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Messages - makaveli

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What allyuh think about the latest action there?

I see the world in uproar against Israel tactics and innocents being killed in Gaza.

Am I the only one who remembering the 3 yutes Hamas kidnap last month and killed and start sending rockets over into Israel?

Before this it was recent relative calm.

I know it's pointless to say who started it in this war, but at some point Palestine need to control it's people too.

do you know who did the kidnapping?

that's like saying a gov't is responsible for the actions of its citizens abroad

hamas could have done it, so could a lone group of persons, unrelated to the Palestinian gov't

relaying the story from a source

young woman in question is from Guyana with US citizenship

asked the customs officer a question he brushed her off, and she start to loud him up, he responded with something to the affect of 'allyuh guyanese...' and that is what set the whole thing off, she actually bit the customs officer

that's all I got for now

General Discussion / Re: Her Excellency Ambassador Baptiste Cornelis
« on: July 28, 2012, 02:48:02 PM »
was now coming to post this under the heading 'take a strong drink before you watch this', stopped on 3mins or so.

a drunk ****** can't f**k up so

*takes a shot of J Walker* ...bring back the balisier!!

Football / Re: Palos outta de hospital...
« on: April 19, 2012, 11:53:20 PM »
full recovery man

Football / Re: Thread for the T&T vs Barbados Game (11-Oct-11).
« on: October 11, 2011, 05:15:45 PM »
so why we couldn't have killed Bermuda this way...

Anyways positive vibes, 4-0 TnT
It's obvious you've never seen bermuda play, cause if you did you'd know that they're not that easy as many perceive.

yuh right i never see them play but come on man a team as TnT ranked 80th vs Bermuda ranked 189th should get level cutarse.  True FIFA ranking is nonsense but i still cah believe it.  I always want best for TnT.

In 2001 Trinidad was ranked 25th... Just saying those rankings are politics

em how much u know bout dat 2001 team it fella apart in d hex because of bad admin decision making but dat team was borse

Football / Re: Pro League clubs want salary cap
« on: June 13, 2011, 06:39:18 PM »
Hum! An article on salary cap makes no mention of the current top salaries! Poor journalism an lazy writer.


SEX-mad Natasha Giggs scored with five footie stars, The Sun can reveal.

Ex-Torquay United footballer Rhodri Giggs's missus romped with a total of FOUR Manchester United aces - hubby's brother Ryan, Dwight Yorke, Phil Bardsley and Danny Simpson.
Randy WAG Natasha also went into extra time just days after her final romp with Ryan, by spending every night of a week's trip to Cyprus having sex with a Newcastle nightclub worker.
Ex-estate agent Natasha, 28, owned up to an eight-year affair with married Giggs after his relationship with Big Brother star Imogen Thomas was revealed.
Natasha told pals that she also slept with treble-winning YORKE, now retired at 39, throughout his four seasons with United.
She went with SIMPSON, 24, while he was trying to break into the first team. He has since moved to Newcastle United.
And she bedded BARDSLEY, now at Sunderland, after swapping flirty texts with him AND Giggs from a saucy Ann Summers house party.
A source said: "She kept getting messages from Ryan asking her what she was buying and things like that. She was laughing and showing all the girls.
"But she was also in touch with Bardsley and she ended up going to a hotel in Manchester where he was staying that night.

Team of lovers ... Dwight Yorke, Ryan Giggs, Rhodri Giggs, Danny Simpson and Phil Bardsley
"She was supposed to stay at the house where the party was. When she woke next day in the hotel she realised that she had left her car keys at the house.
"She couldn't go home because Rhodri would have wondered why she didn't have her car. So she spent the day hanging around until she could get it and then went home."
The source added: "Natasha was always very popular with footballers. She seems attracted to their lifestyle."
Spokesmen for Yorke, Bardsley and Simpson said the players had no comment.
Last month, after her final night with 37-year-old Giggs, Natasha left Rhodri, 34, behind and went with pals to the Mediterranean party town of Ayia Napa for a friend's week-long wedding celebration.
Hours after landing she met Geordie Lewi White, 21, who does promotional work for the Aqua nightclub.
Ladies' man Lewi later told a mate: "I've sh***ed five birds since I've been out here, including one famous one.
"Believe it or not I've slept with Ryan Giggs' brother's wife.

Heated ... Lewi White with Natasha Giggs
"I couldn't believe it myself when I met her. I saw her in a club and chatted her up and it went on for the whole week that she was out here.
"She was amazing - really beautiful and we hit it off straightaway.
"I met her in one club around 2am and then saw her again in another club about an hour later and the rest is history.
"We made love all night long. She was the best between the sheets of any girl I've ever slept with. We did it again and again, there was no stopping her.
"She's a nice girl as well. I couldn't believe my luck.
"I know it was only a holiday romance in one sense but I think I'm a bit in love with her."
When Natasha flew home, the pair kept in touch with texts and on Facebook.
But, aware of the storm that was heading her way as she prepared to spill the beans over her relationship with Giggs, she warned Lewi to keep THEIR fling secret.
In one text she wrote: "U need to delete that pic of me and u off ur fb".
A pal added: "It was common knowledge among the group in Cyprus that she was having this fling. Rhodri had stayed at home to look after the kids.
"She and Lewi arranged to meet up every night while she was over there.
"When everyone returned home the newlyweds had another party for people who couldn't make it to Cyprus. Rhodri was at that party so it made it really awkward for those who had been in Cyprus, knowing what had gone on over there."

Read more: http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/3626876/Giggs-girls-5-a-side-team-of-lovers.html#ixzz1OkoxQYLV

, triggered by feelings of entitlement

Mother came home about an month ago upset and rightfully so because a white woman had the audacity to tell her she should not be writing notes(mom was killing time before a meet-up) in the mall(Markham, ON) food-court. She found it weird this lady was only watching at her and eventually the woman just came out and said it. I told her, it should of been me, would of given her a piece of my mind.

Football / Re: So the family crisis is revealed...
« on: March 13, 2011, 12:37:46 PM »
Yupp that was the case. For his sake I really hope he gets over it.

Its really tough for him though, as he has 3 little kids. His wife is Trini, which could mean the kids coming back if she chooses to leave the UK

Really tough to take on mentally

plus she might leave with half

is all about the 2million

Beach House is 800

Vale Bfast is 100US...good luck in getting a tkt...only available in foreign dey sold out long time.

Central Bank is 550

Touches I doh know where you get Beach house is 800$ eh, I paid 700$ since Boxing day.
And my mistake with Central Bank. Unless them having 2 fetes, but the one going too is 580$  That is with Roy Cape, Karma and Destra.  It still have tickets selling for Vale, you just hadda know from who.

The amount of money order I sent home since Christmas.....tixs meeting me home.

Just confirmed cocoa devils for jouvert.

Who went to ONE fete?

Let me put it on the table one time. Machel and Advantage is Road March.
Rumor mill has it that FayAnn in the studios right now.....

Ah think she may need to enlist Superblue's help this year because right now she may have to "Consider It Done" as far as the roadmarch is concerned. Machel's advantage is now officially out front and is for the rest ah them to catch him!

JW & Blaze's "And Iz Dat" can be considered a darkhorse but Machel have lyrical advantage with his song for the stage!

As for Destra not sure what song she going with for Soca Monarch or throwing into the roadmarch race but ah like all her songs so far this year!

Nadia & Patrice also have some nice offerings!

Is real excitment & competition this year for both the Soca Monarch & Roadmarch titles!!

what lyrics? but then again people will argue road march was never bout lyrics

Football / Re: Baptiste set to quit Joe Public
« on: January 21, 2011, 01:28:10 PM »
Just interested to know why he cannot play for Defense force?

I think its because you have to be a member of the protective services

General Discussion / Re: 80 cm and counting
« on: December 07, 2010, 02:09:40 PM »
Steady snowfall in London since Sunday morning - 2 days straight

80 cm of snow so far with another 20-30 cm expected later today and tomorrow.  - record snowfall for this city

Schools closed for the second day in a row. 

I wonder if Trinicana need ploughing out?  :devil:

and ah sorry for Mrs P. she shoveling snow for so.

where u livin sire, nothing remotely close to that in my parts

PFC bradley manning narcissistic traitor, gay/lgbt activist from potomac maryland, upset over DADT and feeling he was in an awkward place (serving in the 10th MT Div, 2nd brigade CT, sold his country's secrets because he felt "his desperation for acceptance -- or delusions of grandeur". This forker joined a fighting unit... not the most rounded or cultured individuals on the NCO level and he just thought homophobia was going to escape him...I hope the marines at Quantico are taking care of him....

DADT will repealed but not on the merit of sabotage, but when we have placed all legislation that would help them transition easily...

He is a disgrace to the great history and honor of the men who have served in the 10th Mountain division. 

I suppose him selling it mighta been an even greater offense... but in reality he just give up de goods juss so without payment.  Not that it makes any significant difference though. 

This latest release by WikiLeaks amounts to diplomatic sabotage... to reveal to the world these self-confessed sensitive sites is a pretty low and dastardly act.  No benefit whatsoever could come of that... except to feed Assange outsized and borderline megalomaniacal ego.


Soooo..How exactly is this gonna blow back on us the citizens of this country. First the OPV now this. Let's not forget that Jack Warner is a Government minister now. The man had the Prime Minister of England on the phone talking to our PM about airline tickets :-[ :-[. And still turn around and blank them hard soo.. Nah we have it to meet from them brits for awhile. Trust meh on that. No way they seperating Jack Warner from Trinidad and Tobago.

wish I could of said you were wrong.

« on: November 17, 2010, 10:52:30 AM »
It real tough living in a world with youtube and facebook.

yuh understand

Football / Re: Harvey Yorke !
« on: November 14, 2010, 07:35:34 PM »

I love meh women but at times they does real disgust meh boy   :-[ :(

I love mih men but at times dey does real disgust mih boy.....it have jackasses on both sides of the specie....makes for fascinating observation of human behaviour.......

certainly does..

General Discussion / Re: England to deport criminals now!
« on: November 09, 2010, 10:37:21 AM »
For me the issue is simple... once you've established the right to live in the country (speaking specifically of the US) legally, there are mechanisms in place by which to become a citizen.  If you, for whatever reason fail to avail yourself of the rights and protections conferred by citizenship, then you are on notice for the fact that you could be deported for a felony conviction. 

You don't like the law?  Don't commit a crime.  You think the  chance of you being able to stay out of trouble is slim?  Become a citizen and protect yuhself.  But doh complain when you had full notice and choose to violate the law.


'I don't understand your optimism. Why should the Arabs make peace? If I were an Arab leader I would never make terms with Israel. That is natural: we have taken their country. Sure, God promised it to us, but what does that matter to them? Our God is not theirs. We come from Israel, it's true, but two thousand years ago, and what is that to them? There has been antisemitism, the Nazis, Hitler, Auschwitz, but was that their fault? They only see one thing: we have come here and stolen their country. Why should they accept that? They may perhaps forget in one or two generations' time, but for the moment there is no chance. So, it's simple: we have to stay strong and maintain a powerful army. Our whole policy is there. Otherwise the Arabs will wipe us out.' - David Ben-Gurion, Former Israeli Prime Minister.

That quote basically sums up the entire Israeli/ Palestine conflict- Both sides think God is on their side and well I can tell you from personal experience, when you think God is on your side, there isn't much anyone or any group of people can say to prevent you from carrying out your goals.

What is de Vatican position of bulling little children?

Another thread hijacked............ :frustrated:

They are on point with regard to the justification (or lack thereof) for the new settlements. Like everything else there is plenty politics there, where i assume that the other concerns are the "christian exodus from the region" and the unwillingness to give Israel a free hand which would possibly reduce the vatican's power in the Jerusalem.

Would be interesting to see other people's thoughts on the matter.

It is not a hijack of the thread....in fact that is what they should hold a syanod and discuss not Jerusalem!

As a MATTER of fact accroding to christian dogma, Jesus will return only after Jerusalem is in the hands of the Jews, and off course they DO remain the chosen people as according to the sacred text..BIBLE.....a remnant of the Jews will be saved..something like 12,000 will be saved.  Like the Catholics eh know dat or what?

Besides God does not changhe according to the same Bible and His word   will NOT return to Him void but it will accomplish the purpose for which it was sent..Isiah 55:11

So if God says them is chosen den them is chosen

General Discussion / Re: Barbados’ Prime Minister is dead
« on: October 23, 2010, 02:51:46 AM »
didn't know it was so bad, my condolences.

General Discussion / Barbados’ Prime Minister is dead
« on: October 23, 2010, 02:50:45 AM »

SAT, OCTOBER 23, 2010 - 4:10 AM

Prime Minister David Thompson is dead. He died this morning at 2:10 am.

Thompson who served as Prime Minister from January 2008 was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer

Points to consider.

*Rooney is 24yrs old
*He has 18 months left on his contract
*Financially, Man U not anywhere where they would like to be.

His 'loss of form' as been due to specific personal incidents and the injury he suffered. More importantly can you really call that a loss of form(in football at least) when it has been caused by specific events? To me a loss of form and a major source of worry would be when their are no underlying issues contributing to you not performing as you normally do.

I does wonder about some people on here yes. How alyuh does make out in RL boi.

Ronaldo was god, then he is the biggest loser and was supposedly committing career suicide should he leave Man Utd. Now talk about Rooney leaving and guess what, is the same Jackass talk men popping up with. Can't believe this...SMDH.

One bad season Rooney have and men talking about he eh worth nothing on current form? Jokers all of you. I eh no Rooney fan, but Man Utd will suffer, maybe not for long, but they will. You all are the biggest bunch of turncoat I ever come across, no loyalty, no allegiance nothing. Damn.

Players such as Beckham, Van Nistelroy, Ronaldo, Yorke, etc were all let go by Man United and they continued to have success.

But if Rooney goes Man Utd will suffer?


All of the players mentioned save Yorke had sufficient years left on their contract for United to bargin with. Man U were in the driving seat in all of those situations. Also all of those transfers save Ronaldo took place long before the global financial meltdown. Man U as a club is a very different position now than they were back then. Glazers implemented a policy were they would not sign any players who would not be 'sellable' after their first contract. Rooney is turning 25 very soon which means he is capable of top performances for another 4 yrs at least. He and any club he gunning for could basically wine on Ferguson and Man U if only because of the time left on his contract. They will suffer because even after those players you mentioned left they still had 'markee' players left. If Rooney leaves who is their 'go to/ confidence' guy? - the one player on a team that the opposing side knows can change a game at anytime.

Fatima..form one league.
Midday League in the quadrangle!!!!

ahhh I forgot..good times.
Yeah boy, men used to pray for lunch time....On another note I started at age 13/14 I believe, with Barataria BallPlayers...Barnie yesss lol

the only thing about the league was depending who your coach was and what level you played you won't allowed to play(at least on match day), nuff men used to take the chance for that glory yes

Fatima..form one league.

That was Giants right? Thats when I start to take football seriously...sorta.

wasn't that U-14?

Fatima..form one league.
Midday League in the quadrangle!!!!

ahhh I forgot..good times.

Fatima..form one league.

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