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Re: Religious education to be mandatory
« Reply #90 on: April 11, 2011, 07:14:52 PM »
So when people making reference to "the good old days"  and refer to the biblical time, they really know what they talking about.  These "slackness" has been going on for donkey years.

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Re: Religious education to be mandatory
« Reply #91 on: April 11, 2011, 10:54:08 PM »
Yes that is correct.  It was actually closely dated to the time of Noah just before the Flood.  It was actually similar to  Nimrods' old code.  Remember him?  The fella that introduced Baal worship, Son of Semiramis also known as Tammuz and was a hunter of men's souls. He built The Tower Babel and God said enough of this crap. Considered to be the Father of Babylon.  I wouldn't hug up that code to much.

Aside from which, I've heard others make similar arguments that the Ten Commandments were derived from the Principles of Ma'at, but when you look at it the Principles of Ma'at are general high-level moral guidlines.  These priniciples would be intrinsic to any form of ordered society, whereas the Ten Commandments are much more specific in nature.

Yes of course, fair observation if one is willing to see it.  ;D To me what Tallman just brought up simply reinforces the case in point.  It is important to teach our children moral codes which mostly is tied to religion.  Every society needs them.  I don't have a problem making a distinction and calling it ethics as long as the code of ethics is the direction in which Trinidad and Tobago wants to go. 
In Everything give thanks for this is the will of God concerning you.

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Re: Religious education to be mandatory
« Reply #92 on: April 12, 2011, 06:31:33 AM »
Ey and concerning Japan.. their very own President said that God had judged their country because of the greed and denial of Him.  Their own President said, "God did it."  Brother I respect you and I'm sure I could learn a lot from you but one day....you'll say it too.   ;D

I consider myself a religious and spiritual person, but I have difficulty with the notion of a vengeful and judgmental God who feels the need to destroy or disrupt tens of thousands of people to "teach them a lesson". Pray tell, what exactly have the victims of the earthquake learned vis-a-vis the morality of their lifestyle?

A truly omnipotent being has no need for vengeance.  If the creator of the universe engineered the recent natural destruction In Japan because of the Japanese "greed and denial of Him", then I will show you a creator who is not worthy of being worshiped. The God I worship is a merciful and loving God. We may not understand why so many suffer here on earth, but that is why we have Faith.

Says who?  Aren't you presuming to understand something that is inherently beyond your understanding?  You don't know the nature of God, whatever name s/he is called by so it's a bit presumptious to try and proscribe the bounds of his/her ability.

Good point, I did not mean to imply that I know the nature of God.  I was commenting more so on my Faith, which is personal.

My Faith encompasses a God who is merciful and compassionate and loving and that belief excludes a God who is vengeful. That is my hope.

But your post led me to this question: Don't you think that belief and Faith is God is presumptuous (or am I misunderstanding the meaning of the word 'presumptuous)?

After all, we are unable to prove or disprove that God exists. 

Yet many (excluding Trinity Cross) insists that God exist on the basis of Faith .... i.e. being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.

The fact that we have different religions and spiritual beliefs suggest that we don't all agree on who/what God is and we all have different presumptions on the nature of God..

Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.

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Re: Religious education to be mandatory
« Reply #93 on: April 12, 2011, 08:44:30 AM »
I wouldn't say that belief/faith is presumptuous in of itself, since there is a basis for that belief/faith.  That basis may not be scientific or grounded in actual knowledge, but it may be based on religious teaching or theology.  Besides, for one's position to be presumptive I would think that one must posit it as fact or some absolute, not mere opinion.  Faith (and/or its elements) by nature are not factual but grounded in opinion.

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Re: Religious education to be mandatory
« Reply #94 on: April 12, 2011, 11:59:13 AM »
I wouldn't say that belief/faith is presumptuous in of itself, since there is a basis for that belief/faith.  That basis may not be scientific or grounded in actual knowledge, but it may be based on religious teaching or theology.  Besides, for one's position to be presumptive I would think that one must posit it as fact or some absolute, not mere opinion.  Faith (and/or its elements) by nature are not factual but grounded in opinion.


Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.

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Re: Religious education to be mandatory
« Reply #95 on: April 12, 2011, 12:15:06 PM »
Pecan it's always a tough situation when assessing God's role when disaster strikes.  Forgive me if I appeared to slight what is happening in Japan.  Did God Judge then?  I don't know.  I don't know what God sees when He looks at Japan.  I was referencing what their President said.  If there's anyone to interpret that event would be them.

I also believe that God is a Loving and Merciful God.  In fact I will say that He is Love and Mercy.   If that is true, then He must also be Just.  To be Just you must have Justice.  To administer Justice there must be a Judgment handed down by a Judge.  This Judgment is also called a Ruling and to preside over is to Rule over.  The Ruling is given based on established principles.  So it could never be nice all the time.

Brother, men have no power unless we have favor with the Judge.  We are not the narrative of the story, He is.  This is His party.  

In the days of Noah, God said He's gonna destroy everyone.  He said all there was in man's heart was evil continually and it grieved Him the he made man.  Saved Noah but drowned everything else.

After He brought the Children of Israel out of Egypt and did all the miracles for them they turn to idol worship, grumbling and wanting to go back to Egypt.  He was going to wipe them out and raise up another people.  It was Moses that saved them by asking God to rethink that plan.

Then...Then...He sent His only Son to die so that the final sacrifice can be paid.  He could have ended the story. So now u don't have to kill no cow, beat yourself,  shake no stick, make no journey, pray 15 times a day, dress a particular way, isolate yourself from the rest of the world, join no church, none of that.  All you have to do is believe that Jesus was who he said he was, Historical or Christian, take your pick.  The bible says if anyone confesses with their mouth and believes in his heart that Jesus Christ rose from the grave, He'll be saved.

For me the fact that God hasn't ended this story yet on this planet is the proof of His love and mercy because we ain't doing so good.  I don't think that His Judgment has come because church people still doing to nice.  He promised that judgment will begin in His house first.  See how fair He is?  He ain't picking no sides and He respects no man.  That is Just.   When my brother got killed I was pissed boy.  I out here looking after your business and you not protecting my family.  We had it out......but at the end I wrote this song and was thankful for what I had and still have.

« Last Edit: April 12, 2011, 03:12:43 PM by Preacher »
In Everything give thanks for this is the will of God concerning you.

Offline pecan

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Re: Religious education to be mandatory
« Reply #96 on: April 13, 2011, 07:58:37 AM »
Pecan it's always a tough situation when assessing God's role when disaster strikes.  Forgive me if I appeared to slight what is happening in Japan.  Did God Judge then?  I don't know.  I don't know what God sees when He looks at Japan.  I was referencing what their President said.  If there's anyone to interpret that event would be them.

I also believe that God is a Loving and Merciful God.  In fact I will say that He is Love and Mercy.   If that is true, then He must also be Just.  To be Just you must have Justice.  To administer Justice there must be a Judgment handed down by a Judge.  This Judgment is also called a Ruling and to preside over is to Rule over.  The Ruling is given based on established principles.  So it could never be nice all the time.

Brother, men have no power unless we have favor with the Judge.  We are not the narrative of the story, He is.  This is His party.  

In the days of Noah, God said He's gonna destroy everyone.  He said all there was in man's heart was evil continually and it grieved Him the he made man.  Saved Noah but drowned everything else.

After He brought the Children of Israel out of Egypt and did all the miracles for them they turn to idol worship, grumbling and wanting to go back to Egypt.  He was going to wipe them out and raise up another people.  It was Moses that saved them by asking God to rethink that plan.

Then...Then...He sent His only Son to die so that the final sacrifice can be paid.  He could have ended the story. So now u don't have to kill no cow, beat yourself,  shake no stick, make no journey, pray 15 times a day, dress a particular way, isolate yourself from the rest of the world, join no church, none of that.  All you have to do is believe that Jesus was who he said he was, Historical or Christian, take your pick.  The bible says if anyone confesses with their mouth and believes in his heart that Jesus Christ rose from the grave, He'll be saved.

For me the fact that God hasn't ended this story yet on this planet is the proof of His love and mercy because we ain't doing so good.  I don't think that His Judgment has come because church people still doing to nice.  He promised that judgment will begin in His house first.  See how fair He is?  He ain't picking no sides and He respects no man.  That is Just.   When my brother got killed I was pissed boy.  I out here looking after your business and you not protecting my family.  We had it out......but at the end I wrote this song and was thankful for what I had and still have.


Respect ....

We each have to travel our own path to find "the meaning of life".  It is not 42 for me.

The challenge I have faced with respect to Faith has always been to reconcile science and faith.  In my heart, they are not mutually exclusive.  But my quest will continue ... 
Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.

Offline Preacher

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Re: Religious education to be mandatory
« Reply #97 on: April 13, 2011, 06:56:04 PM »
Yes brother respect.  May you prosper and have long life bro.   :beermug:
In Everything give thanks for this is the will of God concerning you.


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