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Messages - Controversial

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Football / Re: Copa America Thread
« on: March 14, 2024, 08:56:41 PM »
Eve selecting a team for a sweat in the Savannah on a Sunday evening ....

Football / Re: Levi Garcia Thread
« on: March 13, 2024, 08:35:26 PM »

my opinion was solely based on his offensive skill set.. Pulisic is playing in a better system and better coaches, so of course he will look stronger defensively in that given formation..

So yes I understand where you are coming from, but it's not a fair analysis of Levi and his talent ...

Football / Re: Levi Garcia Thread
« on: March 13, 2024, 09:44:03 AM »
Like I said before, Levi is better than Pulsic, but Pulisic benefits from his country, hence why he has the big contract..

Football / Re: Thread for T&T vs Jamaica Games (1 & 3 of March-2024)
« on: March 06, 2024, 09:05:23 PM »

Actually FIFA with the NC has controlled our football for the last while, they have chosen the coach, which was Eve and rejected changes to the constitution.

Currently, FIFA is also funding the TTPFL and their Head (Wharfe) is now in the running to continue their rule. They have rigged the elections in their favour of the TTPFL votes, amount to over 60%. Independents have now been squeezed out, the other candidate in the election doesn't stand a chance.

So yes, FIFA controls our football, it is not under the control of the people or independent private financiers.

So don't expect great friendlies or matches to benefit our football.

The fact that Wharfe has brought on "The Dictator's" daughter in his slate, is a clear indicator they will be controlled and corruption will be rampant...

Wharfe will win and if he doesn't win and Edwards tries to progress or make changes for the betterment of TT football, the NC will be back in charge...

They might even be back if he tries to fire Eve...

watch the ride, Wharfe is a puppet

Football / Re: Thread for T&T vs Jamaica Games (1 & 3 of March-2024)
« on: March 04, 2024, 10:07:00 PM »

FIFA is controlling Eve and his selection, they have been sabotaging our football since the sacking of Hart...

Of course Eve will play an all local team with not even our best players from T&T...

Obviously you don't know what has been going on with our football

Almost everyone does not support Eve as the coach, he is there as a puppet 

Football / Re: Thread for T&T vs Jamaica Games (1 & 3 of March-2024)
« on: March 04, 2024, 10:04:40 PM »
Eve isn't even selecting the best players...

Football / Re: TTFA Presidency Polls; The countdown to election begins.
« on: February 25, 2024, 01:17:18 PM »
Did anyone get a chance to read Lisana's new article?

He highlights the undemocratic constitutional changes made in the ttfa constitution. The fact that FIFA funds the TTPFL and TTFA oversees it, is a clear indicator of the collusion and control, this is neo colonialism. There is really no other way to define it, Wharfe already said he plans to continue what the NC has left. He runs the TTPFL, meaning he has orders, he will not bite the hand that feeds it.

If they try to change the constitution, FIFA will send the NC again, so in order to control they have rigged it in their favor with the TTPFL having over 60% of the vote for the TTFA presidency.

This is not present in any other federation in the world, only T&T.

Football / Re: Copa America Thread
« on: February 25, 2024, 01:13:58 PM »

Did you get a chance to read Lisana's new article?

He highlights the undemocratic constitutional changes made in the ttfa constitution. The fact that FIFA funds the TTPFL and TTFA oversees it, is a clear indicator of the collusion and control, this is neo colonialism. There is really no other way to define it, Wharfe already said he plans to continue what the NC has left. He runs the TTPFL, meaning he has orders, he will not bite the hand that feeds it.

If they try to change the constitution, FIFA will send the NC again, so in order to control they have rigged it in their favor with the TTPFL having over 60% of the vote for the TTFA presidency.

This is not present in any other federation in the world, only T&T.

Football / Re: The Best Ways to SABOTAGE the T&T National Football Team...
« on: February 23, 2024, 10:18:26 PM »
After reading Lisana's recent article it highlights what I have been saying for over 20 years on this board..

The TTPFL is funded by FIFA, they have basically ensured any candidate they field will be guaranteed the Presidency. The TTPFL has the most votes and are beholden to the candidate supported by the TTPFL. Independent candidates basically are not in any position of power. This is Neo colonialism at its finest. Nothing democratic about the accepted amendments, if they resist the changes, its back to the NC. If they object to the President or a President that is elected that is not in FIFAs favour, it's back to the NC. We saw it with Wallace, any progress will be met with resistance and back to the NC.

Ask yourself, if TT was a nation with no talent and wasn't a threat, why the undemocratic rule, sabotage and control by FIFA?

It is time our people start asking themselves the right questions...

so the TTPFL is funded by the TTFA, who is in turn funded by FIFA...

So the increase of votes with the voting of the TTFA will mean that the next president will be a FIFA puppet  :D

So ask yourself this question, why do external Neo colonial powers want to control our football?

if we were garbage and had no talent and couldn't threaten the order of things, they wouldn't interfere ...

I saw Lisana's article, well done in his research... That Wharfe man said he wants to continue what TTFA started, that is a surefire indicator

Football / Re: Judah Garcia Thread.
« on: February 23, 2024, 09:32:31 PM »
Eve will not call the best players, he has his orders ....

Football / Re: Copa America Thread
« on: February 23, 2024, 09:30:23 PM »
@gawd you really think this man will select the best players?  :D

That is not the program that Eve has been given to follow, his colonial masters have given him their orders...

Football / Re: The Best Ways to SABOTAGE the T&T National Football Team...
« on: February 23, 2024, 09:28:00 PM »
Eve has his orders, he will follow them, fellas like Eve who are "in the house" as they say will sell out and gaslight you that things are going well and this is the best selection..

He's quiet because he knows what he is doing is sabotage and he doesn't want to be criticized for his wrongdoing... So he will stay quiet, he knows we are on to him and the NC

Football / Re: Greg Ranjitsingh Thread
« on: February 23, 2024, 09:25:24 PM »
brother, if he selects Greg, it gives us a stronger chance, so that will not happen, plus I heard through the grapevine, Eve is a racist man, so I doubt he will get a call, one it doesn't fit well with Eves masters and sabotage and two, he's not the right type of player for eve apparently from my sources

Football / Re: Greg Ranjitsingh Thread
« on: February 22, 2024, 04:04:09 PM »
Could someone explain why Greg is not in the TT team currently?

so which one is good for our football?

Football / Re: Lester Peltier Thread.
« on: February 20, 2024, 08:57:56 PM »
Doesn't need a US passport, my British friends come for months without any issues and can get a work visa also...

Football / Re: Lester Peltier Thread.
« on: February 19, 2024, 09:32:02 PM »
Supposedly there's a leaked sex tape with Lester and Larry Reid... So that's what made him come out to talk about his affair..

of course they didn't do anything, it was sabotage on their part...

no progress and leaving us with a coach that cannot take us to the world cup

Football / Re: Scouting for Talent Thread
« on: February 08, 2024, 11:27:16 AM »
allyuh men head hard or what, he's doing it on purpose...

Football / Re: Marc Gangia Thread.
« on: February 08, 2024, 11:25:48 AM »
so what happened to the other players that are eligible?

Too good for Eve to select? Eve as I said is being paid to not select the best players, the other big nations don't want a talented TT team to face to qualify etc..

Football / Re: The Best Ways to SABOTAGE the T&T National Football Team...
« on: February 08, 2024, 11:24:02 AM »
There is one problem with that brother, Eve is a jealous man and will envy any HC for T&T...

Having a non team player as a part of the coaching staff will create a bad vibes environment, undermining etc

Eve needs to coach local football and spend about 10 years outside TT with a club team.. He needs to stay far away from our national football, he is a sell out of the highest order...

Football / Re: Copa America Thread
« on: February 08, 2024, 11:21:13 AM »
Eve needs to be fired immediately once the new admin gets in place

Football / Re: The Best Ways to SABOTAGE the T&T National Football Team...
« on: February 06, 2024, 11:09:42 PM »
The sabotage with Angus Eve is in full swing.. Currently Angus is neglecting to select the best foreign born players...

Watch the ride fellahs...

Football / Re: Scouting for Talent Thread
« on: February 06, 2024, 11:07:02 PM »
When i told you guys, this man is a set man, set for sabotage, I meant that, he will not select the best players..

The new admin needs to fire this man and start over to save our WC 2026 campaign

Football / Re: Scouting our players
« on: February 02, 2024, 11:19:52 PM »
worthwhile thread

to bad angus plans to not select any of these players, but hopefully with the NC gone, the new admin will pressure him to select the best

Football / Re: Levi Garcia Thread
« on: January 28, 2024, 12:48:02 AM »
clubs don't care about our best players reppin national teams which is BS because the better our national team does, it adds value to the player and helps the club with value...

with our former colonials they just want to oppress the ability for our football to rise.. I don't think levi has this issue but they also don't want to risk injury.. I don't even know if ttfa has the proper insurance for their national call ups tbh

Football / Re: Levi Garcia Thread
« on: January 17, 2024, 11:52:20 PM »
tbh i don't know what you are talking about?  :D :D

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