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Offline spideybuff

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« on: September 04, 2005, 06:48:23 AM »
I's a man back Stern throughout coz the man was getting chances to score and throwing away, which was more than the other strikers was doing (although I still want Cornell up front coz i feel the stern yorke thing cah wuk)..but when the game done, man clapping Stern, chanting he name and he cuss the crowd. I understand how the man feeling but make no mistake about it...there is no way Stern can do that to the Coventry City fans when he start back scoring for them, no efffing waaay. I know I from a third world country, but I doh hadda accept this kinda disrespect from nobody. Beckham ever cuss the english fans when they were hanging effigys in front his house after the 98 World Cup? Nooo... Ronaldo cuss the brazilians when they were calling him 'Tubby'? Nooo...so who de hell is Stern John to do that? I mighta understand if it was a local based fella but this is an experienced professional who supposed to know better than that. True, we understand how he feeling, and we know he want to tell men "haul ur mudda so and so", but that's just not done and unacceptable, 2 winning goals or not. And he will get away with it and we will all hide our heads in the sand because we soft and we's a nothing country and Stern win the game for us.

A next thing, I in the stadium and people trying to pull down men waving the flag in the crowd because it blocking them?? The players on the field seeing the flag, they cah see u sitting there in the crowd and u trying to pull that down for your own selfish reasons? if u cah see...MOVE ! Do not disrespect my national flag by trying to pull it down! I did not spend years abroad not taking shit from anybody regarding my flag and my country to come home and have to deal with locals treating my flag like shit! And the thing is, men doh care about those things in this country. The amount of flag waving u will see in a real football game, people does have to be caling each other cell phone to ask what going in the game coz they cah see nuttin...but they still there supporting! Simoes came here and say that football is not a spectacle, we not paying to coming to watch the game, we paying to be part of the game. The crowd supposed to be the 12th man. If u want to sit and watch, spend your $100 on a movie or a play. And this whole flag thing was when the team down 2-1, as soon as they manage to run the flag man, Stern score to equalize and now they want him to come back and wave. Tha's how we are...support when we winning, pull down when we losing. Is through thick and thin it supposed to be. Is not like if somebody invade the country we could sit down and say, well, i's not trini so i doh care. U trini since u born and u going and be trini til u die, whether u have dual citizienship or not. So why show it only when we on top?

The sickening and disheartening thing is, tha's just how we are and plenty people here would not understand how these things could affect me so.I eh know, my patriotism on another level: to my country, of which the football team is just a representation. I doh know how many of u had the opportunity to go to a game in the US but it is sad that even a country like theirs has more support and passion in their stadiums for the national soccer team than we do for our national football team...and then the players will turn round and cuss even the diehards.
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Stern cuss the crowd eh......
« Reply #1 on: September 04, 2005, 06:53:55 AM »
I guess is we responsible for his form or lack thereof.....well I wasnt they but if that have any truth in it....I for one wash my hands of that fella........thanks for the two goals.............but you could keep that kinda love to yourself and your new family coventry ..(but wait them does be booing yuh too?.......except we want yuh to come out the scoring drought)

Offline oconnorg

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Re: Disgusting...
« Reply #2 on: September 04, 2005, 07:25:26 AM »
He pull he han wid de two goals.. but in my opinion he is a joke.. Especially now that he Cussin fans.. I understand he feels vindicated etc etc.. But he is a so called PRO.. I really done wid he ... I still find he is NOT our best option for up front.!!

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Re: Disgusting...
« Reply #3 on: September 04, 2005, 07:34:09 AM »
He pull he han wid de two goals.. but in my opinion he is a joke.. Especially now that he Cussin fans.. I understand he feels vindicated etc etc.. But he is a so called PRO.. I really done wid he ... I still find he is NOT our best option for up front.!!
I know he angry and I understand that but is not we have him playing so.....I hot when i hear that talk
Thas when dem fellas feel they bigger than the game and forget where they come from......i still going with kenwyn in front he for the next game or sealey......de desire there for them two and they eh feel them is bigshot who goh cuss the crowd when they score..............

Offline bada

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Re: Disgusting...
« Reply #4 on: September 04, 2005, 08:07:05 AM »
If Stern really get on like that, it is extremely disappointing! Is not that Stern was playing well and the crowd giving him pressure....he has been playing (including yesterday) total crap for some time now. Trinis have always been too harsh and hard on our stars when they go through a bad patch (ask Hasely, Lara, Ato etc etc), and I wish that could change, but that is part of being a celebrity in our country. Stern must accept that and celebrate with the crowd when things go well (as in the last five minutes of the game yesterday). Why is he playing, representing us if he vex with his people...I prefer he quits if that is how he feels about it. Another thing...a lot of people have been giving him pressure (and rightly so in my view), but not everyone, so it is damn wrong to cuss the crowd in general.

BTW, spidey, my pardner and I had flags yesterday and waved it from time to time. But we are aware that it blocks fans (who have paid their money to see the game) so we do control the extent of our flag waving. There must be some give and take on both sides.

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Re: Disgusting...
« Reply #5 on: September 04, 2005, 08:09:46 AM »
I will give him 2 nice goals especially the first. But the man still not playing like he should. He DOH try and should not be applauded before anyone else on that team who fighting til the end.

Beenie needs to it him down and teach him the rudimentaries of offside beause like he missed that day in Under-11 practice.

That display is truly disappointing especially since he STILL playing a pack of crap.

Offline Big Magician

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Re: Disgusting...
« Reply #6 on: September 04, 2005, 08:11:07 AM »
he could cuss me anytime.........3 points....yuh want morals.....go and watch chess......TNT TNT TNT
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Re: Disgusting...
« Reply #7 on: September 04, 2005, 08:23:14 AM »
I doh agree with Stern cussin' the crowd, but why is it OK for de fans to cuss him out and he have to sit there and take it? Is a double standard and is not like Stern cussin' everybody. He know it have people who suporting him right through...but he wanted to send a message to the haters. It wasn't classy and it set a bad example for the youths, but I understand where it come from and  I hope he get it off his chest and move on. And the examples given are wrong...English players, including Beckham does real cuss out their fans when they feel vindicated. Beckham did get in trouble for tellin British fans to fu** off and show dem the finger shortly after WC '98 when he start to get back his respect (dat was the year after ManU win the triple, Sven took charge and made Beckham the skipper). Every time a Trini do something, men does try to say dem foreigners doh do data and make up 'facts'. Cantona hit a man a flickin' bravestar. Romario tired cussing Brazilian fans, Pele, CBF, coaches everybody after they write him off....and he went to the press with it. Italian fans dis Vieri after he say dey could all fu*# off when he came out his scoring drought after Euro 2004. So Stern shoulda ignore the haters...I agree. But I uderstand where it coming from and I eh making up no stories to support it.

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Re: Disgusting...
« Reply #8 on: September 04, 2005, 08:37:43 AM »
I wasn't day and if he do wha allyuh say he do (and me eh have no reason to doubt allyuh), den he was wrong.  However, in defence of Stern....perhaps is more a outpouring of emotion.  Hall allyuh mudda C*%t is as trini an expression as yuh could get.  

De man had a crisis of confidence.  Nobody was more aware of de tata he was puttin dong on de field dan Stern.  To make tings worse, not only was he strugglin wit heslef, but he was bein ridiculed by fans and media, bein called all kinds of names.  It kinda hypocritical (no offense meant) on de one hand to be a fan and allowed to call somebody slab, shithong, big belly, or make all kinds a derogatory remarks about a player, den cyah take a lil cuss when same player come and gi yuh a taste of yuh own medicine.

We might all have we opinions on Stern John.  Some of them less than complimentary for sure and probably deserved in some instances.  But Stern John is a human being too.  If I was he in de identical situation, it woulda be a lil bittersweet too.  De same one's who was insultin meh right through now want to love meh because ah put a ball in de back of de net?  HAMC!!

Besides.....some players use that sort of "me against the world" attitude to get the best out of themselves...e.g McEnroe.

I am not Stern John biggest fan but leh we be real here.  Stern was never a workhorse.  Stern was never somebody who was religiously on side.  We "loved" Stern and big he up because he scored goals.  We would overlook the flaws in his game because of that.  De man at a time had 61 goals in 73 appearances fuh de National team or sumting so.  Dat rank right up wit de ALL TIME BEST EVER.

Yes...it tough to take when a player you cheerin tun rong and tell u to f&%k off.  Dat eh right.  But check yuh own part in it too.  We eh entirely blameless.  Dat said, I was real vex after de US game when de players jes walk off de field jes so without even acknowledgin de T&T suporters who travel from all over to come and support dem.  Only Yorke & Sancho did acknowledge de crowd.  So ah understand to some extent how yuh feel dey spidey.
Carlos "The Rolls Royce" Edwards

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Re: Disgusting...
« Reply #9 on: September 04, 2005, 08:41:42 AM »
cuss dem stern
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Offline salt-or-fresh

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Re: Disgusting...
« Reply #10 on: September 04, 2005, 08:47:08 AM »
Thanks fuh letting meh know how he does act.

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Re: Disgusting...
« Reply #11 on: September 04, 2005, 08:59:29 AM »
The man just take he vindication...Pro or not the man is ah Trini............Maybe we need to be better fans......................It take a coach who ent grow up with Stern to believe in him.......And most likely he go be scoring more goals for we with Latas back.........I cN'T UNDERSTAND WHAT IS THE BE DEAL...We should be writing Stern and apology for all the talk.......but that wouldn't happen....So why he can't cuss.
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Re: Disgusting...
« Reply #12 on: September 04, 2005, 09:14:35 AM »
he could cuss me anytime.........3 points....yuh want morals.....go and watch chess......TNT TNT TNT

Wait nah you helping raise ah youth ? Yell meh yuh joking nah? You is Big Man, sure he could cuss you anytime...think of ah youth in that section, al he he doing is observing and copying, and Boom...Hold dat...morals are the fabric of society.....doh tell meh, doh tell meh...To hell with society, you wha go World Cup ?.... Well go an live in, an support Brazil nah.....dah is a sure thing....... The man was Wrong....not only dat, he fail to realize that once he playin shit, it means ah man on the bench not even getting ah chance to play, ah chance to shine, in his family and support eyes...so dem getting cuss in the crowd too, on top ah dat....we go end up just having people with issues..... Breds, meh not no angel, an meh not no super successful bright fella, or super educated or nuthen...al my parents could give meh at the time, was the ability to recognize, right from wrong, and they leave the rest up to me....it get me this far, so they give meh plenty...ah never have money, yet ah never needed nuthen...ah have 5 youths..5 to 28...an ah give dem the gifts of humility, respect, and moral values...anyway, I rambling, but that John get on so, I concerned for him and for his fans and non fans alike.., that spidey feel so, I care....that you feel is ok, though yuh know it to be wrong, ah concerned to.....ah wrong or ah right ?

Offline Big Magician

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Re: Disgusting...
« Reply #13 on: September 04, 2005, 09:28:56 AM »
Little Magician is King.......ask Jorge Campos

Offline maxg

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Re: Disgusting...
« Reply #14 on: September 04, 2005, 09:38:42 AM »
Ok bro...Yuh good Yesterday, yuh good now..all the best for our Tomorrow...

T&T forever

Offline Big Magician

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Re: Disgusting...
« Reply #15 on: September 04, 2005, 09:43:36 AM »
Little Magician is King.......ask Jorge Campos


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Re: Disgusting...
« Reply #16 on: September 04, 2005, 09:49:44 AM »
so who heard stern cuss?

what exactly did he say?

nuff man cuss stern ah hear it and ah see it and ah even say it mehself.


who heard him cuss and what did he say?

Offline Trini

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Allyuh is a bunch of jokers
« Reply #17 on: September 04, 2005, 10:59:07 AM »
if the man cuss we so what?
We real cuss him too, is a trini thing.

Knowing stern John from all them interviews he has done over the years, he is one of the most committed players to his country.
He is usually the first and only man giving interviews to Shaun as well.
I know he reads these boards.
All the talk he getting over the last year, fridge, hamburgers, shittong etc etc, the man was in an emotional zone dread.
Scoring them goals must have been like an explosion for him.
Understand it from his point.
I woulda do the same thing.
Stern, I willing to take your cussing for the next 3 games if it means you could score some goals for us in them games too yes.
As a goalscorer, Stern is unprecedented in T&T's history, maybe even CONCACAF.
His style of play may not be the most attractive, but if he putting the ball in the net, the man wukking.
Stern John is back.
PS - Whey allyuh get that rumour he cus the fans? Memba his goal vs Panama when he run and put he hand on he lips to the crowd. Same kinda thing now, I sure it was jus in the moment of the 2 goals and he exploding emotionally.
Allyuh ever score a goal for allyuh school for Intercol, club football, country etc etc?
Having done the first case, I could say it is a hell of a feeling, sometimes undescribeable

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Re: Disgusting...
« Reply #18 on: September 04, 2005, 11:31:05 AM »
maxg tek u time nah man u getting too stiff in dis forum man . Man happy and expressing ah lil happiness for we long agony stern ain't really want do nobody harm he jus takin off ah lil stress from he ches.

For all de pong and bad talk man give him in trini and in de forum ah ha to say ah feel fuh him when he was telling all ah dem fans in de stadium to haul alyuh m.c . Me ain't really care right now cause ah have three points in de bag.

So Stern tell dem again haul dey ............. :rotfl:
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Re: Disgusting...
« Reply #19 on: September 04, 2005, 12:05:02 PM »
Sorry man, maybe I stressed too... ;)
buh me ent cussin nobody, except yesterday ah cuss ah man for sayin T&T football team is shit, after we get the 1st goal...I jus chattin, an supportin T&T...not jus football, but all aspects...maybe ah not ah True True Trini...(livin foreign to long), maybe ah too old...so 'whatever' is ah lil outta mah generation vocab...notice me ent carry no talk further, so ah only express meself in agreement on spidey
 I go consider yuh advice an try to look at myself an determine if ah stiff or not...doh meh frenses and family think I too relaxed...maybe ah jus relaxed buh does keep meh head on...meh mudda does always drop on meh "Tom drunk/mad buh Tom ent no fool"  and meh grand mudda used to tell meh fadda "Doh get drunk(with euphoria) and lose it"
buh I does listen to what everybody have to say, and try to determine the applicable sense from the nonsense(or sense) meyself...so comment duly noted
I cool...straight talk, not hip...but cool

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Re: Disgusting...
« Reply #20 on: September 04, 2005, 12:34:25 PM »
The people to whom Stern's obscenities were directed to, are the people who were knocking him when he was down........they deserved to get cuss........

Big men can't pretend to be bad, and then get sensitive when dey get some cuss in dey a$$....Bad example, professionalism, yadda yadda.........fine......we could argue that all day......but if you were knocking Stern when he was down....hold yuh cuss and cool it.
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Re: Disgusting...
« Reply #21 on: September 04, 2005, 12:46:19 PM »
Thank God we win... I just hope that this cussing thing is a case of mistaken lip-reading and bad hearing... ;D

However if Stern do that he is de most ungrateful eva because he has  Beenie , Latapy and the other team of unselfish forwards ( including Sealy who passed up de shot to pass de ball instead) to thank for both  goals....especially de first goal. As to de second goal, I dont know how many of you actually saw it but maybe from another angle it could appear to be offside or a close call so he has to thank God for that too cause he was gettin call offside all afternoon....

I still predicted on this forum before de game that he would score two goals and he did but his two goals came at de expense of nuff shit shots and offsides,....anyway i tekking de two goals anyway and live to watch he anodda day

I dont care how bad yuh own fans cuss yuh,...you answer dem with goals...as a professional yuh doan cuss back...i just hope he ent do it

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Re: Disgusting...
« Reply #22 on: September 04, 2005, 01:14:54 PM »
The amount of flag waving u will see in a real football game, people does have to be caling each other cell phone to ask what going in the game coz they cah see nuttin...but they still there supporting! Simoes came here and say that football is not a spectacle, we not paying to coming to watch the game, we paying to be part of the game. The crowd supposed to be the 12th man. If u want to sit and watch, spend your $100 on a movie or a play. And this whole flag thing was when the team down 2-1, as soon as they manage to run the flag man, Stern score to equalize and now they want him to come back and wave

I agree with yuh there Our fans should get behind the team become involved .I remember when simones said to boo the opposition at our under 17 wc in trinidad camps and corneall was aganst that Our  supporters are just to laid back that why opposing teams feel comfortable and confident when they plays us at home
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Re: Disgusting...
« Reply #23 on: September 05, 2005, 08:23:43 AM »
And the examples given are wrong...English players, including Beckham does real cuss out their fans when they feel vindicated. Beckham did get in trouble for tellin British fans to fu** off and show dem the finger shortly after WC '98 when he start to get back his respect (dat was the year after ManU win the triple, Sven took charge and made Beckham the skipper). Every time a Trini do something, men does try to say dem foreigners doh do data and make up 'facts'. Cantona hit a man a flickin' bravestar. Romario tired cussing Brazilian fans, Pele, CBF, coaches everybody after they write him off....and he went to the press with it. Italian fans dis Vieri after he say dey could all fu*# off when he came out his scoring drought after Euro 2004. So Stern shoulda ignore the haters...I agree. But I uderstand where it coming from and I eh making up no stories to support it.

Nah boy...my examples on point. Beckham cuss opposition fans when playing for ManU, not the ManU fans and not when he was playing for England. Romario do his cussing after he get drop for the 98 World Cup and by then he was no longer playing for the national team. And Vieiri did not cuss italians, he cuss Inter fans who were boooing him...where is he playing now? At Milan.
But i doh want to dwell on this too much, I understand the man emotions and I understand he feel vindicated but I more upset with the fact that we as trinidadians would not take offence to it because he get us 3pts. It's just a symptom of the society that i can' t understand, how we could just take a set of shit and not take it on once we happy. Brian Lara get boo in Guyana after he get the captaincy from Hooper, he score a century that game and they all start cheering him, but he never cuss them. He get boo in Jamaica when he get the captaiincy from walsh the first time...he didn't score a century there and they were still booing him but he didn't cuss them either.
U do your talking on the field already...it upset me because he will NOT do that when he start scoring for Coventry again. U's always abuse the ones who closest you...
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Re: Disgusting...
« Reply #24 on: September 05, 2005, 09:06:07 AM »
You not really being consistant. First you saying you are correct because Beckham didn' cuss his own fans at ManU.......Then you use the example of Vieri to make the same argument...but you say he cuss his own fans at Inter..But let's say my examples are inaccurate, are these not cases of an Eglishman cussing his fellow Englishman, or an Italian cusiing his people? Whether is for their club or nation...it is their fans, their people and if the cuss them at club level those people obvioulsy not differentiating between Vieri de Inter man and Vieri de National team man....they just remember dey get cuss by Vieri when they watching a national team game. You still have Italian children in the stands....and more people showing up week in week out at a Serie A or Premiership game than a TnT natonal team game....worse yet, the whole world does be watching

Everything else, I hear ya, partner


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