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Re: Ok.....some self disclosure
« Reply #30 on: February 03, 2009, 08:58:24 PM »

Walking gives you nowhere near the cardiovascular workout that running gives... running burns much more calories and boosts the metabolism.  Higher metabolic rate= higher calorie burn.

Very true, and running can give a nice mix of aerobic and anaerobic excercise, if you do wind sprints or start your workout with a series of 50-100 sprints.

  "... I tort de self-disclosure was you finally coming out de closet"

Sounds like he can't even fit in the closet....  8). Must be all that American pie :P
Sacred cows make the best hamburger

Offline pecan

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Re: Ok.....some self disclosure
« Reply #31 on: February 03, 2009, 09:20:57 PM »
good going TT..that is inspiring  :beermug:

i need to get off my ass and start exercising
i was doing ok for 2months or so with my cardiac rehab, then when that was done and they say everything back to normal, i gone back to old habits like meh 18oz steaks lol
but this new year ah actually eating less now and de diabetes under control, now meh father in law joking and telling me that nice cause he doh want me interrupting he Alaska trip coming up with another heart attack  ;D

... I tort de self-disclosure was you finally coming out de closet


that plus he believes in God and that America is not on the top of the pile . :devil: :devil:
Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.

Offline Bakes

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Re: Ok.....some self disclosure
« Reply #32 on: February 04, 2009, 01:21:15 AM »
Sounds like he can't even fit in the closet....  8). Must be all that American pie :P

Maybe he get stuck inside... why we ent hear de real announcement yet.

TT/TC yuh know yuh's mih hoss, lol

Congrats on de weight loss :beermug:

I eh losing no weight, but thanks tuh Iron GymTM ah getting back mih definition.



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Re: Ok.....some self disclosure
« Reply #33 on: February 04, 2009, 08:01:36 AM »
good going TT..that is inspiring  :beermug:

i need to get off my ass and start exercising
i was doing ok for 2months or so with my cardiac rehab, then when that was done and they say everything back to normal, i gone back to old habits like meh 18oz steaks lol
but this new year ah actually eating less now and de diabetes under control, now meh father in law joking and telling me that nice cause he doh want me interrupting he Alaska trip coming up with another heart attack  ;D

forget running....walking burns nearly as much calories and is much less stressful.
Cut out dem steaks.

A little fish and chicken breasts and not fry ting eh Feliz.

Water, and exercise. Walk yuh way to health

Walking gives you nowhere near the cardiovascular workout that running gives... running burns much more calories and boosts the metabolism.  Higher metabolic rate= higher calorie burn.

... I tort de self-disclosure was you finally coming out de closet


Running is more vigorous than walking. It will produce a faster heart rate and will produce training effects in less time. Those wanting a maximum aerobic conditioning effect, either for overall health or for another athletic activity, should select a running exercise program.

Brisk walking burns about the same number of calories per mile as running, but it will take longer to walk the miles than run them. Those wanting to lose weight and having limited time for exercise can burn calories in less time by running.

That is ah fact!

additionally  Running is very hard on knees, ankles, and other joints. Hard impacts repeated about 1000 times per mile produce extreme stress on these joints. Good shoes can help, but many people can not run because of this stress on their joints. Walking produces far less stress, so people with knee or other joint problems should walk rather than run.

Walking is also good for runners who are recovering from a stress related injury. Those whose legs and joints are excessively stressed even by walking should consider swimming. Swimming is an excellent aerobic activity but is not weight bearing.

Brisk walking burns about as many calories per mile as running. Those who don't mind taking the extra time needed to walk the miles can lose weight with sensible eating and a walking exercise program.

Walking is less conspicuous than running. Beginners who are shy about being seen exercising can walk without standing out as much as someone who is running. Walking can also provide a quick workout in a setting where running or changing into running clothing would not be possible. Waiting for a flight at an airport is an example.

Walking is less vigorous than running. Beginners who have been previously sedentary or those with health problems should start exercise programs by walking. Those who wish to can slowly build up to running. Those who do not wish to run can continue to reap the same health and fitness benefits by walking.

and for yuh hard head edification if yuh notice I was responding directly to a man who had a heart attack!

Fack running..walk your way to health....

As for the closet and the American piye..I does eat poontang pie....and me eh no buller, ah know bullers doh  bakes and de lizard...allyuh quick to talk about closet...steups allyuh too nasty, allyuh love de oysin ting...it cold up dey wey allyuh is, so allyuh playing eskimo bonding games with man....

back to de real topic instead ah trying to hijack my thread..

Walk, Don't Run

    * Fewer Injuries: Two out of three joggers are affected by injuries each year, most commonly of the knees. Walking produces far fewer injuries, the least injuries of any aerobic exercise.
    * Lower Impact: Runners impact with 3 times their body weight each step, walking only produces an impact of 1.5 times your body weight. Walking is far lower in impact yet still is a weight-bearing exercise that will prevent bone loss.
    * Burn Fat: It is easier to set a "fat burning" pace when walking as opposed to jogging. A fat burning pace is one where you are breathing noticeably but able to carry on a conversation.
    * Less Sweat:In many climates, you can walk during lunch without needing to shower afterwards.
    * Become a Champion:Learn to racewalk and have a great chance at winning trophies at races, whereas a duffer runner has no chance at all. As a master you can often win your age group even as a beginner.
    * Stop and Smell the Roses: Walkers can slow down, enjoy a view, explore a trail, duck into a shop or stop for a snack. Runners just jog on by, intent on getting in their time.
    * Wear Normal Clothes:Runners have to put on their jogging suits, while walkers can often walk in whatever they happen to be wearing, perhaps with just a switch to comfy shoes. I walked 2 miles each way in New York to a Broadway play wearing my slinky dress and sandals - in perfect comfort.
    * Never Hit the Wall: Marathon runners face hitting the wall as they burn out all available fuel. Walkers generally do not hit the wall on a marathon because they use fully aerobic, fat-burning energy sources.


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Re: Ok.....some self disclosure
« Reply #34 on: February 04, 2009, 08:02:36 AM »
Please settle a discussion between an acquaintance and me.  I walk 9.2
miles frequently for exercise – I do this in about two and a half
hours.  I contend that this is roughly equivalent to running the same
distance as far as calories expended and exercise benefit - it just
takes longer than running the same distance.  He disagrees and says
that there would be more exercise benefit to running a mile than
walking a mile in such aspects as better endurance, toning,
cardio-vascular benefit, etc.  I say the two are equivalent and that
walking is better on the joints anyway.

What is your expert answer and how can I determine the calories I
expend on my 9.2 miles walks?

Here's the answer from Dr. Dean Ornish, a clinical professor of
medicine at UC San Francisco:

"All things being equal, you will burn more calories by running an
hour than walking an hour. It is true that walking a mile will burn
more calories than running a mile
-- although it takes longer to do
so. When you run a mile, you're burning mostly sugar, or
carbohydrates, which is how your body gives you fast energy in bursts.
When you walk a mile, it gives your metabolism time to switch from
burning carbohydrates to burning fat."


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Re: Ok.....some self disclosure
« Reply #35 on: February 04, 2009, 08:03:04 AM »
How many times have you heard that walking at a certain speed is more conducive to fat burning? I am assuming that if you have ever tried to lose weight or if you are into fitness, that you have heard
this many times over. And you know what? This statement is exactly true. Walking at a certain heart rate burns about 1 to 5 percent more fat than when you are running. Here is the caveat though. You burn many more calories from running than you do from walking. It is just common sense. The harder something is to do, the more calories you will burn.

For example, let's say you burn 50 calories walking for 45 minutes at the optimum fat burning speed and 150 calories running for 45 minutes. Therefore, you burn 55 percent of your calories from fat and the rest from carbohydrates or muscle tissue. 55 percent of 50 would equal to roughly 28 calories burned from fat. Now, let's look at running. So, instead of walking for 45 minutes and barely breaking a sweat, you run at a good pace for 45 minutes breaking into a good sweat. Therefore, you burn 150 calories. If you only burn 50 percent of your calories from fat, that would be 75 calories of fat you burned in 45 minutes.

Now, let's compare our results. If you walked at the optimum heart rate for fat burning, you burned 50 calories total and 28 calories from fat. If you ran, you burned 150 calories total and 75 calories from fat. To illustrate my point, let's look at marathon runners in comparison to sprinters. Which body would you prefer? Marathon runners all seem to have slim but soft buddies. It is rare to see any marathon runners with distinct stomach muscles. However, when you look at Olympic sprinters in the 100 yard dash, they all seem to be cut and ripped with distinctive stomach muscles. Why? Because long distance runners try to preserve their energy for the long haul, whereas sprinters give all their effort in around 10 seconds.

Offline pecan

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Re: Ok.....some self disclosure
« Reply #36 on: February 04, 2009, 02:14:24 PM »
Interest stuff  :beermug:
Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.

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Re: Ok.....some self disclosure
« Reply #37 on: February 04, 2009, 02:23:27 PM »
December 30th 2008, I stepped out of the shower and took a look at myself naked in front of the mirror and I looked liked I was about to make a baby....possibly twins.

I decided to do something about my weight gain and that infernal big belly.

I got on a scale and I weighed 219 lbs.  9.5 oz.  BMI was 31.6   BMI Categories:

    * Underweight = <18.5
    * Normal weight = 18.5-24.9
    * Overweight = 25-29.9
    * Obesity = BMI of 30 or greater

I searched the best diets and decided that dieting is shit!  Too hard and too any restrictions.  I made the decision to walk off the weight.

I found several websites on walking your way to health and combined with a better dietary regimen, I am proud to say that at weigh in today I am down to 192 lbs 0.6 oz!   27 f**king pounds already!  hahahahahahahahahahaha!  BMI  27.5   My ultimate goal is to reach 170 lbs come August 19th..just a random date I chose...no specific reason at all.

I am motivated to keep this up as I eat foods I like just smaller portions and have cut out fat and sugar from my diet.  I use around 16 grams of fat ONLY a day! I have also reduced the amount of sodium in my diet significantly...this was the hardest part of the diet as the food was at first very bland...now if there is a high salt content I can't eat the damn thing...lol

No more sweet drinks, no more juices, water and if I make lemonade or orange juice I squeezing fresh fruit and using Stevia as a sweetner.  NO SUGAR!

I have been walking 4-8 miles a day on average at around 4-6.5 minutes a mile.  and keeping my calorie intake to about 2000 a day, by eating 4 meals of 500 calories.

I have found that many times when I have an urge to eat I am really thirsty and I drink water.  For snacks I eat apples, grapes, 100 calorie bags of pop corn, pears, oranges etc.  Sometime a handful of nuts....all kinds.

SO now I am feeling fitter, went from a waist 38 to a waist 34, have to get new pants....lost plenty inches and looking MUCH better ....!  I walk about 20,000 steps a day now not too shabby up from 3000 when I first started!

Some stuff I discovered about food, exercise and plates...yes plates.



http://walking.about.com/od/weightloss/a/slowwalk0605.htm    A VERY SURPRISING STUDY!

Twenty years ago, according to the NHLBI, a typical cheeseburger had 330 calories; today, it’s 590. The French fries you ordered on the side 20 years ago were a 2.4-ounce handful totaling 210 calories; today the standard order is a heaping 6.9 ounces, packing 610 calories.

The portion explosion has “supersized” foods beyond burger joints. A blueberry muffin that weighed 1.5 ounces, 210 calories, two decades ago now tips the scales at 5 ounces, 500 calories. We’re washing it down with a cup of coffee that used to be 8 ounces, 45 calories with milk and sugar, but now averages 16 ounces and 350 calories, with milk and “mocha” syrup. Bagels have grown from three inches in diameter, 140 calories, to six-inch behemoths with 350 calories.

Platers today are 22% larger than they were 40 years ago.  Imagine putting small portions on plates today you go feel yuh eh getting enough!  Check this out:

The Size of Your Dinner Plate

It's a good idea to keep an eye on the size of your dinner plate. Why? Because we know that we eat most of what is on our plate, no matter what size plate we use.

Take control of your portion sizes by downsizing your plate size. It's an easy change you can make today, and it can make weight loss easier. Switch from a dinner plate to a salad plate, or buy a smaller plate to use just for your own meals.

It sounds too good to be true, but using smaller dishes can also help you feel full when eating less. Studies have shown that people feel more satisfied with less food when they are served on 8-inch salad plates in place of 12-inch dinner plates.

At home, use smaller plates and bowls to serve your food. This will help to keep the portions smaller, and it will help you feel full eating less, too. When eating out, share an entree or ask for a lunch-size portion.

Healthy regards,
Megan Porter, RD

Anyway just wanted to share with the forum.......maybe motivate others who looked like I did 60 days ago..........I still have a long way to go, but I am going to reach my goal....thanks

Tooth Pick

DamnI am 6'2" and 238lbs.  I do not remember the last time I weight that little. TT how taall are you?
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Re: Ok.....some self disclosure
« Reply #38 on: February 04, 2009, 02:31:57 PM »
Fella me ent here to argue with you... is not my fat at issue.  For every article you copy, paste and bold up... I could find 3 or 4 times as many that tout running as a better cardiovascular, aerobic, and metabolic workout.  Everyone knows that a higher metabolic rate means higher calorie consumption... but if walking works for you then stick to walking. 

All the other stuff about pressure on joints and all ah dat is peripheral as to which form of exercise helps you burn more calories.

Offline capodetutticapi

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Re: Ok.....some self disclosure
« Reply #39 on: February 04, 2009, 02:38:17 PM »
Fella me ent here to argue with you... is not my fat at issue.  For every article you copy, paste and bold up... I could find 3 or 4 times as many that tout running as a better cardiovascular, aerobic, and metabolic workout.  Everyone knows that a higher metabolic rate means higher calorie consumption... but if walking works for you then stick to walking. 

All the other stuff about pressure on joints and all ah dat is peripheral as to which form of exercise helps you burn more calories.
wuh bakes yuh start pumpin iron,them gyul leg gettin too heavy to lift ah wuh.
soon ah go b ah lean mean bulling machine.

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Re: Ok.....some self disclosure
« Reply #40 on: February 04, 2009, 04:21:38 PM »
wuh bakes yuh start pumpin iron,them gyul leg gettin too heavy to lift ah wuh.

I does work more muscle dan juss mih mouth enuh... besides no need to lift leg when dey kneeling dong  :D

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Re: Ok.....some self disclosure
« Reply #41 on: February 04, 2009, 05:30:27 PM »
wuh bakes yuh start pumpin iron,them gyul leg gettin too heavy to lift ah wuh.

I does work more muscle dan juss mih mouth enuh... besides no need to lift leg when dey kneeling dong  :D
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: ah really ha to de like TT and start ah workout program.time to get off de xmas weight.
soon ah go b ah lean mean bulling machine.

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Re: Ok.....some self disclosure
« Reply #42 on: February 04, 2009, 05:30:43 PM »

Walking gives you nowhere near the cardiovascular workout that running gives... running burns much more calories and boosts the metabolism.  Higher metabolic rate= higher calorie burn.

Very true, and running can give a nice mix of aerobic and anaerobic excercise, if you do wind sprints or start your workout with a series of 50-100 sprints.

  "... I tort de self-disclosure was you finally coming out de closet"

Sounds like he can't even fit in the closet....  8). Must be all that American pie :P
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
Whatever you do, do it to the purpose; do it thoroughly, not superficially. Go to the bottom of things. Any thing half done, or half known, is in my mind, neither done nor known at all. Nay, worse, for it often misleads.
Lord Chesterfield
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Re: Ok.....some self disclosure
« Reply #43 on: February 04, 2009, 10:31:08 PM »
Fella me ent here to argue with you... is not my fat at issue.  For every article you copy, paste and bold up... I could find 3 or 4 times as many that tout running as a better cardiovascular, aerobic, and metabolic workout.  Everyone knows that a higher metabolic rate means higher calorie consumption... but if walking works for you then stick to walking. 

All the other stuff about pressure on joints and all ah dat is peripheral as to which form of exercise helps you burn more calories.

fella yuh talkin tata...and if yuh he want to ARGUE MIND YUH BEESWAX.  I was telling a man who had a heart attack to forget running and walk.

My post dealt with fat burning anyway....and walking burns ore fat calories than running PERIOD!

Talk done!

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Re: Ok.....some self disclosure
« Reply #44 on: February 04, 2009, 10:48:11 PM »
fella yuh talkin tata...and if yuh he want to ARGUE MIND YUH BEESWAX.  I was telling a man who had a heart attack to forget running and walk.

My post dealt with fat burning anyway....and walking burns ore fat calories than running PERIOD!

Talk done!

Period being the operative word because yuh acting real shemotional like yuh on the facking rag... 'bout "MIND YUH BEESWAX."  Is ah public forum and anything posted is fair game... if yuh want private uninterrupted talk with next man yuh free to take it to PMs.  Note ah didn't say "PMS" eh Mr. Midol.


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Re: Ok.....some self disclosure
« Reply #45 on: February 04, 2009, 10:57:41 PM »
fella yuh talkin tata...and if yuh he want to ARGUE MIND YUH BEESWAX.  I was telling a man who had a heart attack to forget running and walk.

My post dealt with fat burning anyway....and walking burns ore fat calories than running PERIOD!

Talk done!

Period being the operative word because yuh acting real shemotional like yuh on the facking rag... 'bout "MIND YUH BEESWAX."  Is ah public forum and anything posted is fair game... if yuh want private uninterrupted talk with next man yuh free to take it to PMs.  Note ah didn't say "PMS" eh Mr. Midol.

you and zandolie play in allyuh closet today nah?

I agree anything posted is fair game, but ah was responding tuh ah man who had an heart attach and yuh jumo eeen with yuh runnings..take it to de dame clinic!

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Re: Ok.....some self disclosure
« Reply #46 on: February 04, 2009, 11:17:05 PM »
you and zandolie play in allyuh closet today nah?

I agree anything posted is fair game, but ah was responding tuh ah man who had an heart attach and yuh jumo eeen with yuh runnings..take it to de dame clinic!

To be honest me di'n even read Feliziano post nah, lol... I was skimming and respond.  Besides, doh try dat... yuh di'n say "forget running, dat bad fuh yuh heart...  try walking".... yuh just posit dat walking better. 

Talking about "runnings"... de nurse at de clinic wid de runny nose now aks fuh yuh.   :rotfl:

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Re: Ok.....some self disclosure
« Reply #47 on: February 04, 2009, 11:22:26 PM »
I have been on and off the "Body for LIFE" program since september
lost 18 lbs in the first three months and then had back probs at the start of December which has now passed
not dun yet as I need to lorse at least 20 mo'
tryin to get to 6'2" 190lbs
"Tool shed" is way too big

the program alternates between weights and aerobic exercising and encourages better eating habits
« Last Edit: February 04, 2009, 11:26:39 PM by WestCoast »
Whatever you do, do it to the purpose; do it thoroughly, not superficially. Go to the bottom of things. Any thing half done, or half known, is in my mind, neither done nor known at all. Nay, worse, for it often misleads.
Lord Chesterfield
(1694 - 1773)


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Re: Ok.....some self disclosure
« Reply #48 on: February 04, 2009, 11:40:24 PM »
I have been on and off the "Body for LIFE" program since september
lost 18 lbs in the first three months and then had back probs at the start of December which has now passed
not dun yet as I need to lorse at least 20 mo'
tryin to get to 6'2" 190lbs
"Tool shed" is way too big

the program alternates between weights and aerobic exercising and encourages better eating habits

if every post used to make yuh burn calories...yuh woulda be down to 111 now


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Re: Ok.....some self disclosure
« Reply #49 on: February 04, 2009, 11:41:32 PM »
runny nose nurse?  whappen wha is dat? me eh know runny nose woman.

Nah I was referring to feliz in truth.

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Re: Ok.....some self disclosure
« Reply #50 on: February 04, 2009, 11:56:39 PM »
TT, yuh culd do it, truss meh.  When ah started wukkin in NY de pace was so intense ah had cut out football fuh about 18 months, when ah started back ah was about 210 (was 180 easily in HS and College and I am 5-11 in ht).  Anyway, strupid me did not realize ah was puttin meh knees in jeoprady by playin overweight, bamn!  Ah stretch meh ACL, anyway, serious physically therapy on de bad knee to strengthen de muscles, so therapy done, ah start back ball, now I was 225, ask FF, Strip, Papasmurf and odders, anyway, now ah back to 185/190, ball on a regular, good diet and nuff vitamins, A through S  ;D  So yuh culd do it, jus keep pace

Yeah I remember yuh shrink after we start sweating in rockefeller

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Re: Ok.....some self disclosure
« Reply #51 on: February 05, 2009, 12:55:44 AM »
Sounds like he can't even fit in the closet....  8). Must be all that American pie :P

Maybe he get stuck inside... why we ent hear de real announcement yet.

TT/TC yuh know yuh's mih hoss, lol

Congrats on de weight loss :beermug:

I eh losing no weight, but thanks tuh Iron GymTM ah getting back mih definition.


Does this hold/fit well in your door frame? I thought about buying it a few months ago, but my fear is that I reach the apex of my pull-up/chin-up and it give way on mih. Ah done have ah bad back and I ain't tryin to add to it.
Psalm 14:1
The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God.

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Re: Ok.....some self disclosure
« Reply #52 on: February 05, 2009, 01:52:08 AM »
Does this hold/fit well in your door frame? I thought about buying it a few months ago, but my fear is that I reach the apex of my pull-up/chin-up and it give way on mih. Ah done have ah bad back and I ain't tryin to add to it.

aye, hear nah dat was my biggest fear cause I does be going hard den.  I'z ah man like tuh do reverse hanging pike and thing similar to this...

but with legs going all the way back over so that you end up hanging as though yuh arms are pulled back and upwards.  Used primarily to stretch mih labrum and other shoulder muscles, but also to work the core.  So I was concerned at first but the frame offers good support.  The Iron Gym supposed to support up to 300 lbs, and I safely within that at 165.

You would think that all the stress is focused down in the direction of where your feet hang, but I believe (in looking at it) that b/c of the design much or it is actually deflected to not just the top of the frame, but the sides as well.. the side frames 'facing' you.  Many knockoff products out there from Perfect Pullup (which may be the original) for something like $50-$60 and cheaper, but this works fine for me.  $29.99 at any sporting goods (Modell's, Dick's, Sports Authority) store.

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Re: Ok.....some self disclosure
« Reply #53 on: February 05, 2009, 06:11:44 AM »


I find that moderately active sexual activity for 20-30 minutes,  five times a week is burn enuf calories (including calories from fat).

My goal is to get to seven times a week.

Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.


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Re: Ok.....some self disclosure
« Reply #54 on: February 05, 2009, 06:15:18 AM »


I find that moderately active sexual activity for 20-30 minutes,  five times a week is burn enuf calories (including calories from fat).

My goal is to get to seven times a week.

Pecan that is true, I use dat as a weight loss supplement...you on de odder hand cyar loss weight so...yuh see fella yuh need a pardner for that to work....all that jocking eh go help...yuh arms must be real toned doh!

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Re: Ok.....some self disclosure
« Reply #55 on: February 05, 2009, 07:04:27 AM »

Pecan that is true, I use dat as a weight loss supplement...you on de odder hand cyar loss weight so...yuh see fella yuh need a pardner for that to work....all that jocking eh go help...yuh arms must be real toned doh!

oh ho. Thanks for de tip.  But yuh should see my wrists - de strong no arse
Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.


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Re: Ok.....some self disclosure
« Reply #56 on: February 05, 2009, 07:07:56 AM »

Pecan that is true, I use dat as a weight loss supplement...you on de odder hand cyar loss weight so...yuh see fella yuh need a pardner for that to work....all that jocking eh go help...yuh arms must be real toned doh!

oh ho. Thanks for de tip.  But yuh should see my wrists - de strong no arse

guy relax, doh get tizic...I eh knocking yuh masturbatory habits at all...jocking is sex with someone yuh love....yuh must have tremendous self esteem...even for a Canuck!

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Re: Ok.....some self disclosure
« Reply #57 on: February 05, 2009, 07:52:51 AM »
mamey cepote
re: I have been walking 4-8 miles a day on average at around 4-6.5 minutes a mile.  and keeping my calorie intake to about 2000 a day, by eating 4 meals of 500 calories.

I reading correct there? is 4-6 minutes you making ah mile? you sure you eh running?

Offline Dutty

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Re: Ok.....some self disclosure
« Reply #58 on: February 05, 2009, 08:03:12 AM »
aah boy TT yuh could finally look down and see yuh taliban and yuh toes eh?

Good for you breds, congrats on your determination....at the rate you goin pretty soon you will be able to enter some bikini contests an ting
Little known fact: The online transportation medium called Uber was pioneered in Trinidad & Tobago in the 1960's. It was originally called pullin bull.


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Re: Ok.....some self disclosure
« Reply #59 on: February 05, 2009, 08:25:49 AM »
mamey cepote
re: I have been walking 4-8 miles a day on average at around 4-6.5 minutes a mile.  and keeping my calorie intake to about 2000 a day, by eating 4 meals of 500 calories.

I reading correct there? is 4-6 minutes you making ah mile? you sure you eh running?

yes breds is walk ah walking...it not dat hard once yuh get fitter and accustomed to the walking


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