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Buja trial damning recordings played during trial
« on: September 22, 2010, 04:00:48 PM »
uesday, September 21, 2010

TAMPA, Florida — The prosecution called its main witness to the stand this morning as the second day of the trial involving Reggae superstar Buju Banton got underway in this city.
Alexander Johnson, the Colombian informant who is assisting in trying to secure a conviction against the artiste, testified that he met Banton on a flight from Madrid, Spain to Miami Florida. The flight lasted eight hours, Johnson said, and a conversation about drug dealing came up within an hour.

Buju Banton... damning recordings played during trial today

The prosecution then played recordings where Banton, whose real name is Mark Myrie, was heard telling Johnson, "I am about making money, straight up" and "I have 15 children to send to school".
Myrie was also heard asking Johnson if he had any contacts to acquire cocaine as he was willing to finance a deal. He also told Johnson that he did not have contacts in Venezuela and Panama but that he was involved in smuggling diamonds from Africa to Europe.
He was also heard telling Johnson that "It would be good to have our own contacts. I would like to start small with five keys as I don't want to take any risks".
The artiste also warned the informant that he should stay away from a man known as Lloyd Evans as "There are a lot of snitches in the game".
Myrie, dressed in a grey sports coat, shook his head while the recordings were being played. One of his female supporters covered her ears when the recordings were being played, while some chuckled in disbelief. Others seemed captivated by the recordings.
Yesterday Myrie's attorney David Markus told the court that his client was guilty of talking a lot and had made a crucial mistake of sampling contraband. He also painted Johnson as a well paid government informant who entrapped people to get involved in drug dealing.
Drug Enforcement Agent Daniel McCeaffrey also testified yesterday that despite investigating the artiste for a year, he had uncovered no evidence to suggest that Myrie was involved in any drug deal or had benefitted from any drug deal.
The court is now in recess and Johnson is set to resume his testimony at 1:30 Tampa time in courthouse 13A in the Gibbons US Court in downtown Tampa.
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Re: Buja trial damning recordings played during trial
« Reply #1 on: September 22, 2010, 04:02:17 PM »
Day 2 continued

BY PAUL HENRY Observer staff reporter henryp@jamaicaobserver.com

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

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Alexander Johnson, discussing drug deals and even diamond smuggling from Africa to Europe.

Banton's fans, who had turned out in their numbers for the trial that started on Monday, were also stung by the recordings which were made between July and December 10, 2009 when Banton and two other men were arrested in Florida and slapped with cocaine-related charges.

BANTON... could not stop shaking his head
[Hide Description] BANTON... could not stop shaking his head
[Restore Description]

The fans appeared deflated, coming off a high on Monday when the chief investigator in the matter said he had no evidence that Banton was a cocaine trafficker.

Yesterday, as the tapes were being played, one woman could be seen clutching her head and covering her ears. Others sat attentively, captivated by the conversations between the four-time Grammy nominee and Johnson, a convicted drug trafficker who has been working with the US Government since 1996 to sink other narco dealers.

Also played for the court was the video recording of December 8, 2009 in which Banton was seen tasting cocaine from a knife given to him by his long-time friend Ian Thomas after he used it to cut open a package containing five kilogrammes of cocaine during an undercover operation by the Sarasota Police Department at a warehouse.

Thomas was heard on the video saying that the cocaine was fish scale. Johnson later told the court that the term meant that the drug was of a high quality.

The mood, however, changed somewhat in the late afternoon when Banton's lawyer started his examination of Johnson, who agreed that the singer did not finance the drug deal for which he, along with Thomas and James Mack from Georgia was arrested and charged with conspiracy to distribute five kilogrammes of cocaine.

Thomas and Mack have since pleaded guilty and have agreed to give evidence against the singer. The prosecution had on Monday indicated to the court that it would not call Thomas as a witness.

If found guilty, Banton could be sentenced to life imprisonment or slapped with millions of US dollars in fines.

Before the recordings were played yesterday, Johnson testified that he met Banton on a flight from Madrid, Spain, to Miami, Florida in July 2009. The flight lasted eight hours, Johnson said, and a conversation about drug dealing came up within an hour.

He said it was the singer who raised the issue. Johnson, who avoided looking at Banton during his evidence-in-chief, said immediately after landing he informed the police about his conversation with Banton which jump-started the investigation that included the recordings.

Johnson told the court that he met with Banton the following day, July 27, to further discuss the drug-trafficking venture, which he said the artiste was interested in starting.

The prosecution then played the expletive-laced recordings, which were made between July and December and in which the 37-year-old Banton was heard telling Johnson, "I am about making money, straight up".

Banton was also heard asking Johnson if he had any contacts to acquire cocaine as he was willing to finance a deal. He also told Johnson that he did not have contacts in Venezuela and Panama, but that he was involved in smuggling diamonds from Africa to Europe.

He was also heard telling Johnson that: "It would be good to have our own contacts," and that he would like to start small, as "I don't want to take any risks".

The artiste also warned the informant that he should stay away from a man known as Lloyd Evans as he was a snitch.

"There are a lot of snitches in the game," Banton warned Johnson at one point, saying that it was hard for him to find anyone to trust.

Banton, dressed in a grey sports coat, shook his head while the recordings were being played and at some points appeared tense.

As the recordings kept rolling, some people in the courtroom chuckled in disbelief. Others seemed captivated.

In one conversation Banton was heard cursing and complaining to Johnson that the gay community, particularly the gay rights group GLAD (Gays and Lesbians Advocates and Defenders), was trying to ruin his career.

Banton had been at odds with the gay community since the 1990s following the release of his anti-gay monster hit Boom

Bye Bye.

He was also heard complaining of being stressed out and said that he had 15 kids whose school fees needed to be paid.

With the case appearing to swing in favour of the prosecution, supporters who had earlier that morning held hands and prayed inside the 13A courtroom for an acquittal -- as has been their routine since the trial started -- expressed hope that the pendulum would again swing in their favour as it approached time for Johnson to be placed under the spotlight of cross-examination from lead defence attorney Markus.

Markus stood, took to the podium with his papers. Banton's supporters held their breath. He politely greeted the 14 jurors -- two of whom are African-Americans, the others white -- then Johnson, and proceeded to whip out a card on which he had key parts of Johnson's evidence typed. On one side of the card, displayed for jurors to see, were a set of check boxes in which he ticked when Johnson answered a question posed.

"Mr Myrie did not invest any money in any drug deal?"

Markus asked.

"With me? No," the reply came.

Johnson, a Colombian who had served three years for drug-trafficking and was spared deportation in order to work with the US Government as an informant, said the artiste never sold or bought drugs and had never wired any money to him to invest in the illicit trade.

Johnson also admitted that Banton had never purchased any cocaine in Panama or Colombia and that their dealings never went beyond talk.

He, however, said that Banton had changed his mind from the initial talks of wanting to traffic drugs to making quick cash. Johnson said that was how the eight kilogrammes of cocaine came into play.

The informant did not readily answer when Markus asked if Myrie had stopped taking his calls following the warehouse meeting of December 8.

"Didn't Ian Thomas tell you, 'He [Myrie] does not want to do anything man? Talk to me. That's not him. He is about music, he eats and sleeps the music'?" Markus asked, to which Johnson replied 'yes'.

Markus is contending that his client had got cold feet and backed out of any previous talks to finance any drug venture and had stopped taking Johnson's calls, and that Thomas took over the deal.

But Johnson stuck to his guns, saying that it was Banton and Thomas who approved the deal, even though the US$130,000 may have come from two men in Georgia called Ike and Tyke.

Johnson also told the court that he had no knowledge that Myrie had financed the deal in the police-controlled warehouse that led to Thomas and Mack's arrest while attempting to purchase cocaine from US Drug Enforcement Agency agents.

Markus is expected to continue cross-examining Johnson when the trial resumes this morning.
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Re: Buja trial damning recordings played during trial
« Reply #2 on: September 22, 2010, 04:54:07 PM »
I don't believe that Buju is involved as deeply as they say he is... but at the same time I have little sympathy for him, to be honest.

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Re: Buja trial damning recordings played during trial
« Reply #3 on: September 22, 2010, 05:50:25 PM »
dem recordings soundin a lil far fetch. did they do a voice verification to determine if its buju?

buju is muh artiste. ah still hopin for d best
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Re: Buja trial damning recordings played during trial
« Reply #4 on: September 22, 2010, 06:00:47 PM »
dem recordings soundin a lil far fetch. did they do a voice verification to determine if its buju?

buju is muh artiste. ah still hopin for d best

Lol... yeah well keep hoping against hope.  Yuh notice the attorney not arguing that it's NOT him?  Like yuh fuhget Buju have a very distinctive voice or what?  Besides, they doh have to do a voice verification... it's up to the jury to believe the person they hearing is actually him... again, not at the defense challenging that it's him.

...then yuh still have the videotape of him tasting the coke.

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Re: Buja trial damning recordings played during trial
« Reply #5 on: September 22, 2010, 07:26:57 PM »
Buju was coerced into that arrangement. They plant that fella on the plane to feel him out and peek his interest. I would not doubt that they used some kind of gimmick to get him to the warehouse, where upon arriving he just get caught up in what going on.
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Re: Buja trial damning recordings played during trial
« Reply #6 on: September 22, 2010, 08:20:53 PM »
Buju was coerced into that arrangement. They plant that fella on the plane to feel him out and peek his interest. I would not doubt that they used some kind of gimmick to get him to the warehouse, where upon arriving he just get caught up in what going on.

Is "coerce" yuh say enuh?

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Re: Buja trial damning recordings played during trial
« Reply #7 on: September 22, 2010, 08:57:42 PM »
Buju was coerced into that arrangement. They plant that fella on the plane to feel him out and peek his interest. I would not doubt that they used some kind of gimmick to get him to the warehouse, where upon arriving he just get caught up in what going on.

I find it strange that you meet a man on a flight and drugs talk come up within an hour. But Buju is a "Dyam hediot" to get mix up in dat scene.

And the jury done stacked against him as well...............
We fire de old set ah managers we had wukkin..and iz ah new group we went and we bring in. And if the goods we require de new managers not supplying, when election time come back round iz new ones we bringin. For iz one ting about my people I can guarantee..They will never ever vote party b4 country

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Re: Buja trial damning recordings played during trial
« Reply #8 on: September 23, 2010, 07:55:00 AM »
I dunno anything about coke prices but $130K seems like small money for a man like Buju unless he really seeing hard times. I guess this was just a feeling out
Nothing pisses me off more than racism, and ppl who you know that act like they don't know you.

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Re: Buja trial damning recordings played during trial
« Reply #9 on: September 23, 2010, 08:11:50 AM »
Buju was coerced into that arrangement. They plant that fella on the plane to feel him out and peek his interest. I would not doubt that they used some kind of gimmick to get him to the warehouse, where upon arriving he just get caught up in what going on.

Is "coerce" yuh say enuh?

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Re: Buja trial damning recordings played during trial
« Reply #10 on: September 23, 2010, 08:13:20 AM »
Buju was coerced into that arrangement. They plant that fella on the plane to feel him out and peek his interest. I would not doubt that they used some kind of gimmick to get him to the warehouse, where upon arriving he just get caught up in what going on.

I find it strange that you meet a man on a flight and drugs talk come up within an hour. But Buju is a "Dyam hediot" to get mix up in dat scene.

And the jury done stacked against him as well...............

Remember they say is ah whole year they investigating Buju and they can't find any evidence so they decide to speed things up by presenting "incentive".
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Offline Trini _2026

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Re: Buja trial damning recordings played during trial
« Reply #11 on: September 23, 2010, 08:26:44 AM »
Buju: I'm no drug dealer

Entertaine tells court he was 'talking straight up garbage'

Thursday, September 23, 2010

TAMPA, USA — A contrite and apologetic Buju Banton yesterday took the witness stand in his cocaine trial, denying that he was a trafficker or a financier of any illicit drug activities.

But the soft-spoken Jamaican Grammy nominee Reggae artiste admitted two things: that he was naïve, and that he was only "talking crap" when he was recorded telling Government informant Alexander Johnson that he was a drug financier, who was in search of new drug ventures.

BANTON... says if he were a drug dealer he would have taken the plea deal offered to him
MARKUS... the truth is on Banton's side
[Hide Description] MARKUS... the truth is on Banton's side
[Restore Description]

"Like my mom always say, 'Mark, you talk a lot,' and that is the consequence of it," said the 37-year-old entertainer, whose given name is Mark Myrie, during cross-examination from prosecutor Jim Preston.

Banton said he was ashamed of himself for the things he had said, but told the attentive jurors that "talking crap" did not make him a dealer.

Banton had been eagerly awaiting this moment for the past several months following his arrest last December at his home in Florida. He was charged with conspiracy to distribute five kilogrammes of cocaine. If convicted, he could be sent to prison for life and fined several million dollars.

Decked in a grey sports jacket with a light blue under shirt and dark pants, a serious-looking Banton took to the stand while the jurors were on a short break.

He chatted with his attorney, David Oscar Markus and cased the room in the Gibbons US Court to look at his supporters, who were all anxiously waiting to hear the entertainer speak in his own defence after Markus announced that Banton would be taking the witness box because the "truth was on his side".

The five-minute break before the jurors returned seemed like an eternity to anxious supporters, who milled about nervously. But alas, the 14 jurors — two African-Americans, the others whites — returned at 2:45 pm, taking their seats in front of the entertainer.

"Are you guilty of being a cocaine trafficker?" Markus wasted no time in asking.

"No, Sir, I'm not," Banton promptly responded as he went on to deny the charges against him.

"How do you feel?" Markus asked.

"I'm scared," Banton said, managing an awkward smile. "I'm nervous. I've been waiting 10 months."

He was, however, prevented from completing the statement due to an objection from lead prosecutor Jim Preston, which was sustained by Judge Jim Moody.

At Markus' prompting Banton proceeded to recall how he met Johnson on a flight from Madrid, Spain following a tour of the European continent in July 2009 and how he got to like Johnson's company.

He said he and Johnson spoke on a number of topics during the eight-hour flight to Florida, USA and that Johnson was the one who raised the issue of drugs after both men had had a few glasses of wine which Johnson ordered.

He said both men spoke about the entertainment business and Johnson told him that he had contacts within the industry.

Banton testified that before the argument of drugs came up, Johnson had told him that he had a seafood business but that he did "a little thing on the side", which the entertainer took to mean that the "side" enterprise may have been illegal. Banton said his suspicion was further heightened when Johnson pulled a wad of cash from his pocket and showed it to him.

Nonetheless, Banton said he was having a good time talking with Johnson and that he found him quite affable.

"He was a funny guy," said the entertainer with a smile.

Banton said that Johnson asked if Jamaicans transported weed with go-fast boats, and confided that he (Johnson) used to ship ganja but switched to cocaine.

The singer said the two never spoke much about the subject as Johnson kept looking over his shoulders.

Banton testified that he gave his number to Johnson, who gave his name as Junior, and that he received a call from him the following day, saying that he wanted to meet the next day, which they did at a restaurant.

"We were having a good time," Banton said of the meeting at the restaurant in Florida on July 27.

He said he had no idea that Johnson had invited him to the restaurant to talk about drugs, and that he had left the restaurant and was meeting outside with his realtor when Johnson approached him and asked if he had talked to his friend about the cocaine venture.

Asked by his attorney about his drug discussions with Johnson, Banton said that he was just yapping to impress Johnson and that he was not a drug dealer and was not interested in making any drug deal.

"I was talking garbage. I was just talking straight up garbage! He was trying out-talk me," Banton said, a line he would maintain throughout his close to two hours in the witness box. "I was trying to impress him."

As he looked directly at the jurors, and spoke in an animated way, Banton again denied ever doing any drug deal in his life, contrary to what the prosecution is contending, based on the entertainer's recorded conversations with Johnson.

"I'm just a humble musician. I was just talking above my head. I was trying to impress this guy and that's what got me into this hot seat," the entertainer said in a contrite tone.

Regarding the December 8 meeting between himself, Johnson, and Ian Thomas, where the artiste was videotaped tasting cocaine during a covert operation by the Sarosata police department, Banton said he had no idea that he was going to a warehouse to see drugs, but instead he thought he was going to inspect a sailboat.

"Do you like boats? questioned Markus.

"Yes, Sir I do," Banton replied, adding that had he known that drugs were involved he would not have left his house to meet with Johnson.

It was at that meeting that Banton introduced Johnson to Thomas, who is the godfather of two of the artiste's children.

Banton said he continued meeting with Johnson even though the Colombian was always talking about drugs, because he liked him and thought he could connect him with people in Los Angeles who could sign him to a record deal in light of the fact that his contract with Tommy Boy Records had expired that year.

Reality, the artiste said, struck on that fateful December 8 day when he went to the warehouse and the five kilograms of cocaine was presented.

He said after that meeting he wanted nothing more to do with Johnson, whom he said was "attacking" Thomas about making cocaine deals the moment they were introduced.

"I never sold cocaine, I never bought cocaine, I never shot cocaine," Banton said before his grilling by Preston began.

Earlier, during the morning session, while Johnson was being cross-examined, Markus had attempted to paint the convicted drug dealer as a man who was steeped in debt, including taxes, and who was motivated by the money he stood to make from Banton's arrest.

In light of this, Markus attempted to establish that Johnson vigorously pursued Banton, constantly calling the artiste to make drug deals.

It is already public knowledge that Johnson had made US$50,000 working undercover on the case.

Johnson had been working undercover for the us Government since 1996, following his conviction on drug-trafficking charges. He has, over a three-year period, made US$3 million as a Government informant.

Johnson said yesterday that his work with the Government was his only source of income. He is paid by the number of arrests he is able to secure.

Johnson is said to owe over $100,000 in taxes, is behind on his mortgage payments and is deep in credit card debt. He has filed for bankruptcy.

Banton had waited since last December to speak in his own defence, but Preston made sure it was not a cakewalk.

Straight off the bat, the grey-haired Caucasian prosecutor pounced, reminding Banton of his boasting on the recordings that he is a big-time cocaine financier, who was looking to expand his illicit drug empire.

"That was me on the tape, but I walked away," Banton said while gesturing with his hands.

Asked by Preston how — if he were not a cocaine dealer — did he know the price of cocaine in different parts of the world, Banton said that "you hear a lot" being in the entertainment business.

"I talked a lot of crap, Sir," the artiste said during one of his exchanges with Preston. "I just talk a lot. I did not do anything."

Asked by Preston if he was "talking crap" when he spoke of cocaine buyers in Europe, Banton said he was "plain out lying".

Asked his motives for "lying", Banton said he thought Johnson could get him a record deal.

"I regret speaking like that. It has caused me tremendous pain and my family. If I were a drug dealer I would have taken the plea deal you offered me," Banton said as he tried to remain calm under cross-examination.

He later said he was ashamed of himself for the things that he had said, and that he had worked too hard over the past 20 years to establish himself to throw it all away over such little money.

Preston suggested that Banton had been facing financial problems at the time, which the artiste denied.

The Reggae singer said also that he spoke to Johnson about legitimate business ventures, but that Johnson only wanted to talk about drugs.

He said he did not put Johnson in touch with Thomas for them to close any cocaine deal.

Thomas was arrested on December 10 along with a James Mack. Both men were jointly charged with Banton, but pleaded guilty on a lesser charge. They will be sentenced in November. Thomas is expected to testify for the defence today.

Mack had yesterday refused to testify for the defence out of fear that he may hurt his chances of receiving a favourable sentence.

Also yesterday, Reggae artiste Stephen Marley, the son of late Reggae icon Bob Marley testified on Banton's behalf. He said he had been friends with Banton for more 19 years and did not know him to be a drug dealer.
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Re: Buja trial damning recordings played during trial
« Reply #12 on: September 23, 2010, 09:41:39 AM »
This case is a load of  :bs:

It is pure coincidence that these 2 people end up on the same flight next to each other.
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Re: Buja trial damning recordings played during trial
« Reply #13 on: September 23, 2010, 11:30:09 AM »
This case is a load of  :bs:

It is pure coincidence that these 2 people end up on the same flight next to each other.

It was not coincidence it was a set up. De man is a informant. They working on a case and set him up to be in de seat next tuh BB.
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Re: Buja trial damning recordings played during trial
« Reply #14 on: September 23, 2010, 11:34:38 AM »
This case is a load of  :bs:

It is pure coincidence that these 2 people end up on the same flight next to each other.

It was not coincidence it was a set up. De man is a informant. They working on a case and set him up to be in de seat next tuh BB.

De only reason to sit him next to Buju is if dey had some kinda reason to believe dat Buju was dealing and dey wanted tuh ketch him. But den de DEA say dat after ah year dey eh find nutten. I find de whole scene confusing. So far de only ting established to me is dat he talk all kinda ting wit de man and he taste de cocaine. Anyway, it have more days to go, maybe dey go reveal more tings.

Ah must say dat he sound like some lil child, talking bout how he was trying to impress de man by saying dat he does traffic drugs. You eh even know dis man, and daiz de kinda talk dat yuh go get into. Dat sound kinda fishy and dotish.
« Last Edit: September 23, 2010, 11:37:25 AM by Tallman »
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Re: Buja trial damning recordings played during trial
« Reply #15 on: September 23, 2010, 12:19:22 PM »
This case is a load of  :bs:

It is pure coincidence that these 2 people end up on the same flight next to each other.

It was not coincidence it was a set up. De man is a informant. They working on a case and set him up to be in de seat next tuh BB.

De only reason to sit him next to Buju is if dey had some kinda reason to believe dat Buju was dealing and dey wanted tuh ketch him. But den de DEA say dat after ah year dey eh find nutten. I find de whole scene confusing. So far de only ting established to me is dat he talk all kinda ting wit de man and he taste de cocaine. Anyway, it have more days to go, maybe dey go reveal more tings.

Ah must say dat he sound like some lil child, talking bout how he was trying to impress de man by saying dat he does traffic drugs. You eh even know dis man, and daiz de kinda talk dat yuh go get into. Dat sound kinda fishy and dotish.
GLAD plant this dude next to Buju.

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Re: Buja trial damning recordings played during trial
« Reply #16 on: September 23, 2010, 12:23:16 PM »
yow star Mi enjoy reading it..keep bringing it on.. BUJU should hav tek di plea bargain and done wid it. I hope and pray dem set him free.
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Re: Buja trial damning recordings played during trial
« Reply #17 on: September 23, 2010, 12:45:12 PM »
Just Heard his case has gone to the Jury. Hope di see the Truth. free up di general


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Re: Buja trial damning recordings played during trial
« Reply #18 on: September 23, 2010, 01:20:05 PM »
Ah must say dat he sound like some lil child, talking bout how he was trying to impress de man by saying dat he does traffic drugs. You eh even know dis man, and daiz de kinda talk dat yuh go get into. Dat sound kinda fishy and dotish.

Ent?!!?  ah regular man eh go try and impress somebody he jus meet....unless he self esteem real real low
Ah big international recording star feel the need to large up heself?
*steups* dais ah dotish defence....like war say he shoulda take de plea
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Re: Buja trial damning recordings played during trial
« Reply #19 on: September 23, 2010, 03:36:21 PM »

Buju jury reconvening deliberations tomorrow

Supporters call for prayers

BY PAUL HENRY Observer reporter henryp@jamaicaobserver.com

Thursday, September 23, 2010

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BANTON...awaiting verdict.

TAMPA, Florida — The 13-member panel of jurors were still undecided on the fate of Reggae singer Buju Banton after more than four hours of deliberation this afternoon.

They will reconvene tomorrow morning at 9:30.

Banton has been languishing in the Pinellas County jail since December 10 last year when Federal agents removed him  from his home in Tamarac, Florida.

The artiste's supporters at the Gibbons US Court today asked that his fans worldwide send up prayers on his behalf and asked that they read Psalms 23 and 27.

Head of Magic Productions Hopie Miller, said the artiste needed all the emotional and moral support he could get.

"He needs our prayers," Miller told the Observer.
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Re: Buja trial damning recordings played during trial
« Reply #20 on: September 23, 2010, 04:19:18 PM »


So... who "force" him to start talking drug deal with de Colombian on de plane?  Who "force" him to go to the warehouse?  Who "force" him to taste de coke... as he's allegedly seen to do on the plane?  Dey was threatening one ah he 15 chirren?  How come you know more than he lawyer... how come he lawyer ent saying nutten about coercion?

This case is a load of  :bs:

It is pure coincidence that these 2 people end up on the same flight next to each other.

Everybody who saying he get set up and what not dai'z nonsense talk.  The fact of the matter is that police use undercover informants to help others engage in criminal behavior all the time.  A "set up" is when yuh framing ah man fuh something he ent do.  Buju implicate himself in this whole thing with his mouth and by his behavior.  We cyah let the fact that we like him cloud we objectivity because it only making we sound foolish.

Of course they monitor Buju movements and know exactly which seat he was booked in.  Of course they plant that fella next to him.  But they wouldn't go thru all that unless they had reason to believe it would bear fruit.  Dem prosecutors eh have time to waste to just target Buju because he doh like homosexuality... or because he's rasta... or because he jamaican.

That said, he eh facing no life or nothing... he looking at a conspiracy sentence at most because he never actively engaged in trafficking.  Is not like they ketch him selling drugs... and they didn't see him actually exchanging money for drugs.

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Re: Buja trial damning recordings played during trial
« Reply #21 on: September 23, 2010, 07:23:26 PM »
If Buju was a regular joe he woulda get convicted long time.

For a big man he is a IMPS...

He well wanted to hustle some money and try to pull out and get ketch.

Set up or no set up, glad or no glad....yuh doh get investigated for that length of time if yuh ent in some kinda shady dealing.

Plus watch the partner Ian Thomas....he know what time time it is. Why yuh feel he take the guilty plea and giving info.

Buju just was acting ent, wanted to look big and chat to impress a man you meet on a flight, give him yuh phone number,,,and talking bout who is snitch... and sampling coke...steupps

He is a imps...go and sing more tune. Yuh was not supposed to be dey, yuh not supposed to engage in dat kinda conversation and yuh ent supposed to go no meeting the next day.

He Guilty.

« Last Edit: September 23, 2010, 07:25:30 PM by Touches »

A for apple, B for Bat, C for yuhself!

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Re: Buja trial damning recordings played during trial
« Reply #22 on: September 24, 2010, 12:30:35 AM »
Taken frm the Observer

A 13-member panel of jurors is now deliberating whether to find Reggae artiste Buju Banton, whose real name is Mark Myrie, guilty or innocent of conspiracy with intent to distribute five kilogrammes of cocaine.

A female African-American juror fell ill and will not take part in this afternoon's deliberation

The jury retired at 12:40 pm.

Myrie's attorney David Oscar Markus in his final argument, told the jurors that his client was innocent and asked them to return a not guilty verdict.

"Ladies and gentlemen, he is not guilty. Mr Myrie is not a drug dealer. Please, Please find him not guilty. Not because he was at the warehouse when the drugs were being inspected means he is guilty of the conspiracy charge against him," Markus said.

Markus argued that the government could not prove its case against Myrie and pointed to the Drug Enforcement Agency's Daniel McCeaffrey's testimony that despite investigating the artiste for a year he could find no evidence against him. Markus also painted US government informant Alexander Johnson as a 'master manipulator and con man'.

"To him this was a pay day. This guy was looking for his jackpot. This is how he makes a living," Markus said

Lead prosecutor Jim Preston countered Markus' claims by telling the jurors that Myrie was 'neck deep' in the conspiracy to distribute cocaine and said it was his fault why his co-defendants James Mack and Ian Thomas were arrested. Preston said Thomas was brought into the deal by Myrie.

During his address to the jury, Preston walked over to Myrie and pointed at him for emphasis.

Thomas was expected to testify this morning but was not called to the witness stand by Markus.

"We felt we had it without him," Markus told the Observer
Presiding Judge Jim Moody in his summation to the jury, instructed them that not because Banton was on the spot when the contraband was being inspected meant he was guilty of conspiracy. He instructed them to carefully weigh the evidence of a convicted person or a government informant because they may have a motive to give false statements.

He also informed the jury that their decision had to be unanimous to stand and instructed them that in cases of entrapment they had to find Myrie not guilty if he was not previously willing or if it was because a Government agent enticed him, they should return a not guilty verdict.

Black Lives Matter..

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Re: Buja trial damning recordings played during trial
« Reply #23 on: September 24, 2010, 10:18:06 AM »
Somebody took one of the only two black jurors out of it!
Things lookin grim.

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Re: Buja trial damning recordings played during trial
« Reply #24 on: September 24, 2010, 11:39:23 AM »


So... who "force" him to start talking drug deal with de Colombian on de plane?  Who "force" him to go to the warehouse?  Who "force" him to taste de coke... as he's allegedly seen to do on the plane?  Dey was threatening one ah he 15 chirren?  How come you know more than he lawyer... how come he lawyer ent saying nutten about coercion?

This case is a load of  :bs:

It is pure coincidence that these 2 people end up on the same flight next to each other.

Everybody who saying he get set up and what not dai'z nonsense talk.  The fact of the matter is that police use undercover informants to help others engage in criminal behavior all the time.  A "set up" is when yuh framing ah man fuh something he ent do.  Buju implicate himself in this whole thing with his mouth and by his behavior.  We cyah let the fact that we like him cloud we objectivity because it only making we sound foolish.

Of course they monitor Buju movements and know exactly which seat he was booked in.  Of course they plant that fella next to him.  But they wouldn't go thru all that unless they had reason to believe it would bear fruit.  Dem prosecutors eh have time to waste to just target Buju because he doh like homosexuality... or because he's rasta... or because he jamaican.

That said, he eh facing no life or nothing... he looking at a conspiracy sentence at most because he never actively engaged in trafficking.  Is not like they ketch him selling drugs... and they didn't see him actually exchanging money for drugs.

Not that he was forced, but pushed. I agree that he hd to be showing signs that he could be a target. The informant to me is not credible enough as he is being paid on commission. To me that there is bogus.

I understand what you saying, exactly.
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Re: Buja trial damning recordings played during trial
« Reply #25 on: September 24, 2010, 11:43:31 AM »
How that woman (one outta de 2 black people) get sick jess so  ???

Read the judge summation? Like he and all eh buying the case.
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Re: Buja trial damning recordings played during trial
« Reply #26 on: September 24, 2010, 02:57:38 PM »
Not that he was forced, but pushed. I agree that he hd to be showing signs that he could be a target. The informant to me is not credible enough as he is being paid on commission. To me that there is bogus.

I understand what you saying, exactly.

Fella EVERY informant is paid.  Some are paid in cash, others are paid with reduction in grade of their charges, or dropped charges.  Every snitch has a motive and incentive... incentives which they will never see unless they cooperate.  Credibility is always an issue with them but they are necessary to the purpose of fighting crime.  In an ideal world we wouldn't need them, we'd just do like in the movies and send Ice-T undercover tuh buss up Nino Brown and dem, but that ent how reality does play out.

How that woman (one outta de 2 black people) get sick jess so  ???

Read the judge summation? Like he and all eh buying the case.

That's not a "summation" those are jury instructions.  Both attorneys submit jury instructions to the judge for him to read to the jury.  If the instructions are accurate in how they state and explain the law then the judge has to read them, they don't reflect his actual beliefs about the merit of the case.
« Last Edit: September 24, 2010, 02:59:22 PM by Bake n Shark »

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Re: Buja trial damning recordings played during trial
« Reply #27 on: September 24, 2010, 03:30:05 PM »
Jury sent home for the day, deliberations continue on Monday.

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Re: Buja trial damning recordings played during trial
« Reply #28 on: September 26, 2010, 06:39:57 PM »
Good luck tomorrow, Buju  :beermug:

Buju, Law and Order (2008)

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Monday morning I've got to face the judge
They don't know me, but I hope they have some love
Oh Lord, knowing it's my first offence
I'm sure they got no evidence
And so I trod with my conscience

Monday morning I have to see the judge
They don't know me, but I hope they have some love
Oh Lord, knowing it's my first offence
I'm sure they've got no evidence
And so I trod with a clear conscience

The night before I could sleep to how I fret
Anticipating a veridict I haven't heard yet, oh Lord, Lord
What if they decide to send I away
That would ruin my entire day
I better say a prayer
And beg Jah Jah, soften your honour's heart   
Soft answers turn away wrath

Monday morning I have to face the judge
They don't know me, but I hope they got some love
Oh Lord, knowing it's my first offence
I know they have no evidence
And so I went with my conscience

Over yonder was woman I pickney   
I was bound in chains free they would not let me
Only Jah knew my innocency   
Your honour have some mercy and pity on I

Only for heaven's sake
One must learn to give and take
When I heard the one in charge say
Case postponed for another day
All skies above turned grey
I know now

Monday morning I have to face the judge
They don't know me, but I hope they have some love
Oh Lord, knowing it is my first offence
I'm sure they've got no evidence
And so I trod with my conscience
Only Jah Jah know

Onlookers pass and those who wish us well
Will there be freedom, only time will tell
The bond they set was much too high to bail
Good God is this another night in jail
Then a friend came through
When I was expecting no one to
Then freedom came my way
And I was on the street the same day
Natty say yeah, watch deh
Deh pan street again
Natty say yeah, watch deh
Deh pan street again
Wha dah deh can't stop dem

Monday morning I have to face the judge...
« Last Edit: September 26, 2010, 06:42:02 PM by Ryan »

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Re: Buja trial damning recordings played during trial
« Reply #29 on: September 27, 2010, 07:37:24 AM »


So... who "force" him to start talking drug deal with de Colombian on de plane?  Who "force" him to go to the warehouse?  Who "force" him to taste de coke... as he's allegedly seen to do on the plane?  Dey was threatening one ah he 15 chirren?  How come you know more than he lawyer... how come he lawyer ent saying nutten about coercion?

This case is a load of  :bs:

It is pure coincidence that these 2 people end up on the same flight next to each other.

Everybody who saying he get set up and what not dai'z nonsense talk.  The fact of the matter is that police use undercover informants to help others engage in criminal behavior all the time.  A "set up" is when yuh framing ah man fuh something he ent do.  Buju implicate himself in this whole thing with his mouth and by his behavior.  We cyah let the fact that we like him cloud we objectivity because it only making we sound foolish.

Of course they monitor Buju movements and know exactly which seat he was booked in.  Of course they plant that fella next to him.  But they wouldn't go thru all that unless they had reason to believe it would bear fruit.  Dem prosecutors eh have time to waste to just target Buju because he doh like homosexuality... or because he's rasta... or because he jamaican.

That said, he eh facing no life or nothing... he looking at a conspiracy sentence at most because he never actively engaged in trafficking.  Is not like they ketch him selling drugs... and they didn't see him actually exchanging money for drugs.

This is wha I find so strange about this case. I find they eh really have much of a  case at all. Is bullshit. Seems to me they probably get tired of running him down for trafficking and decide to take what they could get. The informant is a liability to me. The only problem I see is the tasting cocaine bullshit that caught on tape (people does really do that?.. LOL). The jury won't like that.
That said, Buju Banton is a total idiot for getting into this crap at all. What happen he broken? Steups........
Actually, thinking about it, they have a good case for the conspiracy to traffic. He as much as admit that he would finance it and bring he pardner to traffic.
Do some jail time pardnuh.
« Last Edit: September 27, 2010, 07:41:49 AM by Socafan »
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