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Re: Why i left Falkirk.....densil theobald's story
« Reply #30 on: August 17, 2006, 05:45:40 PM »
If allyuh wukkin fuh a boss who not only allyuh doh respeck, but allyuh feel eh have allyuh in he plans at all, how much a allyuh would stay?  Especially when yuh went to de biggest job fair in yuh field and other employers was expressin interest in yuh services?

It easy to sit behind a computer and call heall kinda names, say Theobald shoulda do dis and dat but nobody in he shoes.  And it have some who sayin it good fuh he, dat he shoulda eat he biscuit and hush he mout and stay in a unhappy situation.  Same one's does tun around and criticise de likes of a Stern John sayin he shoulda leave when he was bondin wit de bench at Birmingham and Derby.

Look Rahim....he do everyting he could to stay wit clubs.  Do everyting coaches ask him.  Dey eh fart on him.  So de conclusion have to be, he eh no good....ent?  If yuh leavin yuh home to pursue a dream and dah dream sour quick quick, wha allyuh would do?  Stay until de shit start to smell good or ride out and take yuh chances?

Not EVERYBODY is a Dwight Yorke.  Nuff respeck to he because Ron Atkinson used to ride he well hard at Villa.  Perhaps thank GOD fuh Graham Taylor who did used to treat he like a son.  Perhaps if was Ron Atkinson was Villa coach in dem times and not Taylor....we might be talkin bout Yorkie de same way man mashin up Theobald.

palos, it was publicly stated by Hughes that he would ease theobold into the starting lineup. A player doesnt usually just jump from playing pfl ball to spl ball right when he steps off the plane. plus, theobold needed to get accustomed the style first. Hughes always raved about how he could be the next big player at the club and how he would get his chance this season.

then you have the injury situation where denzil lied about his whereabouts and how much time he was taken off. He told the public the same thing. Then one day all of a sudden he changes his mind? no sir, thats inexcusable to do that to a club that showed alot of faith in you. He shoulda been straightforward from the start. And the fact that his inactivity comes right after the WC? hmm

look, if the man was very unhappy then you could expect nothing more from him then to leave the club, but if his excuse was starting then thats bull. furthermore, he didnt even give it much of a chance. He spent half a season there! i mean show some patience and discipline and give it a chance first.

my opinion: theobold is deluded. I hope he can find a place that makes him happy but if he goes into anywhere with his impatience and attitude then he'll have a hard time being happy and starting. He's not going to find too many top flight clubs with a manager showing a lot of faith in him and having a latapy at his side, too often.
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Re: Why i left Falkirk.....densil theobald's story
« Reply #31 on: August 17, 2006, 05:46:43 PM »
If allyuh wukkin fuh a boss who not only allyuh doh respeck, but allyuh feel eh have allyuh in he plans at all, how much a allyuh would stay?  Especially when yuh went to de biggest job fair in yuh field and other employers was expressin interest in yuh services?

My only problem with this argument is the fact that I wouldn't leave the job before I have something else and I had my fair share of pressure wuk.

If his goal is to find a next club he has a much better chance in the Scottish premier than sitting at home in TnT. Added to the fact that he signed a contract. Has Falkirk released his registration?

This might sound wrong but if Theobald didn't get that Million dollars he wasn't quitting the club. And that talk about reserve team football killing his National team chances is BS because he went from a fringe player to a WC starter. Now Wim leave him out and rightly so.

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Re: Why i left Falkirk.....densil theobald's story
« Reply #32 on: August 17, 2006, 07:16:42 PM »
Palos you are dead wrong on this one!!

No one is in disagreement here that if you are uncomfortable with your situation u should do what is in the best interest of yourself.

What we all can NOT agree with is the UNPROFESSIONAL manner in whcih he conducted himself and more so the underhand way in which he did it...

That was disrepectful to himself, Falkirk FC, Latas, the Soca Warriors and more so as an embassdor of football for TnT.

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Re: Why i left Falkirk.....densil theobald's story
« Reply #33 on: August 17, 2006, 07:30:00 PM »
Palos you are dead wrong on this one!!

No one is in disagreement here that if you are uncomfortable with your situation u should do what is in the best interest of yourself.

What we all can NOT agree with is the UNPROFESSIONAL manner in whcih he conducted himself and more so the underhand way in which he did it...

That was disrepectful to himself, Falkirk FC, Latas, the Soca Warriors and more so as an embassdor of football for TnT.


Ah hearin allyuh eh and allyuh makin powerful cases.  My ting is....yuh really cyah know a man situation until yuh stand in he shoes.  To de bess of my knowledge, nobody here know what it was like for Densil at Falkirk.  Now you all might be right and he may well have moved unprofessional, deserve wha he get, happy to rest on he laurels, have no ambition, wutless, and sundry other things many have said about him (I not sayin EVERYBODY said ALL of dat but it was said by different people at different times). 

As meh grandmother say yuh make yuh bed and yuh lie in it.  Densil liein in he bed right now and it mightn't be too comfortable right now, but I for one wishin him de best.  He is still a young footballer and even if he did make a mistake, I hopin dat he learn from it and do better.  Only Densil Theobald know why he move how he did.  I jes learn meh lesson wit Yorke & Latapy because I did write dem off afta dey did abandon we team in 2001.  I say all kinda ting den and look how tings happen in 2005.

At dis point, I still givin Densil de benefit of de doubt.  As ah say...only he know wha went down.

Respeck all.
Carlos "The Rolls Royce" Edwards

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Re: Why i left Falkirk.....densil theobald's story
« Reply #34 on: August 17, 2006, 08:49:22 PM »
Palos, I have to disagree with you this time, respectfully though.  Now I'm not comparing myself to DT but, I too was unhappy with my employers.. so I found another job, handed in my notice and started last Monday. That makes sense to me. The point is, the best time to look for a new job, is when yuh have one.. unless uh have a million tax free in yuh pocket!  Anyway DT all the best bro.

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Re: Why i left Falkirk.....densil theobald's story
« Reply #35 on: August 17, 2006, 08:56:22 PM »
The man basically say my boss is an idiot and left the job without another one. How much of us have not have an idiot for a boss.

Listen to this scenario I worked in the TTPS while I  was doin my MBA. My boss daughter was in my class I graduated in 2003 she graduated in 2005. Thus you understand her issues. For all of you would have done any knd of studies you know whatever you discuss in class stays in class. Well the child told her mother that I was bad talkin the organization in class. Mr. Hilton Guy the then COP called me into his office. I simply watched him as the fool he was and then not even respond to his allegations. That was October 9th 2002 and my last working day was April 30th 2003.

So we all have buffons as bosses but we all thou get a cool mil that will allow us to chill. 
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Re: Why i left Falkirk.....densil theobald's story
« Reply #36 on: August 17, 2006, 09:10:42 PM »
Ah really don't like how everybody focusing on the amount of money that he has received.

The man had a bad experience and he run form it end of story.

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Re: Why i left Falkirk.....densil theobald's story
« Reply #37 on: August 18, 2006, 04:14:43 AM »
We don't know if or how bad Falkirk treated Theobald but obviously he had his reasons for leaving. However, one of the problems of leaving the way he did is that most clubs do not only look at how talented a player is when signing a player. They also look at the character of a player and how they will fit into the dressing room. Clubs will probably look at signing Theobald as a risk, and is he actually talented enough for a good club to take a risk on him?

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Re: Why i left Falkirk.....densil theobald's story
« Reply #38 on: August 18, 2006, 05:55:02 AM »
If allyuh wukkin fuh a boss who not only allyuh doh respeck, but allyuh feel eh have allyuh in he plans at all, how much a allyuh would stay?  Especially when yuh went to de biggest job fair in yuh field and other employers was expressin interest in yuh services?

It easy to sit behind a computer and call heall kinda names, say Theobald shoulda do dis and dat but nobody in he shoes.  And it have some who sayin it good fuh he, dat he shoulda eat he biscuit and hush he mout and stay in a unhappy situation.  Same one's does tun around and criticise de likes of a Stern John sayin he shoulda leave when he was bondin wit de bench at Birmingham and Derby.

Look Rahim....he do everyting he could to stay wit clubs.  Do everyting coaches ask him.  Dey eh fart on him.  So de conclusion have to be, he eh no good....ent?  If yuh leavin yuh home to pursue a dream and dah dream sour quick quick, wha allyuh would do?  Stay until de shit start to smell good or ride out and take yuh chances?

Not EVERYBODY is a Dwight Yorke.  Nuff respeck to he because Ron Atkinson used to ride he well hard at Villa.  Perhaps thank GOD fuh Graham Taylor who did used to treat he like a son.  Perhaps if was Ron Atkinson was Villa coach in dem times and not Taylor....we might be talkin bout Yorkie de same way man mashin up Theobald.

sorry Palos...I have to respectfully disagree. Denzil has chosen to be a professional footballer and with that comes some serious sacrifices. He must learn to deal with disappointment and challenges within reason. If there is a case of racism, consistent ridicule, physical or mental abuse..then I would be very sympathetic. But he would have said that. I have a strong suspicion that it was more likely a case of different cultures clashing more than anything else. The coach probably spoke to him in a way that he was not used to and it came across as direspectful to Denzil. Maybe the coach was disrespectful...but its pro football we talking about..with big men. It is a hard profession and many people in the industry either not cool or very blunt. Coaches go to the press sometimes and disrespect their players...you think they just leave. Is real big egos in football...but your skin hadda be thick. I also think Denzil thought he was just going to walk in the side. As a professional you just cannot get up and leave everytime things are not going your way...not only is it shortsighted (Denzil's form may improve, the coach may get fired, players get injured), it turns other clubs off you, especially a relatively unproven guy like Denzil. If he is unhappy at the club, as a pro, he is supposed to hand in a written transfer request and brace for a little more hardship. That way the club is alerted that he is not happy..IF he really is not valued as he says he is they will sell him...in the meantime, Denzil would still be earning some money, staying fit, and continue learning the game alonside a team that has started the SPL well....noone said being a pro was going to be easy or fair. He wasn't even there for the whole season. He gave up after a few months...and like I said...unless he was receiving some kind of abuse...he has to be strong enough to deal with hardship longer than that...he did not even test the waters this season to see if anything had changed.

Anyway..I speculating alot...But Denzil's own words implicate him in having an unprofessional attitude. I am surprised people are condoning the easy way out. Rahim's career has nothing to do with this..We should all know the importance of hard work and fighting for what you think you deserve, even in the face of adversity. I not trying to judge the fellla. This is not a personal attack.....I just think he sounds like he didn't think about all his options on this issue. He's young...I am sure when he retires and looks back on his career, he will admit he moved real rash under a young immaturity vibes..He wouldn't be the first..But he not helping himself..If you cyah see that, there's nothing more I can say.

Filho yuh preach they meh brother,and honestly without sounding negative towards denzil,he burnt his bridges at falkirk,so when he says his managers looking around for another club for him because he's unhappy,he might as well forget playing on any foreign soil,remember word gets around fast and your actions whether good or bad will come back to haunt you,nobody wants a thin skinned player,let alone a player with no prior international experience other than his world cup debut,plus at the end of the day if you ask twenty people who are the marquee players for the warriors,they'll probably say yorke,latas or stern and bleeder ain't one of them..............       

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Re: Why i left Falkirk.....densil theobald's story
« Reply #39 on: August 18, 2006, 06:38:45 AM »
I agree, that bad ending with Falkirk could hamper Theobald's search for another British club.  I hope the fact that he played at the WC outweighs this incident when another club decides to take a look at him.

I think that the fact that he is a small fry in football means that he should do whatever it takes to get and maintain a foothold in a foreign club. 

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Re: Why i left Falkirk.....densil theobald's story
« Reply #40 on: August 18, 2006, 06:45:34 AM »
I find he shouldn't have left eh....

but how much ah we right now... if we win de lotto... ent go tell de boss, "haul yuh mudder c&#t!!! I eh coming back!!"

 ;D answer truthfully now.....


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Re: Why i left Falkirk.....densil theobald's story
« Reply #41 on: August 18, 2006, 06:48:16 AM »
Nothing wrong with leaving the Club

If your future not there then it not there.

Too often people are willing to suck salt just to keep a work or get a lil money.

Theobald been there since last october and you mean the Manager could not even give him a five minutes sweat.

Obviously the manage did not think he was good enough to make the grade.

If he dont want to go back then fine
It have football all over the world.

He could easily go back and play for Caledonia he been playing for them before and he aint dead yet.

yes he might get less money but maybe money not that important to him.

People does automatically think that these footballers does go scotland and be living it up
But in reality
Some of these men not making big money, living in small little apartments, Have no friends no social life and to top it all off

After Training all weekend you not even getting a look in the side.


Just to get a lil pounds and play in a professional Football League

If you dont want it, then fine, who want to do it fine, but I aint vexxing no man if he want to leave.

What is the price you are going to put on living home around your friends and family
being able to walk around town in a rubber slippers while going to buy some doubles and then taking a short drive to get a dip in macarippe?

Why go back to Scotland to watch football it have TV for that.

I support the man in his decision!

Nothing wrong with leaving Falkirk to play for Caledonia

We pro league just as good as Scotland the only difference is that the Scottish have a good perception of they own league
and the Trinidad Public have a good perception of everybody else league except they own.

Theobald Learn to Play football in Port Of Spain playing for trendsetter Hawks, Malick and Caledonia in the Trinidad and Tobago Football League.

he then played in the world cup playing in 3 games against the likes of Sweden, Engalnd and Paraguay matching up as a left sided player against world greats such as Beckham and Lungburg Matching them stride for stride. In addition he was force to fill in as a left sided defender and performed very impressively.

If Falkirk buy the man and doh want to play him then nothing wrong with finding a next side to play for, even if that side is in Trinidad, Because that is where he from. I glad we have world class players playing in Trinidad.


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Re: Why i left Falkirk.....densil theobald's story
« Reply #42 on: August 18, 2006, 07:32:06 AM »
the only problem with tthat is..he not playing for caledonia!!

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Re: Why i left Falkirk.....densil theobald's story
« Reply #43 on: August 18, 2006, 07:46:05 AM »
Forget about the Theobald story for now. What is done is done and I personally don't want to come across like I bashing the man. I talking now in a general sense about football contracts. KND....you really shortsighted on this topic. Football would be so much shit and no team would be worth following if everytime a player claimed to be unhappy he could just leave. Plus most of us don't seem to realize that contracts protect players moreso than the clubs

Most of us are free to leave our jobs whenever we want because that is how our work contracts are drawn up. While many may have to give a 2 week's notice, or have a finite length agreement, most of us can leave at the drop of a hat because that is the nature of the agreement. A professional football contract is different. It is designed to protect players with short careers from being unfairly dropped by unscrupulous clubs, as well as help clubs develop a successful team structure while realizing some kind of return on investment. Some of us not thinking of what it means to be a professional...Also, instant gratification can often stunt long term development and true happiness.  Don't come on hear talking about how much you love T&T football and arguing about us reaching our potential if you feel players should just give up and run when the going gets tough.If a player wants to be able to only play where he is happy instantly he should retain his amateur status or find another line of work...cuz he ain't gonna make it as a pro

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Re: Why i left Falkirk.....densil theobald's story
« Reply #44 on: August 18, 2006, 07:52:21 AM »
Don't come on hear talking about how much you love T&T football and arguing about us reaching our potential if you feel players should just give up and run when the going gets tough.If a player wants to be able to only play where he is happy instantly he should retain his amateur status or find another line of work...cuz he ain't gonna make it as a pro

As usual, you make valid points.  The only thing is....your argument APPEARS to be primarily based on the premise that "the going got tough and as a result, Theobald quit".  What if the going, FOR THEOBALD, got UNBEARABLE?  There is a difference and people have varying tolerance levels.

Just a thought.
Carlos "The Rolls Royce" Edwards

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Re: Why i left Falkirk.....densil theobald's story
« Reply #45 on: August 18, 2006, 08:14:59 AM »
Don't come on hear talking about how much you love T&T football and arguing about us reaching our potential if you feel players should just give up and run when the going gets tough.If a player wants to be able to only play where he is happy instantly he should retain his amateur status or find another line of work...cuz he ain't gonna make it as a pro

As usual, you make valid points.  The only thing is....your argument APPEARS to be primarily based on the premise that "the going got tough and as a result, Theobald quit".  What if the going, FOR THEOBALD, got UNBEARABLE?  There is a difference and people have varying tolerance levels.

Just a thought.

Good point. That is why I said this earlier...

sorry Palos...I have to respectfully disagree. Denzil has chosen to be a professional footballer and with that comes some serious sacrifices. He must learn to deal with disappointment and challenges within reason. If there is a case of racism, consistent ridicule, physical or mental abuse..then I would be very sympathetic. But he would have said that. I have a strong suspicion that it was more likely a case of different cultures clashing more than anything else........

.....Anyway..I speculating alot...But Denzil's own words implicate him in having an unprofessional attitude......

I'm trying to be fair and trying to use words to show I am just formulating an opinion. I'll never know the whole story. I really don't condone anyone staying somewhere where they are mistreated and miserable. But from what little Theobald has said, he seems to have had better options in-keeping with the deal he signed and the nature of his chosen pofession. I wish him good luck and in a way I really respect him as a man. From what I understand, he has overcome much greater hardships in life to get to where he is now. As a professional footballer, I think he has a lot to learn about the potential hardships and what is needed to overcome them what is often an unforgiving and cutthroat profession.

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Re: Why i left Falkirk.....densil theobald's story
« Reply #46 on: August 18, 2006, 08:34:53 AM »
Thee man geh ah bligh with Falkirk but worrying about not starting. He geh ah start on thee WC squad because Bennie believe in yuh. Now WC over an Bennie gone shouldn't thee bamsee go back and fight to geh off thee bench at Falkirk which would have make him much better than weight by ah phone for ah call or geh on web site like ah dummy! ??? Like he want ah push tap or something because he head geh to big for he body after tha WC! ::)
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Re: Why i left Falkirk.....densil theobald's story
« Reply #47 on: August 18, 2006, 08:35:29 AM »
I have been following this thread and would like to state a few facts that i believe are being glossed over:
1. $TT1 million is not a lot of money.  People who talking about that as Lotto money out of their mind.  It was a good token by the govt. but by no means is that money you could live off of.  That may not even be enough money to buy you a decent house and car in T&T.
2. Densil's behavior has been utterly unprofessional.  He has not discussed that the manager treated him in any untoward way other than not playing him which after all is his perogative.  The mgr. didn't appear to be malicious, he just appeared to believe right or not that he wasn't ready for first team football YET.  The lying about his intent i.e claiming injury, etc. doesn't help
3. Fine he left Falkirk.  Now it is foolhardy to expect another team to pick him up given the circumstances.  You not playing home but you training with Caledonia.  Who is you to believe that a team will sign you when you are not playing with another team.  You on;ly do what you do at Falkirk if you cool playing in T&T which he doesn't appear to be.  The young man has destroyed his career.
4.  It is being extremely gracious to Densil to call him mediocre.  We have all been complicit in overhyping these players and it seems that Densil has drunk the coolade.  The WC was a magic time for us that shall forever remain burnished in our memories.  Let us not as a consequence take our feet off the ground.

I wish the young man well

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Re: Why i left Falkirk.....densil theobald's story
« Reply #48 on: August 18, 2006, 08:38:40 AM »
I'm trying to be fair and trying to use words to show I am just formulating an opinion. I'll never know the whole story. I really don't condone anyone staying somewhere where they are mistreated and miserable. But from what little Theobald has said, he seems to have had better options in-keeping with the deal he signed and the nature of his chosen pofession. I wish him good luck and in a way I really respect him as a man. From what I understand, he has overcome much greater hardships in life to get to where he is now. As a professional footballer, I think he has a lot to learn about the potential hardships and what is needed to overcome them what is often an unforgiving and cutthroat profession.

Respeck as usual Filho.
Carlos "The Rolls Royce" Edwards

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Re: Why i left Falkirk.....densil theobald's story
« Reply #49 on: August 18, 2006, 08:39:27 AM »
Forget about the Theobald story for now. What is done is done and I personally don't want to come across like I bashing the man. I talking now in a general sense about football contracts. KND....you really shortsighted on this topic. Football would be so much shit and no team would be worth following if everytime a player claimed to be unhappy he could just leave. Plus most of us don't seem to realize that contracts protect players moreso than the clubs

Most of us are free to leave our jobs whenever we want because that is how our work contracts are drawn up. While many may have to give a 2 week's notice, or have a finite length agreement, most of us can leave at the drop of a hat because that is the nature of the agreement. A professional football contract is different. It is designed to protect players with short careers from being unfairly dropped by unscrupulous clubs, as well as help clubs develop a successful team structure while realizing some kind of return on investment. Some of us not thinking of what it means to be a professional...Also, instant gratification can often stunt long term development and true happiness.  Don't come on hear talking about how much you love T&T football and arguing about us reaching our potential if you feel players should just give up and run when the going gets tough.If a player wants to be able to only play where he is happy instantly he should retain his amateur status or find another line of work...cuz he ain't gonna make it as a pro

I am in full agreement with you Filho. And I wanted to add, imagine if Yorke had that same attitude, you think he would be where he is today.....I am sure Yorke thought about the beaches and the doubles  and laid back life and so forth back home.....but he had a goal and with that came committment, a high level of discipline and more importantly unshakable desire....the do or die attitide that gets you through "shit"...including playing on the B-team
« Last Edit: August 18, 2006, 08:54:38 AM by trinbago »
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Re: Why i left Falkirk.....densil theobald's story
« Reply #50 on: August 18, 2006, 08:43:03 AM »
You not playing home but you training with Caledonia.  Who is you to believe that a team will sign you when you are not playing with another team.  You on;ly do what you do at Falkirk if you cool playing in T&T which he doesn't appear to be.  The young man has destroyed his career.

PERHAPS, the reason why Theobald is TRAINING with Caledonia and not PLAYING with them is because IF another club is interested in his services, they will then have to pay a transfer fee to the club he is currently playing for.  Just another added cost for said club. 
Carlos "The Rolls Royce" Edwards

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Re: Why i left Falkirk.....densil theobald's story
« Reply #51 on: August 18, 2006, 08:48:35 AM »
I am in full agreement with you Filho. And I wanted to add, imagine if Yorke had that same attitude, you think he would be where he is today.....I am sure Yorke thought about the beaches and the doubles  and laid back line and so forth back home.....but he had a goal and with that came committment, a high level of discipline and more importantly unshakable desire....the do or die attitide that gets you through "shit"...including playing on the B-team

In my opinion, there are 2 major differences in circumstances re: Yorke and Theobald which makes it kind of unfair to compare the 2.

1 - When Yorke went to England with Aston Villa, he was brought there by Graham Taylor who treated Yorke almost like a son and Yorke DID play for Aston Villa.  Theobald, while having Latapy as a recommender, did not have such an influential figure in his corner.  This is not to make light of Yorke's commitment, discipline or desire.  Imagine if it were Ron Atkinson who was the Villa Manager when Yorke arrived, and Atkinson had little time for Yorke while he was there.  Things MIGHT have turned out very differently...u never know.

2 - Major difference in talent level between Yorke and Theobald.

Finally...Doc brought up an excellent point.  Everybody goin off on Theobald, yet not a peep ablout Silvio Spann who left his Japanese club, and has yet to sign with any club, local or foreign almost 9 months later.  I'm a bit perplexed as to why that is.
« Last Edit: August 18, 2006, 08:52:21 AM by palos »
Carlos "The Rolls Royce" Edwards

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Re: Why i left Falkirk.....densil theobald's story
« Reply #52 on: August 18, 2006, 09:05:55 AM »
Finally...Doc brought up an excellent point.  Everybody goin off on Theobald, yet not a peep ablout Silvio Spann who left his Japanese club, and has yet to sign with any club, local or foreign almost 9 months later.  I'm a bit perplexed as to why that is.

I'll put this to rest....Spann's decision came at the end of his season with his club and more importantly he left the club in a manner where both parties acted professionally. Could he have signed else where after ....sure but he chose not to...WHY?

He made a committment to the Soca Warriors to train with the team and get ready for the World Cup. In the mean time he went on trials in the UK. Then he got injured during one of his try outs in the UK and was back home to get fit for the WC. And you all know the rest(I presume)...now WC done he is supposedly almost fully recovered from his injury....now he should be lookin....is he?.....I can't say !!

The point being, Densil's situation and Spann is completely different....one was done in a professional manner the other was NOT....so to birng up Spann as a comparsion is moot.
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Re: Why i left Falkirk.....densil theobald's story
« Reply #53 on: August 18, 2006, 04:51:35 PM »
Finally...Doc brought up an excellent point.  Everybody goin off on Theobald, yet not a peep ablout Silvio Spann who left his Japanese club, and has yet to sign with any club, local or foreign almost 9 months later.  I'm a bit perplexed as to why that is.

I'll put this to rest....Spann's decision came at the end of his season with his club and more importantly he left the club in a manner where both parties acted professionally. Could he have signed else where after ....sure but he chose not to...WHY?

He made a committment to the Soca Warriors to train with the team and get ready for the World Cup. In the mean time he went on trials in the UK. Then he got injured during one of his try outs in the UK and was back home to get fit for the WC. And you all know the rest(I presume)...now WC done he is supposedly almost fully recovered from his injury....now he should be lookin....is he?.....I can't say !!

The point being, Densil's situation and Spann is completely different....one was done in a professional manner the other was NOT....so to birng up Spann as a comparsion is moot.

The difference is everybody loves silvio and still sees a bright future for him,but it was'nt the case for bleeder,remember he only played because of silvio getting injured...........

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Re: Why i left Falkirk.....densil theobald's story
« Reply #54 on: August 18, 2006, 04:59:55 PM »
Remember the old saying:"A Fool and his money will soon part",I've heard many a story and witnessed people who I know that won the lotto or came into some serious cash,left there jobs,no where to be found,later to find out it's all gone they squandered it.

There's an old saying, you could take the man from the streets but you can't take the streets from the man..................     

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Re: Why i left Falkirk.....densil theobald's story
« Reply #55 on: August 20, 2006, 05:30:09 PM »
yeah bleeder that was a real educated move

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Re: Why i left Falkirk.....densil theobald's story
« Reply #56 on: August 20, 2006, 06:40:46 PM »
Remember the old saying:"A Fool and his money will soon part",I've heard many a story and witnessed people who I know that won the lotto or came into some serious cash,left there jobs,no where to be found,later to find out it's all gone they squandered it.

There's an old saying, you could take the man from the streets but you can't take the streets from the man..................     

spann is 26 next year he better get cracking
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Re: Why i left Falkirk.....densil theobald's story
« Reply #57 on: August 20, 2006, 07:14:44 PM »
sorry, but that makes Theobald sound unprofessional and not very smart. He has not made any sense. Every reason he gave sounds like a poor excuse and is not consistent with other things he allegedly said before.

Good luck youth, but urging his backers to find him a club while a) he unprofessionally left his previous employers, b) just got dropped from the National team c) Not even playing football, just training....who really advising this fella?

I have to agree...Theobald is too young and too inexperienced to be demanding transfers and what not.  I don't know the specifics at Falkirk (who's ahead of him on the depth chart and what not) but griping and grumbling while you're clearly NOT in a position of leverage could result in him being tagged as a bad egg from early...for his sake I hope that's not a career-killer.

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Re: Why i left Falkirk.....densil theobald's story
« Reply #58 on: August 20, 2006, 07:16:55 PM »

It seems obvious to me that Theobald was VERY UNHAPPY at Falkirk and wasn't happy with the treatment he received from the manager.  If an employee loses respect for their boss, it's all downhill from there.  It's probably best that he left.
Yeah...but yuh doh quit yuh job without already first securing another job...and definitely don't quit while engaging in a public spat with your superiors.

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Re: Why i left Falkirk.....densil theobald's story
« Reply #59 on: August 20, 2006, 07:25:57 PM »
I have been following this thread and would like to state a few facts that i believe are being glossed over:
1. $TT1 million is not a lot of money.  People who talking about that as Lotto money out of their mind.  It was a good token by the govt. but by no means is that money you could live off of.  That may not even be enough money to buy you a decent house and car in T&T.
2. Densil's behavior has been utterly unprofessional.  He has not discussed that the manager treated him in any untoward way other than not playing him which after all is his perogative.  The mgr. didn't appear to be malicious, he just appeared to believe right or not that he wasn't ready for first team football YET.  The lying about his intent i.e claiming injury, etc. doesn't help
3. Fine he left Falkirk.  Now it is foolhardy to expect another team to pick him up given the circumstances.  You not playing home but you training with Caledonia.  Who is you to believe that a team will sign you when you are not playing with another team.  You on;ly do what you do at Falkirk if you cool playing in T&T which he doesn't appear to be.  The young man has destroyed his career.
4.  It is being extremely gracious to Densil to call him mediocre.  We have all been complicit in overhyping these players and it seems that Densil has drunk the coolade.  The WC was a magic time for us that shall forever remain burnished in our memories.  Let us not as a consequence take our feet off the ground.

I wish the young man well
Good points all around.


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