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Topics - MilkyX

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Football / Is being a defender better for Kenwyne Jones?
« on: October 17, 2013, 07:36:05 AM »
I've heard on many occasions that Kenwyne  Jones was initially a defender. He is tall and powerful, jumps well, and has the speed that any decent right back should have. After watching the match on Tuesday and observing Kenwyne for a number of years, I wonder if a return to the back-line is something he and Mr Hart should consider seriously.
          For all his attributes, Kenwyne seems to be missing the one thing that would make him a great striker. Finishing prowess. It's a part of his game that's inconsistent to say the least, most evident by his constant difficulty in finishing one on one chances at club and international level. Chances that any true striker would put away blind folded.
          Is it his defensive upbringing coming to the surface? Should he consider playing a role like that of David Luiz or Leighton Banes? And if so, who could possibly fill that number 9 shirt as the top goal hunter not to mention that attacking midfield role the team seems to be lacking. Love to hear the comments. Peace.

Cricket Anyone / Cricket In The Olympics
« on: August 08, 2012, 04:18:18 PM »
Now that we have the exciting format 20/20 cricket, is now a good time for it to be part of the Olympics...have your say.

Football / Everald "Gally" Cummings Thread
« on: January 16, 2012, 08:59:46 PM »
After the ridiculous appointment of Mr Anton Corneal as Technical Director of the soca warriors, and the petition to fire those puppets of the TTFF executive committee on this forum, its obvious that we need qualified, experienced individuals, who actually love football and honestly want to take our game to a world class level. People who can bring our football back from the abyss. With that said, I would like to nominate Mr Everald 'Gally' Cummings  ;D as the first member of the NEW executive. Please give your comments on who else your would like to see replace the traffic cones we now have!!

Football / Fire the TTFF Executive Thread
« on: November 14, 2011, 09:47:34 PM »
It is time for a cleansing. A serious Sena pod session. How many times will we change coaches, players, trainers and like and not realize they are not the real problem. My brothers and sisters, we must put an end to foolish people, who sit behind desks in fancy, expensive suits..making stupid, incompetent decisions. These leaches have no LOVE for the beautiful game. There focus is not the improvement of the sport but to suck it dry of its resources and line their own pockets. They have treated our players and coaches unfairly and played us all for fools. From the players blacklist, to the Germany 2006 debacle to our current unfortunate situation, it is clear that they don't know, and don't care about the way forward for the team and the game we LOVE! Warrior nation UNITE! and take back our football from these ingrates! Strike Squad forever! Milky was here. :yellowcard:

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