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Author Topic: A great article by ....PAT BUCHANAN ?!  (Read 1589 times)

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A great article by ....PAT BUCHANAN ?!
« on: March 08, 2010, 08:44:04 AM »
Very rare for me to find almost whole hearted agreement with a Pat Buchanan article. But at  time when the "deficit" is a chew toy for the political dogs of war (on both sides) you really wish that people could have an honest debate about what the budget is spent on. You also regret that in the grief and anger of 911 has been used to ramp up military activity at a time when it is probably less needed than ever before.

Liquidating the Empire

Pat Buchanan

A decade ago, Oldsmobile went. Last year, Pontiac. Saturn, Saab and Hummer were discontinued. A thousand GM dealerships shut down.

To those who grew up in a "GM family," where buying a Chrysler was like converting to Islam, what happened to GM was deeply saddening.

Yet the amputations had to be done — or GM would die.

And the same may be about to happen to the American Imperium.

Its birth can be traced to World War II, when America put 16 million men in uniform and sent millions across the seas to crush Nazi Germany and Japan. After V-E and V-J Day, the boys came home.

But with the Stalinization of half of Europe, the fall of China, and war in Korea came NATO and alliances with Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, the Philippines, Thailand, Pakistan and Australia that lasted through the Cold War.

In 1989, however, the Cold War ended dramatically with the fall of the Berlin Wall, the retirement of the Red Army from Europe, the break-up of the Soviet Union and Beijing's abandonment of world communist revolution.

Overnight, our world changed. But America did not change.

As Russia shed her alliances and China set out to capture America's markets, Uncle Sam soldiered on.

We clung to the old alliances and began to add new allies. NATO war guarantees were distributed like credit cards to member states of the old Warsaw Pact and former republics of the Soviet Union.

We invaded Panama and Haiti, smashed Iraq, liberated Kuwait, intervened in Somalia and Bosnia, bombed Serbia, and invaded Iraq again — and Afghanistan. Now we prepare for a new war — on Iran.

Author Lawrence Vance has inventoried America's warfare state.

We spend more on defense than the next 10 nations combined.

Our Navy exceeds in firepower the next 13 navies combined. We have 100,000 troops in Iraq, 100,000 in Afghanistan or headed there, 28,000 in Korea, over 35,000 in Japan and 50,000 in Germany. By the Department of Defense's "Base Structure Report," there are 716 U.S. bases in 38 countries.

Chalmers Johnson, who has written books on this subject, claims DOD is minimizing the empire. He discovered some 1,000 U.S. facilities, many of them secret and sensitive. And according to DOD's "Active Duty Military Personnel Strengths by Regional Area and by Country," U.S. troops are now stationed in 148 countries and 11 territories.

Estimated combined budgets for the Pentagon, two wars, foreign aid to allies, 16 intelligence agencies, scores of thousands of contractors in Iraq and Afghanistan, and our new castle-embassies: $1 trillion a year.

While this worldwide archipelago of bases may have been necessary when we confronted a Sino-Soviet bloc spanning Eurasia from the Elbe to East China Sea, armed with thousands of nuclear weapons and driven by imperial ambition and ideological hatred of us, that is history now.

It is preposterous to argue that all these bases are essential to our security. Indeed, our military presence, our endless wars and our support of despotic regimes have made America, once the most admired of nations, almost everywhere resented and even hated.

Liquidation of this empire should have begun with the end of the Cold War. Now it is being forced upon us by the deficit-debt crisis. Like GM, we can't kick this can up the road any more, because we have come to the end of the road.

Republicans will fight new taxes. Democrats will fight to save social programs. Which leaves the American empire as the logical lead cow for the butcher's knife.

Indeed, how do conservatives justify borrowing hundreds of billions yearly from Europe, Japan and the Gulf states — to defend Europe, Japan and the Arab Gulf states? Is it not absurd to borrow hundreds of billion annually from China — to defend Asia from China? Is it not a symptom of senility to borrow from all over the world in order to defend that world?

In their Mount Vernon declaration of principles, conservatives called the Constitution their guiding star. But did not the author of that constitution, James Madison, warn us that wars are the death of republics?

Under Bush II, conservatives, spurning the wisdom of their fathers, let themselves be seduced, neo-conned into enlisting in a Wilsonian crusade that had as its declared utopian goal "ending tyranny in our world."

How could conservatives whose defining virtue is prudence and who pride themselves on following the lamp of experience have been taken into camp by the hustlers and hucksters of empire?

Yet, now that Barack Obama has embraced neo-socialism, Republicans are about to be given a second chance. And just as Rahm Emanuel said liberal Democrats should not let a financial crisis go to waste, but exploit it to ram through their agenda, the right should use the opportunity of the fiscal crisis to take an axe to the warfare state.

Ron Paul's victory at CPAC may be a sign the prodigal sons of the right are casting off the heresy of neoconservatism and coming home to first principles.



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Re: A great article by ....PAT BUCHANAN ?!
« Reply #1 on: March 08, 2010, 11:33:29 AM »
thanks, interesting read, I am not sure Obama is neo socialist though.  I find him to be conservative..lol

Offline Brownsugar

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Re: A great article by ....PAT BUCHANAN ?!
« Reply #2 on: March 08, 2010, 02:03:26 PM »
Pat Buchanan write this??!!.....nah ah doh believe it cuz....its.....its....rational and make sense!!.. :o :o
"...If yuh clothes tear up
Or yuh shoes burst off,
You could still jump up when music play.
Old lady, young baby, everybody could dingolay...
Dingolay, ay, ay, ay ay,
Dingolay ay, ay, ay..."

RIP Shadow....The legend will live on in music...

Offline Blue

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Re: A great article by ....PAT BUCHANAN ?!
« Reply #3 on: March 08, 2010, 02:30:20 PM »
Indeed, how do conservatives justify borrowing hundreds of billions yearly from Europe, Japan and the Gulf states — to defend Europe, Japan and the Arab Gulf states? Is it not absurd to borrow hundreds of billion annually from China — to defend Asia from China? Is it not a symptom of senility to borrow from all over the world in order to defend that world?

At the end of the day, the country with the biggest guns always has and always will win. That country is currently America. They will continue to win economically until someone else has bigger guns. In spite of how much those guns cost, the incremental benefit of having them is still greater than not having them. If, for example, Iran had the biggest guns, would American companies with interests in the Middle East (or indeed any American industry that relied on oil) look like a favourable investment prospect?

Is it really defending the world, or keeping the world in check?
« Last Edit: March 08, 2010, 02:34:07 PM by Ryan »

Offline just cool

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Re: A great article by ....PAT BUCHANAN ?!
« Reply #4 on: March 08, 2010, 06:54:05 PM »
Pat Buchanan write this??!!.....nah ah doh believe it cuz....its.....its....rational and make sense!!.. :o :o
Ah guess you just got introduced to pat buchanan. he has always been one of the more moderate republicans.
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Offline Deeks

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Re: A great article by ....PAT BUCHANAN ?!
« Reply #5 on: March 08, 2010, 07:08:56 PM »
       Buchanan moderate?  Lets's say he kinder mellow now. maybe he getting old???


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Re: A great article by ....PAT BUCHANAN ?!
« Reply #6 on: March 08, 2010, 10:16:54 PM »
Pat Buchanan write this??!!.....nah ah doh believe it cuz....its.....its....rational and make sense!!.. :o :o
Ah guess you just got introduced to pat buchanan. he has always been one of the more moderate republicans.

Wheel and come again!  The man who was adviser to Reagan, Nixon and Ford?  The man who defended Reagan when he visited the graves of German SS soldiers and stated that the President should not be seen as bowing to Jewish power (not exact quote)?

The man who ran for president on an anti immigration, social conservatism, anti-multiculturalism, abortion, and gay rights?

The man who said I am a Contra too?

He is moderate?

Lord have mercy yes.  This is de man who wanted to abolish abolishing de IRS, Department of Education, Department of Energy, Department of Housing and Urban Development, taxes on inheritance and capital gains, and affirmative action programs.  lol

Maybe is cuz he choose a black man as he running mate? De so called activist and retired teacher from Los Angeles, Mr. Ezola B. Foster.

Or maybe because he leave de republican party?

Offline just cool

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Re: A great article by ....PAT BUCHANAN ?!
« Reply #7 on: March 09, 2010, 04:04:35 AM »
Pat Buchanan write this??!!.....nah ah doh believe it cuz....its.....its....rational and make sense!!.. :o :o
Ah guess you just got introduced to pat buchanan. he has always been one of the more moderate republicans.

Wheel and come again!  The man who was adviser to Reagan, Nixon and Ford?  The man who defended Reagan when he visited the graves of German SS soldiers and stated that the President should not be seen as bowing to Jewish power (not exact quote)?

The man who ran for president on an anti immigration, social conservatism, anti-multiculturalism, abortion, and gay rights?

The man who said I am a Contra too?

He is moderate?

Lord have mercy yes.  This is de man who wanted to abolish abolishing de IRS, Department of Education, Department of Energy, Department of Housing and Urban Development, taxes on inheritance and capital gains, and affirmative action programs.  lol

Maybe is cuz he choose a black man as he running mate? De so called activist and retired teacher from Los Angeles, Mr. Ezola B. Foster.

Or maybe because he leave de republican party?
Bredder slow yuh role, BC yuh preaching to the chior. pat buchanan, rush limbuach , bob dole, orin hatch and trent lot were all lose lips racist conservatives, but buchanan has since changed and became less of a conservative and more moderate in his views, and he's been like this for yrs now.

go back and see for yuhself.
The pen is mightier than the sword, Africa for Africans home and abroad.Trinidad is not my home just a pit stop, Africa is my destination,final destination the MOST HIGH.

Offline ribbit

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Re: A great article by ....PAT BUCHANAN ?!
« Reply #8 on: March 11, 2010, 08:35:18 AM »
Pat Buchanan write this??!!.....nah ah doh believe it cuz....its.....its....rational and make sense!!.. :o :o

brownsugar - maybe yuh thinking of pat robertson ???

buchanan is an america-first non-interventionist conservative. what wrong with him saying US politicians should put americans before israelis? apparently that is criminal. there nothing extreme about this position - he acknowledges the undue influence the israeli lobby has over american politicians.

and chalmers johnson have some excellent reports on us military assets overseas. e.g. camp bondsteel in kosovo which is the kind of projects these big companies associated with iraq work on. kbr, halliburton, etc.. 

« Last Edit: March 11, 2010, 08:38:56 AM by ribbit »


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