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Football / Re: Tribute to Weary1969
« on: March 22, 2017, 09:49:34 AM »
Same. PM with details if needed.

Football / Re: RIP Weary (Joann Charles)
« on: March 10, 2017, 05:05:30 PM »
RIP Weary...It is clear you made an impact on everyone you interacted with...I also concur with the suggestion to honor her at the game or through the food drive.

General Discussion / Re: Pilots, crew in fistfight at 30,000 feet
« on: October 07, 2009, 08:45:49 PM »
Breds, why you have to make things drawn out?

Now if you want to exclude yourself from that statement, thats fine. I not trying to start no drawn out back and forth.

Nevertheless, my initial question still stands, what about the concept seems funny in itself?

Well let me make it even more succinct... why de f**k yuh asking me??

Are you not aware of the Third World stereotypes that India is breaking its neck to shake free of?

Did you miss the insinuations in Capo and Andre's posts?  Clearly some find the Indian angle funny why not ask them?

Is not rocket science....

I believe that I have a fairly good idea of where the others stand on the issue having read their posts for the past few years. Your position was/is not that clear to me, hence the reason I asked you.

Anyhows, goodnight.

General Discussion / Re: Pilots, crew in fistfight at 30,000 feet
« on: October 07, 2009, 08:10:00 PM »
There are elements of humor to the incident no doubt... I not trying to be self-righteous about it.  Some of that I think has to do with the fact that they are Indians and some ah we (not necessarily you) done see dat as ah jokey scene, Indians flying plane.

Why is that funny in itself B n S?

Where did I say it was funny?

I pray for our public schools.

Breds, why you have to make things drawn out? You said,

There are elements of humor to the incident no doubt... I not trying to be self-righteous about it.  Some of that I think has to do with the fact that they are Indians and some ah we (not necessarily you) done see dat as ah jokey scene, Indians flying plane.

Now if you want to exclude yourself from that statement, thats fine. I not trying to start no drawn out back and forth.

Nevertheless, my initial question still stands, what about the concept seems funny in itself?

General Discussion / Re: Pilots, crew in fistfight at 30,000 feet
« on: October 07, 2009, 07:32:57 PM »
I'm still seeing this as pretty funny. But in rebuttal, wouldn't the pilot's actions be the ones that was a misconduct compromising the flight's safety?. He touched the attendant in mid air. I'm not sure I would have the patience to wait quietly until we land to air the complaint. The first thing I imagine I would be asked is "Why didn't you do anything at the time?"

There are elements of humor to the incident no doubt... I not trying to be self-righteous about it.  Some of that I think has to do with the fact that they are Indians and some ah we (not necessarily you) done see dat as ah jokey scene, Indians flying plane.

I think that if true then the pilot's actions precipitated the incident, but hard to accuse him of creating the air hazard.  He realistically might have expected the offended lady to react, but was it foreseeable that his actions would precipitate a mid-air brawl compromising the safety of all on board?  Perhaps... but less likely the case methinks.  It was misconduct, but in of itself didn't compromise the safe operation of the airplane... the fight did because it involved the entire flight crew apparently, or was disruptive enough to distract the entire crew from focusing on their duties.

I think waiting until the plane landed would have been the more prudent path.  Whether one would have had the patience isn't really a factor in considering what the best course of action might be.  Not sure what Indian air regulations are, but if they're anything like the US, there are steep penalties for causing a disturbance aboard an aircraft.  Of the two elements to the incident I think the actions of the second guy more closely falls under the rubric of causing a disturbance.

Why is that funny in itself B n S?

General Discussion / Re: Putting humans in dey place
« on: October 01, 2009, 08:27:37 PM »
Nice try TT, but only ah TOTAL MORON would take this inconclusive guessing game seriously! so called "scientist"/ physicist is yet too provide ah missing link for their theory of evolution! and it's been almost 200yrs now, while intelligent design has been gaining ground.

i know one thing, DNA and the advance knowledge of the cell has dealt darwin's theory of evolution ah serious blow and rendered it obsolete.

keep grabbing @ straws, but to no avail. remember the simplest rule in mathematic, which happens to be an exact science,= nothing from nothing leaves nothing!! yuh can't derive something from nothing!

JC, can you elaborate on the underlined part of your post.

Football / Re: SSFL Results
« on: September 26, 2009, 07:27:24 PM »
September 26, 2009 (5:00pm)
Naparima College    0 - 2    Presentation San F'do
Field: Mannie Ramjohn Stadium
Comment: Scorer: Tristan Khan (x2)

Wait nah.... ;D ;D ;D.

Well done Pres!

General Discussion / Re: 40 yr anniversary of man on the moon.
« on: July 22, 2009, 04:14:27 PM »
you guys just regurgitating all nasas bullshit .wheather all yah know what they torking bout or not .why it dont have a blast area under the lander .why none of the moon dust on the feet of the lander .
why dose it have craters in area 51 ,in the high desert ,infact the astros said the moon looked like us high desert .

Boss, you just regurgitating tripe thats found on any number of websites without any credible sources. It's one thing to question events but if you (and other people who question the landing) not prepared to accept the rationale behind our answers, then there's no point carrying on.

I doh understand why indians always claiming discrimination when their race/group is generally more successful than people of african descent.


Don't bracket a whole subsection of our country because some jokers who happen to be of the same ethnicity pushing race talk to an extreme. They do NOT speak for the informed populace, only the ones who excel within the context of tribal politics.

While there may not be an overt conspiracy against "indians" as claimed by the collective jackasses, there exists prejudice across the board (ALL races) in Trinidad and Tobago. Its not hard to come on this board and find posts that border on ridiculous. Nothing is ever said because we have this illusion that we are a nation of great tolerance and a prevailing attitude of "if you cyah take picong, you eh no trini". One consequence of all of this is that we never have honest discussions bout race matters in T&T.

Something else to note, people of all races have succeeded in spite of perceived discrimination. Success is not a measuring stick for whether discrimination exists or not. But I digress.

General Discussion / Re: 40 yr anniversary of man on the moon.
« on: July 22, 2009, 08:08:41 AM »
oh yeah orbit the earth and propel .

find how come ..... if there is no wind why was the flag was blowing ?

how come we saw no stars ?

check this show http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y5MVVtFYTSo&feature=related

either way am watching all these old clips ,and if is true they really are pretty cool .

The flag wasn't blowing in the "wind". The astronaut kept moving the flag pole so the flag followed suit. Once he stops moving the flag, it stops "waving".

Not seeing stars is an artifact of the lighting on the surface of the moon when they shot the video.
you to versed .you just watch sumthing.your cheathing copy and paste rite.?

Haha. There are tonnes of sites out there that try to stir up conspiracy theory. There are also many others that refute these claims. I've read both at some time or the other. I looked up the calcs. for the radiation exposure (from Van Allen's 1960 publication) but everything else can be explained using simple science.

The stars thing easy to reproduce as well. Take your own digicam, go out at night and put blinding light on from one side. Try and take a picture of the sky. The default exposure times will not be sufficient.

Seriously though, FF's point bout the Russians is the single most damning piece against conspiracy theorists.

General Discussion / Re: 40 yr anniversary of man on the moon.
« on: July 21, 2009, 10:30:07 PM »
oh yeah orbit the earth and propel .

find how come ..... if there is no wind why was the flag was blowing ?

how come we saw no stars ?

check this show http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y5MVVtFYTSo&feature=related

either way am watching all these old clips ,and if is true they really are pretty cool .

The flag wasn't blowing in the "wind". The astronaut kept moving the flag pole so the flag followed suit. Once he stops moving the flag, it stops "waving".

Not seeing stars is an artifact of the lighting on the surface of the moon when they shot the video.

General Discussion / Re: 40 yr anniversary of man on the moon.
« on: July 21, 2009, 07:26:55 PM »
We have 25 000 mile to play with .Take our space walks ,fly around . But once you reach the Van Allen belts which protecting the planet ,you looking for trouble . Remember the Sun is just a gigantic nuclear reactor ,our solar system just storing its energy .The rocket needs to be built with lead atleast .

You the original myth buster ?

Let me ask . If the space vehicle was air tight, how would radiation affect the people inside ?
Does radiation penetrate solid barriers ?

Oh yeah penetrate anything expect lead ,like what they put on you for exrays and stuff. ,air tight or not.
Ppl inside that rocket I doh know probably just kill them ,but nobody know just how u will die ,the russkies wasnt gonna try and find out,idoh know burn your skin off expolde organs ,incinerate u .Even if they survive they trip to the moon ,those space suits were made of aluminum and cotton . And none of the astronauts ever get sick .

Even if the suits held up temperatures on the moon fluctuates from -200 degrees to + 200 gegrees when the the sun hits it  .


The total exposure during a trip back through the inner and outer belts would be around 5 Rem, not enough to significantly alter white blood cell counts on a short term basis. Is it an acceptable dose? No, we now know that even such low doses can promote formation of cancerous cells and may have other effects.
Would they incinerate and have their skin burnt off? No.

To address the temperature concerns, consider that space is by and large a vacuum. There are 3 main mechanisms of heat transfer, conductive, convective and radiative. In space, the heat transfer is mainly due to radiative transfer with conductive transfer only relevant if you touch something and maintain contact. It is very easy to insulate against heat transfer. I put my hand into 500 deg C ovens all the time and dont get burnt because I minimize exposure (less time for radiative heat transfer) and generally use insulation to reduce conductive transfer. Same thing in space. I'm sure it would get warm but you wouldn't incinerate.

As for the colder areas, consider that there is no wind to accelerate heat loss. So heat generated from the body can be captured by insulating in a manner similar to how people wear thermal underwear.

General Discussion / Re: sean "bill" francis... dead?
« on: April 29, 2009, 03:46:45 PM »
D man get kill right by he house. Not even a dog was out in Vegas yday. U live by d sword... Imagine sadiq Baksh d amn who set him up in business talkin bot PNM eh doin nutten bout crime. Is he who give him URP to run in Vegas is dem who make him Local Govt candidate.

RIP d 20 of d so call community leaders dead. Simpson waitin on d next set.

Weary, ah asking you a genuine question here and would appreciate a response from you.

Do you think that the crime situation in Trinidad and Tobago would be significantly different if URP contracts had not been given to them fellas by successive governments?
If yes, why?


The great Atlantic Ocean swimming hoax
By Chris Chase

Over the weekend, in between depressing news about the economy and the continued sagas of Michael Phelps and Alex Rodrgiuez, an inspirational story appeared on the Associated Press news wire. It detailed American Jennifer Figge's accomplishment in becoming the first woman to swim across the Atlantic Ocean. Many media outlets (including Yahoo!) jumped on the story that seemed almost too good to be true. That's because it was.

The AP originally reported that Figge swam from the Cape Verde Islands off the coast of Africa to Trinidad (2,100 miles) in 25 days while escorted by a boat. She was said to have rested every night and hopped back in the water in the morning.

Figge woke most days around 7 a.m., eating pasta and baked potatoes while she and the crew assessed the weather. Her longest stint in the water was about eight hours, and her shortest was 21 minutes.

There were problems with the story from the start. A few of the less-important ones included the fact that Cape Verde is at least 2,400 miles, not 2,100, from Trinidad.  And the African islands are about 500 miles off the western coast of the continent, meaning Figge had a huge head start on her trip across the Atlantic. (It'd be like somebody saying they ran across America after starting in Cincinnati.)

Those are trivial though. The real issue stemmed from the fact that swimming 2,100 miles in 25 days is impossible. (Some newspapers picked up on this.) It's infinitely more impossible when somebody only spends 21 minutes swimming during one of those 25 days. Michael Phelps swimming his fastest would take about 20 days to cover that distance. And that's his fastest pace, sustained for three weeks, without ever stopping. Impossible.

Yet, somehow, the AP ran the story even though a few seconds of thought and a pocket calculator was enough to disprove it. They ran a correction yesterday that read, in part:

Figge swam only a fraction of the 2,100-mile journey. The rest of the time, she rested on her crew's westward-sailing catamaran. Her spokesman [said] that her total swimming distance has not been calculated yet, but that due to ocean hazards including inclement weather, he estimates she swam about 250 miles.

Swimming 250 miles is nothing to scoff at; but it's not 2,100. To go back to the running-across-America analogy, this would be like driving cross country with a friend, and getting out of the car every ten miles to run one mile for the entire trip. That'd be an impressive feat, but nobody would ever confuse it with running across the United States.

In an interview yesterday with the AP, Figge avoids discussing the validity of her swim and instead says she "never intended to swim the Atlantic." That may be so, but she didn't do much to prevent most American news outlets from reporting that she did.

Trinidad and Tobago History / Re: Tramways and Trolleys in T&T
« on: February 04, 2009, 09:56:37 PM »
Trams in various forms are extremely popular in Europe and are being used as solutions to reduce gridlock in several US cities. Many cities in the US that deal with surburban sprawl have begun developing park and ride initiatives e.g. Charlotte recently finished construction of a 15 station light rail system, Atlanta has a small system and they are looking to expand, San Diego has a system that is being expanded, Dallas, Sacramento, etc.  Once engineered correctly, they reduce GHG production and in most instances, decrease transit time.

Okay... so there are other ancillary benefits to trams. 

How does any of the above disprove the notion that they pose a safety risk?

Those examples were provided for the gratification of others who are reading the thread as well as draw attention to the fact that trams are a common option. No point to make or take re: safety.

With respect to safety, I disagree with your assessment. Several studies have shown that instances of tram accidents actually decrease as the population becomes familiar with practices. Additionally, it appears that pedestrians in general (both US and Europe) have less respect for light rail systems than for buses. High rates of accidents at stops, crossings and stations result from people jumping out in front of the vehicle assuming it has a shorter stop distance.

I'm not sure how any of this helps your argument.  I never said trams are inherently dangerous in themselves (risk of electrocution aside)... the same way guns aren't inherently dangerous.  In the hands of the wrong individual a gun becomes dangerous.  Put into the wrong situation trams become dangerous.  Even if you put the fault for the accidents on the population that, only concedes the danger of the mix, rather than disproving it.  You don't throw trams into the fray and hope to educate the population afterwards.  What's an acceptable accident rate until the population learns to live with trams?

I think we both agree that all public transportation options have inherent risks. I however, disagree with your assertion that trams are not common because they are somehow more unsafe than other options. Since buses are the primary alternative to tram systems, I thought it would be worth comparing them to show that even though buses appear to have a higher incident rate, they are quite common. As trams become more common, incident rates will undoubtedly increase but based on the information that is widely available, its does not appear that safety considerations will hinder their implementation. The primary reason for them being uncommon is the infrastructure required. Take it for what its worth.
As for education, it is necessary but you can only explain so much. When we fly on a plane, we are directed to the safety booklet. Studies have shown that 50% of people choose not to read the information. Bad analogy but the point is, sometimes the old saying, who doh hear does feel, applies.
Within that context, whats an acceptable accident rate? I'm not privy to the risk analyses performed in T&T but it would differ per location. In some aspects, an acceptable rate would be one lower than the current primary mode of transportation but again, it would differ per locality.

Even with that, modern rail systems have a much lower fatality risk per vehicle per mile than bus systems which is remarkable considering the fact that bus systems cover far more distance than rail systems.

There's something amiss with this statement... maybe you meant to state the opposite, because if bus systems cover more miles than tram systems then it's totally understandable that greater exposure to the public would result in higher accident rates as well.
Incidence rates for trams are lower as compared to buses that travel the same distance with similar population densities.

Another reason for the seeming bad reputation of tram systems is the extent of injury once an incident does occur. Most of those vehicles are not equipped with protective shielding to reduce exposure to the iron wheels which are much less forgiving than bus tyres.

Again... at pain of sounding like a broken record, I'm not sure how that disproves my assertion that trams are a safety risk.

My point here is to show that public perception can significantly alter what we think is safe vs. unsafe.

As for electrocution risks, I'm not aware of peer reviewed studies that compare to other modes of public transportation.

Most of my knowledge of this is based on anecdotal evidence... reports in newspapers, magazines etc.  Not sure if there's even been any actual studies.
There are numerous peer reviewed studies that examine these issues.


On balance trams are more desirable than buses, particularly where the impact on the environment is concerned.  However lost in all this is the impact on the power grid that trams would have on Trinidad... a place where outtages and rolling blackouts (unless I'm mistaken) are still fairly prevalent.  Additionally, are trams really an option in a place like POS where flooding is still rampant?  Development has only served to exacerbate the problem rather than alleviate it... so fair to assume that flooding would pose a greater obstacle than it did during earlier implementations of the trolley/tram system.

The system that is being considered in Trinidad will be an elevated light rail/monorail system. As I alluded to earlier, infrastructure is the common limiting factor. There was a thread where we discussed the tendering process extensively and I was completely against the procedure used by the ministry at that time because there were no feasibility studies performed. As a result, limitations with respect to access due to flooding, power supplies, security, land access, connection options etc are still largely unknown to the general population. We can agree that if we do not do the relevant groundwork, our good intentions can pave the road to hell aka debt.

Trinidad and Tobago History / Re: Tramways and Trolleys in T&T
« on: February 04, 2009, 07:15:40 PM »
Can you elaborate on what you mean by "extremely unsafe" in that statement?

Accidents and electrocutions... trams are notorious.

I should note that Baltimore is another city that I personally know of with a "light rail" system... Savannah boy mentioned San Fran... forgot about that one too, but never been so couldn't speak from personal experience on that.

Trams in various forms are extremely popular in Europe and are being used as solutions to reduce gridlock in several US cities. Many cities in the US that deal with surburban sprawl have begun developing park and ride initiatives e.g. Charlotte recently finished construction of a 15 station light rail system, Atlanta has a small system and they are looking to expand, San Diego has a system that is being expanded, Dallas, Sacramento, etc.  Once engineered correctly, they reduce GHG production and in most instances, decrease transit time.

With respect to safety, I disagree with your assessment. Several studies have shown that instances of tram accidents actually decrease as the population becomes familiar with practices. Additionally, it appears that pedestrians in general (both US and Europe) have less respect for light rail systems than for buses. High rates of accidents at stops, crossings and stations result from people jumping out in front of the vehicle assuming it has a shorter stop distance. Even with that, modern rail systems have a much lower fatality risk per vehicle per mile than bus systems which is remarkable considering the fact that bus systems cover far more distance than rail systems.
Another reason for the seeming bad reputation of tram systems is the extent of injury once an incident does occur. Most of those vehicles are not equipped with protective shielding to reduce exposure to the iron wheels which are much less forgiving than bus tyres.

As for electrocution risks, I'm not aware of peer reviewed studies that compare to other modes of public transportation.

Trinidad and Tobago History / Re: Tramways and Trolleys in T&T
« on: February 04, 2009, 07:47:29 AM »
You all are welcome.  Ah doh always post shit talk all de time yuh know.  Somebody e-mail meh dat and it touched a nerve to see de way de country looked back then.  You go places like Toronto or San Francisco where dey still have dem modes of transportation and yuh wonder why we did away with it.  We packing we country with cars left and right.  It not good for the air we breathing and it have traffic everywhere.  We have no commuter lanes.  Crime makes park and (share) rides and carpooling impossible.  Dey should stop giving out Driver's Permits like in Singapore.  Top off the amount of driver's on the roads.  New Permits are for weekends only.  Unlimited Permits will be issued as people retire from driving, dey dead or move abroad or something.  And de blasted Govt have to stop bringing in foreign owned vehicles.  Doh have cheaper alternatives to make people buy cars jes for so.  Some of dem foolish yutemen in particular doh need no car...is only fete or banditry dat many of dem studying.

Trams are extremely unsafe, which is why you hardly see them anymore... in fact the only place I've ever encountered them personally is in Philadelphia.

...but great opening post, wonderful pictures.

Can you elaborate on what you mean by "extremely unsafe" in that statement?

General Discussion / Re: Thinking about getting a dog
« on: February 02, 2009, 03:55:18 PM »
If I was living in the states I would probably get a Husky. It's too hot in Trinidad to keep them.

them is nice dogs ,and yah could leave they arse outside to ,if yah eint reported .

See jack terriers on kijiji for 250 for pups .F ing bulldogs are 2 grand  :o

Boss...I dont post much but if is one thing I will ask you not to do; please dont "buy" a dog from a breeder. You could get dogs (from puppies all the way to older dogs) in the local animal shelter.

As for suggestions,
1) Beagle or beagle mix - only thing with a beagle is to remember that the dog was bred to be a hound so once it smell something interesting, it will want to go.
2) Shepherd mix - I'm partial to a shepherd mixes cause they real smart and have good temperament plus we have one right now. Tend to be on a bigger side but very very trainable.
3) Border Collie mix - one of the smartest dogs and lill bit intimidating cause they will stare you to f*ck down (eyeball to eyeball) but again, easily trainable. Also, will help herd children around. Good temperament with children too.

If you seriously considering a Jack Russel, make sure somebody in the house have time, cause that dog will drive you crazy unless you able to walk it regularly (i.e twice a day).

Best way to know whether you and a dog are a good fit is to foster the dog for bout a week. Most shelters will let you do that. Whatever you do, dont make the decision based on just looking. That is when pressure does start.

General Discussion / Re: How To Fix Ya Computer
« on: January 31, 2009, 11:58:00 PM »
ok i have a big problem with google search, everytime i get a search result it says this "This site may harm your computer." whats up with that?


Google users get bogus warning on site searches (AP)
MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif. - Computer users doing Google searches during a nearly one-hour period Saturday morning were greeted with disturbing but erroneous messages that every site turned up in the results might be harmful.

The company blamed the mistake on human error and apologized for any inconvenience caused to users and site owners whose pages were incorrectly labeled.

The glitch occurred between 9:30 a.m. EST and 10:25 a.m. EST, Google Inc. said in an explanation on its company blog. Anyone who did a Google search during that time likely saw the message "This site may harm your computer" accompanying every search result, the company said.

Google said it routinely flags any search results with that message if the site is known to install malicious software in the background or otherwise surreptitiously, a practice aimed at protecting its users. Google said it maintains a list of suspicious sites based on criteria developed with StopBadware.org, a nonprofit project headed by legal scholars at Harvard and Oxford universities who research consumer complaints.

Saturday's error happened when Google erroneously applied one of its periodic list updates in such a way that the warning would apply to all URLs, the company said in a statement.

The glitch was caught by on-call staff and the file was quickly fixed, Google said. Since the updates are applied in a staggered and rolling fashion, the errors began appearing at 9:27 a.m. EST and disappeared no later than 10:25 a.m. EST, with the duration for any particular user approximately 40 minutes, it said.

"We will carefully investigate this incident and put more robust file checks in to prevent it from happening again," said Marissa Mayer, vice president of search products and user experience, in the statement.

Entertainment & Culture Discussion / Re: The Dark Knight
« on: July 20, 2008, 07:20:29 PM »

if allyuh too cheap to pay the admission price.

One of the few recent movies I've seen that actually entertained me from start to finish....I wont say anything that hasnt been said already but must reiterate, HL was a boss...so too Harvey Dent...

MF and MC really kept this movie grounded....Boss boss flick.

My recommendation is to spend the money and see this on a big screen....dont watch a pirated version....it will not do the cinematography justice.

General Discussion / Re: Memorable SW.net Quotations
« on: June 18, 2008, 03:31:15 PM »
This is not a quote per say...but I nearly dead when I see this.
To put it in context, that was one of Dutty's contribution to this post, http://www.socawarriors.net/forum/index.php?topic=36883.0

Take win boss...

Congrats, pecan

my personal favorite was the "drops" that came in second. I also like the "sunset" by wok.

lots of nice entries.

Congrats to the winners...

Personal favorites were the 2nd place drops and Eman's mist picture.

General Discussion / Re: Motor Cycles.
« on: April 13, 2008, 06:55:50 PM »
......but then the satisfaction last week of absouletely destroying a Ferrari 550 was very satisfying

 :applause: :applause: :applause:

Noname, my opinion....is obviously start with something smaller and down on power...in the 250 to 500 range

I am a huge fan of bikes from the 80's because they tend to be cheap and easily modifiable.....but in your case I would suggest  bikes from the 80's as tend to have moderate power and you tend to gain confidence with handling the weight of a midsize bike (the average 550 or 600 built in the 1990's onward tend to be absolute rockets)
Frankly you can hurt yourself on anything including  putt putt vespa scooter...it just depends on how you ride.

So even if you decide to buy a brand new 999 ducati..keep in mind you can toddle around on it at 30mph everywhere and ride it as conservative as a vespa while you learn and increase your confidence

But when you crack the throttle open ...OHHHHHHHH lawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwddaaahh!!! :wavetowel: :wavetowel: :wavetowel:

THanks for the input....I have my eye on a ZZR250 (Kawasaki)...I dont want to play no hero so I looking smaller cc for the moment...Have too much years of school in my head to to drag it across the highway just so.

General Discussion / Re: Motor Cycles.
« on: April 09, 2008, 03:39:51 PM »
It look like it have some real bike peong on this forum....

I looking to start to ride and wouldnt mind some recommendations on a basic setup. Not looking for anything spectacular.... Much appreciated if one of allyuh could point me in a direction.

Entertainment & Culture Discussion / Re: The Wire....Best show on TV?
« on: March 16, 2008, 06:42:28 PM »

Thanks very much.  Watched it on saturday thanks to you.  Great finale!  Thanks again!
Yea man....no probs..was kinda disappointed in the finale but that might be cause it have nothing to look forward to right now.

Entertainment & Culture Discussion / Re: The Wire....Best show on TV?
« on: March 07, 2008, 05:37:45 PM »
For me it is.....by far.

Kinda sad Snoop dead tho.  She went real sorf.  Woulda expeck she to go dong in a blaze a glory.  Instead....dey had she goin out like a real gyul..."How meh hair lookin Michael?"
In case you want to see the finale early.

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