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Messages - jahkingdom

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Rich get richer....

very true,one of the reason some of these schools keep dominating champs and pen relays is  that they buy the best talent from a lot of smaller schools, St Jago, Vere tech etc most of these schools have big sponsorships like Puma.
PUMA takes over sponsorship of KC track team



PUMA also sponsors the following high school teams:
•   St. Jago Boys
•   St. Jago Girls
•   Wolmer’s Boys
•   Wolmer’s Girls
•   Jamaican College
•   Calabar
•   Munro
•   University of West Indies

they will always dominate as long as they have more support and better athletes.


KC recruits Hughes, the region’s fastest junior
Posted by adminon August 28, 2013
By Anthony Foster, anthonyfos@gmail.com

Pan Am Junior and Carifta Games Under-20 100m champion Zharnel Hughes will be a student at Kingston College (KC) when the new school year begins on September 2.

The Anguillan sprinter, who has been awarded a scholarship to attend the IAAF’s Regional High Performance Training Centre (HPTC) in Kingston, will wear the Purple and White jersey when the new track and field season runs off in January.
Nikki Miller, Administration Secretary at the North America, Central America and Caribbean Athletic Association, confirmed to Trackalerts.Com that Hughes will still be a member of the HPTC while attending KC.
“He will start school at Kingston College next week,” confirmed Miller, who said she is only awaiting the final confirmation in writing from Kingston College. She also said she spoke to the school’s principal Dave Myrie in Moscow and he assured her everything was okay for Hughes to start in September.
Born 13 July 1995, Hughes will only have one year at Champs. Hughes won last weekend’s Pan Am Junior Championships in 10.31. He had earlier, in March 2013, won the Carifta Games Under-20 100m in 10.44. In 2012, he won bronze at Carifta Games and silver at the CAC Junior Championships.
The former Albena Lake-Hodge Comprehensive School student, Hughes trains with Racers Track Club, the home of Usain Bolt, Yohan Blake and Warren Weir and has Myrie as one of its directors.
Meanwhile, KC, according to Trackalerts our sources, has secured the services of another Clarendon top middle distance runner in Delano Rochester, who was a close second in the boys Class 1 1500m at Champs 2013. Brian Smith, last year, left Clarendon College, also for KC.
Both athletes, according to the Inter-Secondary School Sports Association (ISSA), can only run at Champs next year if they are admitted in 6th form at the school.

How come yuh'n post this video, Socapro?

USA Men's team talking about how they 'gave' Jamaican the gold and they were 'murdering' them for the first three legs.

Wha does wrong wit dem?


:rotfl: action speaks louder than words, they say they want to meet us again and probably beat us, even though anything is possible, Jamaica was playing it safe just to get the stick around. Baily- Cole will be faster, Yohan Blake will be back etc. US like excuses

Steups...Nothing fishy went on Socapro. In the men's race, Gatlin stepped to the OUTSIDE of his lane and didn't not impede Bolt. No harm, no foul.

In the women's race Gardner took off way to early, but slowed down in time to make the exchange within the zone.
Jamaica got 2 disqualification, they were not impeding anyone. the entire thing is fishy.

This championship feels weird. Jamaica already got disqualified from two events that we could at least got a bronze each, I understand that most of the team is young, but there is no excuse for those two disqualifications. Secondly, it seems like a lot of the athletes went into the championship unfit, never seen so many Jamaican athletes injured at one time in a championship. Thirdly, it seems like the Russians are not interested in track, but why embarrass your country like this? where are the fans?, I heard they were even giving away free tickets to fill the stands, still no fans. I can't see them getting another championship like this any time soon. Lets see how the Fifa world cup turns out, lets see if the Russian team gets eliminated if the fans will still turn out.
Good points!
The Russians only seem to turn out in numbers if one of their athletes is involved and has a good chance of winning or medalling in an event and they definitely seem to be way more interested in the field events than in the track events.
I notice that also.

This championship feels weird. Jamaica already got disqualified from two events that we could at least got a bronze each, I understand that most of the team is young, but there is no excuse for those two disqualifications. Secondly, it seems like a lot of the athletes went into the championship unfit, never seen so many Jamaican athletes injured at one time in a championship. Thirdly, it seems like the Russians are not interested in track, but why embarrass your country like this? where are the fans?, I heard they were even giving away free tickets to fill the stands, still no fans. I can't see them getting another championship like this any time soon. Lets see how the Fifa world cup turns out, lets see if the Russian team gets eliminated if the fans will still turn out.

The African country games in WC might be empty seats.
What would be interesting is to see the reaction if an African team should beat Russia at that world cup.

This championship feels weird. Jamaica already got disqualified from two events that we could at least got a bronze each, I understand that most of the team is young, but there is no excuse for those two disqualifications. Secondly, it seems like a lot of the athletes went into the championship unfit, never seen so many Jamaican athletes injured at one time in a championship. Thirdly, it seems like the Russians are not interested in track, but why embarrass your country like this? where are the fans?, I heard they were even giving away free tickets to fill the stands, still no fans. I can't see them getting another championship like this any time soon. Lets see how the Fifa world cup turns out, lets see if the Russian team gets eliminated if the fans will still turn out.

General Discussion / Re: Kid Shot Dead, No Arrest!
« on: July 20, 2013, 09:11:23 AM »
@ribbit..what about the NRA failing to talk about white on white crimes, like mass shootings in schools, at movies, shopping malls etc?

another case is coming in September, i guess this is the cause of black and black crime and therefore black folks should keep quiet.


Entertainment & Culture Discussion / Re: Post ah movie thread
« on: July 19, 2013, 11:12:25 AM »

General Discussion / Re: Kid Shot Dead, No Arrest!
« on: July 15, 2013, 08:16:30 PM »
These jurors were racist , i know from start these jurors was racist, the reason it took a little long for them to finish, they were trying to convince the black Hispanic to say Not Guilty. at first they acted as if they weren't taking side but the white jurors already made up their mind. these white jurors are from the same community and they normally vote conservative, i suspected this along time ago, even a baby knows Zimmerman has to be guilty of something.


General Discussion / Re: Kid Shot Dead, No Arrest!
« on: July 14, 2013, 02:09:20 PM »
That judge Nelsen wanted a guilty verdict bad but jury jumbie that move.

Giggsy good point - thug life lead to thug death.

Ah see jesse jackson counselling restraint. He know what kind of irrational dunces are in his flock.

I have been noticing your comments for a while now, a combination of all your comments just solidifies that you is a f*cking racist.

Entertainment & Culture Discussion / Re: ity and fancy cat
« on: June 27, 2013, 06:47:39 PM »
 :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

Socapro, that's the same thing i was trying to explain to Storeboy in the VCB thread, but i guess he don't really understand what going on.

You publish comments in the Gleaner and Observer

No matter what jamaica do we are going to be accused of taking drugs, especially with our position in the sport and the size of the island, and i don't see that accusation stopping anytime soon, especial with the large amount of fast junior athletes we have coming up:


This is a accusation we have to live with as long as we keep giving America a hard time on the track, we just have to create a solid back bone and live with it.

What does this have to do with America?
Who tested her and revealed the positive test?
Why blame America?  Who discovered and pursued Lance Armstrong and Marion Jones? Were they Americans? VCB may be proved innocent, but to blame America is just another example of we West Indians demonstrating our insecurity and self-esteem.  If she is guilty, she is guilty and have no one else to blame.

Can you comprehend? :rotfl: :rotfl:, clearly i am talking overall, not just this incident, which is why i posted the links regarding up an coming athletes. do you follow track and field or you only follow Trinidad track and field?, where do you get your news?, do you use Twitter, Facebook, do you read ESPN, the New York Times, follow international track and field forums, have you ever watch a Jamaica track video on Youtube then read the American comments?... what the f*ck you mean by what America have to do with the the accusation of jamaica taking drugs?, allot of Americans were happy to get this news to say" I told you so", i am not saying VCB tested positive is America fault.. the IAAF have spoken today:



do you know Car Lewis?


He also think bolt is taking drugs

it don't look like you follow track and field closely, Jamaica is been accuse of taking drugs by Americans on a daily bases, i also experience it at work. I am not saying VCB testing is America fault, what i am saying is, as long as we dominating America, we will always be accuse of taking drugs by Americans and with this minor incident it only makes it worst, no mater what the IAAF says. try to understand the situation before you start talking.


Even though this is not a performance enhancement drug, it can be damaging not only to Jamaica track program, but also track and field  overall even though she do not train in jamaica. There was an American article over the weekend trying to drag bolt in the mix, saying, " Usain bolt training partner veronica Campbell tested positive for drugs", even though she train with Tyson gay, he was not mention, but instead bolt who does not train with her was mentioned.



Wrong information. VCB does not train with the Clermont, FL group which includes Tyson Gay and Kelly-Ann Baptiste.

Not wrong, just phrase incorrectly, i should have use trained instead of train. let me ask you a question, have VCB ever trained with Usain Bolt in the same Club?.....


At a 2001 track event, Gay met trainer Lance Brauman and the college coach convinced him to attend Barton County Community College.[5][8] It was here that Gay first met Jamaican sprinter Veronica Campbell-Brown, and the two formed a close bond, becoming training partners.

My point is, what bolt have to do  with this?, and since bolt was quoted as her former training partner, why wasn't Tyson gay quoted as her training partner?.

No matter what jamaica do we are going to be accused of taking drugs, especially with our position in the sport and the size of the island, and i don't see that accusation stopping anytime soon, especial with the large amount of fast junior athletes we have coming up:


This is a accusation we have to live with as long as we keep giving America a hard time on the track, we just have to create a solid back bone and live with it.


Even though this is not a performance enhancement drug, it can be damaging not only to Jamaica track program, but also track and field  overall even though she do not train in jamaica. There was an American article over the weekend trying to drag bolt in the mix, saying, " Usain bolt training partner veronica Campbell tested positive for drugs", even though she train with Tyson gay, he was not mention, but instead bolt who does not train with her was mentioned.



Football / Re: 2013 Africa Cup of Nations
« on: January 21, 2013, 02:09:28 PM »
So how come euros does be all over the place but I cah see a game of African football. Stueps

thats what i saying!! are there any apps on the iphone or a website i can go to besides espn3?

Type P2P live, and click football, then scroll down:  http://myp2p.cd/index.php?sport=football

Football / Re: Jamaica Football Thread.
« on: November 29, 2012, 06:05:45 PM »
Reggeafan i feel you just jealous bc you guys have to depend on foreign players and we don't.

i tellin you this, yuh see if we didn't have jack warner leaning on football and not doing the right thing to develop the game on the both islands, and we had a visionary running football the past 30 yrs instead who build academies and pushed football hard, we would have been the uraguay of concacaf.

you have no idea how important football was to trinbagonians eh?? listen fella, you ain't never seen football the way i saw it when i was coming up, and i will go as far as to say that the T&T you seeing today is bullsh!t as far as football is concerned.

i talking about a three mile square area (the queens park savannah) full of ppl playing football, uniforn decorating the whole savannah especially on a sataurday morning on through to the going down of the sun, that how much football was big in T&T, and one man spoil dat for his own personal gain.

IMO if we start developing football in trinbago the right way, we would never need another foreign based player in our ranks, that's how much natural talent we have on our islands.
Nope! Jealousy is the other way around. You always conveniently forget to mention that 98% of our "foreign" Reggae Boyz are Jamaicans born and bred from our own non-pro league club system compared to T&T's Pro League.

So why is it that Jamaicans get more foreign club contracts than T&T is the million dollar question you should ask yourself.

It seems even the US is sweating over the same thing in a thread headline by one of your own newspaper:


This iz why i doh like tuh talk tuh allyuh yard fowls, allyuh always runnin tuh defend allyuh fackin flag like if somebody trying tuh rape allyuh of something!!!

i just tell de fackin idiot byoi dat birchall iz not near one of our better players! in fact nuff trinis doh rate birchall and righfully so, he's pretty basic. 

right now we have hector , molino, J.jones, jagdeosingh, guerra, and hyland, and IMO would do ah much better job than birchall, so he doh know what de fack he talking bout!

as for all this jamaica better than trinidad slop chop! we have, count then, eight fackin caribbean cup titles under our belts and when allyuh win nine, come back and fackin talk to me about who better than who, as ah matter of fact i not even in that simpleton argument.

ah know allyuh tribal jamaicans love fight down fackin ting so i would not even go there wid allyuh! keep thinking allyuh better than everybody else.

one more thing, we don't need foreign "born" players like allyuh, and that's all i said, and we don't! so why i gettin all this talk about, what i said did not warrant all this long talk?

all i said iz that we have enough talented players who was born and bred in T&T, and we do, we don't need foreign born and bred product, we just need academies and proper training and coaching schools to develop our players from an early age and we will be fine..

Jamaica win 5 Caribbean cups and could win 6 this year. that's not far from 8, and i am confident we will pass you in the near future as our football culture grows. i do understand that we started late, and you guys were playing a long time. but before you start LMO,  you should check this out: http://www.alltimesoccer.com/alltime/jamaica_vs_trinidad_and_tobago



go and check any head to head stats and come back to me.lol

Football / Re: Jamaica Football Thread.
« on: November 28, 2012, 07:59:27 AM »
Jamaica should use the best players at our disposal. whether they were born in Jamaica or in England or Germany, as long as they have Jamaican percentage. allot of larger footballing countries are using players that were not even born in that country and have no connection, only that they lived there. Holland , France, England etc. John Barnes, Sterling etc are not from England and does not have any England connections. England is also recruiting some ivory coast kid. Patric Viera was born in Senegal, not France. There is nothing to be jealous about T&T football, Jamaica will always have top footballers around the world, which will grow in the future. most of Britain young black footballers have Jamaican percentage or born in Jamaica but migrate to Britain at a young age.

Phoenix all-star football academy: http://phoenixallstarsfootballacademy.wordpress.com/

Bayern Munich



I have been in America since i was a kid. that does not make a Jamaican who grew up in Jamaica any more Jamaican than me.

Messi have been in Spain since he was a kid, does that make him less Argentinian?.

General Discussion / Re: Israel is wrong
« on: November 22, 2012, 12:55:11 PM »
a race war will not happen in Trinidad without other African islands get involve. on standby: ;D

Football / Re: Jamaica Football Thread.
« on: July 07, 2012, 08:19:29 AM »
PLCA, SoccerAssociation database creates international credibility

Saturday, July 07, 2012

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Last season the Premier League Clubs Association (PLCA) announced a new initiative to register all players on a world renowned global website database named SoccerAssociation, regarded as the popular reference site for FIFA agents, clubs, coaches and managers in all the leading football leagues worldwide.

Having successfully completed season one of this long-term initiative, the database now guarantees every single NPL player global visibility. In previous years, players who were not heavily involved with the national programme, the Reggae Boyz, had absolutely no international online database identity, and thus limited realistic chances of earning overseas opportunities.

Today, young players such as Romeo Parkes, Tremaine Stewart, Dino Williams, Mauricio Gordon, Cordel Simpson and Jeremy Lynch, just to name a few, benefitted from having outstanding profiles on the database. Some of them have been contacted and have gone on trials throughout the season initiated by international agents, primarily due to the exposure on SoccerAssociation.

Jamaican clubs now have an improved global profile, where international clubs can now correlate the success of individual Jamaican players abroad, with that of their local clubs.

"The global profile of the Premier League has no doubt been raised; as a Euro-based company we (Pro-Goals Sports, PGS) can attest to that, based on our interactions with club officials and agents. There is a distinct association factor; as it is generally believed that if the Premier League is covered by SoccerAssociation, then it will have more credibility," said Romel Wallen, managing director.

This is why a handful of small national football associations have paid good money just to get their respective league data onto SoccerAssociation, in the hope of some kind of global credibility. Malta, Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan are examples of countries who have adopted this approach.

Naturally, it is impossible to quantify how much this new exposure will ultimately lead to profits, transfers, etc. However, it is certain local Premier League clubs and players can now creatively use this new exposure to source more international professional opportunities.

"For this it is helpful to see profile for the Jamaican players on the data-base, because this makes life much easier for speaking with clubs for these players. It is great that you now have this feature," remarked Czech Republic/Poland/Germany-based agent Tomas Bahnik, who is now interested in the Jamaica football market.

"The site has been a tremendous assistance in the PLCA office as we are able to get a more accurate look at individual and collective data, therefore giving us more comfort in the preparation of our reports. It provides just the right support we need in office to correspond internationally," noted the PLCA.

Read more: http://www.jamaicaobserver.com/sport/PLCA--SoccerAssociation-database-creates-international-credibility_11781452#ixzz1zwk5WJiS

Football / Re: USA vs. Brazil - May 30, 2012
« on: May 30, 2012, 09:28:26 AM »
I always wonder why Brazil never pick that Chelsea striker Ramirez.

Football / Re: UEFA Euro 2012 Thread.
« on: May 29, 2012, 10:40:38 AM »
Russia should not have gotten the world cup either.

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