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Offline Dutty

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Re: Maha Sabha invites Indian footballer to inspire youths
« Reply #60 on: July 07, 2006, 01:28:08 PM »
My mother always told me, is only dem indians who never live abroad who does get on so.

Cause de ones who do know two things:
* In the eyes of the white man, if yuh not white yuh black

* In the eyes of real indians, people of indian descent from our part of the world are considered descendants of the lowest casts, cause upper cast indians would never have left india under those circumstances

Everytime I read some nonsense like dis in the papers home, I just shake my head. Is only in T&Tthey get on so.

I just read this,and it"s probaly the lowest ,cheepest shot angainist indians i"ve ever seen.I don"t want to know what else she teach you nah. ::)
kick gril kick

As a testically enhanced-trinidadian..I am offended and quite pained by the gif file in your message
Little known fact: The online transportation medium called Uber was pioneered in Trinidad & Tobago in the 1960's. It was originally called pullin bull.

Offline vb

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Re: Maha Sabha invites Indian footballer to inspire youths
« Reply #61 on: July 07, 2006, 01:36:48 PM »
1. Another's ignorance does not dictate who you are. Thus, Indians thinking that those born outside of India aren't Indian doesn't make it so.

A white person thinking an Indian is black, does not make it so.

Some Africans laugh at blacks in America and the Caribbean referring to them as slaves and not real Africans. Does that make it so??

2. How dow we know that Dohrasoo doesn't speak Eng.

3. Indians because of the multitude have a lot of differences but some common similiarities. A contradiction but true. As an Indian who has met several from all over the world I am telling you so.

4. Yes Sat and many in the Maha Saba consider themselves Indian not Trini. And dey doh give a fu%^ what others think about it.
But dey mightn't say it in public. :-)

Let's summarise by acknowledging sat is a racist;
De Indian coming...he may inspire some Indian youths but too bad Sat didnt' ask some of the warriors as well.



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Re: Maha Sabha invites Indian footballer to inspire youths
« Reply #62 on: July 07, 2006, 01:39:19 PM »
How yuh doing VB?

I hope all is well with you my brother.

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Re: Maha Sabha invites Indian footballer to inspire youths
« Reply #63 on: July 07, 2006, 01:39:53 PM »
Putting aside the fact that Sat is a racist for a moment....and yes he is.
I've met quite a few in the Maha Sabha that are.

I've also met many black ppl that automatically back a black athlete vs. a non black athlete - every tıme.

Some are racist but some refer to it as racial pride.

I can understand as I always feel good if I see India do well in ınternational sport - teamwise or indivdually. If İndia had been in this WC I would have backed them vs every team except Trinidad.

The point of having our own locals speak to the players is a great idea, many would have been wide eyed to have a Dwight Yorke, Latas or sancho speak to them.

However, ıt would be also inspiring to have a fellow İndian speak to you. Remember many Indians share a very simıliar culture and can immediately relate to each other no matter what part of the world they meet in.

Back in the 80s an All Black team from England came to TT, nobody had a problem with it.

Yes sat is all about Indıans but there is a postıve to be derived from this even though it has to be connected to the MS.


How does a man born in Mauritius , who  has never even seen Trinidad or speak English for that matter have a similar cultural background to any Trinidadian ? It is just illogical. I've interated with Senegalese, Ghanans and Nigerians and they are nothing like Caribbean people. I've also Interacted with Indian and they behave nothing like us. They have had different historical evolutionary paths in their respective nations. All these diasporadic people are not only divided by thousands of miles but hundreds of years. We are not Africans or Indians we are Trinidadians and Tobagonians.

Sat is a nasty racist and this is just another demonstration of his backward thinking. The idea is to bring an "Indian" man to come talk to our boys. That rationale presumes that the children have the same racial complexes as he. Take my stupid advice when I say that the likes Dwight Yorke and Carlos Edwards or any other Soca Warrior for that matter is more culturally compatible with hindu boys in Trinidad than Vikash Dhorasoo.

One last thing the comment about the black team coming from England in the 80s , I would have been a small child at the time. I don't know about it , but if it was for the same reason Sat want bring that frenchman here I would have been just as upset about it.

JahGol you're sounding ridiclous now. To say that an Indian from Mauritius has nothing in common with Indians from Trinidad and Tobago and that Senegalese and Ghanans and Nigerians have nothing with Africans from the Caribbean is ,at best, silly. There are myriad similarities.

We all know who Sat Maharaj is and what he stands for. We know the he speaks for many Hindus, not Africans, so if he wants to invite someone who is of the same "ethnic" background as he and his followers to help inspire the Hindu youths let him. Why should that bother us, the non Hindus. The only objection that I have with it is the use of government funds to do so.

Question for the forumites: If he had invited the soca warriors to speak to the Hindu youths wouldn't we have thought him to be hypocritical since we all know that he doesn't care for African peoples?
At least he's being consistent.

Elaborate on this Myriad of similarities.

Offline dombasil

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Re: Maha Sabha invites Indian footballer to inspire youths
« Reply #64 on: July 07, 2006, 01:44:02 PM »

on the other hand, birchall served as motivation for one of our u-15 white players recently.

so does sat have a point or not?

I spoke to Sean about that. He said when he was asked about his inspiration he said Zidane, and then the interviewer said what about Birchall.The reporter liked that angle better.

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Re: Maha Sabha invites Indian footballer to inspire youths
« Reply #65 on: July 07, 2006, 01:48:05 PM »

Elaborate on this Myriad of similarities.

As an Indian this is what I have noticed.

- Dress

- basic languge...eg. popo, bundunya, mamoo, bougee, etc.

-eating behaviour

- food and the cooking methods, eg. seasoning and how to chunkey.

- wedding customs

- passing of certain food items.

-which hand to eat with and why

- greetings and greeting for older and more respected individuals

- the Hindu language

- customs for praying, weddings, funerals etc.

I am not a hard core Idian, but I'm sure someone like my father could add to this list.


Offline Daft Trini

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Re: Maha Sabha invites Indian footballer to inspire youths
« Reply #66 on: July 07, 2006, 02:04:12 PM »
I does wonder how Sat could make all these incredilous statements. Sat should devote he time to irenics and leave the football to de footballers. I would as a youth dream for Latas or Faustin to come gime some words of inspiration.

I only see that fella play once and we have all dem warriors plus Tallman (who I see in all dem games) cayr give dem indians words of inspiration.

(With all de arseness Sat says I wonder how he ah catch a cap in he arse yet)

Offline lickslikefire

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Re: Maha Sabha invites Indian footballer to inspire youths
« Reply #67 on: July 07, 2006, 02:08:04 PM »
This issue about if you're a race first or a country first are 2 completely separate issues in my opinion....

e.g. when anyone ask me where i'm from..i always say Trinidad and Tobago, then the next question is usually be, "oh sorry i meant yuh ancestry"...then I's proceed to tell them half chinese half indian with a fed up look......

some people feel they are african first then Trini, or Indian first then Trini....but I think it's a totally separate issue/question....

I am from Trinidad, with my background/ancestry being half chinese half indian

some people just feel stronger about their ancestry more than where they were brought up....which i think it's fine.....to each his own......but doh come around me  ;D  j/k

I think this "feeling" stems from how you were brought up

e.g. my parents are both not hardcore into their original ancestry so I was brought up with more of a sense of pride and loyalty to Trinidad and everything Trinidadian may it be indian, chinee, white or black.....

however, I have many friends who were brought up devout hindus, and thus will have many things in common with say hindu people from India(e.g. religion, indian movies, cultural similarities like how parents view relationships, etc........nutting wrong with that....but I think it all stems from how yuh brought up.....believe it or not, even though that indian ancestry goes a ways back, there are many similarities with indians in trinidad and indians in india.....same can be said about africans in Trinidad......why do you think in some universities in the States, Canada, and the UK, there are African Caribbean Associations, and South Asian Caribbean Associations(apart from the usual caribbean associations)......

N.B.  I said some universities......most universities have only Caribbean Associations,

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Re: Maha Sabha invites Indian footballer to inspire youths
« Reply #68 on: July 07, 2006, 02:15:33 PM »
i think some of the "similarities" mentioned is because of colonialism. ent allyuh more likely to be able to relate to somebody from the british commonwealth e.g. an australian or kenyan than somebody from puerto rico, haiti or martnique?

that is my experience anyhow. i is play on a kenyan football side. the only thing that i doh understand is when they break out in swahili. then they is watch mih and revert to english.

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Re: Maha Sabha invites Indian footballer to inspire youths
« Reply #69 on: July 07, 2006, 02:16:21 PM »
I think people are letting what they know about Sat cloud their opinion on what he's doing.

The whole talk of race on this thread has gone off on a tangent, and people are not really addressing what's going on.

Not everything racial is racist...and not everything racial is separatist or negative. It is natural for people to identify with others who look like them. Just the other day AlbertaTrini said that he was supporting France because it's the team with the most blacks on it......I don't agree with such rationale.....but it doesn't make Alberta an evil racist person.....

Black America appeals for more Tiger Woods' & Micheal Jordans because they know that such role models will have a bigger impact on the black community than a white role model....it's a racial issue yes, but not racist.

Non-blacks can also testify to discrimination in T&T football in favour of black people.......

There have not been any prominent indians on T&T's football team for a while (well Dwarika is half and he wasn't a role model  ;D).....and there aren't many prominent indians on the global football front in general.....Sat doesn't need to bring the Warriors in to the hindu community because the Warriors have painted themselves all over T&T, in every community..and who hasn't been inspired by them either

1. lives in a hole
2. does not like football
3. is probably more responsive to identifying characteristics beyond mere nationality (such as race,
religion,  background etc...) and that's natural in many cases

Sat is trying to appeal to those in category 3, and despite what we know about him, what he is doing might actually be helpful......

Getting Dhoraso to lecture to hindu students to appeal to the indian community in Trinidad is fine.....

« Last Edit: July 07, 2006, 02:39:10 PM by kicker »
Live life 90 minutes at a time....Football is life.......

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Re: Maha Sabha invites Indian footballer to inspire youths
« Reply #70 on: July 07, 2006, 02:23:32 PM »
I think people are letting what they know about Sat cloud their opinion on what he's doing.

The whole talk of race on this thread has gone off on a tangent, and people are not really addressing what's going on.

Not everything racial is racist...and not everything racial is separatist or negative. It is natural for people to identify with others who look like them. Just the other day AlbertaTrini said that he was supporting France because it's the team with the most blacks on it......

Black America appeals for more Tiger Woods' & Micheal Jordans because they know that such role models will have a bigger impact on the black community than a white role model....it's a racial issue yes, but not racist.

Non-blacks can also testify to discrimination in T&T football in favour of black people.......

There have not been any prominent indians on T&T's football team for a while (well Dwarika is half and he wasn't a role model  ;D).....and there aren't many prominent indians on the global football front in general.....Sat doesn't need to bring the Warriors in to the hindu community because the Warriors have painted themselves all over T&T, in every community..and who hasn't been inspired by them either

1. lives in a hole
2. does not like football
3. is probably more responsive to identifying characteristics beyond mere nationality (such as race,
religion,  background etc...) and that's natural in many cases

Sat is trying to appeal to those in category 3, and despite what we know about him, what he is doing might actually be helpful......

Getting Dhoraso to lecture to hindu students to appeal to the indian community in Trinidad is fine.....

 :beermug: :applause: :notworthy:

The most intelligent post in this thread thus far. :notworthy:


Offline dombasil

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Re: Maha Sabha invites Indian footballer to inspire youths
« Reply #71 on: July 07, 2006, 02:38:35 PM »
I don't have a problem with the idea. If Vikash could get more of my hindu brothers playing the game then I figure that there will be more men in the pool from which we will draw men for the national team. Sometimes people need to see someone who looks like them succeeding for them to believe that they could succeed also.

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Re: Maha Sabha invites Indian footballer to inspire youths
« Reply #72 on: July 07, 2006, 02:42:30 PM »
I think people are letting what they know about Sat cloud their opinion on what he's doing.

The whole talk of race on this thread has gone off on a tangent, and people are not really addressing what's going on.

Not everything racial is racist...and not everything racial is separatist or negative. It is natural for people to identify with others who look like them. Just the other day AlbertaTrini said that he was supporting France because it's the team with the most blacks on it......

Black America appeals for more Tiger Woods' & Micheal Jordans because they know that such role models will have a bigger impact on the black community than a white role model....it's a racial issue yes, but not racist.

Non-blacks can also testify to discrimination in T&T football in favour of black people.......

There have not been any prominent indians on T&T's football team for a while (well Dwarika is half and he wasn't a role model  ;D).....and there aren't many prominent indians on the global football front in general.....Sat doesn't need to bring the Warriors in to the hindu community because the Warriors have painted themselves all over T&T, in every community..and who hasn't been inspired by them either

1. lives in a hole
2. does not like football
3. is probably more responsive to identifying characteristics beyond mere nationality (such as race,
religion,  background etc...) and that's natural in many cases

Sat is trying to appeal to those in category 3, and despite what we know about him, what he is doing might actually be helpful......

Getting Dhoraso to lecture to hindu students to appeal to the indian community in Trinidad is fine.....

 :beermug: :applause: :notworthy:

The most intelligent post in this thread thus far. :notworthy:


And the government of T&T i.e. taxpayers must fund this trip?
Carlos "The Rolls Royce" Edwards

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Re: Maha Sabha invites Indian footballer to inspire youths
« Reply #73 on: July 07, 2006, 02:43:54 PM »
Nah. If Sat want to bring him. Let him pay for it.

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Re: Maha Sabha invites Indian footballer to inspire youths
« Reply #74 on: July 07, 2006, 02:46:17 PM »
Ah think people getting tie up with Hindu and "Indian" sat is more targeting the Hindu community, most non hindu indians is already motivited by the soca warriors and is either a follower or a player in some way or the other. Forget the racist messenger, and look deeper at the message.

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Re: Maha Sabha invites Indian footballer to inspire youths
« Reply #75 on: July 07, 2006, 02:46:36 PM »
How much of the MS's money comes from the Govt.

Because I know a lot of the funds come from the private sector.


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Re: Maha Sabha invites Indian footballer to inspire youths
« Reply #76 on: July 07, 2006, 02:50:21 PM »
Ah think people getting tie up with Hindu and "Indian" sat is more targeting the Hindu community, most non hindu indians is already motivited by the soca warriors and is either a follower or a player in some way or the other. Forget the racist messenger, and look deeper at the message.

Big Up!

On this occasion....I do not believe you can separate the 2.  Sat know exactly wha he doin.  He preachin separation long time and dis jes fannin dem flames.  Who want to go ahead and look fuh altruistic meanin behind hsi intent by all means dey free to go ahead.  But people in history pay serious consequences for failin to recognise when to separate and when NOT TO separate message from messenger.
Carlos "The Rolls Royce" Edwards

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Re: Maha Sabha invites Indian footballer to inspire youths
« Reply #77 on: July 07, 2006, 02:55:53 PM »
yeah, but we eh helping either by getting all tied up in his deliberate actions...we should just use it as a means to attract others to the beautiful sport, and leave sat in his own myopic world. Oh and NO, the gov't should not fund such a trip if it's targeting only one sector of the country, but if he visiting ALL schools I doh see ah problem with it.

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Re: Maha Sabha invites Indian footballer to inspire youths
« Reply #78 on: July 07, 2006, 03:14:03 PM »
I think people are letting what they know about Sat cloud their opinion on what he's doing.

The whole talk of race on this thread has gone off on a tangent, and people are not really addressing what's going on.

Not everything racial is racist...and not everything racial is separatist or negative. It is natural for people to identify with others who look like them. Just the other day AlbertaTrini said that he was supporting France because it's the team with the most blacks on it......

Black America appeals for more Tiger Woods' & Micheal Jordans because they know that such role models will have a bigger impact on the black community than a white role model....it's a racial issue yes, but not racist.

Non-blacks can also testify to discrimination in T&T football in favour of black people.......

There have not been any prominent indians on T&T's football team for a while (well Dwarika is half and he wasn't a role model  ;D).....and there aren't many prominent indians on the global football front in general.....Sat doesn't need to bring the Warriors in to the hindu community because the Warriors have painted themselves all over T&T, in every community..and who hasn't been inspired by them either

1. lives in a hole
2. does not like football
3. is probably more responsive to identifying characteristics beyond mere nationality (such as race,
religion,  background etc...) and that's natural in many cases

Sat is trying to appeal to those in category 3, and despite what we know about him, what he is doing might actually be helpful......

Getting Dhoraso to lecture to hindu students to appeal to the indian community in Trinidad is fine.....

 :beermug: :applause: :notworthy:

The most intelligent post in this thread thus far. :notworthy:


And the government of T&T i.e. taxpayers must fund this trip?

EXACTLY..dat $$ should be spent on another blimp to make sure the sea gulls eh doing nothing fowl up dey in the sky....  :rotfl:  :rotfl: if we only had ah blimp in Frankfurt, that bird coulda neva bend it like beckhan on we fren juzzy.

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Re: Maha Sabha invites Indian footballer to inspire youths
« Reply #79 on: July 07, 2006, 03:40:02 PM »
My mother always told me, is only dem indians who never live abroad who does get on so.

Cause de ones who do know two things:
* In the eyes of the white man, if yuh not white yuh black

* In the eyes of real indians, people of indian descent from our part of the world are considered descendants of the lowest casts, cause upper cast indians would never have left india under those circumstances

Everytime I read some nonsense like dis in the papers home, I just shake my head. Is only in T&Tthey get on so.

I just read this,and it"s probaly the lowest ,cheepest shot angainist indians i"ve ever seen.I don"t want to know what else she teach you nah. ::)
kick gril kick

where yuh find dat picture of rooney and carvalho?  :rotfl:

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Re: Maha Sabha invites Indian footballer to inspire youths
« Reply #80 on: July 07, 2006, 03:58:24 PM »

Please tell me the girl in that picture is from Trinidad....

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Re: Maha Sabha invites Indian footballer to inspire youths
« Reply #81 on: July 07, 2006, 04:15:08 PM »

Please tell me the girl in that picture is from Trinidad....

That is Redtrinigirl and Sat....
Two islands are better than one.

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Re: Maha Sabha invites Indian footballer to inspire youths
« Reply #82 on: July 07, 2006, 06:37:52 PM »
All the India Sat does be talking bout I neva hear him talking bout visting. He know is only in T'dad not even T'bgo that he could be a religious leader and have naked Indo women in his papers the Punch.

Sat goin to India like my late father goin to St. Vincent as my late mother said if St. Vincent reach by the Bocus he ain't going back. If India reach by the Bocus Sat ain't goin.

As for those who say supporting France because they have Black players has anything to do with Sat nonesense you are not serious. 
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Re: Maha Sabha invites Indian footballer to inspire youths
« Reply #83 on: July 07, 2006, 08:22:08 PM »
My mother always told me, is only dem indians who never live abroad who does get on so.

Cause de ones who do know two things:
* In the eyes of the white man, if yuh not white yuh black

* In the eyes of real indians, people of indian descent from our part of the world are considered descendants of the lowest casts, cause upper cast indians would never have left india under those circumstances

Everytime I read some nonsense like dis in the papers home, I just shake my head. Is only in T&Tthey get on so.

I just read this,and it"s probaly the lowest ,cheepest shot angainist indians i"ve ever seen.I don"t want to know what else she teach you nah. ::)
kick gril kick

As a testically enhanced-trinidadian..I am offended and quite pained by the gif file in your message
where yuh find dat picture of rooney and carvalho?  Rolling on the floor laughing

Hard lucxk dutty,didn"t mean to offend you or the onions,but ppl  actin as historians,when they should"n say nuttin ,
Ryan  :rotfl: ......typical english mentality jed.No offence
« Last Edit: July 07, 2006, 08:25:52 PM by Compre »

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Re: Maha Sabha invites Indian footballer to inspire youths
« Reply #84 on: July 07, 2006, 09:00:23 PM »
sat, pnm, jack , unc an d rest ah dem should just leave dey blasted politics out my football!

Doh f**k wit MY warriors!!!

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Re: Maha Sabha invites Indian footballer to inspire youths
« Reply #85 on: July 07, 2006, 09:37:09 PM »
ah reach!!!
ah cyar believe it have man calling fuh me in this thread yes  ;D
me ent know all dis bacchanal going on last few days cause Sat want to bring Dhorasoo lol

allyuh talking bout Sat is a racist..i think he have an equal in Selwyn Cudjoe (PNM Mascot)...dey both stinking racists, intent on making the rift wider in T&T.

back to the football now..so who on that squad actually go be around to do speeches and thing like that?..preseason almot start for most European clubs.
i sure the idea must be was to get someone to talk who actually played a game in the WC...that alone go eliminate all we 'local' based players except Otis..but we all know Sat eh go pick he cause he from Laventille or wherever lol.

Now ah eh defending Sat cause dat go be the first thing allyuh go say lol..but i feel this aint even worth discussing or complainign bout cause its such stupidity whichever angle yuh look at it.
People like this yuh just have to hold de strain and wait for them to kick de bucket.
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Re: Maha Sabha invites Indian footballer to inspire youths
« Reply #86 on: July 07, 2006, 10:21:47 PM »
ah reach!!!
ah cyar believe it have man calling fuh me in this thread yes  ;D
me ent know all dis bacchanal going on last few days cause Sat want to bring Dhorasoo lol

allyuh talking bout Sat is a racist..i think he have an equal in Selwyn Cudjoe (PNM Mascot)...dey both stinking racists, intent on making the rift wider in T&T.

back to the football now..so who on that squad actually go be around to do speeches and thing like that?..preseason almot start for most European clubs.
i sure the idea must be was to get someone to talk who actually played a game in the WC...that alone go eliminate all we 'local' based players except Otis..but we all know Sat eh go pick he cause he from Laventille or wherever lol.

Now ah eh defending Sat cause dat go be the first thing allyuh go say lol..but i feel this aint even worth discussing or complainign bout cause its such stupidity whichever angle yuh look at it.
People like this yuh just have to hold de strain and wait for them to kick de bucket.

why you have tuh mention PNM?  Yuh had tuh get yuh YOU ENT SEE digs in ent?


Sat is ah blasted racist. who eh like dat lorse!

No need to compare him tuh nobody else, yuh hear Cudjoe saying tuh Bring Essein tuh motivate black man in T&T?


Why he eh bringing some Spanish hoes tuh motivate me and Palos tuh move back tuh Trinidad?

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Re: Maha Sabha invites Indian footballer to inspire youths
« Reply #87 on: July 07, 2006, 10:48:46 PM »
Look here, everyone have their own ideas and beliefs about why the dude should be invited to come to TnT to help inspire the youth in TnT, but the fact of the matter is this is not a bad idea whatsoever. This is not going to make superstars out of anyone, this is just a motivational experience for certain individuals who will want to take from encounter.  We all know that in this sport that by the time you hit 10 years old you can tell who has potential. It's up to the people at the grass roots level in school system and what little else means to exceed in this sport exist in TnT to help propel the youth to be on the right track. Look at Yorke and Latas for instance, look how long now dem playing for TnT, since they really young and look at them know. People now catch Warrior fever as it has proven to help inspire the nation and hence they're looking at it as an outlet to help their own agenda.

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Re: Maha Sabha invites Indian footballer to inspire youths
« Reply #88 on: July 07, 2006, 11:10:33 PM »
Why he eh bringing some Spanish hoes tuh motivate me and Palos tuh move back tuh Trinidad?

 :rotfl: :rotfl: You have man laffin out loud loud here yes... ;D ;D ;D
Carlos "The Rolls Royce" Edwards

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Re: Maha Sabha invites Indian footballer to inspire youths
« Reply #89 on: July 07, 2006, 11:44:09 PM »
STUPID people like Sat Maharaj is why T&T in this state, he always playing this race card and if i was Dhorasso, i would turn down the invitation. Why didn't Sat ask Pele to come, that would be much more inspirational to anyone concerned.

Without Him, I am nothing but with Him I can do all things. Phil 4:13


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