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Offline Trini _2026

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Tobago pastors gunning for Sir Elton's head
« on: March 24, 2007, 04:53:31 PM »
Tobago pastors gunning for Sir Elton's head
Saturday, March 24th 2007
 Tobago pastors are again calling on promoters of the Plymouth Jazz Festival 2007 to ban headliner Sir Elton John from performing at the event.

In a press release signed by "Concerned Tobago Pastors" yesterday, the Christian community said for the last few weeks there had been an ongoing debate on the issue of homosexuality in Tobago.

"This debate ensued from the invitation given to Sir Elton John to be the featured performer at the Tobago Jazz Festival 2007," the release said.

"As we all know, Sir Elton is perhaps the most outspoken and brassy gay activist in the world of entertainment, making many provocative statements that often tempt many in the heterosexual camp to respond in an equally insensitive manner.

"We have heatedly discussed and contemplated on the larger concern, which in our view appears to be an advancement of the gay agenda on our island."

The pastors said they were aware of the practice of homosexuality in Tobago.

"We have counselled, prayed for and have offered the right hand of fellowship to persons who once practised a gay life style, yet in the same breath we can never be pleased with any initiatives that seeks to advance homosexual practices," the release said.

"We would find it offensive to embrace an outspoken, unrepentant drug lord or paedophile, so an opened door to perhaps the world's most outspoken and influential gay activist says to us that we are willing to give thoughtless endorsements to a practice, which we believe, would have serious negative consequences in our society."

In a recent interview with the Express, promoters of the Plymouth Jazz Festival 2007 said John would perform as scheduled, despite the calls by the Christian community.

Anthony Maharaj, CEO of CL Communications, yesterday said John's scheduled performance for the Jazz Festival, which is in its third year, should not have anything to do with his private life.
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Re: Tobago pastors gunning for Sir Elton's head
« Reply #1 on: March 26, 2007, 09:06:14 AM »
bago make it on best week ever :rotfl: :rotfl:
"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?"

Offline d1onlysexysugar

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Re: Tobago pastors gunning for Sir Elton's head
« Reply #2 on: March 26, 2007, 10:25:11 AM »
what are d thoughts of every 1 on this issue ...  ???
does any 1 agree or disagree with d pastors

i agree wit d pastors  :angel:
cuz if u acceptin him den u can accept all d other gays ...


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Re: Tobago pastors gunning for Sir Elton's head
« Reply #3 on: March 26, 2007, 10:44:10 AM »
so if de purpose of de church is to show peopel de erors ah dey ays, and to bring dem to god, wh dem big hard back so-called men ah god doh witness to be man?

ent jesus accept all ah dem when dey was yet sinners?  and de same jesus did hang around with de most sinful and hated people ah he timeZ?

and why dem same hard back so-called pastors doh be on dem baches in Tobago stoppig dem man and dem from sexing tourists for money?

and why dem eh protesting all de prostitution dat going on in tobago?

steups.  check dis homosexuality is a genetic ting.  a cyar see ah man waking up one mring and say...hmmm ah feel a go take ah toti up meh bam bam today!  yummy...dat sounding good oui.

dem fellas born so...and if dem eh born so den dem real dotish, because of all de prejudice dem have tuh face on ah daily basis....is like 3-400 years ago ah white man wishing he was black so people could enslave him or discriinate against him...if it was ah choice why would any sane person choose to be gay?  So dat dey could be discriminated against and beat/?en up scorned by family and friends and people in general

Offline TriniCana

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Re: Tobago pastors gunning for Sir Elton's head
« Reply #4 on: March 26, 2007, 10:45:44 AM »
what are d thoughts of every 1 on this issue ...  ???
does any 1 agree or disagree with d pastors

i agree wit d pastors  :angel:
cuz if u acceptin him den u can accept all d other gays ...

and what's wrong with him being gay again  ???
i'm sure he is just going to sing and not speak about his partner or personal life....sure about it.
i'm sure in his mind, i'm just here to entertain these people.

and i'm more certain if it was Marvin Gaye (RIP) coming to entertain none of this woulda have ever come up...opps Marvin did visit Trinidad.... ::)

the person you sit next too whether be in the bus, at work, or even in church - will it ever cross your mind "ah wonder if they gay?" - and i wonder if they will think the same thing about you too.

other than already being named "naive - and third world country", we might as well add word "paranoid" to the list.

« Last Edit: March 26, 2007, 10:53:21 AM by TriniCana »

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Re: Tobago pastors gunning for Sir Elton's head
« Reply #5 on: March 26, 2007, 10:59:09 AM »
bago make it on best week ever :rotfl: :rotfl:

You saw it Morvant??  :rotfl: Oh lawd oyi
I feeling bad how them comedians getting kix on we lil island boy.
Who wid a thought that we Tobago pastors woulda make it on VH1 this weekend.
The revolution is not an apple that falls when it is ripe. You have to make it fall... Che Guevara

Offline TriniCana

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Re: Tobago pastors gunning for Sir Elton's head
« Reply #6 on: March 26, 2007, 11:02:13 AM »
bago make it on best week ever :rotfl: :rotfl:

You saw it Morvant??  :rotfl: Oh lawd oyi
I feeling bad how them comedians getting kix on we lil island boy.
Who wid a thought that we Tobago pastors woulda make it on VH1 this weekend.

i didn't understand what Morvie said...but Girl Warrior you mean we make TV - because of this ?

gimme more details nah please

Offline Dutty

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Re: Tobago pastors gunning for Sir Elton's head
« Reply #7 on: March 26, 2007, 12:06:05 PM »
bago make it on best week ever :rotfl: :rotfl:

You saw it Morvant??  :rotfl: Oh lawd oyi
I feeling bad how them comedians getting kix on we lil island boy.
Who wid a thought that we Tobago pastors woulda make it on VH1 this weekend.

i didn't understand what Morvie said...but Girl Warrior you mean we make TV - because of this ?

gimme more details nah please
yuh know de show where de comics does make fun on/about the entertainment news of the week


Little known fact: The online transportation medium called Uber was pioneered in Trinidad & Tobago in the 1960's. It was originally called pullin bull.

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Re: Tobago pastors gunning for Sir Elton's head
« Reply #8 on: March 26, 2007, 12:29:07 PM »
was really sad to see us on Best Week....but shows the ridiculousness of the situation..
really dont see what his personal bizness have to do with anything.
i invite people to read an article by Warren Blumenfeld "How Homophobia Hurts Everyone"
this is a little quote from the said article that i think is pertinent to this discussion:
" Homophobia prevents heterosexuals from accepting the benefits and gifts offered by the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered communities: theoretical insights, spiritual visions and options contributions in the arts and culture, to religion, to family life, indeed to all facets of society"
"Homophobia saps the energy from more constructive endeavours
 Like all forms of oppression, homophobia inhibits our ability to understanding the nature and scope of truly serious and far reaching social problems (eg poverty, illiteracy, war, disease, enviromental decay, crime, and drug addiction). Oppression results in the scapegoating and distancing of people from one another, diminishing our capacity to address these problems and thereby degrading the quality of life for all of us. By reducing the various forms of oppression, we quite literally make our society more socially efficient, increasing our ability to find solutions to the social and ecological challenges that threaten our collective future."

So maybe instead of protesting over a great singer coming to the island and was initially bring positive attention to our small country, these pastors can protest against the crime and other ills in our society
Back in Trini...

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Re: Tobago pastors gunning for Sir Elton's head
« Reply #9 on: March 26, 2007, 03:01:17 PM »
Thanks Dutty,

I read what a poster typed in there...lemme paste it here


06:23 PM

As a citizen of TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO. I feel compelled to express my utter disgust and how upset I was at the way our TWIN, YES TWIN Republic was portrayed at the best week ever, First get it right! the name is pronunced TOO-BAY GO! and it is called TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO. Just because a few people in the Island of Tobago have one opinion does not necessarily mean that everyone is of the same opinion! Most people in our country all love Elton John! Furthermore a lot of us have friends who are gay so we are not a "homophobic" country! Ticket sales are skyrocketing because he is the Headliner! Notice of course thet Elton is not commenting on what is such a trivial matter!! Please get your facts right before you start making negative remarks about our country, we are the most tolerant people in the WORLD! as a matter of fact it is one of our watch words!!! It is always a "norm" to make fun of someting or someone especially when you don't have the facts right!! So please stop making fun of our name and our Country!

The day that I meet this woman I'll shake her hand.

Its always the negativity that makes the papers and now TV.

Offline Trini _2026

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Re: Tobago pastors gunning for Sir Elton's head
« Reply #10 on: March 26, 2007, 06:41:49 PM »
I don't mind Elton John comming in Trinidad to perform or what eva but in Trinidad there is a law against cursing in public  and it is  enforced when artist swear on stage ... now we have laws against homosexuals entering the country why is that not enforced ? is there a double standard here......


Homosexuality is illegal in Trinidad and Tobago. However homosexuals have not been actively targeted by the laws.


Immigration Act
Under Article 8 (18/1) of the Immigration Act[3], homosexual men and women are not allowed to enter the country:

(1) Except as provided in subsection (2), entry into Trinidad and Tobago of the persons described
    in this subsection, other than citizens and, subject to section 7(2), residents, is prohibited,
      (e) prostitutes, homosexuals or persons living on the
          earnings of prostitutes or homosexuals, or persons
          reasonably suspected as coming to Trinidad and
          Tobago for these or any other immoral purposes;

Trinidadian criminal code prohibits sex between men, as is the case in much of the English-speaking Caribbean. Section 13 of the Sexual Offences Act 1986[1] criminalises "buggery". This section, strengthened in 2000[2], states:

(1)  A person who commits buggery is guilty of an offence and is liable on conviction to imprisonment—
    (a)  if committed by an adult on a minor, for life;
    (b)  if committed by an adult on another adult, for twenty-five years;
    (c)  if committed by a minor, for five years.
(2)  In this section “buggery” means sexual inter­course per anum by a male person with a male person
       or by a male person with a female person.

« Last Edit: March 26, 2007, 06:52:22 PM by DWarriorMan »
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Re: Tobago pastors gunning for Sir Elton's head
« Reply #11 on: March 26, 2007, 07:20:36 PM »
I don't mind Elton John comming in Trinidad to perform or what eva but in Trinidad there is a law against cursing in public  and it is  enforced when artist swear on stage ... now we have laws against homosexuals entering the country why is that not enforced ? is there a double standard here......


Homosexuality is illegal in Trinidad and Tobago. However homosexuals have not been actively targeted by the laws.


Immigration Act
Under Article 8 (18/1) of the Immigration Act[3], homosexual men and women are not allowed to enter the country:

(1) Except as provided in subsection (2), entry into Trinidad and Tobago of the persons described
    in this subsection, other than citizens and, subject to section 7(2), residents, is prohibited,
      (e) prostitutes, homosexuals or persons living on the
          earnings of prostitutes or homosexuals, or persons
          reasonably suspected as coming to Trinidad and
          Tobago for these or any other immoral purposes;

Trinidadian criminal code prohibits sex between men, as is the case in much of the English-speaking Caribbean. Section 13 of the Sexual Offences Act 1986[1] criminalises "buggery". This section, strengthened in 2000[2], states:

(1)  A person who commits buggery is guilty of an offence and is liable on conviction to imprisonment—
    (a)  if committed by an adult on a minor, for life;
    (b)  if committed by an adult on another adult, for twenty-five years;
    (c)  if committed by a minor, for five years.
(2)  In this section “buggery” means sexual inter­course per anum by a male person with a male person
       or by a male person with a female person.

Under Article 8 (18/1) of the Immigration Act[3], homosexual men and women are not allowed to enter the country:

eh ?
was this ever inforced ?
because i tell ya, Tobago in a blasted mess.
and whos to tell a gay tourist, ya not welcome because of your sexual preferences -
why is it anybody's business wha the tourists do in they bedroom ?

I remembered when i was back home maybe in 2002 there were 2 cruise ships docked in POS for the day filled of gay tourists. They came off the ships and spent their US dollars and nobody said anything - infact the port was jam packed with vendors smiling. Anybody was saying "nah me ain't want ya money - cause ya gay?"

steups......Laws are meant to be convieniently broken.

prostitutes - well ah could understand the coast guard ceasing the boat from Venezula and arresting the women and them and deport them back. These women not spending they money, they just taking it from allyuh.  heh

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Re: Tobago pastors gunning for Sir Elton's head
« Reply #12 on: March 26, 2007, 09:17:27 PM »
We had 2 cruise ships filled wit gay tourists docking in trinidad???...i find that hard to believe.......anyone have real proof of a gay cruise ship docking in trinidad cause i don't believe that ever happened..........not in this country without an uproar

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Re: Tobago pastors gunning for Sir Elton's head
« Reply #13 on: March 26, 2007, 11:04:05 PM »
We had 2 cruise ships filled wit gay tourists docking in trinidad???...i find that hard to believe.......anyone have real proof of a gay cruise ship docking in trinidad cause i don't believe that ever happened..........not in this country without an uproar

no problem you finding it hard to believe
but i could have the year wrong
but i  remember this discussion in the office when the ship/s arrived, and remember hearing Dale and Tony throwing jabs at the Ministry of Tourismi about it.

if there is a god i'll put my hand on the 'proof' and direct it to you.

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Re: Tobago pastors gunning for Sir Elton's head
« Reply #14 on: March 27, 2007, 12:26:45 AM »
I don't mind Elton John comming in Trinidad to perform or what eva but in Trinidad there is a law against cursing in public  and it is  enforced when artist swear on stage ... now we have laws against homosexuals entering the country why is that not enforced ? is there a double standard here......


Homosexuality is illegal in Trinidad and Tobago. However homosexuals have not been actively targeted by the laws.


Immigration Act
Under Article 8 (18/1) of the Immigration Act[3], homosexual men and women are not allowed to enter the country:

(1) Except as provided in subsection (2), entry into Trinidad and Tobago of the persons described
    in this subsection, other than citizens and, subject to section 7(2), residents, is prohibited,
      (e) prostitutes, homosexuals or persons living on the
          earnings of prostitutes or homosexuals, or persons
          reasonably suspected as coming to Trinidad and
          Tobago for these or any other immoral purposes;

Trinidadian criminal code prohibits sex between men, as is the case in much of the English-speaking Caribbean. Section 13 of the Sexual Offences Act 1986[1] criminalises "buggery". This section, strengthened in 2000[2], states:

(1)  A person who commits buggery is guilty of an offence and is liable on conviction to imprisonment—
    (a)  if committed by an adult on a minor, for life;
    (b)  if committed by an adult on another adult, for twenty-five years;
    (c)  if committed by a minor, for five years.
(2)  In this section “buggery” means sexual inter­course per anum by a male person with a male person
       or by a male person with a female person.

Damn!!!  right there alot ah allyuh going tuh jail ;D ;D ;D
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Re: Tobago pastors gunning for Sir Elton's head
« Reply #15 on: March 27, 2007, 05:55:33 AM »
bago make it on best week ever :rotfl: :rotfl:

You saw it Morvant??  :rotfl: Oh lawd oyi
I feeling bad how them comedians getting kix on we lil island boy.
Who wid a thought that we Tobago pastors woulda make it on VH1 this weekend.

i didn't understand what Morvie said...but Girl Warrior you mean we make TV - because of this ?

gimme more details nah please

Aye Cana, I didn't come back online yesterday, but back to the Elton topic, there are some pop music blogs that asking tourists to boycott Tobago because of this issue, I heard in this morning on 96.1 but I eh seeing anything online.
The revolution is not an apple that falls when it is ripe. You have to make it fall... Che Guevara

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Re: Tobago pastors gunning for Sir Elton's head
« Reply #16 on: March 27, 2007, 06:21:55 AM »
bago make it on best week ever :rotfl: :rotfl:

You saw it Morvant??  :rotfl: Oh lawd oyi
I feeling bad how them comedians getting kix on we lil island boy.
Who wid a thought that we Tobago pastors woulda make it on VH1 this weekend.

i didn't understand what Morvie said...but Girl Warrior you mean we make TV - because of this ?

gimme more details nah please

Aye Cana, I didn't come back online yesterday, but back to the Elton topic, there are some pop music blogs that asking tourists to boycott Tobago because of this issue, I heard in this morning on 96.1 but I eh seeing anything online.

'To-bahg-o' gets blows on VH1
Comedians mock island over Elton John

Kristy Ramnarine

Tuesday, March 27th 2007


US cable station VH1's show, Best Week Ever, has made a mockery of Tobago, amid calls by pastors in the sister isle to ban Sir Elton John from performing at the 2007 Plymouth Jazz Festival.

It was only on Sunday that the pop star performed to a sold-out audience of more than 20,000 fans at New York's Madison Square Garden to celebrate his 60th birthday. Former US president Bill Clinton introduced the veteran artiste to a standing ovation.

For half-hour each week, the VH1 television show makes fun of the week's current events and pop culture. The producers use news, music video, television and film clips to provide ample evidence of how silly celebrities, politicians, sport figures, and others caught in the news spotlight can behave at times.

Tobago was in the spotlight last Friday, when the controversy over John's upcoming performance was featured among other clips of international celebrities.

In a clip called "Performance Anxiety", the narrator said the "country" of Tobago was scared to let John perform because he would turn the population into gays. This was accompanied by photos of Caribbean residents having their "Best Village-type" folk wear replaced by stereotypical homosexual outfits.

Then two comedians joked that Tobago had not yet recovered from the time American drag performer Ru Paul had sexual intercourse with the president and that "To-bay-go" or "To-bahg-o's" problem was not "gays" but that no one knew how to pronounce the name of the country.

However, the ridicule does not stop there.

International web loggers and bloggers are also calling for tourists to boycott vacationing in Trinidad and Tobago.

A web log posted by Chuck Yarborough, a Plain Dealer columnist, read: "If you're looking for open-minded vacation spots, you might want to cross Trinidad and Tobago off your list. Word out of England is that there is a movement afoot in T&T to scuttle Sir Elton John's headlining turn at the Plymouth Jazz Festival, which runs Friday-Sunday, April 27-29 in Tobago.

"With that kind of welcoming committee (and with apologies to author Erskine Caldwell) Sir Elton might want to rethink any trip along Tobago road."

Blog websites supporting John had many comments from persons, among them: Snarky Gossip: "So who knew? Going to a concert apparently makes you gay. I have one Elton John record, maybe that's the reason behind why I am tempted to kiss other girls, wear a mullet, and try on many, many sleeveless plaid flannel shirts. OR MAYBE PEOPLE ARE JUST IGNORANT @$$ CLOWNS. I'm going with that second one."

Suite 101: "I'd like to initiate, if no one else has already, an official boycott of Tobago by all performers. Any country whose church leaders try to block an Elton John performance because they fear his mere presence on the island will turn residents automatically and magically gay is too backwards to deserve any cultural visits by artists from around the world."

Source: Trinidad Express
« Last Edit: March 27, 2007, 06:23:40 AM by doc »
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Re: Tobago pastors gunning for Sir Elton's head
« Reply #17 on: March 27, 2007, 06:41:00 AM »
as long as TnT doh turn out like some of the more respectable Countries  ::) in the Caribbean.
I ent want no free for all atall atall
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Re: Tobago pastors gunning for Sir Elton's head
« Reply #18 on: March 27, 2007, 09:08:14 AM »

Boycott for what exactly?
Because some priests making noise?  Gimme a break....pure foolishness.

I suppose if people in authority had come out and condemn what the pastors said then it would look different but they chose not to (elections).

If he comes here, performs and there is no incident...then those watch groups have absolutely nothing to crow about.

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Re: Tobago pastors gunning for Sir Elton's head
« Reply #19 on: March 28, 2007, 02:03:58 PM »

In a clear case of ignorance and fear, Sir Elton John and his scheduled headlining gig at next month's Plymouth Jazz Festival in Tobago has been put into question. It seems that church leaders in Trinidad and Tobago want the openly homosexual singer to stay away, as they fear he will turn the population gay.

According to TMZ, the scheduled appearance of Sir Elton John at this year's annual Plymouth Jazz Festival in Tobago, which is set to kick off next month, has come under flack from religious leaders on the small Caribbean island, as they believe Elton will try to turn the locals gay. Trinidad and Tobago's Archdeacon, Philip Isaac, revealed to London's Daily Mirror, "His visit to the island can open the country to be tempted towards pursuing his lifestyle." He adds, "The artist is one of God's children and while his lifestyle is questionable he needs to be ministered unto." While it is clear that the church in Tobago has a problem with homosexuality, TMZ is quick to point out that the country's immigration laws, interestingly enough, also make it legal to bar openly gay individuals from entering the island.

Monsters & Critics report that representatives for Elton John have failed to comment on the issue, but event organizers have stated that regardless of what Isaac says, Sir Elton John will definitely be on hand to close out the festival on April 29 and that the country should be celebrating instead of criticizing. "This country should be honored to have Sir Elton John perform in Tobago." Event organizer, Anthony Maharaj also says, "Elton John is coming as what he is, one of the world greatest performers. He has performed in every country around the world. In Christian countries there has never been an objection. He is not coming here to preach about what lifestyle people should have."

As Drowned in Sound reports, this has become a hot topic on the island, which has brought to light the country's true homophobic colors. Referring to the antiquated immigration laws that leave the door open to ban gay individuals from entering the country, the local newspapers have become a forum for locals to voice their opinions. A quote from one reader states, "We have a huge problem with homosexuality in our population because, unlike our foreign counterparts, our free-up nature and infrastructure cannot support the conditions of this lifestyle." As unbelievable as it sounds, they actually believe that attending a concert by Elton John will have a detrimental effect on the whole nation and as DS mentions that lifestyle the reader mentions also includes being knighted by the Queen and Elton being highly complimented by Bishop Desmond Tutu.

Aside from Elton John, other musical acts scheduled to appear at this year's third annual Plymouth Jazz Festival from April 27 to 29 include Gladys Knight, LL Cool J, Earth Wind and Fire, Sean Paul, Beres Hammond, Al Green, Diana Ross, Mary J. Blige, and Heather Headley. Local talent will also include Destra Garcia, the band Atlantik, and local superstar Machel Montano. With a little more than a month to go, event organizers have also admitted that there will be another two international acts added to the bill, but contractual arrangements are still being worked out on that end.

Previous artists who have appeared at the festival include: Stevie Wonder, Natalie Cole, Baby Face, the O jays, India Arie, Shaggy, Sting, Patti La Belle, and Vanessa Williams.

only born in Santa Cruz BUT RAISED IN SAN FERNANDO..so dont get tied up!...I FROM SOUTH!

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Re: Tobago pastors gunning for Sir Elton's head
« Reply #20 on: March 28, 2007, 02:05:45 PM »
For those who dont know ...Heather Headley (Grammy award winner) is Trini..
only born in Santa Cruz BUT RAISED IN SAN FERNANDO..so dont get tied up!...I FROM SOUTH!

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Re: Tobago pastors gunning for Sir Elton's head
« Reply #21 on: April 08, 2007, 07:09:18 AM »
From my understanding of the law, it pertains to conducting homosexual activity for profit or the performing of other immoral acts...so it is not illegal for Elton John to visit TnT and perform.

As for those priests they making us look retarded.  I agree with truetrini comments, christians should be the most understanding and accepting of all people if they really want to live like Christ.

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Re: Tobago pastors gunning for Sir Elton's head
« Reply #22 on: April 08, 2007, 02:57:39 PM »
As for those priests they making us look retarded.  I agree with truetrini comments, christians should be the most understanding and accepting of all people if they really want to live like Christ.
a pardna and myself were discussing this very thing recently and agreed that the Church does NOT preach or much more importantly teach members to live this way of life......."To Be Christ Like"......as Christ hung out and defended the least of us upon this earth. they seems more interested in their Membership and Wealth.
« Last Edit: April 08, 2007, 03:08:52 PM by WestCoast »
Whatever you do, do it to the purpose; do it thoroughly, not superficially. Go to the bottom of things. Any thing half done, or half known, is in my mind, neither done nor known at all. Nay, worse, for it often misleads.
Lord Chesterfield
(1694 - 1773)


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