. This biggest one is that it is plain to see from the performace of the U-23 (and even U-17) teams, that T&T has done a substandard job of developing their youth. All I see is players with flashes of talent, but loaded with bad habits and technical and tactical inefficiencies. The only reason we perform so well with our Senior Team is because seasonsed professionals are coached and drilled (for YEARS) to play a higher standard of football abroad, hence the reason why most develop to their best international potential at such a mature age (28+). Secondly there were a few players who stood out in my opinion. The centre back (#12) was excellent in the air as well as in his awareness and decision making. #5 who played poorly as right back in the first half was the best central midfielder in the second. The #16 substitute (striker) was a fighter and showed decent attacking instincts, the game changed with his inclusion. The central midfielder (#6) was not up to scratch for the entire game for me. #13 on the right wing tried but was not good enough and he did blow an excellent opportunity miles over the bar and into the stands when two players were wide open for a pass in the box. #11 who came on in the second half at left wing back was a good player, overlapped well and was far better than his predecessor the #2 player who he replaced.

The best player on the night was Hayden Tinto (#7). He played on the right then the left then on the right again, but his first touch, positional play and confidence in attack was a level above most of the players around him. I would like to see him play in central midfield or an attacking midfield role because he is exceptionally skillfull, has some creativity and is a decent passer of the ball. Even his opportunities on goal were threatening for the most part, and I think he is a player we need to keep our eyes on for 2010. Additionally, although the margin of defeat was substantial, the goalkeeper performed creditably in my opinion. He kept T&T in the game for much of the first half and he anticipated coming off his lines well to close down 1v1 situations.

I do hope these guys develop their game and improve in upcoming matches in this campaign. McComie as a coach should be embarrased by his team's performance. The game did swing T&T's way but only after 65 minutes or so when Cuba put 11 men behind the ball (mind you T&T had 10 men for most of the game) and pressed on the counter attack with great effect. I saw some delightful and skilful football by the Cubans (especially by #19 and #7).

Player Ratings:

GK (#21) - Creditable performance

CB (#15) - Average

CB (#12) - Excellent performance all round

LB 1st half (#2) - Poor performance...Cuba strolled down our left side consistently in the 1st half

LWB 2nd half (#11) - A worthy replacement in both attack and defense. Needs to be a little more consistent.

#5- RB (1st half) and CM (2nd half) - weak performance in defense, but gave a spirited and encouraging display at centre midfield. A player with skill and potential if developed.

#13 RW - Inconsistent and needs to be more composed in the box

#6 CM - Poor game all round...for a central midfielder he was too predictable and too slow to react to certain situations. Needs a lot of work.

#7 LW and RW - Tinto...best player on the night. Skillful, creative and confident..showuld be used in attacking midfield or central midfield....was to core of all our threatening attacks outside the box.

#16 - Brought life to our attack up front.  Fighting spirit and skillful attacking instincts.

#10 - Easily pushed of ball, not good in the air, decent but inconsistent

#19 substitue Neaves (LW)- brought nothing to the game for the time he was given

Would someone please match these squad numbers with some names.

All ah alya dat went to dee game......tell me wa alya tink na.


Football / Potential Formation
« on: August 01, 2005, 12:21:02 PM »

                                    Dog                Lawrence               Avery

              Charles                                                                                        Rojas

                       Edwards                      Theobald                   Spann   


Football / Do not despair T&T.....OUR WAY FORWARD............is
« on: July 12, 2005, 11:54:39 PM »
I am the first to acknowledge my disappointment about yesterday's result and our sub-

standard performance as 'Warriors with a mission'.  However, all is not lost, and our

weaknesses and limited strengths that we possess we throughly exposed.

Rest assured, we have improved gradually as a team, as compared to the Warriors under

BSC.  We have fighting spirit, tactical awareness, and a solid defense for the first time in

many years.

The players of the past that are not up to scratch have been identified, and the players to

take us forward are beginning to step up.

Prior to today's woeful defeat at the hands of the Columbians, we competently managed to

reduce the average amount of goals conceded per game.  We have always been a team

that seems to leak early goals, and gradually drift out of a match while time progresses. 

This is no more, and we are actually competing with our opposition of late.

Our defense is beginning to mature while keeping some structure and discipline(bar one

Cyd Gray), but our attack is what is making us always fall short.

We need to score more goals, we are conceding less, but we are not scoring more. 

Before Leo Beenhakker was employed and even during his tenure, we rarely score more

than 1 goal per game against top-class oppostion.  We need better attacking options, more

offensive minded players coming forward amd taking on players, and more chances and

half chances(i.e. goal scoring opportunities) in order to realize our World Cup dreams. 



Shaka Hislop
Clayton Ince
Kelvin Jack

Marvin Andrews
Dennis Lawrence
Avery John
Atiba Charles
Brent Sancho
Glenton Wolfe
Anton Pierre
XXXXX...room for a fast and solid wing back

Carlos Edwards
Chris Birchall
Aurtis Whitley
Silvio Spann
Densil Theobald
Angus Eve
Josh Johnson
XXXXXXXX......room for a left wing
XXXXXXXX......room for a young exciting creative midfielder/playmaker
Russell Latapy....hopefully soon:(:(....ah prayin:(

Dwight Yorke
Kenwyne Jones
Cornell Glen
Hector Sam
Scott Sealy
XXXXX....room for a clinical striker

The remainder of players that were ommitted are not up to international level, and I am of

the opinion that they are not true, aggressive warriors at heart.  They are perceived Star

boys that never realized their true potential.  Until they can rise above this, we should

move on without them, until they prove their worth once again.

Jamaica qualified for France World Cup 1998.  However, their rapid progress only came

after they decided to proactively import players from the UK with Jamaican parentage.  I

thought T&T would not need to resort to such desperate action, since we have such a wide

pool of talent availble to us.   Oh was I wrong!

We have an even wider pool of technically moderate, internationally unprepared

underachievers, who lack qualities such as mental toughness, discipline, and consistency

which are prerequisites of international competition.

Maybe, we need to follow Jamaica and pursue players with talent and technique such as

Chris Birchall in order to lift our game.  These players seem to have been groomed in a

more professional and technical environment, and need to be injected into our lineups to

enhance our effectiveness.  Only four players are needed for different positions which I

have identified with XXXX above.  We have players available in the UK ,and many

talented players in the US.  Let Leo and Nakhid encourage them, and give them the

callup, we have nothing to lose.  The rest of players form the core of our team, and with

frequent training camps abroad, and internationall friendlies here and there, this team

would step forward with the best in our region. 

We express disappointment and hopelessness today, but it is a wakeup call to force us to

change for tommorrow.  Somehow, I was beginning to get the impresssion that the public

and the technical staff seemed satisfied with a 1-1 draw with Honduras, and a 2-2 draw

with Panama, after pathetic displays of the lovely game.  This opens our eyes, and allows

us to leave those who are not up to it behind, and bring aboard those who suit the role.

My lineup for rest of qualifiers:

     Â                                          Jack

                         Andrews                        Lawrence   

         Atiba            Â                           XXXXX


Carlos                                                                                             XXXXX     

                                   XXXX                           Yorke       

S.Hislop/C.Ince.....let Ince learn his lesson and Shaka lacks match fitness
Avery John...good left back, but brings nothing coming forward, we need attacking options

and more crosses and goal scoring opportunities.  Atiba has better balance with his

defensive responsibilities and overlapping runs.
Brent Sancho
Silvio Spann
Aurtis Whitley
Densil Theobold....let Theo,Spann and Whitley fight for a spot
Josh Johnson
Russell Latapy
Cornel Glen
Kenwyne Jones
Hector Sam

WOW..this is one long bench

Now tell me...wa alya tink?     

Football / T&T performance
« on: July 06, 2005, 10:50:46 PM »
I am really disappointed, but I am also relieved that we did not concede victory and lose all 3 points along with team morale.

My ratings:

Kelvin Jack-8....to all those men including myself:) who bad talk Jack, we hadda shut up now, cuz de man earn his pick and turned in an excellent performance.  I would be comfortable with him in goal  during the abscence of Ince, especially since Shaka is lacking match fitness and confidence.

Dog- Made some clumsy mistakes, which I always pointed out.  But, all in all, he is a quality defender with tons of experience, so he retains his place.

Tallest- Good performance, was solid at the back, and even passed the ball well when necessary, he retains his place.

Gray- my word!....he did not play a horrible game, but was quickly and easily spotted as our weak link in defense, hence the reason why all their plays came through his side.  I do not think he is ready for int'l football.  Atiba willl get back his spot, lord knows why he lost it in the first place, he will handle the right back position.

Theobold- not a left sided winger, and it is showing its ugly head.  Nuff said.  More effective in the middle.  I would like to see either himself or Spann togther with Birchall in the middle.

Whitley- Disappointing, especially with the talent that he has.  He brings nothing special to the team, and should be placed on the bench in my opinion.

Birchall- GREAT GOAL, played well for most of the match, but made a few passing errors.  Was the most consistent on the night though.  He retains his place.

Rahim- Not a right sided winger, and I do not think he should start in the center either. A strong substitute to call on, and that is how he should remain.

Stern- LAZY, WASTEFUL, and SLOW, he wastes to many opportunities before he can score.  Someone else needs to step up.

Scotland- nothing to shout about. I would bench him.

My lineup for the next game.


          Atiba          Dog           Lawrence          Avery

Edwards            Birchall          Theobold/Spann         Samuel

                          Stern:(:(/Jones                     Glen

We really miss yorke and his work rate, as well as carlos and his courageous runs down the right.

Football / Triniwings match report...coming soon:)
« on: June 04, 2005, 08:34:03 PM »
All who give meh rel stick for putting forward the argument that Dennis Lawrence can be a reliable starter, and in his potential to add to our game...how alya feelin now?  If those ppl did go to the game....they shud all be very quiet now.:)

My match report will come either later tonite or first thing in the morning depending on if I go to Outback or not.

Who miss out this time....well well well:)

So proud of meh Warriors and meh voice horse from jumpin and bawlin....

Match report comin as soon as I can....

Laters all

Football / Triniwings match report..Warriors warm my heart:)
« on: May 18, 2005, 11:43:32 PM »
Triniwings Match Report.

I commence this match report by making everyone aware that T&T is certainly without a doubt going to qualify for Germany 2006. It may be too late to grab a third place finish, but with some extra work in addition to what we have accomplished so far under Leo B, 4th place has our names written all over it. We are on a course bound for a home-and-away battle with the 5th place Asain qualifier.

I arrived at the game 5 minutes before kickoff, and this was our starting line-up and eventual formation:

                         Lawrence       A.John
   A.Charles                                                 Rojas                                 

    Edwards           Whitley         Birchall            Tiger

                  Jones                     Yorke

Today, our Soca Warriors exibited a fine display of total football for the majority of the 94 minutes of regulation and added on extra time. I was quite impressed with our possesion play especially in the first half, and in particular how we banded together as a team in our offensive and defensive efforts.
The team played a compact style of total football, with virtually no gaps between midfield and defense/attack.
The Warriors proved to all concerned that our foreign-based legion are on another level to that of their local counterparts. Although the final score turned out to be a 1-0 victory to the visiting team, I believe that our efforts and our experimenting have produced results at a significant time in our build-up to our do-or-die date with the Panamanians. The majority of players showed compousure, class, quality ball control and our team has made great strides towards peaking at a time when it counts the most, namely World Cup qualification.
The defense should be commended for their exceptional reading of the game, timely aggression and composure playing the ball across the back and bringing out into midfield. As opposed to last week's game with North East Stars, these defenders are at a different level in terms of technique and skill. Marlon Rojas had a very average game, but I believe he is not substitutable as there is no one else in the squad that is groomed for this left wing back position. One must say however, that most of the time he does get the job done, but he would maybe do well to inject some confidence and unpredictability into his offensive game. Rojas did make some overlapping runs, linked up well with Tiger, and did advance into the opposing half, but with minimal effect. Given time, his game will improve, and I believe we should stick with him, he will learn in time. He does however seem to have his basics under control, which is exactly what is needed. The only other downside to his game is his marking. His man-marking can be very loose at times, and because of his lack of pace he was caught out a few times. He played an acceptable game to in his position, but needs to improve quickly as we are to encounter faster and more skilful oppostion soon.
Avery John had a very solid game. He won most of his headers, tackled well, passed the ball well in the back while looking composed on the ball. His aggression was tempered, and his marking and closing down of the opposing players were exceptional. I believe he is at his ideal position at that Left Centre Back position. I am by no means a big fan of Dennis Lawrence, but to his credit, he has silenced his critics again. Dennis won most of his headers(obviously), did well to close down players, and was also composed at the back with the ball at his feet. He can remain in the starting line-up, but will have to battle for that Right Centre Back position with Marvin Andrews, Ian Cox, Brent Sancho and Anton Pierre. However, I am of the opinion that his competition should only be Marvin Andrews. Dennis made a few blunders, including closing down a player and backheeling it straight back into the player's path, but overall turned in a solid performance for the Warriors. Atiba Charles was also very solid at the back, composed on the ball, and effective in his defensive duties. He did make a few errors in judgement but will be forgiven after a gutzy performance at his position. He is extrememly effective when overlapping though, and the few times he did venture forward, he looked really confident at turning on the speed, taking on defenders and putting in crosses. He has developed good chemistry on the right side with Carlos Edwards. He is a must start.

The midfield also has improved vastly solely because of the addition of certain key players. Although, many have been hard on Tiger's performance, I thought he played quite well on the left wing. He linked up well with Rojas, took on players, was effective with his passes and tried a few crosses. I could not argue with his effort at all, but then he was substituted at the beginning of the second half. Tiger's work rate is very high, and he has earned a spot in my starting line-up in the very same position. Chris Birchall was my midfielder of the night. Birchall has very good ball control, excellent overall technique, he is decent at set plays, shows up everywhere for the ball, a tireless workhorse offensively and defensively, and has earned his spot in the starting line-up in center midfield after his international debut. Whitley had an above average game, but yet again was not nearly as effective as we know he can be. He did well to track back and help out with defensive responsibities, and generally passed the ball well, but some extra creativity and purpose in his play is needed. He is definitely good enough to come on as a substitute though. Spann or Theobald would most likely take his place in the starting line-up. Carlos Edwards put in one of his best perfomances with the Senior team in a very long time. I was very impressed with the progress Carlos has brought to his game. Edwards is a nippy right winger who appears to have increased in confidence after that knee injury which sidelined the player for months. He took the initiative to take on players when necessary, turned sharply, crossed the ball effectively, tracked back well to support the defense, and seems to have developed some good chemsitry with Atiba Charles coming forward on that right side.
Nakhid came on and played some nice one-touch football, turned well, passed well, and injected purpose and attacking flair into the midfield instantaneously, but he only lasted 20 mins or so before being roughed up and eventually substituted. Rahim, did not fair badly, looked a touch better than his last appearances actually, but will remain on the substitutes bench. But, to my dismay, Derek Phillips is a total waste of time, and is not ready for international football. He belongs in American domestic leagues. He cannot trap a ball to save his life. Phillips is technically weaker than all his teammates, and is a certain weak link that can be easily exposed by better opposition. 

The strikers were not given to much time on the ball with the exception of Dwight Yorke who cleverly slipped back several times to support the midfield. Yorke displayed true grit and effort once again and combined well with his midfield, earning him the accolade of being one of the better players on the night. Kenwyne Jones, was trying a post up game while trying to take on defenders. To his credit, he was not given a great deal of service as the ball was mostly kept in possesion with the betwel. Cornell Glen cannot create opportunities on his own, out of the game for long periods of time, and is only effective if given a 1v1 situation. His all-round game needs improvement. He is relegated to the bench. Sam came on for a few minutes but was very tightly marked, so he cud not make an immediate impact.

All in all, LeoB has done wonders with this foreign squad(vs local squad because of their superior technical ability and execution of the coach's plans.  The warriors played well as a team in defense and attack, and I for one am totally satisfied with their 1-0 loss.  Further progress will be made with our offensive threat in front of goal after more training sessions, and I expect nothing less than a draw against El Salvador.

My Starting eleven for Panama:

                         Lawrence/Dog       A.John
   A.Charles                                                   Rojas                                 

    Edwards           Spann         Birchall            Tiger

                  Jones/Stern                     Yorke


Football / How alya like dis lineup for Panama?
« on: May 14, 2005, 11:49:28 PM »
Attacking formation   


              Charles          Dog         A.John

Edwards         Spann        Theobald           Rojas   


                    Jones            Stern

Rojas and Edwards are wingbacks(offense orriented)
Subs:Cox,Sancho,Whitley,Rahim, Dwarika,Birchall(could replace Edwards),Glen,Sam

Defensive formation


              Charles          Dog         A.John


Edwards         Spann        Theobald           Rojas   

                    Jones            Stern

Subs:Cox,Sancho,Whitley,Rahim, Dwarika,Birchall(could replace Edwards),Glen,Sam

Wa alya tink?

Football / Triniwings match report.
« on: May 10, 2005, 09:33:08 PM »
Triniwings Match Report.

A brilliant day of pleasant sunshine was the setting within which I drove down to the Hasley Crawford Stadium to witness a friendly warm-up between my local Soca Warriors and 2004 PFL Champions, North East Stars. Somehow, there was a deep feeling of optimism in the air, that my Warriors would be a new team, playing with a greater sense of purpose and national pride that was seemingly absent in our Senior team of the fairly recent past.

I arrived at the venue exactly at 5:30p.m., and as I proceeded to the entry gates, to my pleasant surprise, ENTRANCE WAS FREE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I was seated in Grounds at around the 4th minute of play (hence was not able to hear the starting line-up) and was anticipating a good contest.....here is what I got instead.................

Starting Line-up (could have some errors due to some player unfamiliarity).

Duarance Williams

Atiba Charles
Derek King
Keyeno Thomas
Nigel Daniel

Angus Eve
Densil Theobald
Aurtis Whitley (aka Otis Seaton - #10)
Arnold Dwarika

Gary Glasgow
#11 Michael Celestine

To sum things up in my uncharacteristic brief and frustrated match report, we played with no kind of cohesion, purpose and were totally outclassed by the Sangre Grande outfit!

Players' first touch were deplorable, and when placed under pressure which lasted for almost 90 minutes, un-professional errors and poor quality in their individual technique were severely exposed. At times, it would have been easier to support NE Stars, and the crowd, approximately 2,500 strong (I stand to be corrected) began to get behind the real Stars on the day.

Our defenders were unacceptable in terms of their trapping and controlling off the ball when placed under pressure.  They should all be replaced in my opinion, although some were worse than others. Their distribution out of the back always seemed to result in an interception or another playing unable to hold possesion of the ball. At times they were caught ballwatching while many NE Stars players made runs at them. When they tried to play the ball between themselves at the back, the passing of the ball were so bad that many players had to run after balls in empty space with players on their backs. It really looked like panic recovery at times. The T&T wingbacks were non-existent throughout the match, especially with respect to Nigel Daniel. So many on this board have praised his ability and work-rate, but I can confidently tell all on this board that he is not all that some claim him to be. Maybe it could be the strategy and formation that Leo B implemented, but his control and passing in tight spaces were a lot less to be desired. He was absolutely nothing offensively, as he hardly made overlapping at all. The same can be said about Derek King, who was played at the right back position. Thomas and Charles were just about average, and can be easily replaced by Andrews, Sancho, Cox....or even Anton Pierre for that matter.

The midfield was almost as disappointing because although some players did try their best, the distribution from the back was so poor, that they had to fight hard to collect the ball and create anything with the pressure that NE stars midfielders and defenders placed on them. The best midfielder on the day hands down for me was Densill Theobald.  Everytime he collected the ball, clearly there was some purpose and thought behind his decisions. He passed the ball well, distributed well, turned well, but somehow the T&T unit looked a bit disorganised in their positional play, and our midfield could not link well with our forwards. Theobald however, had an admirable work rate offensively and defensively, made some intelligent runs, distributed quickly, and was certainly one of the few players that Leo B could safely retain. Whitley played a fairly decent game, but it must be said, that a lot more was expected of the San Juan Jabloteh player. He really tried at times, and although his passing was decent, he was not as effective in midfield as probably Theobald was. Well as for Angus Eve, he did not have a good game at all. He was pretty much, an ordinary midfielder, that was non-existent and added nothing that another midfielder could have. I was anticipating a solid performance from him, but that is not what Leo B got. Dwarika also had a decent game, but as we all know him to be, he was inconsistent in his performance, however his effort was there to be seen. When he did play well, he added a little spark of creativity and unpredictability, but he did have a sitter saved by the goalkeeper about ten yards outsied goal midway in the first half. Dwaika seemed to play up-front at times, on the right on other ocassions and even drifted into center midfield. His positioning was a bit vague, but I am unable to comment on this, since I do not know what was Leo B's tactics on the day. Maybe he was instructed to play as a roaming midfielder, I do not know. He was certainly one of the best of a very bad lot today. His best play was when he was in midfield though, not up front.

Our frontline was the worst I have seen in years. Gary Glasgow (#9) and another player who I was unable to identify(#11 Celestine ?), lacked aggression, confidence and any kind of attacking instincts expected of modern strikers.  Glasgow was easily 8-10 times offisde in the match while Celestine really brought nothing to the team. Celestine did throw away a simple shot on goal on an almost 1v1 with the keeper, but selected to lay-off the ball for Glasgow who was nowhere in as good a position as he was. Besides that, I cannot recall any other goal scoring opportunities that came the way of the Soca Warriors. The offense was so minimal that the NE Stars goalkeeper began to do some light jogging and stretching laterally across the field, a considerable distance outside his penalty box. How embarrassing.

All in all, the Warriors were pre-occupied with defensive responsibilites in order to keep out the NE Stars. NE Stars did look quite menacing in attack, and really proved to Leo B, that there is not much between the players selected to represent T&T and other local players who were discarded or overlooked. Our players, especially our defenders and forwards were outhustled and showed little skill and technique in their first touch, passing, and movement in tight spaces. As a result, our passing and offensive attempts if any were either hustled with poor technique, very defensive, or lacked the confidence expected of players representing the twin-island republic. The backline was so defensive and at times displayed such a lack of confidence in their individual play and belief among themselves, that the ball was played back to the keeper so so so so many times that the keeper could have easily had one of the most touches in the game.

Not a good start for Leo B, but to be fair, he only had the team for a few days. Improvement is a must. There were substitutes, but I could not identify them and the PA system was very weak where I was sitting. They did not make any impact at all. I do remember Nigel Pierre being one of those.

Look like this was not so brief after all.

Anyways fellas....I tired and a bit disappointed.  Let us look forward to the next game.

I out


Tell meh wa alya tink...Feedback is welcomed.

Football / My report and opinion on today's game
« on: March 30, 2005, 10:23:48 PM »
Trinidad and Tobago certainly lifted their game quite a few notches than that of the very recent past.  We defintely looked more promising and dangerous in our attack, while our defence was pretty decent in the end.

The atmosphere today was exceptional, although fans did not turn out in huge numbers as they did in the previous T&T-USA qualifier.  The fans certainly were more invloved in today's proceedings and had much more to cheer about.  I would say about 8,000 people attended today's game.

Now on to the game........

The starting lineup no doubt sprung a few surprises and raised eyebrows.

Firstly, DENNIS LAWRENCE started again!....I was quite upset about this.

Tiger was left out of the starting eleven.

Spann finally got a chance to start.

Rojas started in the left wing back position.

Charles played at right back.

KENWYNE JONES was left out of the starting eleven...I was definitely peeved about this!

Ince started ahead of Shaka..which I did not object to, since Shaka may not be in his best form and is lacking match practice.  I knew Ince was also very solid and would handle himself.

Our first half was definitely the best (first) half we have played that I can recall.  I mentioned previously that we were a second half team, and we always entered a lull in the first 30 minutes of a game.  Today was a stark contrast to this, as our first half was several times better than our second half.

We knocked the ball around with some poise and class, and for once our Warriors seemed to click in terms of their ball possession.  I must admit, that if we were to build on this type of performance, T&T could certainly take a few points away from teams overseas, and could unleash some surprise victories at home as well. 

I was particularly, impressed with the midfield today, since this is usually our area of weakness.  Dwight Yorke must be given credit for putting in a 100% effort.  Yorkey held up the ball well, used his good ball skills and touches to good effect, and really hustled and tackled with passion and urgency that we expect of our Warriors.  He certainly lifts this team a notch, but I still think he could be even more deadly as an atacking midfielder just behind the strikers.  His first touch and ball control is still excellent, and he could be dangerous around the opposition's penaly area with his quick flicks between strikers, shots on goal, and striker's instinct, instead of assuming the role of the playmaker in the middle of the park.  He does get a bit tired after 60 minutes or so, but still tries hard.  Imagine a player like Dwarika coming on to replace Yorkie behind the strikers.  We will need him to come on in the second half to provide some fresh legs, turns, and some tricks.  Unpredictability is the name of the game.

The player who blew me away with his passing, control and vision to some extent was SILVIO SPANN.  Tell me, why the hell did Bertie have to reach this stage of certain desperation, to try this player in his side?  Spann to me is a must start, and was generally wise in his passing decisons while being very involved in our midfield buildups.  He tackled a fair bit as well, and looks extremely reliable in the middle of the park.  Imagine Theobald and/or Whitley in the middle with Spann while Yorke being above them behind two strikers.  That is certainly a formidable midfield, with good defensive hustlers as well.

Ince was tremendous today, and showed why he is capable of being our #1 keeper even ahead of our reliable Shaka.  His goalkeeping instincts were sound, and he pulled off a couple of spectacular saves from nearly certain goal scoring positions.  He also seems very comfortable with shot stopping and with the ball in the air while possessing a demon of a goal kick/dunk out.

Anton Pierre, in my opinion was solid as usual.  He was used in a left back position today.  He seems a bit slow, but certainly compensates for this with quality defensive instincts and good defensive headers. 

Atiba Charles also had a great game defensively, and does very well when overlapping, with the ability to take on players and leave them for dead as well as putting in qulaity crosses.

Lawrence had an average game.  Are u surprised?

Eve had an extremely good game, and must start in midfield, if not come on early in the second half.
He linked up well with Yorke in the midfield, and did well bring the ball forward into attack.  Definitely a warrior with heart.  He also provides menacing crosses, free kicks and corners.

Rojas was pretty good especially in the second half.  Good overlapping, came back well in defence several times.  I cannot complain with his effort.  He should start all games.

Carlos Edwards was superb in the first half, and linked up very well with Spann in the midfield.  He provides very good crosses.  However, he should be encouraged to take on players when he is in a 1v1 or when he is afforded space instead of turning or passing.  He faded in the second half, and looked as though we was either tired, or picked up a knock.  A sure starter.

Stern had an average game, but his ball control in taking down those balls on his chest and thigh were breathtaking.  He is definitely our go to striker for the long ball if used sparingly.  This leads me to believe that we could play with only one striker.

Cornell Glen, in my opinion did not have a very good game, and would do far better when coming off the bench with fresh legs against tired defenders.  He was coming off of an injury though.

Hector Sam came on and definitely looked busy.  He worked hard and did look dangerous, a good sub to have.  Very fast.  Nigel Pierre came on and had an average performance.

KENWYNE JONES should have been used though, either to replace a tired Edwards or up front, but was not. Bertie certainly lost out here.

Scott Sealy, Dwarika, Seaton and Theobald will make this side complete and very potent.

Well, thats it....tell me what alya think 8) 8)

Alya keep alya heads up nah.  Ah change in coach may be on the horizon at last  ;D

Now alya read meh post from earlier today and give some feedback na!!!!!!!!!!!! > >:(

Fellas look, ah eh go lie, collecting 5 in we spleen from Guate really eh sittin too well with me either.  Ah feelin' shame, depressed and out of it.  Imagine how those other teams think of us now.  The weakest side(panama), drew1-1 with guatemala, but guatemala spank us 5-1.  Not very encouraging...but say what.....LEH WE THINK OF IT IN THIS POSITIVE LIGHT......

We cud still make Germany and place as high as 3rd place in this hex...if certain measures are put in place.

Doh tell me we eh have no talent.  We have very good players, who have experience in all kinda leagues and excel at a very high level. We are just not nuturing and utilizing that talent with poor  management, coaching and preparation and team selection.

First things first, Bertie, altho he tried his best, must go but after the Costa Rica game.  He did try his best, but at the end of the day, it was just not good enough.  The captain at the helm, must not only be a solid disciplinarian, but must exercise exceptional strategic(tactical) decision-making and team building skills while in the abscence of player favourtism.  This is St.Clair's downfall.

Now alya tell me, with this player pool I will list below...tell me where we lacking talent

30 player training pool:

Shaka Hislop
Clayton Ince
Jan-Michael Williams

Marvin Andrews
Anton Pierre
Brent Sancho
Marlon Rojas
Ian Cox
Avery John
Keyeno Thomas
Ian Gray
Nigel Daniel
Cyd Gray

Densil Theobald
Angus Eve
Carlos Edwards
Dwight Yorke(attacking midfielder to be played behind 1 striker)
Leslie Fitzpatrick
Silvio Spann
Conrad Smith
Kerwyn Jemmott
Josh Johnson
Aurtis Whitley
Brent Rahim
Arnold Dwarika

Stern John(to bench)
Kenwyne Jones(start)
Cornell Glen(start)
Scott Sealy
Hector Sam
Nigel Pierre

Reserves:Michael Celestine, Anthony Rougier,Jerren Nixon, Kerry Baptiste.

Look at that roster, we DO have talent(locally and overseas).  Many of them excel overseas, while the remainder excel in our very own domestic PFL league.

I believe we need to start with a new coach, since the TTFF administration will never change.  Ollie Camps and crew always seem to keep their jobs for decades, while we chop and change coaches after repetitve failure.  We need to employ a coach Wednesday night(regardless of result) that is very familiar with most of our players, and our style of play if any.  A coach who knows our strengths and is capable of strengthening our weaknesses.

So why don't we try the English-born coach of Jabloteh.  He seems to have them knocking the ball on the ground, playing for each other as a team.  They attack as a team and defend as a team.  They possess many national players so they would not have to adjust. Our international world cup squad including those players from Jabloteh, will be a stronger team with more expereince than the PFL outfit.  Therefore, since this English-born coach did not have Jabloteh for that long a period, he may easily adapt and get us playing as a team in no time at all(logically).  Emphasis should be on off the ball movement and maintaining ball possession.

Second choice for me would be Zoran Vranes.  He has that weaker St.Vincent team knocking around the ball like Brazil.  He had them for a very short period of time when we played them, so he would also adapt fairly easily.  He is familiar with almost all the players in this squad. As a matter of fact, we fired him prematurely for the 98 World Cup drive, if you remember.  He was sacked after we lost our first game in the Hex to Costa Rica 1-0 in the Oval.  His performance was not that bad.
Emphasis should be on off the ball movement and maintaining ball possession.

Team formation and Strategy:

I do not know if you guys realize, but we seem to be incapable of playing 90 minutes of attacking football, attacking and defending as a team, and keeping meaningful possesion of the ball.  Therefore here is my opnion to counter these weaknesses:

1. We seem to only wake up and play serious ball in the second half out of urgency.  We enter a lull in the first 25 minutes of most games.  Therefore, let us concentrate defending as a team in the first 30 minutes and killing teams on the counter attack. We should play a 4-2-3-1 That will not only frustrate them, but they may run out of gas at the end of the first half and most of the second half, this is where we will throw in our speedy players, and change our formation to a more attacking one.

2. It is possible for us to maintain playing with 1 striker as this will allow us to focus on progressive ball possession,winning back the ball in the middle, have our wingers overlapping and putting in quality crosses by crowding the midfield.  Besides we have played 2 strikers for years without success...let us focus on keeping the ball in the middle and then feeding our striker(s).

1st half lineup and formation:

                                                          Shaka Hislop

                                 Marvin Andrews-------         Anton Pierre(or Cox)-------

Nigel Daniel-------                                                                                          Marlon Rojas

                                 Leslie Fitzpatrick                         Kenwyne Jones


Edwards                                                                                                              Theobald


Focus: Defensive depth, absorbing pressure...and pressing on the counter attack while

keeping meaningful ball possession.

2nd Half Lineup and Formation:


                            Marvin Andrews                               Anton Pierre(or Cox)


Eve(after 60 mins)                    Theobald                       Whitley                           Rojas


                                            Jones                                 Glen                                               


Focus: all out attack on goal against an exhausted opposition....Move forward as a team

and defend when needed as a team.  Use of speedy forwards.


Eve for Edwards(60 mins)
Yorke for Daniel(60 mins)
Glen for Stern(halftime)

Bench:(if needed)
Avery John
Cyd Gray(if needed to rough up a striker or winger and bruise up dey ankle)
Conrad Smith


wa alya say ;D

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