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Author Topic: Soca Warriors had a training session this morning.... i got some signatures  (Read 3107 times)

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Offline Small Magician aka Wazza

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With the exception of Latapy, Yorke, Stern, Birchall and Edwards everyone was present for a hour long training session at the HC stadium

i reached around 10 45 hoping to get some signatures which i did

Got Don Leo's own ...very proud about that...   limed with anton (as i no him gud through pops) and Wim...Wim is a cool soldier...

Beenie we all no is not a people person...he was busy so he could not stay on..which i fully understand...

thanks to peter rampersad who got all the players to come and sign my big badge which will be used as a poster in my room lol

Everyone looked in good moods...chatted slightly which each player as they signed...

My sister  tell Kenwyne to stop flipping when yuh score because you will get injured lol  everyone laughed at him for that....

It was me and my sis...   pops went cricket

Anton made it clear to Wim that The Magicians are the big big fans of TnT stating we were there for everygame which is true...

I told him me and pops will be at the cup.... he said it should be fantastic... i said allyuh hadda make it fantastic for us...he said they will do they best to achieve that...

i tell glenn hard luks bout the hamstring and good luck...   he look a lil sad but confident

Everything looked good and the boys are leaving tonight for england

Good luck Warriors!


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With the exception of Latapy, Yorke, Stern, Birchall and Edwards everyone was present for a hour long training session at the HC stadium

Look like the Zen crew slept through training

Offline Cantona007

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With the exception of Latapy, Yorke, Stern, Birchall and Edwards everyone was present for a hour long training session at the HC stadium

Look like the Zen crew slept through training
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Offline thane

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hahaha...for real...zen...old habits die hard

Offline Warrior till death

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how come dey still in t&t???

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Offline Jahyouth

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hahaha...for real...zen...old habits die hard


as allyuh say Zen, somebody put up KND joke bout Dwight, Latas, Birchill and the skets in front of Zen nah   :rotfl:

Offline Grande

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« Reply #9 on: May 13, 2006, 09:13:08 PM »
hahaha...for real...zen...old habits die hard


as allyuh say Zen, somebody put up KND joke bout Dwight, Latas, Birchill and the skets in front of Zen nah   :rotfl:

a CLASSIC of de forum....forumites old and new take a read...thank you KND

....9:00 pm curfew everybody suppose to be in they bed.
Yorke says to Latas
"Wha yuh for boy"
"Me eh know, Wha Sancho doing?"
"steups he is ah bullerman he gone and sleep"
"Leh we make ah turn in the Zen nuh??"
"Call the whiteboy and see if he wha make d turn"
"nah f*** he, them girls does only want to meet the white boy, I
looking to burse tonight"
"aight leh we move"
10:30 gone downstairs and flag down ah 280c.
"Drive we going Zen we paying for the whole trip"
"yeah no scene"
"Yuh go drop we by Memorial Park side I eh wha nobody see we"

Yorke hand the driver ah 20 pounds.

11:02 Johnny meet them by the door but on they way there the 2 behind
the bridge wajang that was standing by the burger cyart/corn soup woman
start to call them.

Yorke says to Latas
"Horse yuh go bull dat"
"yeah, on ah slow night"
"yuh feel we should carry them in"
"nah leh we go and see wha we see nuh, it bound to have nicer thing
inside man. Is we, we must pull something, push come to shove we go
parry a thing"

11:15 Johhny carry them in the VIP. He signal to the waiter and the man
bring ah bottle ah champagne and some glasses. Latas eh accostomed to
them thing he want ah bottle ah puncheon and ah bottle ah water.

"Yorkie me eh know bout that champagne thing yuh know, that does wok
meh belly in the morning. When I was playing in Sando Tech and I use to
lime on the Coffee them boy introduce meh to this."

York watch Latas with ah look of scorn as he pour ah shot and down it
chasing it with some cold water. He then says to Yorke

"Horse yuh feel they have peanut butter glass in this place? I eh able
with this big shot thing yuh know. I wha peanut butter glass to pour meh

Yorke mumbles to himself "to each his own yes" and pours out some

12 midnight
"Latas boy? I find upstairs here eh have no girls boy leh we go
downstairs nuh"
"True leh we move"

so as they movig through the dance they see a commotion by the stage.
Upon further investigation who they go see but "Me Mum" with he back to
the stage and some dread baddest jamming him and he sweating like a pot

Yorke turns to Latas.
"But wha the arse is this?"
"Horse you tell the man we coming here"
"No me eh tell nobody, I leave the man sleeping"
"So horse wha we go do boy, the man have all the girls"

When they do look again one baddest have she leg on he shoulder and ah
next one beating he bottom.

"Nah horse I iz 4king Dwight Yorke I have real hoes in England this
little pissintail boy cyah come in my country and pull no girls." This
is my town, them girls need to know the time."

This time nobody eh taking on Yorke and Latas so much so the DJ bigging
up Me Mum right through. The crowd gather around him now and they
bawling HEY HEY HEY HEY cheering him on.

Is all bout 3:30 now and Latas eyes glassy from d' Puncheon.
"horse yuh feel them 2 thing outside still"
"hummmm, leh we go and see nuh"

Low and behold the 2 thing still outside taking heavy night due. But
they looking better now cause them fellas drunk and they want to burse.
OK. So wha really happen when Dwight and Latas rally outside Zen to
link up wit de 2 wajangs? Dis is wha went on:

Dem fellas roll out de Zen. Dwight say:
"Latas, buh is only 1 ting I seein."
"Wha? Way she fren gone?"
"Buh like a man beat we to it."
"Yeah boy, we geh huff for not eatin."
"Well leh we move in now before it too late oui."
"So Dwight, yuh go leh me go down or wha?"
"Leh you go down? And wha I suppose to do? Jock? Nah boy. Both ah we
goin down."
"Wait nah, just to make it clear, when I say go down, I mean..."
"Come on now Latas, you eh have to explain dat. Look at dat ting. Who
in dey right mind go put dey mouth down dey so?"
"Or. OK. I just makin sure. Because I does hear some tings bout
"You does hear bout me? Wha de ras-hole? Look boy, leh we doh start
dat, because who sicker than you?"
"Buh wait nah? Dwight, is who is dat over dey in de corner dey?"
"Hi-yi-yi. Dat look like Birchy... wit de odder ting yes."
"Lord have mercy. She real wukkin him boy. Like she go kill him?"
"Yuh see me, I say every man to heself oui. Leh we forget Birchy. He
on he own. My totee hard oui. Leh me and you grab dat odder ting dey,
and roll before sombody links it oui. Dem gyul and dem look like dey go
do anyting for ah corn soup. Yuh have some change?"
"Wha change wha? You is 4king Dwight Yorke boy. You need change or
corn soup to pull dat?"
"True, true. Yow, Thickness, come leh me reason wit yuh nah."

Nex thing yuh know, Dwight, Latas and de ting in de same 280C rollin
down Frederick St.


The Schedule for the socawarriors on Saturday Morning is as Follows:

Party men Such as Yorke Latas Stern etc arrive back at the Hotel after
nuff wine a Jam up in the club. (Accompanied bay a few Behind the
Wajang at least 2 per man)

Football Fanatics such as Jack and Birchald wake up and go over notes
and video tapes.

Church men such as dog Wake up and saying prayers


Yorke and them strokesing the thing and them but they have to hurry as
it is a game day.

Dog still praying


everybody assemble to go by Breakfast shed for some breakfast.

Yorke Latas and Stern decide to miss breakfast and gone and sleep, the
skets ride out.

8 AM

Breakfast done Dog holding a pray session, some men stretching , some
skillings balls men starting to get ready. Small goal tounament start

9 AM

Bennie man giving a pep talk " We have to play our game, we have to
as a team"

9:30 Man Mudder and Father and friend start to stop by the hotel, who
looking for free Jersey, who still aint get they free ticket, who want
to borrow boots, who want to walk in the stadium with the team etc.

10 AM Cartoons start on Tv man start to watch tv
Yorke and them still sleeping.

12 PM Yorke and them wake up want to know if any breakfast left only
cold bake and smoke herring left, but you know them men eating

1 PM time to check out the Hotel but they carh check out yet because
they waiting on Jack to come with the credit card.

2 PM man in the lobby, Jack aint reach yet

3 PM Jack reach and with his stumming self.......whammmm alllyuhhhhh
ainttt ready to gooo, Gives the card to the counter girls and the men
and them could check out. Big trouble now cause Yorke and them order
Blues and drink out the mini bar an extra 2000TT,
Jack start to cuss, The Govt aint give me no money, is my money paying
for this, alyuh men real watless
After 30 minutes of discussion he finally pull out the FIFA card which
have a higher limit and swipe it gone through.

3:45 Man out side to board the bus, but the Maxi man get tired wating
since 2 PM so he decide to make a quick trip down Deigo and come back
maximize the dollars. Man start to cuss bout hot sun.

Birchald lay out like he tanning all the real black men like Yorke and
Jack breaksing sun under the palm tree.

4PM Fuentes taking pictures and interviewing players.

4:15PM Maxi man Come back everybody jump on and man ready to go.

4:17PM After reaching down by Flour Mills Whittley realize that he
forget he boots up in Malick so they have to turn the bus around and
and get he boots cause bennie man say he starting.

5:00PM They reach by Whitley House He mudder want everybody to off
the buss and come in the house. She sharing Black Cake and pringles
is Christmas. Yorke ask for a Carib Latapy ask if they have any

5:15PM everybody back on the bus, All the woman black cake was done.
looking for Cyd grey when you hear the shout he gone up the pommerack
tree and come running down the bus with a jersey full of pommerack.

5:47 Reach Back by the Stadium.
the bus cannot pull up by the game cause crowd done start to get
Man have to walk through the parking lot. Man Vex and pan start to

6:PM the players reach by the gate
Theobald first in the line Security stop him and ask him who he is, He
say he is a player they say year right no freeco thing here you need a
complimentary to get he through this gate. Man start to cuss
eventually Jack reach with he UNC party card and they security finally
allow the team in. Dwight hug up 2 fat thing in the parking lot and
walk in normal normal. Security real benning and he just grinning.

6:15 Men done dress time to warm up.

next thing ref come and knock on the door "Time to line up"

Man want to know what kind of thing is that thought the game starting
7:30, Jack say that is what on the FIFA site The Ref say that is
american time

the game is 6:30 TnT time
Real drama start to break out now.

Bennie man Take stock of the situation and calm everybody down.

6:29 Nakhid walk in the dressing room with a TnT shirt on, everybody
start to crack up, the Ref and all Man forget to argue any more.
name the squad and the team walk out. While they walking out Jack see
big pomerack stain on Cyd Grey Shirt so he tell bennie he cannot play.
"This is a big game he cah walk out looking so" Spann get the start

6:35 National Anthem play Stadium Jumping game ready to start.

6:37 tweet game start...............

Latapy get the ball dribble 5 men at least 2 times Knock a 1-2 with
Yorke and lay one for Stern to knock in.


Goal after goal score
and even more goal miss

Jack still cussing
Bennie man Smiling
Latapy Smiling
Yorke Grinning
Stern Brushing he shoulder off
Cyd Grey Benning want to know if anybody have a lil bleach so he could
clean he shirt Kelvin Jack still kicking the ball in the stands
Nakhid sitting equal distance between Bahrain and TnT bench
Dog praying for world piece
Both Manning and Panday running for pictures with the players after

Jack get Fifa to play the second leg in TnT as we done win aready with
20 goal first half lead and we could save a lil transportation cost.

Bahrain give up and walk off
Abu Bakr offer to let them stay in his mosque for prayers

Even the 2 Fat thing and all happy cause they get in Free.

AT the end of the day we is Trinis so we have to do it the Trini Way.

NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !

T&T welcomes back...the King

Offline Jefferz

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Re: SW.NET CLASSIC: The Zen Crew by KND
« Reply #10 on: May 13, 2006, 09:49:37 PM »
hahaha...for real...zen...old habits die hard


as allyuh say Zen, somebody put up KND joke bout Dwight, Latas, Birchill and the skets in front of Zen nah   :rotfl:

a CLASSIC of de forum....forumites old and new take a read...thank you KND

....9:00 pm curfew everybody suppose to be in they bed.
Yorke says to Latas
"Wha yuh for boy"
"Me eh know, Wha Sancho doing?"
"steups he is ah bullerman he gone and sleep"
"Leh we make ah turn in the Zen nuh??"
"Call the whiteboy and see if he wha make d turn"
"nah f*** he, them girls does only want to meet the white boy, I
looking to burse tonight"
"aight leh we move"
10:30 gone downstairs and flag down ah 280c.
"Drive we going Zen we paying for the whole trip"
"yeah no scene"
"Yuh go drop we by Memorial Park side I eh wha nobody see we"

Yorke hand the driver ah 20 pounds.

11:02 Johnny meet them by the door but on they way there the 2 behind
the bridge wajang that was standing by the burger cyart/corn soup woman
start to call them.

Yorke says to Latas
"Horse yuh go bull dat"
"yeah, on ah slow night"
"yuh feel we should carry them in"
"nah leh we go and see wha we see nuh, it bound to have nicer thing
inside man. Is we, we must pull something, push come to shove we go
parry a thing"

11:15 Johhny carry them in the VIP. He signal to the waiter and the man
bring ah bottle ah champagne and some glasses. Latas eh accostomed to
them thing he want ah bottle ah puncheon and ah bottle ah water.

"Yorkie me eh know bout that champagne thing yuh know, that does wok
meh belly in the morning. When I was playing in Sando Tech and I use to
lime on the Coffee them boy introduce meh to this."

York watch Latas with ah look of scorn as he pour ah shot and down it
chasing it with some cold water. He then says to Yorke

"Horse yuh feel they have peanut butter glass in this place? I eh able
with this big shot thing yuh know. I wha peanut butter glass to pour meh

Yorke mumbles to himself "to each his own yes" and pours out some

12 midnight
"Latas boy? I find upstairs here eh have no girls boy leh we go
downstairs nuh"
"True leh we move"

so as they movig through the dance they see a commotion by the stage.
Upon further investigation who they go see but "Me Mum" with he back to
the stage and some dread baddest jamming him and he sweating like a pot

Yorke turns to Latas.
"But wha the arse is this?"
"Horse you tell the man we coming here"
"No me eh tell nobody, I leave the man sleeping"
"So horse wha we go do boy, the man have all the girls"

When they do look again one baddest have she leg on he shoulder and ah
next one beating he bottom.

"Nah horse I iz 4king Dwight Yorke I have real hoes in England this
little pissintail boy cyah come in my country and pull no girls." This
is my town, them girls need to know the time."

This time nobody eh taking on Yorke and Latas so much so the DJ bigging
up Me Mum right through. The crowd gather around him now and they
bawling HEY HEY HEY HEY cheering him on.

Is all bout 3:30 now and Latas eyes glassy from d' Puncheon.
"horse yuh feel them 2 thing outside still"
"hummmm, leh we go and see nuh"

Low and behold the 2 thing still outside taking heavy night due. But
they looking better now cause them fellas drunk and they want to burse.
OK. So wha really happen when Dwight and Latas rally outside Zen to
link up wit de 2 wajangs? Dis is wha went on:

Dem fellas roll out de Zen. Dwight say:
"Latas, buh is only 1 ting I seein."
"Wha? Way she fren gone?"
"Buh like a man beat we to it."
"Yeah boy, we geh huff for not eatin."
"Well leh we move in now before it too late oui."
"So Dwight, yuh go leh me go down or wha?"
"Leh you go down? And wha I suppose to do? Jock? Nah boy. Both ah we
goin down."
"Wait nah, just to make it clear, when I say go down, I mean..."
"Come on now Latas, you eh have to explain dat. Look at dat ting. Who
in dey right mind go put dey mouth down dey so?"
"Or. OK. I just makin sure. Because I does hear some tings bout
"You does hear bout me? Wha de ras-hole? Look boy, leh we doh start
dat, because who sicker than you?"
"Buh wait nah? Dwight, is who is dat over dey in de corner dey?"
"Hi-yi-yi. Dat look like Birchy... wit de odder ting yes."
"Lord have mercy. She real wukkin him boy. Like she go kill him?"
"Yuh see me, I say every man to heself oui. Leh we forget Birchy. He
on he own. My totee hard oui. Leh me and you grab dat odder ting dey,
and roll before sombody links it oui. Dem gyul and dem look like dey go
do anyting for ah corn soup. Yuh have some change?"
"Wha change wha? You is 4king Dwight Yorke boy. You need change or
corn soup to pull dat?"
"True, true. Yow, Thickness, come leh me reason wit yuh nah."

Nex thing yuh know, Dwight, Latas and de ting in de same 280C rollin
down Frederick St.


The Schedule for the socawarriors on Saturday Morning is as Follows:

Party men Such as Yorke Latas Stern etc arrive back at the Hotel after
nuff wine a Jam up in the club. (Accompanied bay a few Behind the
Wajang at least 2 per man)

Football Fanatics such as Jack and Birchald wake up and go over notes
and video tapes.

Church men such as dog Wake up and saying prayers


Yorke and them strokesing the thing and them but they have to hurry as
it is a game day.

Dog still praying


everybody assemble to go by Breakfast shed for some breakfast.

Yorke Latas and Stern decide to miss breakfast and gone and sleep, the
skets ride out.

8 AM

Breakfast done Dog holding a pray session, some men stretching , some
skillings balls men starting to get ready. Small goal tounament start

9 AM

Bennie man giving a pep talk " We have to play our game, we have to
as a team"

9:30 Man Mudder and Father and friend start to stop by the hotel, who
looking for free Jersey, who still aint get they free ticket, who want
to borrow boots, who want to walk in the stadium with the team etc.

10 AM Cartoons start on Tv man start to watch tv
Yorke and them still sleeping.

12 PM Yorke and them wake up want to know if any breakfast left only
cold bake and smoke herring left, but you know them men eating

1 PM time to check out the Hotel but they carh check out yet because
they waiting on Jack to come with the credit card.

2 PM man in the lobby, Jack aint reach yet

3 PM Jack reach and with his stumming self.......whammmm alllyuhhhhh
ainttt ready to gooo, Gives the card to the counter girls and the men
and them could check out. Big trouble now cause Yorke and them order
Blues and drink out the mini bar an extra 2000TT,
Jack start to cuss, The Govt aint give me no money, is my money paying
for this, alyuh men real watless
After 30 minutes of discussion he finally pull out the FIFA card which
have a higher limit and swipe it gone through.

3:45 Man out side to board the bus, but the Maxi man get tired wating
since 2 PM so he decide to make a quick trip down Deigo and come back
maximize the dollars. Man start to cuss bout hot sun.

Birchald lay out like he tanning all the real black men like Yorke and
Jack breaksing sun under the palm tree.

4PM Fuentes taking pictures and interviewing players.

4:15PM Maxi man Come back everybody jump on and man ready to go.

4:17PM After reaching down by Flour Mills Whittley realize that he
forget he boots up in Malick so they have to turn the bus around and
and get he boots cause bennie man say he starting.

5:00PM They reach by Whitley House He mudder want everybody to off
the buss and come in the house. She sharing Black Cake and pringles
is Christmas. Yorke ask for a Carib Latapy ask if they have any

5:15PM everybody back on the bus, All the woman black cake was done.
looking for Cyd grey when you hear the shout he gone up the pommerack
tree and come running down the bus with a jersey full of pommerack.

5:47 Reach Back by the Stadium.
the bus cannot pull up by the game cause crowd done start to get
Man have to walk through the parking lot. Man Vex and pan start to

6:PM the players reach by the gate
Theobald first in the line Security stop him and ask him who he is, He
say he is a player they say year right no freeco thing here you need a
complimentary to get he through this gate. Man start to cuss
eventually Jack reach with he UNC party card and they security finally
allow the team in. Dwight hug up 2 fat thing in the parking lot and
walk in normal normal. Security real benning and he just grinning.

6:15 Men done dress time to warm up.

next thing ref come and knock on the door "Time to line up"

Man want to know what kind of thing is that thought the game starting
7:30, Jack say that is what on the FIFA site The Ref say that is
american time

the game is 6:30 TnT time
Real drama start to break out now.

Bennie man Take stock of the situation and calm everybody down.

6:29 Nakhid walk in the dressing room with a TnT shirt on, everybody
start to crack up, the Ref and all Man forget to argue any more.
name the squad and the team walk out. While they walking out Jack see
big pomerack stain on Cyd Grey Shirt so he tell bennie he cannot play.
"This is a big game he cah walk out looking so" Spann get the start

6:35 National Anthem play Stadium Jumping game ready to start.

6:37 tweet game start...............

Latapy get the ball dribble 5 men at least 2 times Knock a 1-2 with
Yorke and lay one for Stern to knock in.


Goal after goal score
and even more goal miss

Jack still cussing
Bennie man Smiling
Latapy Smiling
Yorke Grinning
Stern Brushing he shoulder off
Cyd Grey Benning want to know if anybody have a lil bleach so he could
clean he shirt Kelvin Jack still kicking the ball in the stands
Nakhid sitting equal distance between Bahrain and TnT bench
Dog praying for world piece
Both Manning and Panday running for pictures with the players after

Jack get Fifa to play the second leg in TnT as we done win aready with
20 goal first half lead and we could save a lil transportation cost.

Bahrain give up and walk off
Abu Bakr offer to let them stay in his mosque for prayers

Even the 2 Fat thing and all happy cause they get in Free.

AT the end of the day we is Trinis so we have to do it the Trini Way.

NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !

 :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:


cheyenne yuh still have de cig from don leo when we was in de parkin lot after de U 23 match!?

hahaha... dat ting gorn buh it still smellin up meh f**kin bag dred.
since ah born or at least circa Copa Caribe

Offline Small Magician aka Wazza

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yeh i still have it lol

is in my cupboard


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