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Offline weary1969

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Re: Ex-PM Patrick Manning rushed to Sando Gen with a stroke
« Reply #30 on: January 26, 2012, 12:19:22 PM »
Trini is something else inno...
 Yuh know yesterday afternoon people start spreading the rumour that Manning dead and the family trying to keep it hush hush....even the hospital staff in on it  ;D

Yep we is d land of humour and rumour.
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Offline D.H.W

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Re: Ex-PM Patrick Manning rushed to Sando Gen with a stroke
« Reply #31 on: August 23, 2012, 09:02:55 PM »
Just heard he suffered a seizure and was taken to hospital
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Offline pardners

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Re: Ex-PM Patrick Manning rushed to Sando Gen with a stroke
« Reply #32 on: August 24, 2012, 10:34:56 AM »
Just heard he suffered a seizure and was taken to hospital

They say he was working out the gym when he suffered the seizure...probably from overworking.
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Re: Ex-PM Patrick Manning rushed to Sando Gen with a stroke
« Reply #33 on: August 24, 2012, 12:33:50 PM »
my prayers with the manning family, hope patos gets better... :beermug:

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Patrick Manning Thread
« Reply #34 on: August 23, 2014, 10:58:42 AM »
Manning: Nobody called me about

Gross disrespect
Radica Sookraj
Saturday, August 23, 2014

Former Prime Minister Patrick Manning, left, will not take the nation’s highest award—the Order of the Republic of T&T as nominated by Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar.
Former prime minister Patrick Manning will not take the nation’s highest award—the Order of the Republic of T&T. Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar had announced on Thursday that she recommended to President Anthony Carmona that Manning and his predecessor, Basdeo Panday, be awarded the ORTT, which would have been bestowed on him during the national awards ceremony on Independence Day (August 31).

But in a statement yesterday, Manning, who has served T&T for 43 years within the People’s National Movement hierarchy, said apart from the fact that he was not consulted, on principle he could not accept it as the sitting MP for San Fernando East. Furthermore, he said he could not accept such an award from Persad-Bissessar unless the award was coming with a retraction of the venomous attacks against his character from her, which, he said, continue to this day.

“I wish to respectfully decline the publicly announced nomination by the Honourable Prime Minister to have me receive The Order of the Republic of T&T, this nation’s highest award. The primary reason is rooted firmly in my principled stance to not accept any T&T awards while serving as an MP,” Manning said in the release.

Focussing on Persad-Bissessar’s attacks on him while she was in Opposition and now as PM, he said, “Kamla Persad-Bissessar was able to win government on May 24, 2010, through a series of sustained and vicious attacks on my character that was led personally by her. These attacks continue. Through this nomination announcement is the Prime Minister retracting those venomous accusations and charges against me?”

He said he was only made aware of his nomination through Facebook and a call from a newspaper to his son for a comment. “I was neither consulted, nor advised prior to this announcement. I consider this approach a gross discourtesy.

“Under PNM administrations, a committee considers these distinguished national awards, with the Chief Justice as chairman and subject to the imprimatur of the Prime Minister. Due process for these awards includes informing the potential recipients through the Office of the Prime Minister in a confidential manner.” Nevertheless, he said he would have declined anyway. “Had I been consulted beforehand, I would have been able to privately decline.

“The need for a public distancing is unfortunate but necessary in the light of the many and increasingly debauched approaches to these matters used by this UNC administration in its four years in office.” Manning said although he was turning down the award, he held T&T’s institutions, ceremonies and awards in the highest esteem. “I pray for the day when the Hon Kamla Persad-Bissessar and the PP Government demit office and we can once again take our pride in our liberty.”

Efforts to contact Panday for comment failed as he is currently out of the country. He did not respond to e-mails or text messages.

« Last Edit: May 22, 2015, 05:33:45 AM by Flex »
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Offline Sando prince

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Re: Manning: Nobody called me about ORTT
« Reply #35 on: August 23, 2014, 11:10:50 AM »
If it's true Mr Manning was neither consulted, nor advised prior to this announcement then this was a disrespectful move by the PM. According to Mr Manning he learned about all of this from Facebook. SMDH

Anyway leh we see wha Mr Panday go do with this one   :)

« Last Edit: August 23, 2014, 04:39:45 PM by Sando prince »

Offline Bourbon

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Re: Manning: Nobody called me about ORTT
« Reply #36 on: August 23, 2014, 04:37:21 PM »
Pure politics. And she have the audacity to say Manning politicized the matter. Is a obvious mamaguy. Panday might accept and rest a embarrassing tongue lashing on Kamla in the speech.
The greatest single cause of atheism in the world today are Christians who acknowledge Jesus ;with their lips and walk out the door and deny Him by their lifestyle. That is what an unbelieving world simply finds unbelievable.

Offline Sando prince

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Re: Manning: Nobody called me about ORTT
« Reply #37 on: August 23, 2014, 10:10:54 PM »
Or hor, leh we clarify this once and for all because ah hearing plenty talk from the yellow jersey supporters saying "Since Manning declined the ORTT then he should have declined help from Kamla when he was sick". Well Panday put an end to all that ole talk few years ago

He (Panday) told a press conference at Rienzi Complex, Couva yesterday: “I see that the government is boasting that they are paying for Mr Manning’s medical bills. I want to tell them that they are not doing Mr Manning any favours. “That is his right.” Panday said during his tenure as prime minister a Cabinet decision was made to pay the medical bills of former prime ministers and presidents


« Last Edit: August 23, 2014, 10:28:33 PM by Sando prince »

Offline Socapro

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Re: Manning: Nobody called me about ORTT
« Reply #38 on: August 23, 2014, 11:38:48 PM »
Or hor, leh we clarify this once and for all because ah hearing plenty talk from the yellow jersey supporters saying "Since Manning declined the ORTT then he should have declined help from Kamla when he was sick". Well Panday put an end to all that ole talk few years ago

He (Panday) told a press conference at Rienzi Complex, Couva yesterday: “I see that the government is boasting that they are paying for Mr Manning’s medical bills. I want to tell them that they are not doing Mr Manning any favours. “That is his right.” Panday said during his tenure as prime minister a Cabinet decision was made to pay the medical bills of former prime ministers and presidents


The facts being printed in the newspapers on a number of occasions over the years will not stop the UNC led government and blind UNC supporters from spewing the false information they have been spewing on almost every issue.
This is why their party needs to demit office as soon as possible as they have proven that they are corrupt self-centrred thieves and will lead T&T into being like Guyana or worse if they are given a second term.

Their attempts to steal votes from the smaller parties by tampering with the country's elections process will not work and will probably lead them to losing by an even bigger margin than they would have without their tampering with the elections process to undemocratically try to tweak it to their advantage.
« Last Edit: August 23, 2014, 11:45:45 PM by Socapro »
De higher a monkey climbs is de less his ass is on de line, if he works for FIFA that is! ;-)

Offline Jumbie

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Re: Manning: Nobody called me about ORTT
« Reply #39 on: August 24, 2014, 05:27:46 AM »
Or hor, leh we clarify this once and for all because ah hearing plenty talk from the yellow jersey supporters saying "Since Manning declined the ORTT then he should have declined help from Kamla when he was sick". Well Panday put an end to all that ole talk few years ago

He (Panday) told a press conference at Rienzi Complex, Couva yesterday: “I see that the government is boasting that they are paying for Mr Manning’s medical bills. I want to tell them that they are not doing Mr Manning any favours. “That is his right.” Panday said during his tenure as prime minister a Cabinet decision was made to pay the medical bills of former prime ministers and presidents


The facts being printed in the newspapers on a number of occasions over the years will not stop the UNC led government and blind UNC supporters from spewing the false information they have been spewing on almost every issue.
This is why their party needs to demit office as soon as possible as they have proven that they are corrupt self-centrred thieves and will lead T&T into being like Guyana or worse if they are given a second term.

Their attempts to steal votes from the smaller parties by tampering with the country's elections process will not work and will probably lead them to losing by an even bigger margin than they would have without their tampering with the elections process to undemocratically try to tweak it to their advantage.

please explain what you mean... bold above.

Offline Socapro

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Re: Manning: Nobody called me about ORTT
« Reply #40 on: August 24, 2014, 12:47:41 PM »
Or hor, leh we clarify this once and for all because ah hearing plenty talk from the yellow jersey supporters saying "Since Manning declined the ORTT then he should have declined help from Kamla when he was sick". Well Panday put an end to all that ole talk few years ago

He (Panday) told a press conference at Rienzi Complex, Couva yesterday: “I see that the government is boasting that they are paying for Mr Manning’s medical bills. I want to tell them that they are not doing Mr Manning any favours. “That is his right.” Panday said during his tenure as prime minister a Cabinet decision was made to pay the medical bills of former prime ministers and presidents


The facts being printed in the newspapers on a number of occasions over the years will not stop the UNC led government and blind UNC supporters from spewing the false information they have been spewing on almost every issue.
This is why their party needs to demit office as soon as possible as they have proven that they are corrupt self-centrred thieves and will lead T&T into being like Guyana or worse if they are given a second term.

Their attempts to steal votes from the smaller parties by tampering with the country's elections process will not work and will probably lead them to losing by an even bigger margin than they would have without their tampering with the elections process to undemocratically try to tweak it to their advantage.

please explain what you mean... bold above.
Guyana is a country where most of the folks vote to keep the ruling party in power based on race and since a certain race is in the majority that party is not going to be voted out of power regardless of how corrupt and incompetent they perform in office.

Also worse than that is the party in power routinely discriminates against the Afro-Guyanese minority so they are always kept feeling disenfranchised and that country as a result has little hope of ever reaching it true potential as a progressive developing nation once the racial politics continues.

On the other point you highlighted, trying to force the voters for the other smaller parties that placed in 3rd, 4th, 5th, etc in the elections to vote for one of the two bigger parties that placed 1st and 2nd in a run-off is totally undemocratic and amounts to trying to change the elections process that you yourself fairly used to get into power to enable you to steal the votes of the smaller parties who may have different principles, policies and political goals. Its is an ugly and undemocratic attempt to deprive the voters of choice.

If Kamala has her evil way T&T will be turned into a two party dictatorship where all other parties will stand no chance to establish themselves as a major force to challenge for winning the elections.
As a result we will end up in a more divided and racially tense state than Guyana as we do not have the space that Guyana has to split the country and allow the two major races to run their own affairs if they can no longer live together in equity and racial harmony as they used to do in the past.
« Last Edit: August 25, 2014, 02:39:28 PM by Socapro »
De higher a monkey climbs is de less his ass is on de line, if he works for FIFA that is! ;-)

Offline Sando prince

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Patrick Manning Thread
« Reply #42 on: September 14, 2014, 09:45:34 PM »
Rowley pays tribute to Manning!

I support this. Despite differences in the past, our leaders must come together and do what is best for their country and political party. Allyuh think Kamla and Panday will ever come together like this in the future?


« Last Edit: May 22, 2015, 05:30:28 AM by Flex »

Offline Deeks

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Re: Rowley pays tribute to Manning!
« Reply #43 on: September 15, 2014, 06:39:55 AM »
Allyuh think Kamla and Panday will ever come together like this in the future?

Yes.   And why shouldn't they?

Offline Sando prince

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Re: Rowley pays tribute to Manning!
« Reply #44 on: September 15, 2014, 06:55:06 AM »
Allyuh think Kamla and Panday will ever come together like this in the future?

Yes.   And why shouldn't they?

You ask me "why shouldn't they?" when I think it will be good for them to do so.. However since 2010 Panday has never accepted Kamla as his leader BUT since 2010 Manning has accepted Rowley as his political leader. This is one of the clear differences in both parties ( I can provide the sources if you want me to post them)  So based on these facts I don't see Kamla and Panday coming together in the future. (At least not the near future)
« Last Edit: September 15, 2014, 07:08:06 AM by Sando prince »


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Re: Rowley pays tribute to Manning!
« Reply #45 on: September 15, 2014, 07:46:41 AM »

Strange bed fellows now isn't it ..

Didn't Rowley about to lead a non confidence vote against Manning causing the last Election..

Didn't Rowley refused to be seen on the PNM platform with Manning during the last election?

Manning's comments about Rowley are well documented ...

About his anger ...Where the money gawn...etc etc

Now Election about a year away ...mending fences  ...

I don't belong to any party and have never voted in a T&T  election ....I cant be accused
of being a blind follower of  any party ... :rotfl:

Offline Jumbie

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Re: Rowley pays tribute to Manning!
« Reply #46 on: September 15, 2014, 08:43:09 AM »

Strange bed fellows now isn't it ..

Didn't Rowley about to lead a non confidence vote against Manning causing the last Election..

Didn't Rowley refused to be seen on the PNM platform with Manning during the last election?

Manning's comments about Rowley are well documented ...

About his anger ...Where the money gawn...etc etc

Now Election about a year away ...mending fences  ...

I don't belong to any party and have never voted in a T&T  election ....I cant be accused
of being a blind follower of  any party ... :rotfl:

Exactly. Dr Rowley knows that a unified front speaks volume to the voters and pro Manning supporters.

Offline Sando prince

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Re: Rowley pays tribute to Manning!
« Reply #47 on: September 15, 2014, 09:04:12 AM »
This shows the difference between the PNM and the UNC. In the PNM there is respect for continuity and structure for betterment and progression. The UNC on the other hand has a history of continued chaos and bacchanal. Ask Ramesh! 
« Last Edit: September 15, 2014, 09:07:40 AM by Sando prince »

Offline Sando prince

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Re: Rowley pays tribute to Manning!
« Reply #48 on: September 15, 2014, 09:39:04 AM »


Speaking at a function in Manning’s honour at Paria Suites, La Romaine, Rowley said, “I’ve asked myself had I not met Patrick Manning, my life would have been quite different, easier I’m sure, but different.” Rowley said he would have been “worse off” because over the period he shared with Manning, he was able to be part of building the country. He said countries do not produce people as Manning in large numbers. “They come in small numbers and that is why maybe, maybe, the shoes I wear tonight are only my size and not his, but the same journey is ahead of the PNM,” he said.

In keeping with the theme “The Jewel”, Rowley said, “I am proud to have this jewel aboard this ship and as an officer on aboard this ship I will make sure that the jewel is safe and that the ship is taken to safe harbour so we can be pleased with the journey we made even though there would be storms and high tide.” Rowley, who gained leadership of the PNM in 2010, vowed that he will not be responding to a budget in the future.

Opposition and PNM leader Dr Keith Rowley in friendly chatter with his one time nemesis, former prime minister Patrick Manning, as the two appeared to have buried the hatchet with Rowley heaping praise on Manning during a dinner and dance on Saturday at Paria Suites. The two are serenaded by Francis Prime in the background.

Offline weary1969

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Re: Rowley pays tribute to Manning!
« Reply #49 on: September 15, 2014, 09:58:50 AM »

Strange bed fellows now isn't it ..

Didn't Rowley about to lead a non confidence vote against Manning causing the last Election..

Didn't Rowley refused to be seen on the PNM platform with Manning during the last election?

Manning's comments about Rowley are well documented ...

About his anger ...Where the money gawn...etc etc

Now Election about a year away ...mending fences  ...

I don't belong to any party and have never voted in a T&T  election ....I cant be accused
of being a blind follower of  any party ... :rotfl:

Its ok for you folks up north to cuss each other in Primaries and hug up for the election but not ok for us in the islands?
Today you're the dog, tomorrow you're the hydrant - so be good to others - it comes back!"

Offline weary1969

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Re: Rowley pays tribute to Manning!
« Reply #50 on: September 15, 2014, 09:59:41 AM »
This shows the difference between the PNM and the UNC. In the PNM there is respect for continuity and structure for betterment and progression. The UNC on the other hand has a history of continued chaos and bacchanal. Ask Ramesh! 

Doh 4get Bas is a bitter old goat. Just listen to how he behaved when Robbie died.
« Last Edit: September 15, 2014, 10:01:13 AM by weary1969 »
Today you're the dog, tomorrow you're the hydrant - so be good to others - it comes back!"


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Re: Rowley pays tribute to Manning!
« Reply #51 on: September 15, 2014, 10:48:17 AM »

Strange bed fellows now isn't it ..

Didn't Rowley about to lead a non confidence vote against Manning causing the last Election..

Didn't Rowley refused to be seen on the PNM platform with Manning during the last election?

Manning's comments about Rowley are well documented ...

About his anger ...Where the money gawn...etc etc

Now Election about a year away ...mending fences  ...

I don't belong to any party and have never voted in a T&T  election ....I cant be accused
of being a blind follower of  any party ... :rotfl:

Its ok for you folks up north to cuss each other in Primaries and hug up for the election but not ok for us in the islands?

Pleaseeeeeeee,  I love the term Jewel ..Oh lard me belly .... :rotfl: :rotfl:


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Re: Rowley pays tribute to Manning!
« Reply #52 on: September 15, 2014, 10:53:09 AM »

So wait ah minute here ..it looks like only these two attended....being serenaded...

Oh oh ...  :heehee: :heehee: :heehee:

Rowley should have called it a lovefest jewel ...

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Re: Rowley pays tribute to Manning!
« Reply #53 on: September 15, 2014, 11:29:53 AM »
This shows the difference between the PNM and the UNC. In the PNM there is respect for continuity and structure for betterment and progression. The UNC on the other hand has a history of continued chaos and bacchanal. Ask Ramesh! 

Doh 4get Bas is a bitter old goat. Just listen to how he behaved when Robbie died.

why u even bothering daiz ah old ass troll with nothin else to do than spam d boards......note with all d "ah not in TT" BS she does spout she  doh touch nutten ah d nonsense going on with the gov't .........doh fight up with she and she agenda.......she eh worth yuh time or consideration
I pity the fool....

Offline weary1969

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Re: Rowley pays tribute to Manning!
« Reply #54 on: September 15, 2014, 12:10:37 PM »
This shows the difference between the PNM and the UNC. In the PNM there is respect for continuity and structure for betterment and progression. The UNC on the other hand has a history of continued chaos and bacchanal. Ask Ramesh! 

Doh 4get Bas is a bitter old goat. Just listen to how he behaved when Robbie died.

why u even bothering daiz ah old ass troll with nothin else to do than spam d boards......note with all d "ah not in TT" BS she does spout she  doh touch nutten ah d nonsense going on with the gov't .........doh fight up with she and she agenda.......she eh worth yuh time or consideration

Somebody does have to let them know that we eh drink d koolaide and in their case mix it.
Today you're the dog, tomorrow you're the hydrant - so be good to others - it comes back!"

Offline Sando prince

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Re: Rowley pays tribute to Manning!
« Reply #55 on: September 15, 2014, 12:17:00 PM »
This shows the difference between the PNM and the UNC. In the PNM there is respect for continuity and structure for betterment and progression. The UNC on the other hand has a history of continued chaos and bacchanal. Ask Ramesh! 

Doh 4get Bas is a bitter old goat. Just listen to how he behaved when Robbie died.

Bas made some really sour comments after Robinson died. smh


Offline weary1969

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Re: Rowley pays tribute to Manning!
« Reply #56 on: September 15, 2014, 01:26:04 PM »
This shows the difference between the PNM and the UNC. In the PNM there is respect for continuity and structure for betterment and progression. The UNC on the other hand has a history of continued chaos and bacchanal. Ask Ramesh! 

Doh 4get Bas is a bitter old goat. Just listen to how he behaved when Robbie died.

Bas made some really sour comments after Robinson died. smh


Yep sealed his GOAT status
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Offline Jumbie

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Re: Rowley pays tribute to Manning!
« Reply #57 on: September 15, 2014, 02:32:12 PM »
doh study bas. he juss toting feelings and high on the ass mentality.


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Re: Rowley pays tribute to Manning!
« Reply #58 on: September 15, 2014, 04:27:56 PM »
This shows the difference between the PNM and the UNC. In the PNM there is respect for continuity and structure for betterment and progression. The UNC on the other hand has a history of continued chaos and bacchanal. Ask Ramesh! 

Doh 4get Bas is a bitter old goat. Just listen to how he behaved when Robbie died.

why u even bothering daiz ah old ass troll with nothin else to do than spam d boards......note with all d "ah not in TT" BS she does spout she  doh touch nutten ah d nonsense going on with the gov't .........doh fight up with she and she agenda.......she eh worth yuh time or consideration

Ah see you is one of em PNM till ah die ..
The first one I have ever met in my life...

You must be one of the ones Eric was talking about , if he put a frog
you would vote for it ...

Must have touched a nerve...huh
You fit the cunumunu male image ...

 :rotfl: :rotfl:
« Last Edit: September 15, 2014, 04:34:07 PM by socafighter »

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Re: Rowley pays tribute to Manning!
« Reply #59 on: September 15, 2014, 04:39:17 PM »
I pity the fool....


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